A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church

Page created by Dwight Lowe
A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church

759 East County Road B Maplewood MN 55117-1800   www.pathofgraceumc.org Phone 651.776.1547 Fax 651.776.1548

         A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace
  Grace Chimes                                                                     Community Sing-a-long


                                                            Miriam Circle

                                 Youth Bells

                                                     Christmas Gathering

                      Sunshine Preschool Christmas Program

January 2020                                                                                                  1
A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church
Where Angels Fear To Tread...                                        at the end of January, I am asking our leadership to share their
                                                                     vision and plan for ministry in 2020.
   Welcome to the New Year!
                                                                        We are also planning a leadership retreat during Lent to give
   I believe that 2020 will be an important year for Path of Grace   our church leaders a chance to step outside the day to day
UMC. We will be recognizing 130 years of faithful ministry and       ministry of the church and talk about the ‘big picture’ of the future
we will be implementing our Healthy Church Initiative plan to        of our church. My hope is that, by Easter morning, as we
begin discerning our direction for ministry in the years ahead.      celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we will also be unveiling a
   If you missed the unveiling of the HCI plan, let me give you a    new vision of the path we are being called to walk for years
brief update. For the past year, our HCI team has been               ahead.
gathering information, conducting interviews, attending                 It is an exciting time. Change can be a challenge but I see this
leadership training from the Annual Conference and trying to         as a great opportunity to discover what gives our church family
grasp a picture of who we are as a congregation. Our                 hope and purpose. There will be more work to do beyond Easter
consultants, working with our team, identified that Path of Grace    and we will share that part of enacting the vision a bit down the
is a congregation that is ‘truly a community that embodies           road.
genuine heart-felt and heart-led care for one another.’ They also
                                                                        Now is a time to reflect, to think deeply, to pray without
recognized that we are a church with strong leadership and
                                                                     ceasing and to listen carefully to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
resources. They went on to share that we have powerful
                                                                     In the early days of the church, mystics called this kind of time
strengths to build upon citing the past examples of Path of Grace
                                                                     ‘restless anticipation.’
managing change and growth. The consultants reported that
they heard from many in the church and others in leadership                                                        Pastor Tom Biatek
positions that there was an awareness that Path of Grace needs                                  – thomas.biatek@pathofgraceumc.org
to make some changes in order to move boldly into our future
and they felt our position in the eastern metro area was a solid
location to build an area-wide ministry.                             Prayer Ministry
   Along with those strengths, our HCI team and the consultants      Dear prayer partners.
challenged us to consider seeking a new vision for the                   Mark and Mary will be stepping down at the end of December
congregation, explore ways that we can adapt and change our          as the faithful facilitators of our prayer chain ministry. We thank
church for the future, work on building stronger connections         them profoundly for all that they have done.
within our current ministry and work to make deep and lasting            We are looking for someone new to take over this important
changes within the church to create a culture that can adapt,        ministry art Path of Grace. The job does not require a huge
reach out and be open to the great potential that exists within      amount of work and Mary and Mary are certainly available to
and around Path of Grace UMC.                                        offer their guidance. Pastor Tom also works closely with this
   This is a lot to ponder and consider!                             ministry.
   Our first task in the new year will be to consider just what is       If you’re interested in helping lead this program forward,
the purpose and vision of Path of Grace. Why are we here?            please contact Pastor Tom at tgbiatek@gmail.com.
What are our unique strengths? What is God calling our                                                          Thank-you, Pastor Tom
congregation to accomplish in Maplewood and in the world?
Where can we, as a caring, well resourced, strongly led church
make a lasting change for the Kingdom of God? Where is the
Spirit leading us?
   To seek this vision, we will be spending the early part of 2020
pondering the question of our vision. As a means of stimulating      Human Relations Day
some thought and talk, I have selected a book, Church Unique:        Sunday, January 19, 2019
How Church Leaders Can Cast Vision, Capture Culture and              To continue the ministry of Jesus the
Create Movement by Will Mancini for a church wide study. I am        United Methodist Church established
asking every church leader, every staff member and all               Human Relations Day as a Special
interested church members to read this book in the light of the      Sunday that calls all of our churches to
challenges we face at Path of Grace. We will be discussing the       participate in helping all God’s children
insights of this book at staff meetings, at the Administrative       to realize their potential. The Human Relations Day offering
Council and I will be leading a book study on Wednesday nights       supports neighborhood ministries through community
in January for everyone who is interested in sharing with me         developers and community advocacy in the US and Puerto
their thoughts and ideas for a new vision at Path of Grace. I am     Rico, and works with at-risk youth through the Youth Offender
also planning a few ‘town hall meetings’ for our family to gather    Rehabilitation Program. You can read more about this and other
and share your vision for Path of Grace. At our annual meeting       UM Special Sunday at: umcgiving.org. We thank you for your
                                                                     generous support.
2                                                                                                                        January 2020
A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church
Adult Volleyball League
Looking for a fun and active way to spend
  Friday evenings this winter? Join our
            volleyball league!
Our 2020 adult volleyball league will begin
on January 10 and run through March. This is a fun, recreational
league for adults of all abilities. You do not have to commit to
                                                                                    News and Events
playing every week. Teams are chosen at random but couples         Circle Meetings
are placed on the same team! We play on Friday nights with         Miriam Circle will meet Thursday, January 9 at 9:30 AM in the
games beginning at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, or 9:00 PM. Childcare is          Fireside Room.
provided for the first three games each night.
    Please add your name to the sign-up sheet at the Welcome       Hannah Circle will meet at church at 9:30 AM on Saturday,
Center. Plan on joining us for fun and fellowship throughout the      January 4. We will enjoy a holiday celebration and plan for
winter! For more information or if you have questions, please         the year.
call Kaye Olson (651-402-5391), Melissa Bienias (763-227-          Save these dates:
7674), or Dave Engelhardt (651-433-3393).
                                                                      Saturday, February 1: Twin Cities District UMW Winter
 January 10 Volleyball Season Kick-off and Food Night!                 Gathering and Leadership Training at Good Samaritan
Come on January 10 for the team practice night and bring a             UMC in Edina
dish to share. It will be a fun night as we kick off the season!      Saturday, February 29: Path of Grace Winter Brunch
We always love our food nights at the end of the season, and
                                                                   Watch for more information on the UMW Bulletin Board in the
   think it's a great way to kick off the new season as well!
                                                                   Fellowship Hall and at the Welcome Center.
Fellowship Groups
2nd Sunday Book Group meet to discuss a book the 2nd Sunday
of the month at 9:00 AM in the Media Center (E-1), Contact
Marilyn Hobbs (651-771-2308) for more information.
Thursday Bridge meets here at church to play bridge the 2nd        “Souper” Bowl Sunday
Thursday of each month at 1:00 PM in the Fireside Room. New
bridge players are always welcome.
                                                                   Sunday February 2
                                                                   Join us after worship for Soup & Sandwiches when the Youth
BLB (the Breakfast-Lunch-Bunch) meets the 3rd Saturday of          will be serving up their annual “Souper” Bowl lunch in the
the month twelve months a year at 9:00 AM at the IHOP near         Fellowship Hall. Path of Grace Youth Fundraiser.
Maplewood Mall. Our ages are "near retirement" through "in-
the-nineties". We always have a jolly good time and would love
to share that with others. Our sign-up is at the Welcome Center
or call Diane or Bill 651-774-8362.
The Card Making Group the 4th Thursday of the month at 1:00
PM in the Fireside Room to make cards to send to our                                   General Conference 2020
homebound members. Everyone is welcome.                                                           Volunteers still needed
                                                                                        The United Methodist Church General
                                                                                        Conference will be held in at the Minneapolis
                                                                                        Convention Center in May 2020 (May 5-15).
                                                                   This is an especially important time in our denomination.
                                                                   Volunteering at General Conference 2020 will provide a
                                                                   tremendous opportunity to see the United Methodist connection
                                                                   up-close and extend hospitality to siblings in Christ from around
                                                                   the world. The Dakotas-Minnesota host team is looking for
                                                                   volunteers of all ages, interests, and abilities. The team’s
                                                                   primary goal is to extend radical hospitality to guests so that they
                                                                   feel welcomed and safe, and can focus their full attention on
                                                                   participating in the gathering and discerning God’s vision and
                                                                   direction for our denomination. For more information about how
                                                                   you can help, access the website at

