Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...

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Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...
Friday, April 15, 2022

        Pompano Park to go out
        with its head held high
             After 58 years, the Florida track will play host to its final race card on Sunday.
                                                           by Brett Sturman

                                                                       home for decades, Wally Hennessey, Mickey McNichol and all
                                                                       the other drivers and trainers and horsepeople, is that everyone
                                                                       can step off the field a sense of pride,” said Prewitt. “We’re going
                                                                       to be the first track ever that’s shutting its doors after having
                                                                       its two best wagering seasons of all-time, that’s not something
                                                                       that ever happens. And not that it wouldn’t have been fondly
                                                                       remembered by the people that had been here for decades if
                                                                       we closed when we were betting $80,000 to $100,000 a night
                                                                       because it was such a great place at one time, but we can go out

As Pompano Park enters its final card Sunday in the track’s
58-year history, the fact that it has made it to this point is a
                                                                          Where Quality Sells!
testament to what has transpired at the track in recent years.
Pompano has undergone a renaissance over the past decade,
with its success accelerating even more so just in the last two
years, but, sadly, it has finally run out of time.
Not too long ago, Pompano Park was left in obscurity. It wasn’t
uncommon for entire race cards to unfathomably handle less
than $100,000. Today, from a handle standpoint, more money
is wagered at Pompano than most other harness tracks on the
From the track’s inception in 1964 through 2014, there were just
three instances of Pompano having a race card handle over $1
million. The next three instances of going over the $1 million
threshold were accomplished by 2018. Then, an explosion was
witnessed last year when the track had 21 separate $1 million

                                                                            April 25 Mixed Sale
nights in 2021. That included a record handle taken on closing
night last season of over $1.7 million. Pompano has gone over
$1 million in handle multiple times in 2022.
Track announcer Gabe Prewitt has been a constant in the track’s                Racehorses | Race Fillies | Breeding Stock
handle resurgence.                                                                Accepting entries through April 20
“The thing I’m most proud of is that for a track with the historical            preferredequineonline.com
significance of Pompano Park and the people that have made this

                                           Harness Racing Update | Page 1 | April 15, 2022
Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...
Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...
Harness Racing Update

now having gained respect back. I’m proud of what we were able                     “With all respect to the beauty and the history of Pompano Park,
to accomplish and send out the track as well as we could have.”                    we had to create our own path to try to be successful in today’s
Rumors of Pompano’s demise date back to before even Prewitt                        climate, which is mainly off-track dollars to a large extent,” said
first arrived on the scene at the track nearly a decade ago, and                   Prewitt. “We had to look in the mirror and ask ourselves things
the fact that Pompano has made it even to this point is an                         like why do we race on Friday and Saturday nights if it’s not like
accomplishment in itself.                                                          we can offer a nice dinner in the clubhouse, let’s look at our
“From being on the inside of some of these meetings, I do think                    betting menu, at our takeout rates, and think how we can be
that the success we’ve had did buy us a little more life,” Prewitt                 more customer friendly. So, we had to take that look, recognize
said. “It would have been a lot easier to close a place that’s doing               that we weren’t going to be what we used to and find out how
no business than a place that has some life in it. The success                     to carve a path in today’s environment given the hand that
we had last year played into a lot for us to even get a curtain                    we’ve been dealt.”
call for this year because they (Caesars Entertainment) were
under no obligation to race.”                                                      It may seem today that the handle surge at Pompano happened
                                                                                   almost overnight, but it was the result of a longer, more grad-
Though Pompano has had the unique challenge of operating
with the persistent possibility of a looming closure, it hasn’t                    ual process. As Prewitt explained, “You can’t go from betting
differed from any other harness track by having to operate today                   $100,000 to $1 million in two weeks, but you can go from
with its heyday long in the past. The challenge in recent times                    $100,000 to $220,000. And then if you can get to $220,000
had been trying to chart a course forward despite the prevailing                   you can get to $350,000. And from there you just continue to
notion that the track had run its course.                                          climb. We were all shocked at how high we were able to go. I just

 Brush and Crush: Are fixed odds a rocky road or a money maker?                                                                            page 7
 Meadowlands Matters: Down Under mare Amazing Dream is looking to conquer a second continent                                               page 9
 Grassroots Perspective: Lisa Mariacher proudly carrying on her family’s name in the game                                                 page 12
 European Report: Chase for Olympic gold continues                                                                                        page 15
 Twos in Training: Norman, Beaton Twos in Training video posted, Menary up next                                                           page 17

                                                                                      CANADIAN HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE

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Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...
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Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...
Harness Racing Update

                                                                                                                 shows how easily you can fall
         It’s not like we died quietly. It makes me smile that we                                                in love with the place.”
                                                                                                                 Ultimately, the team at
     were able to give the place a sendoff it deserves given its                                                 Pompano reached the end
                                                                                                                 of its final year, but the track
     history and with all the people that have raced and put in                                                  got a lot of mileage out of
                                                                                                                 the rumored ‘final year’ going
     the work to race over the years. It’s been a very fulfilling                                                back over a decade.

     way to know that we’re sending it out with a sense for all                                            “It’s not like we died quietly,”
                                                                                                           said Prewitt. “It makes me
     the people here that we’re going out on top.                                                          smile that we were able to
                                                                                                           give the place a sendoff it
                                                                                                           deserves given its history and
                                                                            ~ Gabe Prewitt                 with all the people that have
                                                                                                           raced and put in the work to
want competitive racing. Whether the condition is a TrackMaster        race over the years. It’s been a very fulfilling way to know that
rating of 70 or less makes no difference in my mind, but the           we’re sending it out with a sense for all the people here that
fact that we did have maybe lesser quality stock and with all          we’re going out on top.”
of the infrastructure problems we had, it really is amazing, and       In recent years Pompano Park may not have always raced the
I just have to thank all the people that stood by us.”                 highest quality horses, but this was not an operation that was
Starting with Prewitt’s self-deprecating nature, another part of       outclassed. And certainly not outfought.
Pompano’s formula for success is that it never took itself exces-
sively serious and embraced who they were while operating on
borrowed time.
“Quite frankly, the people that were out there betting our prod-
uct didn’t care that the grandstand was condemned, or the
quality of your broadcast, or maybe the lights will turn on or they

