A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary

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A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary
A Trilogy Senior Living Community
                                                      Leaflet                                    October 2021

Wrapping up our 2021 Theme Year
On October 11th, our 2021 “Traditions Around The World” Theme Year will see us stopping at our
final destination – Germany! Here’s everything you can expect when we kick off this incredible week:

Lass uns feiern!
(Let’s celebrate!)

As a resident of our community,
your experience between October
11th through the 15th will be that
of someone who is experiencing
the sights and sounds of Munich
for the first time! Get in the
Oktoberfest spirit as we celebrate
with a week filled with German
inspired activities and programs,
all culminating towards an
incredible Theme Dinner on
October 14th. Don’t forget to
wear black, red, and/or gold!           delicious snack-making that are     We’ve saved the best for last, so
                                        sure to bring glück (happiness!).   we hope that we’ll see you when
Prost! (Cheers!)                        When it comes to the dinner, you    this one-of-a-kind event kicks off
                                        can look forward to menu items      on October 11th. If you have any
The activities that we have planned
                                        such as grilled sausage, Chef       additional questions, don’t hesitate
for our final Theme Week are as rich
                                         Bob’s Rueben egg roll, German      to reach out to any member of our
in fun as they are in flavor! Get ready
                                        chocolate cake, and more.           Life Enrichment team. They’ll be
for tastings, decorative crafting, and
                                                                            more than happy to hear from you!

      2800 Forest Ridge Parkway | New Castle, IN 47362 | 765-521-4740 | seniorlivingatforestridge.com |
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary
Happy Birthday!
                                                                 Executive Director Corner
                                                                 Happy                 we dive deep into cuisines,
 Doris M.                          10/09                         October,              activities, and programs all
                                                                 everyone!             inspired by German culture.
 Staff                                                                                 Be sure to come wearing your
 Amy B.                            10/06    Halloween just around the                  black, red, and gold as we
                                            corner, it can be easy to                  kick off this incredible week!
                                            be frightened by images of                 With fall officially in full swing,
  Save the Date                             ghosts and vampires – but
                                            with everything coming
                                                                                       it’ time to enjoy the smell of
                                                                                       fresh pumpkins, the taste of
  We are celebrating Oktoberfest            up in the next few weeks,                  delicious treats, and the feeling
  the week of October 11th                  there’s never been more                    of relief that comes from the
  – 14th. Everyday we will                  reason to be excited as a                  cool, steady air. There’s so
  have a different activity to              member of our community.                   much to appreciate about this
                                            This month, we’re wrapping                 time of the year, and we can’t
  commemorate Germany and
                                            up our “Traditions Around                  wait to celebrate it with you.
  Oktoberfest so, keep a look out
                                            The World” Theme Year with                 Have a great month!
  for these upcoming events on
                                            our biggest Theme Week yet                 Yours in Service,
  our October’s Activity Calendar.
                                            – Germany. From October
                                            11th – October 15th, we’ll                 John Craig
Entertainment                               be putting on a celebration
                                            that rivals Oktoberfest as
                                                                                       Executive Director
This summer we had many entertainers
performing for our residents and their
specialties are so very different. The
Doo Dads sing 40’s and 50’s rock and
Don Loveless sings country. On the
other hand, our entertainer, Larry Davis
performs Gospel, while entertainer, Paul
White sings contemporary music. We
love our selection of entertainment and
as we get further into this year, we plan
to add even more diversity to our acts.          The Doo Dads are one of many entertainers that perform for our residents.

Residents really enjoyed the Soulfit program Trilogy hosted
these last two months, on our campus. The Soulfit Program
is designed to empower residents to take control of their
holistic wellness by inspiring them through Self Love,
Joy, Peace, Healing, and Gratitude. We would also like to
congratulate Jean C. for winning the SoulFit Gift Basket for
the most participation.                                          Residents were empowered during Trilogy’s new SoulFit Program.
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary
OUTINGS                   Residents have enjoyed so many outing this month including the Wicks Pie Restaurant in
Winchester, The Family Diner in Fountain City, the MCL Cafeteria in Muncie, and the Los Amigos Restaurant in New
Castle. We also went shopping at these locations, including the Amish Acres Store in Fountain City, the Wick’s Pie Shop in
Winchester, the Muncie Mall and we wrapped up the month of August by shopping at the Farmer’s Market/ L & K’s Produce
in New Castle. Everyone had a terrific time, and we are hoping to continue our outings.

