Lista de publicaciones del Think Tank del PE - European Parliament

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Lista de publicaciones del Think Tank del PE - European Parliament
Lista de publicaciones del Think Tank del PE

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                         Palabra clave "dumping social"

                        15 Resultado(s) encontrado(s)

                       Fecha de creación : 04-06-2022
Social protection in the EU: State of play, challenges and options
     Tipo de publicaciónBriefing
                  Fecha 11-10-2018
                   AutorMILOTAY Nora
         Ámbito políticoEducación | Empleo | Politica social | Salud pública
           Palabra clavearmonización de la seguridad social | BusinessEurope | condición de trabajo | Confederación Europea de Sindicatos |
                        Derecho de la seguridad social | derechos sociales | dumping social | economía colaborativa | intercambio de
                        información | libre circulación de trabajadores | presupuesto de la UE | relación laboral
              Resumen Globalisation, technological change, an aging population and changes to the world of work have made securing social
                        protection for all, i.e. economic and social security, a major challenge. When social protection systems work well, they
                        can have a stabilising effect on the economy and promote socio-economic equality and stability. By contrast,
                        inadequate or ineffective systems can exacerbate inequality. Indeed, improving the existing social protection systems
                        is the priority of half of the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights – the European Commission's overarching
                        social field initiative designed to serve as a compass for policies updating current labour market and welfare systems.
                        While implementation of the 'social pillar' remains primarily the responsibility of the Member States, in close
                        cooperation with the social partners, the European Commission has put forward several legislative and non-legislative
                        initiatives to support this process in the area of social protection. These include the proposal for a recommendation on
                        social protection for all, including non-standard workers, responding to calls from the European Parliament and the
                        social partners and stakeholders. This proposal had the difficult task of addressing all the disagreements that had
                        arisen during the two-phase consultation in the preparatory phase. While all parties seem to agree on the importance
                        of adjusting social protection to the new realities of life and work, there are differences of opinion concerning the
                        technicalities, such as the financing of schemes. This is in part a reflection of the current evidence that raises many
                        questions as to the optimal response to the new challenges in very diverse systems of social protection across the
                        Member States. The main trends currently include a combination of social protection and social investment,
                        individualisation of social protection schemes and a potential move towards universal social protection, whereby social
                        protection would be removed from the employment relationship. However, financing these schemes poses a challenge.
               Briefing EN

Posting of Workers Directive
     Tipo de publicaciónBriefing
                  Fecha 25-07-2018
                   AutorKISS Monika
         Ámbito políticoAdopción de legislación por el PE y el Consejo | Empleo | Mercado interior y unión aduanera | Politica social
           Palabra clavecondición de trabajo | Derecho del trabajo | Directiva CE | dumping social | elaboración del Derecho de la UE |
                        movilidad de la mano de obra | política de empleo de la UE | remuneración del trabajo | trabajo temporal
              Resumen Posting of workers plays an important role in the internal market, particularly in the cross-border provision of services.
                        While the number of posted workers continues to increase significantly, problems such as unfair practices and unequal
                        remuneration persist. In addition, the correct balance between the freedom to provide cross-border services and the
                        social rights of workers is needed, and moreover, needs to be adapted to today's labour market situation. The targeted
                        revision of the Posting of Workers Directive (96/71/EC) proposed by the Commission intended to bring changes in
                        three main areas: the remuneration of posted workers (making it equal to that of local workers, even when
                        subcontracting), more coherent rules on temporary agency workers, as well as long-term posting. The agreement
                        reached in trilogue negotiations states that long-term posting (with labour law provisions of the host country to be
                        applied) starts after 12 months (with a possible extension of six months). The overall amount of remuneration received
                        by a posted worker must meet the level of remuneration in the host Member State (without the reimbursement of the
                        worker's expenses) which must be published on a single national website. Host Member States can accord to posted
                        workers the coverage of representative collective agreements in all sectors, and they must protect them against
                        fraudulent posting. The Parliament approved the text on 29 May 2018, the act was adopted by the Council on 21 June
                        2018 and the final act was signed on 28 June 2018. Member States have until 30 July 2020 to transpose the measures
                        of the directive and apply them in their national law. Sixth edition. The ‘EU Legislation in Progress’ briefings are
                        updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
               Briefing EN

