Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association

Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review
Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association
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Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review

                                          HELP US TO HELP YOU,                             MARKET OVERVIEW                                               4
                                            THE INDEPENDENT                                H&S NEW ZEALAND-STYLE                                         10
                                         FORECOURT RETAILER, BY
                                                                                           INDUSTRY VIEW BY ARGUS MEDIA                                  14
                                         SUPPORTING YOUR TRADE
                                                                                           EDGEPETROL ON GOING DIGITAL                                   16
                                            ASSOCIATION NOW
                                                                                           SHELL DISCUSSES FUTURE FUELS                                  18
                                       “Together we                                        HYDROGEN Q&A WITH ITM                                      24

                                       are stronger”
                                                                                           THE NEW ACOP L133 FORM                                     28
                                                                                           THE PRIMARY AUTHORITY PARTNERSHIP SCHEME                   30
                                                                                           PRA LOBBYING UPDATE                                        32
                                                                                           ACCENTURE ON THE MOVE TO ELECTRIC                          36
CHAIRMAN                                                                                   ACTION AGAINST ROGUE HAND CAR WASHES                       38
                                                                                           TACKLING MODERN SLAVERY                                    40

         he Market Review 2017 was extremely well received                                 MARKET BY NUMBERS FROM EXPERIAN CATALIST                   42
         by members, product and service suppliers,                                        BUSINESS RATES UPDATE BY MUA                               46
         industry advisers, consultants, media                                             THE PROPERTY MARKET BY CHRISTIE & CO                       48
moguls, Parliamentarians, Government officials – in                                        PRA EVENTS                                                 50
fact the whole panoply of people involved and
                                                                                           AIC ON THE FUTURE OF PAYMENTS                              52
interested in our fascinating retail sector. We are
                                                                                           FORECOURT TRADER OF THE YEAR                               54
very thankful to all the contributors providing
                                                                                           S&P GLOBAL PLATTS ON ELECTRIC VEHICLES                     56
insightful content and to all advertisers giving
                                                                                           WHOLESALE CHANGE                                           58
such great financial support. Having set the bar so high last
                                                                                           ALLIED FOR SUCCESS                                         60
year, it will be no mean feat to raise the level yet again with
                                                                                           GDPR – THE NEW DATA REGS                                   62
this 2018 issue.
    Constantly we review our communication and interaction
with members to improve the exchange of information and
ideas. Therefore this year, we are changing the format of                Who’s who at the PRA
our Regional events to “Business Breakouts” with more                    PRA MANAGEMENT TEAM                      (London) Ltd
emphasis on networking as well as delivering great content.              Brian Madderson, Chairman                Joseph Richardson, Jos. Richardson &
                                                                         07768 608332                             Son Ltd
There are 10 such events plus five ever-popular Roadshows,
                                                                              John Ryeland, George Hammond plc
held in conjunction with Thames Communications,                          Gordon Balmer, Commercial Manager        Hemant Tandon, Park Garage Group
planned during the spring and autumn across all four home                07771 834073    Shane Thakrar, HKS Retail Ltd
countries. Check the PRA website for dates and locations.                Phil Monger, Technical Director
    PRA continues to invest to make our website www.ukpra.               07831 327990         PRA TECHNICAL COMMITTEE
                                                                         Ray Blake, Technical Manager             Mike Garner, Chairman, The Garner a really valuable tool, especially with increasing content
                                                                         07496 967269        Group
to the members-only section.                                             Steve Coombe, Membership Manager         Nick Brocklehurst, Westbridge Motors
    Our fortnightly e-newsletter, PETROL HEADS-UP, is now                07831 373205 steve.coombe@rmif.          (Northampton) Ltd
distributed to over 2,000 email addresses with an “opening”                                        Jon Brownsey, Fordingbridge Garage
rate of close to 30% – well above the norm for such trade                                                         David Garside, Blakemores
publications. Do send photos/press releases/updates about                PRA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                  Jill Howkins, F. Howkins & Son
                                                                         Brian Madderson, Chairman                Graham Lambert, St Michaels Garage
your own company to our Editor: Anne Bruce anne.bruce@                   Joe Brough, Manor Service Stations       Ltd                                                         David Charman, Parkfoot Garage Ltd       Andrew Lawrence and Ben Lawrence,
    Finally, we are planning to hold another annual Forecourt            Mike Garner, The Garner Group            Lawrence Garages (London) Ltd
Conference in conjunction with ACS on Tuesday 3 July. Do                 Sue Kembrey, Stanishawe Services         John Oliver, Central Convenience Stores
                                                                         Graham Lambert, St Michaels Garage       Emma McVie, Southern Co-operative
put this date into your diary as we already have a major
                                                                         Ltd                                      Andy Jagger, Welcome Break
sponsor to debate the “future of fossil fuel” – a subject vital          Andrew Lawrence, Lawrence Garages
to all of us after this turbulent year for our industry.

                                                                                           The Retail Motor Industry
                                                                                           Federation (RMI) is a leading
                                                                                           automotive trade body in the
                                       Publisher: John Lewis
                                                                                           UK, representing franchised
PRA MARKET REVIEW is published by      Editor: Tracy West
Lewis Business Media Ltd,              Art Editor: Sarah Crowhurst                         car and commercial vehicle dealers; independent garages;
Suite A, Arun House, Office Village,   Sales: Rachel Hallett                               bodyshops; motorcycle dealers; petrol retailers; auction houses
River Way, Uckfield, TN22 1SL          Printed by: Stephens & George Print Group,          and cherished number plate dealers; who provide sales and
Tel: 01825 983105                      Goat Mill Road, Dowlais, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 3TD
Fax: 01825 983108                      ©Lewis Business Media Ltd 2018                      services to motorists and businesses across the UK.
Email:    All rights reserved.                                201 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5AB
                                                                                           Tel: 020 7307 3598 • Fax: 020 7307 3406 •

Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review

                                                                                                                             Developments in
                                                                                                                            the sector include
                                                                                                                          new-to-industry sites
                                                                                                                         and alliances with the
                                                                                                                             grocery multiples

2017: A YEAR OF
                                                                                                       as it gets” for independent retailers?
                                                                                                       Some of the favourable conditions, in
                                                                                                       no particular order, included:

