La Joya ISD 2020 - 2021 Reopening Plan - Amazon S3

Page created by Christina Cook
La Joya ISD 2020 - 2021 Reopening Plan - Amazon S3
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                                      The plan was developed based on the
                                      following District Foundational Belief

                                      -We believe schools control all of the
                                      variables that influence student success.
                                      The task of schools is to alter the learning
                                      environment to provide conditions for

                                      -We believe educators should equip and
                                      empower families to help support their
                                      children and ensure their success in
                                      school and in life.
        La Joya ISD
2020 – 2021 Reopening Plan

La Joya ISD District Reopening Plan                          September 21, 2020
La Joya ISD 2020 - 2021 Reopening Plan - Amazon S3
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                                           2020-2021 Reopening Plan
                                             Response to Covid-19

Introduction: The safety of our students, staff, and community is of utmost importance for La Joya
ISD, and it will continue to follow any recommendation provided by the Center for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) as we commence the 2020-2021 school
year. The district’s foundational beliefs state that schools control all the variables that influence
student success. Furthermore, the task of schools is to alter the learning environment to provide
conditions for success. Additionally, we believe educators should equip and empower families to help
support their children and ensure their success in school and life. The guidelines will support the
district's foundational beliefs.

Concept of Operations
La Joya ISD will continue to monitor the severity of the pandemic and acknowledges that this plan may be
modified as public health changes. This plan is divided into two sections; Instructional Plan and
Operations/Safety Plan.

   I. Instructional Plan
     La Joya Independent School District COVID-19 Reopening Schools Instructional Plan
                                            Instructional Design Plan
     La Joya ISD is committed to educational excellence through quality instruction. The guidelines
     serve as a means of communication for the district's instructional design plan for all
     stakeholders. This includes the curriculum, staff development sessions, instructional schedules,
     and the social emotional component.
     Instruction will commence on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, and conclude on Friday, June 4,
     2021. The district will provide the following instructional models to our parents:

         •   Instructional Model: The district will provide traditional instruction or at home
             distance asynchronous learning based on parent choice. Asynchronous instruction does
             not require all participants to be virtually present at the same time.
             Examples: Self-paced online courses with intermittent teacher instruction, pre-assigned
             work with formative assessments on paper or in Learning Management System (LMS),
             watching pre-recorded videos of instruction with guided support.

     La Joya ISD District Reopening Plan                                              September 21, 2020
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        •   Asynchronous instruction requires staff to check engagement daily to mark students present
            “Present-Remote Asynchronous”. Students who are not “engaged” that day are marked absent.
            Engaged is any of the following:
               Ø Progress (as defined in the approved learning plan) in the Learning Management System
                   (LMS) made that day.
               Ø Progress (as defined in the approved learning plan) from teacher/student interactions made
                   that day.
               Ø Turn in of assignment(s) that day
    The design curriculum will guide students in achieving specific educational goals and objectives.
    The curriculum process will have clear and specific behavioral and observable outcomes. La
    Joya ISD will utilize the following curriculum:

               Elementary                               Middle School                      High School

    Texas Essential Knowledge and               Texas Essential                   Texas Essential
    Skills (TEKS)                               Knowledge and Skills              Knowledge and Skills
    Houghton Mifflin Harcourt                   (TEKS)                            (TEKS) Houghton
    Imagine Learning                            McGraw Hill                       Mifflin Harcourt
    Reading Renaissance/MyON                    Reading Renaissance/MyON          Edgenuity (EOC)
    Edusmart                                    Imagine Learning Edusmart         College Board
    Sharon Wells Math (2nd –5th)                System 44                         Reading
    Pearlized Math (K- 1st)                     National Geographic               Renaissance
    Pearson Realize (Science & SS)              Sciencesaurus                     System 44
    Scholastic Big Day                          Study Island                      Texas Home Learning
                                                Everything You Need to Ace        (TEA) Pearson
                                                Science in One Big Fat
                                                Notebook: The Complete
                                                Middle School Study Guide

    Note: Curriculum will be used for both traditional and at-home distance asynchronous

    Online Curriculum:

La Joya ISD will provide educational excellence through a rigorous instructional online program that will prepare
students for college and career readiness. Our staff is committed to students, parents and our community to ensure
students learn in a safe and emotionally healthy environment.

