ANAC 2021 WASHINGTON D.C - SPONSORSHIP - Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

Page created by Calvin Pearson
ANAC 2021 WASHINGTON D.C - SPONSORSHIP - Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
ANAC 2021
   Nov. 11 -13, 2021
   Renaissance Washington, D.C.
         Downtown Hotel


ANAC 2021 WASHINGTON D.C - SPONSORSHIP - Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
Dear Healthcare Partner,

The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) is excited to invite you to be a part of our upcoming
conference Nov.11–13, 2021 at the Renaissance Washington, D.C. Downtown Hotel.

We are also looking forward to hosting a pre-conference day on Nov. 10 that will include planned
advocacy activities on Capitol Hill. Our ANAC2021 theme is Year of the Nurse and Midwife:
A Call to Action.

So much has changed in our world over the past year, and we are looking forward to reconnecting
in-person and discussing important developments in our field. The World Health Organization             Hotel information
designated 2020 and 2021 as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife. Throughout conference, we will           Renaissance Washington, D.C.
highlight the valiant contributions nurses have made to HIV prevention and treatment, COVID-19          Downtown Hotel
responses and overall healthcare during a pandemic. We will lead an in-depth examination of the         999 9th Street NW
national Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America, as we recognize nurses and other members          Washington, D.C. 20001
of healthcare teams as the implementers of local plans in their communities. Other topics include       Reserved room rate
the impact of racism in our society, in healthcare and in nursing, the impact of COVID-19 on our        $229 for all attendees and exhibitors
healthcare systems and the communities we serve, and other current and relevant topics.                 Call 1.800.228.9290 and mention ANAC
                                                                                                        to receive the group rate.
We are fortunate that our annual event brings together all those involved in healthcare teams
                                                                                                        Room block will close Oct. 7, 2021.
around the globe such as nurses, researchers, educators, policy experts, healthcare innovators and
nursing students. Over the course of three days, attendees will examine issues and learn the latest
developments and advancements through abstract-driven sessions and highly acclaimed speakers.
Attendees value sharing experiences and perspectives and we invite you to be part of the opportunity.   About ANAC
                                                                                                        ANAC comprises a dedicated group of
ANAC’s annual conference represents a special opportunity to put your organization in front of          nurses, healthcare professionals and others
healthcare leaders who have a vested interest in your work and products. Corporations, educational      who are committed to HIV/AIDS nursing.
                                                                                                        ANAC has members around the world.
institutions, foundations, non-governmental organizations and other strategic partners find many
                                                                                                        Learn more at
benefits in attending our conference, sponsoring events and/or purchasing exhibit space. In addition
to supporting ANAC’s mission, the conference is a great way to interact directly with ANAC members.

We look forward to seeing you in Washington, D.C. this year.


                                                                                                             11230 Cleveland Ave NW #986
Carole Treston, RN, MPH, ACRN, FAAN                                                                             Uniontown, OH 44685
Executive Director,                                                                                                 800.260.6780
Association of Nurses in AIDS Care                                                                    

ANAC 2021 WASHINGTON D.C - SPONSORSHIP - Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
Elite sponsorships
We offer many unique opportunities to partner with ANAC at our 2021 Conference in Washington, D.C. Our elite sponsors are crucial supporters of our members and work,
and serve as important partners of nurses and other members of healthcare teams across the globe. Other sponsor benefits are available based on sponsorship level.