                                                                                                             Continuing fuel duty freeze
                                                                                                             Benign weather meant no travel
                                                                                                       disruption due to floods or snow
                                                                                                             Post-Brexit economic growth with
PRA Chairman Brian Madderson reviews industry                                                          ultra-low inflation and borrowing costs
                                                                                                             No supply disruption from strikes
consolidation through 2017                                                                             or major plant outages
                                                                                                             Continuing above-trend demand

                   n the last Market Review, I referred       Just as we thought politics was          for both diesel and petrol
                   to ‘A Year of Surprises for 2016’ and   settling, we had enforced ministerial             No new fuel grades to
                   this could have been the heading        changes including the resignation of        accommodate
                for 2017 provided the focus was on         Defence Secretary Fallon occasioned               Slow climb back of crude oil prices
                UK politics. Back in April, after Prime    by inappropriate personal behaviour               No exchange rate shocks between
                Minister May had called a snap             and Overseas Secretary Priti Patel’s        USD and GBP.
                election, the most generous price on       misadventure in Israel. As we go to            These factors enabled retailers
                a Conservative majority was then 1/14      press, news of First Secretary of State     to make improved and stable fuel
                and many considered this a decent          Damian Green’s resignation will force       margins with strong cash flow which
                investment. As it turned out anyone        yet further Ministerial shuffles ensuring   further confirmed to banks, private
                making this bet would have lost their      that PRA lobbying has to remain on full     equity funds and others that this was
                shirts. However, the great British         alert for 2018.                             a financially sound sector. As a result,
                Electorate proved as fickle as with           The issues and outcomes of an            business consolidation in the forecourt
                the Brexit Referendum by once again        extremely busy year are covered in          sector accelerated:
                confounding the pollsters and very         more detail on pages 32 and 34.                   Exceptional offers up 12 x EBITDA
                nearly seeing Corbyn and his Labour           Meanwhile, a new punchier headline       made by acquirers with over 10
                party into No.10. Only the unexpected      had crept across my mind … “Fuel            companies buying (or leasing) some
                comeback of the Conservatives in           retailing in 2017 – As good as it gets?”    150 dealer sites
                Scotland under their charismatic              Some 20 years after the screening              Market confidence encouraged
                new leader Ruth Davidson, plus the         of Jack Nicholson’s romantic comedy         investment in 48 New-to-Industry
                last-minute deal with the Democratic       with Helen Hunt, we may look back on        (NTIs) and 33 Return-to-Industry (RTIs)
                Unionist Party in Northern Ireland saw     2017 (at least the first half) and pose     forecourts and shops
                a chastened May continue as PM.            the question was this year “As good               Fuel suppliers such as Harvest      ▹

Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association
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Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association
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Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review
▹ Energy, BP Retail, Essar and Certas        petrol and 30.0bn/l for all diesel still   now enables fuel distributors to access
  also buying (leasing) sites                provide nearly £27bn/year in fuel excise   E5 petrol at all terminals in Northern
         The establishment of Intervias as   duty to the Treasury. Add a further        Ireland.
  the holding company for EG Group           £7bn/year for VAT, and the gradual tax        For some time, forecourt
  (360 sites) and European Fuels             loss as EVs take an increasing share       operators have seen the potential for
  Retailing Group (over 1,200 sites)         of the fuels’ market will be exercising    convenience retailing and this year
  majority owned by TDR Capital proved       the most able minds in Whitehall for a     have stepped up with exciting brand
  to be a temporary measure. A new           suitable replacement.                      developments led by the “Super”
  company EG Group was formed, which            On the fuel supply side, there have     dealer groups including:
  has acquired the 2,000 plus sites from     been no changes to refinery numbers              Rontec: trialled 10 sites with
  ExxonMobil in both Italy and Germany       or ownership this year. With the           Morrisons Daily (formerly trialling with
  to take their total forecourt number to    prospect of retail demand for petrol       MFG) in late 2016/early 2017 which
  over 3,500. A new head office is now       increasing to outstrip diesel again,       quickly moved to a roll-out programme
  under construction in Blackburn, which     the gasoline heavy UK production           involving a total of 40 shops by the
  will provide 150 jobs.                     units may soon be realising better         year end. It is understood that a further
     It is disappointing to note that        profitability. Likewise, there have been   tranche of up to 50 conversions is
  the Statistics Dept at BEIS no             relatively few changes to ownership or     programmed for 2018.
  longer calculates the split between        capacity at the UK pipeline network or           MRH: has entered into a new
  commercial and retail diesel volumes       at fuel terminals located at UK ports      supply arrangement with Booker Retail
  when publishing their quarterly data,      and inland since the formation of          Partners following successful trading
  quarterly in arrears. Twelve month         Navigator Terminals in 2016.               at the Budgens convenience stores on
  rolling comparisons for the period            This was the joint venture between      the Peregrine Retail forecourts acquired
  ending September 30, 2017                  Macquarie Capital and Greenergy,           earlier this year. This new deal will involve
  indicate that fuel volumes may have        which acquired the UK’s largest            MRH rolling out a number of Budgens
  started to reflect weaker demand from      terminal located on the north Thames       format shops across their portfolio during
  reducing economic activity.                from Royal Vopak. Others in the group      2018 and withdrawing from the Co-op
     Overall consumption of petrol and       include Seal Sands, North Tees and         trials at the end of January.
  diesel was only 0.5% above the same        Windmill. BP are in negotiations to sell         EG Group: undertook trials
  period in 2016, whereas previous data      their interests in the Kingsbury and       on 10 sites with Sainsbury’s Local
  had shown ongoing growth above             Northampton terminals but Hamble           and provided it is operationally and
  2%. The trend rate of reduction in         will not now be sold.                      financially successful for both parties,
  retail petrol was only down (1.5%), the       The most notable recent change is       the concept could be rolled out to
  lowest level for some years. Diesel for    the acquisition of BP’s Belfast terminal   further sites in 2018.
  both commercial and retail showed          by Puma Energy. This prompted a                  Others: dealers across the UK               Below left to right:
                                                                                                                                          Puma Energy’s new
  significantly reduced growth at 1.6%.      £2m investment by the new owner            continued to invest in shop extensions            ethanol plant; Moto
  Total annual volumes of 16.5bn/l for       into an ethanol blending plant which       and development of convenience                ▹   has joined the PRA

  A notable recent change was
  the acquisition of BP’s Belfast
  terminal by Puma Energy

Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review

                 Symbol market share                       format. However, this is seen as a                 the leading UK tobacco wholesaler
                                                           relatively limited development and the             for JTI and Imperial with a turnover
                 Spar – 1,200 sites
                                                           convenience symbol brand Budgens                   exceeding £4bn/year and nearly
                 Booker – Londis 950, Premier 95,
                                                           is being rolled out more extensively in            3,500 employees as well as a major
                 Budgens 100, Family
                 Shopper 15 = 1,160 sites                  2018 after successful trials.                      supplier of convenience foods to
                                                              There has been unexpected                       the fuel retail sector. Under financial
                 Costcutter Supermarkets                   consolidation in the specialist                    stress, PWC was advising the Board,
                 Group (CSG) –
                                                           Motorway Service Area (MSA) sector                 with Tony Read arriving as new CEO
                 Costcutter 325, Mace 355
                 = 680 sites                               as Roadchef took a policy decision                 in the summer, on a sale to private
                                                           to exit fuels retailing. This was                  equity fund The Carlyle Group. This
                 Nisa (Co-op) – 167 sites
                                                           accomplished by the end of November,               deal appeared to be gaining ground
                 Others – Bestway, Co-op etc
                                                           with BP and EG Group picking up the                when news broke overnight on 28
                 = 260 sites
                                                           majority of the forecourts.                        November that the company had
                 TOTAL 3,467 (Number of indie
                                                              The two retailing behemoths                     gone into administration. Supplies
                 sites is approx 5,400 – so 64%
                 have symbol brand stores)                 remaining are Welcome Break and                    ceased immediately and 2,500 staff
                                                           Moto Hospitality, each with around                 lost their jobs without compensation.
             ▹ brands which means that over 64%            45 sites (including straddles). With               The remaining staff are assisting the
               now offer well-known symbol brand           Welcome Break already onboard, PRA                 administrator.
               expertise and product ranges.               are delighted to have Moto joining as                 The Co-op, after 14 quarters of
                  Conventional views held in the           members from 1 January 2018. Other                 consecutive like-for-like growth,
               City about the aspiration of private        independent MSA operators include                  brought forward plans to become
               equity investors is that they optimise      EG Group, Westmorland, Rontec,                     the exclusive wholesaler in spring
               cash flow returns whilst maximising         MRH and Applegreen, so PRA now                     2018 to the Costcutter Supermarket
               asset values before disposing their         represents nearly 80% of this sector.              Group (CSG) embracing supplies
               investment within a three- to-five                                                             to Costcutter, Mace, Simply Fresh,
               year timescale. Bloomberg was the           COLOSSAL DEVELOPMENTS                              Kwiksave and Superstore brands.
               first city analyst to report that Lone      There have been some colossal                         Nisa, founded 40 years ago, was
               Star, the US private equity firm which      developments across the wholesale                  subject to an agreed bid of £137.5m
               had purchased MRH for a rumoured            and convenience sectors as                         by the Co-op. The Nisa members
               £800m in early 2016, had appointed          consolidation became the driver for                were balloted and a minimum 75% of
                                                           change. Tesco bid £3.7bn for Booker                shareholder operators were required
                                                           Retail Partners in an agreed merger                to support the bid. Many considered
Oil companies also                                         that was referred to the Competition
                                                           & Markets Authority (CMA) with
                                                                                                              this outcome unlikely but the final vote
                                                                                                              reached 75.9% and, subject to CMA
focused on convenience                                     unconditional approval confirmed
                                                           in late December. Tesco has 3,200
                                                                                                              investigation due for completion by
                                                                                                              March 31 next year, will proceed.
                                                           UK stores, whereas Booker supplies                    Morrisons announced on August
                Lazard Ltd to review an Initial            117,000 independent retailers, a                   1 that it had won a contract to supply
                Placement Offer (IPO) option in the        headline figure that includes the 5,500            McColl’s portfolio of 1,300 convenience
                early part of 2018 for an estimated        retail stores under its symbol group               stores (including seven forecourts) and
                price tag of £1.5bn. This report has       brands Premier, Londis, Budgens and                350 newsagents from January 1, 2018
                neither been confirmed or denied.          Family Shopper.                                    with national brands and exclusive
                   Likewise, EG Group also attracts           Palmer & Harvey, established                    access to the Safeway brand. This deal
                rumours of an impending IPO but again      some 90 years ago, had become                      would eventually phase out all other
                the company has not commented.                                                                suppliers to McColl’s.
                   Rumours circulating earlier this year    Motorway services                   No of            These developments potentially
                that Clayton Dubilier & Rice, the US        operator                            sites         leave the market heading to a very
                private equity majority owner of MFG,       WELCOME BREAK                        45           different place.
                was seeking bids was vehemently             MOTO                                 44              With Tesco, Sainsbury’s and
                denied by key directors/shareholders.       BP                                   27           Morrisons, there are now three
                   Oil companies also focused on their      EURO GROUP                            15          multiple retailers engaged in different
                convenience offer:                          SHELL                                 13          ways in wholesaling. This will provide
                      BP Retail: a heady and expensive      WESTMORLAND                           6
                                                                                                              stiff competition for the 600 indie
                                                            APPLEGREEN                            3
                cocktail of acquisition, leasing, KDRBs                                                       wholesalers supplying across mainly
                                                            MRH                                   3
                and NTIs moved their M&S Simply                                                               regional territories and one can
                                                            RONTEC                                2
                Food format to around 280 out of their                                                        assume further consolidation and
                                                            TOTAL                                158
                320 sites.                                                                                    closures ahead.
                      Shell: has quietly upped the         *Total includes: all UK countries; certain major      Independent forecourt retailers will
                number of sites, especially around         A-road services eg A1(M) so is therefore higher    need to be alert and ready for change
                                                           than some data provided by Experian Catalist and
                the M25, based on the Little Waitrose      Highways England                                   at short notice.

Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review 2018 - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review

                A MUCH DIFFERENT
                APPROACH TO H&S
                On a trip to New Zealand, amongst other things, the PRA’s Ray Blake
                compared our Health & Safety (H&S) on PFSs to theirs

                      arly in 2017 my wife and I were       than there being a law stating that        equivalent to the south of France,
                      fortunate in being able to tick one   the employer is responsible for the        the top of the Alps, the highlands of
                      of the wishes off our bucket list,    H&S of their employees and anybody         Scotland, the fjords of Norway and
                by touring around New Zealand (NZ).         else on their premises, in the main,       everything in between. We baulked at
                   While planning our trip we had           everybody in NZ is responsible for         bungee jumping, but did every other
                an amazing piece of luck in that we         their own H&S. To complement this          exciting pastime NZ has to offer: jet
                managed to catch up with an old             arrangement, NZ has what amounts           boats, zip wires, gushing geysers to
                friend – Andy – who was over from           to a state insurance system to cover       name just a few.
                NZ, where he’d emigrated to some            everything that could be the outcome          On our travels, we found out how
                10 years earlier. It was during the few     of an accident, from emergency             many earthquakes NZ has and that, in
                hours that we spent talking about our       treatment through to rehabilitation and    total, in the last 90 years 565 people
                planned trip, that I began to realise       aids to living if you’re disabled due to   have been killed by earthquakes. I then
                many fundamental things that are, to        an accident. Employers and employees       surmised that had NZ adopted our
                                                                                                       UK H&S legislation and associated
                                                                                                       guidance to the letter, the whole
The next revelation was that the basis of                                                              country would be uninhabited.

my whole career doesn’t exist in NZ                                                                       As a direct comparison between
                                                                                                       the two approaches, I looked at the
                                                                                                       requirements for me bungee jumping
                me, mind-bogglingly different about         pay into a government fund called the      in the UK and in NZ. I had thought
                life in NZ.                                 ‘Accident Compensation Corporation’,       that it was banned in the UK but there
                    It started when Andy said: “Oh, you     and this also deals with accidents         is a company touring the UK with a
                don’t have to have car insurance”. His      involving visitors to NZ. It was then      crane that lifts you in a metal cage
                17-year-old son has a Subaru Impreza        that I decided to investigate how petrol   up to 160ft, from which you are then
                as his first car! I then discovered that    stations were operated under this          pushed out of on a length of strong
                the NZ approach to Health and Safety        alternative safety regime.                 elastic. Unfortunately (or fortunately),
                (H&S) comes from a completely                  Our expedition around NZ was            because I am over 50, I would require
                different direction than in the UK. The     amazing, we travelled almost the           a doctor’s certificate that states I am fit
                next mind-blowing revelation was that       whole length of the two islands during     enough to participate, (there is a long
                the basis of my whole career doesn’t        four weeks of their summer and             list of medical conditions that would
                exist in NZ. This is because rather         encountered climates and scenery           preclude the doctor providing me with ▹


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Market Review
▹ a certificate). I would also have to sign    and remote monitoring/controls. Plus,
  an insurance waiver. Whereas, in NZ, I       a response to incidents by the site
  could turn up, pay my money, tell them       operator. The exception being where a
  I am okay, be strapped up, take off my       petrol station is provided as a service
  glasses and launch myself off a bridge       to a community, where the locals have
  nearly three times the height of the         an interest in ensuring that the site is
  crane at 435ft.                              safe and available.
                                                  According to the latest figures
  NZ VS THE UK                                 available (2008), there are 1,265 petrol
  For well over a decade, I have been at       stations in NZ. While in NZ, I observed
  the forefront of the drafting of guidance    that in the cities and towns, most
  in the UK for operating unmanned             of the sites looked very similar to a
  petrol forecourts. All the guidance          typical forecourt with a convenience
  stems from the requirements of Section       store in the UK. However, I did see
  3, of the Health and Safety at Work etc.     what were obviously newly developed
  Act 1974. This reads: “It shall be the       ‘GULL’ branded unmanned sites in
  duty of every employer to conduct his
  undertaking in such a way as to ensure,
                                               some towns selling fuel at significantly
                                               lower prices than other sites in the         It is the interpretation
  so far as is reasonably practicable,
  that persons not in his employment
                                               area. Although the dispensers and
                                               payment equipment were as you would
                                                                                            of the words ‘so far as is
  who may be affected thereby are not
  thereby exposed to risks to their health
                                               find in the UK, I could see no evidence
                                               of remote monitoring. I certainly
                                                                                            reasonably practicable’
  or safety”. Thus, making the operator
  of a petrol forecourt responsible for the
                                               observed many unmanned sites in
                                               rural areas. In fact, I was pleased to
                                                                                            that is the quandary
  health and safety of the public that visit   find these sites, which were obviously
  their premises, the very opposite of the     located where they would serve tourists                                unable to trade for some months. To
  situation in NZ.                             desperate for fuel, as well as the local                               overcome this issue, he abandoned
     The reality is that the operation of      community. Many of these sites were                                    the GRP installation and installed
  petrol forecourts has evolved over a         very basic, but with a card acceptor.                                  above-ground fuel tanks and double-
  century in response to both demand              I had an interesting conversation                                   skinned monitored plastic pipework.
  and the available technology. The big        with the owner of one site. He                                         This removes the requirement for
  step forward during the late 1960s or        informed me that he had recently                                       recertification, and allowed him
  early 1970s was from a man in a brown        acquired the site as part of a swap deal                               to remain in business following
  coat and a satchel dispensing the            with a major oil company that wanted                                   the November 2016 earthquake.
  fuel into the vehicle, to the customer       another site that he owned. When he                                    Remarkably, the site came with around
  serving themselves. However, I               took over the site, it had newly installed                             10 acres of land, on which he intends to
  remember unmanned sites when I had           below-ground tanks and pipework,                                       build a museum where he will display
  just passed my driving test in 1974,         however, as is typical in NZ the tanks                                 his collection of American muscle cars
  when you posted a £1 note into a slot        and pipework were GRP. Where a site                                    and British motorcycles. I said I would
  on the pump.                                 with this type of installation is affected                             call in when I was passing next!
     Since my involvement, we have             by an earthquake, it must be recertified                                  The Health and Safety culture in the
  aimed to achieve the same level of           before it can open. There are very few                                 UK evolved from the strength of the
  control at an unmanned site as we have       people carrying out the certifying of                                  unions when workers were deemed
  on a self-service site, using CCTV and       petrol installations, and because of                                   expendable by the employers.
  all manner of clever intuitive systems       this, a perfectly sound site may be                                       On balance, I believe that what we
                                                                                                                      have is fair. It is the interpretation
                                                                                                                      of the words ‘so far as is reasonably
                                                                                                                      practicable’ in our legislation that
                                                                                                                      is the quandary. Should 4.4 million
                                                                                                                      people leave NZ because, on average,
                                                                                                                      six people per year are killed by
                                                                                                                      earthquakes? Of course not.
                                                                                                                         Should the operators of unmanned
                                                                                                                      sites in the UK have to spend tens of
                                                                                                                      thousands of pounds on monitoring
                                                                                                                      their forecourts, when they don’t in
                                                                                                                      NZ? What is ‘reasonably practicable’
                                                                                                                      to prevent harm to their customers?
                                                                                            Top: some of the sites
                                                                                            Ray visited on his trip   I wonder if it will ever be tested in a
                                                                                            to NZ                     court in the UK?

