A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...

A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...
                                                 Day, Month
                                                            00, 3,

  A stakes year straight
   out of Bizarro World
We all knew last year would be nuts, but so far, the 2021 COVID-19
 stakes seasons has been filled with the weird and unpredictable.
                                                           by Dean Towers

                                                                            SELECT SALE
In the 1970s, a Japanese professor named Masohira Mori coined
the term “uncanny valley.” It referred to robots that began to                 October 5-9, 2021
look more and more lifelike. Mori postulated that there comes
a point (a valley) where these robots are so real looking, we get
a strange sense of visceral uneasiness; something just doesn’t                Day 1 has 21 royally bred
feel right about the whole experience.
                                                                                New York yearlings
I’m not sure about you, but for me this whole darn COVID-19
stakes race season has done just about the same thing. It feels
real, the races are similar, but wow, there is something not quite
In the spring, training horses down and making appropriate
stakes payments was a minefield with lockdowns and capricious
jurisdictional rules. And it probably showed, as scheduling and
planning were thrown for a loop; so much so, last year’s super-
star pacer Perfect Sting had to race in an overnight against older   the race, only to not win the race. To add to the temperamental
to keep sharp for the Meadowlands Pace.                              scenario, the time was ticking on the Fox Sports telecast where
Speaking of the Pace, a downpour developed, an $800,000 pacer        people who tuned in might not even know who the winner was.
stepped out of his rigging, and a feel-good Ohio-based colt won

                                         Harness Racing Update | Page 1 | October 3, 2021
A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...
of fice@diamondcreekfarm.com
A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...
BAR HOPPING                          CONGRATULATES


                                     DATE NIGHT
                               Bar Hopping - Nightsthatneverend
                                    2, 1:50.4-’21($104,200)
 $78,400 Bluegrass Stakes division winner, one-fifth off the World Record!
                       OWNER/BREEDER: Marvin Katz and Sam Goldband
                       TRAINED BY: Julie Miller | DRIVEN BY: Andy Miller

                             (717) 637-8931 fax: (717) 637-6766 www.hanoverpa.com hanover@hanoverpa.com

A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...
HRU-092921_Northwood-Lexington_Template 9/29/2021 11:16 AM Page 1

       Colts and fillies eligible to the richest
       stakes programs including

      Hip #114 EMIRA MIL IT, the only yearling by the great European Champion
            FACE TIME BOURBON being sold in North America this year!
                Hip 23 LOU’S GUY bc (PA)                          Hip 487 BT BABE brf (NY/KY)                    Hip 700 STICK THE LANDING bf (NJ)
         Sweet Lou-Beach Gal-Somebeachsomewhere                 Chapter Seven-Liebchen-Yankee Glide                  Tactical Landing-Miss Liv-Kadabra
                 Hip 114 EMIRA MIL IT bf                    Hip 511 COMPASSROSE DE VIE bf (PA/NJ)                   Hip 708 LOTTO MAXINE bf (PA)
           Face Time Bourbon-Sunshine Bi-Varenne           Always B Miki-Seeking Nirvana-Somebeachsomewhere          Betting Line-My Lotto-Sportswriter
             Hip 140 YOU GOT IT bc (NY/KY)                      Hip 517 LUCKY LEE DE VIE bc (NJ)                Hip 710 HAMILTON DE VIE bc (ON/NJ)
            Chapter Seven-Tweet Me-Andover Hall              Tactical Landing-My Lucky Word-Lucky Chucky        Resolve-On Broadway De Vie-Broadway Hall
            Hip 144 ALWAYS B NICKY bc (PA)                        Hip 521 TONI DE VIE bf (PA/NJ)                 Hip 741 SO SHE DE VIE bf (PA/NJ)
           Always B Miki-Vysoke Tatry-Dragon’s Lair               International Moni-Myth-Lindy Lane           Southwind Frank-So You De Vie-Yankee Glide
            Hip 174 ALWAYS B MINNIE bf (PA)                      Hip 602 TAILGATE BUZZ bc (PA)                   Hip 756 LILREDLILTENDER bc (ON)
       Always B Miki-Before The Poison-Rocknroll Hanover          Bar Hopping-Twin B Alibi-Angus Hall          Bettor’s Delight-Tiz To Dream-Grinfromeartoear
        Hip 175 MYSTERIOUS FRANK brc (PA)                          Hip 607 HEAVE HO bc (NY)                           Hip 773 ZIPESSA bf (IN/KY)
       Southwind Frank-Behindclosedoors-Andover Hall        American Ideal-Artist Rocker-Rocknroll Hanover      JK Endofanera-Zipporah-Rock N Roll Heaven
        Hip 291 SWEET PHENOMENA bf (PA/NJ)                   Hip 620 ALWAYS BE BEACHIN bf (PA/KY)                  Hip 796 CHASE MATEO bc (PA)
         Sweet Lou-Omen Hanover-Western Hanover            Always B Miki-Booya Beach-Somebeachsomewhere          Southwind Frank-Cantabulous-Cantab Hall
                Hip 353 KALYPSO bf (NJ)                        Hip 623 BORN TO RAMBLE bc (PA)                    Hip 811 TOUCH OF TWANG bf (PA)
             Lazarus N-Talbot Chanel-Mach Three                   Stay Hungry-Burlesque-Mach Three               Southwind Frank-Tymal Elvira-Angus Hall
          Hip 369 VINDICATE DE VIE bf (NY/NJ)                  Hip 670 WEDDING DANCER bf (ON)                    Hip 842 SINATRA DE VIE bc (PA/NJ)
          Chapter Seven-Vida De Vie-Muscles Yankee              Muscle Mass-Haul ‘N Fanny-Cantab Hall           Southwind Frank-Lola De Vie-Credit Winner
              Hip 419 THE OPENER blc (NJ)                       Hip 686 AT WORLDS END bc (NY)                        Hip 850 MCSEASIDE bf (OH)
             Lazarus N-Dallas Jones-Sportsmaster                  E L Titan-Lexi Marie-Lucky Chucky                Downbytheseaside-Mcgibson-McArdle
       Hip 420 PRETTY DAME SPEEDY bc (NY/KY)                 Hip 690 HUNGRY FOR LOVE brf (PA/KY)
           Chapter Seven-Dame Du Lac-Muscle Hill                  Stay Hungry-Lover Of Art-Artsplace
          Hip 438 ALWAYS A MYSTERY brc (PA)                   Hip 696 BAR KEEP DE VIE bc (PA/NJ)                        Bob Boni / Jillian Luff
           Always B Miki-Fashion Mystery-Real Artist            Bar Hopping-Mariah De Vie-Cantab Hall          P.O. Box 2053 Secaucus New Jersey 07096
                                                                                                                 201-863-2082 I fax 201-863-4104
                       Consignment Located in Barn 13 Aisles B - D
             Lexington Selected Yearling Sale                                                                 northwoodbloodstock.com
               Tuesday October 5 to Saturday October 9, Fasig-Tipton Sales Pavillion
       Sale Sessions begin at 7pm, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday; 3pm, Wednesday & Thursday                             Visit us on         and
A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...
Harness Racing Update

                                                                                at the Campbellville oval as both mares were not themselves.
   IN TODAY'S HRU                                                               That’s happened, well, never.
                                                                                I haven’t even mentioned the North America Cup, where if it
 Art Zubrod has raised more great standardbreds than anyone           page 07
                                                                                racing in September wasn’t enough of the uncanny, the local
 Thoughts on the pedigree of Mohawk Million runner-up Duly Resolved   page 18   favorite threw in a rare clunker and Meadowlands Pace champ
                                                                                Lawless Shadow was a late scratch. At least we had the awesome
 Hedda Hopper a pleasant surprise for Joel Smith                      page 21
                                                                                story of Desperate Man.
 OSS Grassroots Semi-Finals in the books                              page 40   Just this past week over the usual sunny skies of Ohio, the
 Magnificent obsessions                                               page 46   Jugette card was under a deluge, and the next day the colts and
                                                                                fillies were racing on a track about five seconds off. Thankfully,
                                                                                the Jug final did deliver, but not seeing Charley May race in the
For the older pacers, things feel pretty uncanny. The hottest                   big event in front of local fans was another wrench into the
free-for-aller in the sport – Allywag Hanover — is not only a                   2021 stakes season we’d like to have avoided.
4-year-old, but a horse that was in the July Meadowlands sale,
                                                                                Stakes season is not over. The Red Mile is upon us and the
only to be pulled out late. Who’d have guessed that?
                                                                                Breeders Crown is a super event. Harness racing is never pre-
As vaccination rates rose, and travel was less restricted, the                  dictable and it always lends itself to great stories. Plus, a harness
Grand Circuit races at Mohawk were sure to return things to                     racing fan’s concerns is a pimple prick on a grain of sand when
normal. At least we thought. But there too this tumultuous                      it comes to a serious issue like COVID-19. But I can’t get this
season seemed to rear its head. U.S. drivers – and this is fairly               uncanny year out of my head. Here’s hoping 2022 brings us
new I think – jet-setted in and out of Mohawk to race some                      some normal again.
nights and afternoons elsewhere, and the plethora of U.S.-based
horses didn’t fill the box.
The Metro – the 21st century answer to the ‘80s Woodrow Wilson
– did not even have eliminations and the race itself was a
curious one. Atlanta versus Manchego (twice!) were non-events