Asynchronous Online:
     o Pre K- 5th grade:         180 Minutes of daily direct instruction
     o 6th grade- 12 grade:      240 minutes of daily direct instruction
Instructional Framework
•    The asynchronous online program requires students to spend a total of three to four hours online with their
     teachers intermittently.
•    Teachers will be taking attendance daily through daily progress, monitoring checks of student progress.
     o Data from the Learning Management System (LMS) showing daily progress.
    La Joya ISD District Reopening Plan                                                  September 21, 2020
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     o Curricular progress, evidenced by teacher/student daily interactions.
     o Completion and submission of daily assignments.
         ü The instructional day is from 12:01 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for the instructional day and will be counted
             present for work completed during those hours.
         ü Saturday and Sunday work will not be used as a method for progress monitoring for attendance
•    Teachers will be following the lesson cycle using the building blocks for online instruction to maximize
     student engagement.
     o Direct Instruction to teach skills
     o Modeling by skill by teacher
     o Discussion
     o Research and Exploration
     o Collaborative Tasks
     o Practice and Review
     o Assessment
     o Reflection and Metacognitive Skills Building
•    Checking for understanding will be ongoing throughout the lesson. Weekly and six weeks assessments
     will be administered over content covered using the DMAC management system or google platform.
Student and Family Support
o Students will be provided with an electronic device upon request.
o Apps needed by content will be downloaded to the electronic device before being used by the students.
o A paper copy of the instructional curriculum packet will be available for students participating in online
  distance learning.
o Google Platform will be utilized to deliver instruction; therefore, students will have access to their Gmail
o A call-in center will be available to assist parents with questions about homework.
o The technology department will be readily available to assist from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
o The resource page will have videos for the following activities:
  ü Skills being taught by the teacher
  ü How to upload work into the Google platform
  ü How to utilize different apps
  ü How to use various programs
o At a glance by semester by grade level by content will be available for view or download.
o Parents will stay abreast of upcoming training being provided by the Face Liaison Director, Velma Ochoa,
  or any other department.
    Staff Development Plan:
    Our staff will be supported through specific job-related professional development sessions that
    will assist teachers in improving skills, and most importantly, delivering engaging lessons online
    or through traditional instruction. Staff development will be offered in the following areas:
       •   Google Platform                                                     (All Teachers)
       •   Online Tools                                                        (All Teachers)
       •   Using online tools for differentiation for special populations      (All Teachers)
       •   HMH Online Resources                                                 (Elementary & High School)
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     •   McGraw Hill                                                         (Middle School Staff)
     •   Edgenuity                                                          (High School Staff)
     •   College Board (Full Training versus Components)                    (High School Staff)
     •   Accuplacer/TSI                                                     (High School Staff)
     •   Pearson Realize                                                    (Elementary Staff)
     •   Syward Training (Teacher Corner)                                   (All Teachers)
     •   DMAC Training (Online Assessments)                                 (All Teachers)
     •   Silverlining                                                       (High School Staff)
     •   CEDFA Fine Arts All Departments                                    (Middle & High School Staff)
     •   TBA (Band)                                                         (Middle & High School Staff)
     •   TCDA Virtual Session (Choir and Elementary Music)                  (Middle & High School Staff
     •   TODA Virtual Session (Orchestra and Mariachi)                      (Middle & High School Staff)
     Instructional Resources
  The purpose of instructional resources is to support learning. The resources listed allows
  students to engage in application and to master the objectives being taught, whether through
  the traditional or at home distance asynchronous learning model. Teacher and students will
  have the necessary resources to deliver and master learning.
          a.   Provide campuses with electronic devices.
          b.   Insight software
          c.   Wireless mouse
          d.   Headsets with Mics
          e.   Zoom Licenses
          f.   Textbooks online for High School Campuses (STC)

   Technology Resources
La Joya ISD is committed to providing our students, teachers, and community with the necessary resources to
ensure a successful online curriculum. As a District, we are dedicated to utilizing technology to innovate
teaching and learning practices by integrating digital tools to inspire students to thrive in a global society
through collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking.

Electronic Devices:

A technology device will be available for students if needed.

Hot Spots:
The District has purchased 10,000 hot spots to ensure the necessary resources for a successful online program.

Equipping Devices & Distribution to Campuses:
• Technology devices will be configured and set with then necessary apps for student use.

Summer School Devices:
  • Elementary:                1,279 out of 2,671
  • Middle School:             648 out of 1,494
  • High School:               98 out of 396

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                             Total: 2025 out of 4,561
The second round for device pick up: Thursday, August 06, 2020.

Beginning of the Year Distribution of Devices & Student ID:
   • Elementary:                          Thursday, September 3, 2020
                                          Friday, September 4, 2020

   •   Middle School: 6th Grade Only         Monday, August 24, 2020

   •   Middle Schools & Comprehensive        Monday, August 31, 2020
       High Schools:                         Tuesday, September 1, 2020

   •   Technology Dept. will take care of providing the User Agreement Form (English and Spanish) for
       parents and students to sign.
WiFi on Wheels for the Community
Keeping students and staff digitally connected has never been more important and necessary than before.
Providing access to students will help students continue their learning outside of the classroom. The following
services have been and continue to be offered to our LJISD community to provide students, parents, and staff
access to internet.
• Beginning September 8, 2020, 50 WiFi on school buses will be stationed around the district communities
• 1 Mobile Tech Lab will be stationed around district community locations to assist parents with online
    student enrollment
• Forty-five external WiFi access points will be available at all school campuses and central office buildings
    to provide parents, and students access to internet. These access points radiate WiFi signal up to a ¼ mile

Staff Development
The following live online professional development sessions are being offered to LJISD staff to become
familiar with our Google Platform and Building Blocks for Online teaching and learning and
• Google Drive and Chrome Basics (paraprofessionals, clerks, secretaries)
• Google Drive Basics (Migrant and Athletic Dept. staff)
• Google Classroom, Meet and Online Tools (all LJISD teachers)
• Online Teaching Resources (all-district leadership)
• LJISD EdTech Institute (live online break-out sessions on technology integration resources, tools, and
  Social Emotional
  What is Social-Emotional Learning?
  Social Emotional Learning is the process through which students gain and effectively apply the
  attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive
  goals, feel and express empathy for others, develop and maintain positive relationships, and
  make responsible decisions. School counselors through the delivery (individual, group, or
  guidance) of counselor lessons will help students develop appropriate skills.

  Note: The following chart outlines programs and/or lessons school counselors will promote,
  deliver, and/or implement at the different grade levels to teach students social-emotional skills.
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           Elementary                               Middle School                      High School
•   Mindfulness / Inner Explorer        •    Mindfulness / Inner Explorer   •   Naviance Social Emotional
•   Cooperation with Library            •    Naviance Social Emotional          Curriculum
    Services / Reading of Books              Curriculum                     •   Kindness
•   Olweus Bullying Prevention          •    Cooperation with Library       •   Olweus Bullying Prevention
    Program / Class Meetings                 Services Reading of Books          Program / Class Meetings
•   Character Education                 •    Olweus Bullying Prevention     •   Kindness
•   Kindness                                 Program / Class Meetings       •   Teacher Staff Development –
•   Teacher Staff Development –         •    Kindness                           What is Social Emotional
    What is Social Emotional            •    Teacher Staff Development –        Learning and how can
    Learning and how can teachers            What is Social Emotional           teachers promote it in their
    promote it in their classroom.           Learning and how can               classroom.
                                             teachers promote it in their

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    What do Counselors need to              What do Counselors need to            What do Counselors need to
    implement these programs?               implement these programs?             implement these programs?

