The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON

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The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON

The only UK event
dedicated to the
safety, security
and wellbeing
of Lone Workers

Organised by:

Supported by:

The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON
                                                                                                 Programme                                                4-5    The challenge of change                                    17

                                                                                                 Speakers                                                 6-7
                                                                                                                                                                 A coffee & chat with Louise Ward                           21
                                                                                                 The exhibitors                                             8
                                                                                                                                                                 Wellbeing for lone workers                             24-25
                                                                                                 Ask the expert                                             8

                                                                                                 Getting to grips with lone working                   12-13      Positive engagement                                        28

                                adj. worth the time, money
                              and energy expended; valuable,
                                 beneficial and rewarding                                                                                                        Today we are inviting you to really get involved in the
                                                                                                 ...and thank you for attending                                  conversation and make the most of your time here. There
                                                                                                 the Lone Worker Safety                                          will be plenty of opportunities to pose your specific queries
                                                                                                                                                                 and questions to our speakers and time to chat with our
                                                                                                 Expo Conference 2018.                                           exhibitors too.
                                                                                                 We are so excited by this year’s programme and the              So, enjoy the conference, get involved with the question
                                                                                                 wonderful speakers and organisations who have agreed            and answer sessions and spend some time networking
                                                                                                 to support the event. This is the first year that the team at   and talking with like-minded people.
                                                                                                 Worthwhile Training have taken over the running of the day
                                                                                                 and everyone has worked really hard to put together this        Don’t forget you can even text your questions to our
                                                                                                 event that we hope you will find encouraging, informative       conference phone – 07866 252366.
If you are looking for high impact, effective training with measurable results, we can help...   and challenging.
                                                                                                                                                                 Have an amazing day!

   Lone Working Risk Assessment,                   Managing Workplace Conflict,                  Our aim is to provide a day that is full of practical
                                                                                                 knowledge and advice that will be valuable to everyone          Nicole Vazquez
   Policies and Procedures                         Violence and Aggression                       who has an interest in managing the Safety, Security            Director
   Personal Safety and Security                    Work-related Stress                           and Wellbeing of lone and remote workers.                       WORTHWHILE
   Safer Travel at Home and Abroad                 Train the Trainer                             Our ethos has always been to provide access to
                                                                                                 knowledgeable, well-respected speakers and trusted
   Lone Worker Skills and Strategies               Support Workshops and Mentoring               exhibitors in an accessible way. This year however, we have
                                                                                                 shaken up the programme and style of the day to include
   Home Visiting                                   Training Resources
                                                                                                 far more interactivity in the form of workshops, panel
   Managing Bullying and Harassment                Immersive drama-based workshops               discussions and our ‘Ask the expert’ sessions.

                                    Organisers of the Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018

Always happy to have                   01926 315511
a chat... if you think it's
Worthwhile training.                    @worthtraining

                                                                                                                                             |   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018              3
The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON
Programme                                                                  Room A                                                                        Room B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           AF TERNOON
                                                                                      13.30 – 14 .10 Working alone: Health and safety                               13.30 – 14 .10 Managing the mental health
                                                                                      risks, the controls and getting the balance right                             and wellbeing of your lone workers
                                                                                      When staff work alone, some incidents that affect safety are                  Lone working can for many people have a negative impact on
           08.45 Registration opens                                                   more likely to occur and some incidents can have greater                      individual’s stress levels and mental wellbeing. This practical
                                                                                                                                                                    workshop will explore:

                                                                                      consequences. In the absence of specific safety legislation
                                                                                      on lone working, we’ll explore:                                               -    the legal framework and the case for managing mental health
           09.00 ‘Ask the expert’ session                                             -    When and how to address lone working as a safety issue                   -    sources of organisational stress and how to spot signs and
           Pose your questions to our experts in Crime Reduction, Risk Management                                                                                        symptoms of distress in remote workers
                                                                                      -    The effect of lone working on traditional risk assessment
           and Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Orangery. This is also your first                                                                                 -    practical ideas to help support the wellbeing and mental
           opportunity to visit our trusted suppliers of lone worker services.        -    Balancing control and empowerment
                                                                                                                                                                         health of your lone workers.
           Tea and coffee will be served during this session leading up               -    Separating decisions from outcomes in a ‘Just’ organisation.
                                                                                                                                                                    Heather Beach | Managing Director
           to our keynote conference.                                                                                                                               The Healthy Work Company
                                                                                      Matt Trigg | Director | Human Applications