                                                                         Lois D. bought pies from
             Annis W. and Mary G. are shopping at the                     Mrs. Wick’s Restaurant       Jeanine M. went shopping
               Amish Acres Store in Fountain City.                            in Winchester.              in the Muncie Mall.

HAPPY HOUR                           The community spiced up our Happy Hours for August by creating different themes. The
first Happy Hour was an “Under the Sea” Theme, where residents wore skipper hats and leis and ate shrimp cocktails. Paul
White entertained our residents by singing many beach related songs, while the residents enjoyed their Pina Coladas. Our
next Happy Hour theme was “The Wild West” and residents wore cowboy hats and bandanas. Also, residents enjoyed their
“Wanted” Posters and ate steak tips, while listening to country music performed by Don Loveless.

                                                                                                    Chery R. shared her WANTED
 Steve W. enjoyed the “Under           Herald and Martha F. wore their cowboy hats during            POSTER during our “Wild
the Sea” Themed Happy Hour.                  our “Wild West Themed” Happy Hour.                      West Themed” Happy Hour.

                                                                     Volunteer News                              We would
                                                                     love to give a big welcome to new volunteers in our
                                                                     community and their names are Pastor Irvine and Jill
                                                                     Benge. These two will be playing guitar and singing
                                                                     Gospel music (with their face masks in place) for our
                                                                     residents every month. We are so excited to have these
                                                                     volunteers help with our devotionals. We also had a
                                               Nutty Norma, the
                                                                     volunteer clown appear this past August during lunch.
                                               Clown visited the
       Pastor Irvine and Jill B. are         residents on National   This clown’s name was Nutty Norma, and she gave the
          our newest volunteers.                  Clown Day.         residents different flavored Tootsie Roll Pops.
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary
Monthly Trivia & Activity Corner
                                               All trivia answers will be printed in our upcoming month’s newsletter!            Flip the
                                                                                                                                 page for
                                               Question 1: What is the        Question 3: True or           Question 5:          last month’s
A Trilogy Senior Living Community              name of Dracula’s sidekick?    false: Bees can only          Who originally       trivia
  2800 Forest Ridge Parkway                    Question 2: Where did          sting once.                   sang That’ll
                                                                                                                             Sirius A
     New Castle, IN 47362                      Halloween originate?           Question 4: Pumpkins          Be The Day       in the galaxy?
         765-521-4740                                                         are___% water.                in 1957?         brightest star
                                                                                                                             Q5: What is the
 seniorlivingatforestridge.com                                                                                               Richard Nixon
                                                                                                                             from office?
                                               FIND AND CIRCLE TEN DIFFERENCES                                               ever resign
                                                                                                                             president to
              John Craig                                                                                                     the only US
           Executive Director                                                                                                Q4: Who is
             Vickie Taylor                                                                                                   1820’s? The
        Business Office Manager                                                                                              tool in the
            Norma Kriner                                                                                                     invented what
       Resident Activity Director                                                                                            Budding
             Chuck Riley                                                                                                     Q3: Edwin
     Director of Plant Operations                                                                                            Cigarettes
                                                                                                                             in 1971?
           Stacey Bonwell                                                                                                    on television
       Director of Food Services                                                                                             advertising
                                                                                                                             banned from
               Sara Fitch                                                                                                    product was
  Director of Environmental Services                                                                                         Q2: What
                                                                                                                             donor. Type O
                                                                                                                             the universal
                                                                                                                             blood type is
                                                                                                                             Q1: _______

                                                 Word Search

       Stay in the Loop
   Keep up with latest campus news
     and happenings by following
  us on your favorite social networks!

   We strive to provide the best customer
 service and quality care for our residents.
     Our Department Leaders are here
    to solve any concerns you may have.
      In the event that you need further
  assistance with any unresolved concerns,
      we encourage you to call or email             ACTIVITIES               CRAFT                   GOLD               PROGRAMS
 our Compliance Hotline: 800-908-8618,                 CAKE              DECORATE              HALLOWEEN                PUMPKIN
    ext. 2800; or comply@trilogyhs.com
                                                    CELEBRATE            DELICIOUS             INCREDIBLE               SAUSAGE
Newsletter Production by PorterOneDesign.com          CHEERS              GERMAN              OKTOBERFEST               TASTINGS
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Leaflet - Cloudinary
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