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Volume - XVII       Issue - VI June - 2019
Postal Regd.: DL(E)-20/5260/2016-18
RNI No. : DELENG/2002/07616
Posting date of this magazine is 6 - 9 every month

Number of Pages: 40

                                                             A Monthly Magazine for Wheat,
                                                          Milling, Baking & Allied Industries .......

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Raj Kapoor                              +91 98101 58318
                                                                       05     -      Assocom calender of events
rajkapoor@assocom-india.com                                            05     -      3rd Advance Estimates of production of major
                                                                                     crops for 2018-19.
Advertisements & Designed by
Assocom-India Pvt Ltd                   +91 120 2428800                08     -      Union Minister Shri Ram Vilas Paswan officially
publications@assocom-india.com                                                       takes charge of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs,
Online Subscription
                                                                                     Food and Public Distribution for a second
Raviraj Singh
                                                                                     consecutive term.
raviraj@assocom-india.com                                              09     -      Global grain output forecast to fall.
                                                                       10     -      Bunge unveils management changes.
Note from Publisher                                                    11     -      Ukraine to introduce new wheat quality standards.
Wheat Update Monthly Magazine is posted to our subscribers by
the 7th of every month invariably and in case it is not delivered
                                                                       11     -      Pakistan flour group warns of supply crisis.
within a week, we may please be informed about its non-delivery.       12     -      Milling Ops: Finding the sweet spot.
We welcome articles, success stories and other allied information      13     -      Popular soft wheat products.
from our readers and patrons, concerning wheat and wheat
products and other allied matters.                                     27     -      The fight to find organic flour.
Views Expressed in the articles are exclusively of the authors only.   28     -      USSEC Oilseed Photo Captions
                                                                       28     -      CEREAL SCIENCE CONGRESS, CONFERENCE,
          Assocom-India Pvt. Ltd.                                                    SYMPOSIUM, EXPO 2019 – 2030
Contact : #601, 6th Floor, DDA District Centre, Plot
          No. 4, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi - 110092
                                                                       14     -       Weekly International Wheat Price
Tel. :    +91-120-2428800
Fax :     +91-120-2428811
                                                                       15-26 -       Bakery Update
E-mail :  email@assocom-india.com
Website : www.assocom-india.com                                        30    -       Wheat Advertisement and Subscription Form
                                                                       12    -       Weekly International Wheat Prices
Publisher Printer and Editor : Mr. Raj Kapoor on behalf of
Assocom-India Pvt. Ltd. Printed at I.A. Printing Press, C-25, New
Brij Puri, New Delhi - 110 051 and Published from Assocom-India
Pvt. Ltd. Flat No. 601, Plot No. 4, DDA Building District Centre,
Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092.                                                      Advertisements

UK Contact - Wheat Update                                              F/IC   -      Buhler (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Tuti Tan
Perendale Publishers Ltd.                                              03     -      IBIE International Baking Industry Exposition.
7 St George's Terrace, St James' Square                                06     -      Bakery Insight - Handbook .
Cheltenham, Glos Gl50 3PT, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 1242 267700                                                  07     -      Assocom Institute of Bakery Technology &
Email: tutit@perendale.co.uk
                                                                       14     -      Weekly International Wheat Price.
Supplementary Copy                                                     28     -      Stern Ingredients India Private Ltd.
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                                                                       B/C    -      Wengers Inc.

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    Breads and Pastries                                                 Jan 17-19,2019               Greater Noida    http://aibtm.in
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3rd Advance Estimates of production of major crops
for 2018-19

The 3rd Advance Estimates of production of major crops for          ·    Nutri / Coarse Cereals – 43.33 million tonnes.
2018-19 have been released by the Department of
                                                                    ·    Maize –27.82 million tonnes.
Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare on 03rdJune,
2019. The assessment of production of different crops is based      ·    Pulses –23.22 million tonnes.
on the feedback received from States and validated with             ·    Gram – 10.09 million tonnes.
information available from other sources. The estimated
                                                                    ·    Tur –3.50 million tonnes.
production of various crops as per the 3rd Advance Estimates
for 2018-19 vis-à-vis the comparative estimates for the years       ·    Oilseeds –31.42 million tonnes.
2005-06 onwards is enclosed.
                                                                    ·     Soyabean – 13.74 million tonnes
2. As per 3rd Advance Estimates, the estimated production of
                                                                    ·    Rapeseed and Mustard – 8.78 million tonnes
major crops during 2018-19 is as under:
                                                                    ·     Groundnut – 6.50 million tonnes
·     Foodgrains –283.37 million tonnes.                            · Cotton – 27.59 million bales (of 170 kg each)
                                                                    Sugarcane – 400.37 million tonnes (record)
·     Rice – 115.63 million tonnes. (record)
·     Wheat – 101.20 million tonnes (record)

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3. As per Third Advance Estimates for 2018-19, total                million tonnes is marginally higher by 0.24 million tonnes than
Foodgrain production in the country is estimated at 283.37          the average production.
million tonnes which is higher by 17.62 million tonnes than
the previous five years' (2013-14 to 2017-18) average               7. Total Pulses production during 2018-19 is estimated at
production of foodgrain.                                            23.22 million tonnes which is higher by 2.96 million tones than
                                                                    the Five years' average production of 20.26 million tonnes.
4. Total production of Rice during 2018-19 is estimated at
record 115.63 million tonnes. Production of rice has increased      8. Total Oilseeds production in the country during 2018-19 is
by 2.87 million tonnes than the production of 112.76 million        estimated at 31.42 million tonnes.The production of oilseeds
tonnes during 2017-18. It is also higher by 7.83 million tonnes     during 2018-19 is higher by 1.77 million tonnes than the Five
than the five years' average production of 107.80 million           years' average oilseeds production.
                                                                    9. With an increase by 20.46 million tonnes over 2017-18,
5. Production of Wheat, estimated at record 101.20 million          total production of Sugarcane in the country during 2018-19 is
tonnes, is higher by 1.33 million tonnes as compared to wheat       estimated at record 400.37 million tonnes. Moreover, the
production of 99.87 million tonnes achieved during 2017-18.         production of sugarcane during 2018-19 is higher by 50.59
Moreover, the production of wheat during 2018-19 is higher          million tonnes than the average sugarcane production of
by 6.59 million tonnes than the average wheat production of         349.78 million tonnes. Production of Cotton estimated at
94.61 million tonnes.                                               27.59 million bales (of 170 kg each) and Production of Jute &
                                                                    Mesta estimated at 9.79 million bales (of 180 kg each).
6. Production of Nutri / Coarse Cereals estimated at 43.33

Union Minister Shri Ram Vilas Paswan officially takes
charge of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and
Public Distribution for a second consecutive term

Eight-time Member of Parliament from Bihar and six-time Union Minister Shri Ram Vilas Paswan today officially took charge of the
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution for a second consecutive term. Shri Danve Raosaheb Dadarao also took
charge as the Minister of State in the Ministry. All senior officials of the Ministry welcomed the Union Minister and the Minister of
State and presented them with bouquets.
Addressing media after taking charge, Union Minister Shri Ram Vilas Paswan lauded Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for his
dynamic leadership and said that in 2014, people voted for Prime Minister Modi on the basis of his name and fame but in 2019
people voted for him on the basis of his work. The Union Minister further praised Prime Minister Modi and said he is the best Prime
Minister in the world and he has been recognized the world over as a global leader and statesman.
Shri Paswan asserted that the government was confident of winning the elections under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi
and that is why a 100 day plan was asked to be formulated by all Ministries. The Secretary, Consumer Affairs, Shri Avinash K
Srivastava informed media about the key initiatives that will be undertaken based on the 100 days plan.

