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4Winds User Led Association The Zephyr Newsletter March/April 2019 4Winds is an open-access, user-led mental health resource www.4winds.org.uk Open 7 days a week Please see inside for opening times (open for all Easter Weekend) 4Winds is signed up to and works to The Cardiff and Vale Mental Health Charter
4Winds Centre 65, Clare Road, Grangetown, Cardiff CF11 6QP. Tel (029) 20388144 Email: contact@4winds.org.uk Website: www.4winds.org.uk The 4Winds is a user-led, open-access mental health resource. It is open 7 days a week helping people work towards recovery 4Winds provides information and signposting, opportunities for social contact, peer support, emotional support and vocational support Please ring or pop in during opening times for more Information - All Welcome! Centre Opening Times: Monday 1 - 5 pm (5.30-7.30 pm Social support group meets up at Chapter Arts Centre, Market Road, Canton, CF5 1QE) Tuesday 1 - 7 pm Wednesday 11 am - 1 pm Women Only Thursday 1 - 7 pm (see note below) Friday 1 - 5 pm Saturday 1 - 5 pm Sunday 1 - 5 pm Please note that the centre closes at 5pm on the first Thursday of the month for the social activities and 5pm on Mondays for The Chapter Group
Dates for Your Diary MARCH Tues 5th 2pm Book Club Thurs 7th 5pm Evening Social Activity. Walk in Bute Park and coffee. Tues 12th 3pm Members Meeting Fri 15th 2.30-4pm Tablet/IT training Wed 20th Trip to St Fagan's. (See inside for details) This trip is for women and men) Fri 22nd 2.30-4pm Tablet training/IT training Mon 25th 3.15pm. Reading Group Tues 26th Discussion/User Feedback Day. No evening meal. Tues 26th 2.30pm Info session Advocacy Support Cymru Thurs 28th 11am-1pm 4Winds Committee Meeting Thurs 28th 2.30pm-4pm Shelter Debt Drop-in APRIL Tues 2nd 2pm Book Club Tues 2nd 3pm Members Meeting Thurs 4th 5pm Evening Social Activity Bowling at VUE Tues 9th 9.30am Trip on VEST transport to Bristol Zoo Cost £16 for zoo entrance and transport (Please book in advance) Tues 16th 2pm Info session. Recovery Cymru Fri 19th Bank Holiday. Open 1-5pm. Mon 22nd Bank Holiday. Open 1-5pm Tues 23rd Bank Holiday Open 1-5pm No evening meal Thurs 25th 2.30pm-4pm Shelter Debt Drop-in Mon 29th 3.15pm Reading Group Tues 30th 1pm Visit to Seashore Grill in Sully Thank you to everyone who contributed to this edition of the newsletter and to all those who facilitated groups or information sessions.
Champions Meeting Dates TBC Come along and find out what’s happening in mental health and how you can become involved in influencing mental health services. 4Winds Book Club Meets on the first Tuesday of the month 2-3pm March 5th and April 2nd We also have selection of books which can be borrowed 4Winds Art & Card Making Group Every Thursday at 2pm—4pm from 17th Jan Come along and have fun with a range of materials Including making greetings cards. Many thanks to Steph, the tutor, and Adult Learning Wales for providing this course. Social Group at Chapter Arts Centre Market Road, Canton Mon 5.30-7.30 pm (Except for bank holidays) This is an informal and friendly group which meets in the café area at 5.30. We leave the centre at 5pm and make our way by foot, car or public transport. The group is supported by a 4Winds worker till 7.30pm. All welcome.
Women-only Space Every Wednesday 11am to 1.00 pm This safe and welcoming space provides opportunities for social contact, peer support, emotional support, information and access to resources such as computers and other facilities. Jewellery Making Sessions with Eve 13th March, 3rd April and 10th April The centre will be closed on Wed 20th March for a trip To St Fagans (for women and men) Visit Seashore Grill, Sully Tues 30th April We will be meeting at the centre at 1pm and catching a bus to Sully. No need to book, just turn up. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY 4Winds Members and Committee Meetings Members meetings Tues 12th March and Tues 2nd April at 3pm Come along and share information about recent developments in mental health and also 4Winds centre, sharing news and feedback about the service. 4Winds Committee Meetings Thurs 28th March 11-1pm
Date and time TBC BEAT is a group which supports, both, those suffering from eating disorders and their carers. A worker rom BEAT will explain how this support works and how to access it Recovery Cymru Tuesday 16th April at 2pm Tim from Recovery Cymru will talk about the support they can offer to people in recovery from substance dependency. Advocacy Support Cymru Information Session Tuesday 26th March 2.30pm Rachel from Advocacy support will explain how people with mental health difficulties can access an independent advocacy worker and explain what their criteria is.
4Winds Day Trips St Fagan's Museum: Wed 20th March Meeting at 10am at Westgate Street, Bus Stop KN to catch 32a bus to St Fagan's. (We have booked the disability buggy between 11-1pm, for those people with mobility problems). This trip is for women and men Bristol Zoo and Gardens: Tues 9th April Leaving from 4Winds at 9.30am on VEST transport. Cost: £16 for zoo and transport. (please pay and book in advance) Reading Group –last Monday of every month 25th March and the 29th April 3.15-4.15pm Come along and enjoy reading a short story followed by a discussion. Ceri, Community Librarian, from Grangetown Hub will facilitate this group Debt Advice Drop-In From 2.30-4pm monthly Next drop in dates Thurs 28th Mar and Thurs 25th April Thanks to Ceri from Shelter Cymru for facilitating these sessions.
