Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide

Page created by Ernest Wheeler
Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide
2021 Visitors Guide

                 Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce
                        1226 Lake Street, Algoma, WI 54201
                  920.487.2041 • email:
Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide
Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide
 Algoma Lighthouse
   Originally known as Wolf River, Algoma was
settled by English and Irish pioneers in 1851. Dubbed
An-Ne-Pe, meaning “land of the great gray wolf” by
                                                                               surmounted by a black, hexagonal iron lantern
                                                                               with a red lens that illuminated toward the lake.
                                                                               The upper part was enclosed for a watch room.
                                                                                                                                      replacement, glass window replacement and
                                                                                                                                      catwalk board replacement and painting.
                                                                                                                                         In 2019, the historic fifth-order Fresnal lens
                                                                                                                                                                                                Get Hooked!
                                                                                                                                                                                                Net your ‘fast food’ at Algoma
the Pottawatomie Indians, the village eventually                                  In 1907 the deteriorating wooden beacon was         was removed from the tower and replaced with
became known as Ahnapee. This lakeshore town                                   demolished and by 1908 it was replaced by a red,       an LED beacon. After being restored, the lens is          Lake Michigan provides bounty
was one of the lone villages to survive the Great                              cast iron cylindrical tower. Constructed of 5/16”      on exhibit at Milwaukee’s North Point
Peshtigo Fire of 1871 and in 1879 was renamed                                                                                         Lighthouse.                                               By Kevin Naze
                                                                               steel plates the tower was eight feet in diameter
Algoma, another Algonquin word meaning “where                                  at the base and tapered to seven feet in diameter         On the Register of Historic Places, the                                                                                                               Kevin Naze is a freelance writer, guide and tournament organizer.
waters meet.” By this time, Algoma’s fishing fleet                                                                                    Algoma Pierhead Lighthouse stands at the                                                                                                                                He can be reached at
                                                                               beneath the gallery. It stood twenty-six feet high
                                                                                                                                      ready to keep our mariners safe and greet you
was the largest on Lake Michigan and the city’s ties                           to the top of the ventilator ball and was capped
                                                                                                                                      as you visit Friendly Algoma. Learn more:
with the water were irrevocably made.                                          by a decagonal cast iron lantern room. Twice                                      COVID-19 slowed but could not stop the                 The site of Wisconsin’s first stocking of salmon          Most salmon and trout caught while trolling
                                                                               daily, the light was operated manually and by                                                              2020 Lake Michigan sport fishing season in             in 1968, Algoma is a perennial leader in salmon          are 24 to 36 inches long and between 5 and 15
      Due to the growth of the commercial fishing
                                                                               1910, the first fog signal was established. Several                                                                                                                                                                        pounds. However, a 20- or even 30-pound-plus
industry, the harbor was enlarged and consequently                                                                                                                                        Algoma.                                                and trout catches. The port has produced nearly
                                                                               individual keepers came and went over the years.
there became the need for an Aid to Navigation                                                                                                                                              Captains and guides were sidelined early due to      a dozen current or former state records, including       pounder is not out of the question. The mystery
                                                                               In 1939 the United States Coast Guard officially
(ATON) at the harbor entrance. When pleas to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of it all as you hold the rod and feel the power of
                                                                               took over operations of all U.S. lighthouses.                                                              a state order. Once they got the go-ahead, clients     Wisconsin’s top rainbow, a 42-inch, 27.11-pound
Federal Government for the erection of the ATON                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           an unseen fish is part of the sport’s magic. Hold
fell on deaf ears, local maritime interests took matters                          It was determined that the beacon should                                                                were tying into trout and salmon long before the       giant.
                                                                               be raised for greater visibility so in 1932, a                                                                                                                                                                             on tight — these fish are fast and powerful. Lake
into their own hands and established post lights at the                                                                                                                                   summer peak.                                             Two fishing tournaments are on tap, the
outer ends of the piers. In 1890, city authorities felt                        cylindrical steel base was brought in from                                                                                                                                                                                 Michigan salmon and trout are also some of the
                                                                                                                                                                                            As always, rainbow trout (steelhead), chinooks       39th annual Kewaunee/Door County Salmon
that the quantity of commerce at the harbor now                                Muskegon and installed on the pier. The 1908                                                                                                                                                                               tastiest “fast food” you’ll ever eat!
                                                                               tower was secured on the top of the cylinder                                                               (kings) and an occasional brown trout, laker or        Tournament July 23-31 and the Shanty Days
merited a “regularly established and maintained                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Between visits, stay informed on the Algoma
                                                                               increasing its focal plane to well over 40 feet. A                                                         coho provided the fireworks. The summer of             Fishing Contest Aug. 11-15 (the latter begins two
light.” Congress approved a request for $2,500 by the                          new diaphone fog signal was added which                                                                                                                                                                                    Wisc. Fishing page on Facebook (https://www.
Lighthouse Board for the construction of a pier head                           operated by remote control. Automation of the                                                              2020 also produced some very good shore, small         days prior to the city festival).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                , and get a dawn-
tower and post light on Algoma’s northern pier.                                lighthouse took place in 1976.                                                                             boat, kayak and canoe fishing for northern pike          More than 3,300 anglers participated in the            to-dusk look at the lighthouse and nearshore
  In 1893, the first tower and oil-operated light                                In August of 2014, the Algoma Pierhead                                                                   and perch in the Ahnapee River.                        K/D last summer. Algoma alone sold 948 tickets           waters at
was established on the north pier head. It was a                               Lighthouse received a fresh coat of red paint along                                                          Earlier, ice anglers found browns, rainbows and      for the July event. Hundreds of 20-pound-plus
square, pyramidal wooden tower painted white,                                  with interior/exterior concrete work, foundation                                                           pike in the Ahnapee. Once spring arrived, browns       chinooks were weighed, and the top six were all
                                                                                                                                                                                          were cruising near shore on the lake and rainbows      larger than 30 pounds.

Welcome to Algoma!                                                                                               Contents                                                                 were spawning in the shallow gravel areas on
                                                                                                                                                                                          rivers and creeks.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Small boat trolling in March and April is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Later — starting in mid-September and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 running through October, spawning runs of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 browns, chinooks and cohos move into the
Algoma Visitor Information Center located on
Hwy 42 (Lake St.) overlooking Lake Michigan is
                                                                                                                               5     Fishing                                              usually best when there’s a light chop. You can        Ahnapee, while lakers and younger browns can be
open late-May – Sept. seven days a week. Off                                                                                  10     Lodging                                              find the trout in 10 to 20 feet of water; use planer   found within a mile or two of shore. Local tackle
season** Sept. – Apr. Monday, Thursday,
Friday, & Saturday. **Off season hours may                                                                                    15     Area Attractions                                     boards to get the baits well away from the boat.       shops can hook you up with the right baits.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Come May, lake trout are found in 60 to 120            Many newcomers book a charter to shorten
vary. Please visit us online at or call
                                                                                                                              20     Algoma City Map                                      feet of water, and the first offshore steelhead and    the learning curve. Others trailer over their own
                                                                                                                              25     Event Calendar                                       salmon are caught.                                     rig after getting tips online and from local tackle
                                                                                                                              30     Dining                                                 Inland, Krohn’s Lake and East and West Alaska        shops. Getting a group together to split expenses
                                                                                                                                                                                          lakes are all close by. Bass, bluegills, crappies,     is very popular.
                                                                                                                              34     Shopping
                                                                                                                                                                                          trout and muskies are among the species available.       It can be quite a bit colder out on the water,
                                                                                                                              39     Business Industry                                      As always, weather will play a key role. But         so plan accordingly and dress in layers. Soft-soled
                                                                                                                              45     Membership Directory                                 no matter what, the 2021 season will lure men,         shoes, sunglasses, sunscreen, favorite snacks and
                                                                                                                                                                                          women and children of all ages to do battle with       a camera for capturing memories should also be
Copyright 2017 Josh Kohanek. Courtesy of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
                                                                                                                 Cover Photo: Lawrence Johnson/Johnson Art Photography                    some of the feistiest and tastiest fish that swim!     on the list.

