Page created by Harry Hoffman

                                                 WINTER 2019

live well

N OTES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           D IS COVE RIE S

     A HIGHER LEVEL OF CARE                                                                                                                          CURBING FRAILTY IN THE ELDERLY
     FOR ORANGE COUNTY                                                                       CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
                                                                                             Richard J. Gannotta, DHA, FACHE
                                                                                                                                                     Study tests whether stem-cell infusions can help the body repair itself.
                                                                                                                                                     WRITTEN BY NANCY BRANDS WARD

                                                         ust as Orange County and the        ASSISTANT MARKETING DIRECTOR
                                                         surrounding region has grown        Susan Mancia Boyles

                                                         and changed dramatically in
                                                         the past 50 years, so too has
                                                                                             PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER
                                                                                                                                                                 slow and shuffling gait, hunched
                                                                                                                                                                 shoulders and the frustrating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A ROLE FOR STEM CELLS
                                                                                             John Murray                                                                                                                              Patients receive an infusion of stem cells
                                                         UC Irvine Medical Center. Now                                                                           inability to open jars of food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      that migrate to the sites of injury in the
                                                    known as UCI Health — a system           MANAGING EDITOR                                                     are just a few of the outward
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      body that produce frailty. The cells may
                                                    that encompasses our medical             Kristina Lindgren                                       signs of frailty — a condition that too
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      reduce inflammation and repair tissue or
                                                    center in Orange and all of our                                                                  often characterizes daily life for people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      organs to help restore function.
                                                    many institutes and outpatient                                                                   who live into their 80s and beyond.
                                                    offices across the region — we have      DESIGN, EDITORIAL & CONTRIBUTORS                        As frailty develops, so does the risk of
                                                    undergone a radical transformation.      Moon Tide Media                                         hospitalization, dependency, disability                                    YOUNG, HEALTHY                          INFUSE INTO
                                                    We are big, bold and have become                                                                 and death.                                                                 ADULT BONE                              ELDERLY
                                                                                             PHOTO DIRECTOR                                                                                                                     MARROW DONORS                           RECIPIENT
                                                    a critical healthcare resource in                                                                   Currently there are no approved
                                                                                             Michelle Villas
                                                    Southern California.                                                                             treatments for this condition, which can
                                                       Nowhere is our rise to                ART DIRECTOR                                            lead to devastating declines in health. But
                                                    prominence better illustrated than       Ajay Peckham                                            UCI Health is recruiting participants for a                                         ISOLATE STEM          CULTURE
     with the cancer research programs underway at the UC Irvine Chao Family                                                                         tantalizing new clinical trial to investigate                                       CELLS FROM            MORE CELLS
     Comprehensive Cancer Center in Orange and on our UCI campus in Irvine. In               EDITOR                                                  whether stem cell infusions can slow or                                             BONE MARROW
     this issue of Live Well, I invite you to read about the surge in studies, programs      Shari Roan                                              reverse the descent into frailty.
     and clinical trials that are transforming how we think about and treat cancer                                                                      Dr. Lisa M. Gibbs, director of the UCI
                                                                                             COPY EDITOR
     (page 6). UCI Health scientists are leading a major new international trial                                                                     Health SeniorHealth Center, is principal
                                                                                             Laura Watts
     of a treatment for a deadly type of brain cancer. We also are working to                                                                        investigator for the UCI arm of a national
     develop immunotherapy drugs that are effective not only for small numbers               BRAND PUBLISHER                                         Phase 2b clinical trial taking place at
     of patients but for most patients. And our longstanding systems biology                 Hannah Lee                                              a dozen universities and healthcare
     program on the UCI campus is so far ahead of its time that the National                                                                         organizations across the country. Stem            makes it harder to recover from stress,          The functional status and medical condition
     Cancer Institute recently named us as one of just 13 research institutions                                                                      cells play a central role in aging, she says.     may involve impaired cognition and often         of all participants will be evaluated at
     nationwide that are charged with delving into the most complicated                      If you have comments or questions, please contact:          “As we age, our bodies produce fewer          leads to needing help with daily activities.     intervals from one month to a year.
                                                                                             UCI Health Marketing & Communications
     mysteries of the disease.                                                                                                                       endogenous stem cells, which are cells that       Frail people are at higher risk for falls,          About one-quarter to one-third of
                                                                                             333 City Blvd. West, Suite 1250, Orange, CA 92868
        All Southern Californians benefit from these efforts. We offer state-                                                                        can develop into different types of cells and     which is a leading cause of death among          Americans over age 80 meet the frailty
     of-the-art care as well as numerous cancer clinical trials that are testing                                                                     repair and regenerate tissue or organs,”          the elderly.                                     criteria, but potential subjects with an
     promising new treatments. Clinical trials offer cancer patients with the most           The information contained in this magazine is           says Gibbs, professor and chief of geriatric         The study — run by the life sciences          uncontrolled medical condition such as
     challenging types of disease a chance to try emerging therapies long before             not meant to replace the advice of your physician.      medicine in the UCI School of Medicine’s          company Longeveron, which is developing          heart disease, hypertension and diabetes,
     they are available elsewhere. Such trials are typically offered only at top                                                                     Department of Family Medicine.                    biological solutions for aging and aging-        dementia or a recent history of cancer
     national cancer centers.                                                                                                                           It is this biological slowdown that triggers   associated diseases — aims to enroll 120         would be excluded.
        You can take great pride in this progress. Patients who enter clinical trials                                                                declines in physiologic health and functional     total subjects, 10 at UCI. Recruitment              The research is a natural outgrowth
     push the pace of innovation. The thousands of people who have participated                                                                      ability. The study will test whether specially    is underway at various U.S. study sites          of the SeniorHealth Center’s mission to
     in or supported our annual Anti-Cancer Challenge to ride, run or walk also
                                                                                          YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE                                    prepared stem cells harvested from adult          for people ages 70 to 85 with mild to            provide the region’s best care for aging
     bring their enthusiasm and generosity to the fight against cancer.                                                                              donors will migrate to injured areas, reduce      moderate frailty who are able to walk            adults with its team of experts and
                                                                                          Few things in life matter more than your health. If
        Far from being followers of medical progress, we are leading the way.                                                                        inflammation and begin repairs in patients        200 to 400 meters in six minutes.                comprehensive, patient-centered approach,
                                                                                          you or someone close to you has experienced UCI
     We’re doing it for the health and well-being of the people in our region,            Health’s personalized, research-driven care, then          exhibiting signs of frailty.                         Participants are randomly assigned to         Gibbs says. The center’s experts are
     as well as for cancer patients everywhere. n                                         you know how Orange County’s only academic                    “If we can recognize frailty early, we         four groups of 30 participants each. Three       dedicated to developing new models of care
                                                                                          medical system is improving the lives of people in         can potentially slow the progression to           groups will receive an intravenous infusion      and investigating how to help people live
       Kind regards,                                                                      our community and beyond.                                  disability and dependence,” Gibbs says.           of varying amounts of stem cells, and            high-quality lives as they age.
                                                                                                                                                        Frailty is characterized by unintentional      the fourth group will receive an infusion           “Early studies of stem cell safety showed
                                                                                            We couldn’t do it without you. Your philanthropic
                                                                                                                                                     weight loss, exhaustion, weakness,                of a placebo. It’s a blind trial, so neither     promise in being able to improve frailty,”
                                                                                          support drives clinical innovations like the ones you’ll
                                                                                          read about in the following pages.                         slow walking and low physical activity.           participants nor researchers will know who       she says. “Our goal is to keep people
                                                                                                                                                     It interferes with independent living,            receives which treatments.                       independent as long as possible.” n
       Richard J. Gannotta, DHA, FACHE                                                      If you would like to make a gift to thank a
       Chief Executive Officer, UCI Health System                                         provider, honor the memory of a loved one or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  To learn more about the SeniorHealth
                                                                                          establish a lasting legacy, call 714-456-7350 or visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Center, visit

