Exploring opportunities to empower women through football - EY

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Exploring opportunities to empower women through football - EY
Summary of the conference on Indo-German
                                                  football cooperation with the topic:

                                                  Exploring opportunities
                                                  to empower women
                                                  through football

 Mumbai 14. October 2018

More than 230 guests were welcomed by moderator
Peter Deubet, Deputy Director General of Indo-German-
Chamber-of-Commerce, under the motto: She plays –
all win. Consul General of the Federal Republic of
Germany in Mumbai Dr. Juergen Morhard delivered the
introductory address emphasizing on the importance
of football, sports education and the opportunities of
Indo-German collaboration in this field, followed by
felicitations of Bernhard Steinruecke, Director General
of Indo German Chamber of Commerce.

Today, the interest in footfall is huge in India
10 years back, India was fully in the hand of cricket with 2011 becoming world champion
and nobody speaking about football. 2014, the India Super League came in place and
last year India hosted the World Championship U17, attracting masses of Indians. Today,
interest in football, especially under young Indians, is huge, and even German Bundes-
liga matches are regularly broadcasted in India on star sports.

Football education creates own stars
In Germany, thousands of small clubs are organized in a league system with Bundesliga
on top. Bundesliga clubs like BVB Dortmund, which is participating in this conference
with the inspiring presentation of Max-Jannis Foerster, have a professional football
education in place, which secures good players. For example, Mario Götze, who scored
the crucia goal for Germany to win the world championship 2014, passed the BVB
football education.
Exploring opportunities to empower women through football - EY
Exploring opportunities to empower women through football

Focus on skills being crucial for vocational training                and it’s all about football”. Her current club, VFL Wolfsburg,
A holistic football education is beyond football perfect to          sponsored branded tricots for all the children participating at
conveying cognitive skills, which are for example needed as basis    the training session with WIFA and Footie First coaches Sanaya
for successful vocational training. The focus here is on goal-       Anklesaria and Tasneem Muchhala.
orientedness, ambition, overview, foresight and strategic way
of thinking, making football grass roots a tool to develop the       Magic of football
Indian young generation. Beyond that it is the perfect instrument    Amfori India representative Natasha Majumdar attested the magic
to empower girls who are often disadvantaged in the Indian           of football, how it helps to transform the society and elaborated on
society. Moreover, according to an OECD study, focus on gender       activities about gender equality and social inclusion.
equality may boost the global economy by more than 12%.
                                                                     Cognitive skills through football
Values for life with football education                              Fun is the central motivation football gives, was confirmed by
FIFA’s chief women football officer Sarai Bareman had recorded a     Dr. Roland Binz, Director of Detmar Cramer Foundation. Through
strong video message especially for this event. She encouraged all   football education, cognitive skills for life can be acquired, because
to support women football on the ground. In her own career, she      scanning, screening, working under changing conditions and
was a defender, she learned values which are guiding her every       permanent storing of information leads to capabilities for life.
day around her work, such as self-confidence, self-believe, team-
spirit and strength.                                                 Eat, sleep, live football
                                                                     The motto of life in Goa, contemplated by Akshay Tandon,
On the pitch we are one team                                         President and CEO of Forca Goa Foundation and FC Goa, one of
Permille Harder, European woman footballer of the year 2018,         the eight franchises of the Indian Super League, is: Eat, sleep, live
conveyed a video message to all young female Indians saying that     football. Football can make people being one team, one community,
“independent of your background, on the pitch we are one team        one dream and accordingly is suitable to build values in the society.

     “Football is
    the perfect
 instrument to
empower girls
who are often
   in the Indian
Exploring opportunities to empower women through football - EY
Exploring opportunities to empower women through football

The Director of Association of Indian Football Coaches (AIFC),      signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on a German-Indian-
Dinesh Nair, explained the impressing development of football       Football-Alliance between Indo German Chamber of Commerce
coaches in India with main focus on coaching, scouting, youth and   and WIFA confirms the engagement of all present parties for
women football work.                                                sustainable football education purposes and shall represent an
                                                                    open platform, which may be joined by all interested parties.
Youth, women, coaches and referees
Henry Menezes, former Indian goalkeeper and today CEO of West       Participation of big football brands to attract CSR money
Indian Football Association (WIFA), depicted the size of the WIFA   On the long run the project foresees the establishment of an
home state Maharashtra, which is with ca. 120 million people        institution, which is able to attract Indian CSR money that shall be
much bigger than Germany. He presented WIFA’s plans to develop      used for the mentioned purpose only, but also facilitates access to
youth and women teams as well as coaching and referee education.    India – for example for German football clubs to support holistic
                                                                    football education of India’s football hungry young population. In
A panel discussion with the topic: opportunities and challenges     this context, the participation of big football brands will be able to
for women’s football in India was moderated by Dr. Roland Binz.     attract German and Indian companies to contribute to this
With panelists Akshay Tandon, Juhi Shah, Assistant Manager          purpose.
Regulations & Players of IMG Reliance and FIFA Masters Alumni,
and Sanaya Anklesaria, WIFA coach, the discussion confirmed         Holistic youth education and empowerment of girls
the values and achievements, which can be created by a holistic     Round-up and resume were delivered from Hermann Mühleck,
football education.                                                 representative of conference partner EY, who summarized the
                                                                    contents of the day and elaborated on the idea of the German-
Sustainable football platform                                       Indian-Football-Alliance to become a sustainable open platform
The event should be seen as a first step towards the development    with the aim to contribute in the transformation of the Indian
of a sustainable platform for football grassroots, women football   society with a holistic football education of the young Indian
development and train the trainer activities. Accordingly, the      generation and especially the empowerment of girls.
Exploring opportunities to empower women through football - EY
Exploring opportunities to empower women through football
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Exploring opportunities to empower women through football - EY Exploring opportunities to empower women through football - EY Exploring opportunities to empower women through football - EY Exploring opportunities to empower women through football - EY Exploring opportunities to empower women through football - EY
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