January 2020                                                                                                                         3
A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church
Lay Leader’s Corner                                                     End of Year Finance Update
  Greetings Path of Grace!                                              from the Finance Committee
                                                                            The Finance Team would like to say a big “Thank You” to all
  There is much to celebrate as we wrap up the Advent season
                                                                        of you who gave to your church in 2019, and particularly to those
and look toward 2020 (POG’s 130th anniversary)! As your new
                                                                        who help us plan by pledging. Your generosity is amazing and
Lay Leader, I’m looking forward to highlighting key activities and
                                                                        allows us to be the church we are. The results of the 2020
opportunities as well as sharing my thoughts each month on
                                                                        pledge drive are in: we have 103 pledging units who have
how God is moving through Path of Grace.
                                                                        collectively pledged $325,975. This represents an increase of
  On November 24 Path of Grace approved the HCI (Healthy                about $5000 from last year. Because of the pledged amount, we
Church Initiative) plan with a 97% Yes vote (70% required to            have been able to construct a budget for 2020.
pass) in a Church Conference meeting facilitated by our District            New for 2020, we’re excited to welcome Missy Slater as our
Superintendent, Dan Johnson. Special thanks to our HCI                  volunteer church treasurer. She will be the central point of
leadership and prayer teams for their efforts leading up to this        contact between the various work teams of the church and the
key milestone. The leadership team is starting the next phase of        bookkeeper. We will have more to say about this topic in
building the implementation team whose visioning work begins            January; now, I’d like to say thank you to Missy for taking on this
in earnest in January. Developing a God-Sized vision is the first       important job of keeping our finances organized and on-budget.
step of (G-R-A-C-E) we must complete before moving forward              Please also welcome Tom Holman, who has agreed to be our
with the other recommendations. The leadership team will                new Chair of the Finance Team. Between the two of them, they
provide frequent updates on progress leading into the Lenten            have lots of good ideas and plenty of experience on matters
season. Please continue to pray for this effort!                        financial.
  Other November highlights include the Church Council                      Please help us finish 2019 strong so we can begin 2020
approving Pastor Tom’s salary and benefits package. In                  without carried-forward debt. If you plan to make a late-year
addition to all of the great Advent programming, our various            donation, please drop it in the offering plate or mail it to the
ministry teams have been completing their plans for the                 church office. We’re hoping to have a strong December to keep
upcoming year. The Finance team has been wrapping up the                us on track.
Stewardship campaign while the Leadership team is filling key               Finally, as I wrap up my tenure as your finance chair, I’d like
roles within our various ministries. All of these tasks, while          to thank everyone who pledged, gave money, bought scrip, or
challenging, are intended to help the church serve more                 who otherwise pitched in to support the mission of our church.
effectively and smoothly. Whether participating in our various          Your generosity continues to inspire me!
ministries, General Conference 2020 or renewing your faith                                              Jim Watson for the Finance Team
through prayer, Bible study, service or small groups the year
brings many growth opportunities. My prayer for each of us
individually and collectively is that we are all growing in faith and   End of Year Contribution Statements                   will be
serving others each day.                                                mailed to all household in mid-January. Watch the bulletin for
  Finally, I’d like to thank Scott Hagberg for his leadership the       notice of when they go out.
last two years. As Scott passes the torch (and pen) I’m
especially grateful for his passion, diligence and openness in          2020 Contribution Envelopes              should be available
service to Path of Grace. We have indeed been well served!
                                                                        soon. We are waiting for them to be shipped by the printer. As
  If you have any thoughts, ideas or concerns you’d like to share,      soon as they arrive they will be labels and available in the
please reach out to me at adendrizzi@gmail.com.                         Narthex for you to pick up. Please save us the postage of
  Blessings,                                                            mailing them to you. It is EXTREMELY helpful to the counters
                          Path of Grace Lay Leader – David Endrizzi     when you use these envelopes so we encourage all who give in
                                                                        the collection plates to use them.

