Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland

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Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
December Issue 2019

Accountancy Plus
The Official Journal of CPA Ireland

       Finance Bill 2019/
       Budget 2020
       Also in this issue:                    Presidents Dinner 2019
       Automating your accounts for digital
       Energy efficiency improves the
       bottom line
       Leadership Insight:
       Eamonn Siggins
Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland

Editorial                      President’s Message

                                                                                                                                         PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
Accountancy Plus               Welcome to the December 2019
December 2019                  Edition of Accountancy Plus.

                               December is always a good month for                  • We have engaged in global research, through
CPA Ireland                    reflection. For my part, I can reflect on a very       our membership of the Edinburgh Group,
                               positive experience in my first 8 months as            which identifies the challenges facing the
                               President of CPA Ireland. At almost every              profession with a particular focus on those
17 Harcourt Street,            event I have attended, the word “change” has           challenges facing the Small to Medium
Dublin 2, D02 W963             featured somewhere on the agenda. And yes,             Practice (SMP) of the Future. CPA Ireland has
                               we are living in an era of incredible change           prioritised support initiatives to address those
T: 01 425 1000                 as digitalisation, artificial intelligence and         challenges.
F: 01 425 1001                 machine learning impact on the nature of work
                                                                                    • We have launched two innovative Diploma
                               which accountants traditionally complete, the
                                                                                      programmes in Forensic Accounting and in
                               workforce required to carry out that changing
Unit 3,                                                                               Data Analytics and we will offer the Leadership
                               work and the workplace from which work can
The Old Gasworks,                                                                     programme again in early 2020 to empower
                               be completed.
Kilmorey Street,                                                                      CPAs to develop their distinctive human
                               None of this is new and, in 2016, Richard and          strengths and progress to leadership positions.
Newry, BT34 2DH
                               Daniel Susskind, in their book entitled: “The
                                                                                    • In relation to our online learning, I am very
                               Future of the Professions: How Technology
T: +44 (0) 28 3025 2771                                                               proud of the acknowledgement received from
                               Will Transform the Work of Human Experts”,
W:                                                                  our peer professional bodies in Accountancy
                               predicted the decline of today’s professions
                                                                                      Europe where we were given an award at the
E:           and describes the people and systems that will
                                                                                      Digitalisation Awards held in Brussels on 19
                               replace them. One quotation from the book
                                                                                      November 2019. The Digitalisation Awards
Editor                         appears, to me, to suggest that professions,
                                                                                      are held to recognise the most promising
                               including accountants, are resistant to the
Patricia O’Neill                                                                      digitalisation initiatives by Accountancy Europe
                               change that is occurring in the world around
Chief Executive                                                                     • The CPA executive team is engaged with
Eamonn Siggins                 “If we leave it to the professionals themselves to
                                                                                      some of the leaders in artificial intelligence
                               reinvent the workplace, we are asking the rabbits
                                                                                      solutions for the accountancy profession to
                               to guard the lettuce”.
Editorial Adviser                                                                     ensure that CPAs receive the best advice on
Róisín McEntee                 The reality is something quite different, in that      solutions appropriate to their workplace.
                               artificial intelligence is helping humans to make
                                                                                    So, as we enter into the third decade of the
                               better decisions in so many ways and will
Technical Adviser                                                                   21st Century we must adapt a digital mindset
                               continue to do so. I have met hundreds of CPAs,
Maureen Kelly                  nationally and internationally who are meeting
                                                                                    and accept that data entry is history, business
                                                                                    relationships are in real time and technology
                               change head on and will thrive in the workplace
Advertising                                                                         will prompt service interventions based on
                               of the future.
                                                                                    movements in the financial affairs of a business.
Ciara Durham
                               In November, I was privileged to attend the
T: 086 852 3463                Council meeting of the International Federation
                                                                                    When reflecting on change during 2019, I must
E:                                                        acknowledge some senior leadership changes
                               of Accountants in Vancouver, Canada. This
                                                                                    in CPA Ireland. We marked the retirements of
                               annual meeting of member bodies brings
                                                                                    both Paul Heaney and David FitzGerald from the
Published by                   the Presidents and CEOs of professional
                                                                                    Director team, both of whom had given 15 years
Nine Rivers Media Ltd.         accountancy bodies from every corner of the
                                                                                    of exemplary service to CPA Ireland. Our Chief
T: 01 667 5900                 globe together and provides an ideal opportunity
                                                                                    Executive, Eamonn Siggins, who celebrated
                               for sharing experiences as to how the profession
E:                                                               30 years of service to CPA Ireland in October,
                               is responding to change.
                                                                                    is now supported by a Director team of Cait
Printed by                     My sense from meeting international peers            Carmody, Deirdre McDonnell, Gillian Peters and
                               in the profession, and this sense is amplified       Patricia O’Neill. Together, this dedicated and
                               from meeting with individual CPAs, is that the       talented team will deliver on the change agenda
                               accountancy profession is already embracing          facing CPA Ireland.
Distribution                   a changing world of work, supported by
Lettershop Services Ltd.                                                            May I wish all of you a peaceful Christmas and a
                                                                                    prosperous 2020.
                               My engagement with peer professional bodies
                               caused me to reflect on what CPA Ireland has
                               done and will continue to do to enable CPAs
                               and CPA students thrive in the new world of

                               • We are engaged in a complete review of our
                                 curriculum, which is based on research and         Gearóid O’Driscoll
                                 stakeholder engagement, to ensure that the         President CPA Ireland
                                 CPA qualification underpins a future fit for a
                                 professional cohort of CPAs.
                                                                                          Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019
Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
                       Pictured L – R:
                       Gearóid O’Driscoll, President,
                       CPA Ireland and Catherine
                       Page, Counsellor, British
                       Embassy Ireland.

Institute                                        Financial Reporting               Taxation
President’s Message              01              Financial Reporting News     06   Tax News                26

Institute News                   44              Financial Reporting in the        Finance Bill 2019/
                                                 Pharmaceutical Industry      07   Budget 2020             28
Information &                                    Robert Kirk                       Mairéad Hennessy

                                                 Law & Regulation                  In Practice
CPA Profile
                                                 Law & Regulation News        11   In Practice News        31
Brendan McGowan                  03

                                                 ODCE Investigations –             Helping your clients
Áine Collins                     05              Managing the risks when           create a business
                                                 your practice comes into     12                           32
                                                                                   succession plan
                                                 investigators’ focus              Glen Foster
CPD                                              Joe Kelly
                                                                                   Audit Developments in
News & Events                    47
                                                                                   the UK                  32
                                                 Finance & Management              Philip Johnson
Student                                          Finance & Management
Student News                     50                                                IT
                                                 Leadership Insight
                                                                              16   Automating your
                                                 Eamonn Siggins
Personal Development                                                               accounts for digital
                                                 Pursuing opportunities
Making your firm                                                                   Chris Howard
                                                 in a challenging
attractive to job seekers        38
                                                 environment - insights
Ed Heffernan                                                                  20
                                                 from the Food and
                                                 Agribusiness sector
                                                 David Leydon

                                                 Energy efficiency
                                                 improves the bottom line     23
                                                 Alan Makim
Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
                                                                                               Head of Finance and Assets,

CPA Profile

                                                                                                                                   Brendan McGowan
                                                                                                                                                     CPA PROFILE

Brendan McGowan                                                                                Aurivo Co-operative Society Ltd
                                                                                               CPA & Professional Diploma in
                                                                                               Management Excellence, UCD.