           10.00 Morning conference                                                   14.15 – 14.55                                                                 14.15 – 14.55
           There will be an opportunity at the end of each session to ask             Procuring a lone worker solution: Asking the right                            Designing and delivering the ‘right’ training
           your questions.                                                            questions and understanding the importance of BS8484                          for lone workers
           Or you can text in your questions at anytime to: 07866 252366.             With so many solutions, providers and different features                      There is a wealth of lone worker training on the market,
                                                                                      available it can be difficult to decide on what is suitable for the           with a huge variety of content. How do you know what to
                                                                                      needs of your organisation and lone workers. This workshop will               provide and whether it will have the desired impact on the safety,
           10.00 Welcome from our host                                                assist you in considering a number of factors before you invest               security and wellbeing of your lone workers. When it comes
                                                                                      your time and resources.                                                      to lone worker training ‘one size’ does not ‘fit all’. This workshop
           Nicole Vazquez | Director | Worthwhile Training                                                                                                          will help you to:
                                                                                      -    Identifying your need for and understanding the benefits
                                                                                           of an integrated lone worker solution                                    -    Identify the specific training needs of your workers
           10.10 Opening address                                                      -    Key questions to ask when procuring a system to meet your                -    Consider the required outcomes and the best way of
                                                                                           needs - assessing quality, assurance and features                             achieving them when developing or procuring effective
           Louise Ward | EHS Director | Siemens Mobility
                                                                                      -    A clear explanation of the importance and benefits of BS8484                  and meaningful training
                                                                                           when supporting your lone workers.                                       -    Ensure best value and return on your investment.
           10.30 Lone working: Organisations legal responsibilities                   Will Murray and Craig Swallow                                                 Adi Scott | Training Consultant
           and the implication of not addressing these                                Lone Worker Section | BSIA                                                    Worthwhile Training
           Sean Elson | Partner | Pinsent Masons LLP
                                                                                      Coffee break                                                                  Coffee break
           11.00 Issues for lone workers, including health                            Tea and Coffee will be served in the Orangery and you are welcome             Tea and Coffee will be served in the Orangery and you are welcome
                                                                                      to take your refreshments back in to the workshops.                           to take your refreshments back in to the workshops.
           and wellbeing concerns
           Barbara Hockey | Head of Vulnerable Workers Team
           Health and Safety Executive
                                                                                      15.15 – 15.55 Managing violence and aggression                                15.15 – 15.55 Contingency planning and practical
                                                                                      within your workplace                                                         advice for major incidents and terrorist attacks when
                                                                                      Many organisations are experiencing higher levels of violence                 travelling in the UK and abroad
           11.30 Managing the challenges of lone working                              and aggression towards frontline staff, but finding effective ways            In today’s workplace it is commonplace for staff to travel out and
           in a NHS Foundation Trust                                                  to mange this can be challenging. This workshop will explore the              about across the UK or even abroad. In today’s world this brings
                                                                                      following areas:                                                              with it specific concerns about staff safety and how to manage it.
           Chris Shaw | Head of Health and Safety | NEFLT NHS
                                                                                      -    Risk assessing conflict for the lone worker                              This workshop will:
           Foundation Trust
                                                                                      -    Procuring training for managing violence and aggression                  -    Provide proactive, practical advice and support for staff
                                                                                                                                                                         who travel for business
                                                                                      -    Physical skills for self-defence – do they even work?
           12.00 Panel discussion on technology                                                                                                                     -    Explore terrorism life skills for staff to help keep
           and training solutions                                                     -    Accounting for your actions – what is reasonable force?                       themselves safe
           Your opportunity to ask questions of our speakers and to hear their        Doug Melia | Director | Safer Handling                                        -    Help organisations improve the security culture within
           views on the latest thinking in lone worker risk control measures.                                                                                            the workplace and demonstrate that they have taken their
                                                                                                                                                                         ‘duty of care’ to their staff seriously
                                                                                                                                                                    -    Suggest practical communication strategies in the event
           12.30 Lunch and networking                                                                                                                                    of an incident.
           Enjoy your lunch (which will be served in the Orangery),                                                                                                 Christine Morrison | Training Consultant | CMA Training
           mingle with likeminded professionals and take another
           opportunity to visit our exhibitors.

                                                                                      16.00     Summary of the day and final ‘Ask the expert’ session
           13.30 Workshops                                                            At the end of the day you will be welcomed back into the Orangery for our closing address, your final chance to pick the brains of our experts and
           This afternoon you are invited to choose from our interactive and          exhibitors and a special treat from our friends at Chapmans!
           informative workshops. There will be a few minutes between sessions
           to allow you to swap rooms if necessary.                                   16.30     Event closes

