A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives

Page created by Denise Morris
A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives
A Talent for

hotelier.mv | Volume 8 | Issue 56

HOTEL REVIEW                        FIRST LOOK      THE GM’S VIEW        WELLNESS
South Palm Resort                   The Signature   Henri Arnulphy,      INTERVIEW WITH
Maldives - Addu Atoll’s             Collection by   Constance Moofushi   DR RAHUL KRISHNAN,
Secluded Gem                        Hideaway                             SPA MANAGER, SUN
                                                                         SIYAM IRU FUSHI
A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives
A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives
A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives

    18                                                      16                                                                                  28

                                                            HOTEL REVIEW
                                                            SOUTH PALM
                                                            RESORT                                                                              FIRST LOOK
                                                            MALDIVES                                                                            THE SIGNATURE
                                                                                          50 ON 50
                                                            - ADDU ATOLL’S                MU MANIKU, CHAIRMAN,                                  COLLECTION BY
    HOSPITALITY                                             SECLUDED GEM                  UNIVERSAL ENTERPRISES                                 HIDEAWAY

    30                         33                          44                             12    NEW OPENINGS
                                                                                                MALDIVES TO SEE TWELVE NEW
                                                                                                RESORT OPENINGS IN 2022
                                                                                                                                                42   ISLAND HOTEL REVIEW
                                                                                                                                                     COMFORT IN THE CITY –
                                                                                                                                                     H78 BEACHFRONT HOTEL,
                                                                                          35    EXCLUSIVE
                                                                                                STRUGGLE AND SUCCESS: THE STORY OF
                                                                                                HUSSAIN SHAHID, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT             54   DESIGN
                                                                                                                                                     AN INSIGHT INTO
                                                                                                MANAGER, HOLIDAY INN RESORT                          GX ASSOCIATES
    THE GM’S VIEW              THE GM’S VIEW               WOMEN IN HOSPITALITY                 KANDOOMA MALDIVES
    HENRI ARNULPHY,            GAVIN SANDERS,              MONIKA ANGLIKER,                                                                     60   EDUCATION & TRAINING
                               RADISSON BLU                GUEST SERVICES                                                                            HOW TO EFFECTIVELY
                               RESORT MALDIVES             MANAGER,
                                                                                          47    AIRLINES
                                                                                                IATA FIGURES SHOW DIP IN DEMAND FOR                  LEAD YOUR TEAM INTO A
                                                                                                AIR TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD FROM 2019                POST-PANDEMIC WORLD
                                                           KANDOLHU MALDIVES
                                                                                          56    AIRLINES
                                                                                                                                                70   PURCHASING POWER
    9       NEWS & EVENTS      40   HAPPENINGS
                                    LAUNCHING              38   CAREERS
                                                                MEET ALI WAHEED, THE
                                                                                                SHUBHAM MOONDHARA, HEAD OF CORPORATE
                                                                                                STRATEGY & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, TRANS
                                                                                                                                                     KABIRDOSS INIYAN,
                                                                                                                                                     PURCHASING MANAGER,
                                    CEREMONY                    HIGHLY EXPERIENCED              MALDIVIAN AIRWAYS                                    HIDEAWAY BEACH
                                                                BOAT CAPTAIN AT SUN
                                                                SIYAM IRU FUSHI
                                                                                                                                                     RESORT & SPA
                                    PROGRAMME                                             52    F&B
                                                                                                ABDUL MATHEEN ADAM, RESTAURANT MANAGER,         ADVERTISER’S INDEX
                                                           39   CAREERS                         THE EDGE, GRAND PARK KODHIPPARU
                               41   HAPPENINGS
                                    BBM ENTERS 2022
                                                                PREMGEETH P NAIR,
                                                                CHIEF ENGINEER,
                                                                                                                                                MUNI Homecare                             2

    72      BUYER’S GUIDE           INSPIRING YOUNG             GRAND PARK                53    F&B
                                                                                                LG & SPIRE STRENGTHENS ITS INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                                                                Villa Hakatha                             3
                                    CHEFS IN                    KODHIPPARU                                                                      SEARA Sports Maldives                   4,5
                                                                                                PRESENCE IN THE MALDIVES
                                    THE MALDIVES                                                                                                TTS Maldives                             27
    78      LISTINGS
                                                           64   WELLNESS
                                                                                          63    SUSTAINABILITY                                  IFS Maldives                          45,69
                               46   A DAY IN THE LIFE OF
                                    A DAY IN THE LIFE
                                                                INTERVIEW WITH DR
                                                                RAHUL KRISHNAN, SPA
                                                                                                EMPORIA AND GULF APPARELS SUPPORT
                                                                                                SUSTAINABILITY IN ITS EXPANSION INTO MALDIVES
                                                                                                                                                Deli United
                                                                                                                                                Lals Group
                                    OF YASITH KESHAN            MANAGER, SUN SIYAM IRU                                                          Trans Maldivian Airways                  56
                                                                                                                                                ILAA Maldives 		                         68
                               58   WATERSPORTS & DIVING
                                    FIFTY YEARS OF                                                                                              Reollo Enterprises                       71
                                    DIVING IN THE SUNNY    66   WELLNESS
                                                                HEIDI GRIMWOOD, VICE                                                            Sea Gear                                 79
                                    SIDE                        PRESIDENT, ELE I NA SPA                                                         Greenpath Pvt Ltd                        80

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A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                                              NEWS & EVENTS

                                                                                                                                                       Brad Calder Awarded Best General Manager
A Talent for Hospitality                                                                                                                               Worldwide at Hotel Travel Awards
Dear Readers,                                                                                              Hotelier Maldives                           Brad Calder, cluster general       of all of our environmental
                                                                                                           Volume 8, Issue No: 56                      manager of Hurawalhi Island        efforts to eliminate single use
Welcome to issue 56 of Hotelier Maldives.                                                                                                              Resort and Kudadoo Maldives        plastics, optimize recycling and
                                                                                                           EDITORIAL                                   Private Island, has been           composting for our organic
                                                                                                           Mohamed Mamduh,                             titled ‘Best General Manager       garden and capture the sun
Maldives is celebrating 50 years of the tourism industry
                                                                                                           Managing Editor,                            Worldwide’ at the Hotel Travel     for our energy needs. ‘Luxury
and celebrations are planned for each month. Earlier this
                                                                                                           mamduh@hoteliermaldives.com                 Awards 2021.                       Treading Lightly’ has always
year the Ministry of Tourism had announced a calendar of
                                                                                                                                                                                          been our motto to protect this
events of which a panel discussion among the pioneers of                                                   Naufal Naeem,                               The Hotel Travel Awards            beautiful environment in which
the industry was held at the Maldives National University.                                                 Editorial Advisor and Contributor                                              we live.
                                                                                                                                                       recognises and rewards
We at Hotelier Maldives are marketing the year with a new
                                                                                                                                                       hotels worldwide based on
series; 50 on 50, profiling 50 individuals and corporations                                                Donna Richardson,                           the exceptional service and        “Our acclaimed 5.8 Undersea
that have made the most impact on the industry and who                                                     Contributing Editor                         facilities they provide to their   Restaurant also was awarded
are set to do so in the next 50 years. We start the series                                                                                             guests. They use a stringent       the Finest Luxury Underwater
with the profile of MU Maniku, chairman of Universal                                                       Naza Nazeem,                                inspection procedure carried       Restaurant Worldwide and
Resorts and Chairman of the Board of Directors at Maldives                                                 Content Marketing Executive                 out by world-class inspectors to   continues to grow into an iconic
Association of Tourism Industry (MATI). 			                                                                                                            honour the establishments they     restaurant recognized the
                                                                                                           CONTRIBUTING WRITERS                        work with.                         world over to deliver culinary
                                                                                                           Aminath Shiuleen, Janet Smailes, Sahla                                         excellence in a truly unique and
Rapid growth and increase in arrivals over the past decade and more has challenged                         Zahir, Balsam Iyaz, Emilio Fortini, Laura
                                                                                                                                                       Hurawalhi also won two other       natural setting.
Maldivian hoteliers in recruiting the manpower required to effectively run their                           Williams, Aminath Zahir, Nabeeha
properties. Recent studies confirm this and present a scenario where we will have a total                                                              awards worldwide: Finest
                                                                                                           Ahmed and Leesha Haneef
                                                                                                                                                       Luxury Sustainable Hotel and       “I feel very honoured and of
of 86,519 workers employed in the tourism sector (compared to the current figure of
                                                                                                                                                       Finest Luxury Underwater           course humbled to receive
49,129) if all anticipated projects are completed on time. This is a significant increase and              LAYOUT DESIGN & COVER ARTWORK               Restaurant.                        the accolade for Best General
we look at the issue in the cover story for this edition.                                                  Ali Riyaz                                                                      Manager Worldwide. Of course
                                                                                                                                                       Speaking of the awards, General    such an achievement is not
In our regular segments, we have reviewed South Palm Resort in the southern most                           PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF THE                                                    possible without having such
                                                                                                                                                       Manager Brad Calder said: “We
atoll of Maldives, Addu Atoll. It is currently two properties operating in the atoll that are              FOLLOWING:                                                                     a wonderful team to support
                                                                                                                                                       are all ecstatic to receive the
                                                                                                           Velana International Airport, Hurawalhi                                        the vision that I set to deliver
located on private islands. With several dive sites, rich history and captivating views,                                                               award of Finest Sustainable
                                                                                                           Maldives, The Nautilus Maldives,                                                                                  would not have been possible.       one of the leading resorts in the
Addu Atoll is one of the most unique locations in the Maldives. For those looking to                                                                   Luxury Resort Worldwide            memorable moments to our
                                                                                                           Madifushi Private Island, Hilton                                                                                  I look forward to Hurawalhi         Maldives and worldwide.”
discover these experiences and seeking serenity, South Palm Resort Maldives offers an                                                                  as this is a true recognition      guests. Without my team this
                                                                                                           Maldives Amingiri, Kanuhura Maldives,                                                                             continuing to be recognised as
unforgettable stay.                                                                                        Faarufushi Maldives, Nova Maldives,