Market Review

DEMAND                                                         violent US hurricane season. Hurricane
                                                               Harvey, which struck the US Gulf coast
                                                               on August 25 2017, caused wide-spread
                                                                                                             During 2017, diesel in UK and other
                                                                                                          European countries was increasingly
                                                                                                          vilified and targeted by new clean-air

                                                               flooding and refinery shutdowns, some      zones and extra charges, and it is
                                                               of which took months to start up again.    clearly now falling out of favour with car
                                                               US Gulf refiners lost 5mn b/d of their     buyers. Diesel’s share of new UK car
                                                               usual throughput at the height of the      registrations has fallen by 5 percentage
Argus Media’s analysis editor                                  crisis in early September, equivalent to   points in the last year to just over
Charlotte Blum says Opec’s                                     three-and-a-half times the UK’s entire     42%. But reports of diesel’s death are
production cut heaved oil prices                               refining capacity.                         exaggerated. Trucks drive further than
                                                                  As a consequence, gasoline refinery     ever before, and this has pushed diesel
higher during 2017, but will it last?                          margins jumped to almost $22/bl            consumption up to the largest ever in
                                                               in early September when it looked          the first nine months of 2017. Diesel

                             lobal oil prices are on an        like drivers in the US might run out       remains by far the most important road
                             upward path thanks to a rare      of petrol. Margins soon fell back          fuel in the UK, making up more than
                             co-operation between Opec         below $10/bl though when the supply        two-thirds of it. Still, petrol demand is
                   and Russia. In addition, growing global     problem turned out not to be as bad as     growing faster, and diesel’s share has
                   demand has boosted refinery margins,        it had first looked.                       shrunk by a couple of percentage points
                   giving UK and other European refiners          When it came to diesel, UK and          from its peak in February 2017.
                   another lease of life.                      other European markets notoriously            For 2018 and the outlook of crude oil,
                      From the start of 2017, Opec             short of diesel had to scramble for        some oil producers are now using the
                   and non-Opec partners have been             alternative supplies. Diesel cargoes       recovery in prices to finance an increase
                   surprisingly unified and managed to         were even moving in the opposite           in output, especially shale oil producers
                   stick to their pledges of 1.7mn b/d of      direction across the Atlantic to normal,   in the US. A series of big fields, whose
                   production cuts. The cuts managed           when Latin American markets usually        development began when prices were
                   to turn round the oversupply that had       supplied from the US Gulf had to           high, are starting up in 2018.
                   swelled stocks to record levels and         import diesel from Europe.                    Opec and its partners have decided
                   plunged Brent crude futures prices             For UK diesel importers a stronger      to continue with their production
                   to an average $45/bl in 2016. Brent         pound softened the rise in prices. The     restraint until the end of 2018, but they
                   has climbed back up to around $63/          referendum in favour of Brexit in June     cannot stop the tide of new oil coming
                   bl, some $8/bl higher than before the       2016 initially sent the pound tumbling     to the market, especially if their efforts
                   production cuts started.                    by almost 12% against the US dollar        help boost prices further. Demand will
                      Also, luckily for the refiners, during   that year, but sterling has recouped       be crucial. If it flags, the market could
                   2017 strong demand growth kept              some of its losses. While dollar prices    well tip back into oversupply in 2018,
                   refining margins at $10-15/bl for           for diesel barges in northwest Europe      with prices falling again impacting the
                   diesel, giving refiners another decent      are 16% higher than a year ago, they       wholesale price levels for fuels also for
                   year. They got help from a particularly     are only 9% up for UK buyers.              UK refiners.

                   ARGUS WHOLESALE CRUDE, GASOLINE & DIESEL PRICES 2016 – 2017
                   40                                                                                                                                70
                                Argus Gasoline Eurobob            Argus ULSD          Argus North Sea Dated (crude)




                   15                                                                                                                                0






                         Jul 2












                         Jul 2






















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                                                                                  Market Reporting
Petroleum                                                                               Consulting
illuminating the markets                                                                   Events
Market Review

                                                                                                                            EdgePetrol’s Andrew
                                                                                                                                    Horton and
                                                                                                                                  Tony Head of
                                                                                                                                Highway Stops

How forward-thinking retailers
are embracing technology

                    t is the question that every             automated. We needed a way to make        drive margins and volumes. In the not-
                    independent retailer asks                sure we were on track in real-time in     so-distant future, you will be able to
                    themselves: “How can I maximise          terms of sales and actual blended fuel    receive accurate and intelligent optimal
                my fuel margins whilst maintaining or        margin, so we could act.”                 order form recommendations.
                increasing my volumes?”                         By securely integrating with both         The EdgePetrol data science team
                    Many retailers feel that their options   your fuel supplier and your epos,         is also working on building a model
                are limited. Fuel margins are typically      EdgePetrol captures the price and         to recommend optimal pricing, not
                thin and your replacement cost may           volumes of the grades you are selling     only based on fuel sales data, but
                vary depending on your fuel supply           and calculates the weighted and           considering site-specific characteristics
                contract. The pole price you decide          blended cost of the fuel remaining        and dry-stock offering.
                on is not only influenced by your cost       in your tanks. This means you can            Gideon Carroll, Founder of
                price, but can be squeezed by nearby         access your volumes and your              EdgePetrol, says: “We have been
                competition.                                 margins from anywhere in the world,       careful with our recommendations
                    Since the start of 2017, EdgePetrol      in real-time, from one source of truth.   to clients at the early stages of their
                have been talking to UK independents         Independents like Highway Stops are       MyEdge subscription. Retailers know
                about these challenges and how you           already seeing the benefits.              their sites better than anyone and
                can overcome them. There are two                “We received an alert at the end       there are so many variables that can
                consistent problems that retailers face:     of August from the MyEdge product         influence the volumes of a specific site
                1. Low data visibility in real-time          stating our volumes spiked up             at any time.
                   hinders important decisions such as       considerably at two of our 11 sites. It      “You have internal and external
                   pricing and stock ordering                turns out these sites were in areas of    factors. Everyone knows they impact
                2. Business reporting and management         low affluence and that pay day was        volumes, but it is important to be able to
                   information is unreliable and             driving demand. This gave us the          understand them on a site-specific level
                   involves time-consuming manual            knowledge to either lower the price       before offering an optimal pole price.
                   calculations.                             to drive volumes or increase the          Getting it wrong is not an option.”
                    One of the retailers facing these        price to drive margins, depending on         Another common problem amongst
                issues was Highway Stops Retail Ltd, a       market needs. This also allowed our       retailers is the need for a reliable
                Top 50 independent with 11 sites. Tony       commission operator to adjust his         source of competitor prices. EdgePetrol
                Head, Development Director, explains:        dry-stock offering around the increased   have solved this by providing the live
                “Immediate data visibility was a little      demand,” says Tony.                       prices of platform subscribers.
                behind the times, particularly in terms         It doesn’t stop there. EdgePetrol’s       Toby Butterworth, Product Manager
                of live blended fuel margin achieved by      intelligent model constantly learns       at EdgePetrol, explains: “If you share
                both Platts and margin share supply          about your sites, meaning that if they    your live price, you will receive the live
                deals across our network.                    are influenced by anomalies such          price of other users, meaning you no
                    “Historically, to find out our actual    as pay day, local events, traffic and     longer have to rely on outdated pricing
                blended gross margin involved a lot of       weather, they can accurately forecast     information when making decisions
                manual labour across various different       your stock cover days and ullages by      around your marker sites.
                supply terms with different fuel             grade. This means you aren’t relying         “We will continue to work with petrol
                suppliers, which involved physically         on sales data and cost price to make      retailers in 2018 to build a relevant and
                pulling out the cost prices across 11        purchasing decisions. Cheaper fuel        specific product for the needs of the
                sites with four grades. This is now fully    means further flexibility on pricing to   market.”

