Page created by Charlotte Leon
Travel Policy
April 2021

             Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 1
4    Introduction

Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
7    A1. Booking and Providing Assistance
16 	A2. Information Provision
20 A3. Ticketing and Fares
23   A4. Alternative Accessible Transport
24   A5. Mobility Scooters and Mobility Aids
26   A6. Delays, Disruption and Emergencies
29   A7. Station Facilities
31   A8. Redress

Strategy and Management
39   B1. Strategy
40 B2. Management and Arrangements
41   B3. Monitoring and Evaluation
42   B4. Access Improvements
44 	B5. Working With Disabled Passengers,
     Local Communities and Local Authorities
45   B6. Staff Training
47   Contact Us

2 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 3
TransPennine Express is the intercity train
operating company for the North of England and
into Scotland, connecting key towns and cities
with fast, high quality rail services, and our vision
is ‘Taking the North Further’.
To deliver this vision, we have invested    •O
                                              ur Accessible Travel Passenger
over £500 Million since 2016 to              Leaflet: Making Rail Accessible:
introduce three brand new fleets of          Helping Older and Disabled
NOVA trains, increasing capacity on          Passengers: a summary of practical
our network through 220 new coaches.         information about travelling on
We have also invested in our stations        our services and the wider UK rail
to provide the facilities our customers      network
want and need, such as changing             • Our stations accessibility
places, waiting facilities and new ticket      information: a summary of the
offices, and continue to explore new           arrangements and facilities at each
opportunities to add more features.            of the stations which we manage
                                               and those where our services call
We are committed to delivering
consistently excellent service, making      • Our trains accessibility information:
journeys easy and convenient for all           which explains the accessible
our customers. Our aim is to provide           features on the trains we operate
an accessible and welcoming railway
                                            Together these documents form this
for all and we will ensure that your
                                            Accessible Travel Policy.
needs as an older or disabled customer
are properly considered in all aspects      You can find all four elements online
of service delivery. The end goal is        at
enabling you to travel confidently and      with-us/assisted-travel where they
as independently as possible.               are available for download both in
                                            standard and accessible formats.
To help you in planning your journey,
and to know what to expect, we              You can also pick up a copy of our
produce this Accessible Travel Policy.      Making Rail Accessible: Helping
This is made of up four elements:           Older and Disabled Customers leaflet
• Our Accessible Travel Policy: A          from any staffed station where our
   guide to our policies and practices      services call.
   which explains our strategy and
   vision for delivering accessible
   services (this document)

4 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
We also offer our Accessible
Travel Policy in alternative formats,

• Braille       • Large Print
• Audio         • Easy Read

You can ask for an alternative
format by contacting our Customer
Relations or Assisted Travel Team.
We will respond to your request
within seven days.

    We will review and update
    our Accessible Travel Policy
    each year to make sure that
    it includes any improvements
    we have made to our services.

                                        Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 5
Our Commitment
to Providing
We are committed to providing a reliable and
easy to access service that allows older and
disabled customers to arrange the assistance
they may require to help them access any part of
our network with confidence, using the national
Passenger Assist system.
We continue to work closely with           Passenger Assist service, particularly
rail industry partners to improve the      in relation to journeys that involve
consistency and reliability of the         more than one operator.

6 || Our
     Our Commitment
         Commitment to
                     to Providing
                        Providing Assistance
A1. Booking and Providing
Assistance can be provided wherever          released, usually 12 weeks in advance,
you need it across the national rail         but for some services this can be as
network using “Passenger Assist”, a          much as 24 weeks.
system used by all train operators to
coordinate assisted travel. Because          The amount of notice we ask you to
it’s a national system you can use it        give for requesting assistance varies
to book assistance for your entire           depending on the journey you are
journey irrespective of the number of        undertaking. We recommend that
connections or train services you need       you contact our Assisted Travel Team
to take, with one call. You can even         as soon as possible, and no later
purchase tickets all at the same time.       than 10pm the evening before your
                                             journey to ensure that we are able to
You can book assistance on our               make the necessary arrangements.
services and those of other train            However, if your journey is
operating companies by contacting            direct between two stations that
our Assisted Travel Team, who                TransPennine Express manage, you
are available 6am to 11pm daily,             can call anytime up to two hours
excluding Christmas Day.                     before you plan to travel. This is
                                             our ‘Express Assistance’ service.,
We will ensure our Assisted Travel           Please be aware seat and wheelchair
Team is resourced to meet demand             user space reservations will not be
by monitoring volumes of requests            available with this reduced notice.
and response times and adjusting
our service provision accordingly. As        By April 2021 we will reduce this
detailed in section B6, Staff Training,      notice period to 6 hours and then to
our Assisted Travel Team receive             only 2 hours’ notice by April 2022,
training that ensures they understand        meaning no matter where you are
the needs of our disabled and older          travelling, you can benefit from our
customers. The team have an in-              Express Assistance notice period.
depth knowledge of the accessible            We will achieve this by transitioning
facilities and features of our network,      to the new Passenger Assist system
enabling them to provide the most            being introduced by Rail Delivery
appropriate advice.                          Group and developed by Transreport
                                             which will enable staff to view
You can request assistance for               assistance bookings via an App.
your journey from when tickets are

