Admissions 2022-23 International School of Louisiana

Page created by Erin Little
Admissions 2022-23 International School of Louisiana
International School of Louisiana

 Admissions 2022-23
Admissions 2022-23 International School of Louisiana
Welcome to our
                             ISL Campuses
The mission of the International                                                             Dixon Campus
School of Louisiana (ISL) is to                                                              (Kindergarten-2nd Grade)
provide a challenging education                                                            FrenchandSpanishImmersion
emphasizing language immer-
                                                                                                 4040 Eagle Street
sion, international awareness,
                                                                                               New Orleans, LA 70118
the celebration of diversity and
community responsibility.                                                                     Principal: Rosa Alvarado

HISTORY                             Our Dixon Campus is located in the Dixon neighborhood at 4040 Eagles St. New
The International School of         Orleans LA, 70118. It is one block off Airline Hwy., two blocks off the
Louisiana (ISL) was founded in      Jefferson/Orleans parish line, and nestled in between Old Metairie and
2000 by a group of parents ea-      Mid-City.
ger to improve public education     This facility includes two outdoor play areas, outdoor seating areas, a spacious
in Louisiana. They envisioned a     cafeteria and stage on the first floor of the building.
tuition-free, non-selective char-
ter school that would cultivate
diversity, inclusion, and equity.
ISL is the only school chartered
                                                                                            Uptown Campus
                                                                                                   (3rd-8th Grade)
before hurricane Katrina fortu-
nate enough to see continued
success, growth, and a thriv-
                                                                                                  1400 Camp Street
ing student population. We are                                                                 New Orleans, LA 70130
proud to continue to provide                                                                Principal:LauraAdelman-Cannon
French and Spanish language
immersion and to foster global      Our Uptown Campus is located in the Lower Garden District at 1400 Camp St.,
learners.                           New Orleans LA, 70130. Across from Coliseum Square, it is just a short walk away
                                    from the artsy neighborhood of Magazine Street and minutes from a streetcar
                                    (trolley) ride down St. Charles Avenue.
                                    This facility includes an outdoor play area and field, covered outdoor seating ar-
                                    eas, a cottage, and a spacious cafeteria and stage.

                                                                                          Westbank Campus
                                                                                            (Kindergarten-5th Grade)
                                                                                               Spanish Immersion
                                                                                                 502 Olivier Street
                                                                                              New Orleans, LA 70114
                                                                                           Principal: Brandon Ferguson

                                    Our Westbank Campus is located in the picturesque New Orleans neighborhood
                                    of Algiers Point at 502 Olivier St., New Orleans LA, 70114. The Historic Algiers
                                    Point neighborhood has many things to offer. Within walking distance, historic and
                                    beautiful residences, parks, and it’s own neighborhood library. It is just minutes
                                    away from a ferry ride across the river.
                                    Our facility includes an outdoor playground and a spacious cafeteria area where
                                    our students can enjoy recreational activities.
Admissions 2022-23 International School of Louisiana
About ISL
                                                                              We know the admissions process can be a bit challeng-
Today, the International School of Louisiana (ISL) educates stu-              ing and we would like to offer our assistance. Below you
dents in Kindergarten through eighth across three campuses
located in Dixon (K-2), Uptown (3-8), and the Westbank (K-5).                 will find a list that will help you determine who to reach if
Our commitment to diversity is evident in both our teacher and                     you have a question. We hope you find it useful.
student populations. ISL employs over 200 staff members from
33 countries and fluent in 23 different languages who work to-
gether to educate approximately 1200 students (43% African                   Questions about completing my OneApp?
American, 29% White, 25% Latinx/Hispanic, 2% Asian/Pacific                   Contact the OneApp family support team:
and 1% American Indian).                                                     l Submit a request for assistance online (start at

LANGUAGE IMMERSION                                                    to choose your
From their first day of school, ISL students learn core academic               language)
subjects in either French or Spanish. They learn a second lan-
                                                                             l Call 1-877-343-4773
guage naturally, through everyday conversation and classroom
instruction. Over 80% of students enter ISL at Kindergarten from             l Email:
English-speaking homes and leave in 8th grade as bilingual
speakers, sometimes trilingual. ISL offers a full immersion expe-
rience in French or Spanish (Kindergarten through 8th grade),                If you would like to know more about ISL’s daily
as well as Mandarin Chinese in middle school.                                schedule, teachers, curriculum, or language
What about Race & Racism?                                                    immersion? Contact one of our Family Liaisons.
At ISL, we celebrate diversity and take community responsibility             l Dixon Campus:

