A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day

Page created by Russell Alvarado
A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day
sponsored by Bayer                                                              April 2021

A bitter toast at                                                           IFAJ NEWS
Press Freedom Day
Statement by the IFAJ Press Freedom committee
Yes, we should be enthusiastic
about celebrating the
International Press Freedom
Day on May the third.
Unfortunately, there is a risk
that the toast we raise this year
is a bitter one, and there are
several reasons to believe that
the situation is not better for
agricultural journalists than for
journalists in other sectors.

The best thing we can do right
now is to try to encourage
each other and strengthen our         since Freedom House started         countries on The World Press
connections with journalists who      tracing a decline in democracy      Freedom map with light color –
face threats and repression.          in 2006. The report for this        indicating a situation that is at
                                      year downgraded 73 countries,       least good if not optimal – since
Decreasing democracy and              representing 75 percent of the      2013, when Reporters Without
freedom                               global population.                  Borders started to measure the
According to the latest report from                                       World Press Freedom Index with
Freedom House, “Freedom in the        The international association,      its current method.
World 2021 Democracy under            Reporters without Borders
Siege”, the global situation for      concludes in “World Press           It is also commonly known that
democracy has been declining          Freedom Index 2021” that            several regimes are keeping
during the last 15 years.             freedom of the press has gone       control of the information about
                                      the same way. The Index was         the COVID-19 situation in their
The report found that the share of    published by April the twentieth.   countries. They do what they
countries designated “Not Free”                                           can to prevent journalists from
has reached its highest level         There have not been so few          making independent reports

A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day
agricultural journalism? We are        Delegate Assembly in New

            IFAJ NEWS                  not able to give a clear answer to
                                       that question because we do not
                                       have access to better statistics
                                                                              Zealand 2015 to accept member
                                                                              guilds in countries that operate
                                                                              without freedom of the press.
on the actual situation. Some          than Reporters Without Borders         It is a criterion, that the guild is
regimes have even used their           can give us, and those statistics      supporting press freedom.
efforts to censor news about           are not specified by journalists’
the pandemic situation and civil       area of focus.                         The reason behind this decision
unrest – inflamed by measures                                                 is that we can better promote
to control the pandemic – as an        However, it is obvious that            freedom of the press by trying
opportunity to suppress media in       many regimes around the                to build networks and to keep as
more general ways, decreasing          world do what they can to give         many contacts as possible open
press freedoms.                        the impression that their own          to colleagues trying to do their job
                                       actions and way of governing           under pressure from regimes that
                                       their countries are the right          do not tolerate criticism.
        You can find                   ones. It is hardly much different
  examples of that from                for example, when it comes to          The decision was made almost
  the regional analyses                food supply, which is linked to        six years ago, and we are still
                                       agriculture.                           learning. During the years, we
    in the World Press                                                        have been able to welcome new
  Freedom Index 2021.                  This brings us to the United           member guilds and support them
                                       Nation’s World Food Programme.         in their activities and promote
Besides, most of us as daily           According to the programme,            professional development.
working journalists have been          hunger has been on the rise since
able to observe the development        2015 and is back to the levels         We still have a way to go, but we
by ourselves as we have been           seen in 2009–2010.                     are working on intensifying our
following the media through the                                               global networks. We shall hope
past year.                             The number of chronically hungry       that the world is going to win the
                                       people has increased from 629          struggle of COVID-19, which also
Public mistrust of                     million in 2014 to 688 million         would make it easier to create
journalists                            people in 2019. About one billion      and to keep up contacts between
The public mistrust of journalists     people in low and lower-middle-        colleagues.
nowadays does not make our             income countries do not have
job easier, either. Reporters          sufficient                             Anyhow, the situation entails
without Borders refers to the                                                 that journalists in free countries
2021 Edelman Trust barometer,          We cannot explain all increasing       protected by national and
published in January this year.        hunger with climate change,            international rules have
                                       droughts or other weather              to support and encourage
The barometer reveals a                disasters, nor with poor harvests      colleagues working under
disturbing level of public mistrust    or diseases. Although the              pressure in countries without
of journalists, with 59 per cent       population of the world has been       democracy, without freedom
of respondents in 28 countries         growing during the same time,          to express themselves
saying that journalists deliberately   there still should be enough food      independently. Just as important,
try to mislead the public by           produced globally to prevent           we will have to do that without
reporting information they know        hunger.                                putting our friends in danger.
to be false information they know
to be false. A mistrustful public      As agricultural journalists, it is     This is also a risk that has to be
may be more likely to disregard        also our right to try to analyze       considered. It is our responsibility
our reporting and less protective      from a political point of view why     as professional working
of the rights of its journalists.      hunger is increasing. Is it possible   agricultural journalists. It is also
                                       today? For some of us, but hardly      a part of the soul of the IFAJ
Can we report                          for all of us. That is one reason      family: We are supporting and
independently about food               for us to support each other.          encouraging each other. ■
Is the situation with public           Networking with                           We can raise a toast
mistrust, decreasing democracy         colleagues under pressure
and press freedom related to           In the IFAJ, we decided at the            for that – as always.

