Page created by Nathan Glover

                                                                                     Welton’s Gorge - photo by John Felix
                                                                                     A naturalist-led backcountry hike at

                           SPRING 2021
4 There’s pride in    7 Annual Caveman   14 Traditional summer   18 Ahh, meet the very
knowing where the     5K run moves to    day camp returns for    interesting American
cool birds hang out   September          grades 5-10 in June     Woodcock
UPCOMING EVENTS Mark your calendars!
                 Due to COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines, all public programs and special events are
         subject to change or be cancelled. Please check our website for updates before heading out. Face coverings
         are required for all indoor programs and events, as well as for all outdoor programs and events when social
             distancing is not possible. Thanks in advance for helping keep the parks safe and open for everyone!

                                                        On display through April 26 daily 10 AM - 4 PM
                                                        at The West Woods Nature Center
                                                        Celebrate a record-breaking number of artists and pieces in this
                                                        community art exhibition inspired by insects and arachnids!

    EARTH DAY                                       Thursday, April 22 • Noon - 2 PM • The West Woods
    Drive-through                                         Register for a 15-minute time slot for a drive-through to
                                                      experience natural resource management staff and some wildlife
    with   Natural Resource                             experts handing out free native trees, wildflowers, children’s
           Management                                        activities and information on caring for the Earth.

        ROPES                                        Claridon Woodlands’ high ropes course opens Saturday, May 29
                                                     Ropes reservations open May 1
        & BOATS
         Visit website under News & Updates
                                                     Headwaters Park’s kayak & canoe borrowing begins Saturday, June 5
         for details & restrictions

     Nights Out                                    Amphitheater concerts at
                                                   Big Creek Park; 7 - 8:30 PM
                                                                                                            Outdoor movie nights at Observatory Park;
                                                                                                            activities begin at 8 PM, movies at dark

     in the Parks
     A great way to spend
                                                    Mo’ Mojo 6/12
                                                    Paul Kovac’s Big Grass Band 7/17
                                                    Chardon Polka Band 8/14
                                                                                                            Jumanji: The Next Level (PG-13) 6/19
                                                                                                            Apollo 13 (PG) 7/24
                                                                                                            Mary Poppins (G) 8/7
         a summer evening!                          The Pop Tarts 8/28

       Look for the               on pages 12 & 13 by June programs that celebrate National Pollinator Month!

     SPRING PROGRAMS on pages 8-13
    • Registration is required in advance for   • Programs are generally free of charge; those with fees                  UGA G     Geauga Gems Trekking Series Program

                                                                                                                                    Fulfills one of the naturalist-led requirements toward

      limited enrollment programs on a first      are noted. Payment of fees must be made at the time of
                                                                                                                                    your Trekking Series reward
      come, first served basis. Registration      registration with a credit/debit card.
      can be completed online or at             • Registration fees are refundable up to five days prior to                         Nature’s Not To Be Missed
                                                                                                                                    Program focused on unique encounters with Nature
      440-286-9516.                               the event, or if the Park District cancels the program.
    • Programs may be cancelled in the event    • If you or a member of your family has special needs,                              Virtual Program
      of severe weather or a storm warning.       please call the Park District regarding available accessibility                   Register and receive a login to participate from home

                                                                                                                                    Fully Wheelchair/Stroller Accessible
                                                                                                                                    Nature Scopes - Program recommended for our
2   PARKEXPLORER •                                                                                       fifth-grade Nature Scopes students
PARKEXPLORER                                                A seasonal guide to the programs, special
                                                            events and news of Geauga Park District

Upcoming Events................................... 2
Feature: Birdwatching............................ 4
Park Spotlight: Woodin Road Park.......... 6
Caveman Crawl...................................... 7
Nature Writing Contest.......................... 7
April Programs....................................... 8                               Howard Bates Pat Preston    Bill Dieterle   Dennis Ibold
May Programs...................................... 10
                                                            Mario Innocenzi, Commissioner
June Programs...................................... 12
Summer Camps.................................... 14
From the Executive Director................. 15             F RO M T H E B O A R D
Park Locations & Amenities.................. 16             O F PA R K C O M M I S S I O N E R S
Geocaching.......................................... 17
In Nature: The American Woodcock..... 18                    Dear Geauga County Friends and Neighbors:
Fun Page.............................................. 19
                                                            One of the best things you can do these days to appreciate life is get outdoors
                                                            in the spring. Everything comes back to life this season, and a great showcase
                                                            for that is The Maple Highlands Trail. Stretching more than 20 miles across
                                                            Geauga County, from Chardon Township south to Middlefield Township, a
              Park Mission                                  ride or walk on this great paved trail will give you a taste of everything this
                                                            season has to offer, from returning migratory birds to growing numbers of
   The mission of Geauga Park District is
   to preserve, conserve and protect the                    buds and blossoms to warmer weather more suitable for recreation.
     natural features of Geauga County
                                                            This trail can be accessed from several parks – Claridon Woodlands,
    and to provide outdoor recreational
 experiences to our residents of every age,                 Headwaters Park, Swine Creek Reservation, Mountain Run Station – as well
  every ability and at all times of the year.               as several other inlets along the way. It’s so easy to find a way in. I encourage
                                                            you to visit and look under Parks for The Maple
                                                            Highlands Trail. The trail map there will tell you everything you need to
               Park Hours                                   know to go.

               Daily 6 AM - 11 PM                           Particularly I believe it’s so important to get our kids outdoors, off their
                                                            screens and into the Great Outdoors. What our children do today is laying
  Big Creek Park’s Donald W. Meyer Center
     is open weekdays 10 AM - 4:30 PM                       the groundwork for the rest of their lives. Let’s make sure they’re making the
                                                            right kind of memories, and getting the right kind of exercise, to make them
        The West Woods Nature Center                        successful.
         is open daily 10 AM - 4:30 PM
                                                            Whether you bike or hike, climb or fish, canoe and kayak, picnic or attend
Observatory Park is open daily till 1 AM from
 Memorial Day to Labor Day and till 11 PM                   programs, there is something for you in Geauga Park District. I hope you
    from Labor Day to Memorial Day; its                     will take advantage of your tremendous parks, bring the kids, and spread the
     Robert McCullough Science Center                       word!
      and Oberle Observatory are open
2nd & 4th Fridays & Saturdays of each month
      6 - 11 PM and every other Sunday                      Sincerely,
           of each month 1 - 4 PM
                                                            Mario Innocenzi
           The Maple Highlands Trail                        Mario Innocenzi
          is open daily dawn till dusk

       Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve
           is open daily 6 AM - 9 PM

     For more information on your
       parks, programs or events                                          Executive Director
         Phone: 440-286-9516                                              John Oros
           Fax: 440-286-1285
                                                            Park Board Meetings                             Dates and times are subject to change. Find the current schedule on our website                            under About GPD, or call 440-286-9516.

                                                       • PARKEXPLORER 3
Orange-crowned Warbler - Matt Valencic

                                                    I have been a birder
                                                    for nearly 30 years.
                                                    Most of my experience is in the
                                                    U.S. and east of the Mississippi
                                                    River. I have, however, vacationed
                                                    in other states, countries and
                                                    continents, and have birded
                                                    in those locations as well.
                                                    Doing so has given me a great
                                                    appreciation for what Geauga
            FEATURING PARK FRIENDS                  Park District offers when it