In the GM’s view segment, we have interviewed Henri Arnulphy, General Manager at
Constance Moofushi and Gavin Sander, General Manager at Radisson Blu Resort Maldives.
                                                                                                           OBLU Xperience Ailafushi, OBLU Select
                                                                                                           Lobigili, Alila Kothaifaru Maldives,
                                                                                                           South Palm Resort Maldives, Hideaway
                                                                                                                                                       Vaccinated Travellers Allowed Quarantine-Free
In addition to this, we also profile several other professionals working in the Maldives
hospitality industry, both local and expats.
                                                                                                           Beach Resort & Spa, Constance
                                                                                                           Moofushi, Radisson Blu Resort
                                                                                                           Maldives, h78 Beachfront Hotel, Patina
                                                                                                                                                       Travel between Maldives and Singapore
                                                                                                           Maldives Fari Islands, Euro Divers, Le
In the Buyer’s Guide, we have featured trending products and suppliers and feature an                                                                  With Maldives among the
                                                                                                           Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa and
interview with the Purchasing Manager of Hideaway Beach Resort and Spa, Kabirdoss                                                                      countries of Singapore’s
Iniyan.                                                                                                                                                Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL)
                                                                                                           CLIENT RELATIONS                            scheme, fully vaccinated
If you would like to comment or publish an opinion article, please email them to                           & ADVERTISEMENT SALES                       passengers are now allowed
mamduh@hoteliermaldives.com or info@perspective.mv			                                                      sales@hoteliermaldives.com,                 quarantine-free entry into
                                                                                                           +960 7910858                                Singapore. The first VTL flight
                                                                                                                                                       from Maldives was operated
                                                                                                           MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS                  by Singapore Airlines on 16
                                                                                                           Naza Nazeem                                 December 2021.
                                                                                                                                                       Ms Susan Yong, General
                                                                                                                                                       Manager- Maldives,
                                                                                                                                                       Singapore Airlines said: “The
			                                                                                                                                                    commencement of VTL flights
		                                                                                                                                                     from Male to Singapore is a
                                                                                                                                                       reflection of the importance
                                                                                                                                                       of the Maldives market. We
Mohamed Mamduh
                                                                                                                                                       are excited to welcome more
Managing Editor                                                                                                                                        passengers on board our
                                                                                                           PERSPECTIVE PVT LTD
                                                                                                           4th Floor, M. Kaneeru Villa,
                                                                                                           Orchid Magu                                 Flights between Male and
                                                                                                           Male, Republic of Maldives,                 Singapore were temporarily         operations and currently           a week as the designated VTL        from seven to ten times a week,
                                                                                                           PO Box No 20212                             suspended in March 2020. By        operates daily flights between     flight. To further boost air        from 2 January 2022.
                              MU Maniku is profiled in our new series 50 on 50 in this issue. (Seen here   Mobile: +960 7246292, +960 7999008          December 2020, Singapore           Male and Singapore, with           links, Singapore Airlines will be
                              with Managing Director, Hotelier Maldives, Mohamed Mamduh and Janet          Email: info@hoteliermaldives.com            Airlines had resumed its           SQ437 operating three times        increasing its flight frequency
                              Smailes, Contributing Editor at Hotelier Maldives)                           www.hoteliermaldives.com

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A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives

Maldives Government Seeks Bids to Develop
and Operate Resorts
On 17 January, the Ministry         The newly announced three                                                                                                      2022 EDITORIAL CALENDAR
of Tourism (MoT) announced          islands are Dhigurah, Medhurah
three islands to be leased as       and Mairah (Dhiguvelidhoo)
a cluster from Shaviyani Atoll      with USD 1,200,000 set as the
                                                                                                                                                            Hotelier Maldives magazine is published bi-monthly and
Maldives. This announcement         minimum lease acquisition cost                                                                                                   covers all aspects of hotel operations.
came as a revision to MoT’s         for all three cluster islands from
initial Invitation for Bids (IFB)   Shaviyani Atoll. The revised IFB
first published on 26 October       now entails 19 available islands
2021 welcoming investment           for tourism investment.
opportunities for foreign and
local investors interested in
developing and operating a
tourist resort in the country.
                                                                                                                                                 Sustainability,             Wellness and
                                                                                                                                                 Plastic and                 Wellbeing in
The Nautilus Maldives Launches Innovative Wellness                                                                                               Climate                     Post-Pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Top 10
Experience with Ananda in The Himalayas                                                                                                                                                                  Honeymoon
                                                                                                           able to experience signature
                                                                                                           Ananda Meditation and                 Issue 57                    Issue 58                    Issue 59
                                                                                                           Breathwork practices through
                                                                                                           guided audio sessions as part of
                                                                                                           the daily schedule at the Solasta
                                                                                                           Spa overwater yoga pavilion
                                                                                                           to enhance its extensive spa
                                                                                                           offerings. The Ananda Dhyana
                                                                                                           meditation and breathwork
                                                                                                           series is specially designed
                                                                                                           for guests at The Nautilus
                                                                                                           to recharge themselves by                                                                     Conservation
                                                                                                           enhancing clarity of thought
                                                                                                           and achieving a heightened
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tourism: A
                                                                                                           sense of balance.                     The Hotel                   Training and                Balancing
                                                                                                                                                 Investment                  Development                 Mechanism
                                                                                                           From January to March 2022,
                                                                                                           guests at The Nautilus will           Guide                       in a People’s
                                                                                                           be invited to experience a                                        Industry
                                                                                                           selection of signature Ananda
                                                                                                           gourmet wellness cuisine as           Issue 60                    Issue 61                    Issue 62
                                                                                                           part of the culinary offerings
                                                                                                           at The Nautilus. Ananda’s
                                                                                                           signature wellness cuisine
The Nautilus Maldives has           experiences and its “anytime,        strong expertise of Ananda.”      incorporates key Ayurvedic
partnered with the world’s top      anywhere, as you please”                                               principles, with natural
ranked destination spa and          concept of hospitality, set          “The concept of Ananda is a       foods low in fat and calories,
wellness retreat, Ananda in The     against the magical backdrop         journey towards discovering       emphasising whole grains,
Himalayas, to offer a first of      of the Baa Atoll in the Maldives,    the inner self aided by ancient   fresh fruits and vegetables,
its kind wellbeing experience.      beckons guests to come as they       wellness practices and a          lean proteins, low-fat dairy
The collaboration begins in         are.                                 retreat to places of solace       products, and the avoidance of
January 2022 and combines                                                where tranquil nature and         added or artificial salts, colours,
the confluence of the majestic      Mohamed Ashraf, General              nurturing care create lasting     flavours, or preservatives.
Himalayas and the expansive         Manager of The Nautilus              transformations,” says Mahesh
Indian Ocean.                       Maldives says: “With the             Natarajan, Chief Operating        Further, a unique multi-day
                                    recent events and changed            Officer, Ananda in the            Ananda Wellness Retreat at The
Ananda, located in the              life circumstances, health           Himalayas. “The partnering of     Nautilus is already in the works
tranquil Himalayan foothills,       awareness and a sustainable          Ananda’s wellness expertise       for April 2022. The retreat will
is renowned for its traditional     lifestyle are becoming               with bespoke luxury from The      introduce Ananda experts in                                        SCAN TO DOWNLOAD
Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation and      increasingly important for           Nautilus across two magical       residence at The Nautilus from                                     HOTELIER MALDIVES
Vedanta with transformational       our guests. Therefore, we are        destinations presents a unique    April 7 to 11, 2022, conducting                                      MEDIA KIT 2022
wellness programmes,                delighted to have found such         and immersive opportunity to      daily classes, workshops
guided by leading experts in        a strong partner in the field of     our global patrons.”              and guided sessions in yoga,
these fields. Meanwhile, The        holistic wellbeing and to further                                      meditation and presenting
Nautilus is known as one the        enhance the wellness journey         As part of the partnership,       Ananda’s gourmet wellness
most bespoke private island         of our guests together with the      guests at The Nautilus will be    cuisine.