                                         VISIONARY SPONSOR                 STRATEGIC SPONSOR               COLLABORATING SPONSOR               SUPPORTING SPONSOR
            OPPORTUNITIES                      $75,000                          $50,000                           $25,000                            $10,000
                                            One (1) available              Up to two (2) available            Up to four (4) available
                                        Prominent (lead sponsor)            Prominent with logo                  Signage with logo
                                                                                                                                              Signage including entrance
      Signage throughout venue        with logo including entrance,    including entrance, registration   including entrance, registration
                                                                                                                                                   and exhibit hall
                                       registration and exhibit hall           and exhibit hall                    and exhibit hall
                                             Three (3) booths                  Two (2) booths                      One (1) booth
             Exhibit booth                                                                                                                          One (1) booth
                                           in premier locations             in premier locations                in premier location
               Satellites              Option for two (2) sessions       Option for one (1) session
        (Food, beverage and AV          and logo on all satellite         and logo on all satellite                     N/A                              N/A
      required and additional cost)       marketing materials              marketing materials
           Conference bags                 Four (4) bag inserts              Four (4) bag inserts               Two (2) bag inserts               One (1) bag insert
                                                                         Inside (front or back cover)
         Conference program            Back cover, full-color ad and                                      Full page, full-color ad and on    Full page, black and white ad
                                                                              full-color ad and
           advertisement                 on sponsor listing page                                                sponsor listing page          and on sponsor listing page
                                                                           on sponsor listing page
      Complimentary conference
                                               Twelve (12)                        Eight (8)                           Six (6)                          Two (2)
                                        Logo on conference app,           Logo on conference app,           Name on conference app,           Name on conference app,
        Other advertisements                ANAC website                      ANAC website                      ANAC website                      ANAC website
                                         and social media posts            and social media posts            and social media posts            and social media posts

ANAC 2021 WASHINGTON D.C - SPONSORSHIP - Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
Networking & event sponsorships
ANAC is fortunate to have the support of a wide array of conference sponsors every year. Each level of support helps us deliver and sustain a high caliber of programing
at our annual event. These opportunities allow you to be a valuable partner of ANAC and supporter of nurses and healthcare specialists worldwide. Custom
sponsorships are available. Please contact for more information.