2   LIVE WELL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            UCIHEALTH.ORG   3
H E ALT H F I LE S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HE ALT H F IL E S

      UC Irvine Medical Center has been             since the program began in 1993.
      honored for nursing excellence with              To receive the designation, the ANCC
      its fourth designation as a Magnet®-          conducts a comprehensive review of
      recognized hospital. The designation          patient outcomes and satisfaction linked
      is issued by the American Nurses              to nursing practices. It also examines          public judges healthcare organizations.
      Credentialing Center (ANCC). Magnet           the medical center’s environment and              “This recognition reflects our nursing
      recipients must maintain rigorous             its ability to recruit and retain top talent.   team’s commitment to sustaining a culture
      standards as part of the four-year            Magnet designation has become the gold          of excellence that drives better outcomes
      designation. The medical center is one of     standard for assessing nursing excellence       for our patients,” UCI Health Chief Nursing
      the first to receive a fourth recognition     and is taken into consideration when the        Officer Pat Patton, RN, MSN, said.

                                                                                                                                                                             HEARTY BEEF &
                                                                                                                                                                             BLACK BEAN CHILI
                                                                                                                                                                             Soup or chili is a perfect winter dish — tasty, hot and filling.   DIRECTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                             Our hearty beef and black bean chili is healthy, too, with an      1. Heat a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add 1 teaspoon
                                                                                                                                                                             abundance of legumes and vegetables. The black beans provide           of olive oil and beef. Cook, breaking it up with a wooden
                                                                                                                                                                             a feeling of fullness without being high in fat or calories.           spoon, until browned, about 3 to 5 minutes. Drain any fat
                                                                                                                                                                             They’re also great for bone health, thanks to the calcium,             and set beef aside.
                                                                                                                                                                             phosphorous, magnesium, iron and zinc content. This recipe calls
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2. Add remaining olive oil, onions, celery, carrot, bell pepper,
                                                                                                                                                                             for yellow onions, which are high in fiber to help decrease the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    mushrooms and garlic. Cook, stirring occasionally, until
                                                                                                                                                                             risk of diabetes, high cholesterol and colorectal cancer. Yellow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    vegetables soften (about 8 minutes).
                                                                                                                                                                             onions have more antioxidants than any other type of onion.

                                                                                                                                             Photographed by Rob Rosenfeld
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3. Add beef back to pot, plus the tomatoes, beans, broth,
                                                                                                                                                                             INGREDIENTS (Serves 4)                                                 tomato paste and spices. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and
                                                                                                                                                                             • 2 teaspoons olive oil, separated                                     simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the chili is
                                                                                                                                                                             • ½ pound lean ground beef (10 percent or less fat)                    thickened (about 45 minutes).
                                                                                                                                                                             • 2 yellow onions, chopped                                         Optional: Add toppings of your choice, such as scallions,
                                                                                                                                                                             • 2 celery stalks, chopped                                         reduced-fat cream cheese, reduced-fat shredded cheese or
                                                                                                                                                                             • 1 carrot, chopped                                                baked tortilla chips.
                                                                                                                                                                             • 1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced
                                                                                                                                                                             • 10 ounces white mushrooms, quartered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                                             • 2 garlic cloves, minced
      MORE THAN 145 DOCTORS NAMED PHYSICIANS OF EXCELLENCE                                                                                                                   • 2 (14.5-ounce) cans diced tomatoes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • 325 calories
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • 14.7 g fiber
      The Orange County Medical Association (OCMA) has released its           To be eligible for recognition, physicians are required to be                                  • 1 (15.5-ounce) can low-sodium black beans, drained and rinsed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • 8 g fat
      annual “Physicians of Excellence” list, recognizing 148 UCI Health    certified by one of several medical boards, be in good standing,                                 • 3 cups low-sodium, fat-free vegetable broth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • 26.3 g protein
      doctors — more than any other Orange County hospital.                 maintain a practice in Orange County for at least five years and have                            • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • 40 g carbohydrates
        OCMA is a voluntary physician organization dedicated to             been in practice within his or her specialty for the last five years.                            • 1½ tablespoons chili powder
      protecting public health, promoting improvement of the medical           OCMA also requires physicians to make significant                                             • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
      profession and furthering the art and science of medicine. The        achievements in physician leadership, teaching and mentoring,                                    • 1 teaspoon dried oregano                                         The UCI Health Live Well blog has a library
      2019 Physicians of Excellence roster, which appeared in the           medical or scientific advances or humanitarian service.                                          • ½ teaspoon salt                                                  of recipes, many with videos, to help you
      January 2019 edition of Orange Coast magazine, includes about                                                                                                          • ½ teaspoon pepper                                                eat healthier. Visit
      475 physicians representing 65 specialties.                                  View the list of physicians at