16 – 020 3865 8689
BEYOND THE PUMP                                                                     exciting time for those of us in the
                     Shell UK Retail Future Fuels                                   transport fuels industry, with no one
                     Manager, Jane Lindsay-Green,                                   knowing exactly what the route to a
                     discusses what ‘future fuels’ mean                             low carbon future will look like. I’ve
                                                                                    been fascinated – and encouraged
                     for the future of fuels retailers                              – by the many opportunities and
                                                                                    innovations that are emerging to take

          ver the last year, stories      with brands including Jaguar Land         us there. If there is one thing we do
          about air quality and the       Rover, Volkswagen, BMW and Daimler        seem to agree on, it is that there isn’t
          future of transport have        all announcing plans for hybrid and       a single or simple path.
been headline news. In 2017, the UK       battery-electric vehicles.                   A mosaic of transport fuels will
Government made headlines after                                                     be needed for a successful energy
announcing plans to halt the sale         A HOT TOPIC                               transition, not only in the UK but
of petrol and diesel-only vehicles by     In short, we’ve quickly seen the          across the world. And we need to
2040. For Londoners, the Mayor laid       future of transport shift from being      remember this is a transition. For the
out ambitious plans to encourage the      a conversation between fuel retailers
use of electric and hydrogen vehicles     and energy industry analysts, to being
to tackle air pollution in the capital.
Vehicle manufacturers also made
                                          a hot topic for business and policy-
                                          makers, and of great interest to the
                                                                                    A mosaic of transport
clear commitments to electrification      general public. People are increasingly   fuels will be needed
– with Volvo being the first to tell us   talking about what the transport
that every car it launches from 2019      system of tomorrow will look like, and    for a successful
will have an electric motor. In the
months that followed, other major
                                          what this could mean for them and
                                          their vehicle choices today.              energy transition
motor manufacturers followed suit,           As such, this is a tremendously

Market Review
foreseeable future, these ‘future fuels’          even over the next few years. Despite
will complement petrol and diesel,                keen interest and direction from
with drivers using an increasing range            governments and business, we must
of energy sources as new technologies             remember that consumers still want
evolve to co-exist with traditional               to know what the energy transition
transport fuels.                                  means for them. I believe more
   For Shell, that means that we will             people will choose to drive EVs if they
need to offer a growing portfolio of              can access a range of reliable and
fuels. This will include more electricity,        convenient charging solutions.
natural gas and hydrogen, which
all have an important role to play                ELECTRIC CHARGING SOLUTIONS
in meeting the varied needs of the                Last October, we also announced
different types of customer, journey              the acquisition of NewMotion, one
and vehicle.                                      of Europe’s largest EV charging
   As Shell’s UK Future Fuels Manager,            providers. Investments like these
I am constantly working towards                   are vital to ensuring customers have
enabling the energy transition in this            choice, so that EVs become a credible
country, and we are laying strong                 transport option for them, ensuring
foundations for the low-carbon future             that EV drivers can travel ever longer
that we all want to see. In early 2017,           distances with confidence. That’s why
                                                                                                                                           Shell Recharge allows
our CEO unveiled Shell Retail’s global            Shell is developing a full raft of electric   and will open two more in the UK in
                                                                                                                                           EV drivers to charge
ambition of achieving 20% of its fuel             vehicle charging solutions to meet a          early 2018. Although it takes time for     their vehicles in
                                                                                                                                           around 30 minutes
margins from low-emission fuels by                variety of needs, whether at home, at         any new energy technology to really
2025. It’s a challenge that inspires my           work or on the road.                          take off, hydrogen vehicles could be
colleagues and me every day.                         Electric vehicle charging solutions        an important part of the future fuel
   So we are pushing ahead. In                    are just one of the ways that Shell is        mix because they can help to reduce
October 2017, we announced the                    aiming to deliver more and cleaner            carbon emissions and pollution, are
launch of Shell Recharge – our new                energy to around 5 million fuel               currently quicker to refuel than EVs,
on-forecourt electric vehicle (EV)                customers who visit our UK stations           and have a driving range of more
rapid charging service. The service               every week. We are also working to            than 200 miles.
is now available at 10 of our UK                  enhance petrol and diesel vehicle                A fundamental shift in the UK
service stations, allowing EV drivers             efficiency, including by providing            transport fuel mix will take many
to charge their vehicles in around 30
minutes. Collaboration is vital too, as
developing the infrastructure alone
will require significant investments by           Hydrogen vehicles could be an
companies across multiple sectors, all
sustained over many years.
                                                  important part of the future fuel mix
   It is important during any transition
to retain perspective. EV sales are               advanced lubricants that can improve          years, if not decades. But it’s a shift
certainly gathering pace, however they            fuel economy.                                 that Shell is already starting to make
are doing so from a very low base. A                 In tackling emissions, cars are not        because – in the simplest terms – it is
real step-change in transport clearly             the only challenge. Older, larger trucks      about offering our customers greater
isn’t going to happen overnight, or               are typically the biggest emitters of         choice. We want to ensure that no
                                                  sulphur, nitrogen oxides emissions            matter what vehicles people drive,
                                                  and other particulates – which are            we have the products and services to
                                                  causing pressing air quality problems         meet their needs. That means listening
                                                  for many parts of the UK. Going back          to what they need now, understanding
                                                  to the idea of a mosaic of solutions,         what they will need tomorrow, and
                                                  here, liquefied natural gas (LNG) has         preparing for their evolving needs over
                                                  an important role to play. There are          the decades to come.
                                                  already around 1,500 trucks running              For more than 100 years, Shell
                                                  on LNG in mainland Europe and we              has been at the forefront of fuels
                                                  plan to offer this cleaner fuel in the        and lubricants innovation. We pride
                                                  Shell UK Retail network this year.            ourselves on our ability to evolve our
                                                     We are also laying early foundations       business, and we are currently focused
                                                  for hydrogen to be a part of fuelling         on becoming a full ‘mobility services’
                                                  the future of transport. We opened            and convenience retailer.
                                                  our first hydrogen refuelling station            We’re also thinking about what
Shell’s new on-forecourt rapid charging service   in Cobham, Surrey in February 2017,           this could mean for the design of our ▹