Awards Dinner Sponsor –                       Satellite Sessions –                         Speaker Concurrent                           Named Conference
$30,000 (One available)                       $10,000 (Two available)                      Session – $3,000 (16 available)              Scholarships – $2,000
The awards dinner is a special evening,       This is an opportunity to be a change        This year, we will have 16 one-hour          (Twenty available)
during which we celebrate 12 different        agent and sponsor a product theater          concurrent sessions with CNE available       ANAC gladly welcomes students,
awardees for their work in HIV/AIDS care.     or content-driven session. These sessions    on various clinical and policy topics,       practitioners and educators making a
The awards dinner sponsor will receive:       are engaging to conference attendees.        such as viral hepatitis management,          difference in healthcare around the world.
 • Signage at awards dinner and               Food and beverage costs are additional       aging and cardiovascular disease,            This year we are piloting our first set of
		 throughout conference venue                and vary dependent on selection and          opioid replacement, HIV criminalization,     named conference scholarships at a time
 • Recognition during dinner and in		         audience cap.                                transgender patient care, PrEP and           when giving back is so important. This is a
		 conference follow-up materials             Satellite session sponsors will receive:     other topics.                                great way to show your support of nurses,
 • Premier sponsor verbiage in the             • Logo and recognition in all satellite     Concurrent session sponsors will receive:    honor the memory of a colleague or pay
		 awards book                                		 session communications                     • Recognition at the concurrent             tribute to a respected member of the
 • Listing on conference app on                • Logo in conference program on             		 session                                   healthcare profession.
		 awards dinner page                         		 satellite page                             • Logo in conference program on             Scholarship recipients will receive:
 • Sponsorship logo on website and             • Listing on satellite sessions page        		 session page                               • Full conference registration
		 social media                               		 of conference app                         		 (Please note: Sponsors do not have         • A four-night hotel stay
 • Four complimentary conference and           • Listing on website                        		 influence over content.)                   • A private meal with other scholarship
		 awards dinner registrations                 • Two complimentary conference               • Listing on conference app on              		 recipients, sponsors and ANAC
 • Prime placement of one exhibit             		 registrations                             		 session page                              		 board members
		 booth in exhibit hall                       • One exhibit booth in exhibit hall          • One complimentary conference
                                                                                                                                        Sponsors will receive a mention in the
Conference Plenaries –                        Coffee Breaks and                                                                         program book and the sponsor’s logo and
$12,000 (Five available)                      Sweet Treats – $7,500                        New Colleagues                               name will be added to the scholarship
                                              (Two available)                              Welcome and Orientation –                    recipient’s conference badge. Sponsorship
ANAC conference plenaries are well-
                                                                                           $2,500 (One available)                       commitment needed by August 1, 2021.
received and have become cornerstones         Treats and sweets are popular at
of our great event. Five plenary sessions     ANAC conferences. Located inside the         The orientation is designed to acquaint      ANAC Friends Talk – $1,000
are planned, with the dates and topics        exhibit hall, the coffee breaks are a hive   first-timers with other conference           (Four available)
to-be-determined.                             of activity, and are highly visible to all   attendees and ensure that their              These popular events are held in the
Conference plenaries sponsors will receive:   attendees.                                   first conference is educational and          exhibit hall and feature local friends of
 • Signage throughout conference              Break sponsors will receive:                 entertaining. First-timers will meet the     ANAC sharing short, personal stories about
		 venue and major recognition at              • Prominent signage at exhibit hall         ANAC board and learn how to get the          topics of interest to our attendees. Like
		 plenary sessions                           		 entrance                                  most out of their conference experience.     TED Talks, they are intimate storytelling
 • Logo in conference program on               • Listing in conference program in          Orientation sponsors will receive:           events about HIV diagnosis, the impact of
		 plenary page                               		 daily agenda                               • Recognition at the event                  nurses, LGBT journeys and various related
 • Listing on plenaries page of                • One complimentary conference               • Logo in conference program on             topics of empowerment and resilience.
		 conference app                             		 registration                              		 event page                                Friends Talk sponsors will receive:
 • Two complimentary conference                                                             • Listing on conference app on event page    • Recognition at the session
		 registrations                                                                            • Listing on website                         • Listing on event page of conference app
 • One exhibit booth in the exhibit hall                                                    • One complimentary conference               • Listing in conference program on
                                                                                           		 registration                              		 event page
                                                                                                                                         • Listed on website
                                                                                                                                         • One complimentary conference
ANAC 2021 WASHINGTON D.C - SPONSORSHIP - Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
Advertising opportunities
The ANAC conference program will be distributed to all conference attendees,                                            FULL PAGE
speakers and exhibitors. The conference program will contain information about                                          4.75” x 7.75”
the conference exhibitors, oral and poster presentations, social events, symposia,
sponsors and other information. It serves as the resource for all information about
the conference and is used as a tool throughout the year by our attendees.
To advertise your product or service, return your completed advertising contract
to ANAC by Aug. 15, 2021.
All ads should be sent in a PDF or JPEG format to Advertising
specs are shown at right. All materials must be turned in to ANAC by Aug. 21,
2021 for inclusion in conference program.
* Bag insert program: bag inserts need to be reserved by Sept. 21, 2021.
If inserts are received late, they will not be placed in the attendee bags, but will
                                                                                                                                      QUARTER PAGE
                                                                                                                                            2.25” x 3.75”
be available for pick-up at the registration area. No refunds will be given.

                        Why buy an ad?
                 Placing an ad in the conference program is a great way
               to show your support for ANAC, our members and nurses
              in general. ANAC members work in a variety of clinical,
              research and academic settings, delivering or contributing
                to quality person-centered care, often without recognition.
                 Here’s an opportunity to show your support and
                   appreciation through an ad in our conference program.

