Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG

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Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
Battery Metals Report 2020
    Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals
            Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium!

Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG

    Dear reader,                                           oned financial instruments or as a trading invitation.     capitalized securities like derivatives and leveraged     publication will result in an investment advice cont-       other company evaluations. Neither Swiss Resource         ges of foreign exchange rates, fluctuations of com-
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                                  Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz                                                                                                                    |
Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
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                                    Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz                                                                                                                      |
Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
Table of Contents                                                                                                                                      Imprint
                           The whole world of commodities
                           in one App!
      Downlo App
    our un e!                                                                                      Disclaimer                                                                                                                                    02
        for fre
                                                                                                   Table of Contents | Imprint                                                                                                                   07


                                                                                                   The electric boom begins! -
                                                                                                   Lithium, cobalt, nickel and vanadium start a new era!                                                                                         10

                                                                                                   Interview with Tobias Tretter – Manager of the
                                                                                                   Structured Solutions Next Generation Resources Fund27

                                                                                                   Firmenprofile                                                                                                                                         Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Swiss Resource Capital AG
                                                                                                   Defense Metals���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32         Poststr. 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9100 Herisau, Schweiz
                                                                                                   Giga Metals������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 36    Tel : +41 71 354 8501
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fax : +41 71 560 4271
                                                                                                   Lithium Chile���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
                                                                                                   Mali Lithium����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Editorial staff
                                                                                                   Millennial Lithium������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48        Jochen Staiger
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tim Rödel
                                                                                                   Neolithium�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52
            Watch Management & Expert Interviews, Site-Visit-Videos,                               Plateau Energy Metals�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56                Frauke Deutsch
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Charts: 10/17/2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          JS Charts by amCharts

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    Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz |                                                           |
Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG

                                                           Dear Readers,

                                                           With pride and joy we are already entering the      many as a whole. 2019 is the starting year for
                                                           fourth year of publication of our Battery Me-       electric vehicles on a grand scale worldwide,
                                                           tals Report.                                        as all well-known manufacturers - above all
                                                                                                               the Germans – are launching more than 60
                                                           Our special report series started with lithium      new electric models on the market. Away from
                                                           because we see this metal, as well as cobalt,       the concept car and the study towards mass
                                                           vanadium and nickel, as one of the great ener-      production and day-to-day e-automobiles. I
                                                           gy future metals and see great opportunities        just read in AutoMotorSport that Porsche and
                                                           and potential in the long term despite the          its battery partners are already working on a
                                                           boom that has already taken place. The bat-         battery that could have a range of 1,000 kilo-     Jochen Staiger is founder and CEO
                                                           tery developments have made enormous pro-           metres. That would be a huge breakthrough.         of Swiss Resource Capital AG,
                                                           gress in the last two years and also                All these will be enormous drivers of the de-      located in Herisau, Switzerland. As
                                                           cost-technically one has become clearly more        mand for lithium, cobalt, nickel and vanadium      chief-editor and founder of the first
                                                           favorable. The ranges increase and thus also        but above all copper. In general, copper is        two resource IP-TV-channels
                                                           the acceptance of the end customers, i.e. car       currently being played as a recession barome-      Commodity-TV and its German
                                                           buyers. You can see not only Teslas but also        ter on the futures exchanges. However, accor-      counterpart Rohstoff-TV, he reports
                                                           many Zoes, Nexos, Toyotas plus the E-Tron           ding to the German government, another             about companies, experts, fund
                                                           from Audi and the EQC from Mercedes. Volks-         30,000 loading points are to be added by           managers and various themes
                                                           wagen is now putting a whole army of e-mobi-        2030. This means millions of tons of copper        around the international mining
                                                           les on the roads, which also look very good.        which are not only used for cars, but mainly       business and the correspondent
                                                           The electric car is increasingly conquering its     for the charging infrastructure. 2020 should       metals.
                                                           place among consumers and in automotive             not only be the beginning of a new decade,
                                                           history. At the end of 2018, 5.1 million electri-   but it looks like a decade for raw materials, as
                                                           cians were on the move worldwide. By the            these are and will remain the basis of our eco-
                                                           end of 2019 we will probably already have 8.5       nomic activities.