                                                                        Century Farroh
won’t, or if we’ll be able to get tote prices up after a race,” said
Prewitt. “We didn’t give up. We were trying, and that’s probably
what bought us some leeway even with all the challenges we              p, 2, 1:53s, 3, 1:49.1s, 4, 1:49s, BT1:47.3 ($1,557,016)
had. We had a lot of engagement and listened to the fans, so            Mach Three – Beachy Girl – Real Desire
I think people gave us a longer leash than they would have
otherwise because we were trying.”                                      Create your own
The role that social media played as the track’s handle ascended        O’Brien Award Winner
in recent years cannot be overstated enough. Individuals who            with a stallion who earned
came to know Pompano through online mediums such as Twitter             4 top awards
and joined in nightly using the #senditin rallying cry, became
affectionately known as the #senditin army, almost like an island       2020 Canadian Horse of the Year
of misfit toys.
                                                                        2020 Breeders Crown winner at 4
“The place was sort of dying so to speak, and then came a resur-        2019 & 2020 O’Brien Award winner
gence that in large part included the #senditin army. These are
people who love the place and bet on it every night and helped
pick things up and get us carried across the finish,” Prewitt said.
“Because we were very close to being off everyone’s radar, and
we were able to pick the place up with all those people sup-
porting the product and betting their money. You couldn’t pay
for what we’ve had on social media every night.
“How cool is it to have this newer audience, to have gained trac-
tion and gained respect between the fans and in the industry.
We’ve got people that have only known the place for a couple
of years and only through social media interaction, and they’ve                                                                         .COM

been booking trips, flying in here and seeing the place and it

                                           Harness Racing Update | Page 5 | April 15, 2022
Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...
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Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...
Harness Racing Update

                                                                                  CAN RACING ACTUALLY LOSE MONEY?
                                                                                  The pari-mutuel system is a remarkable invention. Through
                                                                                  the wisdom of crowds, the tote board has been an amazingly
                                                                                  accurate approximation of the horses win probability over the
                                                                                  years. It beats the best speed figures, morning line makers, and
                                                                                  at its high takeout, most computers.
                                                                                  Fixed odds don’t work like that. They’re set by sharp humans and
                                                                                  computers, but they are beatable (especially at the lower takeout
                                                                                  they’d have to offer). The groups who do grind out break-even
                                                                                  or better in the pari-mutuel pools are certainly going to look
                                                                                  for edges in fixed-odds pools. And I would proffer they will win.
Are fixed odds a rocky                                                            Unlike the pari-mutuel system where losses are subsidized by
                                                                                  losing bettors, fixed-odds losses are paid for by the house. And
road or a money maker?                                                            in this case, the house is racing.
                                                                                  To combat winning bettors, sports betting firms have simply
The press has been bullish on fixed-odds                                          banned them, or they limit their bets. You’ve no doubt read
wagering, but its success or failure hinges on                                    about this on social media. That usually means negative word-
                                                                                  of-mouth, and is not something an enterprise wants or needs.
some important issues.
                                                                                  Additionally, this added risk could prompt the tracks or books
by Dean Towers                                                                    to increase takeout. But that lowers their volume and could do
                                                                                  more harm than good, especially as racing tries to gain sports
With the legalization of sports betting in the U.S. (and now much                 betting dollars from those who are used to 10 cent lines.
of Canada), you’ve probably heard quite a bit about fixed-odds
wagering for our sport. Next month, Monmouth plans to offer its
races on a new fixed odds platform, with others sure to follow,                   WILL THE FIEFDOMS GET IN THE WAY?
including harness racing.                                                         You or I can log into any sportsbook and play the Yankees at -140
At recent expositions, racing insiders in the U.S. are extremely                  or the Blues at +180. Everyone offers games and it’s seamless.
optimistic about fixed odds, and I guess we can’t blame them. In
Australia, fixed-odds wagering on horses via the TAB alone has
grown from AUS$1.8B in 2010 to AUS$5.3B last year.                                  NEW TO DELAWARE IN 2022!
On this side of the pond, the gripes about late odds changes are

ever-present and fixed odds address that complaint. As well, the
younger demographic who grew up with -110 football games
and +800 futures want to bet every sport the exact same way.
This gives them a chance to patronize horse racing in a way
they’re comfortable with.
So, this is all positive, right? I’m not quite sold. If we dig a little deeper,
I think there are some potential issues with these rosy outlooks.

                                                                                    TOP FLIGHT ANGEL
B I G F I X E D - O D D S WAG E R I N G G ROWT H                                    2, 1:58.1h; 3, 1:54.3h; 1:52.3f ($993,615)
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that risk could mean purse dollars.

                                                  Harness Racing Update | Page 7 | April 15, 2022
Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...
Harness Racing Update

                                                                    last year only about AUS$7B of the AUS$30B wagered was in
     Unlike the pari-mutuel system                                  exotics pools.
                                                                    In North America, it’s the opposite. We are an exotic bets
     where losses are subsidized by                                 Shangri-La, with decades of Pick 4 and 5 tickets flying around
                                                                    our TV screens and on social media. It’s what we do. Is it possible
     losing bettors, fixed-odds losses                              we’re a pari-mutuel continent and we won’t embrace betting
                                                                    win only, so this is much ado about nothing? Time will tell.
     are paid for by the house. And in
                                                                    After detailing the above potential pitfalls, I would be remiss
     this case, the house is racing.                                not to say that I think fixed-odds racing has potential, and I am
                                                                    a broad fan of the concept.
One thing horse racing’s customers have learned over the years      Fixed odds can provide lower takeout; attracting new customers.
is that signal fights and internal conflict affect them measur-     Having horse racing offered on DraftKings or FanDuel – espe-
ably, and it’s no bueno. If a racing entity wants to sign deals     cially as racing spends so much money on television – is a smart
with sportsbook “X” but not “Y” and so on, horse racing could       way to get in front of eyeballs. Having our major races such as
end up shooting itself in the foot. Customers can’t bet what’s      the Kentucky Derby or Hambletonian offered to everyone with
not offered, and with so much choice for their betting dollar       a sports betting account has to be a good thing.
they aren’t going to chase four different tracks around four        In the end, however, its success or failure probably comes down
different books.                                                    to what I think most things come down to – planning and exe-
                                                                    cution. Here’s hoping the powers that be have both figured out
                                                                    at launch.
While most point to places like Australia for fixed-odds success,
one has to take into account the customer base. Down Under,
win betting has been drilled into bettors for generations, and

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                                         Harness Racing Update | Page 8 | April 15, 2022
Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...
Harness Racing Update