4    LIVE WELL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       UCIHEALTH.ORG   5
REDEFINING                                                      M
                                                                                     ore than a decade ago, UCI biology professor Arthur
                                                                                     Lander, PhD, broadened the focus of his research.
                                                                                     Instead of studying a particular biological molecule
                                                                                     or specific cell type, he reasoned that biomedical

        THE WORLD
                                                                        researchers would learn more, at a faster pace, if they explored
                                                                        biological systems — how networks of molecules, cells, tissues,
                                                                        organs and environments work in concert.
                                                                           Today that novel idea has helped launch UCI Health into the
                                                                        upper echelons of cancer research in the United States. Lander, the

        OF CANCER
                                                                        Donald Bren Professor of Developmental & Cell Biology, is part of a
                                                                        group of UCI scientists who have been awarded a $10-million, five-
                                                                        year grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for several
                                                                        groundbreaking cancer research projects centered on the field of
                                                                        systems biology.
                                                                           “Arthur was very forward-thinking about this, years ago, in
        New grants and studies are giving                               recognizing that systems biology would grow into a discipline that
                                                                        would catch the attention of the NIH,” says Marian L. Waterman, PhD,
        UCI researchers the chance to make                              professor of microbiology and molecular genetics, director of the UCI
                                                                        Cancer Research Institute and a leader of the systems biology team.
        a profound difference.                                          “It was Arthur who brought us all together. Earning this grant has
                                                                        been a team goal for about three years. ”
        WRITTEN BY SHARI ROAN                                              The leadership team also includes John Lowengrub, PhD, the
        ILLUSTRATED BY CHRISTINE GEORGIADES                             Chancellor’s Professor of Mathematics. These collegial researchers
                                                                        from vastly different fields — math, biology and genetics — are
                                                                        dedicated to pooling their training, resources and experience to solve
                                                                        some of the most complex mysteries of cancer.
                                                                           “We worked so hard to get this grant,” Waterman says, noting
                                                                        that the trio labored over the application for months, often pulling
                                                                        all-nighters. “It’s the product of our high-quality cancer research
                                                                        and the very strong program in systems biology that we’ve had for
                                                                        years at UC Irvine. The NIH recognized that and rewarded it.”
                                                                           That’s not the only national validation of UCI’s program in cancer
                                                                        research in the past year. Several other researchers have garnered
                                                                        prestigious grants or funding to launch innovative studies that
                                                                        promise to reveal some of the complexities of cancer and unleash
                                                                        new strategies for prevention and treatment.
                                                                           Research is at the core of the UC Irvine Chao Family
                                                                        Comprehensive Cancer Center and its designation by the National
                                                                        Cancer Institute (NCI) as a comprehensive cancer center, says
                                                                        Dr. Richard A. Van Etten, the center’s director and a professor of
                                                                        hematology/oncology at the UCI School of Medicine. The NCI
                                              With several large        designation means the cancer center must conduct research across
                                              grants, UCI researchers
                                              are exploring promising   the spectrum, from basic and translational studies to clinical trials,
                                              theories on how cancers   as well as meet the highest standards for patient care and educate
                                              develop and how to        the next generation of cancer health professionals.
                                              best treat them.
                                                                           The cancer center has the added benefit of partnering with
                                                                        colleagues on the UCI campus to bring every weapon to bear in the
                                                                        fight against cancer. With this award, UCI joins 12 other U.S. research
                                                                        institutions that are part of the NCI’s prestigious Cancer Systems

6   LIVE WELL                                                                                                                    UCIHEALTH.ORG    7
Biology Consortium.                            Gleevec, which Van Etten helped to develop    from the 2017 Anti-Cancer Challenge. “It’s
        “UCI Health is positioned to do all         early in his medical research career.         a new approach to immunotherapy that
     of this novel research because we are                                                        has come entirely out of UC Irvine.”                                                                                         A TUMOR AND
                                                    TAKING A LONG SHOT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ITS SURROUNDINGS
     embedded within a great research                                                                Immunotherapies harness the body’s
     university,” Van Etten says. “Other            Under Van Etten’s leadership, the cancer      immune system to fight cancer, but they
     hospitals that lack a university can do        center has also launched a yearly event       haven’t been effective on all types of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                In cancer, systems biology research
     research. But we have the complete             to fund novel cancer research projects        cancers. Demetriou and his post-doctoral
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                looks not just at cancer cells but
     infrastructure to do this type of systems      that might otherwise go unnoticed.            fellow, Raymond Zhou, PhD, are working
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                also at their entire environment.
     biology work.”                                 Orange County residents and those from        on a new type of immunotherapy that may
                                                    surrounding regions have been enlisted in     have broad success against many different
     A CAMPUS UNITED                                this cause by participating in and raising    cancers. They created a technology called                                                                                                                   Cancer cells
     AGAINST CANCER                                 funds for the Anti-Cancer Challenge — an      Glycan dependent T cell Recruiter (GlyTR –
     Systems biology is the study of complex        annual run, walk and cycling event. The       pronounced ‘glitter’). The therapy is based
     biological environments. In cancer, that       2018 event raised over $400,000 to fund       on the fact that almost all proteins on                                                                                                                     Immune system cells
     means looking beyond cancer cells and          13 pilot projects. The 2019 Anti-Cancer       the surface of cancer cells carry complex                                                                                                                   (macrophages, natural
     exploring the environment they live in and     Challenge will be held on June 8, 2019        sugars called glycans, which are not found                                                                                                                  killer cells and T cells)
     the forces that shape them. By studying        at Aldrich Park on the UCI campus.            in normal cells.
     the big picture, scientists hope to better        “These are high-risk, high-payoff             In the past, researchers have had trouble                                                                                                                Dendritic cells
     understand cancer. Systems biology             studies that come out of our                  making use of cancer-specific glycans to                                                                                                                    (cells that boost
     calls upon the diverse skills of many:                                                                                                                                                                                                                   immune function)
     mathematicians, computer scientists,
     engineers, chemists, geneticists and others.
        “In the past when we’ve tried out                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Stromal cells
     different drugs or different ideas, we
     tended to have a simplified idea of the
                                                          “UCI Health is positioned                                                                                                                                                                          (connective tissue)

     cancer cells. And then, during clinical
     trials, the idea fails,” Waterman says.
                                                           to do all of this novel                                                                                                                                                                            Blood vessels