                                                                        Online Giving is a good option if you want to avoid offering
Annual Report and Annual Meeting                                        envelopes and check blanks. You can set up an online account
The 2019 Annual Church Report will be prepared in early                 by going to the MINISTRIES page on the church website and
January and presented to the congregation at the Annual                 selecting the “ONLINE DONATION” button in the top right
Meeting on Sunday, January 26 following our worship service.            corner. Once your account is set up you can make one-time
All Staff and Team Leaders are asked to prepare a report with           donations to the church or set up recurring gifts. You are in
highlights of their 2019 accomplishments and outlining their            control and can stop it at any time. Don’t use a computer? – NO
plans for 2020. In addition, the Minnesota Annual Conference            PROBLEM! Enrollment forms are available at the Welcome
of the UMC asked all churches to submit reports of the church’s         Center. Fill it out and return it to Cindy K in the church office.
status. Finance, Trustees, SPRC and Mission Teams are asked             She will get you all set up and help you manage any changes in
to help prepare these reports. They will be emailed to team             the future. Call the church for more information.
leaders soon.
4                                                                                                                          January 2020
A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church
Thursday Morning Men’s Faith Group
                                                                 The “Thursday Morning Men’s Group” meets at 8:45 AM in the
                                                                 Fireside Room most weeks. We will continue reading of The
                                                                 Parables of Jesus by James Montgomery Boice. Prior to
                                                                 discussion, we share coffee, juice, and bakery treats. We invite
                                                                 all men (or anyone else who wishes to stop by) who have some
Monday Brown Bag Book Group                                      time flexibility Thursday mornings to join us for a time of
Mondays 12:00-1:00 PM Fireside Room                              fellowship and Christian witness.
Our Monday Brown Bag Book Group is                               Boice organizes twenty-two parables into five categories. With
reading an exciting book called Twelve Steps                     each parable, Boice provides analysis of what he deems to be
to a Compassionate Life by the renowned                          the meaning and personal application of the parable. The
author, Karen Armstrong. The author                              reading of each parable, along with Boice’s analysis, provides
believes that while compassion is intrinsic in                   considerable material for compelling discussion. On the back
all human beings, each of us needs to work                       cover of the book, Boice succinctly describes the power of the
diligently to cultivate and expand our capacity                  parables: “Some sections of the Bible give us grand theology.
for compassion. Here, in this straightforward, thoughtful, and   Some move us to grateful responses to God. The parables ask
thought-provoking book, she sets out a program that can lead     us if there has been any real difference in our lives.”
us toward a more compassionate life. Please join us for this
meaningful study.