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A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives
NEW OPENINGS     BY NAZ A NAZEEM                                                                                                                NEW OPENINGS    BY NAZ A NAZEEM

Maldives to See Twelve New
Resort Openings in 2022
After eight exciting openings this                                     Madifushi Private Island
year, the Maldives is set to see the                                   Madifushi is a 16-hectare nature centric island in Meemu Atoll
opening of twelve new properties in                                    boasting 200 rooms either set amongst the tropical flora and
                                                                       fauna, the beach or over-water. All villas and suites are complete
the upcoming year, an addition of 1572                                 with a terrace that leads to a private pool with access to the palm-     Emerald Faarufushi Resort & Spa                                          OBLU Xperience Ailafushi
                                                                       fringed beach or perched over the Indian Ocean with either a
rooms. With these new properties,                                      sunset or sunrise view.                                                  Emerald Collection’s second property in the Maldives, Emerald            Oblu Xperience Ailafushi, opening in March 2022, is all about
                                                                                                                                                Faarufushi is expected to open to guests on 1st May 2022. Located        immersion in a free-spirited Maldivian vibe. In the local language
the total number of registered resorts                                                                                                          at the northern tip of Raa Atoll, the resort features 80 independent     of Dhivehi, ‘Aila’ means family and ‘Fushi’ means island. True to its
                                                                                                                                                villas. A private dock leads to 39 Water Villas with Pool and three      name, this 268-villa resort brings a fresh, experiential environment
in Maldives is expected to reach 179                                                                                                            Superior Water Villas with Pool. There are also 27 Beach Villas, 10 of   where guests can enjoy an island escape. Guests can join a group
                                                                                                                                                which are with private pools, along with 10 Family Beach Villas with     Zumba class or book a 3D movie at The Dome, a futuristic 15-metre
resorts. Most of these new openings                                                                                                             Pool and one Presidential Beach Villa.                                   entertainment centre available from July 2022. Alternatively, they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         can choose to socialise with like-minded souls at La Promenade,
are located in Male’ Atoll, followed by                                                                                                                                                                                  offering exhilarating retail and café options, or experience alfresco
Raa Atoll and South Ari Atoll.                                                                                                                                                                                           dining at The Copper Pot Truck, offering fresh seafood.

                                                                       Avani + Fares Maldives
                                                                       Making its debut in August 2022, Avani + Fares brings relaxed
                                                                       contemporary charm to one of the world’s dreamiest island
                                                                       destinations. Located in Baa Atoll, the resort is comprised of 200
                                                                                                                                                Nova Maldives
                                                                       guest rooms, including standard rooms and a selection of villas.
                                                                       Facilities include an all-day restaurant, a speciality restaurant, the   With a modern All-Inclusive Community Concept, Nova Maldives
                                                                       Pantry designer deli, AvaniSpa, AvaniKids and a large swimming           offers a laidback retreat in South Ari Atoll. Smart, playful, rooted
                                                                       pool and pool bar.                                                       and responsible, Nova Maldives embodies the very essence of the
                                                                                                                                                Pulse Hotels & Resorts brand, infusing genuine hospitality with a
                                                                                                                                                human touch and innovative solutions that make use of the latest
                                                                                                                                                technology – not to mention a playful spirit. The resort features
Hilton Maldives                                                                                                                                 76 villas in ten different categories. There are five restaurants and
                                                                                                                                                bars, Eskape Spa and a variety of recreational activities.
Amingiri Resort & Spa
The 109 all-villa Hilton Maldives Amingiri is a family-friendly
getaway in Male’ Atoll. This is the fourth resort under the Hilton’s
portfolio of brands in the Maldives, joining Waldorf Astoria
Maldives Ithaafushi, Conrad Maldives Rangali Island and SAii
Lagoon Maldives, Curio Collection by Hilton. The resort features                                                                                                                                                         Alila Kothaifaru Maldives
six restaurants and bars, as well as a spa and wellness center and a
pool. Hilton Amingiri is set to open in the second quarter of 2022.                                                                                                                                                      Opening early 2022, Alila Kothaifaru Maldives will offer guests
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         serenity and adventure in Raa Atoll. Guests can enjoy spectacular
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sunrise or sunset views from one of the 80 beachfront and
Maniya Faru Resort                                                                                                                                                                                                       overwater villas or dive excursions to Hanifaru Bay, a UNESCO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         World Biosphere Reserve.
Located in South Male’ Atoll, the island of Maniya Faru will join
sister property Reethi Faru Resort at the end of next year. The        Six Senses Kanuhura
luxury resort features 110 seafront villas, an ala carte restaurant,                                                                            Oblu Select Lobigili                                                     ZAZZ Island Maldives
and an overwater spa.                                                  The Six Senses brand will add Kanuhura in Lhaviyani atoll to their
                                                                       portfolio in late 2022. Six Senses Kanuhura will offer 80 private        Opening in February 2022, Oblu Select Lobigili is an adults-             Located in South Ari Atoll, ZAZZ Island Maldives is part of ZAZZ
                                                                       overwater, beach and spacious family villas offering sunset or           only haven ideal for a chilled-out getaway. Lobigili translates          Escapes collection and is set to open in Q3 2022. The property
Amari Kudakurathu Maldives                                             sunrise views. Encompassing three private islands – two deserted         from Dhivehi as ‘Island of Love.’ There are 68 vibrant chic beach        is designed to take guests on a journey of discovery and fun – a
                                                                       neighbouring islands and Kanuhura itself – this laid-back retreat        and overwater villas and an underwater restaurant, Only Blu              choice to disconnect or share adventures while scene shifting
With 200 keys, Amari is set to open its second resort in September     is the epitome of white sands, turquoise lagoons, lush tropical          Underwater Restaurant. The unique, multi-sensory culinary                back to nature, without giving up the human privileges of comfort
2022. Amari Kudakurathu is situated in the pristine Raa Atoll.         greenery and gently swaying palm trees to doze under.                    journey features gourmet cuisine set against a colourful backdrop        and convenience. ZAZZ island offers a choice of six dining venues,
                                                                                                                                                of marine life.                                                          a wellness centre and 101 overwater and beach villas.