A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day
GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
Name change for Forestry,
Fisheries and the Environment
The formation of the Department of Forestry,              Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF) will change on 1 April
Fisheries and the Environment is complete                 2021.

now that all the relevant officials have been
transferred to the newly amalgamated
                                                             “The DEFF will in future be known
department.                                                    as the Department of Forestry,
                                                               Fisheries and the Environment
This follows the announcement of the sixth
administration in 2019, were the forestry and fisheries                (DFFE),” it said.
functions were amalgamated into the Department
of Environmental Affairs, which became know the           The substitution and designation of names for National
Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries.        Department and Office of the Premiers and heads
                                                          thereof was published in Government Gazette 44229
The department said in a statement on Wednesday           (Notice No. 172) in terms of the Public Service Act on 5
that the name of the Department of Environment,           March 2021. ■

A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day
GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
Room for growth in
the South African
avocado sector
Jennifer Roets

Over the last five years, The       Subtropical Growers’ Association
                                                                               Derek Donkin, CEO of the
South African avocado sector        (Subtrop). He says: “Between
                                                                               South African Subtropical
                                    45 and 50% of South Africa’s
harvested approximately             avocados are exported; 10 to
                                                                                 Growers’ Association
125,000 tons of avocados            12% are processed into oil and                    (Subtrop).
per annum. The area under           guacamole; and the rest is sold
commercial avocado orchards         locally. About 95% of South
                                    African avocado exports are to               “In the off-season,
stands around 14,700                Europe, the United Kingdom                 South Africa imports
hectares, with new plantings of     (UK), and Russia. The South
about 900 hectares added per        African industry and government                from Israel and
annum.                              are currently negotiating market           Spain and is looking
                                    access to the USA, China, India             into importing from
                                    and Japan,”
The avocado sector contributes to                                               Tanzania. That will
at least 11,500 jobs on farms and
packhouses. South Africa expects
                                    According to Joe Shaw Roberts,             give us a full season
                                    Consumer Insight Director at of              of consumption in
an uptick in avocado exports this
                                    international research company
season of 66,000 tons compared                                                 South Africa,” Dukes
                                    Kantar, the UK avocado market
to 60,000 tons in the previous
                                    has seen astronomical growth                         said.
                                    over the last five years, however,
                                    long term growth is at risk if price   Dukes expects that innovation
This is according to Derek
                                    deflation continues in the market.     in the avocado sector will
Donkin, CEO of the South African
                                                                           be continual and gradual.
                                    Trevor Dukes, CEO of the Fruit         The introduction of precision
                                    Farm Group SA (TFFGSA),                agriculture and agtech are the
                                    says to offset the price pressure      areas where we will see the
                                    expected from Europe, the South        greatest innovation and the
                                    African avocado sector needs           largest leaps in the South African
                                    to increase production from            avocado sector. With existing
                                    10 tons to at least 15 - 20 tons       and new varieties and rootstocks,
                                    per hectare. “We also need to          we are already harvesting
                                    develop alternative markets, and       better than before, and we are
                                    undoubtedly the focus on the           using innovative techniques to
                                    East is going to help us release       manage orchard conditions and
                                    some of the pressure. Finally,         tree architecture. One thing we
                                    with extended seasons - if you         do not have yet that will change
       Trevor Dukes, CEO of         are fortunate enough to have           projection, is the availability of
     the Fruit Farm Group SA        production in different regions -      dwarf type genetic material to
            (TFFGSA)                one could balance the windows of       plant high density. It is a little bit of
                                    supply.”                               everything that adds up to a lot. ■

A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day
GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
SA Dairy Product
of the Year:
Third triumph
for Woolworths
Mature Gouda
Lactalis South Africa’s 10-months Mature
Gouda, made especially for Woolworths, was
crowned the South African Dairy Product of the
Year for an unrivalled third time at the South
African Dairy Awards on Friday 26 March
2021 at Cavalli Estate near Stellenbosch.
This achievement is a first for the SA Dairy
Championships, celebrating its 188th year of

The Gouda, an aromatic and full-flavoured cheese,
was one of almost 900 dairy products from 68
producers that vied for the attention of the 60
judges. From the big number of entries, only eight
were honoured with the Qualité mark of excellence       having the choice Extra Mature Gouda named as
(full list of the crème de la crème below) and 106      the Product of the Year for an unprecedented third
– the winners in each championships class – were        time.
named SA Champion.
                                                           “In addition, this is also the fourth
“For a product to be chosen as Dairy Product of the
Year in a competition of this nature is the dream of         time we’ve claimed the overall
every cheesemaker,” says dairy expert and chief               top award in five years. Team
judge Alan Fourie. “That the honour befalls this            LSA’s hard work, dedication and
year’s winner of the prestigious title for the third
time, is exceptional.                                        ambition to produce top quality
                                                           products have once again paid off.
The Woolworths 10-months Mature Gouda truly is              We are immensely proud of our
a product that has stood the test of time, but also a
proof of the continued use of excellent ingredients.         2021 SA Dairy Championships
Technically and gastronomically it is as close to                     performance.”
perfection as a cheese product can come.”
                                                        Warzywoda also complimented Agri-Expo on
Marek Warzywoda, General Manager: Lactalis              organising “yet another successful SA Dairy
South Africa (LSA), says his team is overjoyed at       Championships and Awards”. ■