                             d R o h s t o f f - T V get   million electric cars and by the end of 2020        Swiss Resource Capital AG has set itself the

    Commodity-TV wareness it deserves!
                                                           forecasts are already at +12 million. Lithium       task of providing commodity investors, inte-
                                                           and cobalt are the main components of all           rested parties and those who would like to

                       h ea
                                                           batteries and rechargeable batteries available      become investors with up-to-date and com-

yo u r c o m p a n y t                                     in large series and thus the main link of the
                                                           electric vehicle dream. A boom of at least the
                                                                                                               prehensive information on a wide variety of
                                                                                                               commodities and mining companies. On our
                                                           same magnitude will be experienced in the           website you will find
                                                           coming years by decentralised storage facili-       more than 24 companies and lots of informa-
                                                           ties, which will be able to help to achieve the     tion and articles about raw materials.
                                                           base-load capacity of wind power and photo-
                                                           voltaic systems that has been lacking up to         We would like to give you the necessary in-
                                                           now. This in turn requires larger quantities of     sights through our special reports and provide     Tim Roedel is chief-editorial- and
                                                           vanadium.                                           you with comprehensive information. Additio-       chief-communications-manager at
                                                                                                               nally our two raw material IPTV channels           SRC AG. He has been active in the
                                                           The IAA just took place in Frankfurt, where &         commodity sector since 2007 and
                                                           15,000 demonstrators against the car cavor-         are available to you free of charge at any time.   held several editor- and chief-
                                                           ted, but more than 60,000 visitors found their      If you are on the go, we recommend our new         editor-positions, e.g. at the
                                                           way into the halls to gather information. Even      Commodity TV App for iPhone and Android,           publications Rohstoff-Spiegel,
                                                           though many a do-gooder has fought against          which provides you with real-time charts,          Rohstoff-Woche, Rohstoffraketen,
                                                           the car, a car is still indispensable for commu-    prices and the latest videos.                      Wahrer Wohlstand and First Mover.
                                                           ters, commercial travellers and people who                                                             He owns an enormous commodity
                                                           are active in business, not to mention perso-       My team and I hope you enjoy reading the           expertise and a wide-spread
                                                           nal freedom. Contrary to the notorious black-       Battery Metals Special Reports and we hope         network within the whole resource
                                                           eyed and paranoid market criers who prefer to       to provide you with lots of new information,       sector.
                                                           abolish the German car industry, it is increa-      impressions and ideas.
                                                           singly possible to find a consensus for tomor-
                                                           row‘s mobility that does not even endanger 4        Yours, Jochen Staiger
                                                           million jobs in the car industry and thus Ger-


Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
The electric boom begins! –
Lithium, cobalt, nickel and vanadium start a new era!

