A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET

Page created by Cindy Brady
A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET
A Reflection on Braided Journeys at
         Louis St. Laurent
          September 2020-June 2021
          Prepared by Shannon Loutitt
A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET
“Something I like about Braided Journeys is
                                                       the activities and programs.”
                                                              -Grade 7 Student

Setting the Context
Louis St. Laurent Catholic School was home to 53 self-identified First
Nations, Métis, and Inuit students in the 2020-2021 school year. The Braided
Journeys Program was established at LSL in November 2019 under the
leadership of Principal Michelle Dupuis. Métis educator Shannon Loutitt was
brought on board as the Braided Journeys Grad Coach to work with
Indigenous Students in Grades 7-12 to focus on academic success, cultural
knowledge, post-secondary preparation, career exploration, and holistic
wellness. During this time, important relationships were built, and students
had the opportunity to participate in many academic and cultural activities to
build a sense of community and identity. Shannon supported both in-person
and remote learners at LSL.

“I liked talking about future stuff and coming
        in if I just need to calm down.”
             -Grade 12 Student
A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET
“I had a place to belong.”
                                                                     -Grade 12 Student

                                               “It’s helped me understand what happens after high
                                                     school and made me more sure I can do it.”
                                                                     -Grade 11 Student

Indigenous Students at LSL by Grade (Total=53)

                       Indigenous Students by Grade

                                  10                     10

                 10                                                          9

                              5                          9

                      Gr. 7   Gr. 8    Gr. 9    Gr. 10   Gr. 11     Gr. 12

                   “It’s welcoming, the people are very nice,
                 and they can help you out with many things.”
                                   -Grade 9 Student
A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET
“Braided Journeys made me feel more proud
                about being Aboriginal.”
                    -Grade 9 Student

      Meet & Mentors (Total=269)

      Meet and Mentors provide an opportunity for students to meet 1-1 with their
      Grad Coach in order to discuss academic progress, career exploration, post-
      secondary planning, and other individualized topics.

                                       Meet & Mentors by Grade




                                 Gr. 7        Gr. 8   Gr. 9   Gr. 10    Gr. 11    Gr. 12

“I like Braided Journeys because of how welcoming it is and all of the programs, plus all the help that
                                  they give about post-secondary.”
                                                -Grade 12 Student
A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET
“I liked talking to you guys. It’s less stiff than talking to everyone else.”
                                    -Grade 12 Student

Parent/Guardian Contact (Total=604)

Parent/guardian contact took the form of phone calls, emails, and texts. This
contact took place to inform families of special events and resources, as well as
to discuss topics such as grades, attendance, and mental health.

“You guys are very open and welcoming and
 helpful. You’re non-judgmental and didn’t
          judge me on my grades.”
             -Grade 11 Student

Supporting Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical Well-Being

Students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities to enhance
their wellbeing and build a sense of community and identity. These included:
   • Smudging
   • Virtual Learning Circles
   • Virtual Family Nights
   • Junior Achievement Day
   • Art
   • Conversational Cree                     “What I like about Braided Journeys is the
   • Wellness Wednesday                    people that go there and the support systems
   • Tutoring                                             that are offered.”
                                                                  -Grade 9 Student
A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET
“Braided Journeys helped me with figuring
                 my stuff out.”
                -Grade 10 Student

“It’s really good to have the extra support because
                teachers always say
 ‘come see me if you need help,’ but you actually
                      reach out.”
                    -Grade 12 Student

 Activity Details

                                               Activity Attendance

                     7                                                         87




    Smudge    Art         Wellness Wednesday      Conversational Cree   Virtual Family Night   Virtual Learning Circle

             “What I like about Braided Journeys is the people that go there and
                            the support systems that are offered.”
                                                -Grade 9 Student
A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET
“I like it when we smudge.”
                                    -Grade 9 Student

Supporting District-Wide Learning

Smudge Teachings: In order to help students and staff understand this
important Indigenous spiritual practice, ECSD Cultural Facilitator Gary
Gagnon was invited to provide smudge teachings.

Professional Development at LSL: Braided Journeys Grad Coach
Shannon Loutitt was invited to facilitate a session entitled Indigenous
Education in 30 Minutes or Less for the whole staff. This
session include topics such as Indigenous Peoples & the RCMP and Original
Child-Rearing Practices.

Professional Development across ECSD: Shannon facilitated ATA
workshops tapwewin: Dismantling Anti-Indigenous Racism for St. Al’s and
Romero. She also presented Our Shared History, Our Shared Future: A Brief
Introduction to Treaties at St. Al’s. In celebration of Indigenous History Month
and National Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Shannon created a comprehensive
Google Slideshow for classroom use. This resource included over 100 slides,
organized by subject. This resource was shared with all Braided Journeys
Coaches and also posted to the National Indigenous History Month section of
ECSD’s website.

  “I like being able to interact with everyone and
               talk about my culture.”
                 -Grade 9 Student
A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET
“The best part about Braided Journeys has
                                                            been getting to talk, having visitors, and
                                                                  learning about my culture.”
                                                                      -Grade 12 Student

 “I feel like it’s a community. It’s nice to
know you have people at school who are
                similar to you.”
           -Grade 11 Student

                       “I definitely feel more confident about my future.”
                                        -Grade 12 Student
A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET A Reflection on Braided Journeys at Louis St. Laurent - NET
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