                                          Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 7
Passenger Assist                             Rail Enquiries and our website within
                                             one business day. Where facilities
Passenger Assist is the national
                                             that you may need on-board are out
system used by all UK train operators
                                             of use (e.g. accessible toilets) staff
to coordinate assisted travel.
                                             will try to advise you of this before
Because it is a national system, it          you join the train.
means we can book assistance for
                                             When you call to make a Passenger
your entire journey irrespective
                                             Assist booking, our team will confirm
of the number of connections or
                                             the station accessibility features and
train services your need to take,
                                             the arrangements they have made for
all in one request. Where possible,
                                             you, so that you are aware of what
seat reservations will also be made,
                                             to expect when you travel. You will
including priority seats, wheelchair
                                             receive a confirmation email with the
user spaces and companion seats.
                                             details of your assistance booking.
You can also purchase tickets at the
                                             In addition, station accessibility
same time as requesting Passenger
                                             information can also be provided to
Assist, all within one call.
                                             you by post or email upon request.
Passenger Assist draws station
                                             To improve the coordination of
information from National Rail
                                             Passenger Assist across the UK rail
Enquiries, including station
                                             network, we are working with other
facilities and features as well as the
                                             train operating companies and Rail
latest information about access
                                             Delivery Group (RDG) to introduce
arrangements on stations and trains
                                             the new Passenger Assist system,
across the UK. Our Assisted Travel
                                             including the staff app, which will
Team will use this information when
                                             enable real-time communication
making your booking.
                                             between station teams, showing the
To deliver a reliable assistance             live status of your assistance, along
service, we will ensure that the             with any amendments.
information on National Rail Enquiries
                                             Where Passenger Assist has been
for the stations that we manage is
                                             booked, we aim to provide a member
regularly reviewed and updated
                                             of staff to help you on and off the
where necessary. If for whatever
                                             train as soon as possible. When
reason one of the accessible features
                                             you arrive at a station where a train
or facilities on our stations or trains is
                                             terminates its journey (such as
not available, or you make us aware
                                             Manchester Airport) it may take a
of an issue with the information
                                             little longer to meet you, and we will
provided, we will ensure that
                                             endeavour to assist you within five
information is updated on National
                                             minutes of the arrival of your train.

8 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
Unbooked Assistance                         alternative accessible transport (at
                                            no additional cost) for you to an
We can also provide help when you
                                            alternative station. If you need help
travel, even if it has not been booked
                                            getting off the train and have not
in advance. You can turn up at any
                                            booked assistance in advance, you
station that is accessible to you
                                            should advise on-board staff who will
and request assistance onto a train
                                            arrange this for you.
from a member of staff directly, by
using a help point, or by calling our
                                            Accessing Unstaffed
freephone number 0345 600 1671.
To help you understand which                Stations
stations may be accessible to               We always do our best to provide
you without staff assistance, the           the assistance and help you need. If
accessible features of each of the          access to and from platforms at the
stations where our services call            station you plan to use is not possible,
are detailed on our website                 (e.g. if the station is not staffed at the             time you wish to travel or because of
with-us/station-information.                a physical feature) we can arrange
                                            alternative transport to a convenient
Our Assisted Travel Team will also          accessible station at no additional
be able to provide these details and        cost from where you can continue
advice about your journey.                  your journey by rail. When you book
                                            assistance, we will discuss with you
Every TransPennine Express service
                                            the type of alternative transport you
has on-board staff who will be able
                                            require so that we can make sure that
to assist you to get on and off the
                                            the vehicle provided meets your needs.
train at any station where there are
no platform staff available. We have
                                            Connections To Other
ramps on board all our trains and
strategically placed at stations where
                                            Train Services
our services call.                          When making train connections,
                                            please allow yourself enough time to
We will always do our best to               transfer between trains. Depending
assist you and all members of our           on your needs, it may be that the
team are briefed to look out for            time needed to transfer is longer
customers with specific needs and           than the times allocated in journey
offer appropriate help. Please bear         planning systems. Our Assisted
in mind that if you need assistance         Travel Team can advise you on
and have not contacted us in                recommended connection times
advance, particularly during times          when you are making your booking
of disruption it may take some time         and can find alternative journeys for
to provide. We may instead arrange          you when more time is needed.

                                         Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 9
Station Wheelchairs                       assistance phone numbers for each
                                          of the stations we manage to pass
and Buggies
                                          information about your journey
All TransPennine Express staffed          between operators, ensuring that there
stations have wheelchairs which are       is an audit trail behind these calls. At
able to be used by staff to assist        staffed stations, supervisory staff or
customers for transfers around the        ticket office staff will be responsible
station. We have invested in new          for receiving calls. For unstaffed
station wheelchairs which feature         stations, calls or messages will be
luggage attachments, and in some          directed to the nearest hub station
locations are power assisted that         who will relay the information to the
enable staff to help more than one        relevant on-board staff member. For
customer at a time, increasing the        those stations that are partially staffed
amount of assistance we can provide       our supervisory or ticket office staff
to customers. At some of the larger       will be available to answer these calls
stations we serve such as Manchester      in hours where the station is manned,
Piccadilly, Leeds, Edinburgh Waverley     out of these hours these calls will be
and Glasgow Central, buggies are          picked up by the nearest hub station,
also available.                           where the information will be relayed
If you require use of a station           to the relevant onboard teams.
wheelchair or buggy, please request       We will ensure that all information
this when booking Passenger Assist        for every passenger assistance
in order to ensure availability.          journey is correctly communicated
                                          to operators to ensure that your
Handover Protocol                         destination and any changing stations
The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) are     are prepared for your arrival; ensuring
developing a Handover Protocol, which     that any alterations to your journey are
is a set of rules which station staff     clearly noted.
must follow to ensure that all relevant
information about your assistance is      Platform Alterations
effectively communicated between          If platform alterations occur at short
boarding and alighting stations.          notice, our station staff can assist you
We will use the new Passenger Assist      to the correct platform. They will also:
system to transfer all information        • Update the Customer Information
between stations about Passenger             Screens at the station and make
Assist bookings, or unbooked                 additional announcements
assistance requirements. Until all        • Seek to identify any customers
operators are using the passenger            with disabilities and provide any
assistance system at stations                assistance needed
we will use dedicated passenger