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Global grain output forecast to fall

LONDON, ENGLAND — The forecast for total world grain                      Grain trade in 2019-20 is forecast at 369 million tonnes, slightly
production in 2018-19 is forecast at 2.138 billion tonnes,                exceeding the peak in 2017-18 on anticipated increased
slightly lower than the previous year's global output of 2.141            shipments of wheat and barley.
million tonnes, according to the International Grains Council             Reflecting an upgraded estimate for Brazil's harvest, 2018-19
(IGC).                                                                    soybean output is raised by 1 million tonnes to 363 million, a
The IGC's monthly Grain Market Report, released on May 30,                6% year-on-year gain and a new record, the IGC said. However,
said a larger corn harvest in 2018-19 nearly offset the poorer            due to a smaller figure for carry-ins, ending stocks are trimmed
outturns of other grains, including a 29-million-tonne decline            to 54 million tonnes, which is still the largest ever due to heavy
in wheat production.                                                      accumulation of stocks in the United States.
                                                                          With the United States and China locked in a trade war that has
                                                                          effectively halted soybean trade between the two countries,
“With smaller supplies and a sustained rise in consumption,
                                                                          the IGC noted that soybean production is projected to decline
grains stocks are forecast to tighten by 29 million tonnes to a
                                                                          slightly in 2019-20.
three-year low of 617 million tonnes, with approximately half
the drop in the major exporters and half in China,” the IGC said.         “Prospects for (soybean) supply and demand in 2019-20 are
                                                                          uncertain,” the IGC said. “Nevertheless, assuming larger
The IGC said an overall fall in grains trade in 2018-19 is
                                                                          outturns in the southern hemisphere help to compensate for a
anticipated as the 10th consecutive increase in corn shipments
                                                                          fall in the U.S., output is predicted just 5 million tonnes lower
is outweighed by declines in wheat, barley and sorghum.
                                                                          year on year and above average. Given the current policy and
The IGC's projection for total grains production in 2019-20 is
                                                                          demand backdrop, outlooks for consumption and trade are
2.177 billion tonnes, modestly lower than the previous
                                                                          highly tentative.”
month's projection but higher than the projected total for
                                                                          Reflecting gains in key exporters, notably India as well as in
                                                                          sub-Saharan Africa world rice output in 2018-19 is seen at a
With consumption growth predicted to outstrip the rise in
                                                                          record 500 million tonnes, the IGC said.
supply, the third consecutive stock contraction is envisaged, to
                                                                          The IGC said ample availabilities and population growth should
a four-season low of 602 million tonnes in 2019-20, according
                                                                          push consumption to 492 million tonnes, up from 487 million
to the IGC.
                                                                          the previous year, while stocks are likely to accumulate on
“The retreat is entirely because of shrinking corn inventories,
                                                                          increases in China and India.
to their least in six years,” the IGC said. “In contrast, after falling
                                                                          The Council noted that prospects for rice production in
in the prior season, wheat stocks could rebound to a record               2019-20 “are tentative but assumed growth in acreage in
level at the end of 2019-20.”                                             parts of Asia could boost production to a high of 504 million

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Bunge unveils management changes
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK, U.S. — Bunge Ltd. has
made changes to its leadership structure in
Agribusiness and its Food & Ingredients business
while also naming a new chief financial officer.

The White Plains-based company announced the
changes on May 8 while giving results for first
quarter ended March 31. Net income of $45
million, or 26¢ per share on the common stock,
compared with a loss of $21 million in the previous
year's first quarter. Sales dropped 7% to $9.938
billion from $10.641 billion.

Bunge has appointed John W. Neppl as chief
financial officer, effective May 29. He will succeed
Thomas M. Boehlert, who will remain for a
transition period.
                                                       (From left) Raul Padilla, new president of Global Operations; Christos Dimopoulos, new president
“I have previously worked with John in operating       of Global Supply Chains; & Brian Zachman, president of Global Risk Management
agricultural processing, distribution, trading, food and food           becomes president, Global Supply Chains. He will lead the
ingredients businesses,” said Gregory A. Heckman, chief                 physical commodity supply chains that support Bunge's
executive officer of Bunge. “His decades of experience and his          handling and processing assets, and he also will be responsible
successful track record of driving organizational strategy will         for trade flows, freight and distribution.
enable him to make a significant contribution to Bunge's
future and to build on the world-class financial team                   Brian Zachman will continue in his role as president, Global
assembled under Thom's leadership.”                                     Risk Management.

He added, “Thom has been a great contributor to Bunge,                  In Bunge's Food & Ingredients business, Pierre Mauger, who
including his spearheading of our successful Global                     was president, Europe and Asia, will become chief
Competitiveness Program.”                                               transformation officer, responsible for portfolio optimization
                                                                        and strategy. Aaron Buettner, senior vice-president of Bunge
The changes in Agribusiness and Food & Ingredients were part            Loders Croklaan, will continue in that role and report directly
of Bunge's switch to a new global operating model, which                to Heckman. Todd Bastean, president, North America, and
aligns with the company's commercial activities: handling and           Gordon Hardie, president, Food & Ingredients, both will retire
processing, managing physical product flows, and risk                   from Bunge after a transition period.
management and optimization.
                                                                        “I want to thank Todd and Gordon for their many contributions
“Shifting away from our regional matrix-based structure will            and dedication to Bunge,” Heckman said. “We appreciate their
simplify the organization and speed up decision making,                 support in ensuring a seamless transition for customers and
increasing our strategic flexibility, customer focus and                employees.”
accountability,” Heckman said. “These changes support our
strategic priorities: driving operational performance,
optimizing the portfolio and strengthening financial                    Bunge in the first quarter posted EBIT growth in three of its five
discipline.”                                                            segments. EBIT was $109 million for Agribusiness, up from $42
                                                                        million in the previous year's first quarter, $48 million for
In Agribusiness, three executives now will work together.
                                                                        Edible Oil Products, up from $28 million, and $1 million for
Raul Padilla, who was president, South America and Sugar &              Fertilizer, which compared with a loss of $2 million before
Bioenergy, becomes president, Global Operations. He will                interest and taxes in the previous year's first quarter. Milling
manage all physical handling and processing assets with a               Products posted EBIT of $17 million, the same amount as in the
focus on the processing value chains, including milling. He will
                                                                        previous year's first quarter. Losses before interest and taxes
continue to lead Sugar & Bioenergy.
                                                                        was $24 million for Sugar & Bioenergy, which was the same
Christos Dimopoulos, who was president, Agribusiness,                   figure as seen in the previous year's first quarter.

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Ukraine to introduce new wheat quality standards
KIEV, UKRAINE — The Ukraine Agricultural
Ministry said on May 22 that the country
will introduce new wheat quality standards
in June.

The standards will be presented in early
June and will become effective June 10.
The ministry previously has stated that it
would reduce the number of wheat classes
from the current six to four. The plan is for
soft wheat to have three milling classes
and feed wheat to have one. One of the
world's largest exporters of grain, Ukraine
is forecast to export 16.5 million tonnes of
wheat in 2018-19, which would rank fifth in
the world.