12    www.hotelier.mv                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ISSUE 56 HOTELIER MALDIVES   13
A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives

 Apr 5 – 6, 2022                                                       HOW TO BE COMPETITIVE IN 2022                                           INTERNATIONAL HOTEL TECHNOLOGY
Marina Bay Sands Singapore
Singapore, Singapore
                                                                        Thu, Apr 14, 2022 – 8:00 PM
                                                                       HN Summit Series - The REVENUEMANAGER - Season 2 - Episode #2
                                                                                                                                               FORUM (IHTF) 2022                                                       HICSA 2022
                                                                                                                                                Apr 27 – 28, 2022                                                       Apr 6 – 7, 2022
Brought to you by the most experienced name in MICE events,            The pandemic has obviously changed a lot. New technology has            TBA                                                                     Grand Hyatt
IBTM Asia Pacific provides a gateway to the Asia Pacific meetings,     evolved, travel behavior has changed, guests’ needs are different.      Madrid, Spain                                                           Mumbai, India
incentives, conferences and events market. Meet with a curated         How should hoteliers respond to this new reality? How can we
mix of industry suppliers and pre-qualified hosted buyers and be       ensure the hotel remains competitive in 2022 and beyond?                With COVID slowly coming under control, Arena International are         The Hotel Investment Conference-South Asia (HICSA), since
inspired by content that will help elevate your events.                                                                                        delighted to announce the return of our IHTF in physical format.        its inaugural edition in 2005, has been an unequalled gathering
                                                                       About HNtv Summit Series                                                Coming to Vienna in April,                                              platform for the hospitality industry the world over. The
IBTM Asia Pacific is the leading event for the meetings and events                                                                                                                                                     conference is valued for its content-rich sessions and excellent
industry in the region bringing together a high calibre group                                                                                  Connecting over 200 C-Suite delegates to discuss the latest             networking opportunities attracting the hospitality industry’s
                                                                       As the trusted voice for professionals in global hospitality, HNtv
of international, APAC regional and local meeting planners and                                                                                 challenges and innovation of technological advancement in the           top brands, hotel owners, bankers, developers, and professional
                                                                       Summit Series play a critical role in leading the conversation
exhibitors for two days of pre-scheduled one-to-one business                                                                                   hospitality sector.                                                     advisors from around the globe.
                                                                       on the future of our industry. The Series brings together key
meetings, education and networking. The event is under-
                                                                       decision-makers and influential thinkers from across the sector,
pinned by IBTM’s sophisticated, industry-leading Hosted Buyer                                                                                  with hospitality one of the worst hit during the pandemic but not       The 17th edition of the Hotel Investment Conference-South
                                                                       as we continue to drive the conversation forward bringing people
programme which creates personalised appointment diaries for                                                                                   on the mend; the event will bring together hoteliers, management        Asia (HICSA) is scheduled to be held on 6th and 7th April 2022
                                                                       together and creating new pathways to interact and connect.
Hosted Buyers and exhibitors to ensure that delegates only meet                                                                                companies, OTAs, and solution providers to discuss the learnings        at the Grand Hyatt Mumbai. While the previous edition sought
                                                                       Click here to see the full schedule of upcoming episodes.
people with whom there’s a very good chance of doing business.                                                                                 and challenges of 2021, how technology is helping transform             to understand the damage caused by the pandemic, this edition
                                                                                                                                               the hotel industry while looking forward to in enhancing guest          of HICSA will be centred around Resilience. Two of the most
This event is organized by RX                                                                                                                  experience to increasing revenue and driving profitability.             challenging years in recent times will soon be behind us, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       notwithstanding the sparks of hope that have highlighted this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       unprecedented period, it is imperative that we understand the
                                                                                                                                               This event is organized by Arena International Events Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       road to a complete recovery. We are proud to share that this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       edition of HICSA will feature 45% new speakers and another
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       10-15% who have graced the HICSA stage only once before. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       conference is unique and special this year as for the very first time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       it showcases an impressive gender representation with more than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       20% of speakers being inspiring women. A collection of keynote
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       addresses, group and panel discussions will tell the story of the
                                                                       ARABIAN TRAVEL MARKET 2022                                                                                                                      ordeal we continue to face and the ongoing journey of hospitality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       towards better days. The theme of this year’s conference is about
ITB INDIA                                                               May 8 – 11, 2022                                                                                                                               that journey where the collective focus is on working at it harder,
 Apr 5 – 6, 2022                                                       Dubai World Trade Centre                                                                                                                        trying to make it better, doing it faster, making us all stronger -
https://www.itb-india.com/                                             Dubai, United Arab Emirates                                                                                                                     Harder, Better, Faster and Stronger.

ITB India 2022 will be an all-virtual event with the physical show     At Arabian Travel Market, we connect you, the global travel trade,
                                                                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALITY                                               The HICSA organizing committee is extremely grateful to all the
postponed to 2023. Scheduled on the same dates, ITB India 2022         with an insight of how the industry will look in the next five years,   INVESTMENT FORUM (IHIF) 2022                                            speakers, sponsors, supporters, and delegates for showing your
Virtual will be held from 5 – 7 April 2022. After close observations   share innovations, and create endless business opportunities over        May 3 – 5, 2022                                                        trust in us and extending your continuous support and looks
of international developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, the            the course of four days.                                                                                                                        forward to welcoming all of you at HICSA 2022.
spread of the Omicron variant, and extensive conversations with
local authorities and partners, the show organisers made the
                                                                                                                                               Berlin, Germany                                                         This event is organized by Hotelivate Private Limited
                                                                       Our conference programme is specifically created with you in
difficult decision to move the show completely virtual, which now      mind. Hear from top motivational speakers, entrepreneurs, and           IHIF is the place where the global hotel community meets;
gives exhibitors and trade visitors maximum planning security.         leadership figures from a variety of sectors such as Destinations,      where it joins together as one. This is what always sets IHIF
                                                                       Travel Technology, Airlines, Cruise, Hospitality, Car Rental, Hotels    apart and makes it distinct. This year’s event, which gathered
ITB India Virtual brings together key travel industry leaders          and Hospitality.                                                        over 1,200 senior leaders, was held on the 1-3 September at the
and international exhibitors from various segments of MICE,                                                                                    InterContinental Berlin, and arguably carried more meaning than
Leisure, Corporate and Travel Technology. The B2B virtual event        You’ll also find practical tips and simple innovations from             in years past. It is proof that as an industry we can set the example
builds the bridge to the Indian and South Asian travel markets,        exhibitors and new products being showcased exclusively at ATM.         for the world to travel and convene —confidently and safely.
offering three full days of virtual business appointments and
digital conference programme. After the virtual trade show, all        For the first time ever, ATM 2021 was a hybrid event with an in-        Over 180 industry-leading speakers took to the stage, addressing
conference sessions will remain online until 6 May 2022, and           person show in the Dubai World Trade Centre and a virtual event         both the challenges and the plethora of opportunities that
all registered participants have full access to the conference         which took place the following week designed for those who could        have come out of the pandemic, including Tony Capuano, CEO,
recordings. With ITB Community in Asia (ITB Community), the            not attend the show in Dubai. Our visitors contributed to what          Marriott International, Dillip Rajakarier, CEO, Minor Hotel Group,
organiser had already established a global virtual platform for the    was an incredible and successful event, so thank you again for          Christopher Nassetta, President & CEO, Hilton, Christopher
tourism industry where exhibitors can successfully leverage on         attending and we look forward to seeing you in 2022.                    Norton, CEO, Equinox Hotels, David Kong, CEO, BWH Hotel Group
virtual appointments with Indian and South Asian travel buyers
                                                                                                                                               , Federico J González, CEO, Radisson Hotel Group, Hubert Viriot,
and international delegates.
                                                                                                                                               CEO, Yotel, Patrick Pacious, President & CEO, Choice Hotels
                                                                                                                                               International and Sébastien Bazin, Chairman & CEO, Accor. To
This virtual event is organized by Messe Berlin GmbH                                                                                           view our speaker line-up in full please click here.

                                                                                                                                               This event is organized by Questex

14    www.hotelier.mv                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ISSUE 56 HOTELIER MALDIVES   15
A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives

South Palm
                                                                                                                                              deck with a daybed and direct
                                                                                                                                              access to the lagoon. Lastly, the
                                                                                                                                              resort’s newest accommodation
                                                                                                                                              option is the exclusive Over-
                                                                                                                                              Water Pool Villa, perfect for
                                                                                                                                              honeymooners seeking a great

Resort Maldives
                                                                                                                                              view, utmost privacy plus a
                                                                                                                                              spacious 75sqm room.