10 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
  ry to give enough time for                 Seats on trains
 all customers to board the
                                              Seat reservations can be made on
 re-platformed train Intermodal
                                              the majority of TransPennine Express
                                              services. These are available from
                                              as much as six months in advance,
Intermodal connections
                                              up to the day before your travel for
If you are changing between modes             services operated by Class 185 trains,
of transport (e.g. from train to bus          and up to 2 hours before travel on
or taxi), we can provide assistance           services operated by NOVA trains
to help you make the connection as            (once all NOVA trains are deployed),
long as the interchange is within the         although we recommend reserving a
immediate station area.                       seat as soon as you can.
Working with local taxi suppliers, we
                                              Seat reservations may not be
ensure that wheelchair accessible taxis
                                              available on some shorter distance
can be made available at our station
                                              journeys and are not available to
taxi ranks within 20 minutes of you
                                              season ticket holders. However, if
requesting one. We work closely with
                                              you are mobility impaired or have
local councils who license taxis to
                                              a disability where it is beneficial for
encourage taxi companies that have a
                                              you to have a seat for your journey,
permit to operate from our stations to
                                              we strongly recommend you make
provide wheelchair accessible vehicles.
                                              a reservation for a priority seat by
We provide all drivers who have               contacting our Assisted Travel Team.
permits to work at our stations with
                                              If you are travelling with others,
disability awareness training. As this is
                                              we will do our best to reserve them
not a TransPennine Express managed
                                              a seat close to you but can only
service, we cannot guarantee that such
                                              guarantee that one companion will
taxis will be available at all times, and
there may be a short wait to provide a        be able to travel next to you.
taxi suited to your needs.
                                              Wheelchair user spaces and
Our staff can help you to and from the        priority seat reservations
station taxi rank. The contact details        All our trains have priority seats in
of local taxi operators for each station      each carriage, located near to an
are displayed on our on-board digital         entrance door, and with additional
screens as the train approaches the
                                              leg room.
station, online at
and on station welcome posters                We ask our customers to give up
should you need to arrange a taxi for         priority seats for people who need
your onward journey.                          them more when they have not been

                                           Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 11
reserved in advance, but it is not           If you can walk a small number of steps
always obvious why someone with              from your wheelchair to a seat, you can
a nonvisible disability needs a seat.        transfer to a seat in Coach C.
Our on-board team will be happy              The seating closest to the wheelchair
to help ensure priority use of these         user spaces are First Class. Any
spaces is given to customers who             wheelchair user transferring to a seat on
need them most.                              these trains can travel in the First Class
                                             carriage at no additional cost where
All our trains have two spaces for
                                             seating is available and not required
wheelchair users, accessible by
                                             by First Class ticket holders. If you
wheelchairs with a maximum width
                                             transfer to a seat, you will be entitled
of 70 centimetres and a maximum
                                             to a complimentary hot or cold drink
length of 120 centimetres. You can
                                             and a snack whilst catering is available.
find the spaces for wheelchair users
                                             Customers wishing to enjoy the full
by looking for the wheelchair symbol
                                             First Class offering, including alcoholic
on the outside of the carriage. Staff
                                             refreshments and larger meals, have the
will deploy the ramp and help you to
                                             option to upgrade to a First Class ticket.
board or alight the train.
                                             Our retail offering will also be available
Class 185 Trains                             for the purchase drinks or snacks. A
Each three coach class 185 train has         companion seat can be booked in
two wheelchair user spaces located in        first class where your companion will
coach C. The wheelchair user spaces          be entitled to the same hot drink and
are C98 and C99.                             snack, if they wish to access the full first
                                             class offering they will be required to
Each wheelchair user space has a             purchase a first class ticket.
folding table, plug socket with USB
charging point, and call for aid button.     NOVA Trains
Fold down seats are available in this
                                             Each five carriage NOVA train has
area for companions.
                                             two wheelchair user spaces located
The wheelchair user spaces are in            in coach E, which on these trains
standard class only. There is no             is First Class. The wheelchair user
access for wheelchair users to First         spaces are E01 and E02.
Class on these trains.
                                             Each wheelchair user space has a
                                             table, plug socket with USB charging
Transferring to a fixed
                                             point, and call for aid button.
seat on Class 185 Trains
                                             There are no wheelchair user spaces
If you need your wheelchair positioned
                                             in standard class. This decision was
adjacent to the seat, you will not be able
                                             taken for several reasons.
to transfer to a seat on Class 185 trains.

12 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
Support                                       Companions on NOVA trains
Our on board catering host is                 There is one allocated companion seat
predominantly located in First Class          per wheelchair user space. These are
meaning that they can be on hand              seats E03 and E05. Companion seats
to assist wheelchair users should the         can be reserved through our assisted
conductor or station staff be unavailable.    travel team when a wheelchair user
Certainty                                     assistance request is made.
We recognise the guarantee that               Where a wheelchair user is travelling
the wheelchair user space will be             with a companion and assistance has
available, and not taken up by other          not been booked, our conductors will
customers, pushchairs, bicycles or            endeavour to make the companion
luggage is crucial. With the wheelchair
                                              seat available.
user spaces in First Class, we can
guarantee the space, with easier              The offers for Disabled Persons
access to get to and from, even when          Railcard Holders and reduced fares
the train is busy.                            which apply for wheelchair users and
Reliability                                   one companion remain unchanged.

The availability of the accessible toilet     Seat E04 is permanently non-
on board the train is recognised as           reservable, and so may be available
being of paramount importance. With           for additional companions when not
the toilet in the First Class section of      required by First Class ticket holders.
the train, the demand for this facility
is reduced, adding to its reliability and     The carriage of additional companions
availability for wheelchair users who         in the First Class carriage with a
may not be able to use or access other        standard class ticket will be at
toilets on the train.                         the discretion of the conductor,
                                              determined through consideration of
Ticket Validity on NOVA trains                the demand for First Class at the time
Wheelchair users with standard class          of travel.
tickets will travel in the First Class
carriage at no additional cost and will       Companions will similarly benefit from
be entitled to a complimentary hot or         a free hot or cold drink and a snack
cold drink and a snack whilst catering is     whilst catering is available, with the
available. However, customers wishing         option to upgrade to First Class to
to enjoy the full First Class offering,       benefit from the full catering offer, or
including alcoholic refreshments              purchase drinks or snacks separately.
and larger meals, have the option to
upgrade to a First Class ticket. Our retail
offering will also be available for the
purchase drinks or snacks.