4 CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FISHING 5
Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide
                                                                                   Lake Michigan’s Best Sppt Fishing

               325 NAVARINO STREET, ALGOMA, WI 54201

              on the ahnapee river, downtown algoma
       docks, campsites & storage, daily or full season
                                                                                                                                                                                     Captain Lee Haasch
                                     Email:                                 Multiple Boats ff LLge Grrps
                                                                                                 Algoma is for
                                                                                                               dog Lovers!                                                            Algoma Area Lodging with
                                                                                                                                                                                        pet friendly amenities
                                                                                                                                                                                        Ahnapee Shores Camping Resort


                                                                                                                                                                                         Must be leashed and cleaned up after.

                A SUNDAY                                                                                                                                                                              Algoma Beach Motel
                                                                                                                                                                                      Designated dog rooms available for extra
             FARMERS MARKET                                                                                                                                                                                           charge.

                 2021 Market                                                                                                                                                                                  Hotel Stebbins
                   Sundays                                                                                                                                                                                          (920) 487-5521
                                                                                                                                                                                         Dogs allowed, prior approval needed.
             July 11 - October 31                                                                                                                                                                              Pet fee applies.
                                                               •   Leashed dogs on Beach October-March – Walk along the shoreline and play in the sand.
             9:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m
                                                               •   Leashed dogs allowed year round on Boardwalk – Stroll Crescent Beach with your pooch by your side.
             No market August 15 or September 19                                                                                                                                                           Scenic Shore Inn
                                                               •   DeMeuse Dog Park – Midsized, fully fenced off-leash park set alongside the Algoma Boat Club and Ahnapee                                          (920) 487-3214
                                                                   River. Open year-round dawn to 11PM. Waste bags and toys provided.                                                  Select rooms for those who are traveling
             Legion Park, overlooking                                                                                                                                                  with quiet, well-mannered pets. Special
                                                               •   Ahnapee Trail - A favorite pet-walking venue. Dogs, horses, llamas….Owners are responsible for waste clean-up     pet walking area located behind the hotel.
             beautiful Crescent Beach
                                                                   and disposal.
                                                               •   Thursday Concerts in the Park – Park your chair and your pup down by the Marina for the free concert series                                     The Haven
            Local fare produced with care                          July-August                                                                                                                                      (920) 333-1845
                                                               •   Riverwalk – Walk from the City Marina along the Ahnapee River
                                                                                                                                                                                             Loft style lodging, pet fee applies.
                                •   Outdoor seating at Ahnapee Brewery, von Stiehl Winery
                                                               •   North Water Bakery and Deli – Outdoor seating, ice cream window on summer evenings                                            Timber Trail Campground
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (920) 487-3707
                                                               •   Waterfowl and Pheasant Hunting, C. D. Besadny Fish and Wildlife Area, Kewaunee County – 2,632 acres.
                                                                   Seasons range September through December, please check for more information.

6 FISHING                                                                                                                                                                                                          FISHING 7
Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide
Bar       &     Motel
                     533 4th Street Algoma, WI 54201
                also              CHARTER FISHING TRIPS
                o f f e r i n g
                                  GUIDED ICE FISHING TRIPS
            Shop Online at:
                   LIKE US ON

8 FISHING                                                           FISHING 9
Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide
 Crescent Beach
 and Boardwalk
                                                                                                    Relax and recharge at one of Algoma’s B&Bs,
   Algoma’s Crescent Beach and Boardwalk          accessible boardwalk                              hotels, motels or condos, many with a view of
along the lakeshore is the perfect place to       made from recycled
                                                                                                    majestic Lake Michigan or the Ahnapee River.
beat the heat and humidity of our inland          plastic making it
                                                                                                    If getting back to nature is more your style, our
neighbors. Whether you pack your own lunch        the perfect spot to
or visit one of the many area restaurants for a   soak up some sun or                               many campgrounds offer amenities for every
takeout meal or a scoop of ice cream, you will    shade while enjoying                              camping style.
have the best view in the area at one of the      the sound of the                                  Whether it’s a one night stay, a weekend
many picnic tables and benches that overlook      waves. After, relax and                           get-away or an extended vacation… Algoma
the azure blue waters of the lake. There          enjoy a good book, a walk
                                                                                                    offers up plenty of options in a price range
are numerous benches lining its wheelchair-       along the soft sand looking for
                                                                                                    that will make you smile! Romantic getaways,
                                                  treasures or just watching the family make
                                                                                                    girlfriend retreats and guys gone fishing are                                                                                              Office: (920) 487-3707
                                                  sand castles and splash in the water.
                                                                                                    all popular themes when you talk with the                                                                                                Cell Phone: (920) 365-6033
                                                     Two sand volley ball areas are available and   business owners and tourists in the area on
                                                  just to the south of those is a kayak tie down
                                                                                                    any given day.
                                                  area which can be rented via the Algoma
                                                  Youth Club. For your convenience there is         See the map/lodging list
                                                  a new changing room available at the north        or visit
                                                  end of the beach, and public restrooms in
                                                  the visitor center on the south end.
                                                      Thursdays and weekends in summer are
                                                  filled with outdoor music, so grab your
                                                  sunglasses and head out for a variety of great
                                                  acts around town. Whether you overlook the
                                                  lake or the Ahnapee River there will surely be
                                                  a beat that soothes your soul.
                                                                                                                                                               New owners Kenny & Keeley invite you
                                                                                                                                                               to book your next vacation at Timber                                                                water
                                                                                                                                                                        Trail Campground!                                                                             &
                                                                                                                                                               Now offering online reservation booking
                                                                                                                                                                for tent camping, group tent camping,                                                               sites
                                                                                                                                                                     RV camping and cabin rentals!                                                                  and
                                                                                                                                                                Enjoy hiking and biking on the Ahnapee Trail, along with kayaking (rentals
                                                                                                                                                                               available) and fishing on the Ahnapee River!                                        filling
                                                                                                                                                               Join us for themed weekends, competitions, a heated pool all summer long
                                                                                                                                                                              and special rates for weekly and monthly stays!
                                                                                                                                                               N8326 County Road M Algoma, WI 54201                      

10 LODGING                                                                                                                                              12 LODGING                                                                                                   LODGING 11
Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide
                                                                                   C AN'T
                                                                                   WAIT            A VARIETY OF LAKESIDE SUITES!
                                                                                     TO                              • Spectacular View of the Lake!
                                                                                                       • Stroll the boardwalk on sandy Lake Michigan shoreline!
                                                                                   HOS T                            • Nearby golf, shops & restaurants
                                                                                   YOU !                                  • Ample boat parking
                                                                                                                       FREE Wireless
                                                                                                                FREE Wireless Internet

        CHERRY                        5 BEDROOMS / 3 BATHS / 12 GUESTS
                                         NEWLY CONSTRUCTED IN 2020
                                                                                                        Highway 42 • 1500 Lake Street • 920-487-2828
         TREE                              To book you r h ome away from h ome , ple ase visit
                                                                                                         Visit our website:
                                                   www.che rrytre e hou se l l
                                            for more in formation on th is sh ort-te rm re n tal
                                                                                                          1-888-ALGOMA-1 (254-6621)

         Indoor Pool and Sauna                                                 Quiet
           Conference Room                                                            tions
              Fitness Room                                                 Accommodkaing
          Continental Breakfast                                              Overloo ful
                  WI-FI                                                        Beauti n
         Boat Parking & Freezers
              Family Suites                                                 Lake Michig


                     2221 Lake Street (HWY 42 South) Algoma, WI 54201

12 LODGING                                                                                                                                                        LODGING 13
Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide

             Ahnapee State Trail                                 Kayaking the Ahnapee
                Algoma serves as your gateway to this over         The Ahnapee River is a flatwater paddle in a
             40-mile scenic trail. Formerly the railroad bed       wide, sometimes marsh-like estuary – perfect for
             of the Ahnapee & Western Railroad, the trail          silent sport enthusiasts. Damned at Forestville,
             has a crushed limestone surface and is used for       it gently winds its way to its ultimate destination
             walking, running, biking, hiking, horse-back          with Lake Michigan. Perfect for beginners.
             riding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and         Launch your kayak at Olson Park, N8108 Hwy
             snowmobiling. Enjoy the sights and sounds             42, Algoma on the new float-style launch.
             of the Ahnapee River, mixtures of evergreen           Kayak rentals are available at Ahnapee Shores
             glades, farmland, prairies and wooded areas
             teeming with wildlife and native wildflowers.
                                                                   Camping Resort, Bay Shore Outfitters, and
                                                                   Timber Trail Campground. No fee to launch
                                                                                                                         At A Glance
                                                                   along the river, at Olson Park, or Crescent           THINGS TO DO:
             Parking areas are available on the corner of 6th
                                                                   Beach.                                                • Crescent Beach/Boardwalk (pg 10)
             and Perry St. (County S) and on County
             Highway M just north of the city which also                                                                 • Fishing Lake Michigan (pg 5)
             serves as the entrance to the northern portion of                                                           • Tour Historic Murals Downtown (pg 23)
             the 1000-mile Ice Age National Scenic Trail.                                                                • Kayaking (pg 15)
                Also allowed on the trail: dogs on                                                                       • Scenic Shortcut (pg 9)
             a leash, horses from April 15 – November
                                                                                                                         • Tour local businesses (pg 16)
             15, snowmobiles in the winter when the
             DNR deems them open. No fee for use.                                                                        • Shop unique local stores (pg 35)
             Visit or contact the                                                                   • Enjoy outdoor summer music (pg 26)
             Kewaunee Country Promotion & Recreation                                                                     • Enjoy a local festival (pg 29)
             Department at 920-388-0444 /
                                                                                                                         • Bird watching (pg 25)
                                                                                                                         • Ahnapee Trail (pg 15)

14 LODGING                                                                                                                           AREA ATTRACTIONS 15
Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide
open Memorial Day through Labor Day. See           this hallowed site seeking the intercession of
                                                                                                                                                         the original 1876 cell blocks and view a model     the Blessed Virgin Mary. In October 1859,
                                                                                                                                                         of the USS Pueblo, the ship built in Kewaunee      the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared on three
                                                                                                                                                         in 1944 and captured and held as a spy ship by     occasions to Adele Brise, a young Belgian
                                                                                                                                                         the North Koreans in 1968. Admission charged       immigrant. Our Lady of Good Help is located
                                                                                                                                                         for upkeep.                                        in Champion, 15 miles west of Algoma on
                                                                                                                                                         Lake Michigan Fishing – Algoma is one              Cty Hwy K. It is the only approved site in the
                                                                                                                                                         of the top sport fishing ports in the Midwest,     United States of an apparition of the Blessed
                                                                                                                                                         offering pier fishing, boat launches, and          Virgin Mary.
                                                                                                                                                         charter fishing. See the fishing section of this
                                                                                                                                                         booklet, stop in the Chamber office, or visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Winter Park –           Winter Park is Kewaunee       Bruemmer Park Zoo – Located at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            County's most popular park for winter recreation      intersection of Cty Roads C and F approxi-
                                                                                                                                                for a list of charter
                                                                                                                                                                                                            attracting those who like to go skiing,               mately two miles northwest of the City of
                                                                                                                                                                                                            snowboarding, snow tubing, and snow shoeing.          Kewaunee, Bruemmer Park Zoo is home to

                                                                                                                                                         Rio Creek Airport – The heart of aviation          The snow tubing hill features five lanes approxi-     many species of animals including Arctic
                                                                                                                                                         in Kewaunee County, aviation enthusiasts           mately 450 feet long with a vertical drop of 70       foxes, bobcats, peacocks, exotic pheasants
                                                                                                                                                         can touch down on Runway 7/25. For more            feet. Riders are taken to the top of the hill by a    and more. Look for the towering metal
                                                                                                                                                         information visit:             Magic Carpet, a standing conveyor belt system.
                                                                                                                                                         Riverview ATV Park – The only ATV trail            The skiing/snowboarding hill has 5 runs, some         open from 7 a.m. until sunset year round.

  Algoma                                                                                                                                                 park in Northeast Wisconsin! Open from             with a 160' vertical drop. There is also a Begin-     Admission is free. 920-388-0444
                                                                                                                                                         early May to mid-November, enjoy 20 miles          ner's Ski/Snowboard Hill. A T-Bar lift system is
                                                                                                                                                         of ATV trails and 3 miles of mountain              used to transport skiers and snowboarders to the
                                                                                                                                                         biking. A small donation is asked for use.         top of the main hill. There is also a snowshoeing
                                                                                                          Area Tours                                     920-388-0444                                       trail system. There is an onsite heated chalet with
                                                                                                                                                                                                            concession sales, tables, chairs, lockers and
                                                                                                                                                         Ryan Besserdich Park – Located on Cty
                                                                                                          RENARD’S CHEESE                                                                                   indoor restrooms. Skis, snowboards, helmet and
                                                                                                                                                         C, this 135-acre four season park includes
                                                                                                          Cheese Making Tours. Includes a short video                                                       snowshoe rentals are available. The park doubles
Algoma & Kewaunee County Attractions                                                                      and then you are guided through the cheese
                                                                                                                                                         soccer fields, 2.0 miles of hiking and cross
                                                                                                                                                         country ski trails and 2.6 miles of mountain
                                                                                                                                                                                                            as a 27-hole disc golf course during spring,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            summer and fall. Located at N3787 Ransom
  From casting a line in Lake Michigan to snowmobiling on the scenic trails, you can experience           making process. By reservation only, 8:00am    bike and snowshoe trails.
Algoma and the Kewaunee County area year-round. Be pleasantly surprised when you experience               Mon-Fri. Located at 248 County Road S just                                                        Moore Lane. For current conditions, and
                                                                                                          north of Algoma. Call (920) 825-7272 Ext 111   Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help – For              information on equipment rentals, call
the small town charm that is Algoma.
                                                                                                          for reservations.            over 150 years, the faithful have come to          920-388-7199 or check Facebook.
Area Lighthouses                                       WPA Staircase – Just South of the Fire and
                                                       Rescue Monument is a stone and concrete            VON STIEHL WINERY TOURS
in the Kewaunee and Door County area, all
                                                       staircase built in 1939 as part of the lakeshore   Wisconsin’s oldest licensed winery. Learn
                                                       beautification project funded by the Works         about the European-style underground wine
photo opportunities.                                                                                      cellars and 10,000+ square foot modern wine
                                                       Progress Administration (WPA). WPA was a
Besadny Anadromous Fish Facility – In                  program started by Franklin D. Roosevelt to        production facility. Call (920) 487-5208 or
the fall and spring, watch the trout and salmon        create jobs during the depression. Eleven men      visit
                ladders and make their way to          worked on the project. There is also a
                                                       retention wall to support the earth and sand       COUNTRY OVENS |
special holding tanks to spawn. Located in a                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Free Samples
                                                       from being leveled off even though most is
secluded area along the Kewaunee River near                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Wide Variety of Cheeses
                                                       buried now, it is still visible south of the       Video Tour. See how we dry our delicious
Bruemmer Park, you can get a close-up view             Chamber building.                                  Cherry De-Lite Dried Cherries and shop our                                                                                                              • Deli Sandwiches & Pizza
of the action through the underwater viewing
                                                       Golfing – Kewaunee County has two wonderful        Factory Store. M-F 8-4:30, Sat & Sun 10-3
window. 920-388-1025.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Homemade Gourmet Fudge
                                                                                                          229 E Main St., Forestville 920-856-6757
Bowling                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Door County Products
                                                       Alaskan Golf Club 920-388-3940, is just 5
Bowl has open bowling daily. 920-487-2727.                                                                HISTORIC WALKING TOUR
                                                                                                          & DOWNTOWN WALLDOG
County History Center – Located at 217 Ellis           holes of golf plus the Yukon Mini Golf course.
                                                                                                          WAVE MURALS
Street in Kewaunee, the Historical Center has          For 18 holes, visit Northbrook Golf & Grill,
                                                                                                          Brochures for this self-guided tour are
historical and centennial books, maps, photo           920-845-2306 in Luxemburg, just 15 miles west
albums, genealogy history of Kewaunee                                                                     available at the Algoma Visitor Center
                                                       of Algoma on County A.
County, and is now home to the Kewaunee                                                                   1226 Lake Street (Hwy 42)
Lighthouse’s fifth-order Fresnel lens. Staffed by      Inland Lake Fishing – Five county parks
knowledgeable volunteers. Open 10-4 Thurs-                                                                BELGIAN HERITAGE CENTER
day/Friday.                  Alaska, Krohn’s, Shea’s and Heidmann.              ROADSIDE CHAPEL TOURS
Fire and Rescue Monument – Located on                  Modern updates include boat landings,              Visit 4-8 roadside chapels, including the
Hwy 42 just south of the Algoma Visitor                                                                   Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, complete
Center, the Fire and Rescue Monument was               platforms and grills with picnic tables at         with narration from a local historian. Call
dedicated in June 2012 to honor the hundreds           several parks.                 920-493-5969 or email tourinfo@belgianher-                                                 2189 County Rd. DK, Sturgeon Bay, WI
of volunteer firefighters and members of the                                                     to arrange a tour.
rescue squad in Algoma. About 300 names of
                                                       Jail Museum – On the corner of Vliet and                                                                                                       RenardsCheese.COM • 920.825.7272
the men and women who have voluntarily                 Dodge Streets in Kewaunee, the Museum is
                                                                                                                                                                                          Monday-Friday: 8 am - 5 pm • Saturday: 8 am - 4 pm • Sunday: 10 am - 4 pm
given their time to keep Algoma safe since
1874 mark the granite walls.