                                                                             Believe me, there was a lot of
                                                                         pressure to keep her down there
                                                                         because in this period of February
                                                                         through April 30th, she could have
                                                                         raced for over $3 million Down Under.
Looking to conquer a                                                     But we have all U.S. partners and they
second continent                                                         want to race her here this year in all
                                                                         the top races. So, to give her time to
Down Under mare Amazing Dream has landed
in America and is already making a name for                              acclimate and be ready for the season,
herself on a second continent.                                           we had to bring her over now.
by Debbie Little
                                                                                                                  ~ Gordon Banks
What do you do when you’re the best mare Down Under? In
this case, look to conquer another continent.                        “Believe me, there was a lot of pressure to keep her down there
The New Zealand-bred Amazing Dream is not the first top Down         because in this period of February through April 30th, she could
Under horse to try to make their mark in the U.S., but for her,      have raced for over $3 million Down Under,” said Banks. “But
timing could be everything.                                          we have all U.S. partners and they want to race her here this
                                                                     year in all the top races. So, to give her time to acclimate and
“She’s probably the first to come from Down Under right at her
                                                                     be ready for the season, we had to bring her over now.”
peak in a long time,” said co-owner Gordon Banks. “Lazarus was
past his prime when he came here.”                                   For Enviro, including Gutnick, Pontone and Lozito seemed like a
                                                                     natural when you consider the same partnership already owns
Trainer Noel Daley never saw Amazing Dream race in Australia,
                                                                     trotting mare Lady Chaos and trotting filly Bare My Soul.
but certainly knows her reputation.
                                                                     “Gordon Banks was telling me that the best pacing mare from
“What I’ve seen in the last few years is that their best pacers go
                                                                     Down Under was going to be available for sale and I said to
with our best pacers,” said Daley. “And she’s better credentialed
                                                                     him lets buy her,” said Gutnick. “He was silent for a little while
than just about anything that’s come here. Whether she’s a mile
                                                                     and he said, ‘Are you serious?’ and I said, ‘Yes, let’s do it.’ I said,
horse, we’ll see.
                                                                     ‘I’ll put the deal together, you go ahead and make the offer.’
“She was even competing competitively against the boys. The
                                                                     “Tommy Pontone and Joe Lozito are my main partners and they
best ones never come here. The best horse makes three or four
                                                                     always say to me when I ask them if they’re interested in a horse,
million dollars down there. There’s no need for them to come
                                                                     they say ‘If you’re in, we’re in.’ With partners like that, it’s fantastic.”
                                                                     Pontone considers Gutnick to be his brother from another
Enviro Stables Ltd., comprised of Banks and his cousin, Marc
                                                                     mother since the two met in the 2012 Hambletonian winner’s
Hanover, own quite a lot of horses racing Down Under, so when
                                                                     circle with Market Share.
the opportunity to purchase Amazing Dream came up, they had
to make it happen by bringing in partners Richard Gutnick, Tom       “We were actually looking at a trotter in New Zealand and it
Pontone and Joe Lozito, Jr.                                          didn’t work out and he said, ‘I’ve found a pacing mare,’” said

                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 9 | April 15, 2022
Pompano Park to go out with its head held high - Harness ...
Harness Racing Update

                                                                                                                              Lisa Photo
  Amazing Dream (Todd McCarthy) winning her first start in the U.S. last Saturday at The Meadowlands.

Pontone. “I didn’t know anything about Amazing Dream and he            nobody better with fillies or mares than Linda. We never gave it a
wanted to do it and I just said if you’re going to do it, I’m going    thought to give it to anybody but Linda. She’s extremely patient
to do it. When Richard calls me up, whether I agree with him or        and something you don’t hear much about horsemen. She’s wise.”
disagree with him, at the end of the day I go, ‘Okay, brother, I’m
                                                                       “Linda is phenomenal,” said Gutnick. “Everybody knows that.
in. I trust you. If you’re in, I’m in.’”
                                                                       Linda and I share the same philosophy. If you don’t wait on a
Lozito has owned horses since 1985, including some with                horse, they make you wait even longer.”
                                                                       Toscano’s had the mare for a couple of months now and is happy
“Tom asked me to join up with Richard and we kind of created           with her progress over that time.
an instant friendship, partnership,” said Lozito. “[Richard] is very
                                                                       “To look at her, she’s pretty plain and not very big, but mighty as
good at what he does and he’s a very loyal partner and is as
                                                                       far as her heart is concerned,” said Toscano. “She doesn’t need me
honest as the day is long.
                                                                       to tell anybody she’s a good horse. She’s the second winningest
“When it came to Amazing Dream, Richard called and I said why          mare in Down Under history. I just need to not get in her way
would I want to spend that much money for a horse I can’t go see       and not screw her up.
race? Because I do like to go to the track. I’m probably very happy
                                                                       “[These owners] are just a great group of people. They genuinely
with it since Amazing Dream did so well on Saturday night.”
                                                                       love the sport and genuinely love to compete at this level and
What the partners paid for Amazing Dream has never been dis-           the fact that they’ve entrusted me with her is kind of special. Of
closed and that’s okay with them.                                      course there’s pressure, but this is the kind of pressure that we
“It would be terrible for me to say, because I love reading the        look for. Brad [Toscano’s husband] just said something in my ear,
speculation, and there were all sorts of numbers thrown around,”       but he’s right, this is the kind of pressure that’s a privilege and
said Banks. “It was a big number but it was a fair number. There       that’s exactly the way I feel about it. The fact that they trusted
were reports that some crazy people bought this mare for a             me enough to allow me to condition her over here is a gift.”
million dollars. Untrue. Taking out Lazarus, there has not been        Grieco, who cared for the aforementioned Market Share, sees
a racehorse from Down Under in the last 10 years that sold for         some of his relaxed nature in Amazing Dream.
over half a million U.S.”
                                                                       “One day [Linda] said Enviro is going to send their good mare
Rounding out the “Dream” team are trainer Linda Toscano, care-         from Down Under and you need to make room for her,” said
taker Shelly Grieco and driver Todd McCarthy.
                                                                       Grieco. “Like Market Share, she has the laid-back attitude. Never
“We’ve been with Linda for 30 years,” said Banks. “We won the          misses a meal. If she leaves one morsel in her feed tub, I jokingly
Breeders Crown with Linda with Molly Can Do It. So, there’s            tell Linda you better call the vet immediately.