                                         Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 13
Transferring to a fixed                   network, so we strongly recommend
                                          you reserve wheelchair spaces or
seat on NOVA trains
                                          priority seating and book assistance
There are two options available to        in advance.
customers wishing to transfer from
a wheelchair to a fixed seat whilst       If you have arrived at a station and
on board.                                 not reserved a seat or wheelchair
                                          user space in advance you may need
Customers who need their wheelchair       to wait for the next available service
positioned close to the seat enabling     with a space or seats available.
transfer with minimal steps should
access the wheelchair user spaces in      Our Assisted Travel Team can make
the First Class carriage of the train     reservations for seats and wheelchair
and transfer to one of the designated     user spaces where available for you
companion seats. An additional            at the same time as booking your
companion seat can be booked to           assistance and buying your travel
ensure two seats are available.           tickets. They also can make seat and
                                          wheelchair user space reservations
Customers using a station wheelchair      on trains run by other train
can board any coach, and then make        companies who provide this facility
use of the priority seats on board.       if you are not making your entire
Our assisted travel teams can discuss     journey with us. Where assistance
your preferences with you and book        has been booked but a specific seat
assistance and reserve seats based        or wheelchair space has not been
on these.                                 reserved, (e.g. where reservations
                                          are not possible on other operators
Whichever TransPennine Express            services) we will make this clear
train you are travelling on, use of the   to you at the time of booking and
wheelchair user space will always         confirm this in the Passenger Assist
be prioritised for wheelchair users       confirmation email.
or mobility scooter users with a Rail
Ready pass.                               If you do not have a seat or
                                          wheelchair user space reserved,
If you have not reserved a wheelchair     and we are unable to provide travel
user space, we will allocate any          on an alternative service within
unreserved wheelchair user spaces         an hour of your intended journey
on a first come first served basis.       time, we will provide alternative
                                          accessible transport for you and your
Some of our services can be busy,         companion to the nearest convenient
particularly at peak times or when        station where a service to your
events are taking place across our        destination with capacity is available.

14 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
If you have not made a seat                Assistance Cards
reservation                                You can use an assistance card when
If you are an older or disabled            you travel to help us understand
customer and you have not made a           what help you need. The card has
reservation, we will make every effort     space for key information including
to ensure you can find a seat. If you      your name and emergency contact
are unable to find a seat on board,        details in case these are needed
please inform the on-train staff,          whilst you are travelling. You can also
usually located at the rear of the train   write a message on the card so staff
or in First Class who will be pleased      can quickly understand what help
to assist you.                             you need, e.g. I need a priority seat.

Assistance Dogs                            Assistance cards and lanyards can
                                           be collected from TransPennine
We welcome assistance dogs,
                                           Express station ticket offices, or you
including guide dogs and hearing
                                           can request them from our Customer
dogs on all our trains in any carriage.
                                           Relations and Social Media Teams.
Our on-board staff will be happy to
                                           You can find more information about
provide drinking water for assistance
                                           how to get a lanyard or card on our
dogs if required.
If you have an assistance dog, we
                                           All of the assistance card and lanyards
recommend you contact our Assisted
                                           we provide are unbranded, meaning
Travel Team and reserve two priority
                                           that you can use them across the
seats to make sure there is space on
                                           rail network or other recognising
the train for your dog to lie down
                                           organisations, and staff and
safely and comfortably.
                                           customers should quickly understand
Assistance Cards and                       that you need help whilst travelling.

We offer cards and lanyards which
you can use to communicate your
needs to our staff.

Sunflower Lanyards
We actively promote and distribute
Sunflower Lanyards to customers
with non-visible disabilities who want
railway staff to be discreetly alerted
to their possible need for assistance
during their journey.

                                       Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 15
A2. Passenger Information
and the Promotion of
Assisted Travel
A2.1 Accessible Travel                    A2.2 Stations and Rolling
Policy Documentation                      Stock Accessibility
We will ensure our Accessible Travel      Station Accessibility Information
Policy and in particular the Passenger    Details to help you plan your
Leaflet are widely available, helping     journey are available on our website
you to understand the services and where you can
assistance available and how to           find information on the accessible
obtain it.                                features at each of the stations
                                          we serve.
In addition to being available on our
website to download (in Word and          The same information for every
PDF formats) the Passenger Leaflet        station on the UK rail network
can also be provided on request from      is provided on the National Rail
our Assisted Travel Team and from         Enquiries website.
information points, ticket offices and
leaflet racks at all staffed stations     We regularly review the station
where our trains call. We ensure          information within the National Rail
that at the stations we manage, we        Enquiries system for the stations
place all information about accessing     we manage and make use of the
our services in a position that both      station alert feature to communicate
wheelchair users and standing             any changes to facilities or services
customers can access easily.              which may impact your journey. This
                                          includes any temporary restrictions,
We will be happy to provide               for example, because of building
alternative formats of our Accessible     work or when facilities such as lifts
Travel Policy documents.                  and toilets at stations are out of
                                          order. If you book assistance via
Additionally, we are working with
                                          our Assisted Travel Team, they will
our stakeholders and user groups to
                                          advise you of any accessibility issues
identify locations which may benefit
                                          reported on the Passenger Assist
from offering copies of the leaflet.
                                          system relevant to your journey.
These may include community
centres, job centres, citizens advice
bureaux, libraries, and tourist
information centres.