    Mindfulness     Counselor staff         Mindfulness/   Counselor staff
    / Inner         development &           Inner          development &
    Explorer        School License          Explorer       School License
    Naviance        Purchase                Naviance       Continued              Naviance        Continued
                    Naviance                               counselor staff                        counselor staff
                    Program for 4th                        development and                        development and
                    and 5th graders,                       purchase of                            purchase of
                    counselor staff                        Naviance                               Naviance
                    development, and                       curriculum                             curriculum
                    purchase of

    What do Counselors need to              What do Counselors need to            What do Counselors need to
    implement these programs?               implement these programs?             implement these programs?

    Cooperation     Review of           Cooperation        Review of
    with Library    appropriate books   with Library       appropriate books in
    Services        in cooperation with Services           cooperation with
                    Library Services;                      Library Services;
                    purchase of books                      purchase of books if
                    if necessary                           necessary

    Olweus          Renewal of Olweus Olweus               Renewal of Olweus      Olweus          Renewal of
                    Contract; Train                        Contract; Train                        Olweus
                    behavior specialists                   behavior specialists                   Contract;
    Kindness        None – in place         Kindness       None – in place        Kindness        None – in place
                    thru guidance                          thru guidance                          thru guidance
                    lessons and                            lessons and                            lessons and
                    counseling                             counseling                             counseling
                    campaigns                              campaigns                              services
    Character Ed    None – in place
                    thru guidance
    Teacher Staff   Presentation /          Teacher Staff Presentation /          Teacher Staff   Presentation /
    Development     Activity                Development Activity                  Development     Activity


           La Joya ISD District Reopening Plan                                               September 21, 2020
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            La Joya Independent School District COVID-19 Reopening Schools
                                Operations/Safety Plan

II. Safety Plan
This plan provides guidance to fulfill the traditional functions of an in-person instructional
program for La Joya ISD schools. This plan establishes safety procedures and protocols
following the guidelines delineated by local, county, state, federal and Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) regulations.

Operations/Safety plan will address the following;
      •   Students/Staff/Parents/Visitors
      •   Students
      •   Staff
      •   Facilities
      •   Transportation
      •   Child Nutrition Services
      •   University Interscholastic League (UIL)
      •   Extracurricular activities
      •   COVID-19 Monitoring
      •   Training
      •   Policy

 The following protocols or guidelines have been established to support the safety of all

 1.       All students, employees, and visitors are expected to adhere to CDC
 2.       Social distancing practices, to include minimum “point of contact” for all
 3.       Wear nose/mouth coverings at all times on school grounds and facilities.
 4.       A protocol will be developed at each campus for daily screening of all
          students, employees, and visitors before they enter the premises.
 5.       Hand sanitizing and/or handwashing stations will be available
          throughout each site (entrance of the building and throughout
 6.       Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) modules will
          be added to include CDC recommendations such as: social distancing,
          handwashing/sanitizing, proper use of masks, etc…
 7.       Students will be instructed in proper handwashing and hand sanitizing
          techniques. Frequent reminders to practice these techniques will be provided to
          students and employees. When developmentally appropriate modeling and
          supervision of these practices will be emphasized.
 8.       Students, teachers, staff, and campus visitors will be encouraged to cover
          coughs and sneezes with a tissue, and if not available, covered in their elbows.
          Used tissues should be thrown in the trash, hands should be washed
          immediately with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or hand sanitizer
          should be used.

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 9.    When possible, student groups will not be mixed; students would remain
       with the same group of students throughout the day and would stay in the
       same classroom.
 10.   Additional disinfecting measures will be embedded throughout the
       instructional day.
 11.   Group gatherings such as assemblies, field trips, etc.., will not be held until
       further notice following CDC recommendations.
 12.   Each campus will establish a protocol for entry and exit procedures to reduce
       the number of students and parents congregating both inside and/or outside of
       the building.
 13.   Each campus will establish daily schedules and procedures to ensure that all
       CDC guidelines are followed minimizing traffic flow within the premises at
       all times (Breakfast, Lunch, etc.)

       These guidelines remain under continuous review to ensure that
          we are meeting the needs of our students and employees.

III. Students

                                        La Joya ISD
                           COVID-19 Student Procedures and Protocols

PURPOSE: The health and safety of our students, staff, and community is our highest priority and La
Joya ISD is closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19. We are following the guidance provided by the
Texas Department of State and Health Services (DSHS), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), the Hidalgo County Health Department and the Texas Education Agency. All students are
expected to adhere to the following guidelines.

  Unless otherwise notified, all students will report to school in accordance to the La Joya ISD
           2020- 2021 Calendar. The calendar can be found on the District Website.

Before a Student Reports to School:
1) All students will be required to self-screen or have their parent/guardian screen them for signs or
symptoms of COVID-19. Symptoms may include new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore
throat, loss of taste or smell, feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0
degrees Fahrenheit.

2) If students exhibit any of the above COVID-19 related symptoms, or come into close contact with a
person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19, students must notify their campus principal and nurse.
Students will not be able to report to school or enter any district building or facility until cleared by the
school nurse.

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3) If medically able to, students will be allowed to complete class assignments remotely from home.
4) Students will limit communication about health matters to their campus principal and nurse. The
campus principal, nurse, or designee will take responsibility for notifying individuals who may have been
exposed. This process will ensure that the students’ personal and medical information is kept confidential.

5) Students will not be able to return to school or enter any district building or facility until cleared by the
school nurse.

While Students are in District Facilities or Property:
1) Students will self-screen or the school nurse will screen them and check for symptoms of COVID-19.
If students are not exhibiting any of the COVID-19 symptoms and have not come into close contact with
a person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19, students will be allowed to be in school.