    A Birder’s Challenge
                                                    comes to green space, habitat
                                                    protection and restoration, and
                                                    habitat diversity. Our Park District
                                                    and its naturalists are among our
           in the Geauga Park District              greatest assets.
                                                    Since moving to Geauga County
                               By Kelly Kozlowski   over 10 years ago, “going
                                                    birding” means that I don’t really
                                                    have to go that far. My favorite
                                                    Geauga park is a 10-minute drive
                                                    from my house, and I’ve seen
                                                    137 different species there. This
                                                    past year of quarantines and
                                                    lockdowns has allowed me to
                                                    spend even more time exploring
                                                    all of my favorite Geauga Park
                                                    District hotspots.
    Tundra Swans - Matt Valencic                    There is an advantage to
                                                    knowing every turn of the trail
                                                    (the Scarlet Tanager territory
                                                    at Eldon Russell Park), that
                                                    waterfowl hotspot (where I saw
                                                    over 200 Tundra Swans at Bass
                                                    Lake), that old fallen oak tree
                                                    (where that Winter Wren hangs
                                                    out at Eldon Russell Park), those
                                                    pristine ravines (for the nesting
                                                    Louisiana Waterthrushes at
                                                    The West Woods), that water
                                                    that never freezes (where the
                                                    Red-necked Grebe stayed one
                                                    winter at Walter C. Best Wildlife
                                                    Preserve), that one bend in the
                                                    river (where the Red-headed
                                                    Woodpecker has a cavity along
                                                    the Upper Cuyahoga River),
                                                    the grapevine tangle (where
    Red-headed Woodpecker - Matt Valencic
                                                    the Wilson’s Warbler shows

up along The Maple Highlands                 I could tell you where to find                through nesting season. You will
         Trail), the vernal pool (where the           four different Alder Flycatcher               see and hear birds you never
         Northern Waterthrush forages                 territories (at Eldon Russell Park),          thought you would. Bird in the
         each year at the Rookery), those             but it’s more fun and more                    morning, bird in the evening, bird
         flowering apple trees (that the              meaningful to find them on your               right after a spring rain. That’s
         Orange-crowned Warblers can’t                own! I already know where to                  when they’re most active. You can
         resist at Claridon Woodlands),               find Soras, Snipe, Woodcock and               even keep track of your sightings
         those old oak trees (that host               Virginia Rails all in one park (at            on Be a “finder” and
         Cerulean Warblers every season at            Frohring Meadows) — and all on                not a “chaser.” Take a friend with
         Swine Creek), that spot along the            the same night.                               you and challenge and help each
         road (where I found the hybrid                                                             other. I know I see more birds
                                                      I could go on, but my purpose
         Golden-winged/Blue-winged                                                                  when I have my friends with me.
                                                      is to challenge you to get to
         Warbler hybrid last year at Burton
                                                      know our parks and our birds                  Then, when someone asks if you
         Wetlands), and the treeline at the
                                                      better. Pick your favorite Geauga             could tell them where to find a
         edge of the field (site of the Brown
                                                      park and bird there three or                  Yellow-throated Vireo, it’ll be your
         Thrasher most years at Burton
                                                      four times per week from now                  turn to say, “yes, I can!”

Scarlet Tanager - Kelly Kozlowski     Sora - Matt Valencic

                                                                   Wilson’s Snipe - Matt Valencic

                                                                                                     Brown Thrasher - Kelly Kozlowski
Osprey - Matt Valencic                                 Kelly Kozlowski is a resident of Novelty.
                                                       She has a passion for birds and Nature.
                                                       Look for her and her friend, Matthew
                                                       Valencic, on the spring calendar of
                                                       programs on page 8; they are presenting
                                                       a virtual Warbler Warm Up together.

                                                      Winter Wren - Matt Valencic

                                                                                                      Golden-winged/Blue-winged Warbler hybrid
                                                                                                      - Kelly Kozlowski

                                                            • PARKEXPLORER 5
Park Spotlight

    Spend Some Time
    at Woodin Road Park
    W   oodin Road Park is home to a sweet picnicking         Woodin Road Park also provides
    spot but no picnic shelters. It offers a beautiful        public access to a very small tributary
    natural view, but no trails. So why is it so special?     feeding Big Creek, which is part of the Grand River
                                                              watershed, and examples of beech-maple forest.
    A very special way to celebrate Geauga Park
    District’s 60th birthday would be to make a stop at       If you’re itching to stretch your legs after a long
    Woodin Road Park — its first open property.               winter, you may want to make your first

                                                              stop at Big Creek Park just up the street.
    Leased from the Geauga County Commissioners               But be sure to pull over at Woodin Road

    upon the Park District’s inception, these four acres      Park once your done, and spend a moment
    were opened to the public in 1964.

                                                              reflecting on how far Geauga County has
    They are humble, offering little more than an entry       come in preserving its special natural
    sign, some green space, a picnic table, and trash         spaces.
    and recycling receptacles. But that makes it perfect
    for a socially distant lunch, a getaway with a good                               D
                                                                                IN ROA

    book, or some wildflower sight-seeing as the

                              weather turns nice. And

                                       there’s no shortage                                            120 FEET

                                            of fresh air to

                                                                                         513 FEET

    Field Notes: A springtime stopover at this park will offer a diversity of

    wildflower sightings including Spring Cress and one of the showiest species of
    fleabane called Robin’s Plantain (after the shape of its leaves). It’s also a fun
    time and place to look for fungi!
&   1-Mile Fun Walk
Moves to September
  The caveman missed running with you in 2020!
  Rest assured, he’s been keeping in shape and
  feels ready to tackle the 10th anniversary
  run this year. However, he’s also been closely
  monitoring Ohio’s COVID-19 safe protocols, so
  he’s decided to move the race to September 12,
  2021. Mark your calendars now to join him to
  celebrate this event’s 10th anniversary!

9-12-21 at The West Woods                                     Virtual race option available
9465 Kinsman Road (Rt. 87), Russell Twp.                      Caveman garb encouraged!

Geauga Park District’s 26th Annual
Nature Writing Contest
                 Entries accepted through May 1
                 Get your application at
                 or at The West Woods Nature Center
                 or Big Creek Park’s Meyer Center
                  Winners are published in the Nature Writer’s
                  Chapbook and online, and are invited to read
                  their work at the Nature Arts Festival in August.

 Plus, save the date for
 the 30th Annual

Sunday, August 8, at Big Creek Park

                                                  • PARKEXPLORER 7
                                                                           Register online or by phone beginning March 20 at 10 AM
                                                                                   All programs and special events are subject to change or be cancelled.
                                                                                               Please check our website for updates before heading out.

         Adventure/Discovery                      Arts   Astronomy       Kids       Seniors
                                                                                                                   18 Signs of the Season Hike
                                                                                                                   Sunday, April 18, 11 AM-Noon
     3 Buckeye Trail                      UGA G              15 Elderberries: Nature                               The West Woods

    Highlight Hike                                           Photography & Bird Walk

                                                                                                                   Enjoy a leisurely stroll on and off trial as we
    Saturday, April 3, 9:30 AM - Noon                        Thursday, April 15, 9-10:30 AM                        discover spring things along the way. Dress for the
    & 1:30-4 PM, Mountain Run Station                        & 11 AM-12:30 PM                                      weather with sturdy shoes; bring binoculars and
    This trail is nearly 1,444 miles long winding            Frohring Meadows, Katydid Lodge                       camera if you’d like. Registration required.
    around Ohio. Hike part of the Blue Blazes!               An informative discussion on how to capture
    Ability to hike about four miles. Rain or shine,                                                               18 Bald Eagle Hike                             UGA G

                                                             great images, then proceed outside for a bird

    dress accordingly and bring water. Registration          walk to spot migratory birds returning to the         Sunday, April 18
    required.                                                area. A collaboration with Geauga Department          Noon-1:30 PM, 2-3:30 PM & 4-5:30 PM,
                                                             on Aging and University Hospitals Geauga              Headwaters Park, Route 608 Parking
     5 Geauga Skywatchers                                    Medical Center. Registration required.
                                                                                                                   Learn amazing facts about Bald Eagles as we
    Club: Women in Space                                                                                           hike to an active nest, rain or shine, hopefully to
    Monday, April 5, 6:30 -7:30 PM
                                                             16 Planting for Our                                   observe eagle activity! Should be able to hike two
    Virtual program                                          Native Butterflies                                    miles over rolling terrain. Registration required.
    Learn about the history of women in aerospace            Friday, April 16, 7-8 PM
    exploration, courtesy of the International               The West Woods Nature Center                          18 Warbler Warm-Up
    Women’s Air & Space Museum in Cleveland.                 Learn to protect native butterflies by                Sunday, April 18, 2-4 PM,
    Registration required at                                 choosing the best plants to grow for them             Virtual program                        and caterpillars. Learn about the life cycle of       Local birders Matt Valencic and Kelly Kozlowski
                                                             butterflies and take home seeds and handouts.         present techniques for ID’ing spring warblers for
     6 Waterfowl Watch                                       Held in conjunction with the What’s the Buzz?         novice to intermediate birders. Hand-outs emailed
    Tuesday, April 6, 8-10 AM                                Insect & Arachnid Inspired Art Exhibition.            upon request. A collaboration with the Audubon
                                                             Registration required.                                Society of Greater Cleveland. Online via the free
    Headwaters Park, Rt. 608 Parking
                                                                                                                   software Zoom. Register for the program and
    View migrating waterfowl on the tranquil
    waters of this beautiful lake. Bring binoculars.
                                                             17 Scout Day: Bear Cub                                receive a link to join. Registration required.
    Registration required.                                   Scouts “Fur, Feathers & Ferns”
                                                             Saturday, April 17, 9-11 AM
                                                                                                                   20 Blackbrook Audubon:
     6 Wildflower Wander                                     The West Woods, Affelder House                        The Wildlife of Bass Lake
    Tuesday, April 6, 10:30 AM-Noon &                        Work on requirements 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. Parent           Tuesday, April 20, 7-9 PM
    1-2:30 PM, Headwaters Park,                              is required to register and attend with scout.        Virtual program
    Rt. 322 Parking                                          Registration required by phone only.                  With a canoe, camera, coffee and patience,
    Wander along in search of early spring                                                                         Nature enthusiast Chris Parker has documented
    wildflowers to learn their natural history and            17 Welton’s Gorge                         UGA G
                                                                                                                   amazing wildlife. See close encounters with Bald