16 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
Train Accessibility Information            At times of disruption, our staff
Details to help you understand what        will update information screens
facilities are provided on board our       as soon as they can. We will also
trains are available on our website        make announcements to keep you This includes         informed of the situation and staff
train layout diagrams and key              will actively seek to identify those
information such as the number of          customers who may need assistance.
priority seats and toilets.
                                           At stations we manage, customer
                                           information screens also show
A2.3 Passenger journey
                                           information about the formation and
information                                facilities on our trains, helping you to
We recognise that you may use              easily find each coach, the wheelchair
the railway infrequently or be an          user spaces and bike spaces.
occasional user of our services and
may not know how to best access            Wayfinding and Connections
information which will help you to         to Other Transport
travel with confidence. This can be a      All our stations have posters
particular problem when services are       displaying information about the
disrupted. We have various solutions       station, facilities and accessibility
in place to provide this information.      information. The posters include a
                                           station map, the contact details of
At the Station:                            our Assisted Travel Team and those
Train Arrival and Departure                of any other train operators whose
Information                                services call at the station.
All our stations are fitted with audio
                                           At stations we manage, we have
and visual real-time information
                                           worked with local authorities to
systems, giving clear and consistent
                                           provide wayfinding signage at the
information for train departures
                                           station giving the direction and
and advice regarding any delays or
                                           distance of key attractions, e.g.
disruption. This includes up to date
                                           Town Centre, Library, Town Hall etc.
train running information on customer
information screens on all platforms       Within our stations, signage is
where our services call. We also make      provided directing customers to
audio announcements when there             platforms and key facilities such
are any changes to the schedule and        as accessible toilets and changing
when a train is approaching a station.     places where provided.

                                        Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 17
Delays, Diversions and                     JourneyCheck. Where replacement
Disruption                                 transport is in operation we will
We recommend you ‘check before             provide, where possible, visual
you travel’ to determine whether           information on our customer
there have been any changes to             information screens and make
the service which may affect your          automatic announcements or staff
journey. You can do this by visiting       announcements to direct customers
our website,           to the vehicle pick up point.
checking our social media channels,
                                           Our station and on-board staff
using our App or checking on
                                           are trained to anticipate your
National Rail Enquiries at
                                           needs, which also covers mental,
                                           intellectual or sensory impairments.
We also offer a service called             They will communicate news of any
JourneyCheck. This can be used to          service disruption and provision
check the status of any of our routes      of alternative transport via the
or services, and you can also set up an    Passenger Information Systems or,
alert, so that you get a notification in   where possible, in person.
advance if there is a change to services
                                           On the Train
which may affect your journey.
                                           All our trains have public address
If you have booked assistance, and         equipment and visual displays in
we know more than 24 hours in              each coach showing the destination
advance that the journey is no longer      of the train and the next station stop,
viable due to engineering works,           as well as key safety information.
industrial action, severe weather or
other issues affecting the service,        Our on-board staff are trained to
our Assisted Travel Team will try to       provide timely, helpful and clear
contact you to discuss your journey        announcements and will ensure
and make alternative arrangements          these are made in sufficient time for
or provide a refund if you choose not      customers, you to prepare to alight,
to travel.                                 at least two minutes before arriving
                                           at each station.
Where we identify an issue which
will affect your journey less than 24      Our team will make announcements
hours before you travel, information       about any alterations to the
about alternative arrangements will        normal service, including delays.
be provided when you arrive at the         If you have difficulty hearing such
station. Larger disruption will also       announcements, please advise
be communicated via our website,           on-board staff at the earliest
app, social media channels and             opportunity.

18 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
A2.4 Information Points,                   Help Points
Help Points and Contact                    We have help points at our stations,
Centres’                                   both in the station and in the car
                                           parks we manage, installed at a
Information Points
                                           height usable by all customers
We have information points at some         including wheelchair users. These
of our busier stations, including          are large, round, white units with
Manchester Airport and Hull. These         push buttons for information or
are located in key areas of the station,   emergency contact. Staff answering
including on the concourse or on           these help points will be able to help
platforms. Signage is provided to          you with local information, train
direct you to these where they are not     running details, assistance requests
immediately obvious. At stations which     and information relating to other
do not have an information point, the      operators and stations.
ticket office provides this service.
                                           A2.5 Websites
Our station information points are
staffed at the same times as our           Our website is
ticket offices and can provide you         designed to provide easy access to
with information about:                    read and download information, that
                                           covers everything you need to know
• Station facilities.
                                           about our Accessible Travel Policy
  rain services, including timetables,    and processes.
 connections, fares and the
 accessibility of the train.               In July 2020 the ORR alongside the
• Delays, disruption, diversions or       Shaw trust undertook a review of
   emergencies taking place along the      our website against Web Content
   route which may affect your journey.    Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) AA
                                           standards after analysing the results
  onfirm your Passenger Assist
                                           we formulated a development plan
                                           that ensures we reach this standard
They can also help with any other          by December 2021.
general enquiries you may have.

At each of our staffed stations we
place timetables, posters, information
leaflets, (including our Making Rail
Accessible: Helping Older and Disabled
Passengers leaflet) and other materials
in a position that both wheelchair users
and standing customers can access.

