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October 31, 2021   31 de Octubre, 2021
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ST. PETER PARISH                                                  SAN FELIPE DE JES ÚS
           Saint Peter Catholic Church
               100 Saint Peter Drive
                                                                              Readings for the week
                   P.O. Box 248
                 Douglas, MI 49406                              Sunday: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time; Priesthood
                                                                   Sunday; All Hallow’s Eve
Parish Office:   269-857-7951                                      Dt 6:2-6/Ps 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51 [2]/Heb 7:23-28/
Website:       www.stpeter-douglas.org                             Mk 12:28b-34
Facebook:        @stpeterdouglas                                Monday: All Saints
                                                                   Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [cf. 6]/1
Pastor: Fr. Fabio H. Garzón, VF                                    Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a
fr.garzon@stpeter-douglas.org                                   Tuesday: Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed;
Pastoral Associate                                                  All Souls’ Day; Election Day
Rick Hardy                                                         Wis 3:1-9/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1 or 4ab]/
rick.hardy@stpeter-douglas.org                                     Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40a
Business Administrator                                          Wednesday: St. Martin de Porres, Religious
Ralph Hensley                                                      Rom 13:8-10/Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9 [5a]/Lk 14:25-33
ralph.hensley@stpeter-douglas.org                               Thursday: St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop
Office Administrator                                               Rom 14:7-12/Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14 [13]/Lk 15:1-10
Geri Pantelleria                                                Friday: Rom 15:14-21/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [cf. 2b]/
geri.pantelleria@stpeter-douglas.org                               Lk 16:1-8
Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization:                   Saturday: BVM Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27/Ps 145:2-3,
Alisha Giles                                                       4-5, 10-11 [1b]/Lk 16:9-15
alisha.giles@stpeter-douglas.org                                Next Sunday 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Communication Coordinator                                          National Vocation Awareness Week; Daylight Saving
Liliana Van Dam                                                    Time Ends
liliana.vandam@stpeter-douglas.org                              : 1 Kgs 17:10-16/Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 [1b]/Heb 9:24-28/
RCIA, Pastoral Care                                                Mk 12:38-44 or 12:41-44
Marianne Hoffman
Sacristan                                                                        Mass Intentions
Nancy Maslanka
                                                                Saturday, October 30
Maintenance:                  857-7951                            5:00pm † Becky McClain (Birthday Remembrance)
Funeral Planning:             Parish Office ext. 0                         by Fran Seymour
Pastoral Council: Pastoral.Council@stpeter-douglas.org          Sunday, October 31
Finance Council: Finance.Council@stpeter-douglas.org              8:00am † Betty Lloyd
Capital Campaign: OnTheRock@stpeter-douglas.org                            by Art & Dodie Hofstetter
                                                                 10:30am † Walter Burkot
External Collaborative                                                     by wife, Christine
San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church                             Monday, November 1 (All Saints)
Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office: 269-561-5029                  8:30am     † Dolores Snyder (Anniversary of Death)
5586 117th Ave. PO Box 558. Fennville, MI 49408                            by Rose Ramirez
                                                                Tuesday, November 2 (All Souls Day)
                                                                  8:30am † Dolly Leonard
                                                                           by Jim & Marianne Hoffman
                                                                Thursday, November 4
                The St. Peter Prayer Line unites parishioners     8:30am † Becky McClain
                in a spirit of Christian Charity to pray for               by Dennis & Andrea Olson
                the needs of our parishioners, especially:      Friday, November 5
                                                                  8:30am † Zelda Diette
Brian and Tracy Giles, Harry Tolson, Heidi Ann He-                         by Jim & Marianne Hoffman
brank, Rob Munski, Jerry Nielson, Fr. Pedro Rodri-              Saturday, November 6
guez Gonzalez, Kathy Drummett, Paula Glennie, Jack                5:00pm Ray Muller
Duthler, Lorrie Gaunt, Tom Doucette, Frances Byk,                          by Jim & Marianne Hoffman
Jackie Diaz, Janet Fahey, Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Ronnie           Sunday, November 7
Hebrank, Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nether-                  8:00am † Bonnie Unwin
cott, Sylvia Scurio, Br. Larry Sparacino, OSA, Saúl                        by Dennis & Andrea Olson
Suárez, Jr., and all the sick on St. Peter’s Prayer Line. The    10:30am † Dolly Leonard
group will continue to pray for your request until they hear               by Knights of Columbus
differently from you.