                                                                 Women’s Study
                                                                 We will begin a new Women’s Study in
FACEBOOK Small Group Study!                                      January. We meet twice a month on
                   You can always join in our private Facebook   Tuesday evening at 6 pm. January dates
                   group! We have weekly discussions on          are: Jan. 7 and Jan. 21.
                   books of the Bible and other Small group      Learn from the fierce women of God who
                   studies. During January we will be studying   changed the world. It’s become trendy to
                   Depending on Jesus. Each week questions       use the word “fierce” when describing
                   appear on the group page and each person      women at the top of their game, but women have been fiercely
                   in the group share their thoughts on these    changing the world for thousands of years. In fact, the Bible tells
                   questions, as well as responding to the       of many fierce female characters who made hard decisions,
                   comments of others. This is a fun new way     offered hope, boldly repented, shared their faith, and blessed
to grow in our faith together. If you would like to join this    those around them. Although some are less well known than
group, go to our Path of Grace FB page, click on groups          others, these women can teach us how we, too, can live into our
and go to the Bible Study page. You can request to join.         callings, honor the Lord, and even change the world through our
No one else on Facebook will be able to see this. This is a      courage, faithfulness, and obedience. Fierce, a six-week study
great way to reach our “Snowbirds,” travelers, and busy Mom’s!   for women, includes a Participant Workbook with devotional
Everyone has time to check Facebook, so why not have it a        lessons for every week of study.
Bible study!

                                                                 Wednesday Night Book Study with Pastor Tom
                                                                                   Wednesday evenings 6:30 PM
ReNew for Life!                                                                    How would you like to have a voice in shaping
   Did you make a new year’s                                                       the future of Path of Grace? Are you interested
   resolution to get in shape?                                                     in finding vision for our congregation? On
Well—we have the group for you                                                     Wednesday nights at 6:30, following the
to help! This is a Christian weight                                                ReCHARGE community meal, Pastor Tom is
loss support group. Faith, Food,                                                   inviting all church members to join him in
Fitness, Focus, and Friends. We meet twice a month on                              studying Will Mancini’s book Church Unique:
Tuesday evening at 6 pm in the Fireside Room. January dates      How Church Leaders Can Cast Vision, Capture Culture and
are Jan. 14 and 28. Let’s get through this tough season of       Create Movement. The book is a very practical study of casting
treats together!                                                 a vision, understanding the life of a congregation and exploring
                 IT’S NOT TOO LATE!                              ways that a congregation can discover its strengths and find
      JOIN US THIS MONTH AND RENEW FOR LIFE!                     direction.
                                                                     Copies of the book will be available in the church office.
January 2020                                                                                                                      5
A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church
History Team Update
                         Music Notes!                             In 2020, our congregation will celebrate its
                         Linda Zelig, Music Director              130th anniversary. The History team is
                         linda.zelig@pathofgraceumc.org           planning some special activities throughout
                         612-747-7244                             the year. Watch the newsletter and Sunday
                                                                  bulletins for updates. Can you help out?
January Sunday Worship Music Calendar                             The History Team is always looking for old photos from various
    January 5 – Epiphany Sunday—guest soloists                    events over the years (Youth, UMW, mission projects, social
    January 12 – Chancel Choir                                    group events, anniversaries and special events and more). Talk
    January 19 – Chancel Choir                                    to one of the History team members: Kaye Olson, Jim Watson,
    January 26 – UMW Sunday—Golden Bells                          Lenore Weber, and Carole Benson.