                                                                                                                                              At the resort’s main restaurant
                                                                                                                                              Banyan, guests are spoiled for

- Addu Atoll’s Secluded Gem
                                                                                                                                              choice with mouth-watering
                                                                                                                                              buffets for breakfast, lunch and
                                                                                                                                              dinner. You will find traditional
                                                                                                                                              Maldivian cuisines as well as
                                                                                                                                              international cuisines. The
                                                                                                                                              experience comes with amazing
                                                                                                                                              views of the Indian Ocean.
With several dive
sites, rich history and                                                                                                                       After dinner, head over to
captivating views,                                                                                                                            the poolside Moodhu Bar for
                                                                                                                                              your favourite cocktails and
Addu Atoll is one                                                                                                                             entertainment till midnight.
of the most unique                                                                                                                            Close to Water Villas, the
                                                                                                                                              Kanduolhi Bar is the perfect
locations in the                                                                                                                              setting for a sunset cocktail                                                                              ACTIVITIES
Maldives. With every                                                                                                                          or an afternoon snack. It also
                                                                                                                                              features a large barbecue for                                                                              Due to its pristine location in
island passed, there’s                                                                                                                        grilling delicious meats and                                                                               Addu Atoll, guests at South Palm
a different story                                                                                                                             fish and is the ideal place for                                                                            Resort Maldives will never run
                                                                                                                                              special events. Furthermore,                                                                               out of things to do. They have a
to tell. For those                                                                                                                            if you are in the mood to stay                                                                             choice of thirty different diving
looking to discover                                                                                                                           in, count on the staff to deliver                                                                          spots to explore, including the
                                                                                                                                              your meal to your villa. In-villa                                                                          popular British Loyalty wreck.
these experiences                                                                                                                             dining is available 24 hours. On                                                                           Other activities on water
and seeking serenity,                                                                                                                         special requests, the resort also                                                                          include windsurfing, kayaking,
                                                                                                                                              arranges candlelight dinners                                                                               private snorkelling, kite surfing
South Palm Resort                                                                                                                             and beach BBQ dinners.                                                                                     and etc.
Maldives offers an
                                                                                                                                              WELLNESS                                                                                                   Throughout the week, the
unforgettable stay                                                                                                                                                                experience takes a new level of    The Kurumba Spa Signature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         resort has a list of daily
                                                                                                                                                                                  different, with its Kurumba Spa    massage is a favourite
and is currently the                                                                                                                          The Maldives is a well-known        floating on a freshwater lagoon!   among guests. It is a relaxing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         activities, such as sunset fishing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         on Mondays and Maldivian
only private island                                                   The resort’s natural beauty is     The Sunrise Villa is its most
                                                                                                                                              wellness destination, home to                                          combination of four massages,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         nights on Fridays. For a taste of
                        BOOKING                                                                                                               a variety of spas; some perched     Guests are taken to the floating   starting with a 30-minute long
resort open in the                                                    enriched by a freshwater lake      affordable accommodation             over the water while others         spa rooms on a traditional         strokes and deep skin massage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the rich culture and heritage in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the area, take an Addu City tour
Atoll.                  Guests can book directly                      on the island and its proximity
                                                                      to local islands.
                                                                                                         category, featuring stylish
                                                                                                         interiors; sleek lines and soft
                                                                                                                                              are located within the lush         dhoni. A wide range of sessions    and ending with a 30-minute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and visit Gan the former RAF
                                  with the resort online and                                                                                  greenery or the beach. At South     are available including Balinese   reflexology to give you a feeling
                                                                                                         linen within the 50sqm space.                                                                                                                   base or visit Hulhumeedhoo
                                  through email reservations@                                                                                 Palm Resort Maldives, wellness      and Ayurvedic treatments.          of overall comfort.
                                                                      After your arrival at Velana       Located deeper within the                                                                                                                       island, where you can see
                                  southpalmresort.com. Rates
                                                                      International Airport (VIA), you   greenery are Palm Villas that are                                                                                                               some of the Second World War
                                  range from USD 270 per
                                                                      are provided complimentary         the same size as Sunrise Villas,                                                                                                                remains near the beach area
                                  night to USD 700 per night
                                                                      access to the VIP lounge.          but a just a few steps from                                                                                                                     and the oldest cemetery in the
                                  on full board during high
                                                                      From VIA, it takes a 70-minute     the beach. The most popular                                                                                                                     country “Koagannu”. You can
                                  season. The resort has also
                                                                      domestic flight to Gan             choice among guests are Beach                                                                                                                   also hire a skilled photographer
                                  curated a selection of added-
                                                                      International Airport and a        Villas, where you can enjoy                                                                                                                     from the resort to capture these
                                  value packages with special
                                                                      further ten-minute scenic          the spectacular Indian Ocean                                                                                                                    amazing moments or head to
                                  entitlements that are tailored to
                                                                      speedboat ride to the island.      sunsets right from your 65sqm                                                                                                                   the resort’s souvenir shop for
                                  guests’ personal needs.
                                                                      Guests can also fly directly to    villa and private beach. If you’re                                                                                                              some incredible mementos.
                                                                      Gan International Airport from     travelling with children, the
                                  LOCATION AND                        Bandaranaike International         100sqm Family Villas are located                                                                                                                At the end of your stay at South
                                  GETTING THERE                       Airport, Colombo via Sri Lankan    next to the Kids’ Park, where                                                                                                                   Palm Resort Maldives, you’ll be
                                                                      Airlines from November 2021.       various fun-filled activities are                                                                                                               packing countless unforgettable
                                  Situated in a secluded corner of                                       planned for them with 24-hour                                                                                                                   memories and rich local
                                  the southernmost Addu Atoll,                                           babysitting service.                                                                                                                            experiences to take back home
                                                                      ACCOMMODATION                                                                                                                                                                      with you.
                                  South Palm Resort Maldives
                                  is surrounded by stunning                                              Perched above the azure water,
                                                                      South Palm Resort                  Water Villas are 70sqm and
                                  ocean views, a beautiful beach
                                                                      Maldives offers six different      feature a modern wooden
                                  and lush tropical vegetation.
                                                                      accommodation options.

16    www.hotelier.mv                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ISSUE 56 HOTELIER MALDIVES   17
A Talent for Hospitality - Hotelier Maldives

A Talent for
                                                                          Tourism and its Impact on Employment
                                                                          Over the past fifty years, the     pandemic, total arrivals plunged   After 2021 concluded with over
                                                                          tourism and hospitality industry   to its lowest in fifteen years,    1.3 million arrivals, the year
                                                                          has brought tremendous             affecting thousands of jobs.       2022 looked optimistic for the
                                                                          prosperity and progress to                                            industry. As of January 2022,
                                                                          the country. It is the largest     The Resort Employee Survey         the Maldives had 162 resorts,