View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com         2    Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
31 de Octubre, 2021 October 31, 2021 - cloudfront.net
                                                                             From Rick Hardy
                 SAINT PETER                                                Pastoral Associate
        A Catholic Community of
         Love, Faith, and Hope                           Italics

                                                          This column contains a mix of factual information,
 Sacrament of Reconciliation                          Church teaching and some of my own personal
 Saturdays 3:30pm-4:30pm                              (professional) opinions. There’s nothing wrong with ex-
 other times by appointment                           pressing opinions, but I want to be very clear as to which is
                                                      which. So my opinions will appear in italics and what is
 Masses Open to the Public                            factual and/or Church teaching will appear in the regular
 Church open from 8am to 7pm proximally                   Last week, I attended the Right to Life Dinner, held in
 M,T,TH,F 8:30am                                      Hudsonville. There were three tables of people from St.
 Wednesday —No Mass—                                  Peter’s — one sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and
                                                      the other two, I believe, sponsored simply by parishioners
 Saturday 5:00pm
                                                      on their own. Three tables for St. Peter’s was a great
 Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am                            showing, equal to the three tables from Our Lady of the
Both Sunday Masses at St. Peter                       Lake, a much larger parish than ours.
                                                          I am 1000% pro-life. But I am not a big fan of some of
are live streamed                                     the rhetoric that accompanies and attempts to advance this
                                                      cause. I think if we are serious about saving unborn lives,
                                                      we should be taking a much wiser approach. More on that
                                                          So I went to this dinner prepared to hear some things
                                                      that I might prefer not to hear, even though the overall
                                                      cause is something I support fully. At the same time, I was
                                                      prepared to hear / see / learn something(s) that I would find
Sunday Masses, 8am & 10:30am                         new, insightful, and positive.
Morning Mass, weekdays at 8:30am                         The main speaker, Matt Walsh, was excellent. He
Homebased Visitation Meeting,                        spoke with a rhythm and delivery similar to that of a come-
     Mon Nov 1st, 9 - 10:30am                         dian, but he wasn’t funny. He was totally serious.
Open Vessels Women’s Faith Sharing                       Mr. Walsh’s entire message was about the morality of
     Tue 9:30am - Vatican Room                        protecting unborn lives: that a fully human life exists as of
Eucharistic Exposition, Fri 9 -12pm - Chapel         the moment of conception, and that even the “heartbeat”
Catholic Men’s Fellowship,                           standard is flawed, as the heartbeat becomes perceptible
     Sat 8 -10am Solanus Casey Room                   somewhere around 12 weeks into the already-existent life
                                                      of an unborn human being. He similarly mowed down eve-
First Saturday Mass, 8:30am                          ry other argument that would make or seem to make abor-
Lay Carmelites, Day of Recollection,                 tion permissible in some cases.
     Sat 9am - 3pm                                        What Mr. Walsh did not do was mention politics in any
Sacrament of Reconciliation, Sat 3:30 - 4:30pm       way. This made his presentation absolutely compelling.
Vigil Mass, Sat. 5:00pm                              The issue is a moral one: is every human life equally valua-
                                                      ble or not? His answer, and mine, and the Church’s, is yes.
                                                          One of his best logical comparisons was to substitute
                                                      “slavery” for “unborn” in every argument for or against abor-
       Confirmation                                   tion. Surprisingly, the arguments worked, or failed, equally
 (students in 8th grade or older)                     either way. Examples: “slaves (unborn) are not really hu-
    Sunday, November 7 at                             man,”; “the owner of a slave (mother of an unborn child)
                                                      has the right to do as he/she pleases with his/her property
             9:30am                                   (body).” The logic was razor-sharp throughout.
      In the Vatican Room                                 I can support and even advance this kind of thinking
                                                      because it places the issue of the protection of human life
                                                      — unborn and born —squarely where it belongs: in the
                                                      moral realm.
                                                          The Gospel demands that every person respect every
                                                      other person. Jesus never mentions the unborn, but it is
                                                      clear that His outreach excludes no one. So the Church,
                                                      basing her teaching on the Gospel, demands respect for
                                                      every human life.