Why did you decide to start out             the Co-op and my superiors I began            lots of time grinding at the books
on a career in accountancy?                 my studies and accountancy journey.           at home, in 1999 the qualification
                                            I first completed the Accountants             eventually arrived. The fact that CPA
When I finished post primary
                                            Technician exams and shortly                  is a well-recognised and respected
education, I actually had no idea what
                                            thereafter set out in quest of the CPA        qualification here in Ireland and
career path I wanted to embark on.
                                            qualification.                                internationally also swayed my
I was accepted on an Engineering
                                                                                          thinking that this was the accounting
degree course in UCG which I tried
                                            Why did you choose CPA Ireland                body that I wanted to be a member
for two years but from early on in this
                                            as your qualification route?                  of.
venture I realised this was not for me.
I did however enjoy the college life        Having decided on what I wanted
                                                                                          Please provide a brief history of
there and participated in the vibrant       to do I looked at the various options
                                                                                          your career.
student culture that’s present in           available. Returning to full time
Galway. Having left college, I returned     education wasn’t an option whilst             I have spent all of my working
to my home in Tubbercurry and               working full time in a busy and               career with the same employer.
commenced work in the local Co-             diverse environment. The CPA route            That is North Connacht Farmers
op Head Office of North Connacht            fitted well into my work and personal         Co-op, Connacht Gold Co-op
Farmers Co-op. Working primarily            life schedule. The student supports           and now known as Aurivo Co-
in the accounts area, I quickly             that were on offer were also a                operative Society Ltd. I started as an
discovered that this was the road I         deciding factor. With a combination           accounts clerk and once I got my
should persue. With the support of          of weekend education in Dublin and            accounting technician qualification I

                                                                             Grow your
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             For more information and to see how you can become part of our team,

                                                                                           Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019
Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland

     was appointed as accounts payable          How do you find your CPA                knowledge of the business, a
     supervisor. I remained in this role for    qualification has helped you in         relatively seamless transition ensued.
     a number of years whilst studying for      your role?
     my CPA qualification. Following my                                                 What do you think are the most
                                                Unquestionably the CPA qualification
     CPA qualification, I was appointed                                                 pressing issues for Accountants
                                                has been the backbone of my
     as accountant for the stores/retail                                                and the Industry you operate in?
                                                journey with Aurivo Co-op. Achieving
     section of Agribusiness.
                                                this qualification while working was    The primary issue right now for
                                                the spring board for the progression    the Agribusiness / Food sector is
     Shortly thereafter I took the
                                                towards my current role in the Co-op.   undoubtedly the massive uncertainty
     accounting responsibility for all of
                                                My managers at the time recognised      surrounding Brexit. This is the sector
     Agribusiness, 30+ stores/retail outlets
                                                my achievement and the drive and        of the economy that will be most
     and the Animal Feed processing
                                                commitment I had to achieve that        affected by a disorderly exit by Britain
     plant, Nutrias, in Ballaghaderreen. This
                                                goal.                                   from the EU. Much forward planning
     is a business with an annual turnover
                                                                                        and forecasting has been done in
     of circa of €120million, primarily
     animal feed, fertiliser and farm inputs.   What has been your biggest              order to mitigate the fallout, but this
                                                career achievement?                     period of volatility appears to be set
     We also have Hardware, Household
                                                                                        to continue.
     offerings and Garden Centres.              There have been many notable
                                                landmarks in my 33-year career with
     My current role is Head of Finance                                                 How do you unwind?
                                                Aurivo. Two that are prominent in my
     and Assets for Aurivo Agribusiness. I      mind would be the amalgamation /        Outside of my professional life
     work closely with my fellow finance        merger of NCF and Kiltoghert Co-        my passion is for Amateur Drama.
     colleagues in the other areas of           op’s and recently, the introduction     Though not an actor, I know my
     the business – Dairy Ingredients,          of a totally new software system        limitations, I’m deeply involved in the
     Consumer Foods, Marts and My               in our retail and milling business.     Amateur Drama world, particularly
     Goodness Ltd. The total Aurivo             The financial implications of these     the Drama Festival movement, locally
     turnover is circa €450million.             two events posed many challenges        and nationally and have served
                                                but with careful planning, the          as secretary and chairman of the
                                                co-operation of colleagues and          Amateur Drama Council of Ireland.

     Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019
Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
                                                                                                     Business Development
CPA Profile

                                                                                                                                     Áine Collins
                                                                                                                                                    CPA PROFILE

Áine Collins                                                                                         EFM Ireland
                                                                                                     CPA. IOD