  4        Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018                    |    @LWS_conference                                                                    |   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018                     5
The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON
                                                                                                                                                                DCI Georgie Barnard                                                     Heather Beach
                                                                                                                                                                Head of Operations                                                      Managing Director
                                                                                                                                                                National Business Crime Centre                                          The Healthy Work Company
                                                                                                                                                                 Georgie is currently Detective Chief Inspector                         Heather Beach is the founder of The Healthy
                     Louise Ward                                                           Barbara Hockey                                      in the Metropolitan Police leading the first ever National             Work Company, a training company specialising in mental health
                     EHS Director | Siemens Mobility                                       Head of Vulnerable Workers Team                     Business Crime Centre, to support all 43 Forces and national           and influencing skills training. She has been running businesses
                                                                                           Health and Safety Executive                         businesses in tackling crime. She has been responsible for             in the health and safety community for over 20 years. Having
                       Louise Ward is a Chartered Health and Safety                                                                                                                                                   started in information services, she moved to Barbour and
                                                                                                                                               delivering a range of business crime initiatives at a tactical level
                       Professional with over 17 years experience                          Barbara Hockey leads on the Health and                                                                                     then to Safety & Health Expo, SHP, and IOSH conference.
                                                                                                                                               and oversaw the development of London’s first team of officers
    in a variety of sectors including; nuclear power; newspaper          Safety Executive’s policy issues related to vulnerable workers,
                                                                                                                                               dedicated to business crime for the Metropolitan Police. Now           Heather is a specialist in organisational cultural change. A
    production; investment banking; facilities management;               including Lone Workers. This is a wide policy area covering all
                                                                                                                                               working alongside all Constabularies, enforcement agencies &           qualified coach, she and her team are committed to transforming
    manufacturing and the Civil Service, railway operations              types of worker and also issues related to labour abuse and
                                                                                                                                               specialist departments, including National Counter Terrorism,          the way in which the health and safety profession is viewed by
    and waste water management.                                          modern slavery. Barbara has previously worked on health and
                                                                                                                                               the City of London Police in relation to Fraud and cyber offences,     the general public. She is the founder of Women in Health and
                                                                         safety policy topics for small businesses and the utilities sector,
    As well as being a practicing health and safety specialist, Louise                                                                         she is determined to provide a coordinated response to business        Safety and the Barbour webinar series which attracts over 3000
                                                                         developing guidance and implementing regulatory changes.
    has been involved in the development of legislation, guidance                                                                              crime nationally.                                                      attendees a month.
    material and regulatory policy. She has a particular interest in     Barbara has a wider Civil Service background in strategy,
                                                                                                                                               In addition, she leads on the national Police and Security (PaS)
    professional development and supports a number of initiatives        customer service and operational environments.
    in this area as well as writing for the trade press.
                                                                                                                                               initiative, aimed at improving collaboration between police                              Christine Morrison
                                                                                                                                               and private security. Georgie represents the police as member
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Training Consultant | CMA Training
                                                                                                                                               of the security board for shopping centres, a member of the
                                                                                           Adi Scott                                                                                                                                   Formerly a Merseyside Police sergeant, and
                                                                                                                                               consultative board for the CT Cross-sector Safety & Security
                     Doug Melia                                                            Training Consultant | Worthwhile Training                                                                                                   specialist crime prevention advisor with Greater
                                                                                                                                               Communications hub (CSSC) and sits on the Home Office
                     Director | Safer Handling                                             Adi has worked in the field of Lone Working,        National Retail Crime Steering Group.                                  Manchester Police, Christine now runs a training consultancy.
                     Training globally on the use of force Doug                            Personal Safety and Wellbeing as a Consultant                                                                              She has delivered training workshops and consultancy in crime
                     works as a full-time training consultant and        and Trainer since 1985, providing support and training to                                                                                    prevention, designing out crime and personal safety since 2001.
    has several published use of force DVDs, has featured in the         organisations throughout the UK across a wide range of                                 Will Murray                                           Christine has worked with the Home Office, the College of
    Guardian, the Times Education supplement, on BBC 5live and           private and public sector. He worked for many years as a                               Chair | BSIA Lone Worker Section                      Policing, individual police forces and an extensive range of public,
    Panorama. He trains and advises across the UK, Australia, Grand      senior consultant for the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, developing                              Marketing Director, Send for Help Group               private and voluntary sector organisations in the UK and abroad.
    Cayman, Mallorca, The Netherlands, USA as well as cruise ships       their training offering and their training team.                                                                                             Christine’s style is proactive and practical and the advice she
                                                                                                                                                                Will Murray is the Chair of the British
    and anywhere the need arises.                                                                                                                                                                                     offers is definitely worth listening to!
                                                                         Adi is renowned for his mentoring and enabling approach.              Security Industry Association’s (BSIA) Lone Worker Section.
    Doug holds his close protection licence and spent many years in      He combines his own excellent communication skills with his in-       He is a passionate campaigner for best practice in the lone
    enforcement and working in personal security. He is a married        depth knowledge of physiology, human behaviour, neuroscience,         worker market and has been heavily involved in the ongoing                               Sean Elson
    father of two who resides in Lytham St Annes (when he is home        and conflict management to help present training sessions that        development of the BS 8484 industry standard.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Partner | Pinsent Masons LLP
    that is).                                                            are realistic, practical, interactive and thought-provoking.
                                                                                                                                               Having qualified at the Chartered Institute of Marketing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sean is a Partner at Pinsent Masons. The
                                                                                                                                               Will has over 20 years of marketing experience working in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        main focus of his work is health and safety.
                                                                                                                                               technology companies, nine years of which in the personal
                     Craig Swallow                                                         Matthew Trigg                                                                                                              He provides both pro-active advice on safety issues and
                                                                                                                                               safety industry. Will is the Marketing Director and co-founder         representation for clients during Coroners’ Inquests and
                     Managing Director | SoloProtect,                                      Director | Human Applications                       of the Send For Help Group - the largest lone worker protection
                     Vice Chair | BSIA Lone Worker Section                                                                                                                                                            investigations by the HSE and police following workplace
                                                                                          Matthew is a Director of Human Applications          provider in the world, comprised of the Skyguard, Peoplesafe           accidents. He has advised clients in all sectors of industry
                      Craig Swallow is Vice Chair of the BSIA lone                        and an ergonomist by training. He specialises        and Guardian24 brands. The Group has been ranked in the                but in particular he has successfully defended clients in the
    worker group and Managing Director of SoloProtect. Craig             in supporting pragmatic risk management in large organisations        Sunday Times’ Fast Track 100 list of Britain’s fastest growing         construction and manufacturing sectors.
    came up with the idea for a discreet personal alarm that             and typically works with organisations with unusual risk profiles.    companies in 2016 and 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sean is Secretary of the Health and Safety Lawyers Association
    incorporates cellular and GPS technology designed to look like
                                                                         He was a co-author of Croner’s Managing Off-site and Mobile                                                                                  and is a Trustee and Director of the Construction Health
    a regular ID card in 2001. Called SoloProtect ID, it’s a product
                                                                         Work. Matt brings his vast knowledge and many years of                                 Nicole Vazquez                                        and Safety Group, a charitable safety organisation for the
    that the company sold over 250,000 of in a number of sectors
                                                                         experience to life with his engaging style and down to earth,                                                                                construction industry. He has written and lectured widely
    and geographies. Its deliberately discreet form has helped                                                                                                  Director | Worthwhile Training                        on legal health and safety issues.
                                                                         workable solutions approach.
    thousands of lone workers raise an alert when faced with
                                                                                                                                                                Nicole is the founder of Worthwhile Training
    aggression or abuse, its audio capabilities mean employers
                                                                                                                                                                and the organiser of the Lone Worker
    can benefit from capturing evidence such as threats, racial          Chris Shaw                                                            Safety Expo. She has over 20 years experience in assisting                               Duncan Spencer
    abuse and sexual harassment.
                                                                         Head of Health & Safety | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust                  organisations within many sectors to manage the risks                                    Head of Information & Intelligence | IOSH
    Craig has recently been involved in the drafting of BS8593,                                                                                associated with employee’s safety, security and wellbeing.
                                                                         Chris Shaw is someone who is passionate about keeping                                                                                                         Duncan is the Head of Information &
    the UK’s Standard for the deployment & use of Body Worn                                                                                                                                                                            Intelligence and is a Chartered Fellow of IOSH.
                                                                         people safe. Now the Head of Health and Safety for NELFT              She has written countless training solutions and resources
    Video (BWV) which was published for the first time this                                                                                                                                                           He has extensive experience in field of OSH having delivered
                                                                         NHS Foundation Trust, Chris has previously worked in both             including ‘Managing Personal Safety at Work: a Guide’ and
    year. SoloProtect now develops lone worker devices                                                                                                                                                                consultancy for many government and blue-chip organisations
                                                                         the private and public sectors with a background in security,         ‘SWeRVe 2’, a nationwide training strategy on managing violence
    which incorporate streaming video as well as audio.                                                                                                                                                               at home and abroad. His corporate experience includes leading
                                                                         business continuity and health and safety. Chris views himself as     and aggression in the workplace for the UK rail industry. The
                                                                         not the traditional stereotype of a health and safety practitioner    Worthwhile Training team’s innovative and interactive training         the OSH team at the John Lewis Partnership for 10 years.
                                                                         that one may expect. He believes in diversity and encourages          style (including immersive drama-based workshops) always               Duncan will be available in our ‘Ask the expert’ sessions and you
                                                                         people of all ages, gender and backgrounds to get involved.           receive excellent feedback with their advice to companies              can come along and talk to him about the impact of lone working
                                                                                                                                               valued for its pragmatic, straightforward approach and                 on mental health and wellbeing an how to build personal and
                                                                                                                                               measurable results.                                                    organisational resilience to mental health issues connected
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      with lone working.