                                                                                                                   Eagles, river otters and more. A collaboration with
    folklore. Registration required.                         Backcountry Ravine                                    Blackbrook Audubon Society. Online via the free
    10 Nature Explorers:                                     Exploration                                           software Zoom. Register for the program and
                                                             Saturday, April 17, 9:30 AM-Noon                      receive a link to join. Registration required.
    Wings on the Water                                       & 1-3:30 PM, Welton’s Gorge
    (Ages 6-11 w/adult)                                      Venture into a rocky woodland ravine to discover
                                                                                                                   22 Earth Day Activity
    Saturday, April 10, 10:30 AM -Noon,                      deep rock ledges, cool streams, wildflowers, and      Thursday, April 22, Noon-2 PM
    1-2:30 PM & 3-4:30 PM                                    stream life. Strenuous off-trail hike with slippery   (15-minute slots), The West Woods
    Headwaters Park, Boathouse                               stream bottoms, steep grades and obstacles.           Celebrate Earth Day safely through this drive-
                                                             Rain or shine; dress for the weather. Wear sturdy     through event. Staff and special guest wildlife
    Learn about the ducks, herons and eagles that
                                                             shoes with good traction. Registration required.      conservation experts will hand out free native
    visit the lake in spring. Adult must register and
    attend with child; dress for the variable spring                                                               trees, wildflowers, children’s activities and
    weather. Registration required.                          17 Scout Day: Brownie                                 information to engage and educate about caring
                                                             Girl Scout “Eco Friend”                               for the Earth. Registration required.
    10 Oh, The Tangled Webs                                  Saturday, April 17, 1:30-4 PM
    They Weave...or Do They?                                 The West Woods, Affelder House
                                                                                                                   22 Maple Town Tune
    Saturday, April 10,                                      Learn about outdoor spaces and how to teach           Traders Virtual Jam Session
    11 AM-12:30 PM & 2-3:30 PM                               others to treat them with kindness as you             Thursday, April 22, 7-9 PM
    The West Woods Nature Center                             complete all requirements for this badge.             Virtual program
                                                             Parent is required to register and attend with        Play, sing or enjoy as audience. Musicians of all
    Join arachnologist Dr. Sarah J. Rose as she              scout. Registration required by phone only.
    explains how spiders capture prey and their                                                                    levels, genres and instruments welcome. Online via
                                                                                                                   the free software Zoom. Register for the program
    benefits to humans and the ecosystem.
    Then take a walk outside to look for spiders.
                                                              17 Nassau Astronomy                                  and receive a link to join. Registration required.
    Registration required.                                   Night with CVAS
                                                             Saturday, April 17, 7-11 PM
                                                                                                                   23 Spring into
    11 Nature Trek Fitness Hike                              Observatory Park, Nassau                              Watercolor Workshop
    Sunday, April 11, 1-3 PM                                 Astronomical Station                                  Friday, April 23, 6:30-8:30 PM
    Big Creek Park, Tupelo Pond                              Join members of the Chagrin Valley Astronomical       The West Woods Nature Center
    Let’s move it, people! Burn off calories and learn       Society to take in the wonders of the night sky       Fee: $30 in-county resident, $34 out-of-county residents
    Nature facts along the way. Ability to hike at           using our newly restored telescope and discover       Join Brittany Selfe for this step-by-step, beginner-
    least three miles. Rain or shine; dress accordingly      this amazing facility. Limited number permitted       friendly class to paint a floral design paired with
    and bring water. Registration required.                  in building at a time; Cancelled if cloudy.           an insect inspired by the What’s the Buzz? Art
                                                                                                                   Exhibition. All materials included. Ages 15+.
8   PARKEXPLORER •                                                                      Registration required.
Face coverings are required for all indoor programs
and events, as well as for all outdoor programs and                                  Fully Accessible                  Nature Scopes
events when social distancing is not possible.

24 Vernal Poolooza                                             25 Wildflower Walk                             UGA G
                                                                                                                                 25 What’s the Buzz?


Saturday, April 24, 10-11 AM                                  Sunday, April 25, 9-10 AM,                                         Scavenger Hunt
& 1-2 PM, The West Woods,                                     11AM-Noon & 1:30-2:30 PM,                                          Sunday, April 25, 1-3 PM
Turkey Ridge                                                  Big Creek Park, Deep Woods                                         The West Woods Nature Center
See the vernal pools that provide critical                    Search for spring woodland wildflowers along                       Explore art while learning about Nature! Find
habitats for wildlife, and look for evidence of               the Deep Woods, Wildflower and Hemlock                             insect- and spider-themed hidden facts. Find them
activity. Also, learn how the pools are managed               Trails. Registration required.                                     all and get a fun prize! Drop in anytime during
to provide for their inhabitants’ needs.                                                                                         program hours. Scavenger hunts for preschool and
Registration required.                                         25 Backcountry Hike:                                              school age children. Registration required.

24 Lesser Celandine,                                          Ravines, Rocks and Ledges
                                                              Sunday, April 25, 9 AM-Noon
                                                                                                                                  25 Full Moon Hike:
an Undesirable Beauty
                                                                                                               UGA G

                                                                                                                                 The Frog Moon

                                                              & 1-4 PM, The Rookery

Saturday, April 24, 12:30-1:30 PM                             Off-trail adventure into rock ledges,                              Sunday, April 25, 6:30-7:30 PM
Orchard Hills Park, Lodge                                     streams and ravines of the protected portion of                    Observatory Park
These abundant flowers disguise an invasive,                  this park. Must be capable of several miles of                     Learn about the full moon and meet a few frogs
aggressive menace to wildflowers, gardens                     rugged terrain. Dress for the weather; footwear                    on this 1.5-mile hike! Then, weather permitting,
and lawns. A discussion to arm you with the                   with good traction that can get wet and muddy.                     observe the rising full moon using park telescopes.
knowhow to get rid of this plant, benefit                     Registration required.                                             You may also bring binoculars to view the moon.
local wildlife, and help spread the word.                                                                                        Registration required.
Registration required.                                        25 The Sky Tonight
                                                              Planetarium Show                                                    26 Nature Journaling:
24 Wildflowers &                                                                                                                 Woodcocks & Snipes Revealed
                                                              Sunday, April 25, 1-1:45 PM, 2-2:45
Invasives Backcountry Hike                                    PM, 3-3:45 PM & 4-4:45 PM,                                         Monday, April 26, 6:30-9 PM
Saturday, April 24, 1:30-3:30 PM                    UGA G     Observatory Park, Robert McCullough                                Frohring Meadows, Katydid Lodge
Orchard Hills Park, Lodge

                                                              Science Center                                                     Fee: $20 in-county resident, $24 out-of-county resident