 Pakistan flour group warns of supply crisis

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN — The Pakistan Flour Mills Association (PFMA) is warning of a flour crisis in the country if the government
doesn't stop impounding cars carrying bags of wheat, according to the Business Recorder.

The association has written letters to the chief minister highlighting the possible crisis and asking for a meeting. It has threatened
to stop supplying flour to the market.PFMA said the food department confiscated the cars carrying wheat in order to meet its
procurement target set by the government.

The food department has responded by saying warnings of a flour crisis is propaganda and said it would ensure the supply of flour
at all costs. Government officials said allegations by the PFMA are baseless.

www.wheatupdate.org / info@wheatupdate.org                                                                              Page no. Eleven
Milling Ops: Finding the sweet spot

While global demand for hard wheat-based products such as         are the most affordable and popular snack of choice, prompting
bread has declined in recent years as consumers have shifted      both local and multinational companies to innovate into novel
toward protein-rich, low-carbohydrate diets, there's more         occasions like breakfast and target groups like children and
promising news regarding products made from soft wheat            elderly.
flour.                                                            “Cakes is another lucrative category surpassing $15 billion in
                                                                  2019, with Asia Pacific taking the lead. The unprecedented
“There are some considerable sweet spots within the soft          innovation and dynamism of the artisanal market, in particular
wheat market,” said Pinar Hosafci, industry manager,              bakeries, underlie cakes' growth. Noodles and pasta markets
packaged food, Euromonitor International.                         are also flourishing, with noodles making inroads into the
                                                                  Western markets due to the rise of the Asian cuisine and pasta
                                                                  gaining more popularity in Asia and the Middle East brought by
Cakes, cookies, crackers and Asian-style noodles are among        the rise of the Italian-style restaurants.”
the soft wheat flour-based products that are gaining in
popularity.                                                       Soft wheat breeding
                                                                  While hard wheat has for centuries been grown in numerous
Flours produced from soft textured kernels possess lower          countries on all five continents, soft wheat is less geographically
levels of starch damage, have lower water absorption, and         diverse.
smaller particle size distributions than hard wheat flours.
Hence, their preferential use in different products. Hard         “Soft wheat (SRW and SW) is pretty much produced in the
wheats primarily are utilized in bread production, whereas        United States,” said Steve Mercer, vice-president of
soft wheats are used to make cakes, cookies, crackers,            communications for U.S. Wheat Associates. “Canada has a
pastries, donuts, biscuits, waffles, muffins, pancakes, pie       limited amount of SRW on the east coast and some SW on the
crusts, flat breads and some Asian-style noodles. One             west coast, but the production is small and exports total
commonality of soft wheat products is that most of them are       200,000 tonnes in a good year. Other countries really don't
chemically leavened, unlike hard wheat products, which are        produce soft wheat with special classes like the U.S. and
usually yeast leavened.                                           Canada. Australia has a group of low protein wheat that can be
                                                                  used to make many soft wheat products, but the genetics are
Hosafci notes that cookies and cakes offer the best prospects.    different and ASW is not really a soft wheat.”

“Euromonitor predicts that the global cookies market will         The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimated SW
reach $76 billion in 2019, up from $60 billion in 2014, growing   wheat production of about 6.5 million tonnes and SRW
at an impressive 5% CAGR over the next five years,” he said.      production of 8 million tonnes in 2018. According to U.S. Wheat
“The majority of this growth comes from emerging markets of       Associates, Ontario, Canada, produced 2.1 million tonnes of
the Middle East and Africa and Latin America, where cookies       SRW wheat in 2018.

Page no.Twelve                                                                            www.wheatupdate.org / info@wheatupdate.org
Both public and private breeding institutions continuously test    more difficult to sift than hard wheat stock. Soft wheat is fed
experimental lines using traditional and novel breeding            more slowly to the mill to facilitate sifting and to ensure that
methods to develop new varieties considering yield, disease        stock flows freely through the mill. Generally, this results in
resistance and, more importantly, for improved end-use             lowering of production by about 25% to 30% when milling soft
quality.                                                           wheat in a hard wheat mill.

Generally, soft wheat varieties have been bred to yield flour      “Soft wheat requires less tempering moisture (13% to 14.5%)
containing less protein than hard wheats, about 8% to 11%          and less time (4 to 8 hours) to rest in the tempering process
versus 10% to 14% protein, respectively. Furthermore, hard         when compared to hard wheat,” said Jeff Gwirtz, a milling
wheat varieties have been selected for high water absorption       industry consultant and president of JAG Services Inc.
and, hence, for thicker endosperm cell walls.                      “Excessive temper moisture in soft wheat reduces the miller's
                                                                   ability to sift efficiently and remove endosperm from the bran
“Surprisingly, when bread wheat first formed 10,000 years          as well as negatively impacting flow properties and mill
ago, it was soft,” said Craig F. Morris, director, USDA Western    balance. Soft wheat more easily releases its endosperm as flour
Wheat Quality Lab.                                                 rather than granular endosperm particles requiring purification
                                                                   to classify compound particles. The flour generated from soft
All hard kernel wheats have since arisen via mutations in the      wheat has a very fine particle size (D50=30 ± μm) when
Puroindoline genes. Globally, soft wheats have largely taken a     compared to hard wheat flour (D50=62 ± μm). This contributes
back seat to hard wheats due, in part, to directed breeding        to increased sifting and separation challenges in the mill often
efforts, combining hard kernel and strong gluten. Hard wheats      requiring more sifter and roll surface and changes in allocation
do have an advantage in producing flours with higher starch        due to loading.
damage, which is good for dough fermentation and water
absorption.                                                        “In the production of straight grade flour, the ash content and
                                                                   yield differences between soft and hard wheat flour are
“However, for many low moisture products such as cookies           minimal. Generally, soft wheat will produce a slightly lower
(biscuits) and crackers, starch damage and high-water              flour yield with a somewhat lower ash content. Soft wheat does
absorption are undesirable,” Morris said. “Soft wheats too can     produce significant quantities of low ash bright white flour
have strong gluten. The glutenin and gliadin genes are             suitable to a variety of specialized products, including cakes,
independent from the Puroindolines. Probably the biggest           cookies, pastries, pretzels and crackers. Soft wheat millers must
technical challenge related to soft wheat milling is that their    balance the technical requirements as well as manufacturing
flours, comprised of smaller mean particle size, do not flow       economics to maximize resource utilization while maintaining
well and require greater sifting/bolting surface.”                 profitability.”