Enhancement of social legislation in road transport I (Driving time)
     Tipo de publicaciónBriefing
                  Fecha 15-05-2017
                   AutorREMAC Milan
         Ámbito políticoEvaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Transporte | Transposición y aplicación de la legislación
           Palabra claveaplicación del Derecho de la UE | condición de trabajo | dumping social | duración de la conducción | interpretación del
                        Derecho | personal de conducción | política común de transportes | principio de seguridad jurídica | Reglamento CE |
                        restricción de la competencia | tiempo de descanso | transporte por carretera
              Resumen Regulation 561/2006 lays down rules applicable to driving times, breaks and rest periods for drivers engaged in the
                        carriage of goods and passengers by road. Various resources show that presently there are several challenges linked
                        with the implementation of the regulation. These include diverging enforcement practice applied across the different
                        EU Member States, clarity of the text of the regulation, broad discretion of the Member States and various exemptions
                        allowed by the regulation. These challenges influence harmonisation of road transport, as well as legal certainty, and
                        they limit the fulfilment of the regulation's goal. The European Parliament has called on the European Commission to
                        update Regulation 561/2006 to respond to these challenges. Similarly, the European Economic and Social Committee
                        has recommended that the existing legislation is updated. Furthermore, representatives of various stakeholder groups
                        have voiced requests to update this piece of EU legislation. Finally, the European Commission itself has expressed
                        willingness to revise the regulation as part of the enhancement of the social legislation in road transport. It is expected
                        that the European Commission will submit this proposal in the second quarter of 2017.
               Briefing EN

04-06-2022                                     Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                1
Understanding social dumping in the European Union
     Tipo de publicaciónBriefing
                  Fecha 21-03-2017
                   AutorKISS Monika
         Ámbito políticoEmpleo | Mercado interior y unión aduanera | Politica social
           Palabra claveacervo comunitario | Derecho del trabajo | dumping social | Estado miembro UE | libre circulación de trabajadores |
                        libre prestación de servicios
              Resumen Although a recurring term in discussions related to working mobility, wages and the social security of workers, social
                        dumping has neither a generally accepted definition, nor easily definable limits. It is rather a set of practices on an
                        international, national or inter-corporate level, aimed at gaining an advantage over competitors, which could have
                        important negative consequences on economic processes and workers’ social security. Examples include actions
                        taken by actors from 'low wage' Member States to gain market advantage over actors from Member States with higher
                        pay and social standards; multinational companies from 'high wage' countries searching for ways to avoid legal
                        constraints by employing subcontractors from low-wage countries; and companies engaging cheaper and more
                        vulnerable temporary and agency workers, or relocating production to lower wage and less regulated locations. Social
                        dumping takes different forms in different sectors. Suppressing social dumping is a component of different regulations
                        on working mobility, undeclared work, and the status of transport workers. However, as the legislative competence of
                        the European Union is limited in the labour law domain, soft law and social dialogue are also used to tackle the
                        phenomenon. Several cases before the Court of Justice of the EU (such as the Viking and the Laval cases) show that
                        the applicable EU rules can only be effective if adequate implementation and enforcement by the Member States is
                        guaranteed. In September 2016, the European Parliament adopted an own-initiative resolution on social dumping,
                        calling for a number of actions to reinforce controls, close regulatory gaps, revise working conditions and promote
                        social convergence.
               Briefing EN