Hike off-trail into ravines to enjoy spring                   A planetarium presentation about what to                           Learn basic journaling techniques to record your
wildflowers and view the invasive lesser                      watch for in the night sky this week. Register for                 Nature observations. This month will be learning
celandine that threatens to choke out native                  only one time slot. Registration required.                         about the woodcock and snipe. Partially outdoors.
flowers. Must be capable of several miles of                                                                                     Taking photos is optional. A one-time registration
off-trail hiking. Dress for the weather; wear                                                                                    fee for this monthly series includes a journal, pen
sturdy footwear with good traction that can
get wet or muddy. Expect rugged, potentially                   9 10                                                              and pencil. Registration required by phone only.

wet terrain. Registration required.                           April Evening Adventure                                             30 Snipe Hunt &
                                                              Friday, April 9, 7:30-9 PM                                         Woodcock Watch
                                                              Saturday, April 10, 7:30-9 PM                                      Friday, April 30, 7:30-9:30 PM
RECURRING PROGRAMS                                            Eldon Russell Park,                                                Frohring Meadows
                                                              Horwath’s Shelter                                                  Ever been on a snipe hunt? If you’re in the woods,
                                                              A woodcock air show accompanied by a                               you’re in the wrong habitat – if you’re at Frohring
 6 20 Geauga Walkers                                          chorus full of Spring Peeper piping, Barred Owl                    Meadows, however, it’s the real deal! Witness
Tuesday, April 6, 1-2:30 PM                                   bantering, beaver tail-slapping and Great Blue                     the aerial courtship displays of Wilson’s Snipe
                                                              Heron flapping culminate in a memorable spring                     and American Woodcock, two memorable rites of
Sunnybrook Preserve                                           evening hike for families. Registration required.                  spring. Registration required.
Tuesday, April 20, 1-2:30 PM
Big Creek Park, Deep Woods                                    10 24 Night Sky Viewing
Hikes for active seniors 1 - 1½ miles long.                   Saturdays, April 10 & 24, 8-8:50 PM,
Naturalist led. Call Geauga Senior Center for full            9-9:50 PM & 10-10:50 PM, Observatory                                17 29 Birding for Early Birds
schedule: 440-279-2126. Registration required.                                                                                   Saturday, April 17, 8-10 AM
                                                              Park, Robert McCullough Science Center
                                                                                                                                 Holbrook Hollows
 7 15 19 30                         UGA G                     If skies are clear, several telescopes will be spaced

                                                              around the park plaza. If cloudy, participants can                 Thursday, April 29, 7:30-9:30 AM

After-Work Walk                                               join an indoor planetarium presentation instead.                   The Rookery
Wednesday, April 7; Thursday, April 15;                       Registration required;only one session per night.
                                                                                                                                 See a variety of birds as they return to prime
Monday, April 19; Friday, April 30                                                                                               breeding habitat during spring migration.
                                                              11 12 13 Timbertots:                                               Experienced leaders will assist participants with
All walks are 6:30-7:30 PM
The Rookery, Great Blue Heron Lodge                           What’s the Buzz?                                                   observation and identification. Dress for the
                                                              (Ages 3-5 w/adult)                                                 weather; bring binoculars. Registration required.
Join a naturalist for an easy two-mile hike along
                                                              Sunday, April 11, 11 AM-Noon & 2-3 PM,
the Interurban Trail! We will look and listen for
Nature along the way. Registration required.                  Monday, April 12, 10-11 AM & 1-2 PM
                                                                                                                                  17 29 Birding for Beginners
                                                              Tuesday, April 13, 10-11 AM & 1-2 PM                               Saturday, April 17, 1-2:30 PM
 9 23 Earthquakes in Ohio                                     The West Woods, Turkey Ridge                                       Holbrook Hollows
Fridays, April 9 & 23, 7-8 PM                                 Experience art in Nature with outdoor learning                     Thursday, April 29, 10 AM-Noon
Virtual program                                               about insects and spiders followed by a walk to                    The Rookery
Learn the science behind Ohio’s earthquakes                   the nature center to see the What’s the Buzz?                      Curious or new to birding? Learn the basics of
and how to study them for yourself! Online                    Art Exhibition. Partially outdoors weather                         bird identification on this slow-paced bird walk.
via the free software Zoom. Register for                      permitting; dress accordingly. Program is                          Experienced leader will assist participants with
the program and receive a link to join in.                    designed for a specified age group. Adults                         observation and identification. Binoculars available
Registration required.                                        and children, must register by phone only.                         to borrow. Registration required.
                                                              Registration required.

                                                                             • PARKEXPLORER 9
                                                                                                Register online or by phone beginning March 20 at 10 AM
                                                                                                         All programs and special events are subject to change or be cancelled.
                                                                                                                     Please check our website for updates before heading out.

              Adventure/Discovery                            Arts              Astronomy            Kids         Seniors
                                                                                                                                                 14 Homeschool Days:
      1 Nature Break:                                                           3 Geauga Skywatchers                                             At-Home & Outdoor Pollinators
     Women’s Retreat                                                           Club: Theme TBD                                                   Friday, May 14, 10-11 AM for Ages 5-7;
     Saturday, May 1, 8:30 AM-Noon                                             Monday, May 3, 6:30-7:30 PM                                       2-3 PM for Ages 8-12, Virtual program
     The West Woods Nature Center                                              Virtual program                                                   Learn all about pollinators then go on an outdoor
     Fee: $4 in-county resident, $6 out-of-county resident
                                                                                                                                                 scavenger hunt. Complete and turn in to one of
                                                                               Join monthly presentations on space-related
                                                                                                                                                 our drop-off locations to earn a flower-and insect-
     Re-energize and relax with hiking, indoor aerobic                         topics designed for grades 6-12, though anyone
                                                                                                                                                 themed activity pack (with honey samples)! Login
     activity, and a Nature-themed craft and lesson.                           can join. Registration required at
                                                                                                                                                 sent prior to the program. Registration required.
     Dress in layers with comfortable clothes for indoor             
     and outdoor activities. Registration required.
                                                                                 6 Birding for Beginners                                         15 Lucia Nash Preserve
       1 Spring Exploration of                                                 Thursday, May 6, 10 AM-12 PM                                      Morning Bird Walk
     the Upper Chagrin Preserve                                                Beartown Lakes Reservation, North Point                           Saturday, May 15, 7:30-9 AM &
     Saturday, May 1, 10 AM-Noon                                 UGA G         Learn the basics of bird identification on this                   2:30-4 PM, Offsite

                                                                               slow paced bird walk. Experienced leader assists                  Discover what bird species are inhabiting the new

     & 1-3 PM, Offsite
                                                                               with observation and identification. Binoculars                   Nature Conservancy Lucia Nash Preserve (also known
     A challenging backcountry hike to see                                                                                                       as Snow Lake) with its unique habitats. Directions
                                                                               available to borrow. Registration required.
     wildflowers carpet the wetlands. Vernal pools                                                                                               will be emailed to registrants. Registration required.
     are filled with tadpoles, fairy shrimp and other
     aquatic life. Dress for the weather with sturdy,                            7 Meet the Artists
     waterproof footwear for muddy paths and                                   Friday, May 7, 7-9 PM, The West Woods                             15 Wildflower Talk & Walk
     stream crossings. Details will be provided to                             Meet Michele Longstreet and view her collection                   Saturday, May 15, 10-11 AM & 2-3 PM,
     those who register. Registration required.                                of artwork inspired by Nature. Also on display is                 Headwaters Park, Crystal Lake Picnic Area
                                                                               The Lydia Curtis Wildflower Collection and wildlife               Celebrate spring with an outdoor wildflower
       1 Buckeye Trail                                                         art by Linda Easton. Runs through July 27.                        talk. Then head out on a short trail for a hike
     Highlight Hike                                                                                                                              to look at the wildflowers in bloom. Held rain
     Saturday, May 1, 1-3 PM
                                                 UGA G
                                                                                 8 Kayak Float                                                   or shine. Registration required.


                                                                               Saturday, May 8, 9 AM-Noon &
     Claridon Woodlands
                                                                               1-4 PM, Headwaters Park, Boathouse                                15 Scout Day: Daisy Girl
     This trail is nearly 1,444 miles long winding
     around Ohio. Hike part of the Blue Blazes!                                A beautiful paddle around East Branch Reservoir                   Scouts “Trail Adventure”
     Ability to hike about four miles. Rain or shine,                          in search of wildlife! Experience required. Dress                 Saturday, May 15, 10-11:15 AM
     dress accordingly and bring water. Registration                           for the weather. Canceled the day prior if bad                    Big Creek Park, Cherry Room
     required.                                                                 weather is forecast. Registration required.
                                                                                                                                                 Work on this badge and learn to plan and prepare
                                                                                                                                                 for a Nature hike! Dress for the weather. Parent
       1 Bilingual Chinese/English                                               8 Mother’s Day Hike                               UGA G
                                                                                                                                                 is required to register and attend with scout.