seriously. It is integral to our mission and a force that drives our           Catalian Colbert, 504-934-4875
work. Approximately five years ago, ISL started a partnership
with RootsConnectEd while preparing for the 2017-18 school           
year. Our goal was to educate our faculty and staff to contin-
ue to create an intentionally integrated and inclusive school                l Uptown Campus:
community. Roots ConnectED is an organization that provides
training and professional development opportunities for educa-                Martha Peña, 504-654-1088
tors. Through this work, ISL teachers and staff develop tools to    
encourage deep connection among children despite their dif-
ferences and honoring them. We know this work is hard and                    l Westbank
on-going, and we value the process.                                                     Campus:
Over the last 5+ years, ISL teachers (school-wide) have                       Alexander Andréson, 504-302-7882
trained on UDL- Universal Design for Learning, Identity Work,       
Co-Teaching, and more. In Middle School, our focus has been
the advisory program, as well as developing the capacity of our
Middle School teachers to examine their own unconscious bi-                  Information about admissions or registration:
ases and learn ways in which they can begin to facilitate mean-              Contact our Admissions team:
ingful work with our students in this area. ISL Middle School                l Email:
teachers did an in-depth curriculum dive to apply an Anti-Bias
Lens to social studies teaching with particular attention to the             l Phone: 504-229-4391

strands of Critical Literacy and Social Justice.                             l Text Line: (text only) 504-407-5295
For the last two years, teachers have been engaging in the fol-
lowing professional development training:                                    Para asistencia en Español: 504-229-4391
l Developing   Anti-Bias Communities
l Universal   Design for Learning
l Inclusive
We continue to find ways to grow and be more inclusive so that
we can become better educators/members of our community.

                                                                       Covid-19 has changed the way we do things at school.
                                                                       From wearing masks, to keeping a safe social distance, to
                                                                       temperature checks and shifts to ICP learning, we are ad-
                                                                       justing and challenging ourselves daily. We are so grateful
                                                                       to our ISL staff and families who continue to be innovative
                                                                       and flexible and work hard to keep our community safe.
                                                                       If you are interested in our COVID policies or learn-
                                                                       ing more about what we are doing at ISL to keep our
                                                                       community safe, please visit our COVID-19 page on
                                                                       our     website:
Admissions 2022-23 International School of Louisiana
DATES TO REMEMBER                                                            ISL VIRTUAL TOURS
                                                             You can find our virtual tours on both our
    Virtual Campus Visits: December 2021                     website or Facebook page. On our website,
    Throughout the month of December, check out ISL Facebook go to our Admissions page
    Page for Campus Virtual Visits and more!                 and click on the Open House & Tour Dates
                                                             tab or type in your browser:
    Open House: January 2022                                 admissions/open-house-tours
    Date TBA. Check back for additional details              Click on the link below the arrow.

    EnrollNOLA Application Details (Kindergarten-8th)                            To find live videos on Facebook:
                                                                                 l From your News Feed, click Watch on the
    Main Round Window Opens: November 1, 2021
    Main Round Window Closes: January 21, 2022                                   left.
    Please check for additional information.                      l Click Live below Watch and search at the

                                                                                 top of your screen

                                                                                 View our Facebook Albums to see
                                                                                 our campus life!

  OUR ACCOLADES                                                                  /InternationalSchoolofLouisiana
  ISL is the only Louisiana school to be named a “Charter School of              PINTEREST:
  the Year” by the Center for Education Reform, the nation’s leading             @islnola
  education advocacy organization. We work diligently to further our             YOUTUBE: ISL Media
  mission to provide a challenging ed ucation emphasizing language
  immersion, international awareness, the celebration of diversity, and
  community responsibility. As a non-selective school, ISL enrolls a
  minimum of 53% of students identified as at-risk. The critical work
  that inspires us each day has earned our school, teachers, and stu-
  dents recognition, nationally and locally. ISL is among the first Lou-
  isiana State Certified Immersion Schools, is one of only two Span-
  ish language immersion schools in the metro area, notably won the
  COSEBOC Excellence in Education award for the effective elimina-
  tion of the achievement gap for boys of color, and is the proud hon-
  oree of the 2015 Public Education Award for Exemplary Language
  Immersion Education, among other recognitions and awards.

  ISL does not discriminate against students based on race, color, na-
  tional origin, gender, disability, family situation, intellectual or athlet-
  ic ability, status as a person with a disability, or any other basis that
  would be illegal if used by a district board of education. ISL complies
  with all applicable Louisiana statutes concerning public schools.
  Interpreters and translated materials are available in multiple languages. To request assistance, please contact your campus Family
Liaison. Si desea una traducción de esta información, no dude en ponerse en contacto con el Personal de Enlace (Family Liaison) de la
                                     escuela. Tendrá mucho gusto en proporcionarle un traductor.

                             Dixon Campus: Catalian Colbert, 504-934-4875,
                          Uptown Campus: Martha Peña, 504-654-1088,
                     Westbank Campus: Alexander Andréson, 504-302-7882,
Admissions 2022-23 International School of Louisiana Admissions 2022-23 International School of Louisiana Admissions 2022-23 International School of Louisiana
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