16 AREA ATTRACTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            AREA ATTRACTIONS 17
Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Visitors Guide
                                                                         All day, everyday. Any time of year.

               Visit Where it
                 All Began
                      Wisconsin’s oldest
                      licensed winery…
              Enjoy our unique white blends, Gamba barrel-
                     aged reds & ciders crafted onsite.

                     sip, swirl, and relax
                    next to the lakeshore
            during the summer with hard cider, wine flights, and
               wine slushies from our outside cider bar. When
           temperatures drop, come inside and explore our historic
              tasting room or reserve a private seated tasting.

           Visit for more details including music
                     schedule and year round events.
                   Located two blocks from the marina:
                   115 Navarino St. • Algoma, WI
                 (920) 487-5208 •

18 AREA ATTRACTIONS                                                                                             AREA ATTRACTIONS 19
Algoma Chamber Members                       AGRI-BUSINESS
                                                                   Ebert Enterprises ........................... 487 9932
                             (Area Code 920)                       Havegard Farm .............................. 487 5620
                                                                   Heim’s Hillcrest Dairy LLC .......... 536 0118
                                                                   Rio Creek Country Store ............... 837 7777
                                        Tisch Mills Farm Center ............... 776 1299
                                                                   Amber’s Attic & Art....................... 246 0776
                                                                   Bay Shore Outfitters
                                                                   Hello Dolly Boutique .................... 304 1910
                                                                   Tina Marie’s Boutique ...................487 3711
                                                                   Trove ............................................. 297 0073
                                                                   ART GALLERY & STUDIOS
                                                                   Algoma Atelier of Sculpture
                                                                   and Art ........................................... 487 4200
                                                                   Amber’s Attic & Art ...................... 246 0776
                                                                   Clay on Steele ............................... 487 3501
                                                                   Ladybug Glass Studio & Gallery .. 591 2883
                                                                   Robert Ray Gallery ....................... 495 6677
                                                                   Steele Street Trading Co. &
                                                                   Gallery ........................................... 487 3840
                                                                   The Ceramic Shoppe ..................... 487 5983
                                                                   Yardstick Books ............................ 487 8174
                                                                   Yonder ........................................... 295 0993
                                                                   Blazkovec, Blazkovec & Downey .487 5571
                                                                   Algoma BP .................................... 487 5460
                                                                   Algoma Motors Inc ....................... 487 3418
                                                                   BALL Auto & Truck/NAPA .......... 487 7278
                                                                   BlueWater Services LTD ............... 388 3553
                                                                   Graf’s MOBIL ............................... 487 2527
                                                                   Grosbeier Auto & Towing ............. 487 2786
                                                                   JP Express ......................................487 5117
                                                                   Seiler Tire ...................................... 487 2951
                                                                   North Water Bakery/Deli .............. 487 5306
                                                                   BEAUTY SALONS
                                                                   Top of the Plaza Boutique and
                                                                   Tanning Studio .............................. 487 9700
                                                                   BED & BREAKFAST
                                                                   At the Waters Edge ....................... 203 9584
                                                                   BIKE RENTALS
                                                                   Bay Shore Outfitters
                                                                   Cherry Tree House LLC ............... 980 0682
                                                                   BOAT DOCKING
                                                                   Algoma Boat Club ........................ 487 3861
                                                                   Algoma Marina ............................. 487 2232
                                                                   Captain K's Marina &
                                                                   Campground............................ 715 781 4135
                                                                   The Book Corner ........................... 304 9214
                                                                   Yardstick Books ............................ 487 8174
                                                                   Algoma Pizza Bowl ...................... 487 2721
                                                                   Ahnapee Brewery .......................... 785 0822
                                                                   BUSINESSES OTHER
                                                                   BlueWater Services LTD ............... 388 3553
                                                                   Flanigan Distributing Inc .............. 743 2036
                                                                   Havegard Farm .............................. 487 5620
                                                                   Matt’s Handyman Service ..............487 8118
                                                                   Ahnapee Shores Camping Resort . 487 5777
                                                                   Big Lake Campground .................. 487 2726
                                                                   Captain K's Marina &
                                                                   Campground............................ 715 781 4135
                                                                   Timber Trail Campground ............ 365 6033
                                                                   Cellcom ......................................... 746 0560
                                                                   CHARTER FISHING
                                                                   Bay Lake Charters LLC ................ 594 0910
                                                                   Fishin’ Magician Charter Service . 304 3474
                                                                   Gail Force Sportfishing ................. 255 7865
                                                                   Haasch Guide Service ............ 888 966 3474
                                                                   Hakuna Matata Charters LLC .715 451 1697
                                                                   Hooked Up Tackle Shop ........ 715 451 1697