                                                                   Popular soft wheat products
                                                                   Cake can be defined as a sweet, usually finely texturized food
                                                                   product, baked in various forms that differ in size and
                                                                   configuration. İt generally contains such ingredients as soft
                                                                   wheat flour, milk or other liquids, sugar, eggs, chemical
                                                                   leaveners, flavor extracts and spices as well as others that may
                                                                   or may not include shortening. Cake varieties cover a wide
                                                                   range from pound cake to yellow and white layer cakes, cakes
                                                                   containing chocolate and cocoa products, sponge cakes, angel
                                                                   food cake, fruit cakes and foam-type cakes, donuts and many

Soft wheat breaks down more quickly than hard common               Cakes, muffins, quick breads, cake donuts, pancakes and
wheat. More flour is produced on the break system for soft
                                                                   waffles are all made from batters. Batters contain more water
wheat than for hard wheat, requiring greater sifting capacity
for the former. Endosperm of soft wheat adheres more               than doughs do, but the distinction between a dough and a
strongly to bran, reducing flour extraction rate expectations by   batter is not always clear.
up to 2% unless sifting capacity is increased. Yield of semolina
and middlings is lower, so purifiers are of less importance and    Although relatively less flour is used in cake making than in
often are absent. Stock is stickier and fluffier, which makes it
                                                                   bread or cookie making, it profoundly affects quality. Cake

www.wheatupdate.org / info@wheatupdate.org                                                                       page no.Thirteen
                     WHEAT PRICESPRICES
                                US Hard Winter                  Canadian        Argentinian        Australian      US Soft Winter Red
                                #2                  #2         #1 CWRS, 13.5      Trigo Pan         Eastern            USDA              #2
                              Ordinary            Ordinary      St. Lawrence      Up River           States           US$/Bush
 Conversion #                  Gulf                Gulf                             F.O.B.
                                                                                                                      0.027216          Gulf
                               IGC                 IGC            IGC                IGC             IGC
                              US$/Ton             US$/Ton        US$/Ton          US$/Ton           US$/Ton                          US$/Ton

 Aug., 2018 AVG                                       249.75      264.00           241.50             305.00                          215.45
 Sept., 2018 AVG                                      241.75      264.25           234.50             305.00                          203.25
 Octo., 2018 AVG                                  239.60          271.00           233.20             315.00                           209.95
 Nov., 2018 AVG                                       232.00      267.33            225.67            300.75                            210.45
 Dec., 2018 AVG                                       242.00      264.50           227.00             310.50                            217.50
 Jan., 2019AVG                                    238.20          259.20           234.00             299.40                           218.93
  01-Feb-2019                                     241.00                           240.00                                              219.26
  08-Feb-2019                                     247.00                           247.00                                              226.43
  15-Feb-2019                                     240.00                           247.00                                              223.77
  22-Feb-2019                                     230.00                           245.00                                              212.65
 Feb., 2019AVG                                    234.50         257.25            244.00            279.25                            217.18
 01-Mar-2019                                      221.00                           238.00                                              205.85
 08-Mar-2019                                      226.00                           235.00                                              201.63
 15-Mar-2019                                      224.00                           234.00                                              198.05
 22-Mar-2019                                      221.00                           232.00                                              200.62
 29-Mar-2019                                      223.00                           224.00                                              205.12
 Mar., 2019AVG                                    223.50         250.25            244.00             256.50                           201.36
  05-Apr-2019                                     222.00                           220.00                                              202.27
  12-Apr-2019                                     218.00                           221.00                                              200.07
  19-Apr-2019                                     214.00                           220.00                                              194.92
  26-Apr-2019                                     211.00                           220.00                                              192.63
 Apr., 2019AVG                                    213.20          233.40           220.00             248.60                           194.94
  03-May-2019                                     201.00                           219.00                                               184.82
  10-May-2019                                     202.00                           217.00                                               188.86
  17-May-2019                                     203.00                           216.00                                               193.82
  24-May-2019                                     217.00                           218.00                                               208.98
  31-May-2019                                     226.00                           223.00                                               219.45
 May., 2019AVG                                    212.00          238.00           218.50             227.00                           202.78

   Please note that prices are subject to revisions                                                                            Source : ESCG, FAO

volume is negatively correlated with wheat hardness and soft               cookie dough have a major effect on cookie quality (i.e., cookie
wheat flour is indeed preferred for high-quality cakes, mainly             spread, texture). If hard wheat flour is used in a cookie formula,
because of its small particle size.                                        the result is usually a tough or very hard cookie that spreads

Cookie is a small cakelike product, either flat or slightly raised,        little during baking.

usually – but not always – with a relatively low moisture                  Cracker is a dry, usually thin, crisp biscuit that may be either
content, made from a dough or batter that is sufficiently                  semi-sweet and chemically leavened, as graham crackers and
viscous to permit the dough pieces to be baked on a flat                   the highly-flavored snack crackers or unsweetened, fermented
surface. Cookies come in an infinite variety of shapes, sizes,             and layered, as the soda cracker.
composition, texture, tenderness, colors and tastes. The term
                                                                           There are several types of crackers, but all are made from
is synonymous with biscuit as used in most countries other
                                                                           doughs. Water relationships are very important in cracker
than the United States and Canada.
                                                                           processing, and soft wheat flour with a low and constant
Soft wheat flour is preferred to produce cookies because it                absorption is preferred.
binds less water than hard wheat flour. Water relationships in
                                                                           Noodles are widely consumed in East and Southeast Asia and

page no. Fourteen                                                                                     www.wheatupdate.org / info@wheatupdate.org
are a staple in Northern China. The popularity of noodles,                         typically made from soft wheat flour of medium protein
particularly instant noodles, has spread globally.                                 content. It is desirable to have a creamy white color and a soft

There are two general types of wheat flour noodles: Chinese                        and elastic texture in Japanese noodles. The finer particle size

white salted noodles and yellow alkaline noodles, known as                         and lower protein of soft wheat flour gives the soft and elastic

udon and ramen noodles, respectively, in Japan. Noodles are                        bite and smooth surface desired for Japanese white salted

generally made from flour from common wheat, rather than                           noodles. As flour protein content increases, noodle firmness

from semolina of farina, and contain salt(s), in addition to flour                 increases, therefore, the optimal flour protein for Japanese

and water. However, starch noodles, made principally from                          white salted noodles is lower than for yellow alkaline noodles.

mung bean starch, also are produced throughout Asian                               As protein content increases, flour becomes darker and,

countries but are consumed less frequently than flour noodles.                     accordingly, noodle brightness is reduced.

Chinese-type noodles are generally made from hard wheat                            Noodles can be made from either red wheat or white wheat.

flours, characterized by bright creamy white or bright yellow                      However, white wheat has an advantage over red wheat for

color and firm texture while Japanese white salted noodles are                     making noodles because the bran specks from white wheat are
                                                                                   less conspicuou

The fight to find organic flour

Even though consumer demand for organic food has grown over the years, supply of organic crops has not been able to keep up.

Demand for organic products has been growing by double                             planted in the U.S., less than 1% is organic. Much smaller supply
digits since the 1990s, according to the Organic Trade                             means less choice from the standpoint of functionality and
Association. Mintel considers non-GMO to be one of the                             other target characteristics.”
fastest-growing claims with 44% of new food products
between 2013 and 2016 claiming to be non-GMO.
                                                                                   Offsetting supply issues
                                                                                   Organic and non-GMO certifications are expensive and time
Despite this, farmers haven't kept up the supply of USDA-
                                                                                   consuming to achieve even though those ingredients sell at a
certified organic wheat or Non-GMO Project verified corn and
                                                                                   premium. Growers must make a significant commitment to and
other grains. (Wheat is not a genetically modified crop.)
                                                                                   investment in the transition from conventional farming to
“The biggest challenge around sourcing organic flours and                          organic and non-GMO crops, not to mention the transition
seeds is overall supply,” said Harold Ward, director of technical                  period before farmers can see a return on their investment.
service and product applications at Bay State Milling Co. “A                       These barriers to entry mean that the supply of organic wheat
good example of this would be organic wheat. Of the wheat                          and non-GMO grains is slim compared to conventional.

www.wheatupdate.org / info@wheatupdate.org                                                                                       page no.Twenty Seven
Demand for organic bakery products has been growing since the 1990's.