               The combustion engine will                     Electric mobility is                         Italy: 30% electric vehicles sold until       dels are to run with an electric motor
               disappear sooner or later – the                                                              2030                                          - according to today‘s figures about
               third decade of the 21st cen-                  picking up speed!                            EU: 30% electric vehicles sold until          3.3 million;
               tury will be the breakthrough                                                                2030                                         Hyundai: At least 10% electric vehic-
               for electric propulsion.                                                                    Israel: End of combustion sales by            le share by 2025 - 800,000 vehicles;
                                                              Many countries are now                        2030                                         Peugeot: 80% conversion to electric
               The leap from the age of fossil combusti-      fully committed to the electro­              India: End of combustion sales by             drive by 2023;
               on and the most immediate consumption          mobility card                                 2030                                         Porsche: Conversion of 90% of the
               possible to the decentralisation of energy                                                  Japan: 30% electric vehicles sold by          product range to electric drives;
               production, the corresponding need for         Above all, many countries have now jum-       2030                                         Renault/Nissan: 1.5 million vehicles
               on-site storage and, ultimately, to a true     ped on the electric mobility bandwagon       South Korea: 30% electric vehicles            from 2020;
               revolution in mobility has begun, and the      in order to achieve the climate targets       sold by 2030                                 Tesla: 1 million vehicles from 2020;
               electric boom will not only really take off    they have set themselves, and have in-       China: 5% electric vehicles sold by          Toyota: 50% conversion to electric
               in automotive construction from 2020.          troduced measures that will further acce-     2020, 20% electric vehicles sold by           drive and hybrid by 2030;
               After more than 100 years of combustion        lerate the process of turning away from       2025                                         Volvo: 100% conversion to electric
               engines, the next stage of development         the internal combustion engine and at                                                       and hybrid drive by 2019 (500,000 ve-
               is finally being ignited, and that is called   the same time towards the electric mo-                                                      hicles);
               „electro mobility“. Even if this transfor-     tor.                                        Car manufacturers plan to build                VW Group: By 2025, 20 to 25% of all
               mation will entail job losses: There‘s no                                                  many millions of electric ve-                   vehicles produced are to be powered
               stopping it now.                               The following goals have already been       hicles                                          purely by electricity, which is equiva-
                                                              clearly formulated:                                                                         lent to a total of around 2 to 3 million
                                                                                                          These planned measures put the car ma-          vehicles. By 2030, 300 electric mo-
               Musk makes it possible - or                                                                nufacturers under pressure, so that they        dels are to be launched on the mar-
               how a South African breaks the                  Canada: 30% of electric vehicles sold     have already reacted and have spent the         ket.
               omnipotence of the oil multina-                  by 2030 - Quebec Province wants           following company goals:
               tionals                                          emissions reduced to zero by 2050                                                     In total, the leading car manufacturers
                                                               USA: 10 states want to reduce emis-        BMW: By 2025, 15 to 25% of all ve-        plan to produce more than 20 million
               Even though China has long set the tone,         sions to zero by 2050, including the        hicles produced are to be powered         electric vehicles per year from 2025 alo-
               the electro-revolutionary movement is            New England states of Connecticut,          purely by electricity, which is equiva-   ne. From 2030, 25 million electrically po-
               primarily due to one name: Elon Musk!            New Hampshire, Maine, Massachu-             lent to a total of around 300,000 to      wered vehicles per year are expected,
               The eccentric South African, who was             setts, Rhode Island and Vermont as          600,000 vehicles;                         from 2040 even 60 million vehicles per
               bullied as a child and beaten to uncons-         well as New York, California and Ore-      Chevrolet: After 30,000 electric ve-      year. Daimler alone plans to invest over
               ciousness and first made headlines with          gon.                                        hicles sold in 2017, no concrete tar-     80 billion euros in electric mobility in the
               the invention and sale of the PayPal pay-       Mexico: 30% electric vehicles sold by       gets defined yet;                         coming years. Bloomberg expects that
               ment system to eBay, had a vision of a           2030                                       The Chinese carmakers, which now          by 2040 at the latest every second new
               purely electric locomotive at the begin-        Brazil: 30% electric vehicles sold by       number more than 170, want to put at      vehicle will be equipped with an electric
               ning of the 21st century and founded             2030                                        least 4.5 million electric vehicles on    drive.
               Tesla Motors in 2004. This triggered a          Great Britain: End of combustion sa-        the roads by 2020;
               real chain reaction that led many states,        les by 2040                                Daimler: Ten new electric models by
               companies and private individuals to cle-       France: End of combustion sales by          2022. By 2025, 15 to 25% of all ve-       There is currently no way
               arly opt for the electric motor as their fu-     2040                                        hicles produced will be powered pu-       around the lithium-ion battery
               ture drive and energy storage system.           Ireland: End of combustion sales by         rely by electricity, which will account
               Although Musk did not invent the electric        2030                                        for a total of about 300,000 to 600,000   The heart of every electric vehicle is not
               motor, he will always be recorded in his-       Norway: End of combustion sales by          vehicles;                                 only the motor but also the energy stora-
               tory books as the one who broke the om-          2035                                       Ford: By 2020, at least 13 models are     ge device, i.e. a rechargeable battery. In
               nipotence of the oil multinationals and         Netherlands: End of combustion sa-          to be powered electrically, which is      order to be operated economically in the
               ushered in a new era of locomotion.              les by 2035                                 about 10 to 25% of the entire model       long term, electric vehicles, but also in-
                                                               Sweden: End of combustion sales by          range;                                    creasingly emerging decentralised stora-
                                                                2035 - 30% electric vehicles sold by       General Motors: 20 new electric mo-       ge systems - such as for photovoltaic or
                                                                2030                                        dels by 2023 and complete switch to       wind power plants - require ever more
                                                               Germany: End of combustion sales            electric mobility - period still open;    powerful batteries. In the meantime, the
                                                                by 2030                                    Honda: In 2030, two thirds of all mo-     lithium-ion battery has emerged as a