Coordination of social security systems
     Tipo de publicación Briefing
                  Fecha 01-02-2017
                  Autor REMAC Milan
         Ámbito político Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Politica social
          Palabra clave armonización de la seguridad social | Comité Económico y Social Europeo | competencias de los Estados miembros |
                         consulta pública | cotización social | Derecho de la seguridad social | discriminación por razones de nacionalidad |
                         dumping social | Estado miembro UE | igualdad de trato | movilidad de la mano de obra | prestación social | Tribunal
                         de Justicia de la Unión Europea
              Resumen The complex system of EU rules on social security coordination needs to comply with various challenges and national
                         circumstances. These challenges include uneven and inadequate application, the lack of transparency and lack of
                         understanding of the existing rules, and an uncertainty about the position of cross-border workers and the benefits
                         applicable to them. Another outstanding challenge is the most recent jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the
                         European Union that clarifies several important rules applicable to the relation between Member States and provision
                         of benefits to the EU citizens. The European Parliament has called on the European Commission on several occasions
                         to update the existing legislation on the coordination of social security systems so that it would react to these
                         challenges. Similarly, the European Economic and Social Committee has recommended that the existing legislation be
                         updated. Furthermore, the representatives of various stakeholder groups have voiced similar requests. In December
                         2016, the European Commission submitted a long awaited proposal amending Regulation 883/2004 and Regulation
                         987/2009 dealing with the coordination of social security systems. The proposal concentrates on changes linked to a
                         broad spectrum of issues and benefits, mainly long-term care benefits, unemployment benefits, social benefits and
                         family benefits. This proposal provides the opportunity for improvements to be made to the currently applicable rules.
               Briefing DE, EN, FR

Posting of Workers Directive – Current Situation and Challenges
     Tipo de publicación Estudio
                  Fecha 30-06-2016
           Autor externo Eckhard Voss (Wilke Maack GmbH, Hamburg, Getmany), Michele Faioli (Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy) and
                         Jean-Philippe Lhernould (University of Poitiers, France)
         Ámbito político Empleo | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Planificación prospectiva | Politica social |
                         Transposición y aplicación de la legislación
           Palabra clave agencia de empleo temporal | consecuencia económica | coste salarial | Derecho del trabajo | Directiva CE | dumping
                         social | estudio de impacto | libre circulación de trabajadores | libre prestación de servicios | movilidad de la mano de
                         obra | política de empleo de la UE | propuesta (UE) | trabajo temporal | ética comercial
               Resumen This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy at the
                         request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, provides an overview of the Posting of Workers Directive,
                         focussing on the current situation and major patterns regarding the posting of workers in the EU, major problems and
                         challenges, and how these patterns have translated political, as well as jurisdictive, debates and proposals to improve
                         the regulation of this specific form of employment and service provision. With the Commission’s view on the proposal
                         published on 8 March 2016, to revise the Directive, the study aims to provide the EMPL Committee with an
                         assessment of the proposal in light of both the key challenges addressed and the previous resolutions and requests
                         made by the European Parliament.
                 Estudio EN

04-06-2022                                      Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                               2
TTIP and Labour Standards
     Tipo de publicación
           Autor externo
                       Jan Orbie, Ferdi de Ville and Lore van den Putte
         Ámbito político
                       Comercio internacional | Empleo | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Planificación prospectiva
           Palabra clave
                       acuerdo comercial (UE) | acuerdo de libre comercio | cláusula social | conflicto laboral | consecuencia económica |
                       Derecho laboral internacional | desarrollo sostenible | dumping social | Estados Unidos | impacto social | negociación
                       de acuerdo (UE) | norma de trabajo | política comercial común | responsabilidad social de la empresa
              Resumen The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will follow EU and US recent trade policy practice to
                       include labour provisions. These could limit the risk that liberalisation results in social dumping and promote upward
                       This Policy Department A study concludes that the EU could take a precautionary stance and employ various
                       instruments that increase the chances that TTIP will have positive social consequences. TTIP may combine the
                       strengths of the EU and US approaches to labour provisions, while improving their weaknesses. More analysis of the
                       social consequences of liberalisation and labour provisions might be stimulated and strong flanking measures at the
                       EU and national level be foreseen.
               Estudio EN

Revision of the Posting of Workers Directive
     Tipo de publicaciónBriefing
                  Fecha 02-06-2016
                   AutorEISELE Katharina
         Ámbito políticoEmpleo | Evaluación de impacto ex ante
           Palabra clavecoste salarial | Directiva CE | dumping social | elaboración del Derecho de la UE | estudio de impacto | remuneración
                        del trabajo | restricción de la competencia | salario mínimo | seguridad social | subcontratación | trabajo temporal
              Resumen Overall, the Commission has attempted to provide information as clearly and transparently as possible in the IA based
                        on external expertise and wide consultation. Nonetheless, the limited availability of data suggests that the qualitative
                        and quantitative evidence used to support the problem definition and the assessment of impacts might require further
                        exploration. Moreover, the IA would have benefited from a clearer explanation on the interaction with, and impact on,
                        the Enforcement Directive. Finally, the IA could have better explained why EU action is necessary to solve the new
                        problems and why Option 1 was ruled out despite broad stakeholder support.
               Briefing DE, EN, FR