                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 10 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

“There’s nothing flashy about her, but she
has a little Bettor’s Delight head. I don’t think
I’ve ever really had a good, good mare that I
could compare her to. I think the thing that
                                                          To look at her, she’s pretty plain and not
stands out about her compared to most fillies         very big, but mighty as far as her heart is
or mares is nothing phases her. Some mares
can be temperamental and moody and so far,            concerned. She doesn’t need me to tell anybody
I haven’t seen that side of her at all.”
After looking at a list of which drivers were         she’s a good horse. She’s the second winningest
committed to other pacing mares, the connec-
tions thought McCarthy was the perfect choice.        mare in Down Under history. I just need to not
“He was a driving force in Sydney before he           get in her way and not screw her up.
came to the States,” said Hanover. “Down there,
he always drove [our horse] Our Majordan
[almost] every week.”                                                                                   ~ Linda Toscano
“I spoke to Todd back in September in
Lexington about driving this horse and he said he would if he       there, so it was easy enough to give her a shot and I certainly
could and he’s been as good as his word,” said Banks. “Now it’s     hope it works out,” said McCarthy.
up to her to prove to him that he made the right choice.
                                                                    According to Grieco, Amazing Dream doesn’t like to stand and
McCarthy drove her to an easy victory at The Meadowlands            wait in line and she appreciated how McCarthy dealt with
on Saturday (April 9), in her U.S. debut. She has banked over a     that situation on Saturday.
million in earnings and now has 25 wins in 49 career starts –
                                                                    “We were going out to post parade and she was starting to
including 10 Group 1 races Down Under – and has only failed
                                                                    get a little bully and Toddy just started sweet talking her,”
to hit the board a total of five times.
                                                                    said Grieco. “He talks to her all the time. Going out in the
“When I was asked to go with her, I felt that it was an amazing     post parade she’s got earplugs in so she probably can’t hear
opportunity and that she’d been doing such a great job down         it, but to me it means a lot as a caretaker to know that your
                                                                    driver respects and cares for the animal between the shafts
                                                                    as much as you do. Because I am that type of caretaker, my
                                                                    horses are my kids and when they hurt, I hurt.
                                                                    “It’s always nice to work your butt off for good owners that
                                                                    appreciate the effort that you put into their horses. After so
                                                                    many years they become family. I’ve been with Linda going
                                                                    on 19 years. I just hope we can have a little fun with her
                                                                    this summer.”

                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 11 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

                                                                          “When I first got into racing, there were a lot of new people
                                                                          at the racetrack, but there were also lots of people from my
                                                                          dad’s time. They would come up and say, ‘I have to tell you
                                                                          this story about your father.’ It would be a really funny story. I
                                                                          remember one night I was in the paddock and I had a horse
                                                                          that I owned. I wasn’t training at the time. I was having trouble
                                                                          finding someone to warm the horse up. It was getting closer
                                                                          and closer to race time, and I was asking people, but no one
                                                                          had the time, and didn’t really know who I was. Someone who
                                                                          did know my dad came up and asked if I wanted him to warm
                                                                          up my horse. After he did, I went to hand him money for doing
                                                                          it and he said, ‘I don’t want any money. If it was my daughter,
      Lisa Mariacher proudly                                              your dad would have done the same thing.’ It’s so nice to have

      carrying on her family’s                                            that kind of help if I need it and also to see how people felt
                                                                          about my dad.”
      name in the game                                                    Sixteen years after his passing, she’s proudly carrying on the
                                                                          family name.
      by Chris Lomon                                                      While she hasn’t followed the same horse racing path her father
                                                                          did, Mariacher’s fondness for the sport and its equine stars is
      There’s no doubt Lisa Mariacher’s father would be proud.
                                                                          quite similar.
      During his time in horse racing, Al Mariacher earned a reputation
                                                                          Her association with the sport began at an early age before she
      as a top-rate standardbred trainer, a horseperson who always
                                                                          circled back into the industry years later.
      had his pacers and trotters in peak condition before the starting
      gate began rolling.                                                 “My dad trained in the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s,” said Mariacher. “I was
                                                                          young at the time, but I was involved in it. Towards the end,
      He was also respected and revered by his contemporaries for
                                                                          before he retired, I got into riding horses. I did that for a few
      his generous ways with both humans and horses.
                                                                          years and then I went away to college in West Virginia for equine
      If she ever needed a reminder of just how well regarded her         studies. I came back home, had a son, and then got out of the
      father was, she found it often.                                     horse business. Then, I met my current husband, Billy Verney. His

      (from left) Lisa Mariacher, husband Billy Verney and Lisa’s son, Jesse.
Bill Burke

                                               Harness Racing Update | Page 12 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

father had a small stable at the same time as my dad. When I         “We don’t have any grooms right now. We have six racing and
met Billy, he was working at a barn and had some horses. That’s      two retired right now. It’s just Billy and I. My son, Jesse, who is
how racing came back into my life, kind of full circle, I suppose.   15, is a very mature teenager. He’s very involved in riding horses
I couldn’t have asked for a better story.”                           and he wants to become a blacksmith. He really helps us a lot
A story that has had no shortage of compelling chapters so far.      at the stable and in the paddock. My thing is – and what my dad
                                                                     told me – that if you want anything done right, you have to do it
Take for instance Mariacher’s first training win. Or in this case,
                                                                     yourself. No one is going to work as hard as you do for yourself.
training wins.
                                                                     Because of that and the small number of horses we have, we
It was a milestone moment that ended up being twice as nice.         are able to give them 100 percent every week. I know there are
“I actually had a double,” she said with a laugh. “I had just got    some great grooms out there, but’s it’s nice to know everything
my license and I had a trotter, Iaintnomomaluke, and another         that’s going on with your horse and that you are right there.”
one, now retired and that I still have, [pacer] M G Home Run.        For Mariacher, that also means she’s right where she wants to be.
They both won on the same night [October 6, 2015, at Batavia
Downs]. It was super exciting and it was a great night. It was       While she’s happy to look ahead to future success, any trip to the
amazing. I remember that Jim Morrill drove both of them that         racetrack is also a chance to walk down memory lane.
night and he has an amazing set of hands and can get so much         “When someone comes up to me and says, ‘Hey, you’re Al’s
out of these horses. I was really lucky to have him driving both     daughter! He was such a great man.’ That makes me feel that
of them.”                                                            he is still with me here, through all of the stories that his friends
Mariacher, who won three races in her rookie year, recorded a        tell me. I was really close with him and it’s hard not to have him
career-best 13 victories in 2021.                                    in my life, but through all of these people talking about him, it
                                                                     gives me peace. I always say that win or lose, I’m lucky. I have
This year, she’s off to a flying start, well on her way to setting
                                                                     a family and job I truly love. Most can’t say both.”
personal-best numbers.
On April 6, she relived her double from six-and-a-half years ago
when trotter Le Millenaire and pacer Pumpkinspicelatte both
recorded wins.
“The last month has been very successful. I can really contribute
that to the connections and the grace of God. I have absolutely
amazing owners, who trust me and allow me to do what’s best
for the horse, whether that means getting them rest, moving
them up in class or staying at the level where they are currently
at. All of that makes a huge difference in how the horse performs.
So, this success is about a lot of things, including supportive
owners. Bad owners can give you a lot of stress and make you
question your abilities, good owners can make it successful
and fun.”
She is also quick to give credit to those who sit in the sulky.
“The drivers I have on my current horses definitely play a role
in my success. Each of them gets along so well with the horses
they are driving for me right now.”
Mariacher’s not letting any of the big results go to her head.
“You can have the best horse, the best driver and the best post
position, and anything can happen. You can get locked in, a
horse could break in front of you, they could cancel that night
because of weather – you always need a lot of things to come
together to make a win happen. I don’t start celebrating until
they hit the wire.”
And she doesn’t forget the helpful words of wisdom spoken by
her father.
One particular gem stands out above all the rest for the
horsewoman who also runs an online fabric trim store.