10                                                                                                                                                                                                   11

          Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz                                                    |
Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
clear favourite. One of the reasons for         wind farm is already lost today because
               Composition and operating principle of a lithium-ion accumulator                           this is that the voltage within a lithium-ion   the turbines have to be shut down at
                                                                                                          battery is reached by exchanging lithium        short notice due to grid overload. This
                                                                                                          ions. Due to their high energy density,         can be remedied by storage facilities
                                                                                                          lithium-ion batteries deliver constant          that initially absorb the excess energy
             Composition of a lithium-ion accumulator                                                     performance over the entire discharge           and later release it back into the grid
                                                                                                          period and have no so-called memory ef-         when needed, i.e. when there is a threat
             Essentially a lithium-ion accumulator consists of the following components and materials:    fect, i.e. a successive loss of capacity        of undersupply. The vanadium redox ac-
                                                                                                          over many years of use or frequent parti-       cumulator plays a decisive role in this
                                                           LITHIUM-ION BATTERY                            al discharge. The name „lithium ion bat-        process.
              Positive electrode (cathode):                              CHARGE                          tery“ is only the generic term for a whole
               Lithium-Cobalt(III)-oxide                        SEPARATOR                                 series of possible chemical structures,
                                                                                            ANODE (-)
               Lithium-Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt-Oxide                                                      such as the lithium cobalt (dioxide) bat-       Vanadium redox battery -
               Oxygen                                       CATHODE (+)                                   tery, the lithium manganese (dioxide)           Higher operational reliability
               Aluminum as conductor material               ALUMINIUM                                     battery, the lithium iron phosphate bat-        than lithium-ion battery,
                                                                                                          tery and - less commonly - the lithium ti-      but not suitable for electric
              Negative electrode (anode):                                                                tanite battery and the tin-sulfur lithium       vehicles
               Graphite or related carbon materials                                                       ion battery.
               Silicon                                                                                                                                    The vanadium redox accumulator is a
               Tin dioxide                                                                                                                                so-called flux accumulator which uses
               Copper as conductor material                                                                                                               vanadium compounds in aqueous solu-
                                                                                              CARBON      Decentralised storage                           tions in both electrolytes. Vanadium re-
              Electrolyte (solution)                                                        (GRAPHITE)
                                                                                                          will clearly dominate                           dox flow cells offer a very high operatio-
                                                                                                                                                          nal reliability compared to other storage
              Separator of polymer membrane                               OXYGEN + METAL                 the market in the future                        systems (especially lithium-ion accumu-
                                                            ELECTRON       COBALT/NICKEL/MANGANESE                                                        lators), as the electrolyte is neither flam-
                                                                                                          Vanadium redox batteries are                    mable nor explosive due to its high wa-
                                                                                                          better suited for use in the field              ter content. The commercial batteries
                                                                                                          of regenerative energies.                       currently available are used exclusively
             Operating principle of a lithium-ion accumulator                                                                                             in stationary applications, such as rege-
                                                                                                          The use of lithium, cobalt and nickel in        nerative energy sources for peak load
                                                                                                          lithium-ion batteries or rechargeable           coverage and load balancing, and unin-
             In simple terms a lithium-ion accumulator      compound where lithium exists as cati-        batteries of the same name in automoti-         terruptible power supplies. By the end of
             generates an electromotive force by the        on. During discharge the intercalation        ve engineering is one side of the coin.         2018, more than 60 large vanadium re-
             movement of lithium-ions. During char-         compound emits electrons which flow           Correspondingly larger energy storage           dox flow batteries were in operation
             ging the positive lithium-ions migrate th-     back to the positive electrode via the        facilities are being used more and more         worldwide. The largest vanadium redox
             rough the electrolyte and the separator        extern circuit. Simultaneously many           for storing electricity from alternative        flow battery in Germany with a capacity
             from the positive to the negative electro-     Li+ ions migrate from the intercalation       energy sources. The virtually explosive         of 2 megawatts and 20 MWh energy sto-
             de. In the process the lithium-ions can        compound through the electrolyte also to      expansion of energy generation from             rage capacity was completed in Sep-
             move freely between the two electrodes         the positive electrode. At the positive       wind farms or solar cells is a huge step        tember 2019 in Baden-Württemberg.
             through the electrolyte within the accu-       electrode the lithium-ions do not receive     forward in terms of environmental pro-          The largest battery in the world will also
             mulator. Unlike the lithium-ions the tran-     the electrons of the external circuit but     tection, but an enormous challenge for          be a vanadium redox flow battery. This
             sition metal and graphite structures of        the present structures of the transition      the electricity grids. This is because re-      is to generate 200 megawatts in
             the electrodes are stationary and protec-      metal compounds. Depending on the             newable energy sources often exhibit            northeastern China and store 800 MWh
             ted by a separator from a direct contact.      type of accumulator these are cobalt, ni-     extreme fluctuations in power generati-         of energy.
             The mobility of the lithium-ions is neces-     ckel, manganese or iron ions that change      on. When the wind is blowing or the sun         The vanadium redox accumulator, on the
             sary for the compensation of the external      their charge.                                 is shining, large amounts of Electricity        other hand, is not an option for powerful
             current during recharging and dischar-                                                       „pumped“ into the grid. In the short            electric cars because the volumetric
             ging so that the electrodes stay largely                                                     term, enormous overcapacities of elec-          energy density of the battery is far too
             electrically neutral. The negative electro-                                                  tricity arise, some of which are not nee-       small, i.e. the battery takes up too much
             de is a so-called graphite intercalation                                                     ded at all. According to calculations, up       space.
                                                                                                          to 20 percent of the annual yield of a

12                                                                                                                                                                                                       13

     Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz                                                            |
Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
The largest application for                   lution, at least with regard to their own      More Gigafactories are already                    many, each of which is aiming for a pro-
          vanadium redox batteries in the               battery production. Several initiatives by     in the making                                     duction capacity similar to Tesla.
          future: decentralized energy                  Germany alone, together with France
          storage                                       and the EU itself, have so far failed to de-   Tesla is by far not the only lithium and co-
                                                        liver the big hit. The furthest is currently   balt consumer planning to produce more            Lithium-ion batteries are the
          So-called smart grid systems require a        the Swedish Northvolt, which plans to          lithium-ion batteries. LG Chem already            latest state of the art and mar-
          large number of short- and medium-term        build a Gigafactory in Skellefteå in           started production for Chevy in Michigan          ket leaders
          energy storage devices that absorb too        northern Sweden, some 700 kilometres           in October 2015. Furthermore, Foxconn,
          much generated energy and can later re-       from the capital Stockholm. Initially, an      BYD (the world‘s largest producer of              In addition to the aforementioned raw
          lease it back into the grid when wind and     annual cell production of around eight gi-     rechargeable batteries, especially for            materials lithium, cobalt, nickel and man-
          sun are absent. Vanadium redox batte-         gawatt hours (GWh) is to be achieved,          mobile phones), Lishen, CATL and Bos-             ganese, a lithium-ion battery essentially
          ries can clearly remedy this by storing       followed by 32 GWh from 2023. This             ton Power are working on the constructi-          consists of aluminum, copper, graphite,
          too much energy temporarily and only          could equip around 650,000 cars with a         on of their own Gigafactories, also for           zinc, tin, silver and steel. The majority of
          releasing it back into the grid when requi-   50-kilowatt hour battery. VW recently an-      so-called Power Banks, i.e. decentrali-           (lithium-ion) batteries currently on the
          red. Many manufacturers are already           nounced that it would enter the project        zed power storage units. Outside Asia             market are lithium-cobalt (dioxide) batte-
          trying their hand at efficient vanadium re-   with 20%. The carmaker is investing            and North America there are currently             ries, which is why this report deals pri-
          dox batteries, which are primarily inten-     around 900 million euros in this project.      only a few serious players to be found.           marily with the „battery metals“ lithium,
          ded for decentralised use, such as direc-     Daimler is already one step ahead, alrea-      Worth mentioning are Northvolt from               nickel and cobalt plus vanadium.
          tly in the household of a family with a       dy operates a plant in Saxony and plans        Sweden and Terra E Holding from Ger-
          photovoltaic system on the roof or near       to invest 20 billion euros in a battery cell
          wind farms.                                   production network by 2030. The part-
                                                        ners come mainly from Asia.

                                                                                                       Lithium                                           Lithium production is either
          Asians dominate the                           ... but the music is made in Asia!                                                               tedious or expensive
          battery sector                                                                               The Element Lithium
                                                        China alone already accounts for about                                                           Worldwide lithium production is divided
                                                        one third of total demand for lithium-ion      Lithium is a light metal from the group of        into several different branches that pro-
          North America is Tesla country ...            batteries. According to expert estimates,      alkali metals. It has the lowest density of       duce the following types of lithium com-
                                                        this will remain the case for the time         all known solid elements. It is only about        pounds:
          Outside Asia, North America in particular     being, as China still has by far the largest   half as heavy as water, silver white by na-
          has taken the dominant position in lithi-     output of rechargeable batteries and ac-       ture and relatively soft. Lithium is highly       1.   Lithium carbonate,
          um-ion battery production. Tesla Motors       cumulators. This stimulates the country‘s      reactive, which is why it always occurs in        2.   Lithium hydroxide,
          has a lot to say about this. The company      immense consumption of lithium and co-         nature as a lithium compound. It starts           3.   Lithium chloride,
          is currently building its so-called „Gi-      balt. It is also expected that China will      up rapidly in the air, which is due to the        4.   Butyllithium and
          gafactory 1“ in Nevada. Since 2016, lithi-    continue to see the strongest annual in-                                                         5.   Lithium metal.
          um-ion batteries, battery packs, electric     crease in lithium and cobalt demand of
                                                                                                                [HE] 2s1                    3
          motors and drive units for up to 500,000      all major market players over the next 5                                                         Metallic lithium is usually produced from