Why did you decide to start out             time and worked on transformation           the challenges that businesses face
on a career in accountancy?                 and growth within corporate services        every day.
I discovered the value of work and
                                                                                        What has been your biggest
reward from a young age while selling       As my working life continued, so did        career achievement?
cabbage at local markets in Cork with       my passion for politics. In 2011 I was
my Dad. The incentive was you had           elected to Dáil Eireann as a Fine Gael      Serving as TD for Cork North West.
to pick the cabbage for the day, and I      TD for Cork North West. I went on to
could keep any money I made.                represent my constituency for 5 years.      I found being a member of Dáil Eireann
                                            During that time l lead the policy for      an exceptionally fulfilling role, where
Following this, I got my first office job   equalisation of the taxation and PRSI       I helped make a difference on issues
aged 19, as a legal cashier at Bolton       system between the self-employed            that were of major importance and
& Lowe, a law firm at Temple Bar in         and employees as it had been unequal        that had direct effect on our countries
London.                                     for years. I also worked to deliver the     policy making and governance. Being
                                            approval of payment of the Kalydeco         a CPA accountant and former business
I loved the work, I really enjoyed          drug for people who live with Cystic        owner, my knowledge base contributed
working with numbers and this               Fibrosis as well as making over 5000        significantly to my work as a TD.
provided me with the impetus to study       representation from constituents
accountancy, later qualifying as a CPA.     during that time on various issues from     On a personal bases my greatest
I believe lessons learned in your first     business concerns, education issues,        achievement is being a mom to 3
job can lay the foundations for the rest    medical cards, social welfare, housing,     children; one who is now an adult
of your career – and this job certainly     etc.                                        living in Toronto and 2 who are still
fuelled my passion to enter the world                                                   in National school and of course a
of finance and working in the world of      From 2016 to 2019, l worked on a            supportive husband in all that l do.
business.                                   project with UCC as well as setting up
                                            my own business Blueprint Consulting        What do you think are the most
Why did you choose CPA Ireland              – advising on business finance and          pressing issues for accountants?
as your qualification route?                strategy.
                                                                                        Like many careers today, there is a lot
I worked in a CPA practice in my final                                                  of disruptive technologies in the world
                                            In 2017/2018, l returned to study and
year to get more experience with a                                                      of Accountancy & Finance. As a result,
                                            completed a Diploma with the Institute
growing firm. I have found CPA Ireland                                                  accountants now have to adapt to more
                                            of Directors. Earlier this year I was
to be incredibly helpful with my career                                                 of a role in business planning, financial
                                            appointed as Business Development
over the years as well as very flexible                                                 and strategic advisory services. As
                                            Director with EFM Ireland who provide
and holistic in their approach.                                                         humans, we must become tech fluent
                                            strategic financial and advisory services
                                                                                        and augment artificial intelligence with
                                            to Irish Businesses.
Please provide a brief history of                                                       human skills that cannot be digitised
your career.                                                                            e.g. analysis, scepticism and creativity.
                                            We have a team of highly experienced
Shortly after qualifying as an accountant   Finance Directors who are available to
                                                                                        What traits do you admire most
in 1996 l opened an Accountancy             offer operational finance and strategic
                                            support on a flexible, part-time basis,     in others?
Practice in Millstreet, Co Cork. I spent
the following nine years growing the        which offers the benefit of having that     Honesty, Fairness, Courage,
practice and I really enjoyed helping       expert input, without bearing the full-     Openness, Resilience and Loyalty .
my clients manage and grow their            time cost of hiring a Finance Director
businesses.                                 in-house. We work with businesses
                                                                                        How do you unwind?
                                            from the ground - up, to support with
In 2005 l joined the SWS Group which        growth, development and to effectively      I relax by taking time out to enjoy
was a multi sectoral business in the        and efficiently scale-up their business.    activities such as current affairs, hiking
areas of Forestry, Renewal Energy and                                                   particularly in the Kerry Mountains,
Corporate Services. They were growing       This role really resonates with me          going to the gym, meditation (trying!)
their corporate services operation,         following my long career of working         cooking and spending time with family
acquiring accountancy practices at the      with Irish Business and understanding       and close friends.

                                                                                        Accountancy Plus September Issue 2019
Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland

     Financial Reporting News
     IAASA publishes review on                    Common enforcement priorities                    and supply chains; and
     the IFRS 16 Leases disclosures                                                           • specific aspects related to the
                                                  The European Securities and Markets
     within the 2019 half-yearly                                                                application of the ESMA Guidelines
                                                  Authority (‘ESMA’) has published its          on Alternative Performance Measures
     financial reports                            annual priorities statement titled            (APMs) to measures modified or
                                                  ‘European common enforcement                  included as a result of the new
     IAASA, Ireland’s accounting enforcer,
                                                  priorities for 2019 annual financial          accounting standards.
     has published an Information Note
                                                  reports’ setting out those topics which
     highlighting the findings of a desktop                                                   Source:
                                                  company directors, Audit Committees
     review on the IFRS 16 Leases disclosures
                                                  and auditors should particularly
     in the 2019 half-yearly financial reports.
                                                  consider when preparing, reviewing          FRC sets out expectations for
     The purpose of this Information Note is      and auditing International Financial        corporate reporting to improve
     to provide readers with:                     Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) financial      trust in business
                                                  statements for the year ending 31
     • an analysis of the nature, extent and
                                                  December 2019.                              The Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
       impact of the information disclosed
                                                                                              has today called for improvements to
       by issuers in relation to the transition   The three priorities for 2019, selected
                                                                                              corporate reporting in an open letter
       to IFRS 16 Leases in their 2019 half-      on the basis of the significant changes
                                                                                              to all Audit Committee Chairs and
       yearly financial reports; and              that these new requirements introduce
                                                                                              Finance Directors. The letter reflects
                                                  and their impact on EU capital markets,
     • a comparison of the actual                                                             findings from the FRC’s Annual Review
       transitional impact of IFRS 16 as                                                      of Corporate Reporting 2018/19
       disclosed in the half-yearly financial     • specific issues related to the            (published today) and the scope for
       statements with the estimated impact         application of IFRS 16 Leases;            companies to improve their reporting to
       disclosed by the issuers in their prior    • follow-up of specific issues related      address matters of increasing concern
       year annual financial statements.            to the application of IFRS 9 Financial    to investors and enhance public trust in
                                                    Instruments for credit institutions and   business.
     IFRS 16 is required to be applied to
     annual reporting periods beginning             IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with       The FRC expects companies to improve
     on or after 1 January 2019. As such,           Customers for corporate issuers; and      the quality reporting of forward-looking
     the 2019 half-yearly financial reports       • specific issues related to application    information, the potential impact of
     are the first financial statements that        of IAS 12 Income Taxes (including         emerging risks on future business
     issuers had to prepare and publish in          application of IFRIC 23 Uncertainty       strategy, the carrying value of assets
     which mandatory IFRS 16 information            over Income Tax Treatments).              and the recognition of liabilities.
     was required, including the impact of                                                    Failure to report on these crucial
     transition.                                  In its statement, ESMA reiterates           areas undermines trust in business
                                                  the importance for companies to             and can lead to the conclusion that
     Overall, IAASA found that issuers
                                                  present entity-specific information         management is either unaware of their
     provided high quality disclosures
                                                  in their financial reports and provide      potential impact, is being opaque, or is
     regarding their accounting policy for
                                                  information that aids readers’              not managing them effectively.
     leases and the financial impact of
                                                  understanding of the company’s
     the adoption of the new accounting                                                       In times of uncertainty, investors and
                                                  financial performance and financial
     standard.                                                                                other stakeholders expect greater
                                                                                              transparency of the risks to which
     The most significant impact for
                                                  ESMA highlights potentially significant     companies are exposed and the actions
     issuers’ reported results arising from
                                                  implications of transition from one         they are taking to mitigate the impact
     transitioning to IFRS 16 is that leases
                                                  interest rate benchmark rate to             of those uncertainties. The FRC expects
     previously defined as operating leases
                                                  another on financial reporting and the      companies to think beyond the period
     under IAS 17 and treated as “off-
                                                  importance of timely disclosure of its      covered by their viability statement and
     balance sheet” are now required to be
                                                  consequences.                               identify those keys risks that challenge
     recognised in the Statement of Financial
                                                                                              their business models in the medium to
     Position as a “right of use” asset and a     ESMA’s statement also draws attention       longer term and have a particular focus
     related lease liability.                     to some specific requirements               on environmental issues.
                                                  relating to the sections of the annual
     The Information Note is available here
                                                  financial report other than the financial   The FRC welcomes some improvement
     Source:                         statements, namely:                         in key disclosures of critical judgements
                                                                                              and estimates and alternative
                                                  • the disclosures of non-financial          performance measures (APMs) as
                                                    information focusing on:                  reflected in companies’ strategic
                                                    •   environmental and climate             reports. It will continue to press
                                                        change related matters;               companies who do not clearly report
                                                    •   key-performance indicators;           the specific judgements they have taken
                                                                                              or who do not present APMs clearly in
                                                    •   the use of disclosure frameworks
                                                                                              accordance with best practice.

     Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019
Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland

Financial Reporting in the

                                                                                                                               Financial Reporting in the Pharmaceutical Industry by Robert Kirk
                                                                                                                                                                                                   FINANCIAL REPORTING
Pharmaceutical Industry
by Robert Kirk

In this issue of Accountancy Plus I have taken the opportunity to investigate how accounting
standards (both local and international) play a unique role in the financial statements of
pharmaceutical companies. Clearly a number of the standards would apply equally to other
industries but the following topics play a central role in this particular industry:

•   Research and development expenditure
•   Research and development tax credits
•   The valuation of inventories
•   Product licencing and revenue recognition

Research and development                   The challenge has been trying              markets and recent history has
expenditure                                to match these generic criteria            shown that gaining approval in one
                                           with the actual processes and              market is not a guarantee of approval
Under international reporting, IAS         risks of pharmaceutical product            elsewhere.
38 Intangible Assets, capitalisation       development. In the United States
of all development expenditure is          a very prudent approach has been           How is post launch expenditure to
compulsory from the point when it          adopted and all research and               be accounted for? There is a strong
becomes probable that attributable         development must be written off            argument that this is, in substance,
economic benefits will be realised.        immediately as an expense.                 marketing spend and thus should be
The key issue has been what does                                                      expensed.
probability mean? Superficially, the       Some of the key questions that arise
standard is clear, no expenditure may      include:                                   Although the capitalisation of
be capitalised for research, but one                                                  development expenditure does
must be recognised for development,        • Could costs be capitalised prior
                                                                                      increase the value of intangible
if six criteria are met. These are as        to obtaining first major market
                                                                                      assets and (short-term) profitability
follows:                                     approval?
                                                                                      the industry at large usually assesses
                                           • Is there sufficient certainty at any     the uncertainties of getting a drug
• It is technically feasible to complete     point in the approval process to         approved to be too great to justify
  the intangible asset for use or sale;      support an argument of probable          capitalising significant development
• It is the entity’s intention to            future benefit?                          costs. An example of a typical
  complete the intangible asset for                                                   accounting policy adopted for
                                           • Does recognition have to be
  use or sale;                                                                        Irish pharmaceutical companies is
                                             deferred until final approval has
                                                                                      illustrated by Trinity Biotech Plc as
• The entity has the ability to use or       been obtained?
  sell the intangible asset;               Given the strong market reactions
• It can be demonstrated that it is        to announcements of changes in             Trinity Biotech Plc
  probable that the intangible asset       the status and timing of regulatory
                                           approvals, there clearly is a risk
                                                                                      Notes to the consolidated
  will generate future-economic
                                           discount built in by the market for
                                                                                      financial statements December
                                           development uncertainty until final        31 2018
• The entity has adequate technical,       approval and labelling is cleared.         Basis of Preparation and
  financial and other resources to
                                                                                      Significant Accounting Policies
  complete the development; and            What about costs incurred after first      (Extract)
• The entity can measure reliably          major market approval - is there now
                                                                                      Expenditure on development
  the expenditure attributable to          sufficient certainty of a product’s
                                                                                      activities, whereby research
  the intangible asset during its          commercial viability? There is no
                                                                                      findings are applied to a plan or
  development.                             clear-cut answer. Different products
                                                                                      design for the production of new
                                           will have different success in different
                                                                                      or substantially improved products

                                                                                      Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019
Accountancy Plus The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
     and processes, is capitalised if the        impairment losses (Note 1(viii)).         controlled by the company are
     product or process is technically                                                     recognised as intangible assets when
     and commercially feasible and the           Expenditure on research activities,       the following criteria are met:
     Group has sufficient resources to           undertaken with the prospect of
     complete the development. The               gaining new scientific or technical       • It is technically feasible to complete
     expenditure capitalised includes the        knowledge and understanding,                the product so that it will be
     cost of materials, direct labour and        is recognised in the statement of           available for use;
     attributable overheads and third-           operations as an expense as incurred.
                                                                                           • Management intends to complete
     party costs. Subsequent expenditure
                                                                                             the product and use or sell it;
     on capitalised intangible assets is         Under the local standard, FRS 102,
     capitalised only when it increases the      local companies have a clear choice       • There is an ability to use or sell the
     future economic benefits embodied           as to whether or not to capitalise          product;
     in the specific asset to which it           development expenditure using the
                                                                                           • It can be demonstrated how the
     relates.                                    same criteria as IAS 38 but again
                                                                                             product will generate probable
                                                 there is a reluctance to do so. Under
                                                                                             future economic benefits;
     The technical feasibility of a new          the micro standard, FRS 105, all
     product is determined by a specific         research and development must be          • Adequate technical, financial and
     feasibility study undertaken at the first   expensed immediately so a micro             other resources to complete the
     stage of any development project.           pharmaceutical company may                  development and to use or sell the
     The majority of our new product             decide to opt for a higher level of         product are available; and
     developments involve the transfer of        reporting under FRS 102 if they wish
                                                                                           • The expenditure attributable to the
     existing product know-how to a new          to capitalise development costs.
                                                                                             product during its development can
     application. Since the technology is
                                                                                             be reliably measured.
     already proven in an existing product       Randox Laboratories Ltd in
     which is being used by customers,           Northern Ireland and Aerogen Ltd          Other development costs that do not
     this facilitates the proving of the         in the Republic of Ireland are two        meet these criteria are recognised as
     technical feasibility of that same          companies that have opted to              an expense as incurred. Development
     technology in a new product.                capitalise development costs under        costs previously recognised as an
                                                 FRS 102:                                  expense are not recognised as an
     The results of the feasibility study                                                  asset in a subsequent period.
     are reviewed by a design review             Randox Laboratories Ltd
     committee comprising senior                                                           Aerogen Ltd
                                                 Notes to the financial statements
     managers. The feasibility study occurs
                                                 year ended 31st December 2018             Year ended 31st December 2017
     in the initial research phase of a
     project and costs in this phase are not     Accounting policies (Extract)             Notes
     capitalised.                                Intangible assets                         Significant accounting policies
     The commercial feasibility of a new         Development expenditure:
                                                                                           Intangible assets
     product is determined by preparing a
     discounted cash flow projection. This       Development expenditure relating to       Research and development (R&D)
     projection compares the discounted          diagnostic products manufactured
     sales revenues for future periods           by the company is written off as          Expenditure on research activities
     with the relevant costs. As part of         incurred, except where the directors      is recognised in the profit and loss
     preparing the cash flow projection,         are satisfied as to the technical,        account as an expense as incurred.
     the size of the relevant market is          commercial and financial viability of     R&D tax credits are credited to
     determined, feedback is sought from         individual projects. In such cases, the   administrative expenses as earned.
     customers and the strength of the           identifiable expenditure is capitalised
     proposed new product is assessed            and amortised over the period in          Expenditure on development
     against competitors’ offerings.             which the company is expected to          activities may be capitalised if the
     Once the technical and commercial           benefit. This period is typically three   product or process is technically
     feasibility has been established and        years. Provision is made for any          and commercially feasible and
     the project has been approved for           impairment.                               the company intends and has
     commencement, the project moves                                                       the technical ability and sufficient
     into the development phase.                 Capitalised development costs             resources to complete development,
                                                 include external direct costs of          future economic benefits are
     All other development expenditure           materials and services together with      probable and if the company can
     is expensed as incurred. Subsequent         direct labour costs and overheads         measure reliably the expenditure
     to initial recognition, the capitalised     relating to development expenditure.      attributable to the intangible asset
     development expenditure is carried          Development costs that are directly       during its development.
     at cost less any accumulated                attributable to the design and testing
     amortisation and any accumulated            of identifiable and unique products

     Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019
R&D tax credits                           There are no accounting differences      overheads? Having visited a
                                          between companies reporting under        number of large pharmaceutical

                                                                                                                              Financial Reporting in the Pharmaceutical Industry by Robert Kirk
                                                                                                                                                                                                  FINANCIAL REPORTING
There is no accounting standard on
                                          IFRS or local accounting standards.      manufacturing sites in England over
the topic but it is generally agreed
                                                                                   the years I have been surprised that a
that it is appropriate to consider that
                                          Other operating income                   number include accountants’ salaries
under IFRS the R&D tax credit is,
                                                                                   in their valuation on the grounds that
in substance, a government grant
                                                                                   everyone on the site is contributing
toward R&D expenditure (having            Other operating income
                                                                                   to the manufacturing process and
regard to the government’s expressed                           2017      2016      this seems to be acceptable to the
aim of reducing the economic
cost of undertaking R&D activity in        Government
Ireland, and the method by which           grants (market    108,908    175,390
                                           access and R&D)                         There is certainly a lot of judgment in
the amount of the relief is now
                                                                                   deciding which overheads to include
determined), and, accordingly, it
                                                                                   as well as deciding what the normal
could be presented in the income
                                          There are no accounting differences      level of capacity is to absorb the
statement as a pre-tax government
                                          between companies reporting under        overheads into the valuation. Most
                                          IFRS or local accounting standards.      companies take the view their current
                                                                                   budget is acceptable as long as it is
However, a number of companies
                                          The valuation of inventories             not out of line with previous years.
have chosen to record the tax credit
as a reduction in the income tax
                                          Similar to other manufacturing           Another issue is the problem of
charge for the year.
                                          companies all costs required to          obsolescence and slow-moving
                                          bring the inventories to their precise   inventory which must be reduced to
It is interesting to note that Aerogen
                                          location and condition should be         their fair value less costs to sell (net
Ltd have treated the tax credit as a
                                          included in their valuation. The key     realisable value) under both IAS 2 and
reduction in administrative expenses
                                          issue is which overheads to include      FRS 102.
(see above) rather than as a separate
pre-tax income but they have also         and how much overhead.
                                                                                   One company which had problems
recorded grants on research and
                                          Clearly all production overheads         a number of years ago was the Elan
development as other income.
                                          must be included but what other          Corporation Plc who had to write-

                                                                                   Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019
     down €14million inventory when the          choose to be vaguer.                       which provides testing services to
     drug Tysabri was withdrawn from the                                                    institutional customers and insurance
     US market after a medical scare.            Under IAS 38, intangibles that             companies. In the US, there are rules
                                                 are acquired outside a business            requiring all insurance companies
     Elan Corporation Plc                        combination are assumed to                 to be billed the same amount per
                                                 be assets, and not an expense.             test. However, the amount that
     Year ended 31st December 2005.              IAS 38 effectively presumes that           each insurance company pays for
     Notes to the financial statements           development risk is factored into          a particular test varies according
     (Extract)                                   the purchase price and an intangible       to their own internal policies and
                                                 asset should be recognised.                this can typically be considerably
     8. Inventory
                                                                                            less than the amount invoiced. We
                                                 How about the more complex                 recognise lab services revenue for
     Product inventories at December
                                                 arrangements such as when a large          insurance companies by taking the
     31 of each year consisted of the
                                                 pharmaceutical company takes a             invoiced amount and reducing it by
     following (in millions):
                                                 stake in a biotech to gain access to       an estimated percentage based on
                                                 specific products or technologies?         historical payment data. We review
                          2005       2004                                                   the percentage reduction annually
                            $          $         It may appear that the company             based on the latest data.
                                                 has acquired an equity investment
      Raw materials        8.3       6.8
                                                 which may be a financial asset or          As a practical expedient, and in
      Work-in-process      9.7       8.2         an associate, joint venture, or even       accordance with IFRS, we apply a
                                                 a subsidiary. Is this really a purchase    portfolio approach to the insurance
      Finished goods       7.3       14.0
                                                 of R&D and should this amount be           companies as they have similar
      Total inventory     25.3        29         treated in whole or in part as an          characteristics. We judge that the
                                                 intangible asset? Questions include        effect on the financial statements of
                                                 whether the entity is, in substance, a     using a portfolio approach for the
     During the year ended December 31,
                                                 stand-alone enterprise, and whether        insurance companies will not differ
     2005, we recognised a write-down of
                                                 it has the resources to continue on a      materially from applying IFRS 15 to
     finished goods of $14.0 million related
                                                 going concern basis.                       the individual contracts within that
     to Tysabri, as a result of the voluntary
     suspension of the marketing and
                                                 If the conclusion is that the
     dosing in clinical trials of the product.
                                                 arrangement is an investment,              Conclusion
                                                 IFRS 9 requires equity investments
     After further testing the drug re-                                                     Undoubtedly the pharmaceutical
                                                 to be carried at fair value, with
     entered the market under strict                                                        industry has a number of difficult
                                                 changes in value recognised either
     conditions of use two years later and                                                  accounting issues posed by the
                                                 directly in profit and loss or in other
     although it is possible to reverse the                                                 uncertainty that exists in the industry
                                                 comprehensive income, if it is not
     write-down it was too late for the                                                     as to the success or failure of
                                                 held for trading.
     company as the drugs were by that                                                      their research and development
     time out of date.                                                                      programme together with some
                                                 And how about the revenue? A
                                                 licensor needs to assess whether the       complicated revenue relationships.
     Product licencing and
                                                 licence is distinct or not. Accounting
     revenue recognition                         for a normal licence should be -
     Increasingly, pharmaceutical                straightforward if distinct - under IFRS
     companies are licensing development         15 and FRS 102 royalties generally are
     drugs or entering into collaboration        recognised on a straight-line basis
     agreements. The accounting is               over the life of the agreement. But if
     complex if it involves milestone            not distinct, under IFRS 15, it will be
     payments, equity stakes or ongoing          combined with the manufacturing
     commitments such as shared R&D or           service as a single performance
     manufacturing.                              obligation.