                                                    Harness Racing Update | Page 5 | October 3, 2021
A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...
Mr Muscleman . . . . . . . . . . $3,582,823
Mr Feelgood . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,366,157

                                                           Brittany Farms
Manchego  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,144,777
Artsplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,085,083
Art Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,727,224
Bettor's Wish . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,601,233

Father Patrick  . . . . . . . . . . . 2,558,133
Wishing Stone  . . . . . . . . . . . 2,359,150
Bettor's Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,202,327

                                                           Watch Them
Vintage Master . . . . . . . . . . . 2,160,953
Chancey Lady . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,072,092
Passionate Glide . . . . . . . . . . 2,060,447
Glidemaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,968,023

                                                           Turn Into Gold.
Six Pack  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,939,604
Lookout Victory . . . . . . . . . . . 1,921,611
Life Sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,912,454
State Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . 1,908,424
Day In A Life  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,863,602
American Jewel  . . . . . . . . . . 1,840,565
Western Fame  . . . . . . . . . . . 1,745,185
Artspeak  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,628,762
                                                           Brittany Farms, or Brittany & Partners,
Continentalvictory . . . . . . . . . 1,611,170             has bred 42 millionaires, with many selling
Great Vintage . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,510,226            as yearlings at and sometimes below
Artiscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,469,461          sale average. Find the next golden ones
Western Ideal . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,455,422            in the farm’s Lexington consignment.
Luck Be Withyou  . . . . . . . . . 1,454,166
Perfect Sting  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,349,397
Self Possessed . . . . . . . . . . . 1,346,390
Quality Western  . . . . . . . . . . 1,292,528             BARN 10 AT FASIG-TIPTON
Lucky Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,280,610
American History  . . . . . . . . . 1,264,149
                                                           VIRTUAL INSPECTION YEARLING VIDEOS
Image Of Dawn . . . . . . . . . . . 1,248,536
                                                           PEDIGREE UPDATES
Western Shore  . . . . . . . . . . . 1,247,985
Zooming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,149,239
He's Watching  . . . . . . . . . . . 1,116,450
Art's Virtue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100,639
Mantacular . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,071,506
Lifetime Pursuit . . . . . . . . . . 1,065,586
Lotta Soul  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,052,015
Pastor Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . 1,048,607
Bettor's Up  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,046,297
Possess The Magic . . . . . . . . 1,043,503

                                                BRITTANY FARMS
                                                 2019 BREEDER OF THE YEAR 2020
                                                 Versailles, KY | (859) 873-3878 | britfarms.com
                                                       PROUD SPONSOR OF THE
                                                       HARNESS HORSE YOUTH FOUNDATION
                                                                                                   GSI, LLC 2021
A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...
Harness Racing Update

                                                                                                                      involved horses.
                                                                                                                      He started by working with his mom with American Saddlebred
                                                                                                                      horses. He thought it was the coolest thing in the world for him
                                                                                                                      a little guy of 14 to be leading one of these massive steeds.
                                                                                                                      He was in college with the intent to become a veterinarian.
                                                                                                                      After it was clear that wasn’t going to work out, Zubrod said he
                                                                                                                      switched his major to draft avoidance.
                                                                                                                      In Louisville he became a habitué of Churchill Downs and
                                                                                                                      Louisville Downs where he began betting on horses.
                                                                                                                      For some time he became a horse trader buying horses at what
                                                                                                                      he felt were value prices and then hopefully reselling them
Art Zubrod has raised                                                                                                 for a profit. As that business grew, Zubrod expanded into show
                                                                                                                      horses with which he became an active dealer. Things went
more great standardbreds                                                                                              well for a while and then a recession struck. All of a sudden

than anyone                                                                                                           business dried up.
                                                                                                                      A friend of his had gone to work for Hilda Heydt at Ben White
                                                                                                                      Raceway as second trainer and suggested that Zubrod join him.
A conversation with the esteemed farm                                                                                 Florida sounded just great to him, so down south he went.
manager of Brittany Farms.                                                                                            This scribe asked him if he learned any swear words working
                                                                                                                      for Hilda.
by Murray Brown                                                                                                       “Yes, but not as many as I learned in my next job working for
                                                                                                                      Clint Hodgins.
It’s a certainty that Art Zubrod has raised more great horses on a
percentage basis than anyone ever. It’s even quite possible that                                                      “Going to Florida was great not only because I got to work for
he has done so as well on a non-percentage basis. He has raised                                                       two of the more legendary people in the history of the sport,
over 40 horses who have each earned over a million dollars.                                                           but far more importantly, because I got to meet my wife and
                                                                                                                      life partner Leah Cheverie while down there. Leah was working
Zubrod has been the farm manager for George Segal’s Brittany
                                                                                                                      for Jim Miller then at the height of his success with the horses
Farms for the last 38 years. He went to work for Segal on May
                                                                                                                      owned by Mel Barr. From the onset of our relationship, Leah
1, 1983 and neither one has looked back.
                                                                                                                      has been involved as at least an equal partner in any success
Zubrod has always loved and been involved with horses. It all                                                         that I’ve attained. She is as good with horses, especially those
began in Louisville, KY.                                                                                              perceived as bad or unmanageable, as anybody that I’ve ever
His dad loved horse racing and was the first to introduce Zubrod                                                      known.
to the joys and travails of the racetrack.                                                                            “We then worked for Howard Beissinger for the summer of 1978.
Zubrod’s mom, Bonnie, was a noted equestrian and is a member                                                          I gained a pretty good background and learned a lot working for
of the Equitation Hall of Fame.                                                                                       those legendary horse people. Eventually though, we decided
                                                                                                                      we needed some stability in our lives. Emotionally, I also longed
Other than a stint as a men’s clothing salesman at the depart-                                                        for the Kentucky I had known and with which I had grown up.”
ment store, Bonds, Zubrod’s livelihood and lifestyle has always

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                                                                                             Harness Racing Update | Page 7 | October 3, 2021
A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...
of fice@diamondcreekfarm.com
A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...

                 AMANDA STEPHENS

                                        BOUDOIR HANOVER
             Captaintreacherous - Bedroomconfessions · p,2, 1:49.4-’21 ($178,632)
                               $144,000 Bluegrass Stakes division winner.
    OWNED BY: Riverview Racing Llc., Alagna Racing Llc., Caviart Farms, D Plouffe and S Head
                    TRAINED BY: Tony Alagna | DRIVEN BY: Dexter Dunn
                  BRED BY: Riverview Breeding Llc., Visionary Breeders Llc


                                   (717) 637-8931 fax: (717) 637-6766 www.hanoverpa.com hanover@hanoverpa.com

A stakes year straight out of Bizarro World - Harness Racing ...
The World’s

                                       Yearling Sale

                                                                                                                             Venerable made it back-to-back wins in the
                                                                                                                         Mohawk Million for Lexington Selected Yearling
                                                                                                                         Sale grads, following Venerate’s score last year.

Tuesday, Oct. 5            Wednesday, Oct. 6                           Thursday, Oct. 7                                   Friday, Oct. 8          Saturday, Oct. 9
  7:00 p.m.                   3:00 p.m.                                   3:00 p.m.                                         7:00 p.m.                7:00 p.m.
  Cocktail reception at 5 p.m. opening night, and again at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, prior to the Breeders Crown Charity Challenge stallion season auction.