     “The reason it fails is that the tumor and
     the environment surrounding it is much
                                                           research because we are                                                                                                                                                                            Lymph vessels
     more dynamic and complex than our
     models of cancer cells growing in a dish.
                                                           embedded within a great
     What we study (in systems biology) is
     more accurate.”
                                                           research university.”
        The UCI team even includes an ecologist
     whose expertise is tide pools because
     he brings unique skills in the study of
     complex environments that contain              laboratories,” Van Etten says. “These         target and destroy tumors because it’s
     a diversity of organisms. UCI is well          Anti-Cancer Challenge seed grants are         difficult to attach antibodies — substances
     known for its collaborative environment,       designed to help an investigator provide      that recognize the cancer cell — to glycans.
     Waterman notes. “There is a culture here       critical preliminary data that will allow     But Demetriou and Zhou have developed
     to be interdisciplinary.”                      them to compete for extramural grants         a clever way around that problem by
        The NIH grant funds three projects.         from the NIH and other foundations.”          engineering an artificial protein, called a    as quickly as possible is also the goal of   took place in her lab. Her early research           elevating cancer research at UCI Health.
     One, headed by Waterman, studies how              One seed grant recipient is already        bispecific protein. The protein is “antibody   Dr. Daniela Bota, a UCI Health neuro-        showed the compound could not only                    “Patients cannot be guaranteed
     colon cancer cells cooperate to survive        attracting notice. Last year Dr. Michael      independent,” and because it recognizes        oncologist and internationally recognized    cross the blood-brain barrier, but also is          benefit in clinical trials,” Van Etten says.
     all the stresses in the tumor micro-           Demetriou, a professor of neurology,          a common cancer glycan, it can work on         expert on brain cancer. Bota was recently    not toxic to patients.                              “However, very frequently we already
     environment and communicate with               microbiology and molecular genetics, was      different types of cancers.                    named chief U.S. investigator on an            “Celgene, the company that has                    know that a new treatment is beneficial
     each other. A second project focuses on        awarded a $3.4-million NCI grant as part of      “I think immunotherapy is the wave          international clinical trial testing a new   ownership of this drug, is sponsoring               versus the standard treatment. We
     melanoma — a type of skin cancer — and         the Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot initiative.    of the future for cancer treatment,”           drug, a proteasome inhibitor called          the Phase 3 clinical trial, and UCI will be         wouldn’t offer it otherwise.
     what happens when moles remain benign          The grant will fund studies on a new class    Demetriou says. “The impact of this grant      marizomib, for glioblastoma — the most       the main U.S. center,” Bota says. “The                “But patients understand that when they
     or turn cancerous. The third project,          of cancer-killing immunotherapy drugs         is enormous. We’ve been working on this        deadly type of brain cancer.                 reason we do this work here is we want              participate in a trial, it’s for the greater
     headed by Van Etten, is exploring chronic      with the potential to revolutionize cancer    since 2015, but on a shoestring. This grant      The test will combine marizomib with       our patients to have access to treatment            good — to help move the field forward.
     myeloid leukemia (CML) based on a new          treatment by creating one approach that       takes it to a whole different level.”          the standard treatment for glioblastoma,     that is only available at academic cancer           That’s what we’re all trying to do.” n
     mathematical model of normal and               can work on many types of cancers.                                                           temozolomide chemotherapy and                centers like ours.”
     malignant blood cell formation. It could          “We saw his data and said, ‘Wow, this      FROM THE LAB TO THE BEDSIDE                    radiation therapy. Bota was among              UCI cancer researchers universally praise
     lead to new treatment approaches for           is something we want to support,’” Van        Demetriou hopes to see their research          the first in the world to begin studying     Southern California residents who have                    Learn more about cancer
     CML patients who fail to achieve optimal       Etten says of the Demetriou project,          move into clinical trials in a few years.      marizomib, and much of the initial work      participated in the Anti-Cancer Challenge            treatment and research at
     responses to the standard medication,          which initially was funded by proceeds        Impacting the lives of cancer patients         clarifying its potential for glioblastoma    or who enroll in clinical trials as partners in

8   LIVE WELL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   UCIHEALTH.ORG    9
Q & A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Q & A

                                                                                                                                                         psychosocial skills-based training and coaching on how
                                                                                                                                                         to care for and be safe around a dog. Their parents also
                                                                                                                                                         received behavioral training. But only half the children                                                            Nine-year-old
                                                                                                                                                         actually worked with the dogs.                                                                                      Bristol was trained
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             as a puppy to work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with ADHD children
                                                                                                                                                         How did the children interact with the dogs?                                                                        in clinical trials.
                                                                                                                                                         During two weekly sessions, kids had semi-structured time
                                                                                                                                                         to bond with the dogs. They rotated among separate activity
                                                                                                                                                         stations, throwing a ball or Frisbee, grooming the dogs,
                                                                                                                                                         working with them on agility or other activities. Children
                                                                                                                                                         then participated in didactic lessons to build social skills.
                                                                                                                                                         Whenever the kids contributed to the sessions, they were
                                                                                                                                                         rewarded by being able to sit or lie down next to the dog.
                                                                                                                                                         They also wrote letters and stories to the dogs, and on
                                                                                                                                                         Saturdays they practiced dog-training techniques.

                                                                                                                                                         Didn’t the dogs distract the children?
                                                                                                                                                         On the contrary, it takes a lot to engage kids who are
                                                                                                                                                         hyperactive when doing activities they don’t necessarily
                                                                                                                                                         prefer. Working with the dogs seems to motivate children
                                                                                                                                                         to participate in tasks they would otherwise avoid.