     Under FRS 102, if an acquired product       Trinity Biotech Plc
     is in early stage development, the
                                                 Notes to the consolidated                  Robert Kirk
     licence cost typically is written
                                                 financial statements December
     off - the upfront amounts tend to                                                      Robert Kirk, CPA, is professor of
                                                 31, 2018
     be small and likelihood of success                                                     Financial Reporting at the University
     considered too low to recognise the         Basis of Preparation and                   of Ulster. Robert is also author of the
     value as an asset. But practice for         Significant Accounting Policies            CPA Ireland Skillnet publication, A New
     late stage licence-ins varies. Some         xvi) Revenue recognition (Extract)         Era for Irish and UK GAAP – A Quick
     pharmaceutical companies capitalise         The Group operates a licensed              Reference Guide to FRS 102.
     late stage licence costs while others       referenced laboratory in the US,

     Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019

Law & Regulation News                                                  CRO Credit Notes

                                                                                                                           Law & Regulation News
                                                                                                                                                   LAW & REGULATION
                                                                       Over many years the CRO has issued credit
                                                                       notes to customers in place of cash refunds.

                                                                       Following legal advice received by CRO, and
Data Protection & Brexit                                               as part of CRO`s to intention to move to a
October 2019                                                           full epayments based system for all monies
                                                                       charged and received from customers, it is the
Brexit, particularly in the         ensure an adequate level of        CRO`s intention to phase out the acceptance
context of a ‘No Deal’              data protection.                   of historic credit notes.
scenario, may have a serious
impact on the data protection       This FAQ aims to answer            This will commence on 1st January 2020 and
obligations of Irish controllers    some of the basic questions        be implemented on a rolling six year basis.
which transfer personal data        as to how that might impact
to the UK (including Northern       controllers and what steps         Thus, all credit notes issued by CRO dated
Ireland); because, in a situation   they should take.                  prior to 1st January 2014 will not be honoured
where the UK becomes a                                                 as payment from customers for either charges
                                    Data Protection and Brexit –       for services or customer account receipts,
‘third country’, transfers to the
                                    Frequently Asked Questions         from that date.
UK will be considered transfers
outside of the EU/EEA and           Source:                            Source:
will require a mechanism to

    ESMA Prepares For                       While, in line with its Strategic        consistency in the application
                                            Orientation 2016-20, it will             of MiFIDII/MiFIR for secondary
    New Responsibilities                    continue to focus on supervisory         markets. It will continue its work
    In 2020                                 convergence, identifying areas           on the performance and cost of
                                            for improved consistency of              retail investment products, while
    The European Securities and             supervisory outcomes across the          facilitating the development of
    Markets Authority (ESMA), the           EU including ensuring standardised,      its data-driven supervision;
    EU’s securities markets regulator,      high-quality data and will intensify
    has published its 2020 Work             work on using its data and             2. Assessing Risks – publication
    Programme (WP), setting out its         quantitative analysis across all its     of its annual statistical report
    priorities and areas of focus for       activities.                              series based on EMIR, AIFMD
    the next 12 months in support of                                                 and MiFID II data and promoting
    its mission to enhance investor         Finally, one key uncertainty for         cooperation on risk analysis;
    protection and promote stable           2020 is the UK’s withdrawal from
    and orderly financial markets.          the European Union and ESMA            3. Single Rulebook - contributing
                                            continues to prepare for both a no-       to the implementation of the
    The key issue facing ESMA in 2020       deal Brexit scenario, where it will       Capital Markets Union, Fintech
    is the implementation of its new        focus on managing the immediate           and Sustainable Finance Action
    mandates, and enhanced role, in         risks and issues, and the scenario        Plans, developing the necessary
    areas including direct supervision,     where a withdrawal agreement is           rules under EMIR 2.2/EMIR Refit
    supervisory convergence, investor       in place.                                 and reviewing MIFID II/MiFIR;
    protection, relations with third                                                  and
    countries, sustainability and           During 2020, in addition to
    technological innovation.               implementing ESMA’s new                4. Supervision – ensuring
                                            mandates, the key areas of focus          effective supervision of credit
    This follows the conclusion of the      under its activities of supervisory       rating agencies (CRA), trade
    ESAs’ Review, which will involve        convergence, assessing risks, single      repositories (TR), entities under
    changes to its mission from 2020,       rulebook and direct supervision will      the Securitisation Regulation
    and EMIR 2.2., where ESMA will          be:                                       and SFTR and Tier 2 CCPs
    build its capacity to supervise Third                                             under EMIR 2.2, along with the
    Country Central Counterparties           1. Supervisory Convergence -             recognition of third-country
    (CCPs) and further promote                 strengthening the convergence          CCPs.
    convergence for EU CCPs.                   powers based on the new ESMA
                                               Regulation, while ensuring          Source:

                                                                                    Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019

     ODCE Investigations
     Managing the risks when your practice comes
     into investigators’ focus
     by Joe Kelly

     This article sets out some tips for Certified Public Accountants faced with an investigation from the
     Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE) into the books and records of clients.