6   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018                   |   @LWS_conference                                                                                                                              |   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018                   7
The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON
The symbol of quality
    The exhibitors                                                                                                                        and professionalism in
          K1          TEA/
                                                                                                                                          the security industry

                                   S1          K4            LUNCH           LUNCH


                                                                                                                                          The BSIA has been leading the way

               K3                  S2              S3                        S4        S5       S6                                        in shaping the security industry in
                                                               RECEPTION                                                                  the UK for over 50 years.
                                                                                                                                          As the voice of the security industry, we
                                                                                                                                          support members and encourage excellence,
                                                                                                                                          while educating the marketplace on the value
    Worthwhile Training                                         K1                Skyguard                                           S3   of quality and professional security, creating an
                                                                                                                                          atmosphere in which our members can flourish.
    Reliance Protect                                            K2                Bold Communications                                S4

    Everbridge                                                  K3                LONEALERT                                          S5
                                                                                                                                          Representation: we work with
    Solo Protect                                                K4                Voice Connect                                      S6   Government to ensure that views and
                                                                                                                                          concerns of members are taken into account
    LoneWorkerSite                                              S1                First2HelpYou                                      S7

    ANT Telecom                                                 S2                Blackline Safety                                   S8
                                                                                                                                          Standards: we are at the forefront of
                                                                                                                                          standards development

         ASK THE EXPERT                                                                                                                   Profile: we speak out to the media on
         This year we are excited to be joined by knowledgable experts who will be available for the first session of the day,
         again during the workshops and finally for our summary session.                                                                  issues facing the industry and promote the
         You can find them at the high tables in the middle of the Orangery. Please feel free to go along and have a chat,                capability of members
         pose your questions and generally pick their brains!

         Duncan Spencer                                                Georgie Barnard                       Matt Trigg | Director
         Head of Information                                           Head of Operations | National         Human Applications

                                                                                                                                          MANPOWER - TECHNICAL - SPECIALIST
         and Intelligence | IOSH                                       Business Crime Centre
                                                                                                             Subject Matter: Duty
         Subject Matter: Building organisational and                   Subject Matter: Reducing crime        of care towards lone
         personal resilience to mental health and                      to keep staff safe                    and remote workers
         wellbeing risks for lone and remote workers

         We hope you find this addition to our event useful.

8   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018               |        @LWS_conference
The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON
Stand Number: K4

A Range of
Lone Worker Devices

 A new generation of lone worker     Discretion and immediacy when you          elp is always at hand with         mall on si e, big on protection.
 safety and Body Worn Video (BWV).   need it most. Proven technology used      our lone worker wearable.        An alternative form factor for a user
 The most comprehensive platform        by over 260,000 lone workers.                                                    not displaying D.
          for worker safety.