                  Lexington         Selected Yearling Sale
                  Download catalog at lexingtonselected.com or use Equineline app
                              In-person sale with livestream and live online bidding through Proxibid
                                           GSI, LLC 2021 | Photo: Venerable in an earlier win at the Meadowlands (Michael Lisa/Lisa Photo)
Harness Racing Update

Art got a position as barn foreman at the Spendthrift Training
Center. At that time, Tom Crouch was starting Kentuckiana Farms.

Leah was hired in January of 1978 and Tom Crouch offered
Zubrod a job. It wasn’t an easy decision but he did accept the
offer. Zubrod was with him for four and a half years.

“I was approached by Ken Seeber who was then running Lana
Lobell Farms. Although the headquarters of Lana Lobell was
then in Bedminster, New Jersey, where they stood their stallions
and conducted their sales, they raised their yearlings in Hanover,
Pennsylvania where they still owned and leased a significant
amount of acreage. Ken asked me to come to work for them and          BY WESTERN IDEAL-LIFETIME SUCCESS-MATT’S SCOOTER
to be in charge of raising the annual yearling crop. It was not a               Standing At Blue Chip Farms, NY
good fit for me. Hanover was not Lexington and we missed the
horse atmosphere of Lexington. It was nobody’s fault. We just                          The No. 1 Money-
were not happy there.                                                               Winning Active Pacing
                                                                                     Sire In The U.S. With
“I remember exactly how the opportunity to come work for
                                                                                   $11,551,097 THRU 9/29
George transpired. It was a Friday evening in Hanover. I was
standing in line waiting to buy a lottery ticket. I came upon Ray
Magee. Those who knew Ray, knew that he was an inveterate
gossip. If anything was happening in harness racing, Ray was
                                                                                37 NY Eligible
among the first to become aware of it. He mentioned to me that
he had heard that George Segal was looking for a farm manager
                                                                                Yearlings Sell
for his farm that he leased from Hamburg Place.
“I had met George and knew him, but not all that well. I went
                                                                                In Lexington
home and immediately called him. Here was a chance to become
involved with a top level individual for whom the sky was the
limit as far as harness racing was concerned. I made the call and
for whatever reasons, we hit it off. The date was May 1, 1983.”

 Tell me about George Segal and your relationship
 with him.

“George is one of the brightest and nicest individuals to not
only have been involved in harness racing, but also to have                                            American Ideal’s
inhabited this planet. I have learned a lot about business from                                      NYSS Champion 2YO

                                                       Dave Landry
Team Brittany. Art Zubrod (left) with George Segal at the                     AMERICAN IDEAL INFO & REPORTS
Lexington Selected Yearling Sale in 2017.

                                        Harness Racing Update | Page 11 | October 3, 2021
           RISING ST                                                 R

DULY RESOLVED 2,1:55.1-’21 ($449,955)
             Resolve-Motown Muscle, by Muscle Mass

                    BREEDERS Bet Max Stables & Benenati
                     OWNERS	Bax Stables, David Hudson,
                             Don Allensen & Gaelic Stable
                     TRAINER John Bax

                       Sold as a yearling by


                            GSI, LLC 2021 | Photo: New Image Media

     WALNER 3,1:50.2 ($567,652)
     Chapter Seven-Random Destiny, by Ken Warkentin

                   BREEDER Overseas Farms
                    OWNER	Walner Syndicate
                   TRAINER Linda Toscano

                     Sold as a yearling by


                         GSI, LLC 2021 | Photo: Michael Lisa/Lisa Photo
Harness Racing Update

George and have to laugh when I remind him of one of those              You’ve raised innumerable great horses. Do you have
principles if he is about to stray. Like me, he doesn’t like change,
                                                                        a favorite among them?
so it’s important that we get it done right the first time. He likes
to be involved with bright and capable people. I hope I fit the
                                                                       “That would have to be Artsplace. I absolutely loved him. He
description. Once involved, he is incredibly loyal and trusting.
                                                                       was something special all the time. He was somewhat of an
When it came to horses, I always wanted to be involved with
                                                                       odd duck, much like his mother Miss Elvira. He was a loner and
only the top ones. George shares that feeling. He really doesn’t
                                                                       not the most social of horses. He never started any trouble with
want to become involved with the day-to-day minutiae of the
                                                                       his fieldmates, but he could end trouble quickly. His mom was
farm. That is up to those working there. That is the reason you
                                                                       a disciplinarian. She wouldn’t let her foals near her or her food
were hired. He does care deeply about the horses and people
                                                                       while she was eating. When Artsplace returned to the farm after
who work for and with him. More than a boss, although he is
                                                                       his 3-year-old season, his feet were in terrible shape. He was
that, he is a friend who cares about people as well as the work
                                                                       dead lame on them. We had to strip them and eventually grow
they do on his behalf.”
                                                                       new feet . We then sent him to Bob McIntosh who guided him to
                                                                       his undefeated season in 1992. When I sent him to Bob I asked
 What about your staff?                                                him to keep them on as long as possible. Bob felt he was doing
                                                                       fine, so he raced him all season with bar shoes — pretty darn
“We have been blessed with a great staff but we look at it more        unusual. That was one of the greatest feats that I’ve seen in all
like family. Patty Logan was hired in 1986 and I told Leah after       my years in the sport — the undefeated season, not the shoes.
her second day that I had found my yearling foreman. Her then          Of special significance was the great joy the horse brought to
boyfriend Dale Logan came on board shortly after and they              Brian Monieson who co-bred and owned him with George. Brian
soon married. We would not be the farm we are without them.            was one of the finest people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.
Several of the employees have been with us for 20 years or             He left us far too soon.”
more. Donna Schulte and Stephanie Ball keep the office running
smoothly. Our crew is the best in the business in my mind. All
                                                                        Any others?
are top horsemen and horsewomen.”
                                                                       “Oh, yes. There have been many of them. Perhaps the best look-
                                                                       ing horse we ever had on the farm was neither bred nor owned

                                                                        ERINWOOD EQUINE
                                                                        is pleased to offer 10 yearlings at the
                                                                        London Virtual Yearling Sale
                                                                        OCTOBER 16 - 21, 2021

                                                                        Leading Ontario stallions include:
                                                                        All Bets Off • Big Jim • Hes Watching
                                                                        Muscle Mass • Royalty For Life
                                                                        Sportswriter • Wheeling N Dealin

                                                      Claus Andersen
                                                                        Click here to view complete rosters and videos or to arrange an inspection.
Zubrod and his wife Leah Cheverie.

                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 14 | October 3, 2021
Harness Racing Update

by George. That was Ramblin Storm who we boarded for Arlene           Norman have compiled incredible success while here.
and Murray Traub. He also had bad feet that needed care. But          “Bob McIntosh is, of course, an all-time great. His inclusion in
what a majestic creature he was! It was a whole lot easier            two Halls of Fame bears credence to that.
taking care of their horses than it sometimes was tending to
the Traubs. Arlene was tough, but you could reason with her.          “Joe Holloway and Linda Toscano are also on my list of pres-
Murray was an A one pain in the ass. We’d get into all sorts of       ent-day greats.”
unnecessary arguments. I told him more than once that if he was
unhappy here, then he was free to move his horses. He never            Let’s talk about your best friend Ronnie Gurfein.
did, though. I guess he must have been satisfied with the way
they were cared for.”                                                 “I first met Ron at Sunshine Meadows and was floored with
                                                                      Victory Dream. He looked like he was going a mile in 2:20 except
 How about horsemen?                                                  he went in 2:00. We decided to make an offer to buy half or
                                                                      whatever part could be bought. I told George the following week
“There have been many great ones. My all-time favorite would          after reading the vet report that it said two things: One, you
have to be Gene Riegle. He had the best eye of any person I’ve        can’t buy him and two you have to give this guy some horses.
ever known. He could tell at just a glance whether he liked one       We immediately hit it off and became very close.
or not. He’d often get the grooms upset when after working to         “Ronnie was one of a kind. Anybody who knew him would give
make a horse presentable, Gene would look at it for a second or       testament to that. He was a great horseman, but I’ve known
two and have it put away. He was rarely wrong in his judgments.       lots of great horsemen. He was a man of the world, proficient in
“Billy Haughton was one of a kind. We’ve never had one like           many areas. When we got together we might talk about horses
him. We will never have one like him again. I firmly believe          for 10 per cent of the time. Then we might stray to a multitude
that his loss was the single most devastating thing that has          of topics — anywhere from government, food, wine, travel or
happened to our sport in all the time I’ve been in it. He created     people. You might not agree with him but each and every con-
and upheld all parts of the marketplace. Other than the horses        versation left you knowing more.
that he didn’t like under any circumstances; there were darn          “I was one of the few horsepeople, maybe the only one, with
few of those for this man who’s glass was always half full, he        whom Ronnie was in touch once he received his diagnosis of
would establish a value to any horse of any consequence that          brain cancer. Even with me, my contact with him was far too
entered the sales ring.
“Stanley Dancer was a great horseman of course. He was differ-
ent than WRH in that he knew exactly what he was interested
in and wasn’t going to waste anybody’s time with those with
which he had no interest. Like with Billy, it was a pleasure to
show horses to him. I would also include Ron Gurfein but I know
we will speak about him later.”