A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day
GENERAL NEWS and Industry news

Only major Dairy Competition
worldwide during Covid-19
The SA Dairy Championships           Agri-Expo would like to thank        the Western Cape Department
has been presented by Agri-          the Platinum partner Synercore       of Agriculture, Condio, Hollard,
                                     as well as all the other partners    the Milk Producers’ Organisation
Expo with great success since        of the SA Dairy Championships        (MPO), The Dairy Mail,
1834. According to Johan             for their commitment to the          Woolworths, MANE, Orchem,
Ehlers, CEO of Agri-Expo,            development of the dairy industry,   Polyoak Packaging, IMCD and
most important international         namely AECI Food & Beverage,         Tetra Pak. ■
dairy events worldwide
were cancelled in 2020 and                            2021 QUALITÉ AWARD WINNERS
                                       Clover – Frankfort (2)     Mooi River Salted Butter
postponed in 2021.
                                                                  Clover Salted Butter Mini Tubs
                                       Lactalis South Africa      Woolworths Mature Gouda -   10
“The South African Dairy
                                       (Ladismith) (2)            Months Matured
Championships is in fact the only
                                                                  Président Mature Gouda - 6
major dairy championships in the
                                                                  months Matured
world that took place in 2020 and
                                       De Pekelaar Boerenkaas     De Pekelaar Boerenkaas Old
2021,” says Ehlers. “To make this
possible, we had to adjust the         Famous Brands Cheese       Steers Processed Cream Cheese
judging process to two days and        Company                    Spread - Onion and Chives
present the awards as a hybrid         Fairview Cheese Company Woolworths Chevin with Garlic and
event.”                                                           Herb
                                       Fair Cape Dairies          Checkers Vanilla Flavoured
According to Ehlers, the                                          Custard
large number of entries and
extraordinary products entered               For more information and full results please visit
this year are reasons to be                               www.cheesesa.co.za or
optimistic about the future of the              contact Agri-Expo at +27 (0)21 975 4440 or
dairy industry in South Africa:                           cheese@agriexpo.co.za
“This year’s results testify to an
innovative industry and healthy                 Join the conversation on social media with
competition between individuals,              #SADairyChamps #SADairyAwards @AgriExpo1
small and medium businesses, as
well as national and international               The SA Dairy Awards can still be viewed at
companies.”                                         www.cheesesa.co.za/sa-dairy-awards

A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day
GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
Agri SA en vennote maak ’n
vars impak met Covid-19-
Nadat Agri SA in 2020 ’n            Een van die begunstigdes is
betekenisvolle verskil in die       die organisasie Afrika Tikkun.
                                    Total South Africa werk al
lewens van baie mense ge-           ses jaar saam met hulle en
maak het, loods hy op Woens-        ondersteun hulle kinder- en
dag 31 Maart sy 2021-oor-           jeugontwikkelingsprogram.
skotvoedselhulpveldtog by die       Afrika Tikkun se visie is om ’n
                                    einde aan kinderarmoede en
Joburg Market.                      jeugwerkloosheid te maak. Die
                                    organisasie implementeer sy
Die eerste veldtog vir 2021 is      bekroonde Cradle-to-Career
’n samewerkingspoging met           (C2C) 360°-model in vyf
die Mike Loutfie-stigting, Total    townships regoor Suid-Afrika.      manier kom ons nader daaraan
South Africa en die RSA Group,                                         om die Reg op Kos ’n werklikheid
en sluit R110 000 in skenkings                                         te maak.”
en ’n beraamde 30 ton se vars            Hierdie holistiese
produkte in. Begunstigdes                 benadering, wat              Die kospakkies sal aan al vier
sal kospakkies ontvang wat             fokus op onderwys,              Afrika Tikkun-sentrums versprei
bestaan uit voedsame, vars                                             word, naamlik Orange Farm,
produkte van hoë gehalte – iets          voeding, gesond-              Diepsloot, Braamfontein en
wat huishoudings in moeilike            heid, maatskaplike             Alexandra.
omstandighede dikwels nie kan          welsyn, persoonlike
bekostig nie.                                                          “Die Mike Loutfie-stigting,
                                      ontwikkeling en vaar-            in die hartjie van die
“Dit is ‘n groot voorreg vir            digheidsontwikkel-             varsproduktebedryf, is
Agri SA om deel te wees van           ing, is ontwerp om ’n            opgewonde om sy vennootskap
sakevennote soos Total South                                           met Agri SA voort te sit om
Africa, die Mike Loutfie-stigting     jongmens te omskep               werklike en onmiddellike
en die RSA Group, wat soveel           in ’n selfversekerde            voedselhulp te bied waar dit die
aandag gee aan gemeenskappe           volwassene wat toe-              nodigste is,” sê Jade van Buuren,
in nood. Die gevolge van die                                           bedryfsbestuurder.
Covid-19-pandemie word steeds          gang tot die ekono-
daagliks gevoel en die behoefte               mie het.                 Die voortslepende Covid-19-
aan voedsame kos is ’n harde                                           pandemie, tesame met Suid-
werklikheid. Agri SA het sedert     Alex Meulenberg, uitvoerende       Afrika se algemene ekonomiese
die aanvang van die pandemie        hoof van Afrika Tikkun,            probleme, hou steeds baie
na behoeftige gesinne en            beklemtoon hulle fokus             voedingsuitdagings vir heelwat
gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika         op voeding: “Aangesien             mense voor. Dit is positiewe
uitgereik, en het in 2020 byna      voedselsekerheid in 2020 ’n nuwe   samewerking soos hierdie een
400 ton gesonde kos afgelewer,”     dringendheid begin kry, het ons    wat ’n tasbare impak maak deur
het Andrea Campher, risiko- en      ons vennootskapsbasis uitgebrei    om te gee oor die gesondheid
rampbestuurder van Agri SA,         om kwesbare gesinne te help om     en welstand van ons kwesbare
gesê.                               voedsame kos te kry. Op hierdie    burgers. ■