Additionally, if there is a tough year for crops, flour suppliers
                                                                              “Build formulas that are adaptable and robust enough to cope
                                                                              with possible changes,” he said. “Keeping an open mind when it
have less organic supply to offset undesirable characteristics.
                                                                              comes to process adjustments and using ingredients that will
“Because we're talking about working with a much smaller                      enhance functionality or provide needed protein is very
supply of wheat, in a given crop year, you could see lower or                 important. I also suggest partnering with your supplier so you
higher protein levels or possibly substantial changes in                      have a clear line of sight to current crop characteristics as well as
functional characteristics such as absorption or mixing                       what is on the horizon.”
tolerance,” Ward explained.
                                                                              Bay State Milling's product applications and R&D teams work
These issues still happen with conventional crops, but because                with bakers to develop products using these organic ingredients
of the vastness of that supply, millers can overcome those                    and are available to help address these potential issues.
issues with blending to provide bakers consistent flour. The
                                                                              Ardent Mills anticipates that its organic program will expand to
smaller the supply, the more difficult it becomes to meet these
                                                                              support an organic supply chain for the baking industry.
bakers' needs.
                                                                              “Our extensive organic grower network, milling and storage
Ward doesn't believe this will be a permanent issue for organic
                                                                              locations allow us to provide a consistent reliable and quality
bakers. Consumer demand and support from millers will push                    organic flour that bakers can count on,” said Shrene White,
farmers to grow more fields organically. In the meantime,                     general manager, The Annex by Ardent Mills. “It's a good time to
however, he encouraged bakers to be mindful when                              come into organic.”
formulating for organic ingredients.

A troublesome growing season may lead to a smaller supply of organic flour.   Working closely with farmers, flour suppliers can offer support and guidance in
                                                                                      making the transition from conventional farming to organic.

page no.Twenty Eight                                                                                         www.wheatupdate.org / info@wheatupdate.org
Weakening barriers to entry
                                                                                  “It has been an ongoing issue in the organic industry for supply
Solving the issue of supply largely rests in the hands of farmers.
                                                                                  to keep up with growing demand,” said Jennifer Tesch, chief
They need to make the commitment to become certified
                                                                                  marketing officer, Heathy Food Ingredients (HFI). “We believe
organic growers. However, the certification process and
                                                                                  through continued education to growers about the
transition from conventional farming to organic can be
                                                                                  opportunities within the organic and non-GMO markets, more
intimidating and expensive.
                                                                                  producers will transition from conventional to organic.”
Many flour millers see it as their responsibility to support
                                                                                  To ease that transition cost, some Accredited Organic
farmers in their transition to organic as it improves the supply
                                                                                  Certifying Agencies (ACAs) such as Quality Assurance
and quality of organic wheat, corn and other grains. Ardent
                                                                                  International offer transitional organic certification. In fact,
Mills, for example, created the Organic Initiative 2019.
                                                                                  HFI became the first certified transitional ingredient supplier
Launched in 2015, the program's goal is to double the amount
                                                                                  with a hard red winter wheat processed by its brand
of organic wheat acreage in the United States by next year.
                                                                                  Hesco/Dakota Organic Products. Tesch said that the
“As a part of the strategy, we launched a series of farmer                        company's relationship with growers allowed the company to
meetings in North Dakota, Colorado and Idaho to identify                          guide them in the certification process.
producer concerns about converting to organic and to help
                                                                                  “The transitional certification is beneficial to growers because
shape our initiative,” White said.
                                                                                  we now have a market for these growers' crops during the
Through those meetings, the company gauged farmers'                               three transitional years, and they can be compensated with a
greatest concerns, including education, changing practices,                       premium during the costly conversion to organic,” she said.
disease and pest control, as well as rotational and cover crops.
                                                                                  Bunge North America also recently began offering certified
                                                                                  transitional ingredients; in this case, dry milled corn
                                                                                  ingredients. The company pays farmers a premium for this
                                                                                  corn during that three-year period.

                                                                                  “The certified transitional market gives farmers an
                                                                                  opportunity to sell this corn at a premium during their shift to
                                                                                  certified organic, incentivizing them to make the move into
                                                                                  organic farming,” said Gregg Christensen, vice-president of
                                                                                  sales for Bunge Milling. “Bunge is taking the lead in corn by
                                                                                  connecting farmers who are interested in certified transitional
                                                                                  products as a way of building a more scalable and reliable
                                                                                  future supply of organic products.”
Transitioning to an organic growing operation for farmers is expensive and time   While many ACAs offer their own certified transitional organic
                                                                                  programs, the Organic Trade Association is working with the
“We all need to be aware that the transition is not going to
                                                                                  USDA to unify these standards into a nationwide program —
happen overnight, and Ardent Mills wants to help farmers and
manufacturers meet the demand for organic foods,” White                           the National Certified Transitional Program.

The three-year transition period to organic remains one of the
biggest barriers to entry for many farmers. A field that was
previously farmed conventionally needs three years being
farmed organically before any crops grown can carry the USDA-
organic certification. During that time a farmer will invest all
the time, energy and money necessary to farm organically
without getting the payoff of that premium price.

www.wheatupdate.org / info@wheatupdate.org                                                                                       page no.Twenty Nine
USSEC Oilseed Photo Captions
Course participants travel to Bob Hazelwood's farm in Berryton, Kansas.

Course participants engage in in-class lecture on pellet quality and control
techniques with Carlos Campabadal.

EXPO 2019 – 2030         05 – 07 June:
                                                                      "Rice Market & Technology Convention".
                                                                      New Orleans, LA, USA.
                                                                      Contact: US Rice Producers Association.
02 – 05 June:
                                                                      25722 Kingsland Blvd. Suite 203, Katy, Texas 77494, USA.
"Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food
                                                                      Tel: +1 (713) 974 7423,
                                                                      Email: info@usriceproducers.com, Web:
New Orleans Morial Convention Center. New Orleans, LA, USA.
Contact: IFT. 221 N. LaSalle St. Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60601–1291,
                                                                      05 – 08 June:
Tel: +1 (312) 782 8424, Fax: +1 (312) 782 0045,
                                                                      "Biofach America Latina, Bio Brazil Fair".
Email: info@ift.org, Web: www.ift.org
                                                                      Sao Paulo, Brasilia.
04 – 07 June:
                                                                      Contact: Email: info@biofach-world.com, Web: www.biofach-
"XX International Grain Round "Grain Market — yesterday,
today, tomorrow".
                                                                      09 – 11 June:
Gelendzhik, Russia.
                                                                      "42th Annual Sosland Purchasing Seminar".
Contact: Russian Grain Union.
                                                                      Palmer House Hilton. Chicago, IL, USA.
Tel: +7 (495) 369-44-53, Email: tag@grun.ru, tds@grun.ru; Web:
                                                                      Contact: Christina Sullivan, Event Coordinator.
                                                                      Sosland Publishing Company.
                                                                      4801 Main St., Suite 650, Kansas City, MO 64112-2513, USA.