20 ALGOMA CITY MAPS                                                        ALGOMA CITY MAPS 21
Algoma Net Company .................. 487 5577                  The Country Cupboard ................. 304 2180
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Additional Attractions
CHURCHES                                                       FOOD/SPECIALTY
Algoma United Methodist                                        Bearcat’s Fish House ..................... 487 2372            Algoma Wolf Tech ........................ 487 7001              Tina Marie’s Boutique ...................487 3711
Church ........................................... 487 2727
St. John’s Lutheran Church ........... 487 2335
                                                               Country Ovens, Ltd ................ 800 544 1003
                                                               North Water Bakery/Deli .............. 487 5306
                                                                                                                              CTI Hospitality, Inc ...................... 487 5209
                                                                                                                              East Shore Industries, Inc ............. 487 3541
                                                                                                                                                                                              Trove ............................................. 297 0073
                                                                                                                                                                                              von Stiehl Winery ......................... 487 5208
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Four Seasons…
Bay Shore Outfitters
                                                               Renard’s Cheese on Hwy DK ....... 825 7272
                                                               Renard’s Cheese on Hwy S ........... 743 6626
                                                                                                                              Havegard Farms ............................ 487 5620
                                                                                                                              Multi-Color Corporation ............... 487 3424
                                                                                                                                                                                              Wienke’s Market ........................... 743 7014
                                                                                                                                                                                              Yardstick Books ............................ 487 8174
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Green Bay Packers – Lambeau Field Stadium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tours, Packers Hall of Fame Museum, Packers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bay Beach Amusement Park Offering 17 exciting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       rides for all ages for 25 or 50 cents. Located next to Bay     Reasons to come
                                                                                                                              Olson Fabrication, Inc ................... 487 7250             Yonder ........................................... 295 0993
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      back again
COMPUTER SERVICES                                              Salmon’s Meat Products Inc ......... 845 2721
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pro Shop. Home to the Green Bay Packers which            Beach Wildlife Sanctuary.
FTS Technology Group ................. 880 0088                Wienke’s Market ........................... 743 7014           MEDICAL SERVICES                                                VISION CARE
COMMUNITY RESOURCES                                            FUNERAL NEEDS                                                  Algoma Medical Center & Long Term                               Lakeshore Vision Center ............... 487 2020                holds title to four Super Bowl victories—in 1967         Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary              This free
Algoma Area Chamber of                                         Schinderle Funeral Home ............. 487 2662                 Care Unit ........................................487 5511      VISITOR/TOURISM SERVICES                                        (Super Bowl I), 1968 (Super Bowl II), 1997                                                                              WINTER – Ice formations on the lakeshore,
Commerce ..................................... 487 2041        Steele Street Trading Co. &                                    Door County Medical Center Algoma                               Algoma Parks & Recreation                                                                                                admission 700 acre wildlife refuge features exhibits,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Super Bowl XXXI) and 2011 (Super Bowl XLV).                                                                            cross country skiing/snowmobiling/ice fishing/
Algoma City Hall .......................... 487 5203           Gallery ........................................... 487 8340   Clinic ............................................. 487 3496   Dept. .............................................. 487 5480
                                                                                                                              Door County Medical Center                                      Algoma Visitor Center .................. 487 2041                                                                                                             snowshoing, eagle watching and migratory
Algoma Community Wellness Center                               Wiesner & Massart Funeral Home .487 2061                                                                                                                                                                                                      
........................................487 7001 Ext 4000      FURNITURE                                                      Rehab ............................................ 487 9888     Greater Green Bay Convention &                                                                                                                                                          duck viewing
Algoma Community Band ............ 487 3310                    Amber’s Attic & Art ...................... 246 0776            Lakeshore Vision Center ............... 487 2020                Visitors Bureau .............................. 494 9507         National Railroad Museum What began as an
Algoma Fire & Rescue .................. 487-2712               McMahon's of Luxemburg, Inc ..... 845 2341                     PLUMBING/HEATING                                                Visit Kewaunee County ................ 388 0567                 effort to acquire a single steam locomotive for a city                                                                  SPRING – Migrating bird season, early-
Friends of Crescent Beach ............ 487 8136                Trove ............................................. 297 0073   Baumann Plumbing & Heating...... 487 2067                       WASTE MANAGEMENT                                                park has grown into one of the largest rail museums in                                                                  season fishing, cherry blossoms
Algoma Lions Club ....................... 304 0491             Wiesner & Massart Furniture, Flooring,                         PRINTING SERVICES & SIGNAGE                                     BlueWater Services LTD ............... 388 3553
Algoma Marina ............................. 487 2232           & Bedding ..................................... 487 2061       Kuehn Printing .............................. 432 1082          Riverview Transfer/Recycling                                    the nation.                                                                                  SUMMER – Cooling breeze of Lake
Algoma Parks & Rec Dept. ........... 487 5480                  GAS STATIONS                                                   RADIO                                                           Station ........................................... 388 2223                                                                                                                            Michigan, warm beach sands and hot lake
Algoma Performing Arts Center ... 487 7001                     Algoma BP .................................... 487 5460        Door County Broadcasting Co. Inc.                               WEDDINGS/SPECIAL OCCASIONS                                                                                                                                                              fishing
Algoma Police Department ............487 3311                  Graf’s MOBIL ............................... 487 2527          - WDOR .........................................743 4411        Algoma Boat Club ........................ 487 3861
Algoma Public Library ................. 487 2295               JP Express ......................................487 5117      REAL ESTATE                                                     Algoma Performing Arts Center ... 487 7001                                                                                                                                              FALL – Gorgeous fall colors, driving trips,
Algoma School District ................. 487 7001              GOLF                                                           ERA Starr Realty .................... 800 661 8555              Belgian Heritage Center ................ 825 7319                                                                                                                                       pier fishing and running of the salmon
Algoma Utilities ............................ 487 5556         Alaskan Golf Club ........................ 388 3940            Four Sail Realty ............................ 743 8888          Donny’s Glidden Lodge
Algoma Visitor Center .................. 487 2041              Northbrook Golf & Grill ............... 845 2306               Todd Wiese Homeselling Team .... 406 0001                       Restaurant ..................................... 746 9460
Algoma Youth Club/Parks & Rec . 487 5480                       GROCERY                                                        RECREATION                                                      Hotel Stebbins ............................... 487 5521
Community Improvement                                          Algoma BP .................................... 487 5460        Ahnapee Shores Camping Resort . 487 5777                        JW’s Place ......................................837 2211
of Algoma ..................................... 255 0073       Graf’s MOBIL Mart ...................... 487 2527              Algoma Parks & Recreation Dept .487 5480                        North Water Bakery/Deli .............. 487 5306
East Shore Industries, Inc. ............ 487 3541              JP Express ......................................487 5117      Algoma Pizza Bowl ...................... 487 2721               Northbrook Golf & Grill ............... 845 2306
Friends of Crescent Beach ............ 487 8136                HARDWARE                                                       Big Lake Campground .................. 487 2726                 Red’s Pub & Grill ......................... 487 5431
Kewaunee County Economic                                       Algoma True Value Hardware ...... 487 5088                     Bay Shore Outfitters                     Steele Street Trading Co. &
Development             Rio Creek Country Store ............... 837 7777               Belgian Heritage Center .................825 1199               Gallery ........................................... 487 3840
Kewaunee County Food Pantry .... 487 3663                      HEALTH/WELLNESS                                                Bruemmer Park Zoo                           The Grain Loft.............................. 487 8300
Kewaunee County Garden Club ... 680 5384                       Algoma Community Wellness                                      Greater Green Bay Convention &                                  Tina Marie’s Boutique ...................487 3711
Kewaunee/Dyckesville Lions Clubs/Roar                          Center ................................. 487 7001 x4000        Visitor Bureau ............................... 494 9507         Top of the Plaza Boutique and
Off The Shore ................................ 255 0978        HOME CONSTRUCTION/                                             Timber Trail Campground ............ 365 6033                   Tanning Studio .............................. 487 9700
NWTC-Luxemburg ....................... 845-5945                IMPROVEMENT                                                    RENTAL PROPERTIES/HOUSING                                       von Stiehl Winery ......................... 487 5208
Optimist Club of Algoma .............. 255 1764                Algoma Lumber Company ............487 3511                     Algoma Housing Authority ........... 487 5905                   WINERY
Violence Intervention Project ........487 2111                 Baumann Plumbing & Heating ..... 487 2067                      ERA Starr Realty .................... 800 661 8555              von Stiehl Winery ......................... 487 5208
Wisconsin Public Service........ 800 450 7260                  BlueWater Services LTD ............... 388 3553                Four Sail Realty ............................ 743 8888
Zoological Society of Kewaunee                                 Forestville Builders & Supply, Inc .856 6460                   Todd Wiese Homeselling Team .... 406 0001                                                                                                                                                            A remarkable walking tour of historic downtown Algoma, Wisconsin highlighting
County............................................ 388 0444    Matt’s Handyman Service ..............487 8118                 Summit Beach Condominium Owners                                                                                                                                                                      ten historic murals, and over twenty historic sites. The walk, lasting from thirty
CONDOMINIUMS                                                   Riverview Transfer Inc ................. 388 3553              Association, Inc. ............................ 432 7176
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   minutes to an hour will bring you past national landmarks and local treasures. Be
5th Steele Place ............................495 STAY          HOME DECOR                                                     RESTAURANTS/PUBS
Cherry Tree House LLC ............... 980 0682                 Amber’s Attic & Art ...................... 246 0776            A&W of Algoma ........................... 487 2527                                                                                                                                                   sure to plan on extra time to visit the city’s bustling shops, restaurants, galleries
Summit Beach Condominium Owners                                Clay on Steele ............................... 487 3501        Ahnapee Brewery .......................... 785 0822                                                                                                                                                  and breathtaking waterfront.
Association .................................... 432 7176      Ladybug Glass Studio &                                         Algoma Pizza Bowl ...................... 487 2721
The Haven ..................................... 333 1845       Gallery ........................................... 591 2883   Anchor’s Away Bar & Motel ........ 487 8195
CONTRACTORS/SUPPLIERS                                          Steele Street Trading Co. &                                    Captain’s Galley Room................. 487 5306
Algoma Lumber Company ............487 3511                     Gallery ........................................... 487 3840   Donny’s Glidden Lodge ................ 746 9460
Forestville Builders &                                         The Ceramic Shoppe ..................... 487 5983              Hotel Stebbins ............................... 487 5521
Supply, Inc .................................... 856 6460      The Country Cupboard ................. 304 2180                Hunt Brothers Pizza ...................... 487 2527
ENTERTAINMENT                                                  Trove ............................................. 297 0073   JW’s Place ......................................837 2211
Algoma Community Band ............ 495 3310                    INSURANCE                                                      Northbrook Golf & Grill ............... 845 2306
Algoma Performing Arts Center ... 487-7001                     Frank Briski Financial Services .... 487 5686                  Red’s Pub & Grill ......................... 677 8499
EVENT VENUES                                                   Northeastern Mutual Insurance ..... 487 5954                   Renard’s Cheese on Hwy DK ....... 825 7272
Algoma Boat Club ........................ 487 3861             Schinkten State Farm Insurance .... 487 3553                   Smashed on the Rocks Saloon ...... 487 8202
Algoma Performing Arts Center ... 487-7001                     Weber Insurance Services ............. 487 3435                Village Kitchen ............................. 837 7333
Algoma Youth Club ...................... 487 5480              KAYAK RENTALS                                                  SCHOOLS
Belgian Heritage Center ................ 825 7319              Ahnapee Shores Camping Resort . 487 5777                       Algoma School District.................. 487 7001
JW’s Place ......................................837 2211      Bay Shore Outfitters                    NWTC - Luxemburg...................... 845 5945                                                                                        .