Music Ensembles Rehearsal Times
    Chancel Choir: Wednesday rehearsals at 7:30 PM &              Our Church Family
         Sunday morning warm-up at 9:15 AM – Contact              Congratulations to the Johnson Family on the birth of Alan
         Linda Z for more information                             Hobbs Johnson, born November 17 to Leslie and Tyler Johnson
    Golden Bells: Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM – Contact          joining big sister Sylvia; Dave & Karen Johnson, grandparents
         Linda Obergfor more information                          and Marilyn Hobbs, great-grandma.
    Youth Bells: Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM – Contact Linda
         Oberg for more information                               Congratulations also to Keith Wells who added another great-
    Grace Chimes: Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM – Contact            grandchild to his family.
         Deb Clark for more information
                                                                  We would also like to officially welcome Kurt Sowles as a
                                                                  member of Path of Grace UMC. Kurt joined the church in
HYMN OF THE MONTH                                                 November. Also welcome to the Watrud family as associate
“On This Day Earth Shall Ring” United Methodist Hymnal #248
                                                                  members. These are faces we’ve seen around for years. It’s
 "Personent hodie" is a Christmas carol whose earliest known      nice to have you be ‘official’.
publication was found in the 1582 Finnish songbook, Piae
Cantiones. It’s origins, however, may be as early as 1360 where   Dear Path of Grace UMC,
the melody was found in a manuscript in the city of Moosburg,       We hope you had a very blessed Thanksgiving. I’d like
Germany. The most common English translation of the text is by    to take a moment to thank Rev. Biatek and the members
"James M. Joseph," a pseudonym of the composer Jane M.            of the congregation for reaching out to my parents. This
Joseph (1894–1929). We will sing the most famous                  year alone my mother has been hospitalized four times
arrangement of this hymn, which was composed by Gustav            followed by extensive therapy and my father to ER two
Holst in 1925. What a wonderful way to connect with the people    times. Your visits, calls, cards and prayers have been
of God from across the ages—400, perhaps 660 years ago!           greatly appreciated. My mother always enjoyed sending
                                                                  cards, so she treasures the ones she received. They are
 From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personent_hodie
                                                                  beautiful and are displayed!
                                                                    Your continued prayers and contact with them would be
                                                                  appreciated. I know the church and its members have
                                                                  been a priority in my parents’ lives; they have a great love
Observations… from American Choral Directors                      for you and the ministry. Thank you.
Association State Conference, Friday, November 15, 2019                                              Nancy Rufledt, daughter
   ♫ Choral arts are thriving in Minnesota
   ♫ The world attended the conference: in faces in the
       choirs, in language, in music, in cultural performances
   ♫ Very young people still sing and enjoy music from the        Buy Scrip Cards: Support The Church
       17th -19th centuries                                       Our church uses the proceeds from these cards to support our
   ♫ Teens can survive without cell phones!                       programs. For each card sold we profit between 2.5% up to 14%
                                                                  of the face value of the card. A complete list of retailers is at the
   ♫ Singers, age 9 through 18, can sing multiple                 SCRIP table in the Narthex on Sunday mornings after church. If
       challenging songs without music                            you'd like to special order cards, the order would be placed
   ♫ Everyone belongs in a choir!                                 Sunday afternoon and available for pick up in the church office
                                                                  by Thursday of that week. If you have any questions, please feel
                                                                  free to contact Michelle VonBische (mvonbische@comcast.net)
                                                                  or see Donna Burger or Carole Benson at the Scrip Table.