Posting of workers (Part of the expected Labour Mobility Package): Implementation Appraisal
     Tipo de publicaciónBriefing
                  Fecha 17-09-2015
                   AutorREMAC Milan
         Ámbito políticoEmpleo | Mercado interior y unión aduanera | Politica social | Transposición y aplicación de la legislación
           Palabra claveaplicación del Derecho de la UE | condición de trabajo | cooperación administrativa | Derecho del trabajo | directiva
                        (UE) | Directiva CE | dumping social | elaboración del Derecho de la UE | intercambio de información | libre prestación
                        de servicios | movilidad de la mano de obra
              Resumen In Annex I to its annual Work Programme 2015 (CWP 2015), the European Commission announced that it would
                        submit the Labour Mobility Package. This implementation appraisal focuses on the second theme of the expected
                        Labour Mobility Package – posting of workers. This briefing is one of a series of ‘Implementation Appraisals’ on the
                        operation of existing EU legislation in practice. Each such briefing focuses on a specific EU law which is, or will shortly
                        be, subject to an amending proposal from the European Commission, intended to update the current text.
                        Implementation Appraisals’ seek to provide succinct overviews of publicly available material on the implementation,
                        application and effectiveness of specific EU laws, with inputs from, inter alia, the EU institutions and advisory
                        committees, national parliaments and relevant external consultation and outreach exercises. They are provided to
                        assist parliamentary committees in their consideration of new Commission proposals, once tabled.
               Briefing EN

Employment Conditions in the International Road Haulage Sector
     Tipo de publicación Estudio
                  Fecha 16-03-2015
           Autor externo Andrea BROUGHTON (Institute for Employment Studies), Maurizio CURTARELLI (ECORYS), Christine BERTRAM
                         (ECORYS), Anna FOHRBECK (Institute for Employment Studies), Robin HINKS (Institute for Employment Studies)
                         and Arianna TASSINARI (Institute for Employment Studies)
         Ámbito político Empleo | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Planificación prospectiva
           Palabra clave actividad no asalariada | aplicación del Derecho de la UE | condición de trabajo | dumping social | duración de la
                         conducción | jornada de trabajo | mercado del transporte | mercado único | norma de trabajo | personal de conducción
                         | salario | subcontratación | transporte internacional por carretera | ética comercial
               Resumen This document, provided by Policy Department A at the request of the Employment and Social Affaffairs Committee,
                         analyses trends in the employment conditions of drivers in this sector. In particular, it aims to review whether the
                         current regulatory framework including the Posting of Workers Directive is achieving the desired balance between
                         market integration and social protection of workers, and what steps can be taken to ensure this balance in the future.
                 Estudio EN

04-06-2022                                     Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                    3
Tax policy in the EU - Issues and challenges
      Tipo de publicación Análisis en profundidad
                   Fecha  18-02-2015
                    Autor REMEUR Cécile
          Ámbito político Asuntos económicos y monetarios | Asuntos financieros y bancarios | Comercio internacional | Derecho de la UE:
                          sistema jurídico y actos legislativos | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Mercado interior y
                          unión aduanera
            Palabra clave armonización fiscal | comercio electrónico | cooperación administrativa | cooperación fiscal europea | crecimiento
                          económico | dumping social | fiscalidad | fraude fiscal | impuesto sobre sociedades | mercado único | reforma fiscal
                Resumen EU tax policy is based on national tax systems which are decided by Member States and adapted to prevent national
                          tax provisions hindering the single market and cross-border activities. Tax systems are under pressure to adapt and
                          update as a result of budget consolidation and stimulating growth requirements. The challenges for EU tax policy
                          include globalisation, digitalisation and tax competition, which offer greater room for avoidance, evasion and fraud – to
                          which national and EU borders do not constitute an effective defence. Tax avoidance and fraud call for convergence,
                          either through cooperation or coordination, to fight against behaviour detrimental to fair tax systems and which
                          penalises growth. Convergence is being developed at EU and international level, where exchanges, sharing and
                          tackling tax loopholes are expected to be strengthened to provide an effective answer.
  Análisis en profundidad DE, EN, FR