                                                                          sector of Maldives’ economy        conducted by National Bureau       10 hotels, 146 liveaboards and
                                                                          providing for more than 22.3       of Statistics in 2019 revealed     623 guesthouses across the
                                                                          per cent of the country’s GDP      that an estimated 44,954           country representing the broad
                                                                          and more than one-third            employees were working in the      nature of the industry in this
                                                                          of the government revenue          147 tourist resorts. The Survey    small island nation where the
                                                                          (source: Tourism Yearbook 2021,    conducted in 2020 showed that      local population is only 540,000.
                                                                          Ministry of Tourism).              there were 48,664 employees        Monthly arrivals exceeded
                                                                                                             employed in the 155 resorts        109,000 tourists in January.
                                                                          Consumption expenditures           at the beginning of the year.
                                                                          of tourists provide direct         This is an 8 percent increase      However, as per research
                                                                          or indirect employment             between the nine-month period      conducted by the government
                                                                          opportunities in the tourism       from April 2019 to January 2020.   and other agencies, there is
                                                                          industry. The rapid growth of      During the lockdown from           a massive shortfall of local
Maldives opened its door              Twenty-five years later, in 1997,   international tourism has led to   March to July 2020, the number     manpower for tourism services
                                      the island nation welcomed the      numerous job creations within      of employees mid-year (June)       compared with the increasing
to international tourists
                                      first internationally branded       the country. Tourism can create    2020 stood at 4,713, based on      number of tourists. The key
in 1972 with the opening              resort in the Maldives, Hilton      employment directly through        the operational staff active at    to sustained and sustainable
of the first resort in the            Maldives Resort and Spa. The        resorts, hotels, restaurants,      46 resorts. At the end of 2020,    growth of Maldives tourism
country, Kurumba Village.             entrance of international           and souvenir sales and             there were 35,887 employees        sector is internationally
                                      hotel brands had challenged         indirectly through the supply      employed in 140 resorts.           competitive and flexible
At the time, this remote
                                      the country’s talent pool to        of commodities needed by                                              enterprises built on the quality
archipelago was only                  meet exacting and demanding         tourism-related businesses.                                           of their products and services,
                                                                                                             A recent report by the Ministry
inhabited by fisher folk              standards to meet new                                                  of Economic Development            and delivered by a workforce
and was unknown to the                performance benchmarks.             From 2009 until 2019, the          states that out of the 181,144     that is trained to a high
outside world and with                                                    Maldives benefited from            total employed population          standard and able to develop
                                      Maldives’ solid reputation          a steady growth in tourist         in the Maldives, the service       and grow within the workplace.
no foreign investment                 for luxury tourism and the          arrivals. In fact, the number      sector represents almost 74
to speak of. There was                ongoing expansion of tourist        of arrivals almost tripled over    per cent. The report goes on
only a small airstrip                 infrastructure bodes well           the period from 2000 to 2019.      to mention that a total of 3,769
on Hulhule’ Island (the               for medium-term growth.             The year 2020 began with the       individuals reported to have
                                      Nonetheless, high dependence        same momentum, with January        been terminated from their
present international                 on tourism and limited              recording a 14 per cent increase   jobs, of which approximately 50
airport), developed with              near-term prospects for             in arrivals compared to January    per cent took place in tourist
the labor of volunteering             diversification mean that           2019. However, due to the          resorts.
men and women from the                the economy remains highly
                                      vulnerable to external shocks.
country, with no regular              Addressing skills mismatches
flights.                              in the labor market can enable
                                      more Maldivians to reap the
                                      benefits from growth.

18    www.hotelier.mv                                                                                                                                                               ISSUE 56 HOTELIER MALDIVES   19

The Challenges in Developing Talent                                                                                                         Actions and Solutions
A variety of factors create        Gender                            However, it seems that this
                                                                                                        Education                           Now the big question              Training Needs                      vessels). With an increase of       The study (Training Needs
                                                                     issue has improved greatly                                                                                                                   35,000 beds according to the        Analysis of the Tourism Sector)
challenges in developing                                                                                                                    comes down to what is
the local talent pool.             Imbalance                         compared to the past. In a
                                                                     percent Women in Hospitality
                                                                                                        System                              being done, as one of             Analysis of the                     Strategic Action Plan 2019-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2023 and an assumed even
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      also identified initial skill gaps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and training requirements. It
The geography of the
                                   The Resort Employee Survey
                                                                     (published in Hotelier Maldives)
                                                                                                        Many industry professionals
                                                                                                                                            the world’s most sought           Tourism Sector                      distribution over the three         revealed that the private sector
Maldives, the gender               of 2020 confirms that tourist
                                                                     interview with Farsa Saeed,
                                                                                                        would agree with Hussain            after tourist destinations                                            accommodation categories,           and industry organizations
                                                                     Sales Manager at St Regis                                                                                                                    86,519 workers will be required     have identified that there
imbalance and the                  resorts have remained and                                            Shahid, Executive Assistant         struggle with finding             With the recent development
                                                                     Maldives Vommuli Resort,                                                                                 pattern in the Maldives showing     by 2023. This is excluding the      are skill gaps and training
education system are               continue to be a male dominant
                                                                     said, “Initially there were a
                                                                                                        Manager, Holiday Inn Resort         manpower.                                                             turnover rates. The survey also     requirements in the following
                                   sector where 88 per cent are                                         Kandooma; when he said in a                                           an imbalance between labor
some of the main factors.                                            lot of raised eyebrows and                                                                               demand and supply, the              reveals that no employment          areas: soft skills, information
                                   men, with only 12 per cent                                           recent interview with Hotelier
                                                                     judgment from society for                                                                                                                    growth has been foreseen for        communication and technology
                                   of the employees as women.
                                                                     leaving family behind and living
                                                                                                        Maldives that the Maldives is       Regulations                       Government is implementing
                                                                                                                                                                              the “Maldives: Enhancing            the travel agency sector, as it     skills, e-commerce and digital
Geography                          Among males only 40 per cent
                                   were locals and among female
                                                                     among strangers on a remote
                                                                                                        quite behind in education when
                                                                                                        compared to many countries.                                           Employability and Resilience        appears overstaffed at present      marketing, financial literacy and
                                                                     island. I believe we have come                                         The regulation of the                                                 levels with a lot of in-active      bookkeeping, language, culinary
                                   employees only 3 per cent were                                       “You cannot change some                                               of Youth (MEERY)” project.
The bed capacity of the                                              very far from mere five years                                          Ministry of Tourism limits                                            businesses.                         arts and food production,
                                   locals.                                                              people’s paradigms once they                                          The objective of the project is
Maldives has increased from                                          ago. There are more and more                                           the employment of foreigners                                                                              event management, safety,
                                                                                                        are sixteen or eighteen years                                         to improve the relevance of
18,730 in 2000 to 51,827 in                                          women joining the industry and                                         to a 45:55 ratio of total                                             Findings on the resort labor        tour guiding, water sports
                                                                                                        old. You need to start from the                                       technical and vocational skills
2020. From this, over 70 per       There are cultural and            defying gender stereotyping –                                          tourism employees, although                                                                               activities and guesthouse
                                                                                                        bottom of the educational level.”                                     and foster entrepreneurship         market indicates that the
cent of the beds are from          social taboos against female      proving that women can make a                                          this percentage can be                                                                                    management. Identifying these
                                                                                                        Shahid stated that schools                                            to promote youth employment         occupation of Chefs/Cooks
resorts. However, the problem      employment in the tourism and     difference here too. In terms of                                       increased or decreased when                                                                               gaps is a step forward into
                                                                                                        in Maldives need to provide                                           in priority sectors. As a step of   remains the most important
is noticeable when we look         hospitality sector in Maldives.   opportunities, I have received                                         necessary. Work permits                                                                                   providing the industry with a
                                                                                                        students at a young age the                                           this project, a national study      in the future with growing
at the distribution of these       The accommodation and             many in the past few years                                             are granted on employers’                                                                                 quality labor market which in
                                                                                                        chance to experience and learn                                        - ‘Training Needs Analysis          difficulties to find staff. This
resorts by atolls. Over 32 per     tourism sector occupations        which have helped me grow in                                           request by the Ministry of                                                                                return will contribute towards
                                                                                                        what working at a resort is like.                                     for the Tourism Sector’ was         is followed by Food and
cent of the beds are in Male’      have a negative connotation       my role.”                                                              Economic Development with                                                                                 enhancement of the country’s
                                                                                                        He also said that educational                                         compiled by MEERY Project           Beverage services, Diving
Atoll, followed by Alifu Dhaalu    that prompts parents to                                                                                  the possibility of renewal.                                                                               tourism industry.
                                                                                                        institutions should focus more                                        Consultant Mr. Kai Partale and      Instructors and Housekeepers.
with 11 per cent and Raa with      discourage their daughters                                                                               The Ministry of Economic
                                                                     The tourism and hospitality        on integrating education and                                          was published in March 2020.        Furthermore, when looking at
8.9 per cent. These changes are    from seeking employment                                                                                  Development has the exclusive
                                                                     industry can only be fully         work experience.                                                      The study aimed to find out         the reasons why resort workers      Of note are also the several
mainly present due to lack of      in this sector. Travel to                                                                                authority to issue work permits
                                                                     exploited when the local                                                                                 which jobs were available in the    left their jobs voluntarily, job    solutions for women’s’
accessibility and poor domestic    resort islands, double shifts,                                                                           to foreigners and record the
                                                                     workforce, including women,                                                                              tourism industry, the interests     opportunities from competitors      participation in the labor
transportation in certain areas.   necessary in accommodation                                           Furthermore, there are many         permits issued.
                                                                     participates in it.                                                                                      of youth, the required level of     was the main reason, followed       market offered in the study.
As a result, many young talents    operation, are another major                                         courses that are not available
                                                                                                                                                                              training, how to engage more        by low salary and lack of career    This included establishing
in local islands are unable to     obstacle disrupting family life                                      here in the Maldives or offer       Furthermore, as stated in the     women in the industry and           advancement.                        women and family-friendly
receive the opportunities that     for married women, as is the                                         poor quality of education. There    Maldives Government Strategic     which programmes are of need                                            work conditions (eg: with
those in more developed areas      necessity of providing official                                      are also cases where many           Action Plan 2019-2023, the        to the industry.                    The report also found that          programmes of transportation
in the Maldives receive.           transportation from and to the                                       young locals are not well aware     Government intends to                                                 academic qualifications are         to nearby resort islands),
                                   island workplace so that women                                       of the courses and institutions     increase the representation of
                                                                                                                                                                              The study identified some           required most for positions in      providing targeted gender-
                                   can commute to work instead of                                       in the country.                     Maldivians, particularly women
                                                                                                                                                                              critical issues within the          Resort Management, Human            sensitive training, conducting
                                   staying at the resort island.                                                                            in tourism related employment,
                                                                                                                                                                              industry to help formulate          Resource Management,                gender-focused projects in
                                                                                                                                            and address issues relating to                                        Accounting & Finance,               tourism, supporting local
                                                                                                                                                                              recommendations in various
                                                                                                                                            employment rights through                                             and Medical Services. The           tourism development and more.
                                                                                                                                                                              human resource areas such
                                                                                                                                            introduction of minimum wage,                                         proportion of diploma level
                                                                                                                                                                              as skills analysis, recruitment,
                                                                                                                                            regulation of service charge,                                         qualifications is relatively high
                                                                                                                                                                              selection, labor demand in
                                                                                                                                            and strengthening labor rights.                                       in positions such as Front
                                                                                                                                                                              certain occupational areas,
                                                                                                                                                                              and training and development.       Office, Spa & Wellness, Clinic
                                                                                                                                                                              These issues included the           / Health Center, Powerhouse,
                                                                                                                                                                              tourism and hospitality industry    Diving and Water Sports.
                                                                                                                                                                              not being an attractive industry    Certificates are predominantly
                                                                                                                                                                              to work in, low awareness of        held in Transportation,
                                                                                                                                                                              career paths in the industry        Maintenance, and
                                                                                                                                                                              and not utilizing local training    Housekeeping
                                                                                                                                                                              providers.                          positions.