                                                      Continued in the next page...

                                                  3       View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com
31 de Octubre, 2021 October 31, 2021 - cloudfront.net
31st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                    31 DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO
                                                              Rick Hardy’s article continue here…
                        Pick-up your empty Box of
                                 Joy TODAY.                       If we want to stop abortion, there is one way (maybe
                                                              only one way) that can succeed: conversion. We who hold
                       So far 30 filled boxes have been       this value must invite, encourage, and support others who
                                    returned!                 do not hold it as we do. No one is called to conversion by
                                                              shrill accusations or political campaign rhetoric. Conver-
                                                              sion is a willful decision that each individual must make as
     Inside the box you will find a brochure with             an exercise of the free will that God bestows on every hu-
                                                              man person as one aspect of His divine image.
    details about what to pack. The deadline for                  I’m glad I attended the Right to Life dinner. I’m glad I
     returning your packed Boxes of Joy will be               heard Matt Walsh. And I’m glad to base my approach to
               Sunday, November 7.                            this crucial issue on such a solid, logical moral framework.
                                                              Catholic morality works hand in hand with intelligence and
        Bishop's Annual Appeal                                    If you’d like to talk more about this, let’s do it. Email or
                 2021 Parish Goal - $65,255
                  Pledged to date - $67,090
   Thank you for your generosity, together we achieved                      The Knights of Columbus are
       103% of our Parish Goal! Because of this,                             collecting donations for the
       about $1,800 will be returned to the parish.                           Veterans in the VA Battle
          This year, 101 parishioners participated                             Creek Medical Center.
           with 25 of those being new pledgers.
                                                              The veterans are totally dependent on your donation items
                     THANK YOU!                               filling up these boxes. Below is a list of what the VA needs
                                                              and will allow. Thank you on behalf of the veterans and
                                                              the Knights of Columbus. You may bring items to the
                                                              Gathering Space in the church any time during the week or
                                                              • New men’s t-shirts, boxers, briefs and socks (all sizes)
                                                              • New coats/jackets
                                                              • New sweats/sweat shirts (L-XL)
                                                              • New men’s tennis shoes/boots (size 10-13)
                    Votive Candles                            • Gym shorts
Remember your departed loved ones by purchasing               • DVD movies
a votive candle to be lit for seven days and placed           • Music CDs (all varieties of music)
before the altar on All Souls Day. Sign up slips are          • Relaxation CDs
available in the Gathering Space.                             • Composition notebooks
These sign up slips are provided to indicate the de-          • Toothpaste and toothbrushes
ceased’s name and note if you would like the candle           • Deodorant
sleeve to be returned after the seven days.                   • Ethnic hair products
                                                              • Body wash
Cost of each candle is $5.00.                                 • Shaving cream
                                                              • Shampoo/conditioner
                                                              • New or gently used backpacks (drawstring or regular)
     Intercessions for Life                                         or duffel bags
                                                              • Yoga mats (new)
For those nearing the end of life:                            • Word searches/crosswords/Sudoku (larger print)
                                                              • Paint by number kits/Small craft kits
May they receive care that respects their
dignity and protects their lives as they                               *No sample size personal care items
                                                                       are accepted. We do not accept used
place their hope in the promise of eternal                             clothing, crocheted blankets, lap
life;                                                                  robes, or puzzles.

         We pray to the Lord.
                                                          4      View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com
31 de Octubre, 2021 October 31, 2021 - cloudfront.net
ST. PETER PARISH                                           SAN FELIPE DE JES ÚS

                                                          THANK YOU for your generous response to the collec-
                                                          tion for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith
                                                          last weekend on World Mission Sunday. You may
                                                          stay connected year-round to the Pope’s missions,
                                                          continuing the commitment of World Mission Sunday,
                                                          by visiting MISSIO.org

                                              Open Vessels

                                                             On Saturday. October 2, Open Vessels held a
                                                             women’s day of reflection for women of faith in
                                                             the greater community. Over 20 women gath-
                                                             ered together to listen to speakers, have large &
                                                             small group reflections, personal reflection, and
                                                             of course some delicious food and fellowship.