 How about those of the present generation?                                RELIVE THE SPIRIT OF 1950’S ITALIAN-
                                                                            AMERICAN CUISINE IN LEXINGTON!
“Tony Alagna is the closest to WRH that I’ve seen. He has so
                                                                            While enjoying our warm atmosphere, sample a spirit from our bar,
much on his plate and thus far has been able to balance it as
                                                                           or a wine from our vast wine selection. Our bar offers a Happy Hour
well as possible. He is an incredibly hard worker as well as a              with 50% off all brands until 6:30 p.m., Monday through Sunday.
great person. He is a great communicator with owners, as was                                  Live music on select evenings.
Billy. He is the consummate optimist who’s glass is always at              Located inside of the Security Trust Building at 271 W. Short Street
least half full. I don’t know that he can party as well as Billy
                                                                                        (859) 303-4007 | frankanddinos.com
did, but he is pretty darn good at it. I’ve seen him go directly to
work after a hard day’s night.
“Chris Ryder is definitely one of the best that I’ve personally
dealt with. After he bought Bettors Wish from us as a yearling I
asked him if I could buy in for a quarter of the colt. Thankfully,
he complied. It was a great ride with the horse. Hopefully the
same sort of success will continue through his stud career.
                                                                                                                                             U! W U

“Jimmy Takter could be considered the greatest ever. Certainly
                                                                                                                                           HR SA

his record places him in that category.
                                                                                                                                        IN OU

“Chris Ryder’s fellow Down Under trainers Brett Pelling and Nifty

                                         Harness Racing Update | Page 15 | October 3, 2021
COCKTAILS CAUSE                FOR A

                                                                                FOR A
                                                                        Join us for a cocktail reception to
                                                                       kick off the sale of 2022 breedings
                                                                   to several of North America’s leading sires

                                                                   Wednesday, October 6, 2021
                                                                    Join us for2:00-3:00         p.m.
                                                                               a cocktail reception to
                                                                   kick off the sale of 2022 breedings
                                                               to several of Room
                                                                Kentucky     North America’s  leadingSales
                                                                                     | Fasig-Tipton  sires Pavilion
                                                                                   Lexington, KY
                                                               Wednesday, October 6, 2021
                                                                    2:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                              Kentucky Room | Fasig-Tipton Sales Pavilion
                                                                           Lexington, KY
                                                                      The Lexington Selected Yearling
                                                                      Sale has an EARLY start of 3:00 p.m.

                                                                      At 2:45 we will be offering a unique
A special thank you to the                                          Theopportunity
                                                                         Lexington Selected
                                                                                     to purchaseYearlinga 2022
following for their support                                         Sale has an EARLY start of 3:00 p.m.
                                                                      breeding to these outstanding sires.
and generous donations:                                             At 2:45 we will be offering a unique
         special thank
                   NJ – TEAMyouTETRICK
                                 to the                               100% of the
                                                                    opportunity       proceedsa from
                                                                                  to purchase      2022the sale
  • Platinum       for their
               Sponsor:  Tony support
                               Alagna                                 of these
                                                                    breeding     breedings
                                                                             to these         go to sires.
                                                                                      outstanding   charity, and              DOWNBYTHESEASI
  • Gold Sponsor:
       and         Hogan
            generous        Equine Clinic
                         donations:                                                                                                   Diamond Creek
  • Silver Sponsor:  Noel  Daley
                                                                      are part of a special initiative to                     Contact: Adam Bowde
       Special Olympics NJ – TEAM TETRICK                          100% of the proceeds from the sale
         • Platinum
NJ Pandemic          Sponsor:
                Relief Fund –Tony
                                                                   of these    the non-racing
                                                                            breedings go to charity,community
                                                                                                     and         DOWNBYTHESEASIDE
                                                                                                                     Diamond Creek
         • GoldSponsor:
  • Platinum    Sponsor: Hogan   Equine
                           Yannick      Clinic
                                     Gingras                           and  media  while   raising   the
                                                                   are part of a special initiative to   profile  Contact: Adam Bowden
         • Silver Sponsor: Noel Daley
  • Gold Sponsor: Concord Farm                                          of the
                                                                   involve  thenon-racing
                                                                                2021 Breeders
                                                                                            community Crown at
       NJ Pandemic
  • Gold  Sponsor: Relief
                     MarcusFund  – TEAM GINGRAS
         • Platinum Sponsor: Ron Burke                             and media   while raising
                                                                         Meadowlands         the profile
  • Silver Sponsor: Åke Svanstedt
         • Gold Sponsor: Concord Farm                                of the 2021 Breeders Crown at
enCourage• Gold Sponsor:
              Kids       Marcus –
                    Foundation    Melander
                                    TEAM MILLER
         • Silver
  • Platinum      Sponsor: Nifty
                Sponsor:   Åke Svanstedt
                                                                      Meadowlands Racetrack.                                 TALL DARK STRANG
  • Platinum
       enCourageSponsor:   Brett Pelling
                   Kids Foundation   – TEAM MILLER
                                                                                                                              Hanover Shoe Farm &
                                                                                                                 TALL DARK   Bridgette Jablonsky, V.M
  • Gold•Sponsor:
           Platinum Sponsor:  Nifty Norman
                     Julie Miller                                                                                    Hanover Shoe Farm &
  • Gold•Sponsor:
           Platinum Sponsor: Brett Pelling
                     Linda Toscano                                                                              Dr. Bridgette Jablonsky, V.M.D.
         • Gold Sponsor: Julie Miller
  • Silver Sponsor:   Chris
         • Gold Sponsor:     Ryder
                         Linda  Toscano
         • SilverCancer
John Theurer      Sponsor:Center
                           Chris Ryder
                                   – TEAM DUNN
  • Platinum    Sponsor:
       John Theurer  CancerNancy
                                     – TEAM DUNN
         • Platinum
  • Platinum         Sponsor:
                Sponsor:      Nancy
                           Dexter    Takter
         • Platinum  Sponsor: Dexter
  • Gold Sponsor: Deo Volente Farms   Dunn
         • Gold Sponsor: Deo Volente Farms
  • Silver Sponsor: Tom & John Cancelliere                                                                                   CAPTAINTREACHERO
         • Silver Sponsor: Tom & John Cancelliere                                                                               Captaintreacherous
  Silver Silver
         Star Sponsor:    JimJim
                Star Sponsor: Campbell
                                 Campbell                                                                              Syndicate     Syndicate