                                                                                To Fit the Needs of
Discreet to Use
247/365 ARC Support
                                                                                    Your Workforce
BS 8484:2016 & EN 50518 Accredited                                                                 
The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON
Getting to grips with lone working
                                                                                                                                                           If lone working makes up a large element of your activities       You may want to concentrate on specific areas of the lone
                                                                                                                                                           then a lone working policy is the ideal place to set out your     workers role - driving, cashing and locking up, etc. Or you
                                                                                                                                                           ethos and approach to lone working and associated risks.          may want to cover a broader base, providing transferable
                                                                                           And consider how an incident could effect                                                                                         skills and approaches - dynamic risk assessment tools,
     Lone Working is commonplace.                                                          your organisation:
                                                                                                                                                           Working procedures are vital and offer workers clear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             situational and behavioural awareness, communication
                                                                                                                                                           guidance and set expectations and responsibilities for
     It is estimated that up to eight million                                              -   Business interruption;                                      day-to-day activities. For lone working procedures to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and conflict management skills, etc. You may even identify
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the need to provide major incident training, physical
     people are lone workers across the                                                    -   Investigation and employee support costs;                   adopted and translated into actions that will have a positive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             intervention or first aid training – it all depends on
                                                                                                                                                           impact on safety they need to be aspirational and effective
     UK and that equates to 25 per cent                                                    -   Potential for prosecution or legal action;
                                                                                                                                                           while at the same time realistic and achievable which is not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the type of risk.
                                                                                           -   Loss of staff (absenteeism and presenteeism);
     of the working population.                                                                                                                            always an easy balance.                                           Remember you’re not teaching lone workers how to do
                                                                                           -   Effect on staff recruitment;                                                                                                  their job from scratch, but you are potentially asking them
     There is no law that specifically prohibits lone working and                          -   Impact on staff morale and customer experience;             Practical measures                                                to change behaviours that have become comfortable
     many organisations and their employees find it beneficial.                                                                                                                                                              habits. Even lone workers who are concerned about their
                                                                                           -   Damage to brand and reputation.                             In terms of applied control measures to reduce lone
     Certainly there are financial savings to be made when                                                                                                                                                                   safety can find it hard to make changes unless they can
     employing one person to complete a task rather than                                                                                                   working risk, technology has really come to the foreground
                                                                                           So how can organisations ensure that they have                                                                                    see and feel the value.
     two and often we hear that workers enjoy the autonomy                                                                                                 over the past few years. The latest advances mean that
                                                                                           fulfilled their legal and moral responsibility for the safety
     and freedom lone working can offer.                                                                                                                   remote workers can be located with a great level of               Whatever you decide, you need to tailor training so that
                                                                                           of their lone workers? And how can we use training and
                                                                                                                                                           accuracy allowing assistance to be sent if needed.                it is reflective of the individual and groups needs. The
                                                                                           technology to improve safety and engage with the unions
     So why has a whole industry developed selling training                                                                                                                                                                  training should provide practical strategies and actions
                                                                                           and trade bodies?                                               And when in need of help, the varied ways in which lone
     and technology based solutions to manage lone working?                                                                                                                                                                  that can be applied in the real world and offer lone workers
     And why has it become such a safety concern that many                                                                                                 workers can summon assistance has also improved. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             opportunities to apply and build on their existing skills.
     trade bodies and unions have taken a stand against it?
                                                                                           Assess the risks                                                ability to make a discreet call for assistance can help in
                                                                                           The first step is to identify where and when lone working       situations where workers are faced with aggression or             Just remember, whatever the risk faced by your lone
     The answer seems to be risk. Although Lone Working in                                                                                                 violence and more reliable man-down systems can help              workers, it is ultimately their behaviour and actions
                                                                                           is occurring in your business. The Health and Safety
     itself is actually not the risk, it can and does act as a factor                                                                                      when workers are unable to make the call themselves.              that will keep them safe. A clear message that ‘safety is
                                                                                           Executive’s (HSE) definition is straightforward: “Those that
     (that should not be ignored) in many instances where staff                                                                                                                                                              paramount’ that is reinforced by the culture within your
                                                                                           work by themselves without close or direct supervision”.        Two-way communication has improved with wearable
     may be harmed.                                                                                                                                                                                                          organisation is the most powerful way to drive behaviours.
                                                                                           Note, it makes no reference to timespan and/or place of         technology that not only allows the lone worker to
     Staff that lone work are more likely to be subjected to                               work. We often find that organisations forget those people      communicate, but also sends out local and timely
     physical violence, aggression and abuse. For frontline                                who only occasionally lone work, just for short periods of      information that could have an impact on safety
     and customer facing staff this may be as a result of dealing                          time or who are left in the office when everyone else goes      directly to the worker.
     with angry customers, preventing theft, enforcing rules                               out and about. It is important to capture your lone working
     or managing unacceptable behaviour.                                                   wherever and whenever it occurs.                                Frontline staff that face regular aggression are also being
                                                                                                                                                           equipped with body worn video and while some unions
     Sadly in today’s society we have to consider the potential                            Once acknowledged, your risk assessments should identify        have been resistant to these in the past, the results speak
     for particularly nasty incidents such as; knife attacks,                              how it can impact on existing risks or create new risks         for themselves and it would be difficult to argue against the
     sexual assault, acid attacks or even major terrorist                                                                                                  positive impact (when combined with effective training)
                                                                                           There is a great benchmark set by HSE that “Lone workers
     incidents. While these kinds of incidents are extremely                                                                                               these devices are having.
                                                                                           should not be put at more risk than other employees”.1
     rare, they can and do have an impact on the fear levels
                                                                                           However, in reality this can be a hard standard to reach.
     and confidence of those working alone.
                                                                                           There will be additional controls needed and it may mean        Training
     Lone working can also have an effect on more general                                  that certain tasks are assessed as too dangerous (and           All of the above solutions can have an impact on
     health and safety risks. Although, there is nothing to                                uncontrollable) to be carried out by a lone person.             confidence and go some way towards demonstrating
     suggest that a lone worker is more likely to have a medical                                                                                           your commitment to the safety of your staff. But, lone
     emergency or be taken ill. There is a very real potential                                                                                             workers also need to have the ability and skills to make
     for an increase in the level of harm where help cannot be                                                                                             the right choices and stay safe as well. Effective training for
     summoned quickly. Similarly, if the lone worker has an
     accident, without some means of calling for assistance,
                                                                                               "Lone workers                                               lone workers is crucially important to ensure competence.

                                                                                                should not be put
                                                                                                                                                           The variety of lone working, even within one business,
     any injury sustained may increase in severity.
                                                                                                                                                           can be huge, so it makes sense to explore what specific
     Aside from specific incidents, it is commonly accepted                                                                                                training is required, as a sheep-dip approach is simply
     that working alone (especially for long periods or high
     pressure situations) can increase the levels of stress,
                                                                                                at more risk than                                          a waste of time, money and resources.

                                                                                                                                                           A solid ‘training needs analysis’ should take into
     which in turn can have a detrimental impact on mental
     health and wellbeing.                                                                      other employees."                                          consideration the activity, identified risks, current
                                                                                                                                                           skills, knowledge and experience your lone workers
                                                                                                                                                           may already have.
     HSE INDG73 ‘Working alone: Health and safety guidance on the risks of lone working’

12   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018                               |    @LWS_conference                                                                                                                    |   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018              13
The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON
protect                                                                                       Pulse
A lone worker is never alone

                                                                                                                             Pulse is styled as a key fob, making it compact and
                                                                                                                             discreet yet easy to to keep close at hand. Dust
                                                                                                                             and water resistant, its large SOS alarm button
                                                                                                                             makes calling for assistance easy, whenever
                                                                                                                             necessary. Pulse also features excellent battery
                                                protect                                                                      life and GPS location performance, as well
                 A lone worker is never alone
                                                                                                                             as non-movement and impact detection.

                A lone worker
                is never alone                                                                                                                                                       ID Badge

                Reliance Protect is one of the most secure and trusted                                                                                                               The Reliance Protect ID badge personal safety
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                across the UK.                                                                                                                                                       deploying more than 80,000 over the last 9 years.

                   Leading the                    Comprehensive       Monitoring the    Tailored lone   Training expertise
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                  accreditations.                    and apps.        of thousands of    solutions.        supporting
                                                                       lone workers.                         services.

                                                                                                                             Smartphone Apps
                                                                                                                             We offer a feature rich BS8484 accredited lone
                                                                                                                             worker app designed for smartphones and
                                                                                                                             rugged PDA’s and is available on Android.
                Our range of personal safety devices and apps are linked to our 24/7
                dedicated monitoring centre. We provide solutions for a wide range of
                lone working applications and environments.