View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com   5   Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
31 de Octubre, 2021 October 31, 2021 - cloudfront.net
ST. PETER PARISH                                           SAN FELIPE DE JES ÚS

           Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
       La Consagracion a San José                                 Las Misas de Todos los Santos
                                                                     y de los Fieles Difuntos
  Terminamos el Año de San José consagrándo-
    nos solemnemente a Jesús a través de la                 La Santa Misa sera celebrada para
     devoción a San José.                                   la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos
  Vamos a tener unas juntas                                               en el cielo
       de preparación:                                            Lunes 1° de noviembre
         Los Domingos                                           a las 6:30 p.m. en San Felipe.
  7, 14, 21, 28 de Noviembre
                                                                              La Misa del Día de los Muertos
      y el 5 de Diciembre
                                                                              el 2 de noviembre a las 7 p.m.
         2:30—4:00 p.m.
                                                                                       en San Basilio
   Y la Consagración la semana después del 5.
                                                                              Todos estan invitados a asistir.
  Para más información, hable con José Alfaro.
                                                                       El Altar de los Muertos
                   La Cena de Tacos
                                                             Todos están invitados a traer fotos
     Miércoles, 3 de noviembre 5 –7 p.m.                     y recuerdos de sus seres queridos
  San Basilio, 513 Monroe Blvd., South Haven                  difuntos para el Altar de Muertos.
                                                                  Para recordar a nuestros
Los padres de familia de la Escuela San Basilio van a
                                                                  difuntos se queda el altar
hacer una cena de tacos para el beneficio de la Escuela
                                                                 todo el mes de noviembre.
Católica de San Basilio.

             Las Pláticas de Bautismo                                     Aparten la Fecha:
¡ Las últimas pláticas de Bautismo del 2021 !                      Miércoles, 5 de Enero en la tarde
                                                                            En San Felipe
Los jueves 4 y 11 de noviembre
                                                              Tendremos una sesión de escucha como parte
Comenzando con la Misa
                                                                 del proceso que ha comenzado el Papa
a las 6:30 p.m.                                            Francisco en preparación para el sínodo de obispos.
Aproveche para bautizar
en otro lugar o para el
                                                            ¡¡ Felicitaciones a los recién confirmados !!
próximo año.
                                                           Nos alegramos por los 31 jóvenes que fueron
                                                           marcados ayer con el sello del Espíritu Santo.
       St. Martín de Porres - 3 de Noviembre
Señor, Dios nuestro,que has querido conducir                    Año Jubileo del Espíritu Santo – Noviembre
                                                          El Don del Mes: Consejo (conocido como Prudencia)
a san Martín de Porrespor el camino de la                 Este don se caracteriza por poner su voluntad bajo la
humildad a la gloria del Cielo.                           voluntad de Dios. Primero tenemos que preguntarnos
                    Concédenos la gracia                  si algo concuerda con la ley y los mandamientos de
                                                          Dios. Su ley de amor no está opuesta a los otros
                    de seguir sus ejemplos,               mandamientos. Para tener el amor que busca el bien
                    para que merezcamos ser               del otro tenemos que poner nuestra voluntad bajo la
                                                          voluntad de Dios. Busca el consejo de Dios pidiendo al
                    coronados con él en la gloria.                           Espíritu Santo que guíe todas tus
                    Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo.                            decisiones especialmente las más
View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com   6   Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
31 de Octubre, 2021 October 31, 2021 - cloudfront.net
31st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                       31 DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO

        Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
             La Corresponsabilidad Diaria
                                                                 San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church
Examen diario de Corresponsabilidad                                                5586 117th Ave.
La “corresponsabilidad” puede tener una mala                                         PO Box 558
reputación en estos días. Cuando la gente escucha el                              Fennville, MI 49408
término "corresponsabilidad" desde el púlpito, sus ojos            Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office: 269-561-5029
tienden a ponerse vidriosos. "Aquí está el padre                  Página Web/Website: www.sanfelipe-fennville.org
pidiendo más dinero," se quejan en su interior,                    En caso de emergencia: Llame al Coordinador
"Prepárense para la entrega de las tarjetas de                        Parroquial (Joe Marble) al 269-501-9865.
Cristo refuta esta idea cuando nos da lo que él llama los                     Lecturas de la semana
mandamientos más importantes, instruyéndonos a amar                         Del 31 de octubre del 2021
a Dios y a nuestro prójimo. Bien, Cristo es un hombre
que eligió cuidadosamente sus palabras. Quería decir            Domingo siguiente: 31er
                                                                   Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario;
exactamente lo que decía, y no dijo que los mayores                Domingo del Sacerdocio;
mandamientos eran diezmar y dar dinero a la caridad. Si            Víspera de Todos los Santos
hubiera querido que la corresponsabilidad se tratara               (EEUU)
solo de dinero, lo habría dicho.                                   Dt 6, 2-6/Sal 17, 2-3. 3-4. 47. 51/
                                                                   Heb 7, 23-28/Mc 12, 28-34
A veces, de hecho, estamos llamados a mostrar nuestro           Lunes: Día de Todos los Santos
amor a Dios y al prójimo en forma de donación                      Ap 7, 2-4. 9-14/Sal 23, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6/1 Jn 3, 1-3/
económica. Pero el concepto de la Corresponsabilidad               Mt 5, 1-12
Diaria - vivir conscientemente en oración, agradecido           Martes: Conmemoración de Todos los Fieles
por nuestras bendiciones y ser amable con nuestro                  Difuntos; Día de los Muertos; Día Electoral
                                                                   Sab 3, 1-9/Sal 22, 1-3. 3-4. 5. 6/Rom 5, 5-11 o
prójimo, comprometido con Dios y rendir cuentas unos               Rom 6, 3-9/Jn 6, 37-40
a otros – se trata de mucho mas que eso.
                                                                Miércoles: San Martin de Porres, religioso
Propongo un giro en la práctica del "Examen Diario,"               Rom 13, 8-10/Sal 111, 1-2. 4-5. 9/Lc 14, 25-33
una devoción piadosa en la que, al final del día,               Jueves: San Carlos Borromeo, obispo
repasamos los eventos de las últimas 24 horas y                    Rom 14, 7-12/Sal 26, 1. 4. 13-14/Lc 15, 1-10
discernimos la voluntad de Dios. Un Examen Diario               Viernes: Rom 15, 14-21/Sal 97, 1. 2-3. 3-4/Lc 16, 1-8
de corresponsabilidad puede contener preguntas como             Sábado: BVM
estas:                                                              Rom 16, 3-9. 16. 22-27/Sal 144, 2-3. 4-5. 10-11/
                                                                    Lc 16, 9-15
¿Cómo amé a Dios hoy? ¿En quién lo ame?
¿Qué me dio Dios hoy? ¿Con quién lo compartí?                   Domingo siguiente: 32º Domingo del Tiempo
                                                                                     Ordinario; Semana Nacional de
¿Qué le di? ¿A quién me acerqué hoy? ¿Quién me                                       Concientización sobre las
                    contactó? ¿Dónde estaba Dios en                                  Vocaciones; Fin del horario de
                    mi lista de prioridades hoy?                                     verano
                    ¿Primero? ¿Segundo? ¿Tercero?                                    1 Re 17, 10-16/Sal 145, 7. 8-9.
                                                                                     9-10/Heb 9, 24-28/
                    ¿Cuarto?                                                         Mc 12, 38-44 o 12, 41-44
                               - Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
                                                                             Su Aporte a la Parroquia
        Campaña Anual del Obispo
       Faltan Compromisos Todavía                                   Domingo XXX del Tiempo Ordinario –
                                                                                24 de octubre
 La Campaña Anual del Obispo Meta: $7,700                               Colecta de Domingo $ 763.00
    Comprometido: $4,050 Compromisos: 17                         Gracias por devolverle a Dios lo que ha dado a Ustedes.

                                                            7        View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com
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