                                         Harness Racing Update | Page 13 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

Hambletonian winning                                               The journey, though, was delayed for days by fighting related
                                                                   to a revolution in Argentina. Thomas Atkyns arrived only one
trainer Osvaldo Formia                                             day prior to the International Trot and was unable to compete.
                                                                   To reward the horse and connections for their perseverance,
dead at 83                                                         Thomas Atkyns was paraded before the International Trot crowd
                                                                   of 53,297, which roared in appreciation.
by Ken Weingartner / USTA media relations manager
                                                                   After a three-week stay, Formia went home to Argentina. A year
                                                                   later, he made a second trip to the U.S. and in 1966 he moved
Osvaldo Formia, who trained Hambletonian winners Harmonious
                                                                   to the States for good.
and Probe, died Saturday (April 9) in Florida. He was three days
from turning 84.                                                   Formia worked for Hall of Famer Howard Beissinger, who trained
                                                                   and drove Lindy’s Pride and Speedy Somolli, in the 1960s and
In addition to his victories in 1990 with Harmonious and in
                                                                   1970s. After starting his own stable, Formia enjoyed a successful
1989 with Probe, who finished in a dead heat for win with Park
                                                                   partnership with the Antonacci family’s Lindy Farms and Lindy
Avenue Joe, Formia was the caretaker for two Hambletonian
                                                                   Racing Stable. Lindy Farms bred and owned Probe and Lindy
champions: Speedy Somolli in 1978 and Trotting Triple Crown
                                                                   Racing co-owned Harmonious with Sal Garofalo. Lindy Farms
winner Lindy’s Pride in 1969.
                                                                   also owned Lindy’s Pride.
Formia was a native of Argentina, where his father, Constancio,
                                                                   “All of us at Lindy Farms are saddened by the loss of Osvaldo
was a well-known and respected horseman. Formia’s first visit
                                                                   Formia,” said a statement posted by Lindy Farms on Twitter. “He
to the U.S. came in 1962 when Constancio’s trotter Thomas
                                                                   truly loved the horses and was a gifted horseman. We have many
Atkyns was invited to travel from Argentina to New York for the
                                                                   great memories with Osvaldo, and he will live on through his
International Trot at Roosevelt Raceway.
                                                                   accomplishments on the racetrack and in the hearts of those
                                                                   who knew him.”

         All of us at Lindy Farms are                              Harmonious’ win in the Hambletonian made Formia the fifth
                                                                   trainer to win the event in consecutive years, joining Henry
    saddened by the loss of Osvaldo                                Thomas, Ben White, Frank Ervin, and Billy Haughton. Harmonious
                                                                   gave his trainer a scare two days prior to the race when Formia
    Formia,” said a statement posted                               found the colt cut and scraped in his paddock after suffering
                                                                   from colic. Fortunately, the abrasions were not severe. It was
    by Lindy Farms on Twitter.“He truly                            too late to start the horse on medication, so Formia treated the
                                                                   colic with Maalox.
    loved the horses and was a gifted                              “He’s not a pretty horse,” said Formia, as quoted by UPI, following
                                                                   Harmonious’ Hambletonian triumph. “In fact, he’s pretty ugly,
    horseman. We have many great                                   but he’s just a bull on the racetrack. When (the owners) bought
                                                                   him, I didn’t like him. I think I’ve changed my opinion today.”
    memories with Osvaldo, and he will
                                                                   Harmonious, who won 10 of 14 races and $1.03 million in 1990,
    live on through his accomplishments                            was named that season’s Dan Patch Award Trotter of the Year.
                                                                   Other top horses trained by Formia included Dan Patch Award-
    on the racetrack and in the hearts of                          winning trotters Lindy Lane and Rum Boogie. Creamy Mimi,
                                                                   who won the 2008 Hambletonian Oaks with trainer Trond
    those who knew him.                                            Smedshammer, began her career with Formia the previous year.

                                        Harness Racing Update | Page 14 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

                                                                      Elimination races will be held at Romme (April 17), Halmstad
                                                                      (April 23) and Örebro (April 30) and in Saturday’s race at Romme,
                                                                      Pasi Aikio-trained Who’s Who chases a spot in the big final.
                                                                      Milligan’s School and Spickleback Face seem to be the toughest
                                                                      opponents for Who’s Who and most likely one of these three
                                                                      trotters will fight for the win.
                                                                      Easter is traditionally the start of the big races in the north-
                                                                      ern European countries and today (April 15) Färjestad holds
                                                                      its appreciated race card where 5-year-old trotters get their
                                                                      chances to show if they’ve managed to take the big step from
                                                                      the 4-year-old season.
Chase for Olympic gold                                                The $52,500 Prins Carl Philips Jubileumspokal is the real deal
                                                                      even if only seven horses will gather behind the car. Last year’s
continues                                                             dominant 4-year-old Önas Prince won basically everything
                                                                      except for the Derby. He got lucky in the draw and will start
by Thomas Hedlund                                                     from post 1. Per Nordström’s horse will be tough to beat and
                                                                      it’s no secret that the entourage around the horse dream about
A Very Kronos, far from his best form, was the first choice in the
                                                                      Elitloppet at Solvalla in May.
first elimination ahead of the $315,000 Paralympiatravet (Åby
on May 7) at Jägersro racetrack in Malmö last Saturday (April 9)
and home trotter Upstate Face (Joke Face) grabbed a well-de-          PRINS CARL PHILIPS JUBILEUMSPOKAL
served spot in the big race at Åby in May, as well.
                                                                      1,640 meters
Upstate Face and driver/trainer Adrian Kolgjini was one of the
                                                                      Horse - Driver
big rookies in Swedish harness racing in 2021 and the now
6-year-old gelding got close to the already established top           Önas Prince - Per Nordström
trotters in northern Europe during the fall. Upstate Face might       2. Bepi Bi - Alessandro Gocciadoro
very well be a horse for the Elitloppet, but first he will meet the   3. San Moteur - Björn Goop
older elite in Paralympiatravet over 1.3 miles on May 7.              4. Maesteraemon - Mats E Djuse
Title defender, French top mare Delia du Pommereux received           5. Best Ofdream Trio - Kim Eriksson
an early wild card for the final and a Danish rookie, Extreme,        6. Hollywood Story - Ulf Ohlsson
also got an early invitation from Åby.                                7. Brambling - Örjan Kihlström