     The ODCE and its remit                                  to auditors. For example, the ODCE      a. A liquidation or receivership of a
                                                             may compel a liquidator or receiver        company is being carried out (this
     The ODCE was established in
                                                             appointed to a company, to produce         request is made to the liquidator or
     November 2001, charged with the
                                                             books in relation to a liquidation         receiver)2;
     responsibility for tackling offences
                                                             or receivership, or indeed all of the
     under the Companies Acts, now the                                                               b. It is necessary to determine
                                                             liquidations or receiverships, they
     Companies Act 2014 (the Companies                                                                  whether inspectors should be
                                                             have carried out, within the last 6
     Act).                                                                                              appointed to investigate the
     The ODCE’s primary statutory
                                                             Most crucial amongst the ODCE’s         c. The affairs of the company are
     mandate is to encourage compliance
                                                             arsenal of investigative powers,           being conducted with the intent
     with the Companies Act.1 The ODCE
                                                             are the powers to: (i) compel the          to defraud creditors/creditors of
     has responsibility for investigating
                                                             production of books and documents          another person/the members or
     instances of suspected non-
                                                             relating to a company under                for another fraudulent/unlawful
     compliance and/or offences under
                                                             investigation; and (ii) to enter and       purpose4;
     the Companies Act; with the power
                                                             search premises and seize material
     to prosecute in its own right,                                                                  d. The affairs of the company are
     summary offences (generally taken                                                                  being conducted in an unlawful
     to mean offences which attract                                                                     manner5;
                                                             Production of books and
     sentences of less than one year) in
                                                             documents                               e. The affairs of the company are
     the District Court or to refer more
                                                             The ODCE may issue statutory               being conducted in a manner, or
     serious (indictable) offences to the
                                                             production orders which require            the company has engaged in an
     DPP for prosecution.
                                                             the production of the books of a           act or omission, that is unfairly
                                                             company or documents relating to           prejudicial to some of the creditors/
     In addition, and crucially for CPA
                                                             a company. “Books and documents”           members6;
     Ireland members, the ODCE exercises
     a supervisory role over the activities                  potentially covers a wide range of      f. The acts or omissions of the
     of liquidators and receivers.                           written, audio or visual documents         company or an officer of the
                                                             in hardcopy or in electronic form:         company are likely to be unlawful7;
                                                             including but not limited to emails,
     The investigative powers of                                                                     g. The company was formed for
                                                             recordings of phone-calls, text
     the ODCE                                                messages and video content.                some unlawful/fraudulent purpose8;
     The ODCE has extensive powers to                                                                h. The company possesses books
     investigate suspected breaches of the                   The ODCE may require the                   or documents relevant to another
     Companies Act, such as fraudulent                       production of books and records            company coming within the terms
     trading or providing false statements                   where:                                     listed at (c) to (g) above9.
     1   S.949 Companies Act (1)(a)
     2    Sections 446 and 653 of the Companies
     3    Section 779(a) of the Companies Act
     4    Section 779(b)&(c) of the Companies Act
     5    Section 779(d) of the Companies Act
     6    Section 779(e),(f), (g)&(h) of the Companies Act
     7   Section 779(i) of the Companies Act
     8    Section 779(j) of the Companies Act
     9    Section 779(k) of the Companies Act

     Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019
Of particular relevance to                           Such a warrant permits a designated               An ODCE investigation on your
accountants is the ODCE’s power                      officer of the ODCE to:                           premises

                                                                                                                                                     ODCE Investigations by Joe Kelly
                                                                                                                                                                                        LAW & REGULATION
to compel third parties to produce
information and/or documents by                      a. enter the named premises, by force             It is crucially important that all
way of a production order, where that                   if necessary;                                  practices are alert to the “do’s and
third party has relevant information                                                                   don’ts” in the event that they have
                                                     b. search the premises;                           to deal with an unexpected visit
about a company which is under
investigation by the ODCE10.                                                                           from the ODCE and/or the Gardaí.
                                                     c. require any person found on the
                                                                                                       Colloquially, this is often referred to
                                                        premises to give their name, home
In such circumstances the third party,                                                                 as a “dawn raid” though invariably the
                                                        address and occupation, and
which may include the company’s                                                                        raid or visit does not take place at
                                                        produce any material information
accountants or auditors, may be                                                                        dawn.
                                                        that is in their custody;
compelled to explain the documents
and to provide reasonable assistance                 d. seize and retain any material                  Imagine this scene:
to the ODCE.                                            information found on the premises              You get a call from your office as
                                                        or in the custody or possession of             you make your way into work one
If a scenario arises where the party                    any person found on the premises;              morning. Your receptionist says that
served with a production order                          and                                            a number of people from the ODCE
claims that the documents requested                                                                    and the Gardaí are in reception and
contain legally privileged material, the             e. “take any other steps that appear              that they have produced a District
documents must be provided to the                      to the officer to be necessary                  Court warrant.
ODCE. In practice, these documents                     for preserving or preventing
will be provided in sealed envelopes                   interference with material                      When you arrive at work you find an
until the issue of whether or not they                 information.”                                   ODCE digital forensic specialist in
are privileged has been resolved by                                                                    your office searching through your
                                                     Furthermore, the orders are valid for
the court or by an independent legal                                                                   files, downloading your e-mails,
                                                     a period of 30 days, during which the
professional, as agreed between the                                                                    asking for your mobile phone, reading
                                                     ODCE officers may enter and search
ODCE and the party concerned.                                                                          your diary and asking you questions
                                                     the premises multiple times.
                                                                                                       about client meetings from last year.
Entry, search and seizure at a                                                                         An ODCE forensic accountant is busy
                                                     The ODCE, in addition, has “extended
premise                                                                                                at work reviewing and copying your
                                                     powers of seizure” which permit it
The ODCE may apply to the District                                                                     clients’ books and records.
                                                     to seize non-material information
Court for a warrant to enter and                     where it is not immediately practical
search premises to gather material                                                                     If your practice is not adequately
                                                     to establish whether the information
information or documents. In order                                                                     prepared and every member of your
                                                     is material, or where material
to obtain a warrant, the ODCE must                                                                     business is not properly briefed in
                                                     information cannot be separated
satisfy the court that it has reasonable                                                               advance, then dealing with such a
                                                     from non-material information.
grounds for suspecting that “material                                                                  regulatory intervention will be all the
information”11 will be found at the                                                                    more challenging and damaging for
                                                     In this scenario the ODCE is obliged
premises12.                                                                                            your business.
                                                     to separate the information while
                                                     maintaining confidentiality over the
Material information means                           document and allowing the owner
information or documents which may                   of the document access to it13. The
be relevant to the commission of an                  separation of the information should
offence under the Companies Act, or                  take place within three months or
documents which have been sought                     such longer period as is permitted
by way of a statutory order which                    by the High Court14. This scenario in
have not been produced.                              particular arises where a document
                                                     may contain material information but
                                                     may be subject to legal professional
                                                     privilege or partly subject to legally

