A Beautiful Way to be - Mount Dora Methodist Church

Page created by Angela Watts
July 2021

                        A Beautiful Way to be

NEIGHBORS          Upcoming opportunities to bring the love of Christ to our community

      Annual Conference                   Disaster Relief              Vacation Bible School
        A brief summary of the        How to support the victims of     God’s Wonder Lab is coming,
       year’s events and topics       the Surfside Condo Collapse         and we need your help!
I want to thank you for your
support and encouragement in the
last six months since our arrival as
your new parsonage family.                                                                     We should
Mount Dora is a charming town. I came to really appreciate the heritage of the
town last month in officiating a wedding at the Lakeside Inn. The Lakeside Inn
                                                                                               not light
was built in 1883. In this same year, First United Methodist Church (though estab-             the light of
lished in 1880) moved near the current location where you have served Jesus                    Christ to put
Christ for close to 140 years. Together, we are a part of a rich legacy that I believe
                                                                                               it under a
will anchor our beloved Mount Dora for another 140 years and beyond. A sign of
continued vitality into the future are preparations to open our 5th Avenue Thrift              bowl. Instead,
Shoppe in the fall in order to support mission endeavors locally and globally.                 we share
   In July, we have several events that will allow us to be a vital part of our neigh-         it with our
                          borhood. The first is a church-wide movie night on July
                          9th at 7 pm in the Chapel to screen “A Beautiful Day in
                          the Neighborhood,” starring Tom Hanks and based on                   in any way
                          the life of children’s television host Fred Rogers. Mr.              we can.
                          Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian minister, and much
                          of his television program was spiritually motivated by his
                          deep, Christian faith. This will supplement my summer
                          message series, “Living in the Neighborhood: Faith Like
                          Fred Rogers.” I have several stories I will share about Mr.
Rogers’ days at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary where I am also an alumnus,
completing a Doctor of Ministry degree there in 2019.
   Also in the middle of July, we will host our annual Vacation Bible School week
on July 19–23. We appreciate your donation of crafts, materials, and volunteers
that will make this week of outreach to our community possible. Both of these
events, VBS and Summer Movie Night, have a challenge for all of us to invite our
friends, neighbors, and family to hear the good news of God’s salvation under the
Lordship of Jesus Christ. Take this opportunity in the summer to invite people to
these events and others here at First United Methodist Church of Mount Dora.
   We should not light the light of Christ to put it under a bowl, but share it with
our neighborhood in any way we can. For those of you who are traveling during
the summer, keep up with your church family through our Facebook page, Step-
ping Stones weekly bulletin, or Gospel Gazette newsletter by email. You can even
watch sermons through Facebook, YouTube, or on our website. Travel safely, and
keep our outreach efforts in your prayers.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor David

                                                                                         352-383-2005 / mtdorafumc.org
Lay Member’s Report on the
2021 Florida Annual Conference
Brothers and Sisters in Christ of the Mount Dora First United Methodist
Church, as your Lay Member to the Annual Conference I respectfully provide
(in accordance with the Book of Discipline) the required overview of the
2021 Florida Annual Conference. The conference took place from June 11th
through June 12th 2021. If you feel you would like a deeper dive from what is
provided, please go to flumc.org where you may review a more detailed list,
which may interest you.
I have also provided a much more extensive report to the Church Council and      Support Disaster
                                                                                 Relief Efforts
Executive Committee, which is available in the church office if you would like
more detail.
The Conference was opened with a welcome and opening song “And Are               For the victims and families
We Yet Alive,” along with a message and prayer from Bishop Carter. Bishop        of the Surfside Condo Collapse
Carter also stated that there are approximately 1000 participants online and     with Florida Conference
registered for voting.                                                           Disaster Recovery
Craig Smelser was elected Treasurer in a permanent capacity, and did an
                                                                                 Join us as we pray for and support
excellent job in presenting his report. He shared a vision of freeing up more
                                                                                 the families affected by the partial
money for the local church.
                                                                                 collapse of the Champlain Towers
There were several resolutions that appeared before the Conference,              South building in Surfside, Fla. We
including two presented by the Bishop’s Task Force on Anti-Racism. One of        are also supporting the other tower
these resolutions strives for greater equality in compensation between white     that has been evacuated.
and clergy of color. Other resolutions addressed the Q-Anon movement; the
                                                                                 Hundreds of people have been dis-
dignity and worth of unborn children; and promoting solar energy as a means
                                                                                 placed from their homes and rescue
of creation care among other resolutions.
                                                                                 teams continue to lead search and
There were some church closures and discontinuances. The Annual Conference       recovery efforts. In addition to prayer,
held a service of remembrance for deceased clergy and clergy spouses in the      you can provide practical support for
past year. The service of licensing, commissioning, and ordinations witnessed    the victims in the following ways:
Bishop Carter licensing, commissioning, and ordaining 51 clergy for service in
                                                                                 Financial Assistance. Individuals can
the church and the world, including one of our own, Allee Willcox.
                                                                                 make donations online by going to
Overall the conference was presented well in a virtual environment.              mdfumc.org/relief. You can also mail a
Discussions by all were in a Christian manner with respect to all. All points    check to the Conference (450 Martin
of order were handled in a professional manner and if there were questions,      L. King Jr. Ave, Lakeland, FL 33815).
a short pause took place to ensure the point of order met established            Please include “Surfside Disaster
guidelines.                                                                      Fund #110026” on the memo line.
I would encourage all members of Mount Dora Methodist Church to continue         Gift Cards. Displaced families are in
supporting the work our church is engaged in through its numerous missions       need of $25 or $50 gift cards—Visa/
by being a church which aspires to be a passionate community of believers        Mastercard, Walmart, Publix, Target,
that grows the faith of individuals, worships with purpose, and loves            Uber. Gift cards can be mailed to
extravagantly.                                                                   the Conference office (450 Martin
If you would like a more detailed list of items, please attend the next Church   L. King Jr. Ave, Lakeland, FL 33815,
Council meeting Monday, July 26 at 7pm in Friendship Hall.                       Attn: Trish Warren).
Respectfully submitted,
David L. Gonzalez, Lay Member to the Annual Conference