6                                                                                                                    January 2020
A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church
We have FaithWalk Sunday School most Sunday morning for
kids that are pre-K (3 yrs. by 9/1/19) through 5th Grade. All
are welcome and bring a friend! Childcare for infants thru         SWAG-Saved with Amazing Grace is our theme for our youth
2 years of age is available in our Nursery.                        ministry program here at POG.
                                                                      Ephesians 2:8-For it is by grace you have been saved, through
  Please stop by the REGISTRATION KIOSK each
                                                                      faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.
  Sunday morning before worship to check your kids in.
  This include kids who attend the Nursery.                           Join us on Wednesday & Sunday nights for Youth Group
Our curriculum is DEEP BLUE: Loving                                Jr. Youth - 5th thru 8th Grades - will meet Wednesday evenings
God, Loving Neighbor is the theme this                                  6:00 to 7:00 PM
year. We will see how the Deep Blue Kids                           Sr. Youth - 9th thru 12th Grades - will meet Wednesday evenings
and their families learn about Community.                               7:00-8:00 PM
Our schedule this month includes:                                  Youth Group involves games, team-building activities, and
    Jan. 5 – Children attend worship for Communion                 discussions on life lessons and how to live the life of a Christian
    Jan. 12 – Jesus Brings Good News                               as a teenager. Youth Group is about being connected,
    Jan. 19 – Jesus Calls Levi                                     belonging, sharing & believing.
    Jan. 26 – Jesus Sends the Disciples                            JANUARY SCHEDULE:
Our 5th Graders will be using the curriculum—SUBMERGE and            Jan. 1-NO YOUTH
they will be learning about stories that transform communities.              HAPPY NEW YEAR
                                                                      Jan. 8-Angry!
On Sunday mornings all children begin in the service at 10:00
                                                                      Jan. 15-Accountability
AM with their families. Most Sundays*** following the Children’s
                                                                      Jan. 17-18: YOUTH RETREAT TO
Message we travel together to Children’s Church for music,
                                                                        GREAT WOLF LODGE >>>>>>
offering and message, then everyone go to their respective
                                                                      Jan. 22-Stop your complaining!
classrooms for Bible activities, games and projects. Parents
                                                                      Jan. 29-Winter Olympics –Snow
may pick up their children from their classrooms by 11:10 AM.
***Note: On the first Sunday of the month all the kids stay in
worship to participate in Holy Communion.
Each week a Children’s Offering is also received from the kids
in Sunday School. This winter our Children’s Offering, including
the Noisy Offering, will be used to purchase animals through the
Heifer Project.                                                                    YOUTH! This new year
The 2nd Sunday each month the kids move through the                        Bring a friend and you could receive a gift card!!
congregation to receive a Noisy Offering. This
                                                                    Invite your friends and if they attend at least 2 times-you will
is a fun way for our kids to be involved in worship
                                                                   get a gfit card! It’s that easy!! Let’s build on our great group
and learn about stewardship and mission. Thank
                                                                                and share God’s love with more youth!
you for your support.

                                   The December Confirmation
                                   class will be held on Wed.,
                                   Jan. 15 from 6 to 8 PM.
  Confirmation class is for youth entering 8th grade and up who
wish to explore their faith and make a commitment to join our
congregation of Path of Grace UMC. It is a two-year program.
We meet once a month. If your youth would like to join our
confirmation program, please contact Cindi Chollett.

January 2020                                                                                                                        7
A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church
Plug into God’s                                                     VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED
                                                                            Would you like to help?
 Love & Word!
Join       us    Wednesday                                          Hospitality Opportunities
evenings for a wonderful                                               The Hospitality Committee would
meal at “Café Grace”                                                like to say a big thank you to those
followed by a wide variety of                                       who have already signed up to serve
offerings for all ages and                                          coffee and treats on Sunday
interests!                                                          mornings. We already have 5 months completely signed up. We
                                                                    invite more of you to sign up for a Sunday or two in 2020.
Childcare is available for Infants – Pre-K!                            We have been having fun thinking about some of the
                                                                    possibilities for this wonderful service opportunity. If you have
                                                                    any celebrations like anniversaries or birthdays that fall on a
                                                                    Sunday, you could sign up to celebrate with your church. Every
Come RECHARGE in the middle of the week                             month there is some sort of holiday that you could sign up to
4:30-5:30 Devotional Chair Yoga
                                                                    serve like St. Patrick’s Day, the first week of summer, or donut
5:30-6:30 Café Grace meal prepared by Chef Chris
                                                                    appreciation day. What about having a theme like cupcake
6:00-7:00 Jr. Youth Group for 5th - 8th Graders
                                                                    Sunday or Oreos Sunday? (You could have one of each of the
Childcare is available for our younger children beginning at 6:25   different kinds of Oreos). I’m sure you can think of more.
6:30-7:00   Power Kids! For Kinder – 4th grade                         Remember you can bring treats, or you can use the ones
6:30-7:30   Pastor Tom’s Book Study for Adult                       supplied by the church. We start the coffee early on Sunday
6:30-7:30   Devotional Yoga                                         mornings but if you can’t make it early just let us know. Someone
7:00-7:30   Kids & Youth Rec Time                                   from the Hospitality team can usually come in early to get a few
7:00-8:00   Sr. Youth Group for 9th-12th Graders                    things started. Contact any of the Hospitality team members
7:30-8:00   Homework Help                                           (Donna Berger, Kaye Olson, Shirley Wester, Terry Hazel, Debra
7:30-9:00   Chancel Choir Rehearsal                                 Watson) or sign up at the Welcome Center.