     Wildflower Walk                                                           Saturday, May 8, 9-11 AM &                                        Registration required by phone only.
     Saturday, May 1, 2-3 PM                                                   Noon–2 PM, Holbrook Hollows, Lodge
     The West Woods                                                            Celebrate mom with a hike in the park! About                      15 Scout Day: Wolf Cub
     Get to know a variety of Ohio’s native spring
                                                                               two miles passing by wetlands and through the                     Scouts “Finding Your Way”
                                                                               forest. Registration required.
     wildflowers while also learning some Mandarin.                                                                                              Saturday, May 15, 1-3 PM
     Walk is less than two miles over uneven terrain.                                                                                            Big Creek Park, Cherry Room
     Dress for the weather. Registration required.                               9 Field & Forest Ramble
                                                                                                                                                 Join us to discover how to use a map and compass to
                                                                               Sunday, May 9, 4-5:30 PM & 6:30-8 PM                              locate objects and go on a hike as part of this elective
       2 Exploring the Preserve:                                               Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve UGAG                              adventure! Parent is required to register and attend

     Backcountry Hike                                             UGA G        Enjoy a hike through field and forest.                            with scout. Registration required by phone only.

                                                                               Dress accordingly and bring water.

     Sunday, May 2, 10 AM-Noon &
     1:30-3:30 PM, Stafford Preserve
                                                                               Binoculars recommended. Registration required.                    15 Nassau Astronomy
     A rugged off-trail hike into a mature woodland                            11 Toddler Time: Sensing                                          Night with CVAS
     to enjoy spring wildflowers, ravines and                                                                                                    Saturday, May 15, 7-11 PM Observatory
     streams and learn the history of the land. Dress                          the Spring (Ages 1-2 w/adult)                                     Park, Nassau Astronomical Station
     for the weather; wear sturdy footwear with                                Tuesday, May 11, 9-10 AM &                                        Join members of the Chagrin Valley Astronomical
     good traction for wet and muddy conditions.                               11 AM-Noon, Beartown Lakes                                        Society to take in the wonders of the night sky
     Directions to the preserve in Chesterland will be                         Reservation, North Point                                          using our newly restored telescope and discover this
     sent prior to the hike. Registration required.                                                                                              amazing facility. Limited number permitted in building
                                                                               Experience Nature with your little one; see, smell
                                                                               and touch springtime! Strollers and carriers welcome.             at a time; Cancelled if cloudy.
      2 Beautiful Blooms                                                       Registration required for adults and children.
     Wildflower Hike                                                                                                                             16 Hound Hike - Walk with
     Sunday, May 2, 11 AM-12:30 PM,                                             11 Hypertufa Trough                                              the Chagrin Valley Beagles
     1-2:30 PM & 3-4:30 PM; Swine Creek                                        Workshop                                                          Sunday, May 16, 10-11 AM &
     Reservation, Siltstone Trail Parking Lot                                  Tuesday, May 11, 6-8:30 PM, Claridon                              11:30 AM-12:30 PM, Sunnybrook Preserve
     Take a naturalist-led hike to one of the best                             Woodlands, Judge Lester Taylor Lodge                              Bring your dog for a spring walk on woodland
     locations in the Park District to find beautiful                          Fee: $33 in-county resident, $37 out-of-county resident           trails and some dog training fun led by professional
     spring-blooming wildflowers! Hike up to 1.5                               Join artisan Cyndi Konopka to create a lightweight                dog trainer Stacy Totten and assisted by Chagrin
     miles along rolling terrain. Small creek crossings                        planter from cement, peat moss and vermiculite.                   Valley Beagles’ Huntsman Karen Dickson. Arrive a
     are a necessity on this trail; wear foot gear that                        Fee covers instruction and most of supplies (see                  few minutes early to check-in. Bring water bowl,
     can get wet or muddy. Registration required.                              participant supply list). Invite your friends and dress           treats and waste bags. One dog per handler, with
                                                                               for mess! Registration required.                                  full control of dog, on leash at all times (8 ft. max).
                                                                                                                                                 Registration required.
Face coverings are required for all indoor programs
and events, as well as for all outdoor programs and                               Fully Accessible                  Nature Scopes
events when social distancing is not possible.

19 Mid-Week May                                                                                                                 27 Maple Town Tune
Migrants Bird Walk                                                                                                              Traders Virtual Jam Session
Wednesday, May 19, 7-8:30 PM                                                                                                    Thursday, May 27, 7-9 PM
Holbrook Hollows                                                                                                                Virtual program
An evening exploring and searching for warblers                                                                                 Play, sing or enjoy as audience. Musicians of all
and other songbirds as they migrate toward their
breeding grounds. Bring binoculars, camera and
                                                          24 Nature Journaling:                                                 levels, genres and instruments welcome. Online via
                                                                                                                                the free software Zoom. Register for the program
water. Registration required.                             Spring Wildflowers &                                                  and receive a link to join. Registration required.
20 Elderberries: The Buzz                                 Monday, May 24, 9:30 AM-12 PM                                         29 Spring Exploration Hike
About Native Pollinators                                  Big Creek Park, Deep Woods                                            Saturday, May 29, 1-2 PM
Thursday, May 20, 9-10 AM &                               Fee: $20 in-county resident, $24 out-of-county resident               Orchard Hills Park
10:30-11:30 AM, Claridon Woodlands,                       Learn basic journaling to record Nature observations. This            On and off-trail hike exploring meadows, woodlands
                                                          month: spring wildflowers and their pollinators. Partially            and streams. Held rain or shine. Registration required.
Judge Lester Taylor Lodge
                                                          outdoors. One-time fee for series includes journal, pen
A discussion about our remarkable native pollinators
and their importance in our lives. A collaboration
                                                          and pencil. Registration required by phone only.                      29 Frog Fest Hike!
with Geauga Dept. on Aging and University Hospitals                                                                             Saturday, May 29, 6-7:30 PM &
Geauga Medical Center. Registration required.             26 Partial Lunar Eclipse                                              8-9:30 PM, The West Woods
                                                          Wednesday, May 26, 5-6 AM                                             Enjoy spring as we hike about 1/2 mile in search of
22 Horseback Trail Rides                                  Observatory Park, Robert                                              frog activity along the trail and in breeding pools. Rain
Saturday, May 22,                                         McCullough Science Center                                             or shine; dress accordingly. Registration required.
10 AM-Noon (Walk, Trot & Canter)                          Catch a glimpse of the lunar eclipse before the
1-3:30 PM (Walk Only)                                     full moon sets. Also learn about other upcoming
                                                          eclipses. Registration required.
Holbrook Hollows, Horse Trail Parking
                                                                                                                                    8 22 Night Sky Viewing
A naturalist-led trail ride at a walk, trot and canter,
or a walk only ride enjoying spring from a seat in the
                                                          27 Welton’s Gorge                                                     Saturday, May 8, 8-8:50 PM;
saddle. Trailer your own horse to the park. Register      Backcountry Ravine Exploration                                        9-9:50 PM & 10-10:50 PM
for one or both rides with a lunch break between.         Thursday, May 27, 6-8:30 PM                             UGA G
                                                                                                                                Saturday, May 22, 9-9:50 PM &

Registration required.                                                                                      GEA