                                         You can find us at stand number K2.
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                                                                                                                                                                                    The Loner M6 personal safety device is
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The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON
The challenge of change
                                                         As the influence of technology in the lone worker sector grows, what challenges
                                                         can employers expect when integrating solutions into their organisations?
                                                         Ahead of his presentation at this year’s Lone Worker Safety Expo, Mark Glover
                                                         spoke to Craig Swallow, MD at SoloProtect, about this and other barriers holding
                                                         back the industry.
                                                         In the 1980s, a long time before apps and i-Pads, the              However, he says issues surface when the agreed solution
                                                         Psion Organiser was the gadget to have. Storing addresses          is communicated to other employees. “The bigger challenge
                                                         and an electronic diary it’s since been revered as the             is when it filters down to the direct-lines of management who
                                                         world’s first Personal Digital Assistant. The British              have responsibilities for the lone workers,” he says. “Often
                                                         company that designed it – Psion – are seen as                     they’re the ones that are left to manage the topic and they
                                                         innovators in the digital world.                                   perhaps don’t quite understand what’s in it for them, when
                                                                                                                            they’re also having to manage other KPIs and responsibilities.”
                                                         Craig Swallow worked at Psion for a number of years, and
                                                         now at SoloProtect, that thread of innovation continues            Craig makes a valid point here: health and safety duties
                                                         although the focus is now on people and keeping them safe.         are often picked-up by staff whose focus could be security,
                                                         “I’m in my fifties now,” he tells me over the phone, “and have     facilities; even HR and this becomes further diluted when
                                                         always been involved with technology. This market is the only      introducing a lone worker solution into the fold. “Finding
                                                         market I’ve been in, where we apply technology to reduce risk      and making sure that someone has the lead on this topic, and
                                                         and at the end of the day save lives,” he pauses slightly,         takes responsibility for leading on the topic is all important,”
                                                         “and that gives us all a great feeling.”                           Craig continues. “From an employer’s perspective, it [lone
                                                                                                                            working] is like a jigsaw; trying to piece together the over-
                                                         Craig, along with Will Murray from Send for Help Group,
                                                                                                                            arching picture that they’ve got in respect of risk. Employers
                                                         is presenting a workshop at this year’s Lone Worker Safety
                                                                                                                            have to try and pull the facts together from across the business,
                                                         Expo on the process of procuring a lone worker solution.
                                                                                                                            so collaboration is very important.”
                                                         Elaborating on the topic, Craig suggests to me that once
                                                         a technology solution has been introduced, the challenge           Craig admits questioning the speed at which the sector
Transforming lone worker safety with real-time
                                                         remains in fully absorbing the system into an organisation’s       has progressed. “I’ve been kind of critical of our industry over
connectivity and 24/7 live monitoring                    framework. “With the vast majority of firms that we engage         the last couple of years. Solutions that are available today are
                                                         with, the biggest challenge that they face is getting staff to     largely the same as what they were five, six, even seven years
Blackline Safety presents the future of work-anywhere    use the system that has been provided to them,” he explains.       ago,” he says “I think there’s not been enough innovation
connected safety technology. Unlike traditional          “It requires a very concerted top-to-bottom approach from an       in our industry and that’s something that we are hellbent
safety monitors, our G7c family delivers the tools and   employer’s perspective so that every stakeholder in the business   on changing.”
monitoring your lone workers need, no matter the         buys into that and understands what’s expected of them.”
circumstances.                                           I put to Craig that health and safety engagement (which
                                                         incorporates lone working risk-management) still requires
G7c connects your team with Blackline’s 24/7             board-level buy-in, and should be viewed as a strategic
Alarm Receiving Centre via two-way speakerphone,         decision. His response is an encouraging one: “I would
providing live emergency management for every            say employers are getting better with this. I would say
scenario, the moment it happens. Every employee is       the c-suite has become more aware and I think that’s
accounted for with accurate location tracking, even in   because they’ve better understood the personal
remote locations, so someone will always answer their    impact to them if they have a high-profile incident.”
call for help. From monitoring your lone workers to
despatching the nearest responders and evacuating
facilities, alarms don’t save people — people save
                                                             "We apply technology
                                                              to reduce risk and at
                                                              the end of the day save lives"
                                                                                                         |   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018                 17
The only UK event dedicated to the safety, security and wellbeing of Lone Workers - 2ND OCTOBER 2018 THE KINGS FUND, CAVENDISH SQUARE CENTRAL LONDON
In the face of critical events, such as terrorism, active
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A coffee & chat with Louise Ward
                                                                    Louise Ward has held roles at Network Rail, Thames Water
                                                                    and the British Safety Council. Mark Glover caught up with
                                                                    the Director of Health, Safety and Environment at Siemens to
                                                                    discuss the changing nature of work, the impact of technology
                                                                    and what motivates her to get up in the morning.
                                    I first met Louise in 2013 when I was Commissioning Editor         “Traditionally, you might have thought of lone working as
                                    on the Safety and Health Practitioner (SHP) magazine.              the contractor working at the far end of a depot doing a filter
                                    At the time, she was Head of Passenger and Public Safety           change on his or her own,” she says, “and we’ve been managing
                                    at Network Rail; and a year later was promoted to Head             that kind of lone working fairly effectively for a number of years
                                    of Health, Safety and Welfare. A spell at Thames Water             but now there’s been this big shift in the world of work where
                                    followed and in 2016 joined the British Safety Council             there’s a large staff number who might previously have been
                                    as its Policy and Standards and Communications Director.           based in an office but are now location independent workers.
                                                                                                       There’s this population of thousands of people who are not
                                    When we speak on the phone Louise is still fairly fresh
                                                                                                       checking-in or arriving at a fixed place of work at any point
                                    in her new role at Siemens as its Health, Safety and
                                                                                                       in the day.”
                                    Environment Director. She oversees the mobility side
                                    of the business which encompasses transportation and rail,         Technology and wellbeing are themes of this year’s Lone
                                    an industry she’s happy to return to. “It’s brilliant and I’m      Worker Safety Expo, alongside presentations on legislation
                                    really loving it,” she enthuses. “I’m back in rail. There’s lots   and best practice. Louise thinks attending such events is
                                    to do but it’s an exciting business which is currently going       vital for health and safety professionals. “Every aspect of
                                    through a very exciting time.”                                     safety risk management is about finding out what other people
                                                                                                       are doing and learning from their experiences,” she advises.
                                    And busy she will be: Siemens Mobility recently won a
                                                                                                       “You can talk to people who are creating products and software
                                    £1.5 billion contract to build 94 trains for the London
                                                                                                       solutions and help them to understand what they can do to
                                    Underground; an epic project that requires, in-turn, the
                                                                                                       innovate in technology and help you and your business.”
                                    construction of a factory in East Yorkshire to complete
                                    the order, requiring her to visit the site regularly when          Louise’s forward-thinking approach was evident when
                                    operational.                                                       we first met at SHP’s offices five years ago and it remains
                                                                                                       today. She is the ideal person to deliver the opening address
                                    Travelling the length and breadth of the country is nothing
                                                                                                       at this year’s Lone Worker Safety Expo and I urge all
                                    new for Louise though. She has an office in Euston, London
                                                                                                       delegates to take their seats early to hear her introduction.
                                    but she tells me little time is spent there. “Generally, I’m out
                                    and about. We’ve got depots throughout the country. So, I’m
-   Fully managed solutions         either out on these depots or other office buildings,” she says.