                                                                    A note to our helpers – If you take towels and other laundry
                                                                    home from the church kitchen, first THANK YOU!!! It is a great
             Café Grace Menu                                        help. But at the same time we ask that you please return them
                                                                    promptly. During this busy season we have been running low
              Meal served from 5:30-6:30 PM
                                                                    on a weekly basis.
                   Suggested donation:
     $7 Adults; $5 Youth; $3 kids with $15 Family Max
                                                                    Sunday Morning Greeters
    Jan. 1-NO RE>CHARGE – Happy New Year                            Greeters are the first friendly face that everyone sees when they
    Jan. 8-Chicken Marsala with Wild Rice Pilaf                     enter the church on Sunday Mornings. We are always looking
    Jan. 15-Loaded Mac-n-Cheese                                     for more greeters. If you can be a greeter, please sign up at the
    Jan. 22-Pork Stir Fry with Steamed White Rice                   Information Center outside the Fireside Room.
    Jan. 29-Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes and gravy
                                                                    Funeral Luncheon Helpers
                                                                    POG United Methodist Women maintain a list of people who
                                                                    would like to help with receptions and lunches following
Winter Devotional Yoga                                              funerals. Ways to serve include making bars or being available
Come join us by the fire for our Winter Devotional Yoga! The        the day of the service to set-up, serve or clean-up. If you would
three-week sessions will be on Wednesdays, January 8, 15 &          like to be part of this amazing group who provide this important
22. Each class begins with a quiet time of reflection and           service, please contact Marilyn Hobbs 771.2308.
devotion. Free childcare is available for the evening class. Join
us for a delicious dinner made by Chef Chris at 5:30.
  Devotional Chair Yoga: 4:30 - 5:30-The yoga poses are             Kitchen Training – Sunday, January 12
  modified so they can be done while seated in a chair.             We invite everyone who helps in the kitchen with Sunday
                                                                    Morning Fellowship, funeral lunches, and other special church
  Devotional Yoga: 6:30 - 7:30-The benefits of yoga are many.
                                                                    events to stop by the kitchen after worship on Sunday, Oct. 6
We hope you can join us for these wonderful classes. Contact        for a training session. We will discuss the dishwasher, the
Martha Rice, Community Outreach Director with any questions.        coffee brewer, the garbage disposal, ovens and other kitchen
                                                                    related topics. Please plan to join us so we can build a
                                                                    team of kitchen helpers.
8                                                                                                                    January 2020
A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church
Stay Informed and Connected                                             HealthEast Hospice Grief Support Services Presents
Printed copies of the minutes of council meetings and                   Spouse Loss Grief Support Group
summaries of Pastor Tom’s sermons are available at the                  Tuesday, Jan 28-Feb 25 12-1:30PM at Path of Grace UMC
Information Center outside the Fireside Room. Reading council           When you are on the journey of grief it is often helpful to seek
minutes helps you to stay current with the business and ministry        the support of others. This group is intended for people grieving
life of the church. Stop by the office if you don’t find what you       the death of their spouse or significant other. Group members
are looking for.                                                        will receive relevant grief education materials and support. To
                                                                        register call HealthEast at 651-232-3543. This class is open to
                                                                        POG members and their families.
POG Social Media – Spread the Word!
Our church has an impressive variety of opportunities for people
to connect and be part of our community of faith. The
Communications Team is working to use the reaching power of
our church website, Facebook, and email to communicate                       Meet Wednesday 4:00-8:00 PM in West Wing Room F
information about our church to a broader audience and invite           We are a volunteer driven non-profit that partners with over 125
them to join in. There are simple ways that YOU CAN HELP                hospitals, clinics and service agencies to assist Minnesota
and use social media to spread the word about all the GREAT             families in need by providing handmade items for newborns
things that are happening here.                                         (ages 0-3 months). We meet weekly to make a variety of items
Our church staff and website team post frequent updates on our          including: warm blankets, sheets, tshirts, sleepers, bath towels,
church Facebook group. Our Facebook group is                            wash cloths, bibs, burp cloths, sweaters, pants, hats, booties,
                                                                        diapers, wipes. You are welcome to join us any time between
          Path of Grace United Methodist Church                         4:00 and 8:00 PM. You are also welcome to visit “Café Grace”
Please join the group if you haven’t already. When you click on         5:30-6:30 for a wonderful warm meal on WED>RECHARGE
“Like” for a church post your friends can see that. If you “Share”      evenings. Questions: contact Marsha at 612-865-8064
a church post or church event, the information will be visible to
all your friends and you can add a comment encouraging them
to join you or check it out. We would like you to “Share” all of
the church posts!                                                       From the Church Office:
Our church website has current event information and general                 The deadline for input to the next Newsletter is
information about our church. The URLs for our website are                           Wednesday, January 22 at 9:00 AM.
                                                                           We will meet to assemble the newsletter on Wednesday,
 www.pathofgraceumc.org                or   www.pogumc.org
                                                                                January 29 at 9:30 AM in the Fireside Room.
A simple way to share information about our church is to copy a             Help is always needed and very much appreciated.
link to the website into a text or email. It is an easy way to invite
others to anything going on at our church.                              Office Hours - The church office will have limited hours over
                                                                        the holidays. It will be closed New Year’s Eve and New Year’s
Our monthly church newsletter, The Path, contains an amazing            Day and open shorter hours the rest of the week. Please call
amount information, including pictures of our church activities         ahead to make sure someone is here to help you before you
and the calendar of upcoming events. Each month in addition to          stop by. The church office will also be closed Monday, January
being mailed to member and friends, copies placed at the                20 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday.
Welcome Center, posted our website, and emailed to our
membership. That email with the link to the newsletter provides
a handy resource during the month and can be easily forwarded           Security Alert - Beginning in January we will control access to
to share a broad picture of our church or to direct someone to a        the building during some business hours using the magnetic
specific item in the newsletter. If you are not currently receiving     lock system on the front door of the church. We are returning to
emails from the church, please contact the church office so you         this system for the security of our staff and for the safety of the
can be added.                                                           Sunshine Preschool. This action is not based on any events,
If you have ideas on how we can utilize social media to reach           but simply following the recommendations for security at any
out to the community and invite them to come to an event, our           school or day care.
worship service, a service project, or any activity at our church,          The system has a video camera- buzzer unit mounted on the
we would love to hear them. Contact anyone on the                       wall to right of the main doors of the church. If the door is locked,
Communications Team: April VanMassenhove, Cheryl Watson,                simply press the buzzer and face the camera. The staff will be
Dave Johnson & Karen Johnson.                                           able to see you and speak to you through the intercom. Once
                                                                        they identified you, they will press the magnetic release and the
                                                                        door can be opened. If no one answers the buzzer, the office is
          Have a great 2020!                                            probably closed.
January 2020                                                                                                                               9
A Wonderful Holiday Season at Path of Grace - Path of Grace United Methodist Church
Path of Grace                                                                                            Nonprofit Org.
              United Methodist Church                                                                                  U.S. Postage
                   Formerly Arlington Hills UMC
              759 East County Road B                                                                                      PAID
                                                                                                                       Twin Cities, MN
              Maplewood, MN 55117-1800                                                                                 Permit No. 3347