                                                          Welton’s Gorge                                                        10-10:50 PM, Observatory Park,
23 The Sky Tonight                                        Venture into a rocky woodland ravine to                               Robert McCullough Science Center
                                                          discover deep rock ledges, cool streams, wildflowers,                 If skies are clear, several telescopes will be spaced
Planetarium Show                                          and stream life. Strenuous off-trail hike with slippery               around the park plaza. If cloudy, participants can
Sunday, May 23, 1-1:45 PM; 2-2:45 PM;                     stream bottoms, steep grades and obstacles. Rain or                   join an indoor planetarium presentation instead.
                                                          shine; dress for the weather. Wear sturdy shoes with                  Registration required; one session per night.
3-3:45 PM & 4-4:45 PM, Observatory                        good traction. Registration required.
Park, Robert McCullough Science Center
A planetarium presentation about what to watch
                                                                                                                                    14 15 Weave a Tote Basket
for in the night sky this week. Register for only         RECURRING PROGRAMS                                                    Friday, May 14, 12:30-5:30 PM
one time slot. Registration required.                                                                                           Saturday, May 15, 12:30-5:30 PM
                                                            3 12 20 26                            UGA G
                                                                                                                                The West Woods Nature Center


                                                          After-Work Walk                                                       Fee: $45 in-county resident, $49 out-of-county resident
                                                                                                                                Learn the art of basket weaving. Make a leather
                                                          Monday, May 3; Wednesday, May 12;                                     handled tote basket. Approximately 16 ½”L x 7
                                                          Thursday, May 20; Wednesday, May 26                                   ½”W x 12 ½”D. Some experience recommended.
                                                          All walks are 6:30-7:30 PM, Beartown                                  Registration required.
                                                          Lakes Reservation, North Point
                                                          Easy two-mile hike as we look and listen for                              22 23 60th Anniversary Hike!
                                                          Nature along the way. Registration required.                          Saturday, May 22, 1-2:30 PM                          UGA G

 1      6 Birding for Early Birds
                                                                                                                                Sunday, May 23, 9-10:30 AM &
Saturday, May 1, 8-10 AM                                    4 18 Geauga Walkers                                                 1-2:30 PM, Whitlam Woods
Claridon Woodlands                                        Tuesday, May 4, 1-2:30 PM                                             Celebrate the Park District’s 60th anniversary with
Thursday, May 6, 7:30-9:30 AM                             Swine Creek Reservation, Woods Edge                                   a medium-level, mile-long hike at one of our first
Beartown Lakes Reservation, North Point                   Tuesday, May 18, 1-2:30 PM                                            parks! Registration required.
See a variety of birds as they return to prime            Headwaters Park, Rt. 322 Parking lot
breeding habitat. Experienced leaders assist with         Hikes for active seniors 1 - 1½ miles long. Naturalist
                                                                                                                                27 28 29 Timbertots:
observation and identification. Dress for the             led. Call Geauga Senior Center for full schedule:                     Flower Fun (Ages 3-5 w/adult)
weather; bring binoculars. Registration required.         440-279-2126. Registration required.                                  Thursday, May 27, 10-11 AM & 1-2 PM
                                                                                                                                Friday, May 28, 10-11 AM & 1-2 PM
 3      4      5 Birding at                                7 21 Exoplanets &                                                    Big Creek Park, Deep Woods
Headland Dunes State                                      How to Find Them                                                      Saturday, May 29, 10-11 AM
Nature Preserve                                           Fridays, May 7 & 21, 7-8 PM                                           Orchard Hills Park, Lodge
Monday, May 3; Tuesday, May 4;                            Virtual program                                                       Find out how flowers can be fun with colors,
Wednesday, May 5; All dates 8-10 AM,                      Learn how to search for planets in other solar                        counting and exploration! Mostly outdoors,
Headland Dunes State Nature Preserve                      systems called “exoplanets.” Online via the free                      weather permitting; dress accordingly. Designed
                                                          software Zoom. Register for the program and                           for a specified age group. Registration required
Witness the spectacle of bird migration along the
                                                          receive a link to join. Registration required.                        for adults and children by phone only.
shores of Lake Erie. Rain or shine; dress for the
weather; wear appropriate footwear for sandy trails
and beach; bring binoculars. Registration required.
                                                                          • PARKEXPLORER 11
                                                                                 Register online or by phone beginning March 20 at 10 AM
                                                                                        All programs and special events are subject to change or be cancelled.
                                                                                                    Please check our website for updates before heading out.

              Adventure/Discovery                          Arts   Astronomy         Kids       Seniors
                                                                                                                      13 Authorized Access Hike:
      1 Build a Mason Bee House                                    9 After-Work                    UGA G
                                                                                                                      Wildlife of the Landfill


     Tuesday, June 1, 6-8 PM                                      Pollinator Walk                                     Sunday, June 13, 9:30-11:30 AM &
     The West Woods Nature Center                                 Wednesday, June 9, 6:30-7:30 PM                     1-3 PM; Waste Management’s
     Fee: $30 in-county resident, $34 out-of-county resident      Orchard Hills Park, Lodge                           Closed Lake County Landfill
     Mason or orchard bees are one of our 500                     A medium level two-mile hike in celebration of      Back by popular demand! Explore the grasslands and
     native bee species in Ohio. Join beekeeper                   National Pollinator Month and search for them       wetlands of a restored landfill to see how the former
     Cyndi Konopka to build a bee house to help                   along the trail. Registration required.             solid waste site is naturally reclaimed by a diversity
     these friendly pollinator bees. Dress for mess.                                                                  of wildlife. Involves driving to reach some locations.
                                                                                                                      Registration required.
     Registration required.
                                                                   10 Partial Solar Eclipse
      5 National Trails Days:                                     Thursday, June 10,                                  14 Welton’s Gorge
     Hike Around the Reservoir                                    5:30-6:45 AM, Location TBD                          Backcountry Ravine Exploration
                                                                  Barely catch a glimpse of this partial
     Saturday, June 5, 10 AM-2 PM                                 solar eclipse at sunrise. Eclipse will be half      Monday, June 14, 6-8:30 PM                          UGA G

                                                                                                                      Welton’s Gorge

     Headwaters Park, Route 608 Parking                           over by sunrise, and be finished by 6:45 AM.
     Enjoy a 7-mile hike around East         UGA G                Meet at off-site location, (communicated after      Venture into a rocky woodland ravine to

     Branch Reservoir including the                               registration) Registration required.                discover deep rock ledges, cool streams and wildlife.

     preserve side not normally open                                                                                  Strenuous off-trail hike with slippery stream bottoms,
     to the public. Possibility of wildlife sightings             10 “Nightingale”                                    steep grades and obstacles. Rain or shine; dress for
     including eagles and osprey. Pack a lunch and                                                                    the weather. Wear sturdy shoes with good traction.
     water bottle. Registration required.
                                                                  Evening Bird Walk                                   Registration required.
                                                                  Thursday, June 10, 8-9 PM
      5 Pollinator Adventure                                      Bessie Benner Metzenbaum Park                       16 Toddler Time: Sensing
     Saturday, June 5, 3-4:30 PM                                  Explore bird life on a summer evening. Hopefully    the Summer (Ages 1-2 w/adult)
                                                                  our Geauga County “nightingales” will serenade
     Observatory Park, Cygnus Shelter                                                                                 Wednesday, June 16, 9-10 AM &
                                                                  us! Registration required.
     A leisurely walk past meadows, wetlands and                                                                      11 AM-Noon; Walter C. Best Wildlife
     forest, learning about the importance of our
     pollinating insects. Registration required.
                                                                   12 Basic Learn to Kayak                            Preserve, Sunset Shelter
                                                                  (Ages 10+ w/adult) Saturday, June 12,               Enjoy Nature with your little one as we see, smell
                                                                                                                      and touch early summertime in the park. Strollers
      6 Birds Before Breakfast                                    9 AM-Noon; Bass Lake Preserve                       and carriers welcome! All attending must register.
     Sunday, June 6, 5:30-7:30 AM                                 Learn basic kayak-handling techniques for flat      Registration required.
                                                                  water. Under 18 must be accompanied by an
     Swine Creek Reservation, Valley Shelter
     Bring your lawn chair and brown
                                                                  adult. Wear shoes to get wet or muddy, and
                                                                  bring water and a change of clothes. No private
                                                                                                                      17 Elderberries:
     bag breakfast to enjoy a quiet                               kayaks or unregistered people. Registration         Dragon Hunting
     morning streamside listening to the                          required beginning June 5.
     forest wake up. Must be able to sit quietly for
                                                                                                                      Thursday, June 17, 11 AM-Noon &
                                                                                                                      12:30-1:30 PM; Orchard Hills Park, Lodge
     at least an hour. Registration required.
                                                                  12 Nature Explorers: Friends                        Dragonflies and damselflies call the parks home.
      6 Valley Hike                                               of Flowers (Ages 6-11 w/adult)                      Up-close chance to discover these winged residents.
                                                                  Saturday, June 12, 10:30 AM-Noon,                   Collaboration with Geauga Department on Aging
     Sunday, June 6, 8:30-10 AM &                                                                                     and University Hospitals Geauga Medical Center.
     10:30 AM-Noon; Swine Creek                                   1-2:30 PM & 3-4:30 PM                               Registration required.
     Reservation, Valley Shelter                                  Orchard Hills Park, Lodge
     Hike down into the valley along the stream                   Learn about those friends of flowers we call        18 Nature Trek Fitness Hike
     and learn about the life that lives in this special          pollinators and why they’re important. Dress
                                                                  for the weather. Adult must register and attend     Friday, June 18, 5-6:30 PM &
     place. Registration required.
                                                                  with child. Registration required.                  7-8:30 PM; Orchard Hills Park
      7 Geauga Skywatchers                                                                                            Let’s move it, people! Burn off calories and learn