                                                                                                                                                         How long did the study last?
                                                                                                                                                         Each cohort was studied for 12 weeks of treatment, then
                                                                                                              UCI Health child development expert
                                                                                                              Sabrina Schuck, PhD, uses therapy dogs     again six weeks later. For the first nine weeks, the groups
                                                                                                              Bristol, a golden retriever, and Kiwi, a   with therapy dogs learned how to train the animals. In the
                                                                                                              Maltese-poodle mix, to work with kids      last three weeks, the kids created their own lesson plans to
                                                                                                              who have ADHD.
                                                                                                                                                         teach basics like sit, stay and come. Then they tried to train
                                                                                                                                                         puppies, a task that requires considerable patience
                                                                                                                                                         and self-control.

     DOGGED DETERMINATION                                                                                                                                What did your study find?
                                                                                                                                                         Children who interacted with the dogs experienced a
                                                                                                                                                         reduction in inattention and improvements in social skills
      A novel UCI study shows therapy dogs can benefit children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.                                           and self-esteem when compared to the groups without
                                                                                                                                                         dogs. There was no effect, however, on hyperactivity
      WRITTEN BY NANCY BRANDS WARD | PHOTOGRAPHED BY SHANE O’DONNELL                                                                                     and impulsivity. We saw the same results in a follow-up
                                                                                                                                                         measurement six weeks after the interaction with the dogs
                                                                                                                                                         ended. These findings are important because hyperactivity

                                                                                                                                                         and impulsivity tend to decline with age, while problems
                oncerned that at least 5 percent of U.S. children are        What made you think therapy dogs could help children                        with attention tend to persist through life and are the most
                diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder      with ADHD?                                                                  challenging to treat.
                (ADHD), UCI child development specialist Sabrina E.B.        There is a lot of anecdotal evidence about the effectiveness of
                Schuck decided to seek therapies besides medications to      therapy dogs. Our founding school program director brought                  Can this intervention take the place of medication?              therapies we know work. Our main goal is to see how we can
      calm children and help them focus. In a first-of-its-kind randomized   a therapy dog, Teddy, to school every day. Others have studied              I would never say that kids always need medicine or don’t        safely and effectively implement this program to help motivate
      trial, Schuck and her colleagues found therapy dogs to be effective    child development and the human-animal bond, but until                      need it. Medications are very effective at reducing symptoms     children to learn and participate in school.
      in reducing some of the symptoms of ADHD in children.                  recently, there were no large or randomized and controlled trials.          for many children with ADHD. But we also need to learn
         Schuck, who holds a doctorate in education and a master’s           Adapting those studies to ADHD work done here at UCI over the               who benefits from animal-assisted interventions and how          What surprised you about this study?
      degree in clinical psychology, is an assistant professor of            past two decades, we proposed a complex clinical trial to see if            we can measure its effectiveness with or without medicine.       This project was so much fun. I loved seeing kids lined up at the
      pediatrics and executive director of the UCI Health Child              animals like Teddy make a difference for these children.                                                                                     school gate right on time because they couldn’t wait to get in to
      Development Center. Beyond ADHD, her research interests                                                                                            What’s next?                                                     start therapy. The children in the dog groups were always on time. n
      include the human-animal bond and school-based interventions.          Whom did you study and how did the study work?                              We want to understand who benefits from these strategies
      Live Well asked about her team’s research that was recently            Over five years, we looked at seven cohorts of 12 children — a              most and why. We also want to examine how to feasibly
      published in the American Psychological Association’s Society          total of 88, ages 7 to 9 — who’d been diagnosed with ADHD.                  implement animal-assisted interventions, particularly in             Learn more about the UCI Health Child Development
      of Counseling Psychology’s Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin.          None had started medication. All received “dog-themed”                      schools, to complement or provide alternatives to other                       School at

10   LIVE WELL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   UCIHEALTH.ORG     11
Timely                                              A
                                                              s an annual passholder to              The amount of brain damage a
              UCI Health’s rapid-
                                                              Disneyland, Edgar Ceniceros         person suffers from a stroke depends
              response team saves                             loves making regular trips to the   largely on how fast they get treatment.
              a young father’s life.                          Anaheim theme park with his         Every second counts. That’s why