page no.Thirty                                                                                www.wheatupdate.org / info@wheatupdate.org
Tel: +1 (816) 756 1000/871,                                   Web: http://sustainablefoodssummit.com/europe
Email: csullivan@sosland.com, Web:                            13 – 15 June:
www.purchasingseminar.com                                     "VIV Turkey 2019, 9th International Trade Fair For Poultry
11 - 12 June:                                                 Technologies".
"International Grains Council, IGC Grains Conference 2019".   Istanbul Expo Center Hall 9-10-11. Istanbul, Turkey.
Congress Centre. London, UK.                                  Contact: HKF Trade Fairs.
Contact: IGC Secretariat, International Grains Council.       Tel: +90 (212) 216 4010 (PBX), Fax: +90 (212) 216 3360 – 61,
1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AE UK.             Email: info@hkf-fairs.com,
Tel: +44 20 7513 1122, Fax: +44 20 7513 0630,                 Web: www.vivturkey.com, www.hkftradefairs.com
Email: conf@igc.int, igc@igc.int,                             18 – 22 June:
Web: www.igc.int,                                             "Bakery Equipment Manufacturers & Allieds, BEMA
www.igc.int/en/conference/confhome2.aspx                      Convention".
                                                              Park Hyatt. Beaver Creek, CO, USA.
11 – 14 June:                                                 Contact: BEMA. 10740 Nall Ave., Suite 230, Overland Park, KS
"10th International and 12th Croatian Congress of Cereal      66211, USA.
Technologists 'Flour-Bread '19".                              Tel: +1 (913) 338 1300, Fax: +1 (913) 338 1327,
Hotel Osijek. Osijek, Croatia.                                Email: info@bema.org, Web: www.bema.org
Contact: ICC - International Association for Cereal Science   26 June:
and Technology.                                               "The Future of plant-based proteins - from the science to
General Secretariat. Marxergasse 2 A–1030 Vienna, Austria.    the shopper".
Tel: +43 1 7077202 271, Fax: +43 1 7077202 300,               Amsterdam Marriott Hotel. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Email: office@icc.or.at, Web: www.icc.or.at,                  Contact: Helen Law, Group Events Manager. William Reed Ltd.
www.icc.or.at/events/19-10th-international-and-12th-          Email: helen.law@wrbm.com, Web:
croatian-congress-of-cereal-technologists-%E2%80%9Eflour-     www.plantproteinconference.com
bread-19%E2%80%9C                                             26 – 28 June:
12 – 14 June:                                                 "5th International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal
"VICTAM International and GRAPAS EMEA 2019,                   Products and Beverages".
International Exhibitions & Conferences for the Animal        Leuven, Belgium.
Feed, Biomass & Grain Processing Industries".                 Contact: ICC - International Association for Cereal Science and
Cologne Exhibition Halls (Koelnmesse). Cologne, Germany.      Technology.
Contact: Patricia Heimgartner, Exhibition Manager. Victam     General Secretariat. Marxergasse 2 A–1030 Vienna, Austria.
International BV.                                             Tel: +43 1 7077202 271, Fax: +43 1 7077202 300,
P.O. Box 197 3860 AD Nijkerk, The Netherlands.                Email: office@icc.or.at, Web: www.icc.or.at,
Tel: +31 33 246 4404, Fax: +31 33 246 4706,                   www.icc.or.at/events/11-5th-international-symposium-on-
Email: patriciaheimgartner@victam.com, Web:                   gluten-free-cereal-products-and-beverages
https://victaminternational.com 12 – 14 June:                 JULY
"2019 Johnson & Wales International Symposium on              21 – 26 July:
Bread".                                                       "1st International Wheat Congress".
Johnson & Wales University Charlotte Campus. Charlotte,       TCU Place. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
N.C., USA.                                                    Contact: IWC 2019 Secretariat.
Contact: Peter Reinhart, Executive Director.                  c/o Venue West Conference Services. 301 – 1040 Hamilton
Email: symposium@jwu.edu                                      Street,
12 – 15 June:                                                 Vancouver, BC V6B 2R9 Canada.
"37th International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition".     Tel: +1 (604) 681-5226, Fax: +1 (604) 681-2503,
Kerkrade, Holland.                                            Email: secretariat@2019iwc.ca, Web: http://2019iwc.ca/
Contact: MINT. Maastricht, The Netherlands.                   25 – 26 July:
Tel: +31 43 3875108, Fax: +31 43 3875051,                     "International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM
Email: f.defauwes@maastrichtuniversity.nl,                    Central, Wheat State & Texoma Districts Conference".
Web: www.mintonline.org/dnsg2019/default.asp                  Chateau on the Lake. Branson, MO, USA.
13 – 14 June:                                                 Contact: International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM.
"Sustainable Foods Summit".                                   12351 W. 96th Terrace, Suite 100 Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA.
Radisson Blu Hotel Amsterdam. Amsterdam, The                  Tel: +1 (913) 338 3377, Fax: +1 (913) 338 3553,
Netherlands.                                                  Email: info@iaom.info, Web: www.iaom.info
Contact: Ecovia Intelligence.                                 AUGUST
Tel: (44) 208 567 0788, Email:                                07 – 09 August:
info@sustainablefoodssummit.com,                              "International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM Flour