Commitments Made at the Hearing of Marianne Thyssen - Commissioner-Designate
      Tipo de publicación Briefing
                   Fecha  04-11-2014
                    Autor SMAJDA Laurence
          Ámbito político Empleo | Salud pública | Semestre Europeo
            Palabra clave Bélgica | comisario europeo | cualificación profesional | discapacitado | diálogo social (UE) | dumping social |
                          educación de adultos | formación profesional | impacto social | mercado laboral | nombramiento (de miembros) |
                          participación de los trabajadores | política de empleo de la UE | seguridad en el trabajo | sesión pública | trabajo de
                Resumen Briefing summarises the commitments made at the hearing of Marianne Thyssen Commissioner designate for
                          Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility.
                 Briefing EN

Condiciones sociales y laborales de los transportistas por carretera
      Tipo de publicaciónEstudio
                   Fecha 15-04-2013
            Autor externoTRT Trasporti e Territorio Srl - Alessio Sitran, Enrico Pastori
          Ámbito políticoDerecho de la UE: sistema jurídico y actos legislativos | Empleo | Transporte
            Palabra clavecondición de trabajo | condición socioeconómica | contrato de trabajo | dumping social | duración de la conducción |
                         empresa de transporte | jornada de trabajo | personal de conducción | salario | transporte de mercancías | transporte
                         internacional por carretera
                Resumen En el estudio se ofrece un análisis de las condiciones sociales y laborales de los conductores profesionales en el
                         transporte internacional por carretera. Se centra en cuestiones sociales fundamentales que se plantean en este
                         segmento del transporte, incluidos el tiempo de conducción y los períodos de descanso, así como en aspectos
                         prácticos que influyen directamente en la calidad de vida de los conductores, como por ejemplo, las ayudas al empleo
                         y los niveles de renta. Tras un análisis global del marco jurídico, del que forma parte la legislación de la UE aplicable a
                         la dimensión social del transporte por carretera, se presentan los resultados de una consulta a las partes interesadas
                         y a conductores.
                 Estudio DE, EN, FR
      Resumen ejecutivo BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV

Labour Market Issues in the EEA : Posted Workers and the Freedom to Provide Services
      Tipo de publicación Análisis en profundidad
                   Fecha  11-02-2009
            Autor externo Nick Parsons (Cardiff University, UK)
          Ámbito político Derecho de la UE: sistema jurídico y actos legislativos | Empleo | Politica social
            Palabra clave dumping social | empresa transnacional | Espacio Económico Europeo | jurisprudencia (UE) | libre prestación de
                          servicios | movilidad de la mano de obra | norma de trabajo | trabajador expatriado
                Resumen Executive summary
                          This report examines the position of posted workers in the EU, paying particular attention to legislation affecting them
                          through EC Treaty provisions, Directives and European Court of Justice (ECJ) case law. It points to conflicting
                          principles within these, notably with respect to the freedom to provide services, equality of treatment and non-
                          discrimination while also addressing the risk of social dumping.
  Análisis en profundidad EN

04-06-2022                                       Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                  4
Social Dumping in the Road Haulage Business by Operators From Third Countries

      Tipo de publicación Análisis en profundidad
                   Fecha  01-04-2001
                    Autor PABST Reinhart
          Ámbito político Empleo | Industria | Transporte
            Palabra clave dumping social | empresa extranjera | país tercero | pequeña y mediana empresa | restricción de la competencia |
                          trabajo clandestino | transporte de mercancías | transporte por carretera
                Resumen The increasing penetration of the European Union by third country road haulage businesses, availing themselves of
                          the great difference in salaries and social charges, led to important distortions of competition jeopardising the
                          existence of small and medium sized enterprises. The activities of third country businesses, some of which are linked
                          to or part of EU-enterprises, are to a considerable extent illegal due to the illegal employment of third country drivers
  Análisis en profundidad DE, EN

04-06-2022                                       Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                  5
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