           PERFECT STING                        WALNER               BAR HOPPING            MUSCLE HILL             CHAPTER SEVEN
      Brittany Farms & Val D’Or –              WALNER
                                            Walner Syndicate –
                                                David Reid             BAR
                                                                    Hanover   HOPPING
                                                                            Shoe Farms
                                                                                                    Farm &
                                                                                       Muscle Hill Syndicate
                                                                                                               HILLChapter      CHAPTER SEVEN
                                                                                                                      Blue Chip Farms,
                                                                                                                           Seven Syndicate
             George Segal
 Brittany Farms & Val D’Or –                Walner Syndicate   –                                 Southwind Farm &                  Blue Chip Farms,
        George Segal                            David Reid             Hanover Shoe Farms       Muscle Hill Syndicate           Chapter Seven Syndicat
Harness Racing Update

short and infrequent. If you knew Ronnie, you knew he was                competitions. The love for horses has also carried forward to
exceedingly vain. He just didn’t want anybody to see him in a            the next generation. My grandchildren are avid riders They ride
diminished state. He told me about the diagnosis shortly after           and participate in horse shows. I would be surprised if it was
he received it. He asked me to keep it private. I did so. In ret-        otherwise.”
rospect, I wish that I had talked him out of it. He had so many
friends who cared about him and wanted to send their personal             How has COVID-19 affected you?
goodbyes. They were hurt and felt shut out. We are holding a
memorial event for him at The Red Mile on October 9. I expect
                                                                         “If I had to use one word I’d say immensely. We shut ourselves
that there will be some great stories told then.”
                                                                         off for more than a year. We haven’t travelled, and did not eat
                                                                         out during that time and have pretty much stayed on the farm.
 I’ll ask you the question I ask most farm managers at
                                                                         Recently, things have opened up somewhat. We do go out to
 this time of year. How has your yearling traffic been?                  eat, but always try to go early, before restaurants get crowded.
                                                                         I love to cook, so being at home wasn’t much of a trial. We
“I would say pretty comparable to previous years. We’ve had our
                                                                         have recently begun going to the grandkids’ horse shows. But
normal number of lookers, but the same ones. No new faces
that I recollect. That is as it usually is. It’s mostly the larger and   we are careful about the hotels we stay at. I think things are
most successful trainers that come to visit the farm. The smaller        gradually getting somewhat better. I hope that I am wrong. But
more geographically spread out trainers will come to look at             I think that this scourge in one form or another will be with us
the yearlings once they are shipped to the sales site.”                  for some time. It will be two years since Leah and I have been
                                                                         able to visit her family in PEI.”
 Here’s a free plug for you. Where is the strength in                    Have a question or comment for The Curmudgeon?
 your consignment this year?                                             Reach him by email at: hofmurray@aol.com.
“I believe that overall the consignment has great balance. I
would say that we are probably deeper in quality pacing fillies
than we’ve ever been. We have ten or so, any one of which could
become a champion. If I had to pick just one I’d go for the sister
to Blue Diamond Eyes. She is a knockout and checks all of the
boxes. If I were looking for a possible bargain, I’d look at Hip No
364 Morning Edition. He is a magnificent colt who comes from
a great family. But he has only one eye. He gets along just fine           ANOTHER CHAMPION
that way. I doubt that he is aware of his impediment.”                    RAISED & SOLD BY
 Yours and Leah’s two daughters, Deveau and Renee,                        CONCORD STUD FARM
 have carried on the family tradition of equine

“Both my daughters work with my sister Cindy at Zubrod Stable,
which my mom and I started in 1967. My daughter Deveau is also
the coach of the University of Louisville equestrian team. Both
daughters have won World Championships and International

                                                                                                     (609) 758-9412

                                           Harness Racing Update | Page 17 | October 3, 2021
Harness Racing Update

                                                                     THE SALE OF
Thoughts on the
interesting pedigree
of Mohawk Million
runner-up Duly Resolved
by Alan Leavitt

The Mohawk Million million-dollar 2-year-old trot at Woodbine
Mohawk Park is an interesting concept. Since the premise of                                                 AMANDA STEPHENS
racing for our own money is built into the warp and woof of
harness racing, why not race for a million dollars of it?
This year’s edition was a good one. The winner was a truly out-
                                                                     BOUDOIR HANOVER
                                                                     p,2, 1:49.4-’21 ($178,632)
standing filly, Venerable, who was undefeated going into the
                                                                     Captaintreacherous -
big race, and stayed that way when they hit the wire. For the
                                                                     Bedroomconfessions by American Ideal
record, Venerable is by Walner, and at the risk of being immodest,
this kid predicted Walner would be a top sire before any of his      $144,000 Bluegrass Stakes division
progeny had ever raced.
                                                                     winner in p,2, 1:49.4.
But the horse who caught my eye as far as pedigree is concerned
is the colt who finished second by a short head, Duly Resolved.      Owned by: Riverview Racing Llc., Alagna
He’s trained by John Bax, a soft-spoken horseman from Ontario        Racing Llc., Caviart Farms, D Plouffe And S Head
                                                                     Trained by: Tony Alagna
                                                                     Driven by: Dexter Dunn
                                                                     Bred by:    Riverview Breeding Llc., Visionary
                                                                     Breeders Llc

                                                                     BOUDOIR HANOVER SOLD FOR $200,000 AT
                                                                     THE 2020 TIMONIUM YEARLING SALE.
                                                                     JOIN US NOVEMBER 8-12 IN HARRISBURG!
                                                                                                   (717) 637-8931
                                                                                                   fax: (717) 637-6766
                                                  New Image Media                                  theblackbook.com
Duly Resolved and driver Paul MacDonell.

                                        Harness Racing Update | Page 18 | October 3, 2021
Harness Racing Update

who always seems to come up with top trotters. A model of            by now with all the attention he’s gotten here. Unfortunately, or
consistency, Duly Resolved has, to date, never finished back of      perhaps not, he’s a gelding. I have no idea who owns his dam,
second. His driver is Paul MacDonell, who did a marvelous job        let alone whom he’s been breeding to. But if he ever comes up
of driving Somebeachsomewhere, and can still drive with the          with a full sister to Duly Resolved, he should hang onto her with
                                                                     both hands, because she is not only a top racing prospect, she
best of them. MacDonell is the living proof that one-handed
                                                                     also has great potential as a broodmare.
whipping should be universally banned, because no mount of
his ever came back with any welts or stripes, and yet they con-      Parenthetically, I find myself obsessively reading and reread-
                                                                     ing the collected sayings of Dr. Samuel Johnson. His biography,
sistently win.
                                                                     Boswell’s Life of Johnson, was the first great biography, and it
(My remit doesn’t include discussions of drivers, but the three      was required reading in our upper year at Andover. So much of
recent arrivals from Down Under, Dexter Dunn, and the McCarthy       what he said is still pertinent today.
brothers, are also notable for their good hands and very sparing     As two quick examples; he said that “Marriages would in general
use of the whip.)                                                    be as happy, and often more so, if they were all made by the Lord
                                                                     Chancellor, upon a due consideration of characters and circum-
Anyway, back to Duly Resolved and his interesting pedigree. He’s
                                                                     stances, without the parties having any choice in the matter.”
by Resolve, who certainly was a good racehorse himself, with
the records and money to prove it, i.e. $2,621,086 and a record      Considering the high divorce rate of our present society, I
                                                                     couldn’t agree more.
of 1:50.4. His first crop is now racing at 2, and Duly Resolved is
definitely the star of his show. Resolve is by Muscle Hill, who is   Again on the subject of marriage, he wisely said: “Marriage has
by Muscles Yankee, and Duly Resolved is out of Motown Muscle,        many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures.”
who’s by Muscle Mass, also a son of Muscles Yankee.                  So, in closing, I recommend that when you are choosing reading
                                                                     material, choose Boswell’s Life of Johnson, and when you’re
Which makes Duly Resolved 3 x 3 to Muscles Yankee, which
                                                                     doing the matings for your mare, breed them as close as you can.
makes him inbred to Muscles Yankee. As you’ll remember, when-
ever the same name appears twice in a pedigree, and the sum
of the generations in which it appears is six, or less, that is
inbreeding. And inbreeding, as this kid keeps saying, is the best
way to produce outstanding racehorses.
But that’s not the whole pedigree story for Duly Resolved. He
has Valley Victory twice in his fourth generation, and Wall Street
Banker in his third generation. Wall Street Banker is the poor                           .com
                                                                          To View Complete Roster

brother of Valley Victory, but he is a full brother, which makes
Duly Resolved 3 x 4 x 4 to the two full brothers. Again, being a
confirmed pedant, I feel compelled to mention that when the
                                                                      First foal from a sister to
sum of the two generations in which the same name appears             TESSA SEELSTER
is seven or eight, you have line breeding. Obviously, that rule       ($566,589),
also applies to full brothers.                                        TAHITI SEELSTER
There’s even a little closer breeding in Duly Resolved’s pedigree,    ($222,907),
since American Winner appears twice in his fourth generation.         TOMEI SEELSTER
Which adds up to eight, which means Duly Resolved is also line        ($211,342)
bred to American Winner.
                                                                      and a granddaughter of
From his first crop, the only outstanding trotter Resolve has         THE PATRIOT p, 2, 1:53.4s,
come up with so far is Duly Resolved. The message here is clear       BT1:52.2s ($623,324).
as a bell. He needs to be given back the best blood of his dam,
i.e. being inbred to Muscles Yankee. That can only happen on
a deliberate basis starting with the next breeding season, but
in the meantime a smart buyer will grab any Resolve yearling          London | Hip# 52 | b.f
who happens to have a close cross to Muscles Yankee on his
or her dam’s side.
Every breeder wants to know how to hit the jackpot. The answer
is simple: breed close.
                                                                                                    All Bets Off – Tanis Seelster
A final note about Duly Resolved, whose ears must be burning

                                         Harness Racing Update | Page 19 | October 3, 2021

              AMANDA STEPHENS

                                PALERMO HANOVER
                                        Father Patrick - Personal Style
                                            2, 1:55-’21 ($68,008)
                                $78,400 Bluegrass Stakes division winner.
  OWNED BY: Noel Daley, Lenny Zelin, The Gandolfo Stables | TRAINED BY: Noel Daley
             DRIVEN BY: Dexter Dunn | BRED BY: Hanover Shoe Farms Inc.