          electric vehicles per year have been built    to 10 years, mainly due to the expected                                                          lithium carbonate in a multi-stage pro-
          there. The factory will be completed by       multiplication of the number of recharge-                                                        cess and is usually traded with a purity of
          2020. The „Gigafactory 2“ is a photovol-      able batteries. Other major suppliers of                                                         99.5%. This metallic lithium is used as a
          taic factory located in Buffalo, New York.    lithium-ion batteries, including South Ko-                                                       catalyst in the chemical and pharma-
          The „Gigafactory 3“ is to be built in China   rea and Japan, are also expected to gua-                  Melting Point 180,54° C                ceutical industries and for the production
          near Shanghai and will produce the same       rantee a robust increase in lithium and                    Boiling Point 1330°C                  of aluminium-lithium alloys.
          quantity of vehicles as the plant in Neva-    cobalt demand. The electronic giants                               LITHIUM
          da.                                           Panasonic, Samsung, LG Chem, BYD,                                                                The industry essentially distinguishes
                                                        Boston Power, Lishen, CATL, Dynavolt                                                             three types or qualities of lithium com-
                                                        and Great Wall are to be mentioned abo-        formation of lithium oxide and lithium            pounds:
          ... the EU is still in its infancy ...        ve all here.                                   nitride. In pure oxygen, it burns with a
                                                                                                       bright red flame at 180°C to form lithium         1. „Industrial grade“, with a purity of
          The big car manufacturers of the EU                                                          oxide. Lithium reacts very strongly with             over 96%, mainly for glass, casting
          seem to have overslept the electric revo-                                                    water to form lithium hydroxide.                     powder and lubricants,

14                                                                                                                                                                                                      15

     Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz                                                            |
Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
2. „Technical Grade“, with a purity of        extract lithium from brine deposits within     the world‘s total lithium production, and      ries, however, higher purity grades than
             about 99.5%, mainly for ceramics, lu-      days and even hours, rather than by me-        only a few companies share them among          99.5% are required. Lithium hydroxide is
             bricants and batteries and                 ans of natural evaporation, using special-     themselves. As a result, the entire lithium    used in the „Industrial“ quality as a raw
          3. „Battery Grade“, with a purity of over     ly developed processes in corresponding        market is very non-transparent, which is       material for lubricants and coolants,
             99.5%, especially for high-end cathode     plants. The processes of Tenova Batem-         why the large battery and rechargeable         among other things; with the higher
             materials in batteries and accumulators.   an and IBC Advanced Technologies               battery manufacturers such as Panaso-          „Technical“ quality grade, it is also used
                                                        should be mentioned here.                      nic have recently relied primarily on long-    in accumulator and battery production.
                                                        In addition, a third lithium source was        term supply contracts with relatively          Lithium carbonate - crystalline, granula-
          There are two types of lithium                identified by several lithium development      small development companies, some of           ted or powdered - is used, for example,
          deposits                                      companies. This makes it possible to ex-       which will not produce before 2023. As a       in the electrolytic production of alumini-
                                                        tract lithium from old, exploited oil reser-   result of this offer oligopoly, lithium is     um, in the ceramic and pharmaceutical
          Lithium is generally obtained from two        voirs. The lithium is extracted from the       currently also not traded on the stock         industries and in alloying technology.
          different sources.                            wastewater remaining in the reservoirs.        exchange, the actual trading prices are        Special grades of purity of lithium carbo-
                                                        The fact that this process works has al-       strictly confidential.                         nate in the form of very fine powder (bat-
          1. So-called „brine“, i.e. (salt) sheet or    ready been proven several times. In addi-      One reason for this, which is always           tery grade powder) are suitable as raw
             brine deposits: Lithium carbonate is       tion, this seemingly unusual lithium reco-     mentioned by the few suppliers, is that        materials for the production of lithium ion
             obtained mainly in salt lakes from salt    very also seems to be economically fea-        the available and required lithium quali-      batteries. The extraction and processing
             solutions containing lithium by evapo-     sible. This means that brine-containing        ties are too different for a standardized      of (especially high-grade) li­thium is con-
             ration of the water and addition of so-    (former) oil fields will also become a fo-     stock exchange.                                sidered to be very costly.
             dium carbonate. To obtain metallic         cus of the lithium industry.
             lithium, the lithium carbonate is first
             converted with hydrochloric acid.                                                         Main fields of application are                 The manufacture of lithium-ion
             This produces carbon dioxide, which        Larger lithium deposits concen-                alloys, lubricants and recharge-               batteries requires a large quan-
             escapes as a gas, and dissolved lithi-     trated in a few regions                        able batteries.                                tity of lithium
             um chloride. This solution is concen-
             trated in the vacuum evaporator until      Lithium accounts for about 0.006 % of          Its above-mentioned special and versati-       A large quantity of lithium is required for
             the chloride crystallises out.             the earth‘s crust and is therefore some-       le properties make lithium a sought-after      the production or operation of lithium-ion