Healthy Eating Healthy Living Tuesday Evening Meal This is a weekly activity where we enjoy a healthy meal together and learn some basic food preparation. Every Tuesday at 6pm Cost £2.50 Friday Cooking Group Come along to this fun and informal cooking group. Get involved in helping prepare a tasty nutritious meal and enjoy eating with other group members. Every Friday 12.30pm. Cost £2.00 (This cost includes tea, coffee, squash) Sunday Food Group This is a weekly activity where we enjoy a hearty meal with other group members. Every Sunday 2.30pm. Cost £2.00 (The cost includes tea, coffee and squash) We have food safety training opportunities available. Please talk to a worker if you are interested.
Tablet/IT Training Fri 15th and 22nd March, 2.30-4pm This group will initially run for two weeks and will be extended if there is enough uptake. With thanks To Adult Learning Wales Creative Writing Course Learn how self- expression can help your mental health and wellbeing and relieve stress and anxiety. This course will run every Monday 1-3pm over 2 terms. Term 1: Monday 17th Sept until Monday 3rd Dec Term 2: Monday 14th Jan until Monday 1st April 2019 Term 3: Monday 29th April until Monday 22nd July To register phone 02920 872030 and quote ref WFWGDM00 DICE An Introduction to Woodworking Skills Learn creativity with wood under the supervision of a qualified tutor and make your own handicrafts to take home. This course will run every Thursday 11-1pm over 3 terms Term One: 20th September until 6th December Term Two: 17th January until 4th April Term Three: 2nd May until 18th July To register phone 02920 872030 and quote course ref WFWGDM007 With thanks to Adult Learning Wales and Disability Inclusion In Community Education (DICE)
Thursday Social Activity Evening On the first Thursday of every month. 7th March : Walk in Bute Park and coffee 4th April: Bowling at VUE Please note that the centre will close at 5pm when an evening activity is taking place 4Winds is working with Cardiff Food Bank /Trussell Trust and can issue vouchers which can be exchanged for up to five days worth of food which can be collected at many local halls, churches and community centres. Please contact us if you think you may be eligible Discussion and Feedback Week - Tues 26th March till Tues 2nd April This year we will be conducting our work around service user satisfaction during this week. Please come along and give your feedback on the service and enjoy free tea and coffee all week. We will also be providing free food and re- freshments from 1.30pm on Tuesday 26th March (there will be no evening meal this day) During the week you will have the opportunity to give feedback on the service. This will form part of our annual user satisfaction work. It is really important that we know your views to inform the future of the service. It also provides important information to our funders. Your feedback/suggestions can be provided in a variety of ways, please do come along and find out more. A discussion / feedback meeting will be held at 3.30pm on Tues 26th; we really hope you can make it. If not, please do pop in anytime that week or contact us to give your feedback in another way.
Scales Memoir by Rachie Williams I always remember the day I saw the delightful set of weights I was in an old fashioned grocery store which might have been in St Fagans I felt enthralled by the weights and the cutest lowest weight was so weeny I could see each weight lined up with the next, like the Russian doll set I have I needed to buy something just to see the grocer use them, I ordered some cheese ‘How much my dear?’ he said I asked if could have 16 ounces of strong cheddar I noticed the grocer first touched the top of the scale structure I saw he tapped with his index finger, as if letting the scale know work will be starting now I could just about see the scale over the counter, sparkling like it was brand new I thought the central structure resembled a figure with two arms stretched out I could see the two balancing trays hanging like the children’s swing I saw the trays looking like two golden suns shining at sun rise I then saw the grocer take a sharp knife, lift out the strong cheddar and cut off a chunk I saw him place the cheddar on the right tray, as the left tray raised higher I noticed the grocer turned to the shelf and reached for a large weight as if anticipating the weight I could see him add this weight to the left tray, which lowered below the cheese I guess by repeating this method it becomes easier to predict the consistency of a mass I then saw the grocer grab a couple more weights off the shelf behind him I noticed he first swapped the largest weight for a slightly smaller weight I then saw him holding an even smaller weight in his hand which he added after I noticed the grocer always replaced the weight in its rightful place with the gentlest of care I forget to mention the weights were well-polished like gold money I could only see if I stood on my toes, the weights sitting in plush red velvet I received the cheese wrapped in a white grease proof paper I saw it was sealed with a label with a print of the shop front I said ‘Thank you’ He said ‘You’re welcome, goodbye’ (Inspired by a creative writing session based on the signs of the zodiac.)
We use fair trade tea, coffee and sugar at the centre. Greetings St Davids Day, Christian. Strove Tuesday, Christian. St Patricks Day, Christian. Spring Equinox, Pagan. Magha Puja Day, Buddhist. Burns Night, Scotland. Holi, Hindu. Easter Sunday Christian. First Day of Passover, Jewish. Pesach, Jewish. International Women’s Day. Laylat al Miraj, Islam. St George’s Day, Christian. At the 4Winds we have a number of resources which all are welcome to use. Amongst these are information on a wide range of local services, a small lending library, a fully equipped kitchen (including a bread maker), art and craft materials and sewing machines. We also have a resource/meeting room which is available for use by groups or individuals. Computers are available to use free of charge and free Wi-Fi is available. Please keep this newsletter and share it with friends and colleagues or go to www.4winds.org.uk to download and print further copies. Feedback and articles are welcome. Please email us at: contact@4winds.org.uk or call us on 02920388144
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