Market Review


▹ forecourts. For example, in urban          retail brands such as Costa Coffee,         The forecourt retail   with PayPal, Apple Pay and Android
                                                                                         experience needs
  areas where the urgent need to tackle      Waitrose and Budgens to expand our          to offer covenience,   Pay. Jaguar Land Rover and Shell
  local air pollution is already driving     high-quality food and drink offering.       quality and choice     also launched the world’s first in-car
  growth in EV and hydrogen bus use,         We are changing the way we serve                                   payment system in early 2017, allowing
  we are exploring prototype designs         customers according to their changing                              drivers of certain models to pay for
  which will look and feel quite different   expectations around convenience,                                   fuel at participating Shell service
  to the service stations with which we      service and digitalisation, and                                    stations in the UK via their car’s
  are all very familiar.                     delivering innovative services that                                touchscreen.
     We are also looking beyond the          can make their journeys better.                                       As the world becomes increasingly
  fuel pump to offer more efficient,                                                                            connected by digital technology, we
  sustainable and smarter services           DIGITAL SERVICES                                                   will continue to think about the future
  to help our customers get on with          An initiative we’re particularly proud of                          of our forecourts in terms beyond
  fast-paced modern life. We are             is our collaboration with fuelService,                             the bricks and mortar of the stations
  forming partnerships with other            with whom we joined forces in 2017.                                themselves. Nobody can claim to
                                             Together, we offer UK disabled drivers
                                             assistance with their refuelling via an
                                             app, so they have the confidence of
                                             knowing someone will be available
                                                                                         Continued success
                                             to assist them when they arrive at          means listening to our
                                             the service station. All our customers
                                             also have the option to use their           customers and adapting
                                             smartphones to pay for their fuel at
                                             the pump using our Fill Up & Go             to their needs
                                             service, developed in collaboration

                                                                                                                know what the future of fuel retail will
                                                                                                                look like 20, or even 10, years from
                                                                                                                now. Indeed, nobody can even predict
                                                                                                                what the transport-related news
                                                                                                                headlines will be in 2018.
                                                                                                                   But we do know that continued
                                                                                                                success means listening to our
                                                                                                                customers and adapting to their
                                                                                                                needs – providing an evolving range
                                                                                                                of quality fuels, welcoming breaks on
                                                                                                                their journeys and retail experiences
                                                                                                                that offer convenience, quality and

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Market Review

ITM’s hydrogen
station at Shell’s M25
Cobham Services in

Dr Graham Cooley, CEO of ITM Power, answers questions on hydrogen power
   Tell us a bit about hydrogen power     As more FCEVs are rolled out there will
Hydrogen is the most abundant
element on earth, but it’s locked
                                          be a stronger demand for hydrogen
                                          refuelling stations in the UK. This will
                                                                                     Hydrogen circumvents
within water and hydrocarbons. It is
produced from these resources and
                                          be driven both by a need to improve
                                          the geographic spread of hydrogen
                                                                                     the difficulties
used in many applications, including
oil refining, ammonia production, float
                                          refuelling stations across the country
                                          and by the use of fleet vehicles by
                                                                                     associated with battery
glass production and as a transport       commercial operators, including FC         electric vehicles by
fuel for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles      vans, buses and, in due course, trucks.
(FCEV). In addition, there are energy     In addition it is expected that the use    offering longer range
storage applications for balancing        of green hydrogen at refineries will
electricity grids and various renewable   grow as a means of decarbonising
chemistry applications where green        existing fuels and chemicals, while        market development for hydrogen in
hydrogen can be used to reduce the        the gas distribution networks admit        the mobility sector, with funding for
carbon footprint.                         increasing concentrations of hydrogen      stations and FCEVs. The funding levels
                                          to assist their decarbonisation.           are quite modest compared with the
   How is the power made?                 Overall, green hydrogen will               support for battery electric vehicles
Hydrogen can be made using an ITM         contribute across the energy system        and charge points, but hydrogen is
Power electrolyser. This uses a process   (with applications in the transport,       increasingly being seen as the next
called electrolysis where electricity     heat and power sectors) and in the         wave for decarbonising road transport.
is used to split water into hydrogen      long-term hydrogen will be stored in       Indeed in most market segments it
gas and oxygen. This approach             underground salt caverns to provide        will provide a superior solution than
allows the fuel to be made on-site,       a buffer for managing high energy          plug-in electric vehicles on the one
which eliminates fuel deliveries          demand periods in winter.                  hand and petrol/diesel vehicles on the
and downtime at the forecourt. The                                                   other hand. Hydrogen circumvents
hydrogen is then used by FCEV, or in         The Government seems very ‘pro’         the difficulties associated with battery
stationary applications to generate       electric, are you in talks with the        electric vehicles by offering longer
electrical power or chemicals.            Government about hydrogen power?           range, rapid refuelling, no waiting for a
                                          There are a number of EU and UK            charging space, and no need to invest
 How do you see the hydrogen              government schemes in place which          in electricity networks to enable wide
market developing in the UK?              are providing support to enable early      adoption of home charging.                ▹