A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day
GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
What you need to know about
African Swine Fever to protect
your piggery African Swine
Fever (ASF)
African Swine Fever is a highly      are largely ignored while they        Northern Cape and KwaZulu
                                     are confined to places like Africa.   Natal. Since 2012, a broader
contagious viral disease of
                                     However, the recent rapid spread      infection rate has been noted
wild- and domestic pigs of all       to especially China, has greatly      outside of the controlled area.
age groups. It is important          increased the international focus     Occurrence of outbreaks have
to note that African Swine           on the disease.                       been noted in various provinces
                                                                           such as Northern Cape, Gauteng,
Fever is not the same virus
                                     One of the best resources to          Free State, Western Cape,
as Classical Swine Fever nor         refer to when anyone needs            Eastern Cape, North West.
Swine Flu viruses.                   more information on infectious
                                     livestock diseases is the world       Up to date recent outbreaks
ASF is a global disease              renowned Anipedia - https://          occurred in Western Cape
responsible for serious production   www.anipedia.org. Afrivet             and North West Provinces.
and economic losses. The ASF         proudly supports Anipedia and         According to the Department of
virus spreads rapidly and can        is an affiliate of this resource      Agriculture, Land Reform and
cause a mortality rate of up to      platform. The only particular way     Rural Development (DALRRD),
100%. Why is this disease feared     to keep this virus out of your        the disease is transmitted by
globally you might ask?              piggery is by implementing and        contact with infected wild (usually
                                     maintaining good biosecurity          asymptomatic carriers) or
The reason is that there is no       principles. Historically South        domestic pigs, indirect contact,
vaccine or treatment for this        Africa has a ASF controlled           through ingestion of contaminated
disease, which is one of those       area which consists of Limpopo,       material (e.g., food waste,
typical “orphan diseases” which      Mpumalanga, parts of the              feed, or garbage), contact with

A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day
contaminated people, vehicles, or      If a pig unit/farm/piggery has a           limited to fences, gates, shower
equipment.                             suspected or confirmed case of             or changing facilities.
                                       ASF, the infected premises will          • Good disinfection protocol for
The incubation period is 3-15          be placed under quarantine. Dr.            vehicles and foot dips.
days, which is the time from when      de Beer is committed to the task         • Make use of a reliable feed
the animal is first exposed to the     of educating the public about the          source and as far as is possible,
virus to when it starts showing        importance of biosecurity.                 do not feed swill.
clinical signs suggestive of ASF.                                               • If swill must be fed, it should
Symptoms include, but are not          Farmers are urged to take                  first be boiled and sterilised for
limited to, high temperature           responsibility and have the best           at least an hour before feeding
(fever), not eating, red/purple        biosecurity measures possible in           it to pigs. (According to Act 35
discolouration of the skin around      place. It is important for each pig        (1984). ■
the ears, legs and lower part of       farmer to have good relationship
the belly, vomiting, diarrhoea,        with a private or state veterinarian         Ultimate biosecurity
coughing, difficulty breathing,        and to report any abnormalities
abortions and a high mortality         in the herd. It is important that all            test question:
rate.                                  producers understand biosecurity                 Are you sure
                                       principles and seek advice from                  everyone and
   In South Africa, ASF                the correct sources.
                                                                                    everything entering
     is classified as a                Good biosecurity principles are                 your unit is not
    controlled disease,                the only way pig keepers can
                                                                                    carrying a potential
     Animal Diseases                   keep the dreaded disease out of
                                       their piggery. It is important that          risk of transmitting
    Act, 1984 (Act 35 of               you know your “enemy”, this virus            a disease into your
           1984).                      can stay viable in blood, faeces,
                                       other tissues for long periods.
Therefore, if you are a vet or an
owner who suspects ASF, based          The producers need to know how
on clinicals signs or presence         to build their “fort”/piggery in order
                                                                                    If your answer is
of high mortalities, you need to       to keep the “enemy” out:                    no, you learn about
report this to your local state        • Source pigs from a reliable               ASF and biosecurity
veterinarian immediately. The            source.
state officials will investigate and   • Controlled human and animal
                                                                                   measures to protect
take samples.                            access that includes but is not               your piggery.