          2. So-called „Hard Rock Spodumene“,           what less abundant than zinc, copper           material in many different applications.       batteries. Every smartphone, for examp-
             i.e. hard rock pegmatite deposits: Li­     and tungsten and somewhat more abun-           So, it should come as no surprise that         le, contains between 5 and 7 grams of
             thium compounds are not obtained           dant than cobalt, tin and lead. Estimates      the main field of application for lithium      LCE (lithium carbonate equivalent). With
             from the salt of lakes, but from spodu-    by the US Geological Survey assume that        has constantly changed in the past. Initi-     a notebook or tablet it is already 20 to 45
             mene, a lithium-bearing aluminium          around 40 million tonnes of lithium can be     ally mainly used in medicine, the element      grams. Electric tools such as cordless
             silicate mineral. The concentrate ob-      extracted as reserves worldwide. About         began its triumphal march in the 1950s         screwdrivers or electric saws require
             tained is often converted to lithium       67% of them in the South American              as a component of alloys. Its low weight,      about 40 to 60 grams for their batteries.
             carbonate with a purity of more than       countries Chile and Argentina alone. The       but also its positive properties in terms of   A 10 KWh storage unit for domestic use
             99.5% using conventional mining            largest lithium carbonate production cur-      tensile strength, hardness and elasticity,     requires around 23 kilograms of LCE,
             technology. The intensive thermal and      rently takes place in Salar de Atacama, a      made it an integral part of aerospace          while batteries for electric cars require
             hydrometallurgical process required        salt lake in the northern Chilean province     technology. This picture has changed           between 40 and 80 kilograms. An energy
             for this is considered to be very cost-    of Antofagasta. Around 61 percent of glo-      once again in the past 20 years. In the        store with 650 MWh capacity needs
             ly. Such deposits are currently almost     bal lithium production, however, comes         course of the beginning electrical revolu-     about 1.5 tons of LCE. With quantities in
             exclusively exploited in Australia, and    from Australia, albeit at much higher          tion one recognized quite fast that it is      the billions (smartphone) or in the mil-
             most of the processing takes place in      costs than in South America. In addition,      suitable due to its low normal potential       lions (notebook, tools, cars, e-bikes,
             Chinese facilities.                        there are significant lithium deposits         almost perfectly as an anode in batteries.     etc.), several 100,000 tons of LCE de-
                                                        mainly in North America and China.             Lithium batteries are characterized by a       mand per year quickly accumulate.
                                                                                                       very high energy density and can genera-
          New Processing Processes                                                                     te particularly high voltages. Lithium bat-
          and Lithium Sources Could                     Lithium production is currently                teries are not rechargeable. Lithium-ion       Lithium production will (and
          Revolutionize Production                      concentrated mainly in four                    accumulators, on the other hand, have          must) increase sharply
                                                        countries and a few companies                  this property, in which lithium metal oxi-
          Recently, more and more exploration and                                                      des such as lithium cobalt oxide are           In 2015, global lithium production
          development companies have been               Australia, Chile, China and Argentina cur-     connected as cathode. As a raw material        amounted to around 175,000 metric tons
          relying on new technologies to help them      rently account for around 96 percent of        for the production of rechargeable batte-      of LCE. Projections assume that this fi-

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     Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz                                                        |
Battery Metals Report 2020 - Everything you need to know about the Battery Metals Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel and Vanadium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
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