Advertisement feature                                                          2018


TLM Technologies provides world-class
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   TLM recently announced the launch of evo+,
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   The data generated from the various
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   evo+ brings all this data together in a
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                                                       Key features include snapshot dashboards          Holt said, “having seen evo+ at the recent TLM
                                                    with drill-down capabilities, real-time reports      evolution user group I was really impressed;
                                                    – available anywhere on any device, central          I am definitely looking forward to trialling it
                                                    reporting for multi-site retailers, trend analysis   instore – the reporting capabilities have so
                                                    – so retailers can make informed business            much potential, and the notifications that you
                                                    decisions based on store data and intuitive key      can set about events such as discounts will be
THE GATEWAY TO EVOLUTION                            line reporting, and configurable email alerts.       invaluable for auditing purposes!”
                                                    Fuel retailers will be able to take advantage of        The TLM team saw the opportunity for
evo+ is a cloud-based real-time reporting tool,     functionality such as wet stock monitoring,          retailers to use the data from their stores to
giving retailers trend analysis, dashboards,        fuel specific alerts such as pump not used for       improve their margins and make more profit
exception reporting and alerts anywhere,            a defined time period, and fuel price changes –      – they just needed the tools to be able to do
on any device. One affordable monthly fee           all from their smartphone.                           so. evo+ solves the problem of data analysis
includes software support, licensing and               Adrian Felton, CTO at TLM said, “we are           for retailers; not only compiling their data
hosting so users of the solution can be safe in     really excited to bring this solution to the         and presenting it in a meaningful way to help
the knowledge that their subscription covers        market; with critical real-time data and rich        them make smarter business decisions, but
everything they need.                               reporting capabilities at their fingertips,          also using the live data to alert them to instore
  Seamless integration into the existing            our customers can take control of their              events enabling them to take action to avert
Oracle CFS EPOS solutions means that                businesses, getting right to the heart of what       potential issues, saving them time and money.
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Market Review
▹      Can you outline the pros and cons
    of hydrogen versus electric?                  ITM’s Dr Graham
    Essentially a FCEV is a form of electric      Cooley with Dr Johan
                                                  van Zyl, President
    car. The electric powertrain provides         and CEO Toyota
    the highest efficiency means of               Motor Europe

    converting stored energy to motion –
    about twice as efficient as a modern
    diesel car. The FC vehicle stores energy
    as hydrogen and utilises a fuel cell
    to generate the required electricity;
    the battery electric vehicle relies on
    the electricity grid and stores the
    energy in a large battery to provide
    the electricity. The battery vehicle
    cannot be refuelled as quickly as a
    conventional diesel/petrol vehicle,
    whereas the FC vehicle can. The
    battery vehicle cannot achieve the
    same range as a petrol car, whereas
    a hydrogen car can. Battery vehicles
    cannot provide the long range and
    rapid refuel characteristics required by
    commercial fleet operators of heavy         be developed to provide basic national
    vehicles (buses, vans and trucks),          coverage. In addition we will see          ITM Power has in place
    but hydrogen vehicles can. Hydrogen         hydrogen refuelling stations emerge
    vehicles do not perturb the normal          at bus depots in towns and cities to       a siting agreement with
    routine of private or commercial
    vehicle operators, while battery
                                                enable bus operators to transition
                                                their fleets to the zero emission, rapid   Shell so that hydrogen
    vehicles do. Therefore, when the
    overarching objectives are to achieve
                                                refuel, long range solution that only
                                                hydrogen can provide.
                                                                                           stations can be located
    very large reductions in atmospheric
    pollutants and CO2 per mile travelled,
                                                   ITM Power has also recently won a
                                                tender to supply a 10MW electrolyser
                                                                                           in convenient locations
    transitioning to hydrogen is the            to Shell, which is to be used at a
    relatively straightforward option for all   refinery in Germany.                       and ignites and spreads.
    types of vehicle and all types of user.
                                                   How is the industry communicating         How often is maintenance required?
       Are forecourt sites the best places to   to drivers about hydrogen?                 Planned maintenance occurs at
    offer hydrogen power to drivers?            The number of FC vehicles in the UK        regular intervals, with annual run time
    Yes. Forecourts offer a familiar            is growing and drivers are trained to      availabilities of >98% or >8500h.
    environment to locate hydrogen              refuel upon receiving the vehicle. ITM
    refuelling points. But in some              Power has held station opening events         Are there any figures re costings to
    locations hydrogen refuelling stations      at every station which has resulted        drivers for hydrogen fuelled vehicles?
    at new sites make sense, for example        in press coverage. We also engage in       The Toyota Mirai is available with
    where electricity is to be taken from       social media and are invited to present    incentives to receive free fuel for two
    an adjacent solar or wind farm, or in       at events, where we can communicate        years. The hydrogen gas is £12/kg
    districts where the electricity network     messages further afield.                   (including VAT), most vehicles would
    operator is seeking new load to help                                                   hold 4-5kg (so £45-55 for 350 miles).
    manage constraints and supply/                 How safe is hydrogen on-site?           In addition, an FCEV avoids any clean
    demand variability due to rising            On-site production, storage and            air/emissions charges. A service
    renewable power levels.                     dispensing enables the whole solution      consists of a 20-minute check. The
                                                to be carefully engineered as one          replacement parts would only be tyres,
      What is ITM’s deal with Shell?            system. Hydrogen doesn’t leak from         brakes, windscreen wipers (there is no
    ITM Power has in place a siting             the electrolysis, compression, storage     gearbox, clutch, exhaust, starter motor,
    agreement with Shell so that hydrogen       or dispensing processes.                   alternator etc.).
    stations can be located in convenient          In an extreme emergency situation          At the end of life, the vehicles will
    locations for users, in order to enable     where a leak occurs or the gas is          not depreciate at the same rate as a
    the growth of early markets for FC          vented, it escapes rapidly upwards         conventional vehicle. They have many
    vehicles. In the UK, South East             and disperses into the atmosphere,         parts which do not move or degrade,
    England is the initial geographic focus     compared to diesel/petrol which            and importantly the fuel cell catalyst
    but in time a network of stations will      pools around the base of a vehicle         can be recycled.

You can also read