     Club: Geocentrism                                             12 Basic Learn to Canoe                            Nature facts along the way. Ability to hike at least
                                                                                                                      three miles. Rain or shine; dress accordingly and bring
     Springboard to Copernicus, Part 2                            (Ages 10+ with adult) Saturday, June 12,            water. Registration required.
                                                                  1:30-4:30 PM; Bass Lake Preserve
     Monday, June 7, 6:30-7:30 PM
     Virtual program
                                                                  Learn basic canoe-handling techniques for flat      18 Indigo Shibori Dyeing 101
                                                                  water. Under 18 must be accompanied by an
     The second part of a fascinating program on                  adult. If possible, register with another paddler   Friday, June 18, 6:30-8:30 PM
     geocentrism. Designed for grades 6-12, but                   to share your canoe. Wear shoes to get wet or       The West Woods, Deer Run Shelter
     anyone can join. Registration required at                    muddy, and bring water and a change of clothes.     Fee: $35 in-county resident, $38 out-of-county resident                            No private canoes or unregistered people.           Join artist Deb Berkebile to learn shibori dyeing
                                                                  Registration required beginning June 5.             techniques to create a beautiful scarf. Participants are
      7 Morning Discovery Hike!                                                                                       also welcome to bring one new or old 100% prewashed
     Tuesday, June 8, 8-9:30 AM                    UGA G          12 Nights Out in the Parks:                         cotton or silk item to “upcycle.” No previous experience
                                                                                                                      necessary. Registration required.

     & 10-11:30 AM; Russell                                       Mo’ Mojo in Concert

     Uplands Preserve                                             Saturday, June 12, 7-8:30 PM                        19 Nature Exploration Kayak
     Join us for a peaceful hike along the forested               Big Creek Park, Amphitheater
     trails of this beautiful park. Parking limited;                                                                  (Ages 12+ w/adult) Saturday, June 19,
                                                                  Enjoy this hard-driving, high energy, Zydeco-
     carpooling recommended. Held rain or shine,                                                                      1-3 PM; Bass Lake Preserve
                                                                  based “Party-Gras” Band featuring three-part
     so dress for the weather. Approx. 1.5 miles                  harmonies, accordion, fiddle, guitar, rubboard,     Discover an amazing diversity of plants and animals
     over hilly terrain. No restrooms at this park.               sax, trumpet, harp, bass, percussion and drums.     during a leisurely afternoon kayak. Bring your
     Registration required.                                       Registration required.                              kayak or borrow one! Previous experience required.
                                                                                                                      Bring water and sunscreen. Registration required
12   PARKEXPLORER •                                                                        beginning June 12.
Face coverings are required for all indoor programs
and events, as well as for all outdoor programs and                             Fully Accessible                  Nature Scopes
events when social distancing is not possible.

                                                        25 Welcoming
                                                                                                                                  RECURRING PROGRAMS
19 Nassau Astronomy                                                                           UGA G


Night with CVAS                                         Summer Walk                                                                1 15 29 Geauga Walkers
Saturday, June 19, 7-11 PM, Observatory                 Friday, June 25, 10 AM-Noon
                                                                                                                                  Tuesday, June 1, Noon-2:30 PM; Picnic
Park, Nassau Astronomical Station                       Headwaters Park, Route 322 Parking
                                                                                                                                  follows hike; Frohring Meadows,
Join members of the Chagrin Valley Astronomical         A guided hike to discover this unique park.
Society to take in the wonders of the night sky         Two miles on a gravel trail. Registration                                 Tuesday, June 15, 1-2:30 PM
and discover this amazing facility. Limited number      required.                                                                 Swine Creek Reservation, Woods Edge
permitted in building at a time. Cancelled if cloudy.                                                                             Tuesday, June 29, 1-2:30 PM
                                                        25 Campground Adventure                                                   Observatory Park, Cygnus Shelter
19 Movie Night: “Jumanji:                               Friday, June 25, 7-9 PM                               UGA G
                                                                                                                                  Join other active seniors on weekly hikes of 1 - 1½

The Next Level” (PG-13)                                 Chickagami Park

                                                                                                                                  miles in Geauga County and the surrounding area.
Saturday, June 19, 8:30-11:30 PM                        A fun night outdoors! Walk the trails                                     June 1 is the annual picnic. Bring a lunch which
                                                        and check off items on our scavenger hunt,                                will follow hike. Call Geauga Senior Center for full
Observatory Park                                                                                                                  schedule, 440-279-2126. Registration required.
                                                        followed by stories, songs and s’more by the
Movie shown at dusk. Bring blankets, lawn chairs
                                                        campfire. Registration required.
and refreshments. Cancelled if inclement weather.
Registration required beginning March 20 for
                                                                                                                                   4 5 Astrotots:
Geauga residents and June 1 for out-of-county           26 Backcountry Hike:                                                      Ready For Launch!
residents. Must show registration receipt for entry.    The West Woods                                                            (Ages 3-5 w/adult)
                                                        Saturday, June 26, 9 AM-Noon &                                            Friday, June 4, 9:30-10:30 AM, 11:30
20 Horseback Trail Rides                                1:30-4:30 PM; The West Woods                                              AM-12:30 PM & 1:30-2:30 PM
Sunday, June 20,                                        Venture off trail. Rain or shine; dress for                               Saturday, June 5, 9:30-10:30 AM,
10-11:30 AM (Walk, Trot & Canter)                       weather. Rugged and wet/muddy terrain; wear                               11:30 AM-12:30 PM & 1:30-2:30 PM
1-3 PM (Walk Only)                                      sturdy footwear. Registration required.
                                                                                                                                  Observatory Park, Robert McCullough
Observatory Park, Cygnus Shelter
Register for one or both springtime rides with a        27 Backcountry Hike                                                       Science Center
                                                                                                                                  Come watch a rocket, be a rocket, make a
lunch break between. Trailer your own horse to the      Sunday, June 27, 9:30 AM-Noon &
park. Registration required.                                                                                                      rocket and launch a rocket! All attendees,
                                                        1-3:30 PM;The West Woods, Affelder                                        including adults and siblings, must be registered.
                                                        Rugged off-trail hike with steep ravines, UGA G                           Registration required by phone only.
22 Firefly Fiesta Hike
                                                        stream crossings and wet terrain along            GEA

Tuesday, June 22, 8:45-10:15 PM                         Affelder Stream and Silver Creek. Dress
                                                        for the weather and wear sturdy footgear for
                                                                                                                                   8      9 13 Timbertots:
Headwaters Park, Boathouse                                                                                                        Camp Day (Ages 3-5 w/adult)
                                                        wet/muddy conditions. Registration required.
Learn about and enjoy the unique flashes
of different species of fireflies. Registration                                                                                   Tuesday, June 8, 10-11 AM & 1-2 PM
required.                                               27 The Sky Tonight                                                        Chickagami Park, Overlook Shelter
                                                        Planetarium Show                                                          Wednesday, June 9, 10-11 AM &
22 Firefly Fiesta Bike Ride                             Sunday, June 27, 1-1:45 PM, 2-2:45                                        1-2 PM; Claridon Woodlands, Judge
Tuesday, June 22, 8:45-10:15 PM                         PM, 3-3:45 PM & 4-4:45 PM                                                 Lester Taylor Lodge
Headwaters Park, Boathouse                              Observatory Park, Robert                                                  Sunday, June 13, 1-2 PM & 3-4 PM
Learn about and enjoy the unique flashes                McCullough Science Center                                                 Chickagami Park, Overlook Shelter
of different species of fireflies, then take a                                                                                    A preschool version of big kid camp with
                                                        A planetarium presentation about what to
firefly-lit ride along The Maple Highlands Trail.                                                                                 activities, crafts and s’more! Outdoors, weather
                                                        watch for in the night sky. Register for only
Registration required.                                                                                                            permitting; dress accordingly. Older or younger
                                                        one session. Registration required.
                                                                                                                                  siblings not considered participants but all
23 After-Work                      UGA G
                                                        28 Nature Journaling:                                                     attending (including adults and siblings) must


