A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman

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A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman
A new RenAIssance
for the future of
Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman

The “good” algorithm? Artificial Intelligence,
Ethics, Law, Health
Vatican City, 27th February 2020
A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman
AI winter

The '80s

Technological context
Experiments conducted in various research centers fail to fully meet the high
expectations of impact on the market and on society

"Toy examples" promising but not yet capable of responding to the typical complexity of
real applications

                                                                   A new RenAIssance for the future of Education   2
A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman
AI spring

The ‘90s

Technological context
A significant increase in the reliability of the algorithms allows AI to go beyond the
perimeter of the academy, reaching the most advanced industrial contexts

NASA Deep Space 1 (first system to control a spacecraft without human supervision)

                                                                   A new RenAIssance for the future of Education   3
A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman
AI summer

After 2000

Technological context
AI becomes extremely pervasive, taking root in a lot of sectors and enabling profitable
business models

GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple)

                                                                   A new RenAIssance for the future of Education   4
A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman
AI summer: AI in everyday life

                               Market intelligence                        Conversational agents
                                   Dynamic pricing                                       Chatbots
                          Automated trading system                          Voice user interfaces
                                  Market forecasts                              Virtual assistants

            Operational optimization                                                       Advanced customization
                       Route planning                                                       Content recommendation
                  Stock management                                                               Precision medicine
              Predictive maintenance                                                        Personalized advertising

                             Autonomous systems                                Anomaly detection
                                  Industrial robots                        Banking fraud detection
                                Driverless vehicles                      Insurance fraud detection
                                 Self-flying drones                   Proactive functional medicine

                                    A new RenAIssance for the future of Education                                      5
A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman
AI summer: an additional economic output

The economic impact of AI
AI has the potential to double annual economic growth rates (%)

      04                                     3,9

                                                                                   03               03
      03                                                                                                          2,9
                                                                                                                              2,7         2,7
                                       2,5                                                                                                            2,5
                           2,1                                                                                                                                         Potential global GDP growth
                                                                                                                                                                                 by 2030
      02                                                                     1,4              1,4

      01                                                                                                                0,8


           United States   Finland      United     Sweden      Netherlands   Germany          Austria        France     Japan       Belgium     Spain       Italy

                                                                                   Baseline     AI steady state

        Source: Accenture and Frontier Economics

                                                                             A new RenAIssance for the future of Education                                                                           6
A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman
AI summer: an additional economic output (cont’d)

More efficiency and effectiveness
Trillions of $





8                                                                                                                                  Potential contribution to the
                                                                                                                                    global economy by 2030
                                                                                                                                              from AI

 2020          2021     2022        2023             2024           2025          2026           2027         2028   2029   2030

                                           Quality     Time saved     Personalization    Labor productivity
 Source: PwC

                                                            A new RenAIssance for the future of Education                                                          7
A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman
The world we want: a future for all

                                                                     Towards 2030
                                                                    The United Nations in
                                                                    2015 set 17 goals to
                                                                    promote long-term human

                                                                    They are universally valid,
                                                                    meaning that all countries
                                                                    must contribute to achieve
                                                                    these goals

                    A new RenAIssance for the future of Education                                 8
A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman
Education as driver of social mobility

                                                                     Towards 2030
                                                                    Ensure inclusive and
                                                                    equitable quality education
                                                                    and promote lifelong
                                                                    learning opportunities for

                    A new RenAIssance for the future of Education                                 9
A new RenAIssance for the future of Education - Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chairman
A new RenAIssance for the future of Education
How to rethink education in view of the increasing presence of AI: three perspectives

                         Education to AI                       AI for education

                                           Education for AI
                                 A new RenAIssance for the future of Education          10
AI for Education: challenges

                                                                                                      A global learning crisis
Good education: the best investment a society can make for its future                                 Children and adolescents not achieving minimum
                                                                                                      proficiency (%)
AI is playing an increasingly important role in building the future of teaching and learning.                                                                                              88
                                                                                                                    Sub-Saharan Africa                                                   84

Main challenges:                                                                                             Central and Southern Asia                                             76

                                                                                                       Latin America and the Carribean                              36

 No child left behind: high disparities in educational opportunities by region, gender and                                                                                   57
                                                                                                       Northern Africa and Western Asia                                       57
  socioeconomic background
                                                                                                        Eastern and South-Eastern Asia                         31