                                                                                                                                                                              According to a survey carried       In general,
                                                                                                                                                                              out from a cross-section of the     the higher the
                                                                                                                                                                              industry, the employee/bed          positions were, the
                                                                                                                                                                              ratio has been estimated at 1.2     higher percentage
                                                                                                                                                                              person per bed for the resort       of staff holding a
                                                                                                                                                                              sector, 0.68 person per bed for     diploma, bachelor’s, and a
                                                                                                                                                                              the guesthouse sector and 0.48      postgraduate degree. It is also
                                                                                                                                                                              person per bed for the hotel        interesting to note that front
                                                                                                                                                                              sector. With a total of 45,988      line staff, or those directly in
                                                                                                                                                                              registered beds in 2019, 49,129     contact with guests, generally
                                                                                                                                                                              workers are required across         had a higher education degree
                                                                                                                                                                              the three accommodation             than those who did not.
                                                                                                                                                                              sub-sectors (excluding safari

20    www.hotelier.mv                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ISSUE 56 HOTELIER MALDIVES   21

Educational Institutions
The main educational         Centers on other islands.    Zeenath Solih - Dean, Faculty        while they are doing internships
                                                          of Hospitality and Tourism           at the resort.”
and training institutions    The Training Needs
                                                          Studies, The Maldives National
in the Maldives tourism      Analysis report stated       University, informed the             Challenges in sourcing and
and hospitality industry     that MNU partners with       audience during the third panel      retaining the human resources
are Maldives National        IHG Maamunagau for           discussion at Hotelier Maldives      required for the hospitality
                                                          GM Forum 2021, “One of the           industry has increased during
University, Villa College,   a duration of 240 – 720
                                                          systems we have implemented          post-pandemic. However, it
Clique College, Maps         hours depending on the       in Maldives National University      has also been an issue that has
College, and Maldives        programme and Villa          is outreach centers. Individual      been ‘lurking’ to surface. It is
Polytechnic. While Male’     college with Villa Hotels,   resorts, if they are willing, can    critical that solutions to these
                                                          sign a MoU with us to conduct        challenges be imagined now
is the main location for     diveOceanus, and Q
                                                          our approved programs at the         and plans and strategies drawn
education and training,      Adventures for a duration    resort. And if their lecturers are   to realize them.
MNU, Villa College and       of four weeks.               fully qualified based on MQA
Maldives Polytechnic also                                 standards, this is one way they
                                                          could recruit employees. They
offer courses at Regional
                                                          could find local talent from
Campuses/Outreach                                         nearby islands and train them

22    www.hotelier.mv

50 on 50 :                                                                                                                               A NEW ECONOMIC ERA
                                                                                                                                         “The Maldives was very               see the potential and Bandos

MU Maniku, Chairman,
                                                                                                                                         different back then”, says           was built, closely followed by
                                                                                                                                         Maniku, “the country was poor,       Villingili.
                                                                                                                                         with less than 2.5 million in
                                                                                                                                         annual revenue. The streets          Word of the new island paradise
                                                                                                                                         of Male’ were just sand, boats       began to spread with tour
                                                                                                                                         were small sailing or rowing         operators venturing across