                                                    wife, Brittani, and their two children. But   comprehensive stroke centers have rapid
              WRITTEN BY                            one day in January 2017 as they walked        response procedures in place to quickly
              TRAVIS MARSHALL                       into the park, the young father began         evaluate patients, provide them with
              PHOTOGRAPHED BY                       experiencing a painful headache that          clot-busting medication and any other
              SHANE O’DONNELL                       soon left him on the brink of a coma.         appropriate treatments within minutes.
                                                       “We were interacting with the turtle          Lin says learning how to recognize
                                                    from Finding Nemo when I started              stroke symptoms early and knowing
                                                    getting dizzy — everything went               where the nearest comprehensive stroke
                                                    fuzzy,” says Ceniceros, a 34-year-old         center is located are the best ways to
                                                    La Habra resident who works as a              prevent disability and death.
                                                    service manager for a Mercedes Benz              “There’s still a huge lack of public
                                                    dealership. “I tried to brush it off, but     awareness and public education, so the
                                                    then I started limping, feeling numbness      more we can educate the public and first
                                                    and having trouble moving on my right         responders the better,” she explains.
                                                    side. That’s when I started to realize           When Ceniceros arrived, the care
                                                    something was wrong.”                         team found that he had an arterial
                                                       What happened next is a blur.              dissection — a tear in an artery at the
                                                    Ceniceros and his family soon made their      back of his neck that can lead to a
                                                    way out of the park, and his wife pointed     stroke-causing clot. Though strokes are
                                                    their car toward a local emergency room.      unusual in younger patients, arterial
                                                    “All I can remember is that I wasn’t          dissection is one of the most common
                                                    making sense,” he says. “Thankfully my        reasons when they do happen.
                                                    wife stopped the car and called 911.”            Lin moved quickly to start an
                                                    He was unconscious by the time the            interventional endovascular treatment
            TIME IS OF                              ambulance arrived minutes later.              called an embolectomy, which uses a
            THE ESSENCE                                Fortunately the first responders           catheter-deployed stent to remove clots
                                                    recognized he was having a stroke,            from blood vessels in the brain.
            TO PREVENT BRAIN                        and instead of taking him to a local ER          “It took several attempts to
            DAMAGE WHEN                             they brought him directly to UC Irvine        completely remove the clot and make
                                                    Medical Center, Orange County’s only          sure it didn’t come back — ultimately
            TREATING A STROKE.                      Level I trauma center and home to             he was discharged with minimal deficits
            The sudden onset of any of these        the UCI Health Comprehensive Stroke           and had an amazing outcome,” she says.
            symptoms could indicate a stroke:       & Cerebrovascular Center, which is            “It’s a team approach, from the ER to the
            • Numbness or weakness of the           recognized by The Joint Commission            neurointerventional team. And the after-
              face, arm or leg, especially on       and the American Heart Association/           care in our ICU unit for neurological
              one side of the body                  American Stroke Association for its           patients is equally important.”
            • Confusion, trouble speaking           expert stroke care.                              After waking up in the hospital,
              or understanding                         Ceniceros was immediately treated          Ceniceros had some trouble moving
            • Trouble seeing in one or both eyes    by neurosurgeon Dr. Li-Mei Lin, who           on the right side of his body. But
                                                    specializes in endovascular and neuro-        rehabilitation helped him regain full
            • Difficulty walking, dizziness, loss
              of balance or coordination            interventional surgery.                       function within six weeks. Two years
                                                       “Most people wouldn’t expect a             later — aside from taking an aspirin
            • Sudden, severe headache with
              no known cause                        person this young to have a stroke,”          daily to help prevent future clots — he’s
                                                    says Lin, an assistant professor of           back to normal and roughhousing with
            Call 9-1-1 immediately if you or        neurological surgery at the UCI School        Giuliana, 8, and Madden, 6.
            someone you know experiences            of Medicine. “This type of situation             “I felt impaired for about a month,
            these stroke warning signs.             highlights how important it is for            but I slowly started to regain feeling and
                                                    first responders to bring potential           movement,” he says. “I was able to go
                  To learn more about stroke        stroke patients to a Joint Commission-        back to work a month and a half later. I
                  treatment and care, visit         designated comprehensive stroke               don’t even want to think about where I’d
             center that has the tools and expertise       be now if I hadn’t gotten to UCI’s stroke
                                                    to respond quickly.”                          center so quickly.” n

                                                                                                                              UCIHEALTH.ORG    13
HEALT H H A PPE NI NG S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 H E A LT H H A PPE N I N G S

      2018 HOPE &                                                                                 UCI HEALTH DIABETES                                        FRIENDS OF THE
      HELP GALA                                                                                   CENTER RECEPTION                                           20/20 SOCIETY
      Friends of The UC Irvine                                                                    The UCI Health Center for Diabetes Treatment               CELEBRATION
      Center for Autism                                                                           and Research hosted its 12th annual “Celebrate
                                                                                                                                                             Friends of the 20/20 Society
      & Neurodevelopmental                                                                        the Center” reception, paying tribute to the Chao
                                                                                                                                                             celebrated their shared
      Disorders attended                                                                          family for their longtime support of high-quality
                                                                                                                                                             commitment to transform vision
      the 2018 Hope & Help                                                                        diabetes care and research to improve treatment.
                                                                                                                                                             care and eradicate preventable
      Gala, “Growing Strong                                                                       Pictured (from top left): Lee-Hwa Chao, Phylis and
                                                                                                                                                             eye diseases at the UCI Health
      Together.” The event raised                                                                 David Hsia, (from bottom left): Christopher Smith,
                                                                                                                                                             Gavin Herbert Eye Institute.
      more than $340,000 for                                                                      Fred and Diana Kong.
                                                                                                                                                                Event speakers reflected on all
      innovative clinical care,
                                                                                                                                                             that has been achieved since the
      education, training and
                                                                                                                                                             institute’s campus opened in 2013.
      research to help those
                                                                                                                                                                The 20/20 Society’s
      whose lives are affected
                                                                                                                                                             contributions are enabling
      by autism spectrum
                                                                                                                                                             groundbreaking research that
      disorder, ADHD and other
                                                                                                                                                             leads to sight-saving advances in
                                                                                                                                                             vision treatment.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  David and Molly Pyott and featured speaker Tom Sullivan.

                                    Steve and Danielle Reindl

                                                                                                                                                             DONATE LIFE                                                                             BRAIN AND SPINE
       QUEEN OF                            Queen of Hearts Foundation board members Caren Walley Edler, Cristen Walley Lebsack, Lori Hunter (co-founder),
                                           ovarian cancer specialist Dr. Leslie Randall, Queen of Hearts Foundation manager Sandi Hanscom and gynecologist
                                                                                                                                                             The UCI Health Pancreas and Kidney Transplant Services team turned out in               TUMOR PROGRAM
       HEARTS                              Dr. Michael Krychman.
                                                                                                                                                             force for the 16th annual Donate Life Run/Walk held at Cal State Fullerton.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Members of UCI Health’s Comprehensive Brain and
       FOUNDATION                                                                                                                                            The team had more participants and raised more money for organ donations
                                                                                                                                                             than in previous years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Spine Tumor Program supported their patients and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     families at the annual Orange County Brain Tumor
       The Queen of Hearts                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Walk, held at Angel Stadium of Anaheim. The
       Foundation has donated                                                                                                                                                                                                                        event raised more than $230,000 to fund programs
       $435,000 to expand the                                                                                                                                                                                                                        that help improve the lives of people affected by
       services of UCI Health Ann’s                                                                                                                                                                                                                  brain tumors.
       Clinic to south Orange
       County and to fund promising
       ovarian cancer treatment
       studies. Ann’s Clinic, which
       screens and cares for women
       at high risk for developing
       ovarian cancer and other
       gynecologic malignancies, is
       a collaboration between the
       foundation and UCI Health.