                                       Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 19
A3. Ticketing and Fares
Buying a Ticket                           Railcards
Tickets can be bought from the ticket     Disabled Persons Railcard
office at staffed stations, at stations   A Disabled Persons Railcard is available
with a ticket machine, by phoning         to people with one or more of a range
our Customer Relations Team, online       of disabilities. They are valid for one or
at, via our           three years and they give you and your
App which is downloadable from            companion discounts on standard and
the App Store (iOS/Apple) or Play         First Class tickets throughout the Great
Store (Android) or by contacting our      British rail network. Currently a
Assisted Travel Team. Third party         one-year Railcard costs £20 and a
retails are also available.               three-year Railcard costs £54.
We are committed to providing             If you have a Disabled Persons
you with impartial and accurate           Railcard, we will give you a discount
ticketing information and advice          of up to 34% when you buy your
about the best ticket options for you,    tickets online or at a ticket machine.
irrespective of which train operator      At the ticket office, you just need to
provides the service you wish to use.     show your Railcard when you buy
                                          tickets. You also need to carry your
We also want you to purchase the
                                          Railcard with you when you travel for
right type of ticket for your journey.
                                          when your tickets are checked.
On some trains, it is not possible
for permanent wheelchair users to         If you do not already have a Disabled
access First Class. On our website,       Persons Railcard, you can find out
app and ticket machines, we include       more and apply for one by going
a notice to warn you when you select      online to www.disabledpersons-
First Class, and advise checking the, by calling National
rolling stock information for the         Rail Enquiries on 0345 748 4950 or
operator you are planning to travel       0345 605 0600 (minicom for those
with, or contacting our Assisted          with hearing impairments), or by
Travel Team before making your            picking up a leaflet from your local
purchase.                                 ticket office.
Where it is difficult for you to          You will need to supply proof of
purchase a ticket before you travel       disability as part of your application.
due to your disability, you will be
able to buy tickets on board the train    Senior Railcard
or at your destination. You will still    Senior Railcards are available to
receive any fare reductions that you      anyone aged 60 and over. They
are entitled to, and no penalties for     are valid for one year or for three
ticketless travel will be applied.

20 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
years and give you up to a third off          Blind or visually-impaired
standard and first-class tickets for          customers travelling with a
journeys throughout Great Britain.            companion
                                              If you are registered as blind or
If you have a Senior Railcard, we’ll
                                              visually-impaired and you are
give you a discount when you buy
                                              travelling with another person, the
your tickets online, at a ticket office
                                              concessionary discounts below apply
or from a ticket machine. At the
                                              to adult fares only for both you and
ticket office you just need to show
                                              your companion. You cannot get a
your Railcard when you buy your
                                              discount if you are travelling on your
tickets. You also need to carry your
                                              own, unless you have a railcard. You
Railcard when you travel for when
                                              must show a document confirming
your tickets are checked.
                                              your disability when you buy your
If you do not already have a Senior           ticket and when travelling. It must
Railcard, you can find out more and           be either a CVI/BP1/BD8 certificate
apply for one by going online to              or documentation from a recognised, by calling         institution, for example, Social
National Rail Enquiries on 0345 748           Services, your Local Authority or
4950 or 0345 605 0600 (minicom                Blind Veterans UK.
for those with hearing impairments),
                                              If you are blind or visually-impaired,
or by picking up a leaflet from your
                                              you can buy one adult season ticket
local ticket office.
                                              that enables a companion to travel
Concessionary Fares – without                 with you on National Rail services
using a Railcard                              only at no extra cost (so two people
Discounts are also available in some          travel for the price of one). It
cases, which may not require you to           doesn’t have to be the same person
have a Railcard.                              travelling with you on every journey.
                                              Please take evidence of your visual
If you are blind or visually-impaired         impairment (as described in the
or you travel in your own wheelchair,         paragraph above) with you to prove
you are entitled to the concessions           your eligibility.
detailed below. Please be aware these
cannot be purchased from the ticket           People who stay in their own
machine and should be purchased               wheelchair for a rail journey
from station ticket offices. If there is no   If you stay in your own wheelchair
ticket office at the station where you        during a journey and you do not have
board you may pay the concessionary           a Railcard, you are eligible for the
fare, without penalty, during the             concessionary discounts below on
journey or at your destination.               both adult and child fares.

                                          Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 21
The discounts below apply if you are     Ticket gates
travelling alone and are available to
                                         Ticket gates are used at many train
one adult travelling with you.
                                         stations. Where there are ticket gates
Concessionary Fare Discounts             in operation at our stations, there is
                                         at least one wide aisle gate, perfect
First Class/Standard                     for customers with luggage or a
                                         wheelchair or scooter users.
Anytime Singles or Returns    34% off
Anytime Day Single            34% off    Our ticket gates are normally staffed
                                         but we will ensure that they are kept
Anytime Day Return            50% off
                                         in the open position if this is not
                                         the case.
In many cases, Off-Peak, Super
Off-Peak or Advance tickets may
cost less than the discounted
Anytime Fare. Ticket office staff will
make you aware if there is a cheaper
fare available.

Ticket machines
We have at least one self-service
ticket machine at every station we
manage. They sell a range of tickets
and can issue reduced-rate tickets
to holders of a Disabled Persons
Railcard and their companions as
well as holders of Senior Railcards.

Our ticket machines meet the latest
standards and include a function to
lower the content on the screen to
make them easier to use for shorter
customers or wheelchair users. Key
features include the card reader
and keypad being located between
700mm and 1200mm from the floor,
making them easy to reach for all.

22 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
A4. Alternative Accessible
We will ensure you can make as               Our Assisted Travel Team will ask
much of your journey by rail as              you the type of alternative transport
possible, but the accessibility of the       is most suitable so that we can make
stations at which our services call          sure the arrangements are considerate
and across the UK rail network does          of your needs.
vary considerably.
                                             If you are not aware until you arrive
If you cannot access a train service         at the station that you cannot access
because of a physical feature at             it, contact numbers are provided
a station the station operator will          on the station welcome poster
provide alternative accessible               which you can use to contact the
transport for you and your companion,        Assisted Travel team who will make
usually a taxi, at no extra cost to          arrangements to transport you to
you, to the nearest most convenient          the nearest convenient accessible
accessible station from where you can        station. Where this has not been
continue your journey by rail. We can        arranged in advance, there may be
arrange this for you when you contact        a wait whilst the correct vehicle to
us to request assistance.                    meet your needs is sourced.