2) While at school, students will be required to follow these guidelines:
    •   Students shall wear masks or face coverings (District will provide reusable masks).
    •   Students shall maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet from one another.
    •   Students shall wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer throughout their time in the building.
    •   Students shall not shake hands, touch, or hug others.

3) If students develop symptoms or become sick during the school day, students must immediately
separate themselves from their peers and notify their teacher. Teacher must send the student to the
designated isolation room. Nurse will notify parent to pick up student from school and contact their
medical provider.

4) Students will not be able to return to school or enter any district building or facility until cleared by the
school nurse.

Close Contact:
This document refers to “close contact” with an individual who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19.
The definition of close contact is evolving with our understanding of COVID-19, and individual 9
scenarios should be determined by an appropriate public health agency. In general, close contact is
defined as:

a. being directly exposed to infectious secretions (e.g., being coughed on); or
b. being within 6 feet for a cumulative duration of 15 minutes; however, additional factors like
case/contact masking (i.e., both the infectious individual and the potential close contact have been
consistently and properly masked), ventilation, presence of dividers, and case symptomology may
affect this determination.

Either (a) or (b) defines close contact if it occurred during the infectious period of the case, defined as
two days prior to symptom onset to 10 days after symptom onset. In the case of asymptomatic
individuals who are lab-confirmed with COVID-19, the infectious period is defined as two days prior
to the confirming lab test and continuing for 10 days following the confirming lab test.

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                                       La Joya ISD
                     COVID-19 Student Procedures and Protocols (Exhibit)

Step 1:         Student is exhibiting symptoms, has come into close contact with a person who is lab-
                confirmed to have COVID-19 or is diagnosed with COVID-19 through the PCR COVID-
                19 test.

Step 2:         If the student is at home: student must notify the campus principal and nurse. The
                student will not be able to report to school or enter any district building or facility until
                cleared by the school nurse.

Step 3:         If the student is at school: students must immediately separate themselves from their
                peers, notify their teacher, teacher must send the students to the designated isolation
                room, nurse will notify parent to pick up student from school and contact their medical

Step 4:         If student’s health permits it and if assignments can be done remotely, students will
                be allowed to complete class assignments remotely from home.

Step 5:         If the student is diagnosed with COVID-19 through PCR test:
                • The student or parent/guardian will complete the COVID-19 Student Report Form
                     and submit it to the campus nurse.
                • The campus principal will initiate contact tracing protocols. They will contact any
                     student and employee that came into close contact (within six feet for 15 minutes)
                     with the student.
                • The custodial department will initiate disinfection protocols.

Step 6:         Once cleared by the school nurse, the student returns to school and follows the COVID-
                19 Student Procedures and Protocols.

*The above guidance and protocols are subject to change pending any other updates or directions
                      from our local, state and national health leaders.

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 IV. Staff
                                 La Joya ISD
                    COVID-19 Employee Procedures and Protocols
PURPOSE: The health and safety of our students, staff, and community is our highest priority and La
Joya ISD is closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19. We are following the guidance provided by the
Texas Department of State and Health Services (DSHS), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), the Hidalgo County Health Department and the Texas Education Agency. All district employees
are expected to adhere to the following guidelines.

Start of School Year
Unless otherwise notified, all employees will return to work at the start of their calendar date (Working
Days – Starting and Ending Dates can be found on the Human Resource District Website).

Before an Employee Reports to Work:
1) All employees will be required to self-screen for signs or symptoms of COVID-19. The self-screening
should include employees taking their own temperature. Symptoms may include temperature of 100.4
degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by mouth; sore throat; new uncontrolled cough that causes
difficulty breathing (or, for employees with a chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough
from baseline); diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain; or new onset of severe headache, especially with

2) If an employee exhibits any of the above COVID-19 related symptoms, has come into close contact
with a person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19, has come into close contact with someone that
is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or has been lab confirmed to be COVID-19 positive, the employee
must notify their immediate supervisor and Risk Management at (956) 323-2122.
At this time, the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test, Abbot ID NOW COVID-19 Rapid Test and Sofia
2 SARS 2 Antigen Rapid Test will be the only tests that our district will accept for the diagnosis of
employees. This, however, is subject to change based on recommendations from local, state and federal
health care agencies.

3) If able to, while the employees wait for results or are in self-quarantine, the employees may be allowed
   to work remotely from home. While doing so, the employees will follow these guidelines:
      • Employees must check their work emails on a daily basis.
      • During the workday, all communications through social media should remain professional in
          nature, be work related, and be in accordance with District guidelines, policies and procedures.
      • When communicating with students, parents or colleagues, employees should adhere to the La
          Joya ISD DH Policy: Electronic Communications between Employees, Students, and Parents.
      • Employees must preserve emails and texts sent to parents, students, and other staff members as
          required by the Public Information Act.
      • Employees must adhere to all Federal, State, and Local policies and procedures.
      • Employees will follow the La Joya ISD Work from Home Protocols.
      • At any given time, an employee may be asked to complete tasks at the direction of their
          supervisor. If an employee is not accessible to work remotely, the employee will have to use their
          accrued leave (state, local, and/or emergency leave). Absence reporting protocols must be
          followed and recorded.

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4) If employees are not able to work remotely, employees may be eligible to take emergency paid sick
leave (EPSL), state, or local leave during this time in accordance with District Policies and Federal Law.
If employee requires extended leave for complications from COVID-19, the employee may be eligible for
family and medical leave (FML). All FMLA protocols should be followed.

5) Employees will limit communications about health matters to their direct supervisor and to Risk
Management. Risk Management will take responsibility for notifying individuals who may have been
exposed. This process will ensure that the employees’ personal and medical information is kept

6) The employee will not be able to return to work or enter any district building until cleared by the office
of Risk Management.