                      NOVEMBER 8 IN HARRISBURG.

                                  (717) 637-8931 fax: (717) 637-6766 www.hanoverpa.com hanover@hanoverpa.com

Harness Racing Update

Hedda Hopper a pleasant                                                                    SEA SILK
surprise for Joel Smith                                                               p,2, 1:50.3-’21 ($446,092)
                                                                                    Downbytheseaside - Silk Purse
The Tellitlikeitis filly failed to meet the reserve                            $145,000 Bluegrass Stakes division winner
at the Illini Classic Sale last fall, but now sits                              in a life best of p,2, 1:50.3, October 1 at
                                                                                    The Red Mile. She is now 9 for 9!
ninth in her Indiana Sires Stakes division.
                                                                                  Owned by Burke Racing Stable,
by James Platz                                                                Weaver Bruscemi Llc., Knox Services Inc.,
                                                                                         Hatfield Stables
When Joel Smith agreed to break and train Hedda Hopper last fall, he
had no expectations. But the veteran conditioner now finds himself                        Trained by Ron Burke
with a competitive filly owned by a man he has yet to meet and
sitting ninth in points heading into the last round of Indiana Sires                      Driven by Chris Paige
Stakes competition. The 2-year-old pacer will attempt to secure her
place among Super Final starters Wednesday (Oct. 6) at Harrah’s                       Bred by Steiner Stock Farm
Hoosier Park, competing in one of two $67,500 divisions.
“She’s a very nice filly, not one of the top ones I’m sorry to say, but
she’s a very nice filly,” said Smith of his charge. “I think she just keeps
getting better. That’s the best part of her. She’s learning.”
Hedda Hopper passed through the Illini Classic sale ring last fall
cataloged as Hip 115 and with the name Light Show. Consigned by
breeder Freedom Hill Farms, the Tellitlikeitis—Abriella filly failed
to meet the reserve and did not sell. Freedom Hill’s Jim Reynolds
reached out to Smith to work with the filly, and the veteran horseman
agreed to do just that.
“Jim sent the filly to me to break and train, and in the meantime, he
had her online to sell. He called me after I had her about a week
and said, ‘I sold that filly,’” he explained. “I ended up keeping her for
about a month or month and a half, just getting her broke, and then
she went to Pinehurst for the winter.”
New Hampshire resident Elliot Misshula purchased Hedda Hopper
online, and when it was time to ship her to Pinehurst, he had a
request for Smith. Dabbling for the first time with an Indiana-sired
horse and with no local trainer, Misshula asked Smith if he would
be willing to race her during the 2021 campaign. He agreed.

                                                              Dean Gillette
Hedda Hopper has scored three overnight victories with
Trace Tetrick in the sulky.

                                              Harness Racing Update | Page 21 | October 3, 2021


                                        NAUTICAL HANOVER
                          Captaintreacherous - Naughty Marietta · p,2, 1:51-’21 ($110,762)
                                  $110,000 Bluegrass Stakes division winner.
         OWNED BY: Brad Grant, Vj Stable, Jablonsky Held Stable, In The Gym Partners
                                 TRAINED BY: Tony Alagna
                                DRIVEN BY: Todd McCarthy
                            BRED BY: Hanover Shoe Farms Inc.

                                    (717) 637-8931 fax: (717) 637-6766 www.hanoverpa.com hanover@hanoverpa.com

Harness Racing Update

“I have talked to the guy several times on the phone, but I’ve never

                                                                            THE SALE OF
met him,” Smith said. “He seems like a nice person. He’s never had
an Indiana bred, and he wanted to try one.”
On the racetrack, Abriella showed a sophomore mark of 1:53.2 with
less than $20,000 on her card. As a broodmare, the Bettors Delight

mare has shown only one previous starter. So it comes as no surprise
that buyers passed on her Tellitlikeitis foal. When she arrived back in
Smith’s barn in the spring, the reports from Pinehurst were not glowing.
“Training, they didn’t think she was anything special down in
Pinehurst. They said she’d go with everybody, but she never wanted
to do anything on the front end,” Smith said. “She was just okay when
we got her. The more she went, the better she got.”
In her first two pari-mutuel attempts, Hedda Hopper finished out of
the money for driver Mike Oosting. However, in the opening round
of sires stakes, the filly registered a fourth-place finish, pacing the
mile in 1:54. Oosting has also steered her to a third-place effort in
another sires stakes leg. Trace Tetrick, Hoosier Park’s leading driver,
has also sat behind the filly. Under his direction, Hedda Hopper has
recorded two runner-up performances in ISS action and three vic-
tories in overnight competition. The latest triumph came Thursday
(Sept. 30) in the $20,000 Nostromo final, with the freshman estab-
lishing a new seasonal mark of 1:52.3. She also has a beaten time
of 1:51.4 to her credit.
“We keep changing her rigging a little bit and she’s learning how                                                 AMANDA STEPHENS
to do it. She’s getting more speed all the time. The biggest trouble
I’ve been having is keeping a driver on her,” said the trainer. “Trace
has been getting along with her real well, but he’s committed to Erv
Miller and Brian Brown, and they have bigger stables than I do. Mike        SLAY
did real well with her when he drove her, so I’ve got no complaints         2, 1:52.4-’21 ($39,506)
with that either.”                                                          Chapter Seven - Swinging Royalty
Oosting is listed to drive in Wednesday’s 12th race. Hedda Hopper           by RC Royalty
has drawn post six in a field of eight fillies. The contest is the second
of two divisions that will decide the top point earners leading into
the $270,000 Super Final, slated for October 15. Currently, the pacer       $71,000 Bluegrass Stakes division
has accumulated 75 points, one more than Ms Quick Sand and 20               winner for 2yotc’s in a lifetime best,
more than 11th place Dancin Image. Indiana Sires Stakes victories
are good for 51 points in the standings, with 26 points awarded for         October 1 at The Red Mile.
second and 13 for third. A strong showing and a little luck Wednesday
would go a long way in guaranteeing a shot at the lucrative final.          Owned by: Crawford Farms Racing,
“She’s been competing with these fillies, just hasn’t had real good
                                                                            James Crawford
luck in them. She got stuck on the front end once, been locked in a         Trained by: Tony Alagna
couple of times. Things haven’t gone perfect for her, but I think she
can go right with them,” Smith said.                                        Driven by: Andrew McCarthy
One of the biggest equipment changes Smith has made with the                Bred by:   Jonas Schlabach
filly is moving to an open bridle. He said that Hedda Hopper loves
to race horses and she has a good attitude, both key factors in a
successful season that has yielded $68,295 to date.                         SLAY SOLD FOR $130,000 AT THE 2020
“I think that has helped her quite a bit as far as being more aggres-       TIMONIUM YEARLING SALE.
sive that way. She likes to race horses. If she can see them coming,
she’ll race them, usually,” said Smith. “She’s got a good attitude about
racing. I just like her attitude. She’s a filly; she’ll pin her ears and    JOIN US NOVEMBER 8-12 IN HARRISBURG!
bite you and all sorts of good stuff like that. But she really likes to
race, she likes to go out there and do it.”