www.wheatupdate.org / info@wheatupdate.org                                                                 page no.Thirty One
City District Conference".                                       11 - 12 September:
Madden's on Gull Lake. Brainerd, MN, USA.                        "Global Grain South America".
Contact: International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM.   Sao Paolo, Brazil.
12351 W. 96th Terrace, Suite 100 Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA.      Contact: Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC.
Tel: +1 (913) 338 3377, Fax: +1 (913) 338 3553,                  Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7779 7222, Email: info@ggrain.com,
Email: info@iaom.info, Web: www.iaom.info                        registration@ggrain.com,
14 – 16 August:                                                  Web: www.globalgrainevents.com
"International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM            11 - 13 September:
Western District Conference".                                    "International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM
Doubletree Portland. Portland, OR, USA.                          Western Canadian District Conference".
Contact: International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM.   Moosejaw. Saskatchewan, Canada.
12351 W. 96th Terrace, Suite 100 Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA.      Contact: International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM.
Tel: +1 (913) 338 3377, Fax: +1 (913) 338 3553,                  12351 W. 96th Terrace, Suite 100 Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA.
Email: info@iaom.info, Web: www.iaom.info                        Tel: +1 (913) 338 3377, Fax: +1 (913) 338 3553,
20 – 22 August:                                                  Email: info@iaom.info, Web: www.iaom.info
"2019 U.S. SOY Global Trade Exchange and Specialty Grains        16 - 17 September:
Conference".                                                     "International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM MEA
Hilton Chicago. Chicago, IL, USA.                                2019 Regional Forum".
Contact: Eric Wenberg, Executive Director, Specialty Soya &      Crowne Plaza. Beirut, Lebanon.
Grains Alliance.                                                 Contact: IAOM MEA Region, PO Box 106, Al Khuwair, PC 136,
Email: ewenberg@soyagrainsalliance.org,                          Sultanate of Oman.
Eric Gibson, Industry Relations Manager, U.S. Soybean Export     Tel: +968 2439 8767, Fax: +968 2439 8748,
Council.                                                         Email: info@iaom-mea.com, Web: www.iaom-mea.com,
Email: egibson@ussec.org,                                        http://www.iaom-mea.com/iaom-mea-2019-regional-forum/
Web: www.grainconference.org                                     21 - 24 September:
27 – 29 August:                                                  "Südback, Trade Fair for Bakery and Confectionery Trades".
"69th Australasian Grain Science Conference, AGSA 2019:          Messe Stuttgart. Stuttgart, Germany.
'Grains: A Global Food Resource'".                               Contact: Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH.
Rydges on Swanston. Carlton, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.          Tel: +49 711 18560-0,
Contact: Dr. Joe Panozzo, Conference Chair.                      Email: info@messe-stuttgart.de, Web: www.messe-
Australasian Grain Science Association Inc.                      stuttgart.de/en/suedback/
Email: conference@ausgrainscience.org.au,                        25 - 26 September:
secretary@ausgrainscience.org.au,                                "18th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Chemistry".
Web: www.ausgrainscience.org.au,                                 Copenhagen, Denmark.
www.ausgrainscience.org.au/conference/2019-conference/           Contact: Daniel Craig, Program Director, Nutri-Food Chemistry
SEPTEMBER                                                        2019.
06 – 15 September:                                               Email: nutri.foodchemistry@conferencesguide.org,
"Annual Kansas State Fair".                                      Web: www.annualcongress.com/meet-us/nutrition-food-
Kansas State Fairgrounds. Hutchinson, KS, USA.                   chemistry-2019-113
Contact: Tel: +1 (620) 669 3600, Fax: +1 (620) 669 3640,         25 - 27 September:
Web: www.kansasstatefair.com                                     "Women in Agribusiness Summit".
08 - 11 September:                                               Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. Minneapolis, MN, USA.
"International Baking Industry Exposition, IBIE 2019".           Contact: Joy O'Shaughnessy, HighQuest Group.
Las Vegas Convention Center. Las Vegas, NV, USA.                 300 Rosewood Drive, Suite 260, Danvers, MA 01923, USA.
Contact: Web: www.ibie2019.org                                   Tel: +1 (978) 887 8800,
10 - 12 September:                                               Email: joshaughnessy@womeninag.com, Web:
"The Big Iron Farm Show and International Visitors               www.womeninag.com
Program".                                                        25 - 27 September:
West Fargo, ND, USA.                                             "International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM
Contact: North Dakota Trade Office.                              Wolverine, Southeastern, Niagara, Ohio Valley Districts
811 2nd Avenue North, Suite 284, Department 0510, P.O. Box       Conference".
6050                                                             Kalahari Resorts. Sandusky, OH, USA.
Fargo, ND 58108, USA.                                            Contact: International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM.
Tel: +1 (701) 231 1150, Fax: +1 (701) 231 1151,                  12351 W. 96th Terrace, Suite 100 Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA.
Email: info@ndto.com, Web: www.bigironfarmshow.com               Tel: +1 (913) 338 3377, Fax: +1 (913) 338 3553,
                                                                 Email: info@iaom.info, Web: www.iaom.info

page no. Thirty Two                                                                     www.wheatupdate.org / info@wheatupdate.org
OCTOBER                                                            300 Rosewood Drive, Suite 260, Danvers, MA 01923, USA.
06 – 08 October:                                                   Tel: +1 (978) 887 8800,
"International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM Annual       Email: joshaughnessy@womeninag.com, Web:
Southeast Asia Region Conference & Expo".                          www.ongforum.com
Jakarta, Indonesia.                                                29 – 30 October:
Contact: International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM.     "Tortilla Industry Association, T.I.A. Europe Conference".
12351 W. 96th Terrace, Suite 100 Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA.        Barcelona, Spain.
Tel: +1 (913) 338 3377, Fax: +1 (913) 338 3553,                    Contact: Tortilla Industry Association.
Email: info@iaom.info, Web: www.iaom.info                          1400 North 14th Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA.
07 – 08 October:                                                   Tel: +1 (301) 367 8200, Fax: +1 (800) 944 6177,
"Tortilla Industry Association, T.I.A. Tech 2019".                 Email: info@Tortilla-Info.com, Web: www.tortilla-info.com
Las Vegas Convention Center. Las Vegas, NV, USA.                   31 October – 03 November:
(Co-Located with IBIE Convention)                                  "The World Milling Technologies Conference & Exhibition".
Contact: Tortilla Industry Association.                            Xanadue Resort Hotel. Antalya, Turkey.
1400 North 14th Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA.                  Contact: Milling Machinery Manufacturer Association, DESMÜD
Tel: +1 (301) 367 8200, Fax: +1 (800) 944 6177,                    / ARBER Professional Congress Services.
Email: info@Tortilla-Info.com, Web: www.tortilla-info.com          Şair Nedim Sok. 19/1 A. Ayrancı, 06540, Ankara, Turkey.
09 - 11 October:                                                   Tel: +90 441 0700, Email: info@desmud.org, arber@arber.com.tr,
"Grain & Milling Expo".                                            Web: www.worldmilltech.org
La Foire Internationale de Casablanca. Casablanca. Morocco.        NOVEMBER
Contact: Mrs. Soumaya Esseddiki, Communication Responsible.        02 – 03 November:
National Federation of Moroccan Millers.                           "International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM MEA
Angle Bd Abou Majid Al Bahar et Rue El Brihmi El Idrissi.          Region Preconference Seminar on Silo Management & Safe
Casablanca, Morocco                                                Grain Storage".
Tel: + 212 522 30 18 01, Fax: + 212 522 30 6551,                   Diamond Meeting Room, Novotel DWTC. Dubai, UAE.
Email: s.esseddiki@fnm.org.ma, fnm@fnm.org.ma,                     Contact: IAOM MEA Region, PO Box 106, Al Khuwair, PC 136,
Web: www.fnm.org.ma, www.grainmillingexpo.ma                       Sultanate of Oman.
17 – 20 October:                                                   Tel: +968 2439 8767, Fax: +968 2439 8748,
"North American Millers' Association, NAMA 2019 Annual             Email: info@iaom-mea.com, Web: www.iaom-mea.com,
Meeting".                                                          http://www.iaom-mea.com/IAOM-DUBAI-2019/page/silo-
The Broadmoor. Colorado Springs, CO, USA.                          managementhttp://www.iaom-mea.com/IAOM-DUBAI-
Contact: Christopher Clark, North American Millers' Association.   2019/page/silo-management
1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 650, Arlington VA 22202, USA.            03 – 05 November:
Tel: + 1 (202) 484 2200 ext. 2,                                    "2019 AACC International Annual Meeting". Sheraton Denver
Email: cclark@namamillers.org, Web: www.namamillers.org            Downtown, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
20 – 23 October:                                                   Contact: Kimberly G. Batham, Program Content Development
"2019 ABA, American Bakers Association, Technical                  Strategist.
Conference".                                                       AACC International.
Marriott Marquis Atlanta. Atlanta, GA, USA.                        3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN, 55121-2097, USA.
Contact: The American Bakers Association, ABA.                     Tel: +1 (651) 994 3861, Fax: +1 (651) 454 7250,
601 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 230, Washington, D.C. 20004,      Email: kbatham@scisoc.org, Web: www.aaccnet.org/meetings,
USA.                                                               www.aaccnet.org
Tel: +1 (202) 789 0300, Email: info@americanbakers.org,            03 – 06 November:
Web: www.americanbakers.org                                        "30th Annual IAOM
22 – 24 October:                                                   Mideast and Africa Conference & Expo".
"International Conference on Wheat Diversity & Human               Dubai World Trade Center. Dubai, UAE.
Health".                                                           Contact: IAOM MEA Region, PO Box 106, Al Khuwair, PC 136,
Elite World Istanbul Hotel. Istanbul, Turkey.                      Sultanate of Oman.
Contact: Alexey Morgounov / ARBER Professional Congress            Tel: +968 2439 8767, Fax: +968 2439 8748,
Services.                                                          Email: info@iaom-mea.com, Web: www.iaom-mea.com,
Şair Nedim Sok. 19/1 A. Ayrancı, 06540, Ankara, Turkey.            or
Tel: +90 441 0700, Email: a.morgounov@cgiar.org,                   IAOM, International Association of Operative Millers.
arber@arber.com.tr,                                                12351 W. 96th Terrace, Suite 100 Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA.
Web: www.wheat-health.org                                          Tel: +1 (913) 338 3377, Fax: +1 (913) 338 3553,
29 – 30 October:                                                   Email: info@iaom.info, Web: www.iaom.info
"Organic & Non-GMO Forum".                                         05 – 07 November:
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. Minneapolis, MN, USA.                   "Pulse Science and Technology Forum".
Contact: Joy O'Shaughnessy, HighQuest Group.                       The Courtyard Marriott Toronto Downtown. Toronto, Canada.