NorthBrook Golf & Grill .............. 845 2306                Timber Trail Campground ............ 365 6033                  St. Mary Catholic School............... 487 5004
Scenic Shore Inn ........................... 487 3214          LAUNDROMAT                                                     St. Paul’s Lutheran School............. 487 5712
The Grain Loft .............................. 487 8300         Allyn’s Coin Laundry ................... 360 5050              SHOPPING & GIFT SHOPS
FARM MKT./GREENHOUSES                                          LODGING                                                        Amber’s Attic & Art ...................... 246 0776
Wienke’s Market ........................... 743 7014           5th Steele Place ............................495 STAY          BellaLuna’s Apothecary
FINANCIAL                                                      Algoma Beach Motel .................... 487 2828               & Boutique .................................... 471 5091
Bank of Luxemburg ...................... 487 5288              Anchors Away Bar & Motel .......... 487 8195                   Clay on Steele ............................... 487 3501
Frank Briski Financial Services .... 487 5686                  At the Waters Edge ....................... 203 9584            Country Ovens, Ltd ................ 800 544 1003
Nicolet Bank ................................. 487 3421        Cherry Tree House LLC ............... 980 0682                 Hello Dolly Boutique .................... 304 1910
FLOOR COVERING                                                 Harbor Inn Motel .......................... 487 5241           Old Salty’s Gift Shop at
McMahon's of Luxemburg, Inc. .... 845 2341                     Hotel Stebbins ............................... 487 5521        Harbor Inn ..................................... 487 5241
Wiesner & Massart Furniture, Flooring,                         Scenic Shore Inn ........................... 487 3214          Robert Ray Gallery ....................... 495 6677
& Bedding ..................................... 487 2061       The Haven ..................................... 333 1845       Six Ten Fourth Street Pop
FLORIST/GARDEN                                                 MANUFACTURING                                                  Up Shops ................................ 608 235 7616
Kewaunee County Garden Club ... 680 5384                       Algoma Lumber Company ............487 3511                     Steele Street Trading Co. &
Steele Street Trading Co. &                                    Algoma Mop                                                     Gallery ........................................... 487 3840
Gallery ........................................... 487 3840   Manufacturers ........................ 800 216-3478            The Book Corner ........................... 304 9214

22 ALGOMA CHAMBER MEMBERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AREA  ATTRACTIONS   23
Enjoythe View
                                                                                                                            ALGOMA BIRD CELEBRATION — April 17
                                                                                                                            9:30am-2:00pm Algoma Youth Club
                                                                                                                            Celebrating International Migratory Bird Day
                                   “Bird City Wisconsin”
                                      Whether you’re an avid birdwatcher or just a             During the winter, Lake Michigan rarely freezes
                                   beginner, Algoma is a great destination throughout the   which brings plenty of opportunities to see mergansers,
                                   year for both birds and birders. From Lake Michigan      golden eye, buffleheads great scaup and long tailed
                                   to the forests, from the meadows to urban parks, the     ducks. Bald eagles are common winter residents along
                                   area is uniquely suited to diversity.                    the lakeshore as well as nesting pairs in the spring and
                                      Summer sightings range from the tiny, ruby throated   fledglings in the summer. Look closely at those winter
                                   hummingbirds to huge white pelicans (frequent visitors   flocks of “sparrows” just out of town. They could be
                                   new to Crescent Beach). Woodland birds can be found      hornes larks, snow buntings or Lapland longspurs.
                                   in local parks or along the Ahnapee Trail.

                                                                                                                                                       Museums, Boating
                                                                                                                                                       and Football….
                                                                                                                                                       You choose the season,
                                                                                                                                                       and we’ll provide the fun!
                                                                                                                                                       Live entertainment, mural
                                                                                                                                                       art, amusement park,
                                                                                                                                                       cultural events and biking
                                                                                                                                                       trails are all here for you.
                                                                                                                                                       Head out for a night
                                                                                                                                                       on the town...our chefs
                                                                                                                                                       are top notch! Order a
                                                                                                                                                       visitor guide and start

                                                     Fun in Every Season
                                                                                                                                                       planning your adventure

                      ALGOMA, WI                                                                                                                          GreenBayVisit

24                                                                                                                                                                  EVENT CALENDAR 25
2021 Events
                      Check out events happening in the Algoma area from music, festivals, art, & more!
                                                                                                                                                                      ALGOMA CONCERTS IN THE PARK
                                                                                                                                                                      July 29
                                                                                                                                                                      Heritage Park | Next to the Algoma Marina
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SOAR ON THE SHORE KITE FEST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          August 21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Crescent Beach | Algoma
                                  For up-to-date event details, head to                                                                             7PM John Abbott & The Posse Free concert series overlooking Lake Michigan.          11AM – 4PM Free family fun on the shores of Lake Michigan. Professional stunt
                                                                                                                                                                      The natural sloping amphitheater welcomes you to bring your chairs and              kites, giant show kites, crafts, beach mosaics & more! Brought to you by Friends