Extreme winning the $105,000 European
Championship 5-years-old at Åby in October last year.
                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 15 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

Italian top trainer Alessandro Gocciadoro has installed some part
of his horses in Sweden for the spring and summer races in north-
ern Europe and there are some really well known trotters that he
has brought north. In his home country, the big star Vernissage
Grif (Varenne) claimed the title in the $166,750 Gran Premio Costa
Azzurra in Turin on Sunday (April 10) afternoon.
Vernissage Grif hit the lead after a quarter of a mile and defended
himself when Blackflash Bar attacked in the home stretch. The win-
ning time was 1:54 and Vernissage Grif will most likely continue
his journey up north, maybe even at Solvalla in May. The chestnut
was dominating among older Italian trotters in 2021 by winning
the $166,750 Campionato Europeo, $143,000 Gran Premio Citta di
Montecatini, $120,000 Gran Premio Duomo, $145,000 Jämtands
Stora Pris and $105,000 Årjängs Stora Sprinterlopp.

The $97,500 Prix Jean Riaud over 1.7 miles was held at Vincennes
last Saturday (April 9) and Prix de Paris winner Diable de Vauvert
showed that he belongs among top French trotters at this moment.
Merited horses such as Cleangame, Gu d’Heripre and Elie de
Beaufour entered the race and Cleangame seemed to claim the
victory when the field turned for home in the last turn, but at
that point Cleangame lost his gait and made a break. Diable de
Vauvert finished impressively and won easily in mile rate 1:55
ahead of Rebella Matters and Gu d’Heripre.
The next objective for Bertrand Le Beller’s trotter will be Prix de
l’Atlantique at Paris-track Enghien on April 23. Then he will be
aimed towards Sweden and Harper Hanover’s race over 3,140
meters during the Elitloppet weekend.

Steen Juul trained Extreme (Chocolatier) became the fifth horse
that received an invitation for the 2022 Elitloppet at Solvalla.
The 6-year-old colt will race the Paralympiatravet final at Åby on
May 7 and then Elitloppet on May 29.
Extreme beat horses such as Aetos Kronos and Don Fanucci Zet
when he won $105,000 European Championship 5-years-old at
Åby in October last year and Denmark has a really interesting
card to play in big races this year as Extreme has showed great
qualities over basically every different distance there is.

Horse - Country
Don Fanucci Zet — Sweden (Title defender)
Etonnant — France
Vivid Wise As — Italy
Back Of The Neck — USA
Extreme — Denmark

                                         Harness Racing Update | Page 16 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

                            Norman, Beaton Twos in Training
                             videos posted, Menary up next
                         HRU’s 2022 Twos In Training video series continues in earnest.
                                                           by Dave Briggs

                   HRU’s Broadcast Division is proud to announce more of its 2022 Twos in Training videos have
                   been posted. Video featuring trainer Nifty Norman speaking to Heather Vitale and Tony Beaton
                                    speaking to Jaimi MacDonald are available for viewing now.
                   Those videos can be watched here: https://harnessracingupdate.com/twos-in-training-2022/.
                  That’s also where the schedule for future videos is posted, including another video from Ontario
                               with trainer Dave Menary to debut tonight (April 15) at 7 p.m. (Eastern)
              Special thanks to the : Hambletonian Society and Wire To Wire Wealth for sponsoring the Norman video.
               Thanks to : Ontario Sires Stakes, COSA and Winbak Farm (ON Pacers) for sponsoring the Beaton video.
                            Videos featuring Anthony MacDonald, Tony Alagna and more are coming soon.

                                      THE UPCOMING SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS:
                            FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2022 | 7 PM EASTERN - DAVE MENARY (PRE-RECORDED)
                                 Sponsored by: Ontario Sires Stakes, COSA & Winbak Farm (DE/PA)

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               in Traini ng  vide  os are available fo           iss
Previous Twos                     as e subs cribe so you don’t m
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                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 17 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

                 Greenshoe filly out of Fashion Spooner
                      arrives at Red Well Stables
                                                    by Eli Stoltzfus Jr.

                  This Greenshoe filly out of Fashion Spooner was foaled March 5 at Red Well Stables in
                  Pennsylvania. The owners are Red Well Stables and Wayne Stoltzfus. She is a half-sister
                   to Spoiled Princess 3, 1:51.1 $268,031 who won multiple stakes, including a Breeders
                    Crown elimination at 3. The second dam is a sister to Broadway Schooner 3, 1:53.3M
                     $885,933, the dam of Broadway Donna 3, 1:51.1 $1,434,735 and Cooler Schooner
                            2,1:51.3F $154,984, the dam of Real Cool Sam 2, 1:52.1M $499,196.

                                   Harness Racing Update | Page 18 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

                                                                          Keep Rockin A is 5-1 on the morning line. Miss You N, starting
                                                                          from post one with Dexter Dunn driving for Virgil Morgan Jr.,
                                                                          is the 5-2 favorite.
                                                                          “It’s been a real competitive series, for sure, and we got in with
                                                                          a tough group,” Pollack said. “We control our own destiny. There

 Keep Rockin A controls                                                   are a lot of interesting scenarios, but it’s nice to be in a position
                                                                          where if we race well, things hopefully fall into place for us.”
 own destiny in Blue Chip                                                 Another horse that won last week to move into contention for
 Matchmaker                                                               the final was Lit De Rose, who is ninth in points. Lit De Rose,
                                                                          who sat out the third leg of the series, has a second and a fifth
 by Ken Weingartner / USTA media relations manager                        in addition to her victory.
                                                                          “After the second leg, she scoped sick and had a little blood in
 With a win last week, Keep Rockin A put herself in position
                                                                          her trachea, so I gave her the week off and put her on Lasix,”
 to advance to the April 25 final of the Blue Chip Matchmaker
                                                                          trainer/driver Pat Lachance said. “She raced really good (last
 Series for older female pacers at Yonkers Raceway. But the
                                                                          week); she was really strong.”
 6-year-old mare needs to keep rockin’ tonight (April 15).
                                                                          Lit De Rose, a 7-year-old daughter of Leader Bayama—Intense,
 Keep Rockin A vaulted to No. 8 in the Matchmaker’s points
                                                                          is owned by breeder Guy Corbeil of Quebec. The mare raced
 standings with her 1:51.4 victory on April 8 at Yonkers. It was
                                                                          in Canada exclusively until November, when she joined
 Keep Rockin A’s first win for trainer Jeff Cullipher, who bought
                                                                          Lachance’s stable in New Jersey. Since then, she has won seven
 the mare with ownership partner Pollack Racing in November.
                                                                          of 14 races and hit the board a total of 10 times.
 Prior to the sale, the Australian-born import won three times
 in the U.S., including the Betsy Ross Invitational.                      “She’s been very consistent,” Lachance said about the winner
                                                                          of 30 of 85 lifetime starts and $466,777. “We thought she
 The top-eight horses at the end of tonight’s fifth of five pre-
                                                                          belonged (in the Matchmaker). She is as good as anyone with a
 liminary rounds are eligible for the Blue Chip Matchmaker
                                                                          trip. She leaves the gate real good, and she finishes strong too.
 final. If horses are tied for the last spot, they will be drawn by
                                                                          When she’s right, she flies home. She loves to get to the wire.
 lot to complete the field.
 “It was a long time coming,” Pollack Racing’s Tom Pollack said           “She’s got two moves in her, which is nice, and she is very
 about Keep Rockin A’s win. “We liked her from the minute we got          versatile. She can race off the pace, she can be on the lead; it
 her, she’s just had some bumps in the road. She was tying up, she        doesn’t matter where you put her, she likes to race either way.
 shut her air off a couple times; it’s just always been something.        That makes things a lot easier.”