14   LIVE WELL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              UCIHEALTH.ORG    15
EDUC ATI O N CO NNE C T IO N                                                                                                                                                                                                           E DU C AT I O N CO N N E C T I O N

           HEALTH CLASSES                                                                        PREPARED CHILDBIRTH (five classes)              EVENTS
                                                                                                 Wednesdays | 7–9:30 p.m.
                                                                                                 Feb. 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13
                                                                                                                                             UCI Health is proud to sponsor community events that support a variety of health
      Learn how to improve your health or                                                        April 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8
                                                                                                                                             conditions. Attend a conference, listen to a lecture or take the challenge.
      prevent disease by taking our classes.                                                     May 22, 29, June 5, 12, 19
      Most are free, but some do have fees.                                                      Thursdays | 7–9:30 p.m.                     NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LECTURE            GAVIN HERBERT EYE INSTITUTE                 UCI ANTI-CANCER CHALLENGE
      All classes are held at UC Irvine Medical                                                  Feb. 14, 21, 28, March 7, 14                MEDICINE IN OUR BACKYARD SERIES          COMMUNITY LECTURE SERIES                    June 8 | 6:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
      Center, located at 101 The City Drive                                                      April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9                  Learn about your health from these       Learn the causes, symptoms and              Join the UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge at
      South, Orange, CA 92868.                                                                   May 23, 30, June 6, 13, 20                  UCI Health physicians.                   treatments of eye-related conditions.       Aldrich Park on the UCI campus in Irvine.
                                                                                                 Building 56, Room 113                                                                                                            When you participate, we are one step
      Please note: There is a small fee to                                                                                                   Feb. 25 | Chronic Heartburn? Painful     Feb. 25 | 7–8 p.m. Myopia Progression       closer to finding cancer cures. Learn more
      park at UC Irvine Medical Center,                                                          PREPARING FOR SURGERY —                     GERD? Get relief – Dr. Kenneth Chang     in Childhood – Dr. Charlotte Gore           and sign up at
      which is part of UCI Health.                                                               MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT                       and Dr. Brian Smith
                                                                                                 Feb. 4, March 4, April 8, May 6, June 3                                              March 25 | 7–8 p.m. Eye and Brain           SUE & BILL GROSS STEM CELL CENTER
      Registration is required.                                                                  Noon–1:30 p.m.                              March 25 | Bioidentical Hormonal         Interaction – Dr. Chantal Boisvert          COMMUNITY LECTURE SERIES
      All classes are one session                                                                UC Irvine Douglas Hospital                  Restoration – Dr. Marcela Dominguez
      unless otherwise noted.                                                                    Building 1, 3rd floor, Room 3005                                                     April 8 | 7–8 p.m. Annual Eye Exams:        Feb. 26 | 7 p.m. The Brainstorm Stem Cell
                                                                                                                                             April 22 | Update on Breast Cancer       New Lens Technologies – Patricia Elbeck,    Trial to Treat ALS – Dr. Tahseen Mozaffar
      For more information,                                                                                                                  Screening and Treatment – Dr. Freddie    RDO, and Marcial Torrez-Jimenez, ABOC       and Dr. Namita Goyal
      visit                                                                                                             Combs and Dr. Erin Lin
      or call 657-282-6357.                                                                                                                                                           May 13 | 7–8 p.m. Cataracts – Dr. Marjan    March 26 | 7 p.m. Stem Cell Therapies
                                                                                                                                             May 20 | New in Newport Beach:           Farid and Dr. Sameh Mosaed                  for Stroke – Lisa Flanagan, PhD, and
      ADVANCE DIRECTIVE                                                                                                                      Men’s Health – Dr. Faysal Yafi                                                       Dr. Leonid Groysman
      Feb. 14, May 9 | 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.         MEDITATION FOR HEALTH SERIES                                                                                                        June 10 | 7–8 p.m. Actor and
      Building 22A, Room 2105-06                  (four classes)                                                                             Lectures begin at 7 p.m. at the          inspirational speaker Tom Sullivan          April 30 | 7 p.m. Aging, Alzheimer’s &
      Notary available from noon to               March 4, 11, 18, 25 | 6:30–7:30 p.m.                                                       Newport Beach Central Library,           on the emotions of losing vision            Frailty – Mathew Blurton-Jones, PhD,
      12:30 p.m. at no charge                     June 3, 10, 17, 24 | 6:30–7:30 p.m.                                                        1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach.                                                    and Dr. Lisa Gibbs
                                                  UC Irvine Douglas Hospital                                                                 Seating is limited. Doors open at        Lectures are held at the institute,
      BREASTFEEDING                               Building 1, 3rd floor, Room 3005                                                           6:30 p.m. Audience members have          850 Health Sciences Road, Irvine.           All lectures are held in the 4th floor
      Feb. 7, March 7, April 4, May 2,                                                                                                       the opportunity to speak with the        To RSVP, contact        conference room at Sue & Bill Gross Hall,
      June 6 | 6–9 p.m.                           MEDITATION: BREATHING                                                                      doctors after their presentations.       or 949-824-7243.                            845 Health Sciences Road, Irvine. Email
      Building 53, Room 121                       May 13 | 6:30–7:30 p.m.                                                                                                                                                for more information.
                                                  UC Irvine Douglas Hospital
      HEART FAILURE                               Building 1, 3rd floor, Room 3005
      Feb. 4, May 6 | 2–3:30 p.m.
      UC Irvine Douglas Hospital                  MEDITATION: BODY SCAN RELAXATION
                                                  April 15 | 6:30–7:30 p.m.                      ONLINE HEALTH
      Building 1, 3rd floor, Room 3005                                                                                                                                                                            To learn more about our support groups, call the
                                                  UC Irvine Douglas Hospital                     EDUCATION VIDEOS                                SUPPORT GROUPS                                                        numbers listed or visit
                                                  Building 1, 3rd floor, Room 3005               Learn how to protect your health with our
                                                                                                 free, on-demand videos. Topics include:
      Every Thursday, except holidays                                                                                                        AGE-RELATED                             BURN SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP                MULTIPLE MYELOMA
                                                  NEWBORN CARE                                   • Cholesterol
      11 a.m.–noon                                                                                                                           MACULAR DEGENERATION                    714-456-7437                                SUPPORT GROUP
                                                  Feb. 15, March 8, April 12, May 3 | 6–9 p.m.   • Diabetes diet
      UC Irvine Douglas Hospital                                                                                                             888-430-9898                                                                        800-452-2873, ext. 233
                                                  Building 56, Room 113                          • Diabetes management*
      Building 1, 3rd floor, Room 3001                                                                                                                                               HEART FAILURE SUPPORT GROUP
                                                                                                 • Diabetes blood-sugar testing
                                                                                                                                             ART FOR THE SOUL                        714-456-7514                                PANCREATIC CANCER
                                                                                                 • High blood pressure
                                                                                                                                             714-456-2846                                                                        SUPPORT GROUP
                                                                                                 • Prevent stroke
                                                                                                                                                                                     INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE                  714-456-7057
                                                                                                 • Stop smoking
                                                                                                                                             BARIATRIC SURGERY                       SUPPORT GROUP
                                                                                                 * Also available in Spanish
                                                                                                                                             SUPPORT GROUP                           714-456-7057                                SUPPORT FOR ORAL, HEAD
                                                                                                                                             888-717-4463                                                                        AND NECK CANCERS
                                                                                                                                                                                     KOREAN WOMEN’S                              714-456-2846
                                                                                                                                             BRAIN TUMOR                             CANCER SUPPORT GROUP
                                                                                                        For information on additional
                                                                                                                                             EDUCATION/SUPPORT GROUP                 714-456-5057                                TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA
                                                                                                        video topics and to request
                                                                                                                                             714-456-5812                                                                        ASSOCIATION SUPPORT GROUP
                                                                                                 an internet access code, please call
                                                                                                 UCI Health Patient Education at