MARCH                                                                             relax while enjoying von Stiehl wine and Ahnapee Brewery beer.                      blankets and relax while enjoying von Stiehl wine and Ahnapee Brewery beer.         of Crescent Beach, Unique Flying Objects, WI Kiters Club, & Algoma Chamber.
March 21-27                                                                       RIO CREEK FLY-IN                                                                    AUGUST                                                                              SEPTEMBER
Rio Creek Country Store \ E4351 County Road K Algoma                              July 3
                                                                                                                                                                      ALGOMA SUNDAY FARMERS MARKET
Seven big days of savings, daily giveaways, door prizes, FREE lunch & more!       Rio Creek Airport \ County Road K Algoma                                                                                                                                ALGOMA SUNDAY FARMERS MARKET
                                                                                                                                                                      August 1, 8, 22, 29
                                                                                  7:30AM – 3PM Pancake & Porkie Breakfast , lunch featuring Belgian Trippe,                                                                                               September 5, 12, 26
                                                                                                                                                                      Legion Park Algoma
APRIL                                                                             & Booyah, kids activities, plane rides music, silent auction, raffle, antique car
                                                                                                                                                                      9AM – 12PM Fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, baked goods, specialty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Legion Park Algoma
                                                                                  & tractor display.                                                                                                                                                      9AM – 12PM Fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, baked goods, specialty
PICK-A-CHICK DAY CANCELED                                                                                                                                             foods, & handcrafted items. Local fare produced with care.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          foods, & handcrafted items. Local fare produced with care.
April 3                                                                           ALGOMA CONCERTS IN THE PARK                                               
Rio Creek Country Store \ E4351 County Road K Algoma                              July 8
                                                                                  Heritage Park | Next to the Algoma Marina                                           ALGOMA CONCERTS IN THE PARK
8 – 11AM Free Easter chicks, Easter Bunny & Chick visit, kids’ activities, door                                                                                                                                                                           WET WHISTLE WINE FEST
                                                                                  7PM Raine Stern Free concert series overlooking Lake Michigan. The natural          August 5
prizes, egg hunt, cookie decorating. Sale on poultry feed & supplies.                                                                                                                                                                                     September 17 - 18
                                                                                  sloping amphitheater welcomes you to bring your chairs and blankets and             Heritage Park | Next to the Algoma Marina
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Community Improvement of Algoma \ Legion Park & von Stiehl
                                                                                                                                                                      7PM Gerry Sloan Free concert series overlooking Lake Michigan. The natural
BIRD CITY ALGOMA MIGRATORY BIRD DAY CELEBRATION                                   relax while enjoying von Stiehl wine and Ahnapee Brewery beer.                                                                                                          Winery 115 Navarino St. Algoma
                                                                                                                                        sloping amphitheater welcomes you to bring your chairs and blankets and
April 17 POSTPONED                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Friday, 5 - 9PM von Stiehl wine tasting, music, specialty foods. Free admission
                                                                                                                                                                      relax while enjoying von Stiehl wine and Ahnapee Brewery beer.
Algoma Youth Club \ 620 Lake St. Algoma                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Friday. Saturday, 10AM – 5PM Grape Stomp, music, wine tasting, specialty
                                                                                  KEWAUNEE COUNTY FAIR                                                      
9:30AM – 4PM Programs, informational displays, sale items, door prizes,                                                                                                                                                                                   foods. $10 admission Saturday.
                                                                                  July 8 - 11
food, and refreshments. Celebrate birding in Algoma!                                                                                               ALGOMA CONCERTS IN THE PARK
                                                                                  Kewaunee Co. Fairgrounds | 625 3rd St, Luxemburg
                                                                                                                                                                      August 12                                                                           OCTOBER
JUNE                                                                              Traditional county fair family fun! Rides, games, entertainment, & local
                                                                                                                                                                      Heritage Park | Next to the Algoma Marina
                                                                                  talent. FFA, 4-H, &d Open Class Exhibitor projects.                                                                                              ALGOMA SUNDAY FARMERS MARKET
                                                                                                                                                                      7PM The Raglanders Free concert series overlooking Lake Michigan. The               October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
                                                                                  ALGOMA SUNDAY FARMERS MARKET                                                        natural sloping amphitheater welcomes you to bring your chairs and blankets         Legion Park Algoma
                                                                                  July 11, 18, 25                                                                     and relax while enjoying von Stiehl wine and Ahnapee Brewery beer.                  9AM – 12PM Fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, baked goods, specialty
Crescent Beach | Algoma                                                           Legion Park Algoma                                                                                                                        foods, & handcrafted items. Local fare produced with care.
                                                                                  9AM – 12PM Fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, baked goods, specialty
The Friends of Crescent Beach will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the                                                                                              SHANTY DAYS CELEBRATION OF THE LAKE
dedication of the Crescent Beach Boardwalk in June of 2021.
                                                                                  foods, & handcrafted items. Local fare produced with care.
                                                                                                                                                                      August 13 - 15                                                                      NOVEMBER
Visit for information.                       ALGOMA CONCERTS IN THE PARK                                                         All Around Algoma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HARVEST FEST
COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT OF ALGOMA CAR SHOW                                          July 15                                                                             Three-day festival featuring one of WI’s largest parades, a car cruise, 150+ arts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          November 18-27
June 19                                                                           Heritage Park | Next to the Algoma Marina                                           and crafts & street fair vendors, 5k walk/run as part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Rio Creek Country Store \ E4351 County Road K Algoma
Downtown Algoma | Steele Street                                                   7PM Big Mouth & The Power Took Horns Free concert series overlooking                Bellin Titletown Run Series, great food, beach volleyball tourney, fireworks,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Nine Big Days of savings on all your Fall and Winter needs. Kids activities,
This annual car show features many classes of quality show cars, trucks, and      Lake Michigan. The natural sloping amphitheater welcomes you to bring               kid’s area, fishing contest, live music, & entertainment for the entire family!
motorcycles in Downtown Algoma. Enjoy food, drink, music and a special                                                                                                                                                                                    cookie decorating, door prizes, snacks, & more!
                                                                                  your chairs and blankets and relax while enjoying von Stiehl wine and     
Armed Forces Day salute by local service veterans. Free entry for spectators.     Ahnapee Brewery beer.                                                                                                                              KEWAUNEE COUNTY CHRISTMAS STROLL                                                                                                                                                       ALGOMA CONCERTS IN THE PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          November 19, 20, 26,27
                                                                                  ALGOMA CONCERTS IN THE PARK                                                         August 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          All Around Kewaunee County
JULY                                                                              July 22                                                                             Heritage Park | Next to the Algoma Marina
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Stroll, shop, stamp, win! Shop Kewaunee County!
                                                                                  Heritage Park | Next to the Algoma Marina                                           7PM Badgergrass Free concert series overlooking Lake Michigan. The natural
ALGOMA CONCERTS IN THE PARK                                                       7PM Copperbox Free concert series overlooking Lake Michigan. The natural            sloping amphitheater welcomes you to bring your chairs and blankets and             SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY
July 1                                                                            sloping amphitheater welcomes you to bring your chairs and blankets and             relax while enjoying von Stiehl wine and Ahnapee Brewery beer.                      November 27
Heritage Park | Next to the Algoma Marina                                         relax while enjoying von Stiehl wine and Ahnapee Brewery beer.                                                                            All Around Algoma
7PM Mockingbird Free concert series overlooking Lake Michigan. The                                                                                                                                                          Celebrate Algoma’s small local businesses!
natural sloping amphitheater welcomes you to bring your chairs and
blankets and

26 EVENT CALENDAR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           EVENT CALENDAR 27
                COUNTY MAP

28 COUNTY MAP          EVENT CALENDAR 27   29
and more!
  You won’t go hungry when you dine at
any of our locally-owned and operated
eateries. Algoma’s restaurants offer
everything from Hawaiian seafood and                                        ARTISAN
gator bites to delectable burgers and the
fries are a community favorite and you’ll                                   • Cheese & Fresh Curds
always be able to find pizza and wings.                                     • Wine & specialty craft beers
  Other specialty menus include                                             • Fresh Smoked Salmon & Trout
TexMex, Chinese, Italian and barbeque.                                      • Fresh and Frozen Seafood
Several restaurants have outdoor seating                                    • Door County Cherries
areas so you can enjoy a relaxing meal                                      • Home baked breads, pastries,
while enjoying t he beautiful lakeshore                                       cakes & cookies
weather.                                                                    • Farm fresh produce
  Whether it is breakfast you crave or                                      • Home canned specialties
lunch is more your thing you will have                                      • Coffees & Tea
many options ranging from casual to                    See the
contemporary but never stuffy!                         map/restaurants
                                                       list or visit

              Outdo&o                        BIKER
               Bar                          FRIENDLY
               Dining                                           WI