A bitter toast at Press Freedom Day
Photo by Vlad Chețan from Pexels

GENERAL NEWS and Industry news

Increased rainfall has a rising
effect on animal disease

Biosecurity entails following        securing the financial longevity for   terrestrial code to enhance
preventative measures through        farm owners through limiting the       international trade. Secondarily,
                                     loss of animals to disease.            the rules are to regulate the
risk awareness in pre-empting
                                                                            livestock agent’s industry with
the spread of new diseases                                                  specific reference to required
                                          On 13 November
from entering a farm or                                                     precautions that must be taken
production unit.
                                        2020, the Biosecurity               at auctions (as a second level of
                                         Rules for Livestock                detection for animal diseases)
Aspects relating to biosecurity             Agents were                     to reduce the risk of spreading
that should be considered are               published in                    controlled, notifiable, and other
not only limited to acquiring new                                           animal diseases.
livestock but expands over a
                                        Government Gazette
broader feature concerning the          43900, Board Notice                 The rainfall thus far during
transportation of animals, people,          135 of 2020.                    January and February 2021 has
equipment, and vehicles. The                                                shown a significant impact on the
best defence against risks is        These rules are primarily to           spread of disease, and farmers
to implement good biosecurity        ensure that the South African          must explore all reasonable
practices at farm level. Quick       Livestock and Game industries          aspects of biosecurity and the
and simple measures built into       comply with the World Animal           implementation of procedures to
the daily practices will help in     Health Organisation (OIE)              curtail the spread.

GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
     With rivers, dams                to be displayed. “Implementation               Mr Menye
                                      of a structured immunisation
    and pans filling up,              programme is paramount as a             reiterated that, “The
    insect numbers are                preventative measure and is               responsibility lies
                                      essential to maintaining good
   increasing, and with               animal health and welfare,
                                                                              on all stakeholders,
     this, insect-borne               whilst also reducing the impact           and although the
   diseases are on the                of disease transmission in pets           disease may still
                                      and livestock.” says Mr Mongezi
          increase.                   Menye, CEO for the SAVC.                   find its way onto
Practical guidelines that extensive
                                                                               your farm through
livestock farmers can follow               Implementing an                   other avenues, early
include checking the health                effective on-farm                   intervention is the
status of new animals before             biosecurity plan can
they are bought; appointing a                                                   key to containing
                                           be costly, but not
Biosecurity practitioner that is                                                   outbreaks and
registered with the South African         nearly as costly as
Veterinary Council (SAVC),                                                   ensuring that there is
                                        losing some or all the
i.e. veterinarians and/or para-                                              less financial impact
veterinary professionals who            livestock on a farm to
were trained in biosecurity, such              a disease.                    on all farm owners in
as animal health technicians                                                       South Africa.”
and ensuring that all animals         While having a well-designed
are procured through registered       biosecurity plan that is carefully   The advantages of healthy
agents with the Agricultural          followed by everyone associated      animals will not only be important
Produce Agents Council (APAC),        with a farm is not an absolute       to the seller but will also play an
which is now a compulsory             guarantee against infectious         integral role in consumers’ buying
element of the Agricultural           diseases entering the farm,          decisions.
Produce Agents Act, Act no 12         the benefits associated with
of 1992. 2 In keeping with all        containing outbreaks and             Consumers will have peace of
requirements within the Act, new      reducing the need for additional     mind over the health of livestock,
animals must be kept separate         vaccines that come with heavier      and a positive relationship
from livestock for 14 days so that    price tags and limited stock is      between buyers and sellers will
they can be monitored, allowing       simply an outlay that you cannot     be maintained to the benefit of
time for any disease symptoms         afford not to pay attention to.      the industry. ■

GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
Celebrating a new international

Sauvignon Blanc, as the most-
exported varietal of South
Africa’s wines, is one of the
country’s finest internationally
known brands. Sauvignon
Blanc SA is therefore proud
to announce a Platinum
Partnership with international
brand EVER srl, based in Italy,
and represented in South
Africa as EVER Solutions.

This exciting new partnership
rings in a new era for South
African Sauvignon Blanc. “Over
the last fifteen years we have
built the Sauvignon Blanc SA
brand together with our Platinum
Partner FNB,” says RJ Botha,
Chairperson of Sauvignon Blanc

GENERAL NEWS and Industry news

  Beanstalk PMA table grapes.

     “Sauvignon Blanc is a
      great example of the
   complexity and diversity
    of South African wines,
   and likewise, FNB offers
    innovative and diverse
        financial services
     that assist producers
      with developing new
                                                          Clayton Swart.
   vineyards and increasing
           production.”                  More information about the Sauvignon Blanc SA
                                        #SauvBlancDay Celebrations and participating wine
“We are excited about the involvement               brands are showcased at
of our new Platinum Partner, EVER            www.sauvignonblanc.com/sauv-blanc-day
Solutions, who is a leading producer
of winemaking biotechnologies and               Anyone interested can also contact
processing aids that work closely                    Sauvignon Blanc SA at
with winemakers in the development,              reinette@sauvignonblanc.com or
improvement and best applications of                      021 975 4440.
solutions for wine production.” ■

GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
NERPO announces the
retirement of its MD,
Mr Aggrey Mahanjana

The founder and the Group
Managing Director of NERPO,
Mr Aggrey Mahanjana has
decided to take an early
retirement as the Managing
Director of NERPO as from 1st
April 2021.