While Employees are at Work in District Facilities or Property:
1) Employee self-screens and checks for symptoms. The self-screening should include employees
   taking their own temperature. If employee is not exhibiting any of the COVID-19 symptoms and has
   not come into close contact with a person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 or with someone
   that is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, employee clocks in.

2) While at work, employees will be required to follow these employee safety guidelines:
    •   Employees shall wear masks or face coverings.
    •   Employees shall maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet from one another.
    •   Employees shall avoid in person gatherings (5 or more employees) that are longer than 15
    •   Employees shall wash their hands or use hand sanitizer throughout their time in the building.
    •   Employees shall cover their mouth and nose when sneezing.
    •   Employees shall cover their mouth when coughing.
    •   Employees shall not shake hands, touch, or hug others.
    •   Employees shall continue to self-monitor their health.

3) If employees develop symptoms or become sick during the workday, the employees must immediately
separate themselves from their colleagues, notify their immediate supervisor, the office of Risk
Management and leave district facilities. Employees are encouraged to contact their medical provider.
The employee will submit any available pertinent documentation to the office of Risk Management via
email to Medical clearance forms must be from a licensed medical
professional that is practicing in the United States.

4) Pursuant to La Joya ISD School Board Policy DBB (Legal) and (Local), the employee will not be able
to report to work or enter any district building until cleared by a medical provider (licensed medical
professional that is practicing in the United States) and by the Risk Management office.

Immunocompromised Employees:
Some workers may be at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. These employees may include
individuals over the age of 65 and those with documented underlying medical conditions (CDC-People at
higher risk). Employees are encouraged to self-identify to their Principal, Director, or Human Resources
so the District can explore reasonable accommodations to minimize their risk of exposure to COVID-19.

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Essential Employees:
To ensure continuity of operations of essential functions, essential employees may be permitted to
continue work following potential exposure to COVID-19, provided they remain asymptomatic and
additional precautions are implemented to protect them and the community.

Close Contact:
This document refers to “close contact” with an individual who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19.
The definition of close contact is evolving with our understanding of COVID-19, and individual 9
scenarios should be determined by an appropriate public health agency. In general, close contact is
defined as:

a. being directly exposed to infectious secretions (e.g., being coughed on); or
b. being within 6 feet for a cumulative duration of 15 minutes; however, additional factors like
case/contact masking (i.e., both the infectious individual and the potential close contact have been
consistently and properly masked), ventilation, presence of dividers, and case symptomology may
affect this determination.

Either (a) or (b) defines close contact if it occurred during the infectious period of the case, defined as
two days prior to symptom onset to 10 days after symptom onset. In the case of asymptomatic
individuals who are lab-confirmed with COVID-19, the infectious period is defined as two days prior
to the confirming lab test and continuing for 10 days following the confirming lab test.

Return to Work:
1) Individual who was diagnosed with COVID-19 may return to work when all three of the following
criteria are met:
At least one day has passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing
medications); The individual has improvement in symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and at
least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

2) Individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and who is not evaluated by a medical
professional or tested for COVID-19: The individual is assumed to have COVID-19 and may not return
to their campus or department until the individual has completed the same three-step set of criteria listed

3) Individual has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to school before completing the
above stay at home period: The employee must obtain a medical professional’s note clearing the
individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis (non-COVID-19) or, obtain an acute infection test
at an approved testing location ( that comes back negative for COVID-

Employee Safety Guidelines:
• Employees shall wear masks or face coverings.
• Employees shall maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet from one another.
• Employees shall avoid in person gatherings (5 or more employees) that are longer than 15 minutes.
• Employees shall wash their hands or use hand sanitizer throughout their time in the building.
• Employees shall cover their mouth and nose when sneezing.
• Employees shall cover their mouth when coughing.
• Employees shall not shake hands, touch, or hug others.
• Employees shall continue to self-monitor their health.

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                                                    La Joya ISD
                                  COVID-19 Employee Procedures and Protocols (Exhibit)

Step 1:          Employee is exhibiting symptoms, has come into close contact with a person who is lab- confirmed
                 to have COVID-19, has come into close contact with someone that is exhibiting COVID-19
                 symptoms or is diagnosed with COVID-19 through a district approved diagnostic test.

Step 2a:         If the employee is at home: employee must notify their immediate supervisor and Risk
                 Management at (956) 323-2122. The employee will not be able to report to work or enter any district
                 building until cleared by a medical provider and by the Risk Management office.

Step 2b:         If the employee is at work: employee notifies their immediate supervisor and the Risk Management
                 office at (956) 323-2122. The employee must separate themselves from their colleagues, leave
                 district facilities and contact their medical provider. The employee will submit any available
                 pertinent documentation to the office of Risk Management via email to
                 Medical clearance forms must be from a licensed medical professional that is practicing in the
                 United States.

Step 3a:         If the employee’s health permits it and if the work can be done remotely, the employee will not
                 need to use accrued leave or Emergency Paid Sick Leave. The employee will follow the Work-from-
                 Home Protocols.

Step 3b:         If the employee is not able to work remotely, the employee will submit Leave Request Form to
                 the Risk Management office via email to and contact their supervisor to
                 make arrangements for their absence(s).

Step 4a:         If the employee is diagnosed with COVID-19:
                 • The employee will complete the COVID-19 Employee Report Form and submit it to Risk
                     Management via email to
                 • The Risk Management office will initiate contact tracing protocols. They will contact any
                     employee that came into close contact with the employee.
                 • The custodial department will initiate workstation disinfection protocols.

Step 4b:         If the employee receives a negative diagnosis:
                 • The employee submits a copy of their results via email to their immediate supervisor and to
             at the Risk Management office. Medical clearance forms must be
                      from a licensed medical professional that is practicing in the United States.

Step 5:          Return to work:
                 • Employee must receive clearance to return to work by the office of Risk Management.