Universal Enterprises
                                                                                                                                         vessels and the airport was little   from Sri Lanka to investigate.
                                                                                                                                         more than a landing strip for        Once they had seen the allure
                                                                                                                                         cargo planes that brought in         they were quick to promote
                                                                                                                                         supplies via Ceylon”. In addition,   it, selling Maldives excursions
                                                                                                                                         a previous UN study had              to their European clientele.
                                                                                                                                         concluded that the Maldives          Swedish operator Vingresor was
                                                                                                                                         “lacked the infrastructure           one of the first, closely followed   The first tourists to the Maldives in 1972
                                                                                                                                         necessary to become a tourist
     To celebrate the 50th year of the Maldives                                                                                                                                                                                                         MU recalls supplies, equipment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and communication were all
     tourism industry, we are starting a new series                                                                                      None of this deterred them. And
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a challenge during the early
                                                                                                                                         bolstered by the success of the
     commemorating 50 leaders in the industry with                                                                                                                                                                                                      years. Everything had to be
                                                                                                                                         first group they dug into their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        done via morse code or ham
     the most impact, both in the past and looking                                                                                       own pockets pooling their skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        radio and local communication
                                                                                                                                         and resources to construct 30
     to the future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     was via walkie talkie and a huge
                                                                                                                                         rooms on what is now Kurumba
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        mast! Supplies had to be flown
                                                                                                                                         Maldives. The rooms were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in or put on cargo boats which
     The first segment features MU Maniku,                                                                                               simple, coral walls and coconut
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        were often unreliable.
                                                                                                                                         thatched roofs. A generator
     Chairman of Universal Resorts and Chairman                                                                                          was procured from Singapore
                                                                                                                                         and the labor came from                                                                                        With no investors to support
     of the Board of Maldives Association of Tourism                                                                                                                                                                                                    them, all the resorts were 100%
                                                                                                                                         themselves with the support of
     Industry (MATI).                                                                                                                    local craftsmen. The hard work                                                                                 Maldivian, built with hard work,
                                                                                                                                         and long days were sustained                                                                                   grit and determination, all
                                                                                                                                         by their drive and enthusiasm,                                                                                 profit was re-invested and long
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        hours were worked to keep the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   However, they also realized          places running. Desalination
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   that some professional help
PARADISE FOUND                                                                                                                                                                                                     was needed if they were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        plants proved to be a costly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        investment and the first one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   going to compete with their          broke down within weeks of
“Without tourism the           who of celebrities during          the Maldives the following        With no hotels, MU Manik and                                                                                   neighbors. This decision             its arrival, so, as MU explains,
                                                                  year. This was by no means        his friends put the tourists up in                                                                             resulted in the creation of a
Maldives would still           its 50 years of growth.                                                                                                                                                                                                  “we opened it up, examined the
                                                                  straight forward as the only      their homes; Maagiri, Luxwood                                                                                  small hotel school in Villingili     contents and set about finding
be a very poor and                                                method of communication           and Kaneeru Villa, taking them                                                                                 (albeit informal), in 1980
                               It all started when his friend                                                                                                                                                                                           the necessary spare parts and
undeveloped country,”                                             was morse code via Colombo!       out each day to explore the                                                                                    enlisting one of MU’s previous       programming information to
                               Ahmed Naseem, who was
says MU Maniku,                stationed in Ceylon (now Sri
                                                                  Despite the anxious waits         nearby islands to fish and swim.                                                                               classmates to run it, and            get it working. We tested out
                                                                  between messages the plan                                                                                                                        bringing across experts from
Maldives tourism pioneer       Lanka), appeared on a cargo                                                                                                                                                                                              all manner of parts and cobbled
                                                                  came together with Corbin and     The trip was a great success                                                                                   Sri Lanka to teach the locals the    them together. It wasn’t pretty
and Chairman of the            boat with an Italian tour          19 fellow Italian adventurers     and Corbin suggested that a                                                                                    arts and crafts of hospitality.
                               operator who was looking                                                                                                                                                                                                 but it worked and continued
Maldives Association of                                           flying from Italy to Ceylon and   resort was built so he could                                                                                   Additionally, experienced            working!”
                               for white sandy beaches and
Tourism Industry (MATI).       crystal-clear waters to swim
                                                                  onwards to the Maldives on        bring more people to enjoy                                                                                     Chefs from Germany were
                                                                  an Air Ceylon charter plane       “Paradise”.                                                                                                    recruited for Kurumba and
                               and fish in. Naseem introduced     arriving on 16th February 1972.                                                                                                                  the industry began to gain its
MU Maniku did not              the Italian George Corbin to
set out to be a tourism        MU Manik and another friend,
                               Hussain Afeef, and the three
professional, he initially     young men took pleasure in
studied agriculture in         hosting their Italian visitor,                                                                            and within 8 months the resort       by TUI, LTU, Kuoni and others.
Pakistan and was working       introducing him to the wonders                                                                            was finished. The first guests       In 1973, 3790 visitors arrived,
at the Ministry of             of the Maldivian islands and its                                                                          arrived on 3rd October 1972 and      mainly from Italy, Sweden and
                               underwater treasures. Corbin                                                                              the Maldives tourism industry        Germany.
Agriculture in 1971 when a     was enchanted, it was the                                                                                 was born.
chain of chance meetings       paradise he had been searching                                                                                                                 As there were no experienced
brought together three         for and he promised his new                                                                               At the time tourism in               hoteliers to run the resorts,
Maldivians and an Italian.     Maldivian friends he would be                                                                             Asia was flourishing with            everything was done by the
                               back and would bring more                                                                                 neighboring countries Ceylon         owners themselves and willing
They proceeded to              Italians with him.                                                                                        (now Sri Lanka), Thailand and        but equally untrained locals
carve out an industry                                                                                                                    Seychelles full of tourists and      with MU working as both chef
that would catapult the        Fuelled by youthful exuberance,                                                                           had flourishing economies.           and bartender for many years,
Maldivian archipelago          trust, and excitement, the                                                                                Consequently, the Maldives           fuelled by an insatiable drive to
onto the world stage and       four agreed on a plan to                                                                                  government and other local           give people the experience of a
                               bring a group of Italians to       MU Maniku and George Corbin                                            businessmen were quick to            lifetime.
attract a veritable who’s

24     www.hotelier.mv                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ISSUE 56 HOTELIER MALDIVES   25
50 ON 50

The airport was not built to        one would come, he decided to
cater for large aircraft so the     upgrade Kurumba. He hired a
ever-increasing number of           German architect, added a pool
flights bringing in both tourists   and more restaurants, and re-
and supplies had to come via        opened Kurumba in 1987, firmly
Sri Lanka. A new and improved       establishing it as a star class
airport was constructed and         property, a gamble that paid off.                                                                                                                 AVIATION SUPPLY
opened in 1981 with Condor          Other properties followed suit                                                                                     AIR EXPRESS               SERVICES & AIRLINE GENERAL
being the first to land, flying     creating the basis for the luxury                                                                                    FREIGHT                        AGENCY SERVICES
direct from Frankfurt to the        destination concept that the
Maldives. Landing a DC-10           Maldives is now synonymous
with 260 tourists on board,         with.
effectively making the Maldives
a destination in its own right      Initially the only islands
and opening up trade corridors      developed were those that
to fresh ingredients that would     could be reached by boat.
elevate the F&B offerings to a      However, once the helicopter
high end product.                   transfers were introduced, Ari
                                    Atoll became accessible and the
Promoting the destination           advent of the seaplane in 1993      Hulhule Airport in 1972                                                                                                       SERVICES FOR CRUISE
was the next challenge so           opened up other atolls to the                                                                                                         BUNKERING                  LINES, SUPER YACHTS &
in 1983 the group journeyed         tourist industry.                                                                                                                                                     NAVAL SHIPS
to Germany to see what the
ITB in Berlin could offer. Sri
Lanka already had a stand. So
the following year, in 1984 the
Maldives had its own stand
and the relationships with tour
operators grew.

In the early years the Maldives
was a cheap destination that                                                                                                                          INTER ATOLL                     INTERNATIONAL                 SHIP AGENCY SERVICES
attracted predominantly divers.                                                                                                                                                           FREIGHT                    & VESSEL HUSBANDING
Rates were $14 for a single room                                                                                                                                                                                           SERVICES
in Villingili, $23 for Kurumba.
MU saw the folly of staying
at the low end of the market                                                                                                  The first flight
and despite the tour operators                                                                                               operated to the
saying it was foolhardy and no                                                                                           Maldives by Condor

                                                                        and several more ready for          people he met.                                                LINER &                          RELOCATION,
                                                                        development, the Maldives
                                                                                                                                                                      FEEDER SERVICES                    REMOVAL & MICE
                                                                        still has a lot more to offer.      MU Maniku, Ahmed Naseem
                                                                        However, as a country of only       and Hussain Afeef pioneered
                                                                        540,542 people and a negative       an industry that defied the UN
                                                                        population growth there is a        report and created an economic
                                                                        growing manpower vacuum,            boost that would sustain the
                                                                        add to this the increasing          island nation through global
                                                                        mobility of the working             disturbances and natural
                                                                        population and the increasing       disasters, their logistical
                                                                        opportunities to study abroad.      uniqueness providing both
                                                                        And it becomes evident              challenges and solutions.
                                                                        that being able to attract an                                             MARINE OFFSHORE
                                                                        expat workforce to bolster                                                                                PROJECT LOGISTICS
                                                                                                            Now in his 70’s, MU Maniku still       LOGISTICS & SEA
                                                                        the manpower requirements                                                                                 & LOGISTICS SUPPORT
                                                                                                            has a finger firmly on the pulse
Kurumba Maldives                                                        is going to get even more                                                   MARSHALLING
                                                                                                            of tourism. In addition to his
                                                                        important.                          role as Chairman of MATI, he
What started as a cheap             says, “each island has its own
                                                                                                            is chairman of both Universal
destination for divers has          character whether it be a local     MU is keen to emphasize the         Enterprises and Maldives
evolved into a high end,            island or resort island and is      importance of studying abroad       Airports Company Limited
honeymoon and family                therefore a destination in its      and gaining exposure to other       (MACL), plus has recently                                                                        TOTAL TRANSPORT SOLUTIONS MALDIVES (PVT) LTD
destination. The explosion          own right” so there is literally    cultures as he credits his five
of the guest house industry         something for everyone.
                                                                                                            developed two resorts in Raa                                                               05th Floor, Ma. Bodudhaharaage, Chandhanee Magu,
                                                                        years studying in Pakistan at an    Atoll.
from 2010 onwards opened                                                American style campus as some                                                                                                                                        Male’, Maldives.
the destination still further.      Bed capacity has doubled            of the best years of his life due                                                                                                                   +960 3011 888 / info@ttsgroup.mv
MU’s vision has always been “a      year on year and with over 80       to the diversity and amount of
bed suitable for all”, and as he    resorts on the drawing board

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ISSUE 56 HOTELIER MALDIVES
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