16   LIVE WELL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   UCIHEALTH.ORG    17


                                                                                        Cathy Jensen copes with
                                                                                                                                                                     now closer to

                                                                                                                                   Photographed by Shane O’Donnell
                                                                                        Parkinson’s disease by
                                                                                        supporting research and

                                                                                        traveling the world.

                                                                                                                                                                     Introducing our new
s                                                                                                                                                                    state-of-the-art medical
                                                                                                                                                                     facility in Yorba Linda,
          GET MOVING,
                                                            About three years ago when I was seeing my UCI endocrinologist
                                                            Dr. Andrew Reikes for diabetes, he said, ‘Cathy, you don’t seem
                                                                                                                                                                     opening Feb. 4, 2019
          LIVE LIFE
                                                      to be as bubbly and bright as usual.’ He was quite concerned and
                                                      referred me to movement disorders specialist Dr. Nicolas Phielipp.

                                                      When you’re first diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, I don’t think
                    athy Jensen had a thriving        you realize the significance of what you’re hearing. Parkinson’s varies
                                                                                                                                                                     Powered by breakthrough research and advanced           Our Locations
                    career as a criminal and civil    so much between individual patients; and even in the same patient,
                    rights litigator. The mother of   the condition varies from day to day.                                                                          treatments from the University of California, Irvine,         UCI Health — Yorba Linda
                    two young children, she was         I decided I had better get moving and live life to the fullest.
                                                                                                                                                                     our team of compassionate, top-tier doctors and               Multispecialty
                    diagnosed with diabetes while     Dr. Reikes, who is one of my heroes, said, ‘Cathy, get as many stamps
          in law school 40 years ago. Under the       on your passport as you can while you can still travel.’ I’m about to                                          health professionals offers you superior care in:             (Opening February 2019)
          care of UCI Health endocrinologists,        leave on a 38-day cruise of the North Atlantic Ocean. Last year, I                                                                                                           18637 Yorba Linda Blvd.
          she was able to get off an insulin pump     went to Venice and invited all of my best friends to stay with me. It                                          • Breast Health             • Neurology
          and controlled her diabetes with diet,      was great. Italians have a wonderful saying: Il dolce far niente, which                                                                                                      UCI Health — Yorba Linda
          exercise and oral medication. After         means ‘the sweetness of doing nothing.’                                                                        • Cardiology                • Pain Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Primary Care
          a spinal cord injury 20 years ago, she        But the fact is, people with Parkinson’s know they are always
          closed her practice rather than work in     losing ground. The ability to improve is something we almost take                                              • Dermatology               • Physical Medicine               19871 Yorba Linda Blvd.
          a wheelchair. Three years ago she was       for granted in society. I think it’s important to educate people to
                                                                                                                                                                     • Imaging                     and Rehabilitation
          diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease,         understand that. It’s such a privilege to have a condition or disease
          an incurable neurodegenerative              you can rehabilitate from and become better. The people who love                                               • Integrative Health        • Urology
          condition that compromises balance          me have to watch my deterioration. With this disease you disappear                                                                                                            BASTANCHURY RD

          and coordination while diminishing          from the scene. It’s hard to get out in wheelchairs. It’s hard to use
          mental function. During her treatment       public transit. So we have to get the word out to help people with                                             For unmatched expertise and innovation, look no                  BLUE AGAVE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    YORBA LINDA BLVD
          for Parkinson’s at UCI Health, Jensen       Parkinson’s disease.                                                                                           further than UCI Health — Orange County’s only
          has become a committed advocate —             Eventually I think there will be treatments for Parkinson’s that                                                                                                      57
                                                                                                                                                                     academic health system.

          for research to prevent the disease and     will be up there in importance with the invention of antibiotics. The


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               L AK
          treatment to enhance the quality of

                                                      quality of life for people with the disease will be so much better. But

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              EVIEW AV

          patients’ lives.                            today we’re the ones who are going to have to make a difference. We

                                                      must go into our own checkbooks and write checks to fund research.
                                                      We have to teach the world about Parkinson’s disease. n                                                          To make an appointment,                                                             91

           To learn more about Parkinson’s disease,                                                                                                                    visit
                                                                                                                  — Cathy Jensen                                                                                                      55
           visit                                                                                                                       or call 714-790-8600

    18   LIVE WELL
  ORANGE, CA 92868–2990



No matter how you get involved with the
UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge, your participation
advances lifesaving cancer research at the
UC Irvine Chao Family Comprehensive
Cancer Center.

Join us for the third annual UCI Anti-Cancer
Challenge on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at
Aldrich Park on the UCI campus. Invite your
friends, family and coworkers to join you
on a team.
Register today at

UCI            Anti-Cancer
You can also read