           The above procedures and protocols are subject to change pending any other updates or directions from
             local, state and national health leaders. Failure to comply with these guidelines may or will lead to
                   disciplinary action, up to including recommendation for the termination of employment.

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                                                 La Joya ISD
                                           COVID-19 Employee Report
All information gathered, including information related to an employee’s medical information, will always remain confidential.
Any medical-related documents received by an administrator or employee supervisor should be sent directly to Risk

                                                   Employee Information
                 Employee Name                                    ID                                     Date

                                Position                                                 Campus/Department

                      Address                             Phone #                                    Email Address
                                                                           Phone #

                                                                                              PCR Result
                       Date PCR Administered
                                                                             (If positive, complete Contact Tracing Form)

                                              Emergency Contact Information
                 Name                       Relation to Employee      Phone Number                     Email Address

                                                Contact Tracing Information
  Employee Name           Dept.        Position      Date of       Phone                      To Be Completed by
                                                       Last       Number                       Risk Management
                                                     Contact                         Date         Date PCR         Results
                                                                                   Employee      Administered

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                                    La Joya ISD
          Leave Request Form – Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Expanded FML
    Name                                                   Employee ID

    Dept/Campus                                            Position

    Email                                                  Phone number

    Date                                                   Duration of leave (specify dates requested)

   Leave benefits under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) apply for the limited time
   period of April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The amount of paid leave an employee may receive will
   vary depending on the reason leave is taken. Detailed information is available in the Employee Rights
   notice that can be found on our District website in the Human Resources page.
   An employee requesting Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) and Expanded Family Medical Leave (EFML)
   must complete this form and return it to Eliseo Rodriguez, At‐Risk Director at
   as soon as the need for leave is identified. Documentation supporting the need for leave should be
   included when the request is submitted.
   Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) is limited to 80 hours of paid leave at the following rates:
            Self: regular rate of pay up to $511 per day
            For care of an individual or a child: two-thirds the regular rate of pay up to $200 per day
   Expanded Family and Medical Leave (EFML) provides up to twelve weeks of leave to care for a son or
   daughter when school is closed or child care is unavailable due to COVID‐19. The first two weeks are
   unpaid, although the employee may access other paid leave during this time. The remaining 10 weeks
   is two‐thirds the regular rate of pay up to $200 per day.

   I request leave for the following reason(s):
            I’m subject to a federal, state, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID‐19.
              Name of entity requiring quarantine or isolation: ____________________________________
            I’ve been advised to self‐quarantine by a health care provider.
              Name of health care provider requiring quarantine or isolation: _________________________
            I’m experiencing symptoms of COVID‐19 and am seeking a medical diagnosis.
              Name of health care provider: _________________________________________
            I'm experiencing any other substantially similar conditions specified by the U.S. Department of Health
            Human Services.

   Care for other individual or child
           I’m unable to work in order to care for a minor child because their school is closed or child care
           is not available due to COVID-19.

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     Name of school or child care facility: _____________________________________________________
          Are you the only adult caring for the child(ren):       yes         no
          Name and age of child(ren): ______________________________________________________
          If child is over the age of 14 describe special circumstance requiring the care:
          I’m unable to work in order to care for an individual subject or advised to quarantine or isolate.
          Name of individual: __________________________ Relationship: ________________________

   Accrued leave use
   I choose to use:

            EPSL (Emergency Paid Sick Leave) during this absence
            EFML (Emergency Family Medical Leave) 2/3 pay a day up to $200 max per day
            Accrued paid leave to “top off” the 2/3 pay covered by EPSL/ EFML so I receive 100
            percent of my regular rate of pay (only include if allowed by the employer)

            My accrued paid leave for ____ days during this absence

   Employee Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______________________

   Supervisor Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______________________

   Designation (completed by Risk Management Office):

   Date of mp     me t: _______________________

   Medical certification provided: ___________ Yes ______________ No

          The employee qualifies for EPSL (Emergency Paid Sick Leave)

          The employee does not qualify for EPSL (Emergency Paid Sick Leave)

          The employee qualifies for _____ weeks of EFML (Emergency Family Medical Leave)

          The employee does not qualify for EFML (Emergency Family Medical Leave)

   Reviewed by: _________________________________________ Date: ________________________

                                                                                             Revised 8/28/2020
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                            LJISD Employee/Student Temperature Screening Guidelines
  All staff/students will be screened prior to entering the building. Lines of people should be minimized to the
  extent possible and all employees/students should be required to stay 6 ft. away from each other.
  Campus principal will designate location for screenings. Locations for screening are subject to change as the
  situation evolves.

 Temperature taking procedure

    •   Screeners are required to wear mask and gloves, and have hand sanitizer available at the screening station.
    •   Screeners will not touch students/visitors/staff.
    •   Screeners should apply hand sanitizer or wash hands after removing gloves.
    •   Employees/student must not have anything covering the forehead for 5 minutes prior to taking a temperature
        (hat/head band/scarf etc.) (if religious accommodation is needed, take temperature using an oral thermometer)
    •   Forehead must be dry.
    •   No hair in between forehead and thermometer (have employee/student move their own hair).
    •   Hold thermometer ½ to 2 inches from forehead.
    •   Press button and immediately release.
    •   Keep thermometer at ½ to 2 inches from the forehead until you hear 2 beeps (a couple of seconds)
    •   Read thermometer.
    •   If the reading is “low” repeat the process being careful to keep the thermometer ½ to 2 inches from the
        forehead while it is reading the temp.
    •   Screener will remove mask and gloves when leaving the screening station (apply hand sanitizer after removing
Employees with temperatures 100.0 and above will:

               •    Notify their administrator that they have a fever and will not be reporting to work.
               •    Nursing Department staff will also notify their District Nurse Office and their administrator that they
                    have a fever and are not reporting to work.
               •    Log their name and cell phone number on the employee log at the screening station.
               •    Go home.
               •    Administrator or designee will contact them within 24 hours.

