Accessing Employer/Employee Government Supports - COVID-19 Pandemic Employer / Employee Government Supports - Fáilte ...

Page created by Billy Oconnor
Accessing Employer/Employee Government Supports
Updated April 24th, 2020

                                             Employer /

                                    Pandemic        Short Term Work   Illness Benefit for
                 COVID-19 Wage
                                  Unemployment          Support        COVID-19 Illness
                 Subsidy Scheme
Support/Funding   Overview                           Comments                                   Additional Information

Temporary         The scheme will run for 12         The purpose of this scheme is to           Revenue are constantly updating its published
COVID-19 Wage     weeks from 26 March 2020.          maintain the employer-employee             FAQ guidance document on the operation of this
Subsidy Scheme                                       relationship, avoids a redundancy          Scheme. Click link here for the latest version.
                  The Scheme is confined to          situation and will help employers
                  employees who were on the          have their teams ready to go for           The Government announced changes to the
                  employer’s payroll as at 29        recovery.                                  Wage Subsidy Scheme on April 15, 2020 Click
                  February 2020, and for whom                                                   here for the summary of changes.
                  a payroll submission has           The scheme will ensure that the
                  already been made to               Subsidy paid to employers will be          FAQs were raised by Fáilte Ireland on behalf of
                  Revenue in the period from 1       based on each individual                   the tourism industry. The questions have been
                  February 2020 to 15 March          employee’s Average Net Weekly              collated directly from various industry sectors. All
                  2020.                              Pay, subject to the maximum                answers have been provided by Revenue to Fáilte
                                                     weekly tax-free amounts.                   Ireland. Download FAQs here

                                                     The employer is expected to make
                                                                                                Scheme information and advice for taxpayers
                                                     their best efforts to maintain as
                                                                                                and agents can be found here
                                                     close to 100% of normal income as
                                                     possible for the subsidised period.

How to access     To review guidelines and apply for the scheme click on the link below
the scheme

                  Revenue have announced an extension to the March 15 deadline for applications is all other criteria have been met
Support/Funding   Overview                      Comments                              Additional Information

COVID-19          Unemployment Payment has      As of March 24, payments have         Comprehensive FAQs on COVID payments can
Pandemic          been introduced for anyone    been increased to €350 per week       be found here.
Unemployment      aged between 18 and 66        for up to 6 weeks (as applicable).
Payment           whose employer is unable to                                         DEASP Income Support Helpline
                  continue to pay them.         Applicants should download and        This helpline provides information on available
                                                complete the form and send to the     income supports for people impacted by COVID-19.
                  The payment is available to   address provided. They should not     The information team can advise on the most
                  all employees and the self-   attend the Intreo office in person.   suitable income supports for individual
                  employed who have lost                                              circumstances and provide information on how to
                  employment due to the         Individuals applying for the          make an application.
                  pandemic.                     payment will be required to apply     Contact details: 01 248 1398, 1890 800024
                                                for the normal jobseeker’s
                  Non-EU/EEA individuals can    payments within a 6-week period       DEBI Business Support Helpline
                  avail of the payment.         using                   DBEI is also operating a Business Support Call
                                                                                      Centre to advise on the Government supports
                                                If you have already applied before    available to businesses and enterprises that are
                                                the 24th of March or are already in   affected by COVID-19.
                                                receipt of the Pandemic               Contact details: 01 631 2002
                                                Unemployment Payment you do not
                                                need to do anything. Your next
                                                payment will be paid at the           Self-Employed will be eligible for the Covid-19
                                                increased rate.                       Pandemic Unemployment Payment of €350 directly
                                                                                      from the Department of Employment Affairs and
                                                                                      Social Protection (rather than the Revenue scheme)
How to access
the scheme      Scheme details and application form can be found here

                Tour Guides who are self-employed and can show an active pattern of self-employment in months leading up to March
                13th could claim that the trading income has collapsed as per the Pandemic Unemployment Payment guidelines criteria

                You may, if your trading income has collapsed to the extent that you are available to take up other full-time
                employment if it was offered to you, receive a payment of €350 per week for so long as you are available to take up other
                full time work.

                This does not mean that they have permanently ceased their trade or profession, but it does mean that they are, for the
                time being at least, available to do other full-time work. All details can be found here.

                However, if a Tour Guide was not in employment or active self- employment immediately before the 13th of March 2020,
                then they are not eligible for the Pandemic Unemployment Payment but can claim for Job Seekers allowance. The criteria
                are based on employment when Covid hit versus loss of potential future earnings. There is a comprehensive list FAQs on
                the scheme which may be useful.
Support/Funding   Overview                       Comments                                Additional Information

Short Time Work   Firms that need to reduce      This is a form of Jobseeker’s Benefit   Scheme overview and links to application can
Support           hours or days worked can       and is an income support payment        be found by clicking here
                  avail of the Department of     for employees aged under 66 who
                  Employment Affairs and         have been temporarily placed on a       The most current DEASP advice and information for
                  Social Protection Short Term   shorter working week.                   both employers and employees can be found by
                  Work Support.                                                          clicking here.
                                                 The payment is made in respect of
                  It is intended to help         their regular salary for the days       FAQs on COVID payments can be found here.
                  employers during periods of    that they are no longer working
                  temporary difficulty without   however they must work 3 or less
                  resorting to permanent         days per week.
                  layoffs.                       Employees must be full time and
                                                 meet PRSI payment criteria to
                                                 Allowance is means tested.

How to access     Individuals should apply for state supports immediately.
support           DEASP Income Support Helpline
                  Advice on the most suitable income supports for individual circumstances and information on how to make an application.
                  Contact details: 01 248 1398 or 1890 800024

                  Citizens Information Offices
                  This scheme will apply to full time employees whose hours are reduced but for those on shorter term contracts the
                  Citizen Information offices provide detailed information on benefit eligibility for employees
Support/Funding       Overview                        Comments                                 Additional Information

Illness Benefit for   As of March 24, 2020, the       To receive the enhanced payment,         To apply for illness benefit click the link here
COVID-19 Illness      benefit will be €350 per week   employees must be absent from
                      and employers can top up        work and not be getting paid by          As the situation continues to evolve the most
                      this payment.                   their employer and be either:            current advice and information can be found by
                                                                                               clicking here
                      Reforms for sick pay, illness   Self-isolating on the instruction of a
                      benefit, and supplementary      doctor or other medical professional     FAQs on COVID payments can be found here.
                      benefit have been put in        – payment lasts 2 weeks
                      place and is designed to                                                 DEASP Income Support Helpline
                      ensure that employees and       Diagnosed with COVID-19                  This helpline provides information on available
                      the self-employed can abide     (Coronavirus) – payment is paid for      income supports for people impacted by COVID-19.
                      by medical advice to self-      the duration of illness.                 The information team can advise on the most
                      isolate where appropriate.                                               suitable income supports for individual
                                                                                               circumstances and provide information on how to
                                                                                               make an application. Contact details: 01 248 1398
                                                                                               or 1890 800024.

How to access
support               Individuals apply for this themselves and steps are explained on the links above.
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