                                                EXHIBITOR          NON-EXHIBITOR
       AD TYPE            DIMENSIONS                                                                                       HALF PAGE
                                                  COST                 COST
                                                                                                                            4.75” x 3.75”
       Full page          4.75” x 7.75”             $800                $1,000
        ½ page            4.75” x 3.75”             $500                 $600
        ¼ page            2.25” x 3.75”             $300                 $400          ARTWORK
                                                                                       Print-ready advertisements should be submitted as a high res (300 dpi/ppi)
      Back cover            5” x 8 ½”              $1,600               $2,000         PDF or JPG file. We request that ads be built using these specific dimensions.
                                                                                       Ads that are submitted outside of these perimeters will be modified to fit their
   Inside back cover        5” x 8 ½”              $1,150               $1,500         determined size.
   Inside front cover       5” x 8 ½”              $1,550               $1,800
                                                                                       All ads will appear in the program in black and white unless the ad space has
       Tab page                                    $1,050               $1,300         been purchased as full color. Black and white ads may be accepted in full color,
                                                                                       however they will be converted to grayscale for one-color printing.
  Four-color process                                $650                 $650
                                                                                       If you are unable to provide a print-ready advertisement, design services are
      Bag insert*                                  $1,500               $1,500         available upon request. Please provide the information you would like to
                                                                                       include (including any high res logos, photos, etc.) at the requested time.
ANAC 2021 WASHINGTON D.C - SPONSORSHIP - Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
Please print.
                                                                      Reserve your sponsorship online at       Sponsorship options
33rd Annual ANAC Conference

                                                                                                                            SPONSOR TYPE                     COST                 AMOUNT DUE

                                                                                                               Visionary sponsor                            $75,000
                              Send completed form by:
                                MAIL: Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC)                                Strategic sponsor                            $50,000
                              		         11230 Cleveland Ave. NW #986, Uniontown, OH 44685
                                                                                                               Awards dinner sponsor                        $30,000
                                EMAIL: Erin Myers,
                                FAX:     330.670.0109                                                          Collaborating sponsor                        $25,000

                              Questions? Erin Myers, 330.670.0101                                              Conference plenary sponsor                   $12,000

                                                                                                               Supporting sponsor                           $10,000

                              Contact                                                                          Satellite session sponsor                    $10,000

                                                                                                               Mobile app sponsor                           $8,000
                                                                                                               Breaks sponsor                               $7,500
                              Address                                                                          Session sponsor                              $3,000

                              City                                       State           Zip
                                                                                                               Orientation sponsor                          $2,500

                                                                                                               Friends talk sponsor                         $1,000
                              Phone                                      Fax
                                                                                                                                                 Total due for sponsorship:   $


                                                                                                               Conference program options
                              Payment information                                                                                           EXHIBITOR    NON-EXHIBITOR                   AMOUNT
                                                                                                                       AD TYPE                                                    QTY.
                              		 Total Due (Ad and Sponsorship)                         $___________________                                  COST           COST                          DUE
                                 Check (payable to ANAC)                                                       Full page (B&W)                $800            $1,000
                                 Credit Card 	             Visa        MasterCard     Discover    AmEx
                                                                                                               ½ page (B&W)                   $500             $600

                              Name on credit card                                                              ¼ page (B&W)                   $300             $400

                                                                                                               Back cover (FC)               $1,600           $2,000
                              Billing address
                                                                                                               Inside back cover (FC)        $1,150           $1,500
                              Credit card number                         Expiration      CVV number
                                                                                                               Inside front cover (FC)       $1,550           $1,800

                              Authorized signature                                                             Tab page (B&W)                $1,050           $1,300

                                                                                                               Add four-color process         $650             $650
                                                                                                               Bag insert                    $1,500           $1,500

                                                                                                                                                           Total due for program ad:     $

                                                For information about reserving an exhibit booth,
                                                  please visit
ANAC 2021 WASHINGTON D.C - SPONSORSHIP - Association of Nurses in AIDS Care ANAC 2021 WASHINGTON D.C - SPONSORSHIP - Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
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