                                                                                                       Joe Kelly
10 Sections 780 - 783 of the Companies Act
11 Section 787(13) of the Companies Act defines material information to include information which is   Joe Kelly is a Partner in A&L Goodbody’s
 relevant to the commission of a Companies Act offence or documents which were sought by way           Litigation and Dispute Resolution practice,
 of a production order and not produced.                                                               specialising in white-collar crime and
12 Section 787(1) of the Companies Act                                                                 regulatory investigations.
13 Section 788(2) – (5) of the Companies Act
14 Section 788(7) of the Companies Act

                                                                                                       Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019
                                                What to do when the ODCE arrives

           IMMEDIATE STEPS                                                                  THE RAID

                 Check Investigators’                           Co-operate                             Answer questions
                 Authorisations                          • Don’t obstruct, conceal or destroy    • Investigators can ask questions
                                                           documents                             • Answer routine questions - if
        • ODCE must obtain a warrant to
                                                         • Don’t fail (unreasonably) to comply     appropiate, state that you are
          search your premises
                                                           with a request                          answering under compulsion
        • Ensure the warrant correctly
                                                         • Failing to co-operate may be a        • Be truthful and stay on point
          identifies your business,
          location and the authority                       criminal offence                      • If you don’t know the answer, say
                                                         • Keep it confidential - by telling       so
        • Ensure it is a District Court
          warrant - not a Production                       others, you risk committing a         • Clarify if necessary
          Order                                            “tipping off offence”
                                                                                                 • Take notes of questions and your
        • Take a copy for your lawyers                                                             answers
                                                                Be vigilant

                 Call your legal advisors                • Object to investigators seeing              Observe what is happening
                 and tell them:                            legally-privileged materials
                                                                                                 • Observe every investigator
        • WHERE you are                                  • Object to investigators seeing
                                                           irrelevant materials                  • Record what they are seeking e.g.
        • WHICH body has arrived (the                                                              names/dates/key terms
          ODCE / other regulator)                        • If there’s a disagreement, don’t
                                                           obstruct - ask for materials to       • Take notes of any materials
        • WHO is the lead investigator                                                             reviewed, copied or taken
                                                           be put in a sealed envelope for
        • WHAT is being investigated                       resolution later

     The future for the ODCE -                         In particular, in 2017, the ODCE            records of clients and/or to provide
     signs of a movement towards                       hired a digital forensic specialist         information within their knowledge
     a more active investigative                       and a forensic accountant.15 Two            or custody concerning their practice
                                                       enforcement lawyers were also               and/or their clients. The ODCE,
                                                       added to the staff over the course of       and the Gardaí who are seconded
     Despite possessing strong                         2017 and 2018.16                            to the ODCE, can also make use
     investigative powers, the ODCE has                                                            of extensive powers of search and
     not been overly active in using its               According to figures from the               seizure.
     powers to compel the production                   ODCE’s latest Annual Report, as of
     of books and records or to engage                 2018 the ODCE’s professional staff          While it is not legally possible to
     in search and seizure. That may be                include three lawyers, seven forensic       obstruct an ODCE officer who is
     because it may be a better use of                 accountants, a Digital Forensic             legitimately exercising these powers
     resources for the ODCE to serve                   Specialist, seven members of An             under the Companies Act, it is always
     statutory directions to produce                   Garda Síochána (seconded from the           sensible to contact your legal advisor,
     specified books or documents.                     Garda National Economic Crime               to ensure that those powers are
                                                       Bureau), assisted by a number of            being used correctly and that your
     While the ODCE has, for many                      civil servants of various grades. It is     constitutional and statutory rights,
     years, been made up of civil                      also understood that the ODCE is            and those of your client are being
     servants, law enforcement officers                procuring software and hardware             respected.
     and professionals having a range                  to enable it to put in place its own
     of interdisciplinary expertise, some              e-discovery capability.                     To best prepare for an unexpected
     recent changes in the make-up of                                                              visit from the ODCE or any other
     the ODCE’s staff have suggested an                Conclusion                                  regulator, practices should make sure
     intention to make greater use of its                                                          to have a plan in place for dealing
                                                       The ODCE has significant
     significant investigative capabilities.                                                       with such visits and ensure that
                                                       investigative powers including
                                                                                                   each member of the practice is fully
                                                       the power to compel CPA Ireland
                                                                                                   briefed on their role in the event of
                                                       members to produce books and
                                                                                                   such a visit occurring.

     15 ODCE, Annual Report 2017, (Dublin: ODCE, 2018), p.10
     16 ODCE, Annual Report 2018, (Dublin: ODCE, 2019), p.10

     Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019

Finance &

                                                                                                                            Finance & Management News
                                                                                                                                                        FINANCE & MANAGEMENT
Brexit Supports
1. Enterprise Ireland is encouraging businesses to step
   into new markets and ensure that their exports are
   sufficiently diversified. Find steps to support Irish
   companies here

2. This Quick Brexit Guide for Business published
   in September 2019 seeks to answer many of the
   questions that Irish businesses may have when
   assessing their exposure to Brexit and determining the
   best course of action to mitigate their likely Brexit-
   related difficulties.

It provides information on the practical steps you can
take to deal with issues including: Customs, tariffs and
duties, currency, imports, certification, working capital,
and financing.

3. Links to these supports for Members in preparing for
   Brexit can be found on our Brexit Resource page on            00353 1 5394779
   the CPA website.


   Investors seek clearer reporting on climate-related issues (October 2019)
   Companies are falling short              report also outlines what             by participants, and the UK
   of investors’ expectations for           investors want to understand,         Government expects all listed
   clearer reporting on climate-            questions companies should            companies and large asset
   related issues according to a            ask themselves, recommended           owners to disclose in line with
   new report Climate-related               disclosures, and a range of           the TCFD recommendations by
   corporate reporting from the             examples of the developing            2022.
   FRC Financial Reporting Lab (the         practice of climate-related
   Lab).                                    reporting.                            Earlier this year, the FRC
                                                                                  published a statement outlining
    As economies increasingly               While reporting on climate            the responsibility of Boards of
   transition towards low carbon            change is an evolving practice,       UK companies to consider their
   and climate resilient futures, the       expectations are changing             impact on the environment and
   Lab’s report highlights the gap          rapidly.                              the likely consequences of long-
   between current reporting and                                                  term business decisions. Boards
   investor expectations and calls          The Lab recommends                    should, therefore, address and
   on companies to bridge this gap.         companies use the Task Force          where relevant, report on the
                                            on Climate-related Financial          effects of climate change.
   It provides practical guidance           Disclosures (TCFD) framework to
   about where companies can                report on climate-related issues,     A link to the Lab’s report can be
   improve their reporting. The             as this was well supported            found here.

                                                                                     Accountancy Plus December Issue 2019
You can also read