Pollinator Walk                                         Kayak Experience
                                                                                                                                  register. Registration required by phone only.
Wednesday, June 23, 6:30-7:30 PM
Orchard Hills Park, Lodge
                                                        Monday, June 28, 9 AM-Noon &                                              11 25 Benjamin Banneker:
                                                        1-4 PM; Bass Lake Preserve, Lodge                                         Astronomy Pioneer
A medium level two-mile hike. In celebration of         Fee: $20 in-county resident, $24 out-of-county resident
National Pollinator Month search for pollinators
                                                        Learn basic journaling to record Nature
                                                                                                                                  Fridays, June 11 & 25, 7-8 PM
along the trail! Registration required.                                                                                           Virtual program
                                                        observations. Kayak on Bass Lake, then
                                                        journal about the experience. Partially                                   Explore the work of the self-taught math whiz
24 Maple Town Tune                                      outdoors. Taking photos is optional. A                                    who calculated the mysteries of the universe
Traders Virtual Jam Session                             one-time registration fee for the monthly                                 from a farmhouse in the 1790s. Learn how to
                                                        series includes a journal, pen and pencil.                                create an almanac! Online via the free software
Thursday, June 24, 7-9 PM                                                                                                         Zoom. Register for the program and receive a
                                                        Registration required by phone only.
Virtual program                                                                                                                   link to join in. Registration required.
Play, sing or enjoy as audience. Musicians of all       29 Moth Madness
levels, genres and instruments welcome. Online via
                                                        Tuesday, June 29, 10-10:30 PM,
                                                                                                                                  12 26 Night Sky Viewing
the free software Zoom. Registration required
then receive a link to join.                            10:45-11:15 PM &                                                          Saturdays, June 12 & 26, 9-9:50 PM &
                                                        11:30 PM-Midnight                                                         10-10:50 PM; Observatory Park, Robert
24 Full Moon Hike:                                      Holbrook Hollows, Lodge                                                   McCullough Science Center
The Strawberry Moon                                     See what species are attracted to our light                               If the skies are clear, we’ll have several
                                                                                                                                  telescopes spaced around the Observatory
                                                        station. Register for a half-hour time slot.
Thursday, June 24, 9-10 PM                                                                                                        Park plaza. If cloudy, an indoor planetarium
                                                        Bring a flashlight and camera for this great
Observatory Park                                        opportunity to capture images of night-flying                             presentation will be held. Register for only one
June brings late sunsets and ripe strawberries!         insects! Registration required.                                           session per night. Registration required.
Weather permitting, observe the rising full moon
using park telescopes. Registration required.                          • PARKEXPLORER 13
After a year marked by
                                                                                                                                       change, Geauga Park
                                                                                                                                       District was pleased to
                                                                                                                                       plan a more traditional
                                                                                                                                       Adventure Day Camp
                                                                                                                                       experience in 2021, with
                                                                                                                                       options that will help to
                                                                                                                                       keep campers safe while
                                                                                                                                       having fun outdoors!
                                         June Camps
                                        Adventure Day Camp at Affelder House                                    Junior Naturalist Camp at Affelder House
                                        (Youth entering grades 5 - 7)                                           (Youth entering grades 5 - 7)
                                        Mon - Fri, June 7 - 11; June 28 - July 2                                Mon - Fri, June 21 - 25; 9 AM - 4 PM daily
                                        (Teens entering grades 8 - 10) Mon - Fri, June 14 - 18                  Fee: $150 Geauga County residents,
                                        All sessions 9 AM - 4 PM daily                                          $175 out-of-county residents
                                        Fee: $150 Geauga County residents,                                      Are you ready to explore and learn how to be a naturalist?
                                        $175 out-of-county residents                                            If so, join Geauga Park District’s Junior Naturalist Day Camp
                                        Are you ready for an adventure? If so, join Geauga Park District’s      for a week of exploring streams, lakes and forests for
                                        Adventure Day Camp for an exciting week that includes exploring,        exciting natural history such as insects, fish, amphibians,
                                        hiking, fishing, stream exploration, geocaching and more! Campers       reptiles, birds, astronomy and more! Campers will spend
                                        will spend their day both on-trail and off-trail near the Affelder      their day both on-trail and off-trail at the Affelder House
                                                                                                                at 15139 Chillicothe Road, which will be the drop-off and
     Photo by Abby Smith

                                        House, which will be the drop-off and pick-up location for this week.
                                                                                                                pick-up location for this week.

                                               X-TREME LaDue Kayak Challenge
                                                (Teens entering grades 8 - 10) Wednesday, June 30, 9 AM - 4 PM at LaDue Reservoir Boathouse
                                                Fee: $30 Geauga County residents, $35 out-of-county residents
                                                The waters of LaDue Reservoir are home to a wondrous variety of shorebirds, osprey, eagles and other wildlife. Paddle
                                                this 1,477 acre lake with over 24 miles of shoreline! Meet camp staff and volunteers at the boathouse parking lot in
                                                Auburn Twp. Held rain or shine, except in event of thunderstorm. Basic kayaking skills and a signed waiver required.
                                                Wear shoes to get wet or muddy.

     Waivers required of each
     participant, and other details, are
                                                                            July & August Camps
     sent upon registration. Each camper
     must daily bring lunch, water and a
                                                                             Park Explorer Adventure Day Camp
                                                                             (Youth entering grades 5 - 7) Mon - Fri, July 1 2 - 16; July 26 - 30; Aug 2 - 6
     raincoat in a backpack. Sunscreen and
                                                                             (Teens entering grades 8 - 10) Mon - Fri, July 19 - 23
     insect repellent also suggested. Face masks
                                                                             All sessions 9 AM - 4 PM daily
     will be required and social distancing will be
                                                                             Fee: $150 Geauga County residents, $175 out-of-county residents
     observed. More equipment is provided and
                                                                             Are you ready for an adventure? If so, join Geauga Park District’s Adventure Day Camp for an
     included in the fee. Financial assistance                               exciting week that includes exploring, hiking, biking, fishing, kayaking, stream exploration,
     is also available; please call for details.                             geocaching, sending rockets high into the sky and more! Camper drop-off and pick-up will be at a
     REGISTRATION REQUIRED for all                                           different location each day! Parks visited will be The West Woods, Claridon Woodlands, Observatory
     camps at 440-286-9516.                                                  Park and Bass Lake Preserve. Schedules will be sent at a later date.

                                                           X-TREME High Ropes Adventure Challenge
                                                          (Teens entering grades 8 - 10) Wednesday, July 14, 9 AM - 4 PM at Claridon Woodlands
                                                          Fee: $30 Geauga County residents, $35 out-of-county residents
                                                          Join camp staff on an adventurous day! Campers will meet at Claridon Woodlands to explore the high ropes
                                                          course that towers over 30 feet high and features 10 exciting challenge elements.

                                                                                       X-TREME Biking Challenge
                                                                                       (Teens entering grades 8 - 10) Wednesday, July 28
                                                                                       9 AM - 4 PM at Claridon Woodlands
                                                                                       Fee: $30 Geauga County residents, $35 out-of-county residents
                                                                                       Claridon Woodlands will be the home base for this biking adventure. Join camp staff
                                                                                       to bike north to Mountain Run Station, then south to Tare Creek Parkway along The
                                                                                       Maple Highlands Trail, an adventure totaling 22 miles!

                             Get outside for some fun!
14                         PARKEXPLORER •
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