                                         Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 23
A5. Mobility Scooters
and Mobility Aids
We understand that scooters are          To apply for a scooter card, visit
useful for many people – but carrying and download
them on trains can cause problems        the application form.
because of their size, weight and
                                         We recommend that where possible
manoeuvrability. Your safety and the
                                         you transfer from your scooter to
safety of our other customers and
                                         a seat whilst travelling, and when
staff is our top priority.
                                         disembarking, drive down the
If your scooter fits within the          ramp facing forwards, then wait
dimensions below and has a combined      for the ramp to be removed before
weight of less than 300Kg when           manoeuvring so that you have more
you are riding it, you can be issued     space on the platform.
with a scooter card, meaning that
                                         If you have a scooter which is folded
your scooter can be taken onto any
                                         and carried as luggage it can be taken
TransPennine Express train.
                                         on any of our trains, even if you don’t
3 Wheel Scooter                          have a scooter card, however if it is
                                         too big to be issued with a scooter
Length: 120cm
                                         card, and cannot be folded, you will
Width: 70cm
                                         not be able to bring it with you on our
4 Wheel Scooter                          trains. In this case you may wish to
                                         instead consider requesting a station
Length: 110cm
                                         wheelchair to help you when travelling.
Width: 55cm
                                         If you are travelling with a scooter,
These dimensions have been informed
                                         we recommend contacting our
by Department for Transport (DfT)
                                         Assisted Travel Team who will be
standards, specifically the Rail
                                         able to arrange assistance for you
Vehicle Accessibility Regulations
                                         when boarding or alighting the train.
(RVAR) and Persons of Reduced
Mobility Technical Specification         Remember that when making a
for Interoperability (PRM-TSI). We       journey that involves more than one
have also used risk assessments          train operator you may find that each
to determine these requirements,         operator’s policy relating to scooters
considering the manoeuvrability of       varies. Our Assisted Travel Team will
the scooter, and the weight limit is     be able to help by advising you on
determined by the maximum allowed        each operator’s policy on scooter
weight on the ramp between the           carriage and booking assistance
platform and the train.                  where possible.

24 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
Full details of our trains, with
diagrams illustrating the layout and
the location of facilities and features
of relevance to disabled customers,
are shown on our website at

Walking Frames and Rollators
Walking frames and rollators may be
carried on board any TransPennine
Express service.

We recommend booking assistance
to help you with any luggage
you may have, with boarding and
alighting from the train, and to assist
you to your seat. Where your journey
starts or ends or a transfer is needed
at a larger station, you may find
it helpful to make use of a station
wheelchair or buggy. Our Assisted
Travel Team can arrange this for you
in advance.

If you use a walking frame or rollator,
we recommend that you use the
priority seating which is available
throughout the train. Once on the
train, please fold your walking frame
or rollator and store it in one of the
luggage racks provided or between
the seats, taking care not to block
any aisles or exits.

                                          Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 25
A6. Delays, Disruption
and Emergencies
We understand that disruption to            We will be alerted to major planned
services and facilities can cause           engineering works up to 12 weeks
particular difficulties for older and       before they are set to take place,
disabled customers. We are committed        therefore we will take appropriate
to improving the management of              steps to secure accessible substitute
service disruption for all our customers.   coach or buses to fulfil this
                                            proportion of your journey.
When services are disrupted, we will
do everything possible to ensure            We work closely with third party
that you are able to continue with          suppliers and local transport
your journey, proactively taking            companies to provide accessible
your needs into account in both our         coaches and buses wherever possible
contingency plans and the service we        however this may not always be
provide on the day.                         achievable. It is mandated as part
                                            of our contract that we commit to
In advance of travel                        resolving this and we continue to
When you plan your travel our               strive for a fully PSVAR compliant rail
Assisted Travel Team will be able to        replacement infostructure.
advise you of any planned engineering
                                            If you cannot access the coaches or
works or amended train operations
                                            buses which are available, we will
that might affect your journey and
                                            provide you with a taxi suited to
advise you of the best options, which
                                            your needs. This can be arranged
may include taking an alternative
                                            in advance at the time of booking
route, using alternative transport or
                                            assistance for your journey.
travelling at a different time of day.
                                            If you have not booked in advance,
Rail Replacement Transport                  there may be a short wait whilst we
Planned Rail Replacement                    source a vehicle suited to your needs.
To enable Network Rail to carry out         Emergency Rail
repairs, maintenance and upgrades           Replacement Transport
to the rail network, it is sometimes        Occasionally, events occur on our
necessary to replace train services         network such as flooding, service
with road transport.                        disruption, fatalities, trespass or
                                            other issues which mean we are
If replacement buses are required
                                            unable to operate trains. Where there
for any reason to replace part or all
                                            is a gap in service of over an hour, we
of your train journey we will ensure
                                            will seek to provide road transport to
that suitable accessible transport is
                                            keep all our customers moving.
available instead.

26 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
We work with third party suppliers            Customer Relations and Assisted
and local transport companies to try          Travel Teams, as well as for other
and provide accessible coaches and            operators. Severe disruption will be
buses, but this will not always be            communicated at stations, and in the
possible, especially at short notice          form of banners across the top of rail
due to a general lack of supply of            websites such as www.nationalrail.
accessible vehicles across the coach and via
and bus industry.                             our social media channels, on our
                                              App and on JourneyCheck.
Where assistance has been booked
in advance, and the service you are           If disruption occurs before your train
booked to travel on is replaced by            has left the station, we normally offer
road transport, our control team will         travel on the next available service
review Passenger Assist and ensure            and station teams will help you to
your requirements are communicated            rearrange your booked assistance.
to our road transport supplier so that
a suitable vehicle is ordered as early        Where facilities that affect disabled
as possible.                                  travellers are out of use e.g.
                                              accessible toilets, we will try to
If you do not have Passenger Assist           advise you of this before you join the
booked, and the coach or bus in use           train. We will also report the fault to
is not accessible to you, station staff       our maintenance teams so that it can
will make arrangements to provide             be fixed quickly.
a vehicle suited to your needs,
although there may be a short wait            On the Train
whilst we source this.                        If service disruption occurs whilst you
                                              are on the train our on-board team will
During your journey                           be able to advise and assist you. If you
At the Station                                haven’t booked assistance in advance
                                              but require help or advice make
We make announcements at all
                                              yourself known to a member of on-
our stations to update you should
                                              board staff, who are usually located at
disruption occur and update our
                                              the rear of the train or in First Class.
customer information screens with
                                              All on board staff are encouraged to
latest travel information. You can also
                                              provide the highest levels of customer
use help points provided at stations
                                              service and empowered to resolve
to contact our team who can give
                                              appropriate issues “on the spot”. If a
more specific service information.
                                              train terminates before it has arrived
Station Information notices at                at its destination, the on-board staff
the entrance to our stations                  will arrange assistance for you for your
show contact details for both our             onward travel.