However, the members of
NERPO have requested him                                   Image: www.nationinconversation.co.za/aggrey mahanjana
to extend his stay as the Non-
                                                                           you do not know or see what
Executive Chairperson of the
                                        He further confessed               is going on, on an hour-to-hour
organization, just to allow for a
                                                                           basis you are bound to be slow in
smooth transition over the next            that running a                  making success of your farming
three year.
                                          commercial farm                  enterprise,” said Mr Mahanjana.
This followed the untimely               and be a full-time
                                                                           Mr Mahanjana is living a team of
passing away, of Mr Paradise              employee at the                  capable persons who understand
Mahlangu who served as
chairperson of NERPO for the
                                        same time does not                 the industry matters, and he will
                                                                           also continue to contribute to the
past 10 years, u
               ​ ntil he died three       work. The saying
                                                                           industry matters, both as a full-
months ago.                               by the Afrikaans                 time farmer and Chairperson of
Mr Mahanjana said he has been             speaking people,                 NERPO. Dr Florence-Nherera will
                                                                           in the meantime act as the CEO
contemplating about stepping             “Ver van jou plaas                of NERPO, until further notice. ■
down as an active operator of           nader jou skader” is
NERPO since 2019, but the
outbreak of Covid-19 in January               very true.
2020, compelled him to stay, until                                               For more information,
the Emerging Livestock farmers        “Farming is about day-to-day and              please contact:
got a chance to reorganise            hour-to-hour decision making,               Congress Mahlangu
themselves as strong voice at a       guided by the circumstances of               @083 245 2294 or
District Level.                       the moment. If you are far and

GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
launches new
fungicide seed
Syngenta recently announced           establishment help maximize          our latest fungicide discovery,
that its newest corn and              genetic yield potential.             picarbutrazox, to the market.
                                                                           Syngenta’s long history of
soybean seed treatment,               “We are proud to offer VAYANTIS®     success in the seed treatment
VAYANTIS® fungicide, has              fungicide, a new seed treatment      segment makes them the ideal
received registration by the          to the market confirming our         company to deliver this novel
U.S. Environmental Protection         position as a global leader in       product to U.S. farmers.”
                                      the seed treatment space” said
Agency (EPA).                         Jonathan Brown, Global Head of       VAYANTIS® fungicide contains
                                      Syngenta Seedcare.                   picarbutrazox, a new seed
VAYANTIS® fungicide contains the                                           treatment developed to protect
active ingredient picarbutrazox,      “Picarbutrazox, with its novel       corn and soybean seedlings from
a completely new systemic             mode of action will strengthen       key diseases such as Pythium
fungicide seed treatment              Syngenta’s leading Pythium           VAYANTIS® fungicide brings a
developed to protect seedlings        portfolio of MEFENOXAM™              major innovation to the control
from key blight and damping-off       technology and azoxystrobin in       of Pythium diseases and adds
diseases, such as Pythium and         corn, soybeans, canola, oilseed      a novel mode of action to
Phytophthora, in many different       rape, cereals and other crops.       Syngenta’s leading Seedcare
cropping systems.                     Discovered by Nippon Soda, this      portfolio, supported by best-
                                      is a great testament to the fact     in-industry expertise and the
This new registration will help       that both companies identified       Seedcare Institute Global
protect plant health and support      the needs in the seed treatment      Network Picarbutrazox was
farmers to grow more productively     space, and, with Syngenta            discovered by Nippon Soda and
and sustainably.                      Seedcare’s leadership, we now        licensed to Syngenta under the
                                      can bring a product to the market.   terms of a global seed treatment
The introduction of VAYANTIS®         Syngenta is committed to building    licensing agreement. ■
fungicide represents one more         partnerships with third parties
tool to help growers combat early-    when the potential impact of joint
season disease with less inputs       action is greater and when, of
and offset variable environmental                                               To learn more visit
                                      course, it increases the benefits
conditions associated with                                                     www.syngenta.com and
                                      to farmers,” added Jonathan
climate change. Reinforcing                                                   www.goodgrowthplan.com
Pythium protection at the seedling
stage, allows farmers to adopt                                                 Follow us on Twitter at
                                      Chinami Yokota, Nippon Soda
reduced or no-tillage cropping                                                www.twitter.com/Syngenta
                                      Director of Development
systems, protect the soil and                                                             and
                                      Department, noted that “Nippon
avoid costly replants. In addition,                                          www.twitter.com/SyngentaUS
                                      Soda is excited to partner with
stronger emergence and stand          Syngenta Seedcare to bring

GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
Global acquisition by Netafim
to support food security and
strengthen local greenhouse
industry’s access to
Netafim, the global leader of
precision irrigation solutions
and agricultural projects,
announced that it has signed a
definitive agreement to acquire
Dutch turnkey greenhouse
projects provider, Gakon.

Netafim has been active in the
greenhouse market for several
decades and is now expanding
its offering in the production and
supply of top-tier greenhouse
projects to meet the increasing
demand for the most advanced
farming methods.

In Southern Africa, Netafim’s
activity in the greenhouse industry
is driven by Vegtech Netafim.
Vegtech Netafim has been
providing greenhouse solutions
in Southern Africa for more than
two decades, with this acquisition
it will be even more equipped to
serve this market.