                                                                                              352-383-2005 / mtdorafumc.org
Savior. Fun and contem-
                                                                     porary themes, games,
                                                                     crafts, music and worship
                                                                     helps kids better connect      • Loan any sci-
                                                                     the teachings of the Bible       ence-themed props
                                                                     to their daily lives.          • Register to volunteer
                                                                       A science lab conducts         at mtdorafumc.org/
                                                                     experiments that explain         get-involved/vbs.
                                                                     how things are possible.         Training is Wed., July
                                                                     At God’s Wonder Lab,             7 from 5–6:30pm or
                                                                     children will discover that      Thurs. July 8 from
                                                                     Jesus does the impossible!       10–11:30 in the chapel.
Vacation Bible School                                                  Our church needs your        • Donate money/sup-
JULY 19–23 / 9AM–NOON                                                help to bring the story of       plies from the list at the
God’s Wonder Lab is on its way, and our communi-                     Jesus to children in fun and     main entrance.
ty’s Pre-K and Elementary-age children need you!                     accessible ways. Here are a    • Help set up the church
                                                                     few ways you can help:           on Sunday, July 18 at 2pm
After the glue dries and    tion Bible School (VBS) is               • Pray daily for VBS and       • Pray for each child by
the snacks are just crumbs, that children know their                   its impact on each fam-        name on Sunday, July
the real purpose of Vaca-   need for Jesus as their                    ily involved.                  18 at 3pm.

                                                                                                          Are these your
                         Attention All Cooks!                                                             recipes?
                         We are compiling a church Cookbook,                                              Ten recipes were
                         but we can’t do it without your delicious                                        submitted to the
                         recipes! If you want to participate,                                             church cookbook
                         please include your name, contact                                                without a name or
                         info (phone number or email), the                                                contact information.
                         name of the recipe, list of ingredients                                          Some of the recipes
                         and measurements, and step-by-step                                               include:
                         instructions. We’re accepting recipes                                            • 3-Layer Vienna
                         from adults and kids alike!                                                        Cake
                          To submit a recipe, please leave it in the blue                                 • DoDo African Soup
                          tote at the main entrance of the church or send                                 • Lemon Tea Bread
                          it to the church office via mail or email. Due by                               If these are your
                          August 1.
                                                                                                          recipes, please
                                                                                                          contact the church
                                                                                                          office and let us know
                                                                                                          your name!

                                                                                                      352-383-2005 / mtdorafumc.org
Independence Day Parade
                                         SATURDAY, JULY 3 / 4PM

                                         FUMC has a spot in the parade this
                                         year! If you want to participate, meet
                                         us in the grass parking lot by 3pm.