Students with temperatures 100.0 and above will:

           •       Go to the nurse’s office for parent pick up.
           •       Nurse or nurse assistant will contact within 24 hours.

Close Contact:
   This document refers to “close contact” with an individual who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19. The definition of
   close contact is evolving with our understanding of COVID-19, and individual 9 scenarios should be determined by an
   appropriate public health agency. In general, close contact is defined as:
     a. being directly exposed to infectious secretions (e.g., being coughed on); or
     b. being within 6 feet for a cumulative duration of 15 minutes; however, additional factors like case/contact
    masking (i.e., both the infectious individual and the potential close contact have been consistently and properly
   masked), ventilation, presence of dividers, and case symptomology may affect this determination.
   *Either (a) or (b) defines close contact if it occurred during the infectious period of the case, defined as two days prior to
   symptom onset to 10 days after symptom onset. In the case of asymptomatic individuals who are lab-confirmed with
   COVID-19, the infectious period is defined as two days prior to the confirming lab test and continuing for 10 days
   following the confirming lab test.

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                                           Employee Health Screener

All staff are required to conduct a daily self-screener, including checking your temperature before
reporting for onsite work. If you are unable to check your temperature at home, report to our school
nurse or department designee when you arrive onsite. Employees are required to report results
according to established procedures. This form must remain confidential. Any form with a yes response
will be destroyed once response is addressed.

    Name                                             ID#

    Date                                 Campus/Department

               Yes                No
                                        Are you lab-confirmed with COVID-19?
                                        In the past 14 days, have you had close contact with an individual
                                        who is lab-confirmed with COVID-19?
                                        Have you recently begun experiencing any of the following in a
                                        way that is not normal for you?
    •   Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100°F
    •   Loss of taste or smell
    •   Cough
    •   Difficulty breathing
    •   Shortness of breath
    •   Headache
    •   Fatigue
    •   Chills
    •   Shaking or exaggerated shivering
    •   Significant muscle or body aches
    •   Sore throat
    •   Congestion or runny nose
    •   Diarrhea
    •   Nausea or vomiting

 If you answered yes to any of the above, you are required to:
 • Remain off campus until cleared to return
 • Notify your supervisor and Mr. Eli Rodriguez, Risk Management Director
 • Provide your immediate supervisor and Mr. Eli Rodriguez with health status updates

 It is also recommended that you consult with your health care provider.

 Reminders to follow if you are cleared to return:
 • Wear a mask or face covering
 • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer regularly
 • Practice social distancing of at least 6 feet
 • Notify your supervisor if you have traveled outside the area in the last 14 days

 Failure to disclose positive symptoms or to comply with these guidelines may or will lead to
         disciplinary action, up to including recommendation for the termination of
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                                           La Joya ISD
                                      Employee Health Screener

                                            Week of:
                                                        Temperature Checks:
             Name:                    Monday     Tuesday   Wednesday      Thursday        Friday

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        I. Work from Home Protocols

                                La Joya Independent School District
                                    Work from Home Protocols
    In order to allow the District to function and meet its obligation to provide quality instruction for our
    students during mandatory school closures, staff may be required to perform duties remotely in
    order to maintain key functions of the district. Such duties may include, but are not limited
    to remote instruction, lesson development, curriculum development, staff supports, maintenance and
    operations, and business office functions such as payroll.

    Employees designated as essential, in the sole discretion of the Superintendent, or her designee, will
    need to continue to report to work either from their home or at any other designated location during
    any stay-at-home order, to the extent allowed by such order. Each essential employee is expected to
    respond to direction from their supervisor, including reporting to work, if so directed.

    The essential services include providing meals for students, access to wi-fi, and public safety. These
    employees are reminded to continue to practice social distancing and to follow the CDC
    guidelines. Additionally, these employees are only to report to work upon the direction from their
    supervisor. We recognize that these employees are being asked to go above and beyond during this
    public health crisis, and we appreciate their dedication to the students and families of La Joya ISD.

                                              All Employees
•    It is the district’s expectation that staff continue to work from home while the district employees are
     working remotely.
•    If an employee is unable to work at home or complete assignments remotely, please reach out to your
     direct supervisor and ask whether any accommodation can be made for you.
•    Please check your work email on a daily basis.
•    During the workday all communications through social media should remain professional in
     nature and work related and be in accordance with District guidelines, policies and procedures.
•    When communicating with students, parents or colleagues, please remember to adhere to our DH
     Policy: Electronic Communications between Employees, Students, and Parents.
•    Preserve emails and texts to parents and students as required by the Public Information Act.
•    Adhere to all Federal, State and Local policies and procedures.
•    At any given time, an employee may be asked to complete tasks at the direction of the
     Superintendent of Schools or a designee. If an employee is not available or accessible to work
     remotely from home or from their district work site, the employee will have to use their
     accrued state, local and emergency leave. Emergency leave must be for qualifying reasons related to

 Resignation/Retirement during school closures
• If an employee is resigning or retiring during the school closure, the employee will inform their
  immediate supervisor and the Office of Human Resources at or by calling
• Resignation/Retirement must be submitted in writing. The Office of Human Resources will contact
  employees to acknowledge receipt.
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 Additional Employment
• If an employee accepts additional employment with another entity, the employee will need to report
  this to their immediate supervisor if the employment creates a potential conflict of interest or is in
  conflict with the employees’ schedule or assignment of duties. Failure to comply with these
  guidelines may or will lead to disciplinary action, up to including recommendation for the
  termination of employment.