“Gakon offers highly specialised
technology and expertise in
greenhouse systems, and we
have already been using many
of these systems in some of our
advanced greenhouse projects.

These technologies and the
accompanying expertise will

GENERAL NEWS and Industry news

now be even more accessible to        fertigation solutions for orchards,   The expanded offering will
Vegtech Netafim and its clients,”     vineyards, and other open             leverage Netafim’s capacity as
says Barney Isralls, managing         field agriculture in parallel with    a holistic destination for farmers
director of Vegtech Netafim.          Vegtech Netafim’s work in the         of year-round crops and farm-to-
The company can offer these           greenhouse sector and especially      table local produce.
technologies to its clients with      with turnkey greenhouse projects.
immediate effect and will bring it                                          It will further support the
into the market as required.          “We are very proud to be part         company’s continued drive
                                      of a global group of companies        to support efforts towards
The acquisition will combine          that band together to progress        food security and sustainable
Netafim’s global presence and         agriculture worldwide.                agriculture across the globe. ■
expertise in precision agriculture
and Gakon’s advanced                  The acquisition will support an
greenhouse technology.                industry that is key to our local                Enquiries:
The resulting strengthened            economy and we are pleased to              Netafim South Africa:
greenhouse offer will allow           be associated with this watershed             +27 21 987 0477
Netafim to better support             moment in the history of the               infoza@netafim.com
agricultural industries such as       global greenhouse industry,” says
blueberry, medical cannabis, and      Etienne Erasmus, managing                     Vegtech Netafim:
undercover vegetable production       director of Netafim South Africa.             +27 021 987 6980
across the globe.                     “We are, as always, committed               info@vegtech.co.za
                                      to offer the best irrigation and
Netafim’s entity for irrigation and   fertigation equipment selection             Media enquiries:
fertigation solutions in Southern     as well as advanced agronomic                  Marike Brits
Africa, Netafim South Africa, will    and technical support to both our             072 185 5157
continue to provide irrigation and    dealers and end-users.”                 Marike.brits@netafim.com

GENERAL NEWS and Industry news
Unieke aanlyn-
konsep: Boks
voer vir ’n boer
Waar lê die fokus van
hierdie droogtehulp

Die sentrale deel van die           HOEKOM DAAR?                       hulle diere te voer. Hulle het geen
                                    Die breë publiek sal nooit besef   ander heenkome nie. Geen ander
Noord-Kaap waar moedige
                                    dat slegs ‘n handjievol boere      keuse as om daar te bly nie.
boere steeds wag vir reen, is                                          Ook GLO hulle in daardie wêreld.
                                    slegs strepies reën in daardie
boksvoervirnboer se fokus-          gebied gekry het nie.              Hulle het daar grootgeword. Hulle
                                                                       is steeds lief vir die wêreld wat
                                                                       hulle nou so op hul knieë het.
                                         Die afwagting en              Hulle was gewoond aan droogte
Dit lê wes van Vanwyksvlei en                                          siklusse.
Carnavon, af na Sutherland
                                         angstigheid was
en Frazerburg, om na die               voelbaar met goeie              Hulle kon dit met kundigheid
somer- reënvalgebied noord                                             bestuur. Die weiveld is soos
van Calvinia, op na Brandvlei,
                                       reëns wat om hulle
                                                                       beskuit, vertel hulle. Jy kon dit vir
die hele Boesmanland, 100 km           geval het. En nou is            jare bêre en dit sou steeds die
noord van Loeriesfontein, na die                                       nodige voorsien om die skaap
Pofadder omgewing, oos van
                                      dit reeds 19 April, die
                                                                       deur te kry. Maar hierdie droogte
Springbok na Aggeneys, deur           tyd vir somerreëns is            hou nou net te lank aan. Alles is
Pofadder, noord na Kakamas en                                          tot niet. En tog beskaam die hoop
suid tot by Kenhardt.
                                         weereens verby.

Die leser kan gerus ‘n kaart                                           HOE WERK BOKS VOER
gebruik en die sirkel trek. Dit     WAAROM BLY BOERE
                                    DAAR?                              VIR N BOER?
is gewoonlik bemagtigend om                                            Tik “boks voer vir ‘n boer” in
                                    Want die meeste boere het
presies te weet waar die nood is.                                      op jou soek-enjin (google). Die
                                    geen keuse nie. Hulle het ALLE
                                    finansiele bronne gebruik om       webtuiste bied jou al die inligting.