                                                                                   Mission Trip Journals
A Bible Study about                                                                Barefoot’s annual mission trip has
                                                                                   been completed! Our youth and
Studying the Bible                                                                 students traveled to the Carolinas to
Pastor David’s Bible Study video         Weekly Prayer Group                       assist with rebuilding efforts there.
series on Biblehub’s free resources WEDNESDAYS AT 4PM IN THE LIBRARY               Read about their journey through their
continues through August 4. Each Come together in prayer for our                   online journals, which can be found at
lesson’s video is posted on Face-   members, our church, our                       mdfumc.org/mission-journals.
book, YouTube, and our website.     community, and our world.

                                         Help those in need!                       Youth Summer Calendar
                                         We are collecting the following
                                                                                   Barefoot Student Ministries is
                                         items in baskets at the Fifth
                                                                                   active and thriving throughout the
                                         Avenue Entrance:
                                                                                   summer! Register your student for
                                         • Non-perishable items for Lake
                                                                                   these or any other youth activities on
                                            Cares Food Pantry
                                         • Card-writing supplies and
Donate Blood with                           toiletries for the Oasis prison        • Barefoot Summer Games Night

the Big Red Bus                             ministry
                                         • Baby formula for Haiti relief
                                                                                     July 7, 6:30–8pm
                                                                                   • Chick-Fil-A and a Movie
                                         • Personal care items for                   July 9, 12:30–3:30pm
Our bimonthly blood drive was moved         The Haven, a battered
this month to July 11, since the first                                             • Panera Breakfast Devotional
                                            women’s shelter
Sunday in July is Independence Day.                                                  July 12, 10–11am
                                         • Box Tops for Education for our
For each visit, we need a minimum           local elementary schools.              • Barefoot Summer Night
of 5 people from our congregation to                                                 July 14, 6:30–8pm
commit to donate.                                                                  • Leadership Lab
                                                                                     July 16 & 30, 11am–12:30pm
                                         Footprints                                • Super Serve VBS/Barefoot Blitz Week

                                         Family Nights                               July 19–23

                                         SELECT WEDNESDAYS THROUGH JULY / 6:30PM

                                         We invite parents and children            A Message from Fifth
                                         to come join us on Wednesdays             Avenue Thrift Shoppe
                                         throughout the summer for
                                         evenings of fun and worship!              Thank you for your support! We now
                                         Visit our website for a complete          have plenty of donations. Keep an eye
                                                                                   out for more information as we prepare
                                         list of dates.
                                                                                   to officially open in the fall.

                                                                                                352-383-2005 / mtdorafumc.org
Four Simple Ways to Give
                                                                                       Visit mtdorafumc.org/donate to access
                                                                                       our quick and easy giving portal

                                                                                       Download the GivePlus app on the App
                                                                                       Store or Google Play

                                                                                       In Person
                                                                                       Drop your envelope in our offering box
                                                                                       at the front of the sanctuary on Sunday
                                                                                       morning or mail/deliver your offering to the
                                                                                       church office.

                                                                                       Giving Your Time
                                                                                       We value volunteers in our community,
                                                                                       those who use their gifts and resources
                                                                                       toward the glory of God. Contact Janet
                                                                                       Westlake to learn how to volunteer with us.

Contact the Pastor Exercise With Us                                   2022 Offering                      Stay in Touch!
If you need the care and
                                 MON, WED, FRI / 8AM
                                                                      Envelopes                          We want to be there for
concern of a pastor, please      Join us three days a week                                               our congregation. If
                                                                      If you would like us to
contact the church office.       for a free exercise class to                                            you have new contact
                                                                      make offering envelopes
If after-hours, please dial      improve balance, mobil-                                                 information, if you have
                                                                      for you for next year,
2—an emergency voice-            ity, endurance, posture,                                                become hospitalized or
                                                                      please email the office to
mail will be sent to Pastor      and our brains. Our class                                               ill, if there is something
                                                                      make sure we add you to
David, and he’ll make            has been moved to Friend-                                               you need prayer for, or if
                                                                      our list.
every attempt to respond         ship Hall!                                                              you have any questions,
in a timely manner.                                                                                      please call us at any time.

Service Times              Office Hours                Address                       Contact                   Social Media
Early Traditional 8:00am   Mon–Thu 8:00am–4:30pm       435 E. Fifth Ave.             352-383-2005                @FirstUMCMountDora
Contemporary 9:30am        Fridays Closed thru July    440 E. Sixth Ave. (mailing)   mtdorafumc.org              @FirstUMCMtDora
Late Traditional 11:00am   Sat–Sun Closed              Mount Dora, FL 32757          office@mtdorafumc.org       @FirstUMCMtDora
                                                                                                                  FUMC MtDora
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