-   BS8484 accredited               Working remotely from home, coffee shops or on the train

-   Simple apps & devices           with no fixed base is common. As long as there is wi-fi then
                                    most employees can work as if they were in the office.
-   Online monitoring portal        However, Louise, who is delivering the opening address
                                    at this year’s Lone Worker Safety Expo, thinks this change
-   Reliable trusted service        in the nature of work; brought on, in part by technology,
-   Monitored round the clock       is also changing the nature of lone-working.

-   Device & manager training

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                                                                                    |   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018                  21
The wise choice in
                                                                                           lone worker protection
                                                                                                  Come to see us on stand S5 at the Lone Worker Safety Expo,
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                                                                                                           views on what your business needs from a
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                                                                                                                 1.                                     2.                           3.
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                                                                                           visit: || tweet: @loneworking                       Overseeing Working aLone
Wellbeing for lone workers
                                                                                                                                              Have sufficient opportunities                                   When lone workers return after
                                                                                                                                       5      to communicate with lone                                 9      mental ill-health, how will their
                                                                                                                                              workers been identified?                                        return to work be managed to
     10 mental health management questions you need to ask                                                                           The absence of the lone worker from the main workplace                   aid their recovery?
                                                                                                                                     for long periods makes quality communication harder to          There is good evidence to prove that the recovery from
                                                                                                                                     achieve. It makes it harder for the lone worker to build        mental ill-health is more successful when it involves a
                                                                                                                                     empathy with other team members and gain a sense of             return to work. Workers regain confidence and self-esteem
                                                                                                                                     mutual support and working to a common goal. It is more         much more quickly when they are engaged and productive.
     Being in good, fulfilling work include being financially stable, having access to                                               difficult for the manager to assess how well the lone worker    Recovery is facilitated by direct and timely peer and
     social networking and the development of high self-esteem is vital for people’s                                                 is performing and dealing with the pressure of the role.        manager support which may be more difficult for lone
                                                                                                                                                                                                     workers. This fact points towards the need for processes
     physical health and mental wellbeing.                                                                                                    Are managers suitably                                  to ensure the close collaboration between managers

     These important elements are easily eroded if                   The unique working circumstances of a lone worker has
                                                                                                                                       6      competent to manage                                    and the health & safety professional, occupational

     organisations do not combat the ‘out of sight –                 implications for job design, task management and leadership.             lone workers with mental                               health practitioner, NHS mental health case manager,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Human Resources and other stakeholders.
     out of mind’ mentality sometimes associated                     Being out of the main workplace on their own for long                    ill-health problems?
     with lone workers when it arises in their culture.              periods means they have less opportunity for peer and
                                                                                                                                     While managers must understand what may cause mental
                                                                                                                                                                                                              What are you
     We must recognise that a lone worker has
     the same needs as any other employee.
                                                                     management support. These ten questions will help you to
                                                                     ensure that your organisation is best prepared to mitigate
                                                                                                                                     ill-health in lone workers and be working to mitigate            10      going to do?
                                                                                                                                     them, they may not fully understand their role in helping
                                                                     the risk of work-related mental ill health in lone workers.                                                                     Reflecting on these questions will no doubt indicate
     A lone worker is as vulnerable as the next employee                                                                             employees to recover in the workplace. Managers may
     to work-related or personal stressors that can lead             Duncan Spencer                                                  not fully understand medical in confidence or how to            possible weaknesses in your organisation’s arrangements
     to mental ill-health if not managed.                            Head of Information & Intelligence | IOSH                       modify work load and manage the individual in a way that        for preventing and managing mental ill-health for lone
                                                                                                                                     promotes recovery. This is a clear training requirement.        workers. The biggest question of all is how can you make
                                                                                                                                                                                                     sure it is on the organisation’s agenda and how can you
                                                                                                                                              Should we invest in the                                encourage improvements to be made?
                                                                                                                                       7      provision of mental health                             In summary, the effort needed to get this right is worth
               Is the organisation’s wellbeing                                Have lone working roles
       1       policy fully understood?                                3      been analysed to identify the
                                                                                                                                              first aiders (MHFAs)?                                  it. It helps to ensure happy and fulfilled lone workers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     It produces a win, win situation. Enlightened organisations
                                                                                                                                     As with any other risk, organisations must actively and
     Most organisations have a wellbeing policy and associated                frustrations and challenges that                       creatively work to prevent work-related mental health.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     are realising it improves productivity, reduces staff
     procedures, but few have considered what modification                    may cause mental ill-health?                           The provision of mental health first aiders and/or a helpline
                                                                                                                                                                                                     turnover and increases profitability. More importantly,
     may be necessary to ensure that, despite their remote                                                                                                                                           it is morally and ethically the right thing to do!
                                                                     The founding principle of health & safety is to take steps to   is a recovery control, not a preventative measure. A MHFA
     circumstances and challenges in communication, lone             prevent harm. Without understanding how undue pressure          does not provide treatment but is trained to empathise,
     workers have in effect equal access to the arrangements.        may arise, the day to day management of lone workers will       diffuse negative feelings and help the sufferer to take
     The policy and procedures need to be fully understood           not be fully informed and consequently causal factors may       ownership of their condition and in seeking medical
     by all managers and employees. It should be part of the         not be well managed.                                            intervention. If MHFAs are trained and appointed, you must
     organisation’s positive messages and concerted efforts                                                                          consider how your lone workers will gain access to them.
     to destigmatise the issue.
                                                                              Does your organisation’s training
                                                                       4      of lone workers include building                                Does your organisation
               Are line managers held fully                                                                                            8
       2       accountable for their role in
                                                                              mental health resilience?                                       investigate the mental health
                                                                                                                                              breakdown of a lone worker?
                                                                     Traditionally management systems have been focussed
               preserving and enhancing the
                                                                     on how to react when a lone worker complains of work-           We routinely investigate an incident that results in
               wellbeing of lone workers?                            related mental ill-health. Part of the preventative measures    physical injury to understand what went wrong and how
     Line managers usually understand what they are                  organisations should consider is how to educate workers         controls can be improved. All organisations must put in
     responsible for, but the pressures of work mean that they       to identify early symptoms in themselves. The adoption          place the necessary arrangements for the assembly
     sometimes they leave some of them to one side. In truth,        of techniques or exercises to help the worker to analyse        of an investigating team. They must develop methods
     they concentrate on those aspects of their responsibilities     issues, find personal solutions and thereby build their         of extracting the organisational learning from a lone
     that are measured. Any policy and procedure will only be        resilience to similar situations in the future is needed.       worker mental health case in order
     effectively implemented if performance indicators are           Promoting and enabling this mindset will help lone              to make system and control
     identified and individuals held accountable for achieving       workers to build resilience to the causes of common             improvements when necessary.
     them. Accountability with performance measures must             mental disorders.
     extent to lone worker mental health.