30 DINING                                                                                                    DINING 31
it                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    勰濰拰旰狰瓰⃰勰懰称
                         Our small town situated on the shore of Lake Michigan and the Ahnapee River,
                                                                                                                                              Step away from the cookie-cutter malls
                                                                                                                                             and come to Algoma where shopping
                                                                                                                                                                                           Whether you come for the day or the
                                                                                                                                                                                         week these are just a few of the fun finds
                                                                                                                                                                                         that await you in our small city with big
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     䟰懰泰泰旰狰称         䇰泰柰濰淰懰⳰⃰埰槰珰揰濰滰珰槰滰
                      Algoma is the perfect combination of hometown charm, natural beauty and quality                                        middle of town and experience the           time charm located at the edge of the                   䘀椀渀攀 䄀爀琀 ☀ 䄀渀琀椀焀甀攀猀
                   schools and services that attracts a wide variety of new residents from young families                                    charm of our historic downtown for a        Kewaunee/Door County Peninsula.
                                                                                                                                             truly relaxing experience.
                                                        to retirees. It’s what we don’t have that impresses                                                                              See the map/shopping & food/
                                                                                                                                               Dotted with a good mix of eclectic        specialty list or visit
                                                             people: no stoplights, no traffic problems, no                                  retail shopping, antique stores, coffee
                                                             long lines at restaurants or stores. No unsafe                                  houses and eateries, you’ll find
                                                           neighborhoods. Instead we enjoy a high quality                                    something for everyone in your group.
                                                                                                                                             Many are conveniently located within
                                                           of life: Lake Michigan on our doorstep, a highly                                  walking distance as part of our down-
                                                                skilled and motivated workforce, dedicated                                   town district.                                                                                     伀椀氀 戀礀 倀愀琀爀椀挀欀 䘀愀爀爀攀氀氀

                                                             teachers, award winning youth club, low cost
                                                                of living, a host of service clubs, full-service
                                                                                       library and much more.
                                                                                                                                                                                             rs a     t the
                                                                                                                                                                                   vol untee
                                                                             POPULATION INFORMATION                                                                    ated                                         Y
                                                               Algoma: 3,167 | Kewaunee County: 20,574                                                       r   dedic                                   R       STA
                                                         Median Age: 44.6 | 48.6% Male | 51.4% Female                                                 let ou                                 LAN
                                                           Median Family Income: $66,174 (2017 dollars)                                                                        P   YOU
                                                                           August 2017 Kewaunee County                                                                   HEL
                                                                              Unemployment Rate: 3-3.4%
                                                                                              GEOGRAPHY                                                                                                                                  䈀爀漀渀稀攀 戀礀 圀椀氀氀椀愀洀 䨀愀甀焀甀攀琀
                                                      Area of City: 2.51 sq. miles | County: 1084 sq. miles
                                                                 (343 sq. miles land, 742 sq. miles water)                                             1226 LAKE STREET
                                                                                                WEATHER                                                920-487-2041
                                                                              Average Highs: Spring: 49 |
                                                                    Summer 77 | Autumn 56 | Winter 26

                                                        PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2017 JOSH KOHANEK. COURTESY OF THE ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION.

                 Call 920-487-2041, email
              or visit to get your free relocation guide                                                                                                                                                               嘀椀氀氀愀最攀 漀昀 䴀椀猀栀椀挀漀琀

34 SHOPPING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SHOPPING 35
                  Algoma’s art scene has been gaining momentum over the past decade and many
              of our resident artists are nationally juried and well known from the Door Peninsula
              to Chicago. But what truly resonates with visitors is that Algoma’s art community
              embraces people of all levels of art appreciation and it is not uncommon to find
              yourself welcomed into their homes and hearth. Our area also offers artists the
              resources and respite space to work on their craft. Visit for
              information on studios, galleries and more.

                 Every First Friday of the month, downtown businesses open their doors for Gallery
              Night, a shopping and art celebration. Sip local wine with friends as you travel
              between galleries showcasing their newest exhibitions. Local artists, musicians and
              restaurants host pop up shops on the sidewalks. After 8PM it is very common to
              stumble upon the artists at the local establishments and be welcomed to sit down and
              enjoy a local brew and conversation.

                  In June of 2007, downtown Algoma was the site of the Walldog Wave, an
              International group of mural painters that converged on Algoma to create & recreate
              historic representations of Algoma’s history. Turn to pages 23 – 34 in this booklet or
              pick up your Historic Algoma Walking Tour brochure and explore these fascinating
              works of art along with the rich historic architecture unique to downtown Algoma.

                 While you are on your walking tour, be sure to stop by the Algoma Public Library
              to see the Henry Diefenbach outdoor cement sculptures. Diefenbach (1897-1967)
              was a self-taught artist who began his journey in the world of art while recuperating
              in a local sanitarium. He tucked seven houses and towers in his backyard along the
              banks of Silver Creek where they remained until the Kohler Foundation restored and
              gifted the sculptures to the City of Algoma.

36 SHOPPING                                                                                            SHOPPING 37
Door County Medical Center is leading
                                                                                                                                 the health and wellness of Algoma

                                                    Work & Play in
                                                                     Algoma!                                                      Mark Fergus
                                                                                                                                   APNP, FNP-BC
                                                                                                                                                                  Ellen Knipfer
                                                                                                                                                                   APNP, FNP-BC
                                                                                                                                                                                        Beth Anne Lux

                                                                                                                                                                                    Three Experienced
                       Algoma Area Industries                             Algoma Net Company – Manufactures and                                                                         Providers
                       Algoma Lumber Co., Inc. – Buyers of                sells hammocks, hammock stands, outdoor chairs
                       standing timber and logs. Manufactures first-      and benches along with a complete line of travel
                                                                          and sport style tote bags.
                       rate, northern ha rdwood a nd sof t wood lumber.
                                                                                                                                                              Family Medicine
                       Specializes in kiln-dried lumber, moldings
                       and siding. By-products include shredded           CTI Hospitality - Manufacturers and
                       landscape bark, hardwood chips                     distributors of architectural and commercial-
                       and sawdust.                      grade millwork products. The product line                                                                      OB/GYN
                                                                          includes: millwork for the                            DCMC - Algoma Clinic
                                                                          hospitality industry, louvers and
                       Algoma Mop Manufacturers – A division              moldings.
                       of East Shore Industries, Inc. which provides
                                                                          Havegard Farm Inc. – A family owned                                                                     Lab and X-ray Facilities
                       employment to people with disabilities.
                       Algoma Mop Manufacturers’ product line             and operated business that specializes in the
                       includes a full range of quality mopping           manufacture and distribution of high quality bird
                                                                          feed products.
                       products including custom industrial wet mop                                                                                                                   Behavioral Care
                       heads. East Shore Industries                       Olson     Fabrication,      Inc.
                       920-487-3541, Algoma Mop
                       Manufacturers 920-487-3614,
                                                                          – A full service fabrication and machining            Trusted team. Close to home
                                                                          facility offering an array of services to many
                       1-800-216-3478                                     well-recognized companies in the marine,                                   eet                               Orthopedics
                                                                          construction, commercial and industrial areas.
                                                                          They handle many different weldments, from                   (920) 487-3496
                                                                          light gage stainless and aluminum
                                                                          to 60,000 pound steel weldments.                                                   Diabetic Specialties
                                                                                                                                                          In partnership with
                                                                          Multi-Color Corporation
                                                                          – Multi-Color Corporation offers the widest array
                                                                                                                                                                                        Same day
                                                                          of printing and flexible packaging across 22                                                                appointments
                                                                          manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and
                                                                          worldwide. For over 45 years they have produced      PreveaCare AFTER HOURS                                   available.
                                                                          high-quality packaging products for worldwide          After Hours is a convenient way for you to
                                                                          customers ranging in size from small businesses to    get the medical advice you need when your
                                                                          large, high volume manufacturers and consumer                 primary care clinic is closed.

                                                                          product goods companies.

40 BUSINESS INDUSTRY                                                                                                                                                                                 BUSINESS INDUSTRY 41
Cub Cadet Dealer
                                               Small Engine Parts & Repair
                                               LP Tank Exchange
                                               Pickup and Delivery
                                               Farm & Animal Health

                       521 4th Street Algoma, WI
                            (920) 487-5088

                                               Keys Cut
                                               Custom Paint Mixing
                                               Bird & Pet Food and
                                               Convenience Lumber

                         E4351 County K Algoma, WI ~ (920) 837-7777

                          "More than just your typical
                             HARDWARE STORE!"

42 BUSINESS INDUSTRY                                                         BUSINESS INDUSTRY 43
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