                                                                                                         (717) 637-8931
                                                                                                         fax: (717) 637-6766

                                             Harness Racing Update | Page 23 | October 3, 2021
                                                         2021 Lexington Consignment
                                                                         (October 5th - 9th)

                                                            SELFIE QUEEN                                                                  IDYLLIC BEACH

                         HIP #80 LUCKY LAKEWOOD, filly                                                   HIP #77 IDYLLIC MIKI, colt
                                Walner - Lady Lakewood                                                   Always B Miki - Idyllic Beach
                 A half-sister to Selfie Queen 2,1:51.2 -’21 ($211,250).                      A colt out of Idyllic Beach p,2,1:50.3s ($1,252,272).

                                                            ALL THE TIME                                                        TREACHEROUS REIGN

                               HIP #50 ACCELERATE, colt                                               HIP #316 SHIP SHIP HOORAY, colt
                                    Walner - All The Time                                          Captaintreacherous - Scandalous Hanover
                      A colt out of All The Time 3,1:52.1 ($1,026,356).                    A full brother to Treacherous Reign p,3,1:48.3s ($965,307)

        1 by Archangel                                                                4 by Lazarus N including a 3/4 sister to See You At Peelers p,3,1:49.2f
        4 by Always B Miki                                                            ($1,566,900) & a filly out of a 1/2 sister to A Rocknroll Dance p,1:47.2s
        2 by American Ideal including a 1/2 brother to Darlinonthebeach               ($2,441,164).
        p,3,1:48.1 ($1,154,356).                                                      6 by Muscle Hill including the first foal, a colt, out of Celebrity Ruth
        3 by Artspeak                                                                 1:51.4 ($508,429) & a full sister to Really Fast 3,1:51.2 -’21 ($168,375).
        5 by Bar Hopping including a 3/4 brother to French Laundry 3,1:52.4           4 by Muscle Mass including a full sister in blood to Sonnet Grace
        ($679,629).                                                                   2,Q1:54.2f ($463,229).
        3 by Betting Line                                                             1 by Sebastian K S
        7 by Bettors Delight including a 1/2 brother to Physicallyinclined            4 by Stay Hungry
        p,1:49s ($855,210).                                                           4 by Swan For All
        3 by Cantab Hall including a colt out of a 1/2 sister to Dream Nation         3 by Sweet Lou including a filly out of a 1/2 sister to Kikikatie p,3,1:50.3
        1:52.4s -’21 ($391,293) & a filly out of a 3/4 sister to Chocolatier 3,1:53   ($1,415,566).
        ($1,328,250).                                                                 4 by Tactical Landing including a 1/2 brother to Winning Shadow
        6 by Captaintreacherous                                                       3,1:52.3 ($460,041) & a filly out of To Dream On 3,1:52.1 ($968,077).
        1 by Chapter Seven                                                            3 by Trixton
        18 by Father Patrick including a full brother to Greenshoe 3,1:49.4           1 by Uncle Peter
        ($1,387,376) and two colts out of 1/2 sisters to Creamy Mimi 3,1:53.4         12 by Walner including a 1/2 brother to Will Take Charge 1:50.3f
        ($929,193).                                                                   ($1,343,854) & a 1/2 brother to Johan Palema 3,1:50.4 -’21 ($403,278).
        1 by Helpisontheway                                                           1 by What The Hill

                              Yearlings may be inspected at the farm - please call for an appt. • Check our website for yearling videos.

                                  Phone 859-621-6493 • www.kentuckianafarms.com • email: office@kentuckianafarms.com

KYana 092021.indd 1                                                                                                                                         9/27/21 1:12 PM
Harness Racing Update

                                                                   THE SALE OF
Lyons Sentinel shatters
track record, wins Dayton
Distaff Derby in 1:48.2
by Gregg Keidel / Hollywood Dayton Raceway

To virtually no one’s surprise, Lyons Sentinel dominated her
foes in the $175,000 Dayton Distaff Derby on Saturday (Oct.
2), lowering the Hollywood Dayton Raceway track record for
mares to 1:48.2.
Driver Tim Tetrick got the winner away fourth, but rushed her
to the lead just past the quarter mile mark. Rocknificent (Scott
Zeron) had left alertly in the early going but yielded to Lyons
Sentinel to secure a pocket ride behind the current No. 1 ranked
horse in the Hambletonian Society/Breeders Crown poll. The                                                  AMANDA STEPHENS
result, however was the same as Rocknificent finished second
for the sixth time in her last seven starts — five of those run-
ner-up finishes to Lyons Sentinel. Miss You N (Dexter Dunn)
                                                                   STRIDE      THE    HILL
raced creditably to finish third.                                  2, 1:53.1-’21 ($58,850)
                                                                   Muscle Hill - Open Access
Threelyonsracing of Brantford, ON own the winning 4-year-old
                                                                   by Credit Winner
daughter of Captaintreacherous—Tutu Hanover, bred by Hanover
Shoe Farms. She is trained by Jim King Jr., who also conditioned   $72,000 Bluegrass Stakes division
the last dominant distaff pacer in the sport — Shartin N.
                                                                   winner for 2yotc’s in a life best,
                                                                   October 1 at The Red Mile.
                                                                   Owned by: Fashion Farms Llc.
                                                                   Trained by: Jim Campbell
                                                                   Driven by: Andrew McCarthy
                                                                   Bred by:      Fair Winds Farm Inc.

                                                                   STRIDE THE HILL SOLD FOR $45,000 AT THE
                                                                   2020 TIMONIUM YEARLING SALE.
                                                                   JOIN US NOVEMBER 8-12 IN HARRISBURG!
                                                     Brad Conrad
For the first time in its eight-year history, the $175,000                                         (717) 637-8931
Dayton Pacing Derby produced a local winner. Ocean Rock                                            fax: (717) 637-6766
(Dan Noble) crushed a full field of North America’s best                                           theblackbook.com
pacers in 1:48.