                                          Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 27
If you need to change your journey due     for customers requiring assistance
to service disruption, staff will assist   will be identified and communicated
you with arranging your revised journey    including suitable alternative routes for
and any assistance you require. If you     all customers to use when parts of the
have booked assistance, we will also       network are closed.
inform other operators and stations
about the changes to your journey so       In the event of an emergency
they can still provide the assistance      Keeping our customers safe is our
you need. If we are not able to run        priority. Our emergency plans for
train services at all and you wish to      stations and trains include how to
travel on a different day, our Assisted    support people with a disability or
Travel Team can help you to make a         who may be less mobile during an
new booking. We can also arrange           emergency.
accessible transport to take you back
to the station where you started your      On-board
journey if this is more convenient.        All our on-board staff are trained in
If services are going to be disrupted      emergency procedures and they will
for a longer period of time, or if we      supervise any action that needs to be
are aware more than 24 hours before        taken. Safety information is provided
you travel that there is going to be       in the vestibules on all our trains with
a problem and you have booked              clear diagrams and pictures, and in the
assistance, our Assisted Travel Team       rare event of an emergency on a train,
will try to contact you to make you        our on-board team will advise and help
aware of the changes and provide           you. In nearly all cases the safest option
advice, including helping you make new     is for all customers to remain on the
arrangements where appropriate, or         train and wait for instructions until our
arranging a refund.                        team have fully assessed the situation.

TransPennine Route Upgrade                 If you do have to leave the train between
                                           stations, the emergency services will
We anticipate that the TransPennine
                                           provide equipment and assistance to
Route Upgrade engineering works may
                                           help you get off the train safely.
impact services between Manchester
and York during from 2019 to 2024          At Stations
and beyond. We will work closely           If we need to evacuate a station, we will
with our industry partners including       use the station Public Address System
Network Rail, Transport for the North,     to alert you. Information will also be
other Train Operating Companies
                                           shown on the customer information
and other public transport operators
                                           screens. Staff will direct you to a point
to ensure that onward journeys are
                                           of safety, including refuge points, and
well managed and that arrangements
                                           provide assistance where required.

28 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
A7. Station Facilities
A7.1 Left luggage                            These checks include usage monitoring
                                             and issuing of parking charge notices
We do not provide a left luggage
                                             to any vehicle which is not displaying
service at our stations; however
                                             the correct ticket or blue badge.
accessible left luggage facilities are
provided at some of the larger stations      Should all of the Blue Badge spaces be
where our trains call operated by            in use when you arrive at the station,
Network Rail, including Manchester           you may park in a standard bay free of
Piccadilly, Edinburgh Waverley, Leeds        charge providing the International Blue
and Glasgow Central.                         Badge permit is correctly displayed in
                                             the windscreen of the car.
A7.2 Disabled parking
We have car parking facilities at the        A7.3 Facilities and Service
majority of our stations. Wherever           provided by third parties
we operate car parks, we provide a
                                             Where we provide facilities and
minimum of 5% marked bays for Blue
                                             services using third parties, we will
Badge holders, located as close to the
                                             work with them to ensure that these
station as possible, and have gained
                                             operators are aware of the needs
Disabled Parking Accreditation from
                                             of disabled customers. As service
the British Parking Association.
                                             providers they have their own
We ensure that the Blue Badge parking        obligations under the Equality Act
bays are located close to the station        2010, but we will monitor the service
entrance to reduce the distance which        they provide, share any feedback
older and disabled customers need to         we receive and work with them to
travel to access the station.                improve the accessibility of facilities
                                             and services including highlighting to
We offer use of the Blue Badge               them any deficiencies that have been
parking bays free of charge when an          brought to our attention.
international Blue Badge permit is
correctly displayed in the windscreen        A7.4 Replacement Facilities
of the car.                                  Our station management team
                                             conduct regular checks at our stations
We frequently monitor the use of
                                             and our on-board teams report any
our car parks to make sure that
                                             faults they see on trains, so any
designated spaces are not being used
                                             defects can be put right as quickly as
by people without Blue Badges. Our
                                             possible. If for whatever reason one of
car park management company carry
                                             the accessible features or facilities on
out regular checks at each car park
                                             our stations or trains is not available,
operated by TransPennine Express.
                                             we will take all reasonable steps to fix
                                             this as soon as we are able to.

                                         Our Commitment to Providing Assistance | 29
We communicate any changes to
station facilities on National Rail
Enquiries and our website within
one working day of notification, and
where known, we will publish an
expected timescale for facilities to
return to use.

We communicate any changes to
train facilities on JourneyCheck.

We invite customers to report faults
with our station or on-board facilities
using our fault reporting tool.
You can find this on our website at
report-a-fault or in our App.

A7.5 Station Entrances
If for any reason it becomes
necessary for us to permanently
alter facilities at any of our stations,
leading to restricted access for
disabled customers, we will consult
the Department for Transport,
Transport Focus, Transport for
the North and local access groups
before any permanent changes are
undertaken. These changes will not
be made unless approved by the
Department for Transport.

We will take into account the needs
of disabled people when restricting
or temporarily closing access points
at stations (for example during
building works) and ensure that any
temporary or permanent reductions
in access comply with the Joint
Code of Practice in relation to
unobstructed progress.

30 | Our Commitment to Providing Assistance
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