•    Scheduled payroll dates during a closing will continue as usual.
•    Pending board approval, all employees will continue to get paid during the WFH period.
•    Auxiliary staff will be paid up to their board approved contractual hours. Part time employees will be
     paid up to the board approved contractual hours. Bus drivers will be paid up to 7 hours per day.
•    If an employee is not available or accessible to remotely work from home or from their district work
     site, that day will be marked as an absence on the employees Kronos. Absences will be deducted
     from the employees accrued leave (state, local and emergency leave).
•    Supervisors will report the employee’s absence by emailing the Office of Payroll
     at or by calling 956-323-2064.
•    Hourly employees will be required to keep a log of their time worked (timesheet) and submit it to
     their supervisor on a weekly basis.

 Direct Deposit
• Employees who currently participate in Direct Deposit will continue to receive their payroll stub and
  funds electronically.

 Requesting Leave
• During our remote learning window, if an employee will not be available or accessible to remotely
  work from home, they will follow our normal leave request procedures. As soon as an employee
  knows that they will be inaccessible to remotely work from home and will need to take leave, the
  employee will need to notify their immediate supervisor.
• If leave is approved, the supervisors will report the employee’s absence by emailing the Office of
  Payroll at or by calling 956-323-2064.

• Employees may request FMLA leave during school closures.
• Employees will download FMLA application from our district website and submit the form to
  the Office of Risk Management at:
• The Office of Risk Management will notify employee and to their supervisor if their FMLA leave
  has been approved or denied. SBEC certified employees may request Temporary Disability Leave if
  they do not qualify for FMLA. The Superintendent has the authority to approve or disapprove
  Temporary Disability Leave.
• Employee’s doctor will submit the employee’s medical certification within 15 days from 1st day of
  start of leave.

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•     School district may not require an employee on FMLA leave to perform work, which would
      constitute an interference with an employee’s FMLA rights. There is a “de minis” exception to this
      rule for minor requests that would not be deemed to interfere with the employee’s FMLA leave
      (work-related communications with the employee to “pass on institutional knowledge or
      documents”, or as a “professional courtesy”).
•     To be released from FMLA, the employee will need to submit a “Fitness for Duty” release to the
      Office of Risk Management at:
•     Employee and the employee’s supervisor will receive an FMLA Employee Notice to Return to Work
      after application to return has been approved by the Office of Risk Management.

 Accident Report
• If you are injured due to a work-related accident while working from home, you should report the
  accident to your supervisor as soon as possible and to the Office of Risk Management
  at or by calling (956) 323-2145.
• Employee’s supervisor will fill out the Supervisor Injury Report (download from district website) and
  will submit it to the Office of Risk Management.
• If medical care is needed, employees will be required to select a doctor that is listed on the La Joya ISD
  Workers Compensation 504 Provider Network (see district website).

 Work schedule
• Employees will work the board approved calendar days.
• Non-exempt employees will be limited to 8 hours per day with a duty-free lunch break and a total of 40
  hours per week (bus drivers will be limited to 7 hours per day).
• Lunch period should be scheduled at a reasonable time and should be communicated to
  the employee’s supervisor. Campus personnel should also communicate it to those you are supposed to
  be accessible to (supervisors, teachers, parents and students).

  Work from District Facilities
• If employees can not be reasonably accommodated to be able to complete their work assignments from
  home, employees may be required to report to district facilities to complete their work assignments.

      Below are general guidelines for groups of employees during our WFH period. Additional duties and
    responsibilities may be assigned by the employees’ supervisor. It is the responsibility of each employee to
                   maintain a WFH log detailing the completion of their assignments and duties.

                                    Central Office Administration
•     Monitor, read and respond to emails daily.
•     Communicate and route any questions or concerns to the pertinent department, as necessary.
•     Federal, state and local reporting requirements must be maintained.
•     Virtual administrative meetings may be necessary and will be determined by the Superintendent of
      Schools or designee. Please ensure your district devices are readily accessible.
•     Continue to provide/coordinate/facilitate staff development sessions for District staff.
•     Hold weekly virtual department meetings with your staff.
•     Maintain meeting logs.
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                                       Campus Administration
•   Monitor, read and respond to emails daily.
•   Campus administrators are expected to assist in the daily operation of all aspects of school
    operations, as determined by the Superintendent of Schools.
•   Continue to provide/coordinate/facilitate staff development sessions for staff:
        o Safety Meetings
        o Technology/SAMR Meetings
        o Dual Language Meetings
        o Policies and Ethics
        o PLC’s
•   Virtual administrative meetings may be necessary and will be determined by the Superintendent of
    Schools. Please ensure your district devices are readily accessible.
•   Coordinate with District law enforcement to ensure the security of your campus.
•   Safeguard campus and district resources and funds.
•   Monitor and analyze online program data and usage.
•   Be available to employees, parents and students during the workday.
•   Maintain all Federal, state and local reporting requirements.
•   Maintain meeting logs and employee Kronos logs.
•   Monitor, as necessary, teacher-student communication.
•   Conduct virtual observations and provide feedback through DMAC.

•   Monitor, read and respond to emails daily.
•   Assist in the daily operation of all aspects of school operations as determined by the principal/Director
    of Library Media.
•   Monitor and analyze online program data and usage.
•   Inventory and safeguard library resources.
•   Host/coordinate virtual read-alouds.
•   Maintain and update campus social media pages. If someone else on campus is the campus
    technologist, coordinate with campus technologist to ensure that page is current and up to date.
•   Promote best practices in inquiry-based teaching and learning.
•   Coordinate and plan with teachers to integrate literacy into the daily lessons.
•   Be available to administrators, teachers, parents and students during the workday.
•   Assist teachers with preparing materials or assignments.

•   Monitor, read and respond to emails daily.
•   Assist in the daily operation of all aspects of school.
•   Share medical updates with the school community.
•   Be available to administrators, teachers, parents and students during the workday.
•   Continue to participate in professional development sessions.
•   Contact families, as appropriate, to inquire about student’s health.
•   Keep student immunization records up to date by contacting parents.
•   Monitor federal, state and local health advisories, and perform all applicable requirements for school
      La Joya ISD District Reopening Plan                                                September 21, 2020
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