                                       Harness Racing Update | Page 25 | October 3, 2021
10/5-10/9 LEXINGTON
                                                   PACING HIGHLIGHTS
                                                   Visit Winbak Farm at Fasig-Tipton’s Barn 8!
                                                   Click Here or Scan QR Code to Register for Online Bidding.
10/5 Day 1 Lineup                                 !
                                                    10/6 Day 2 Lineup (cont.)                          10/8 Day 4 Highlights (cont.)
AMERICAN IDEAL, NY                             NEW STAY HUNGRY, PA                                     BETTERTHANCHEDDAR, ON
 #13, IDEAL COVER, F                                #224, CANDYBEDANDY, F                               #649, BLAZIN BABE, F
 American Ideal-Always Covers-Bettor’s Delight       Stay Hungry-Rocknroll Wishes-Rocknroll Hanover     Betterthancheddar-Dune Speed-Western Ideal
 First Foal. Second dam is Mind Boggling,            Dam is a 1/2-sister to Bettor’s Delight,           First Foal. Dam is a 1/2-sister to
 p, 1:50.3s ($505,553)                               p, 3, 1:49.4 ($2,581,461)                          Speed Again, p, 1:48.1s ($1,072,255)
BETTOR’S DELIGHT, ON                                 #272, SWIFT OPERATOR, C, PA/KY                    BETTOR’S DELIGHT, ON
 #99, MR GALLIE, C                                   Stay Hungry-Swift N Shout-Rocknroll Hanover        #654, DANCE WITH TABBY, F
 Bettor’s Delight-Hallie Gallie-Village Jolt         Second dam is Cam Swifty,                          Bettor’s Delight-Dancingatnight-Rocknroll Hanover
 Second dam is Galleria,                             p, 3, 1:50 ($1,014,357)                            Dam is a full-sister to Rockeyed Optimist,
 p, 1:49.1 ($1,814,453)                                                                                 p, 1:48 ($772,306)
                                                    10/7 Day 3 Highlights                               !
                                                                                                     NEWBOSTON RED ROCKS, NY
10/6 Day 2 Lineup                                   AMERICAN IDEAL, NY
AMERICAN IDEAL, NY                                   #371, CHAI LATTE, F                                 #682, ROCKN RED DELIGHT, F
                                                     American Ideal-Dreamlands Latte-Artsplace          Boston Red Rocks-KG Delight-Northern Luck
                                                     1/2-sister to 2021 North America Cup               Dam is KG Delight, p, 1:50.1 ($815,548)
 American Ideal-Free Show-Badlands Hanover
 Dam is Free Show, p, 3, 1:51.3s ($228,034)          Final Winner, Desperate Man,                      HESTON BLUE CHIP, PA
                                                     p, 3, 1:49.3s-’21 ($679,074)
 #168, VIVIANS DREAM, F                                                                                 #610, SUNNY PASADENA, F
 American Ideal-Sports Chic-Sportswriter            BETTING LINE, PA                                    Heston Blue Chip-Western City-Western Hanover
 Dam is a 1/2-sister to Rainbow Blue,                #394, GILLIGANS HOOLIGAN, C                        1/2-sister to Stormy West,
 p, 3, 1:49.2s ($1,428,594)                          Betting Line-Impact Zone-American Ideal            p, 1:50.1f ($345,355)
                                                     Dam is a 1/2-sister to Southwind Tempo,           ROLL WITH JOE, NY
 #219, IDEAL STAR, F                                 p, 1:48.2 ($2,396,362)
 American Ideal-Feelinglikeastar-Artiscape                                                              #616, GOTTAGOMISS JO, F
 1/2-sister to Zero Tolerance,                      BETTOR’S DELIGHT, ON                                Roll With Joe-Gottalottago-Badlands Hanover
 p, 3, 1:50.2f -’19 ($980,736), & full-sister                                                           Dam is a 1/2-sister to We Will See,
                                                     #355, ROLLING BAYOU, F
 to Ideal Feeling, p, 1:48.4 -’20 ($318,583).        Bettor’s Delight-Benazire Blue Chip-Art Major      p, 1:47.2 ($2,549,643)
 Dam is a full-sister to Rainbow Blue,               Dam is a 1/2-sister to Mach It So,                SHADOW PLAY, ON
 p, 3, 1:49.2s ($1,428,594)                          p, 1:48f ($2,943,303)
                                                     !                                                  #591, CHESAPEAKE SUNRISE, C
BETTOR’S DELIGHT, ON                              NEWBOSTON RED ROCKS, NY                               Shadow Play-Enjoy The View-Life Sign
 #136, BELIGHTED, C                                    #543, ROCK MY SOCKS, F                           Full-brother to Inspiration View,
 Bettor’s Delight-Maid West-Western Hanover          Boston Red Rocks-Kattimon-Astreos                  p, 3, 1:50.2s ($309,621)
 Full-brother to Wes Delight,                        1/2-sister to Devil Child,                        SPORTSWRITER, ON
 p, 1:48.3 -’21 ($394,195). 1/2-brother to           p, 1:49.1f ($604,549)                              #676, WRITE THE RULES, F
 Western Expression, p, 1:51.2f ($249,457)                                                              Sportswriter-Big Bottom-The Panderosa
                                                    HUNTSVILLE, NY
 #314, LIGHT N FANCY, F                              #423, RUFFLED LILY, F                              Dam is a 1/2-sister to Bottom Deals,
 Bettor’s Delight-Sportsfancy-Sportsmaster           Huntsville-Lillywhites-Artiscape                   p, 3, 1:49.2s ($341,310)
 Dam is Sportsfancy,                                 Second dam is White Ruffles,
 p, 1:49.4 ($1,001,957). 1/2-sister to               p, 1:52 ($485,123)
                                                                                                       10/9 Day 5 Highlights
 2021 PASS Winner, Jazzed,                                                                             DOWNBYTHESEASIDE, OH
 p, 2, 1:53f -’21 ($85,330)                         SHADOW PLAY, ON                                      #854, BOARDWALK JACK, C
                                                     #575, BEST SHOW, F                                  Downbytheseaside-Restive Hanover-The Panderosa
HUNTSVILLE, NY                                       Shadow Play-Thisthatntheother-Dream Away            Dam is Restive Hanover,
 #141, WINNING HUNTRESS, F                           1/2-sister to Party Queen,                          p, 3, 1:51.4 ($941,971). 1/2-brother to
 Huntsville-Pleasant Yet Bad-Badlands Hanover        p, 2, 1:54.2f -’20 ($116,298)                       2021 NYSS Winner, Flip My Chip,
 1/2-sister to Weeper, p, 3, 1:49f ($569,511).                                                           p, 2, 1:53.1f -’21 ($50,211)
 Dam is a full-sister to Badlands Nitro,            10/8 Day 4 Highlights
 p, 3, 1:50f ($1,597,638)                           AMERICAN IDEAL, NY                                 FEAR THE DRAGON, OH
                                                     #677, AMERICAN FLING, C                             #861, VALLEY OF FEAR, F
 #333, ALABAMA HANNAH, F                                                                                 Fear The Dragon-Shes A Pansation-No Pan Intended
 Huntsville-Upfrontandpersonal-Bettor’s Delight      American Ideal-Feeling You-Cambest
                                                     Dam is Feeling You, p, 1:48.4 ($1,028,496)          Dam is a full-sister to Nebupanezzar,
 Dam is a 1/2-sister to
                                                                                                         p, Q1:51.1s ($949,071)
 Miso Fast, p, Q1:49 ($885,447)
                                                                                                        All information as of 10/2/21

                           Born to Compete...Raised to Win!
                           James Ladwig, Yearling Manager
                           155 Yearling Row, Chesapeake City, MD 21915 / 410.885.3059 / james.ladwig@winbakfarm.com
                     ®     Visit www.winbakfarm.com for yearling videos. / /
Harness Racing Update

                                                                      THE SALE OF
 Back Of The Neck wins Dayton Trotting Derby
Back Of The Neck (Ake Svanstedt) pulled a mild upset and broke
the local track record for 4-year-old male trotters while winning

the $175,000 Dayton Trotting Derby, nailing runner-up When
Dovescry (David Miller) in the final stride of the 1:51.4 mile.
The lightly-raced son of Ready Cash triumphed for the second
straight week after winning a top conditioned trot at The
Meadowlands last week.

“This is a very good horse,” said Svanstedt in the winner’s circle.
“When he’s in his top form he can go with these top trotters.”
It took every inch of the mile for Back Of The Neck to earn the
victory by a nose over the pacesetter When Dovescry. Former
Hambletonian winner Forbidden Trade (Bob McClure) nabbed
the show dough in the stellar field that included four million-
aires and combined earnings over $11 million.
It was the 11th career win for Back Of The Neck from just 28
lifetime starts. He is owned by Howard Taylor, the Order By
Stable, J. Taylor, B. Cynwyd and Svanstedt. He was bred by the
Order By Stable.

 Pacing Derby produces first local winner —
 Ocean Rock
                                                                                                             AMANDA STEPHENS

For the first time in its eight-year history, the $175,000 Dayton
Pacing Derby produced a local winner. Driver Dan Noble and
Ocean Rock crushed a full field of North America’s best pacers        PALERMO        HANOVER
in 1:48, over three lengths better than Nicholas Beach (Joe           2, 1:55-’21 ($68,008)
Bongiorno) and This Is The Plan (Yannick Gingras). The 4-year-
old son of Rockin Amadeus, who now owns an impressive
                                                                      Father Patrick - Personal Style
four-race win streak, has now banked $385,385 this season             by Yankee Glide
and over $900,000 lifetime for owner Sandra Burnett.
“This horse has taken us on such a great ride,” said trainer          $78,400 Bluegrass Stakes division
Christi Noble, Dan’s wife, while holding their infant son Nash        winner for 2yotf’s in a life best,
in the winner’s circle. “We made a bridle change this week and
it seemed to help,” Dan said.                                         yesterday at The Red Mile.
When informed the 1:48 clocking was just one-fifth of a second        Owned by: Noel Daley, Lenny Zelin,
                                                                                The Gandolfo Stables
                                                                      Trained by: Noel Daley
                                                                      Driven by: Dexter Dunn
                                                                      Bred by:     Hanover Shoe Farms Inc.

                                                                      PALERMO HANOVER SOLD FOR $45,000 AT
                                                                      THE 2020 TIMONIUM YEARLING SALE.
                                                                      JOIN US NOVEMBER 8-12 IN HARRISBURG!
                                                        Brad Conrad                                 (717) 637-8931
Lyons Sentinel (Tim Tetrick) lowered the Hollywood Dayton                                           fax: (717) 637-6766
Raceway track record for mares to 1:48.2 while winning the                                          theblackbook.com
$175,000 Dayton Distaff Derby.

                                         Harness Racing Update | Page 27 | October 3, 2021
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