           Office: (651) 776-1547  Fax: (651) 776-1548
        Office Hours: Monday–Thursday 9:00AM–3:00PM
                                                                                                 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
     Rev. Tom Biatek, Pastor
     Cindi Chollett, Children, Youth & Family Ministry Director
     Cindy Klomp, Admin Assistant
     Cathie Krueger, Organist
     Martha Rice, Community Outreach Director
     Linda Zelig, Music Director
     Anna Kessler, Preschool/Daycare Director
     Chris Schmidt, Bookkeeper

 Sunday Mornings Worship is at 10:00 AM


                                                                                                Sunshine Preschool - Early Learning and
                                                                                                   Care Center - has exciting news!
                                                                                              Our center is expanding and opening a
                                                                                              Toddler Classroom! Care will start on Jan 6.
                                                                                              Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity and
                                                                                              contact us today to tour our school!

                                                          Soccer Shots coming to Sunshine Preschool
                                                    Our first 11-week Winter Session will
     Our Mission Statement                          meet every Friday for one half hour
                                                    beginning at 11:25AM in the Gym,
    It is our mission to make                       running January 10 - March 20
disciples for Jesus Christ for the                  Sessions are offered to 3–5 year olds at
 transformation of the world by                     a cost of $11.50 for the session! Online
 growing in faith, reaching new                     registration and payments are handled
people, and bringing healing to a                   by Soccer Shots
           broken world.                                          Email info@sunshinepreschoolpog.com for details and registration
                                                       This class is open to any preschool – do not have to be a Sunshine student.

10                                                                                                                             January 2020
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