 “(Second trainer Rico Robinson) has done a really good job               Lit De Rose is in the second Matchmaker division, which
 trying to fix everything. Last week, she finally put it all together.”   includes one other horse in the standing’s top 10 — Racine
                                                                          Bell, who is tied for second. Racine Bell, starting from post
 Keep Rockin A, a daughter of Rock N Roll Heaven—Kept For
                                                                          one with Jason Bartlett driving for David Dewhurst, is the 7-5
 Pleasure, has competed in every round of the series, posting
                                                                          morning-line favorite. Lit De Rose, who leaves from post six,
 a third and two fourths in addition to her win. For her career
                                                                          is 6-1.
 in North America, she has won four of 28 starts and $167,447.
                                                                          The third division finds the top horse in the series, Drama Act.
 “We would have loved to give her a week off at some point in
                                                                          The 5-year-old Ron Burke trainee has three wins and a third
 the series, but unfortunately based on where we were and the
                                                                          in the event and is safely into the final. George Brennan will
 fact that she’s really not staked to a lot, we wanted to keep
                                                                          drive Drama Act, the 6-5 morning-line favorite, from post four.
 going and give her every shot here,” Pollack said.
                                                                          Division three also includes Karma Seelster, who is tied for
 Tonight, Keep Rockin A is in the first of three $40,000 divisions.
                                                                          fourth in points. She is 5-2 with Jordan Stratton at the lines
 She will start from post five in a seven-horse field with Tim
                                                                          for Andrew Adamczyk.
 Tetrick in the sulky. Her division is stacked, with five of the
 top eight in the Matchmaker standings in the field: Easy To              Racing begins at 6:55 p.m. EDT at Yonkers. For tonight’s
 Please (second), Miss You N (tied fourth), and Best Head West            complete entries, click here. For the complete Blue Chip
 and Mystical Carrie (both tied sixth).                                   Matchmaker standings, click here.

                                            Harness Racing Update | Page 19 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

                                                                      Toccoa Falls (Gingras) also remained undefeated in the John
                                                                      Brennan Trotting Series after bagging the third flight in 1:56.
                                                                      Credit Con (Tyler Buter) and Lady Ann NO (Smedshammer)
                                                                      gunned out from posts five and six, respectively, and duked it
                                                                      out for early command, with Lady Ann NO pressing on two-wide
                                                                      to get to the engine. Toccoa Falls watched that transpire from
Two winners for George                                                fourth, but Gingras brought him to the outside prior to the :28.3
                                                                      quarter and hit the front beyond that marker.
Brennan in John Brennan                                               After he seized the lead, Toccoa Falls would go on to reach the
Trotting Series                                                       half in just :58.3 and the three-quarters in a well-rated 1:27.3.
                                                                      That set up a sprint to the wire, and although Lady Ann NO had
                                                                      room to tip out on the last turn and came with a good rally, it
by Yonkers Raceway
                                                                      wasn’t enough, as Toccoa Falls kept her at bay by a head. Credit
A week after trainer/driver Trond Smedshammer doubled up in           Con ended up third.
the John Brennan Trotting Series, driver George Brennan pulled        Per Engblom trains Toccoa Falls, a 5-year-old gelding by Trixton,
off the same feat in Wednesday’s (April 13) second round of the       for owners Evan Katz and Frank Canzone. Toccoa Falls is now
event at Yonkers Raceway.                                             an eight-time winner from 50 trips behind the gate, and he
Hat Trick Marleau improved to two-for-two in the series with a        has now banked $141,168. Toccoa Falls, dispatched as the 1-5
                                                                      favorite, paid $2.70 to win. The exacta was worth $7.00 and the
1:55.1 tally in the first $25,000 split.
                                                                      trifecta kicked back $34.80.
Away third, Hat Trick Marleau moved out of that position before
                                                                      Emotions Riches (Stratton) improved from third in his division
the :28.2 opening quarter and took over the lead past that
                                                                      of the first leg of the event to a dominant 1:56 decision in the
station. It was all Hat Trick Marleau from there, as he was unchal-
                                                                      second round finale.
lenged through a :58.1 half and a 1:26.4 three-quarters on
his way to a 3 3/4 length decision over Tranquility K (Yannick        After second and third choices Sevenshadesofgrey (Brennan)
Gingras). Top Me Off (Jordan Stratton) improved from last early       and Striking Genson (Austin Siegelman) made breaks on the
on to third at the wire.                                              first turn, that allowed Emotions Riches to get away third from
                                                                      post five. Stratton then came to the outside with his charge and
Ricky Bucci owns and trains Hat Trick Marleau, a 6-year-old           moved him around leader Blake Space AS (Jason Bartlett) past
gelded son of Crazed. Hat Trick Marleau made his 16th appear-         the :29.1 opening quarter.
ance in the winner’s circle, has now earned $161,981, and paid
                                                                      Emotions Riches put the half up in 58 seconds and then went
$2.30 to win as the 1-9 favorite. He was atop a $19.40 exacta
                                                                      a 28-second third quarter to put a gap on the field. There was
and a $93.00 trifecta.
                                                                      no catching him from there, as Emotions Riches reported home
Brennan and B Nicking then knocked off favorites Seventier            a 2 1/2 length winner. Golden Genes (McGwire Sowers) came
(Smedshammer) and Jula Muscle Pack (Gingras) in the second            in second, and Striking Genson recovered from his break to
section.                                                              collect third.
Seventier shot to the lead from post one, but Gingras left with       The victorious 4-year-old gelded son of Wheeling N Dealin
Jula Muscle Pack from the outside post seven and was able to          is trained by Dennis Laterza for owners Latz A Luck Stable,
work his way to the point past a :27.2 opening quarter. Gingras       Winners Circle Racing LLC., and John Campagnuolo. Emotions
then backed down the tempo to :57.3 at the half and 1:26.1 at         Riches scored his ninth career victory, and he has now pocketed
three-quarters, with B Nicking wheeling out first-over from third     $126,775. Sent off as the 3-5 choice, Emotions Riches returned
before three-quarters.                                                $3.50 to win and led a $27.60 exacta and a $69.50 trifecta.
Jula Muscle Pack was able to keep the top spot around the last        There is one more preliminary round remaining in the John
turn, but B Nicking forged his way by early in the stretch drive.     Brennan Trotting Series next Wednesday (April 20). The final
From there, B Nicking had to hold off a rallying Seventier, who       and consolation will then take place on April 27.
had space to angle out in the lane, and B Nicking was able to         Stakes action continues at Yonkers tonight (April 15) and
hold sway by a head in a 1:55.1 mile. Jula Muscle Pack had to         Monday (April 18) with the fifth and final legs of the Blue Chip
settle for third.                                                     Matchmaker Series and MGM Borgata Pacing Series. There are
B Nicking, a 5-year-old Wishing Stone gelding, is trained by Cad      three $40,000 divisions of the Blue Chip Matchmaker (races four,
Gregory for owner/breeder Ben Robards. B Nicking has compiled         six, and eight) tonight, and a trio of $50,000 splits of the MGM
a record of 9-6-5 from 31 lifetime starts, and he has now put         Borgata (also races four, six, and eight) on Monday.
away $110,421. A 9-2 offering, B Nicking returned $11.80 to win       Yonkers is operating on a Monday-Friday live racing schedule
and keyed a $25.60 exacta and a $66.00 trifecta.                      with post time at 6:55 p.m.