page no. Thirty Four / info@wheatupdate.org
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Contact: Jeffry Newman, Senior Director, Programs. The                 www.ngfa.org
American Oil Chemists' Society, AOCS.                                  2020
Tel: +1 (217) 693-4816, Email: jnewman@aocs.org,                       JANUARY
Web: https://www.aocs.org/attend-meetings/pulse-science-               11 – 14 January:
and-technology-forum                                                   "Europain & Intersuc 2020,
07 – 09 November:                                                      World Bakery, Pastry, Ice- Cream, Chocolate, Confectionary
"1st International/11th National Food Engineering Congress".           Trade Show".
Aska Lara Resort & SPA. Antalya, Turkey.                               Paris Porte de Versailles. Paris, France.
Contact: Chamber of Food Engineers, Turkey.                            Contact: Parc des Expositions. Paris-Nord Villepinte, France.
Meşrutiyet Mah. Meşrutiyet Cad. Karanfil 2 Sok. No: 49/10              Tel: +33 (0) 04 78 176 351, Email: visiteur@gl-events.com, Web:
Kızılay, Ankara, Turkey.                                               www.europain.com
Tel: +90 (312) 418 2826-46-47, Fax: +90 (312) 418 2843,                28 – 30 January:
Email: foodengcongress@gidamo.org.tr,                                  "2020 International Production & Processing Expo, IPPE".
Web: www.foodengcongress.org/en/#                                      Georgia World Congress Center. Atlanta, GA, USA.
07 – 09 November:                                                      Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association.
"2nd Asia Pacific Grain Conference".                                   Tel: +1 (770) 493 9401, Fax: +1 (770) 493 9257,
Tianjin, China.                                                        Email: info@ippexpo.org, Web: www.ippexpo.org
Contact: ICC - International Association for Cereal Science and        FEBRUARY
Technology.                                                            27 – 29 February:
General Secretariat. Marxergasse 2 A–1030 Vienna, Austria.             "2020 Commodity Classic".
Tel: +43 1 7077202 271, Fax: +43 1 7077202 300,                        San Antonio, TX, USA.
Email: office@icc.or.at, Web: www.icc.or.at                            Contact: Web: http://commodityclassic.com/home
12 – 14 November:                                                      February:
"Global Grain Geneva 2019".                                            "International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM Annual
InterContinental Geneva. Geneva, Switzerland.                          Latin America Region Conference & Expo".
Contact: Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC.                         Panama City, Panama.
Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7779 7222, Email: info@ggrain.com,                    Contact: International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM.
registration@ggrain.com,                                               12351 W. 96th Terrace, Suite 100 Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA.
Web: www.globalgrainevents.com                                         Tel: +1 (913) 338 3377, Fax: +1 (913) 338 3553,
DECEMBER                                                               Email: info@iaom.info, Web: www.iaom.info
01 – 05 December:                                                      MARCH
"2019 ISNFF International Conference and Exhibition on                 08 – 10 March:
Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods".                                    "124rd Annual National Grain and Feed Association, NGFA
Kobe, Japan.                                                           Convention".
Contact: ISNFF. Email: isnffsecretary@gmail.com, Web:                  JW Marriott Austin. Austin, TX, USA.
www.isnff.com                                                          Contact: Rebecca Grubbs, Director of Meetings & Marketing.
03 – 05 December:                                                      National Grain and Feed Association, NGFA. 1400 Crystal Drive,
"Fi Europe 2019,                                                       Suite 260, Arlington, VA 22202, USA.
Food Ingredients Europe 2019".                                         Tel: +1 (202) 289 0873, Email: rgrubbs@ngfa.org, Web:
Paris-Nord Villepinte Parc des Expositions. Paris, France.             www.ngfa.org
Contact: Web: www.figlobal.com/fieurope,                               21 – 24 March:
www.foodingredientsglobal.com                                          "GEAPS Exchange 2020, Grain Elevator and Processing Society
05 December:                                                           Annual Conference".
"10. FOI 2019, Fats & Oils Istanbul / FGI 2019, Feeds & Grains         Minneapolis Convention Center. Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Istanbul".                                                             Contact: The Grain Elevator and Processing Society, GEAPS.
Istanbul, Turkey.                                                      4800 Memorial Highway, Golden Valley, MN 55422, USA.
Contact: Agripro, Agricultural Services.                               Tel: +1 (763) 999 4300, Fax: +1 (763) 710 5328,
Bilezik Sokak No: 4, Lugal İşhanı, Fındıklı, 34427 Istanbul, Turkey.   Email: info@geaps.com, Web: www.geaps.com
Tel: +90 (212) 236 0345, Fax: +90 (212) 236 0385,                      26 – 29 March:
Email: info@agripro.com.tr, Web: www.agripro.com.tr                    "IBAKTECH 2020,
08 – 10 December:                                                      13th International Trade Fair for Bakery, Patisserie Machinery,
"National Grain and Feed Association, NGFA 48th Annual                 Ice Cream, Chocolate and Technologies".
Country Elevator Conference and Tradeshow".                            Istanbul Fair Center, CNR Expo. Yeşilköy, Istanbul, Turkey.
JW Marriott Indianapolis. Indianapolis, IN, USA.                       Contact: Emel Kılınç, International Project Director.
Contact: Rebecca Grubbs, Director of Meetings & Marketing.             Messe Stuttgart Ares Fuarcılık Ltd. Şti.
National Grain and Feed Association. 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite         Tekstilkent A11 Blok No: 51 Esenler 34235 İstanbul, Turkey.
260, Arlington, VA 22202, USA.                                         Tel: +90 (212) 284 1110, Fax: +90 (212) 284 1001,
Tel: +1 (202) 289 0873, Email: rgrubbs@ngfa.org, Web:                  Email: emel.kilinc@messe-stuttgart.com.tr, info@messe-
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