GENERAL NEWS and Industry news

Jy ontmoet die boere wat nou op      Geen bokse word gepak en             WIE STAAN AGTER DIE
die konsep is. Daar is foto’s van    gestuur nie, daar is geen vervoer    PROJEK?
hulle.                               nie, geen koolstofvoetspoor en       Elria Steinberg is die ‘ou siel’
                                     geen logistiek nie. Jou aankoop      en stigter van die konsep. Sy
Hul plaasname en ‘n kort storie      word direk in die boer se            is boervrou naby Hendrina
oor hulle. Jy word die geleentheid   rekening inbetaal. Hy is welkom      in Mpumalanga, maar is ‘n
gebied om aanlyn een van 4           om die fondse aan te wend na         gebore Namakwalander en later
produkte te kies vir een of meer     behoefte.                            Boesmanlander.
van die boere.
                                     BOKS VOER VIR N BOER is              Thea van der Merwe is ons jong
                                     n NPC en jy ontvang dadelik ‘n
     Produkte behels:                formele Bank-bewys van betaling
                                                                          prokureur en sorg dat die ou siel
                                                                          tegnologie bemeester.
     ‘n Boetie-boks, ‘n              na die boer, asook ‘n Artikel 18 A
                                     serifikaat vir SARS aftrekking op    Jack Radford is ons bemarkings
  Pappa-boks, ‘n Oupa-               jou donasie.                         ghoeroe. Hy werk as siviele
  boks en ‘n Menere of                                                    inginieur op Secunda, maar het
  Maatskappy-boks. Dit                                                    op Askam grootgeword. ■

  is virtuele bokse voer
  en die boer gaan laai                                       KONTAK ONS:
                                                     Facebook: Boks Voer vir n Boer
  die voer by sy naaste                           E-pos: boksvoervirnboer@gmail.com
                                                         Whatsapp: 082 387 9889
                                           Website: https://boks-voer-vir-n-boer.myshopify.com/


IFAJ will be presenting 3 webinars in the month of May in partnership with the Swedish, Finnish
               and Argentinian guilds, all the details available on the IFAJ website.


“Agricultural Reporting                     “The Beauty &                            “Animal
 - A Crash Course for                        The Beast of                            Cloning
      Newbies”                              Digital Media”                         Technology”

     7 May 2021 at 09h00 GMT           13 May 2021 at 14h00 GMT                 17 May 2021 at 14h00
                                                                              With Dr. Gabriel Vichera,
With Linda Grimstedt, Swedish           With Tuulikki Viilo, Finnish
                                                                             Argentinian biotechnologist,
     agricultural journalist              agricultural journalist
                                                                                  Kheiron Biotech
                                                                                 Presented in Spanish
       Presented in English               Presented in English               with simultaneous translation
                                                                                     into English

                                              IFAJ portal
                      Remember to sign up to the IFAJ Portal: https://portal.ifaj.org/

                                        IFAJ virtual congress
                                 IFAJ virtual congress 21-23 June 2021

Corporate member NEWS
Nuwe NWK-winkel in Vryburg
NWK Retail Vryburg het onlangs sy deure amptelik geopen! Dit bring die aantal winkels in die NWK
Retail-stal op 43 te staan. Dié winkel spog met ‘n wye reeks produkte wat tot produsente en ander
verbruikers in hierdie gebied se behoeftes spreek.

      Heinrich Krüger, voorsitter van NWK se direksie knip die lint, terwyl Pieter Coetzer (heel links),
 bestuurder van kleinhandelbedrywe by NWK, Stefan Venter (winkelbestuurder van NWK Retail Vryburg),
   Cas Venter, operasionele bestuurder van kleinhandel en Theo Rabe, hoof- uitvoerende beampte van
                NWK, toekyk. Let wel: maskers is afgehaal vir die neem van die groepfoto

                           KALENDER                                            Upcoming IFAJ
                          Boer van die Jaar Noord/Farmer of the                 congresses
15 October 2021
                          Year North Function:
                                                                                 2022 – Denmark
                          Boer van die Jaar Nasionaal/ Farmer of the
19 November 2021
                          Year National                                           2023 – Canada

17 – 20 Augustus 2021     NAMPO Bothaville:                                     2024 – Switzerland

8 – 10 September 2021     Nampo Kaap: Bredasdorp                                   2025 – Israel

                                                                                   2026 – Kenya

                                                                                  2027 – Croatia

 Africa Agri Tech 2021 Date
 Change Announced
 As 2020 draws to a close it is evident that the current Covid-19 restrictions would negatively
 impact on a February 2021 date for the second edition of Africa Agri Tech.

 We have therefore revisited the date discussion and reserved the venue as follows:
 Expo Dates: Tuesday 22 – Thursday 24 June 2021
 Venue: Sun Arena, Time Square, Menlyn Maine, Pretoria

 The three-day conference programme will focus primarily on profitability, the need to embrace
 technology and examining which technology to implement and economic impact.

 The event is also extending to embrace:
 - Women in Agriculture
 - Innovation Start-Ups
 - Farming Training and education workshops

Foto’s van die maand
Die eerste koue van die winter kom oor
die Kaapse berge
The first cold of the winter appearing over
the Cape mountians
Fotos/Photo’s: Alani Janeke

Stuur vir ons jou stories                         Send us your stories
 Alle lede word uitgenooi om bydraes vir Agripen   All members are invited to send contributions to
    voor die 15de van elke maand te stuur aan          Agripen before the 15th of each month to
 Magda Du Toit, magda.du.toit@outlook.com of       Magda Du Toit, magda.du.toit@outlook.com or
        Petrie Vogel, petrie@abevents.co.za              Petrie Vogel, petrie@abevents.co.za

                        Secretariat sponsored
                        by Health Squared

                        Petrie Vogel
                        +27 (0)74 051 3318

24                                                                                               24
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