24   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018              |   @LWS_conference                                                                                                              |   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018             25
Voice Connect
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                                                  BUT        NOT          ALONE
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                                                                                         Skyguard Ltd, 457 Kingston Road, Epsom, Surrey KT19 0DB
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                                                                                                                 Skyguard Limited is part of the Send for Help Group.
Positive engagement
     Making employees confident and competent sits at the heart of lone worker
     training. Here, Training Consultant Adi Scott discusses the importance
     of appropriate and on-going learning and how the training-room can
     be a place of engagement and positive interaction for workers.
     Policies, procedures and guidelines can remain conceptual                    This should allow them an opportunity to follow a
     words on a page unless put in to context and brought to life                 ‘what-if’ scenario to help prepare them to act and
     through engaging training. Lone workers need to recognise                    respond appropriately to their working role at each
     their powers (what they can do) and their limits (what they                  stage of the system; both in everyday usage and during
     should not do), as well as understanding the ethos and                       the event of an incident.
     thinking behind company policies and procedures.
                                                                                  When it comes to helping prevent and manage the risk of
     Training that enables staff to apply written words to real-                  violence to lone workers, the HSE reminds us that ‘the most
     life scenarios and discuss their implications encourages                     effective solutions do not have to be expensive and usually
     engagement. It can also identify potential short-comings                     arise from the way a business is run, such as staff training,
     in the policies and procedures if, during the training,                      job design and changes to the physical environment’.1
     workers reveal concerns they have experienced when
                                                                                  The training room can provide a safe and supportive
     trying to follow them in practice.
                                                                                  place in which staff can explore and practice de-escalation
     Lone worker devices clearly offer support to remote                          techniques combined with strategies to help avoid, reduce
     workers but issuing a device to an employee with without                     and manage potentially aggressive behaviours. Under
     training on how and when to use it leaves the organisation                   the guidance of a skilled facilitator, staff can experience
     wanting in their legal duty. Equally (and perhaps more                       interactive exercises that challenge them to cope with the
     importantly) it leaves the employee unsure of how to                         types of conflict they may encounter within their specific
     integrate the device in to their working routine and                         working role. According to Unison: ‘Where employees
     potentially technically challenged if they need to                           work alone, it is particularly important that they have the
     call for support in an emergency.                                            information and training they need to avoid panic reactions
                                                                                  in unusual situations’.2
     Whether an organisation utilises a lone worker device or
     their own whereabouts or tracing system, simply expecting                    Quality training for lone workers can increase competency
     an employee to follow a safety system because they are                       and confidence while creating an opportunity to share
     told to can often result in low compliance.                                  experiences and concerns. In addition, it can enhance
                                                                                  working links and help build rapport with colleagues
     All major UK lone worker device suppliers will attest
                                                                                  they may only see occasionally.
     that the level of staff compliance in using the systems
     is dramatically increased when those staff also receive                      The cost of good training can be justified not only in
     appropriate training.                                                        enhanced efficiency and productivity but in creating a more
                                                                                  motivated, loyal and committed workforce with a higher
     A good trainer should be able to create relevant and
                                                                                  retention. The company may well experience fewer safety
     interactive material that allows employees to understand
                                                                                  incidents, potentially reducing the risk of litigation, in turn
     fully the benefits of an effective lone working system.
                                                                                  reducing time and money investigating and managing
                                                                                  incidents, lower insurance costs but most importantly,
                                                                                  the satisfaction that their lone workers are safer.


28   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018                          |    @LWS_conference                                                              |   Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018   29
Automated Communication Specialists

 Does your search for the
 right lone worker solution
 feel like this?     GUIDE TO                                                                                      Ikoyi Chapmans are proud to support
                                                                                                                     the Lone Worker Safety Expo 2018

 Your organisation is unique, and so are your                   LONE WORKER                                    Ikoyi Chapmans' journey began in 1973 in Lagos, Nigeria.
                                                                                                                  Our parents spent over 30 years in West Africa and
                                                                                                               during school holidays we would go to The Ikoyi Club to
 lone worker requirements. At ANT Telecom,                         SAFETY                                      play squash, tennis, golf and swim. After these exertions
                                                                                                                in the heat and humidity, one of the club barmen would
 we won’t try and force you into a round                                                                       mix the most amazing, refreshing, thirst-quenching drink
                                                                                                                 that everyone loved. It was unique and to this day we
                                                                                                               have never tasted another drink like it... until now, that is.
 hole. We’ll design a solution for your specific                   Which lone worker                            We have brought The Ikoyi Club Drink to the UK and so
                                                                                                                                our journey continues…
 requirements around safety, users, IT                           alarm devices are right
                                                                                                                Worthwhile Training have done a fab job in 2018 and we
                                                                  for your environment
 infrastructure and environment. Visit us at                      and how to distribute
                                                                                                                wish them an amazing journey over the coming years!

                                                                                                                               Mike and Garry Robinson
 stand S2 to get your lone worker guide to all                       alarm messages
 the various ways you can protect your staff                                                                    

 when they’re working alone.

Download our Lone Worker guide at or Contact us on 01494 833100
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