 New educational models (from the one-to-many to many-to-many) and new market spaces                                          Oceania                   22

  for private actors                                                                                      Europe and Northern America              14

 Large amounts of data collected from students to manage
                                                                                                                                 World                                       58

                                                                                                                                          00        20              40      60     80           100

                                                                                                                                               Reading        Mathematics
More than half a billion children worldwide do not have basic skills (source: United Nations)         Source: United Nations

                                                      A new RenAIssance for the future of Education                                                                                              11
AI for Education: opportunities

Innovative teaching methods to leverage new technologies

For students:
 Remove linguistic and logistic barriers, issues and inequalities

 Tailor and personalize learning, based on abilities, needs and experience (e.g.: AI-powered chatbots,
  smart notes, flashcards, virtual facilitators, autonomous assistants)

For teachers:
 Enhance new learning outcomes, improving quality provided

 Manage back office and administrative activities, offering more time to focus on educating students
  and research

                                                    A new RenAIssance for the future of Education         12
Education for AI: challenges

Disruption in labor market: be prepared to manage the change

 A new human-machine interaction: automation will reach 50 percent of work activities

 AI as job category killer (e.g.: transportation, retail, professional employment services, customer

 Increasing mismatch between skills and jobs: a development of competencies is needed, less
  routine skills will become more important

The number of graduates in STEM is around 4 percent in EU, but demand for
STEM jobs is expected to grow by around 8 percent by 2025 (source: European Commission)
                                                                                                        Source: McKinsey

                                                    A new RenAIssance for the future of Education                          13
Education for AI: opportunities

How to reinforce our educational system by developing new competencies

 Increase technological understanding (schools and universities)

 Support workforces in reskilling and upskilling (business community)

 Lifelong learning (all people)

 Create good environment to invest in people’s capabilities (governments)

                                                  A new RenAIssance for the future of Education   14
Education to AI: challenges

AI must be used for the good of our societies and the sustainable development                     Business is concerned about AI
                                                                                                  Organizations have experienced ethical
                                                                                                  issues with AI in the last 3 years (%)

AI brings new challenges in terms of governance related to its interaction with human cognitive        France                                         89

capacities and automatic decisions making:                                                                Italy                                  88

                                                                                                   Netherlands                              87
 information asymmetry (only developers understand how algorithms are constructed and
                                                                                                        Spain                               87
 lack of a legal and regulatory framework (trade-off dilemma between data ownership, open
                                                                                                     Germany                           86
  access to data, and data privacy protection)
                                                                                                           UK                          86

 mismatch ‘good for people’ vs. ‘good for governments’
                                                                                                        China                     85

                                                                                                         India                    85

                                                                                                           US                     85

                                                                                                      Sweden              83

                                                                                                                  80            85                         90

Every day the world creates 2.5 quintillion bytes of data (source: World Economic Forum)          Source: Capgemini Research Institute

                                                  A new RenAIssance for the future of Education                                                                 15
Education to AI: opportunities

Ethical AI: the leading role of EU

EU should exercise its leadership to promote a ‘human-centric’ approach to AI.

Seven key requirements defined in 2019 by the European Commission for achieving trustworthy

   human agency and oversight
   technical robustness and safety
   privacy and data governance
   transparency
   diversity, non-discrimination and fairness
   societal and environmental well-being
   accountability

                                                   A new RenAIssance for the future of Education   16
Disruption is the new normal

                   A new RenAIssance for the future of Education   17
A future-proof education in the age of algorithms

 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately
  end up working in completely new job types that do not yet
  (source: World Economic Forum)

 Due to accelerating technological changes, workers will have
  to modify 50-60% of their business-as-usual in the next 5
  (source: EY)

 Over 20 new job categories will be created in the next 10
  (source: Cognizant)

                                                A new RenAIssance for the future of Education   18
Education is simply the soul of a society as it
passes from one generation to another

                          Teach students how to learn

                          A lifelong learning model: people will go
                           back to school several times in their life

                          Creativity and soft skills as the linchpin of
                           the next-generation learning process

                          Produce multi-disciplinary professionals,
                           with robust STEM competencies and non-
                           technical competencies

                         Let’s build the future together!

                    A new RenAIssance for the future of Education          19
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