                                          Harness Racing Update | Page 20 | April 15, 2022
Harness Racing Update

A neck, half a length, a neck, and half
a length were the winning margins in
four closely-contested $50,000 splits
of the fourth leg of the MGM Borgata
Pacing Series on Monday night (April 11)
at Yonkers Raceway.
Defending series champion This Is The
Plan was a convincing winner in round
one of this year’s event, but then was
second-best after cutting a slow pace
on March 28, followed by a fading dead-
heat for fifth from the pocket a week ago.
                                                                                                                        Georgia Panagi
He bounced back tonight, though, taking
                                                Funatthebeach N (Jordan Stratton) pulled a 29-1 upset on Monday with a win in
the first flight in 1:51.
                                                the Borgata Series at Yonkers.
Driven by Yannick Gingras from post one,
This Is The Plan moved out of the pocket
to get around a fast-leaving Splash Brother (Tyler Buter) and had   him. Bee Two Bee (Gingras) rallied from last at the half to third
command before the :27.2 opening quarter. Gingras then backed       at the finish.
down the tempo to :56.2 at the half and 1:24.1 at three-quarters,   Tattoo Artist is a 5-year-old He’s Watching stallion trained by
with 2-5 favorite Nandolo N (Jason Bartlett) moving up to This      Chris Ryder for owners Let It Ride Stables Inc., Frank Cannon,
Is The Plan’s outside after coming first-over out of third before   and Diamond Creek Racing. Tattoo Artist, a co-holder of the
three-quarters.                                                     all-age track record at Yonkers (1:49.3), has compiled a record
This Is The Plan continued to stave off Nandolo N’s bid around      of 21-7-7 from 52 lifetime appearances, and the winner’s share
the last turn, then responded when called upon by Gingras           of the purse made him harness racing’s newest millionaire, as
through the stretch, holding Nandolo N at bay by a neck at          his earnings now stand at $1,018,527. Sent off as the favorite,
the finish line. Im Sir Blake A (Marcus Miller) worked out a        Tattoo Artist returned $3.30 to win and keyed a $21.00 exacta
second-over trip and was third.                                     and a $148.00 trifecta.

Ron Burke trains This Is The Plan, a gelding by                     Funatthebeach N (Jordan Stratton) pulled a 29-1 upset last
Somebeachsomewhere, for owners Burke Racing Stable LLC.,            Monday in winning in the Borgata, and he surprised the favorites
Weaver Bruscemi LLC., J&T Silva- Purnel & Libby, and Larry Karr.    again in tonight’s third test, sweeping from last to first in the
This Is The Plan is now a 22-time winner, and he pushed his         final quarter at odds of 9-2.
bankroll to $2,626,719. Dispatched as the 2-1 second choice,        American Dealer N (Scott Zeron), Semi Tough (Gingras), and
This Is The Plan paid $6.70 to win and led a $13.00 exacta and      Poseidon Seelster (George Brennan) all left the gate with
a $13.80 trifecta.                                                  purpose in this race, and they were three-wide for most of a
                                                                    26-second opening quarter before American Dealer N relented
In the second section, Tattoo Artist (Dunn) picked up his initial
                                                                    at the inside, allowing Semi Tough to get into the pocket and
victory in this year’s MGM Borgata Pacing Series, stopping the
                                                                    Poseidon Seelster to the top. Brennan hit the brakes in the
teletimer in 1:51.
                                                                    second quarter, getting to the half in just 56 seconds flat, and
Chase H Hanover (Kakaley) blasted out quickly from post five        that prompted Captain Barbossa (Jason Bartlett) to get going
and grabbed early command, but he would be looped by Tattoo         first-over from fourth before that station. Pat Stanley N (Dunn)
Artist from the two-hole, and then Tattoo Artist ceded command      latched onto the cover to sit second-over, and Funatthebeach
to American History (Todd McCarthy), who moved out of third         N and Stratton wound up third-over.
prior to the 27-second opening quarter and landed on the point
                                                                    Captain Barbossa’s try stalled out in second as Poseidon Seelster
past that marker.
                                                                    and Brennan picked up the pace to 1:23.4 at three-quarters.
American History maintained the lead through a :54.4 half and       Captain Barbossa would then begin to back up on the last turn,
a 1:22.1 three-quarters, but Dunn angled Tattoo Artist out two-     and that sent Pat Stanley N and Funatthebeach N wide to try
wide midway through the far turn and went by American History       and get around him. Meanwhile, Poseidon Seelster remained in
early in the stretch drive. Chase H Hanover also had space to       the lead and looked strong coming into the lane. However, that
tip out in the lane and had pace to go with it, but Tattoo Artist   early three-wide position and hot tempo began to catch up with
had the jump on him and hit the wire half a length ahead of         him, and Semi Tough, who had angled out of the pocket late on

                                           Harness Racing Update | Page 21 | April 15, 2022
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