GLOBALG.A.P. Risk-Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP) GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica - GLOBALG.AP
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GLOBALG.A.P. Risk-Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP) GRASP Module – Interpretation for Costa Rica GRASP Module Version 1.3-1-i June 2020 Valid from: 1 February 2021 Mandatory from: 1 February 2021 English and Spanish Version Developed by: NTWG Costa Rica Updated February 2021
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA EMPLOYEES´ REPRESENTATIVE(S) 1 Is there at least one Documentation is available which De acuerdo al artículo 615 de la Reforma Procesal Laboral Ley employee or an demonstrates that a clearly identified, N.9343, los trabajadores serán representados por líderes employees’ council to named employees’ representative(s) or an sindicales, líderes de comités permanentes o cualquier otra represent the interests employees’ council representing the forma de organización que elijan de conformidad con las of the staff to the interests of the employees to the normas internacionales o nacionales. management through management is elected or in exceptional regular meetings where cases nominated by all employees and For GRASP compliance, in addition to the local law, the farm labor issues are recognised by the management. This shall have a representative or a form of representation when the addressed? person shall be able to communicate farm has more than 1 employee (employee concept is defined complaints to the management. The election in section 9.2 of the GRASP General Rules). or nomination takes place in the ongoing Any producer with minimum of one (1) employee shall have year or production period and is a form of employees’ representation that can be applied to meet communicated to all employees. The the GRASP requirements as indicated in the different control employees´ representative(s) shall be aware points with respect to the employees’ representative (ER). of his/her/their role and rights and be able to The ER or in alternative scenarios, the person (people) discuss complaints and suggestions with the responsible for the system of representation shall be present management. Meetings between during the assessment. employees´ representative(s) and the management occur at accurate frequency. This form or representation could take any form (could be a The dialogue taking place in such meetings person, group of people, several temporally appointed people, is duly documented. etc.) as long as: • It is independent from management • It is decided by the employees • It is communicated to the employees • It is recognized by the employees According to the article 615 of the Labor Code, Law number 9343, the workers will be represented by union leaders, permanent committee leaders or any other form of organization that they choose, according to national or international laws. Articulos 504, 505 codigo de Trabajo COMPLAINT PROCEDURE 2 Is there a complaint and La empresa ó grupo debe desarrollar un procedimiento para la suggestion procedure presentación de reclamos y sugerencias. Según el Código de –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 2 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA available and Trabajo (Artículo 68), la finca debe designar a un responsable implemented in the para recibir y dar seguimiento a los reclamos y sugerencias company through which presentadas. El diseño del mecanismo debe ser acorde al nivel employees can make a de educación de los trabajadores, considerando que pueden complaint or existir casos de personas que no saben leer y escribir. suggestion? The company or group must develop a procedure for the presentation of complaints and suggestions. According to the Labor Code (Article 68), the farm must appoint a person responsible to receive and follow up on the claims and suggestions submitted. The employees’ representative shall inform the auditor about the efficiency of the system and how this is evaluated considered in the meeting with management. In addition, documents shall show the process and how the system is communicated to the workers. If workers have not a good language command, the system shall be available in the language used to instruct the workers. SELF-DECLARATION ON GOOD SOCIAL PRACTICES 3 Has a self-declaration The management and the employees’ Aparte de lo estipulado en el criterio de cumplimiento, la auto- on good social practice representative(s) have signed, displayed declaración debe considerar lo exigido por Código de Trabajo regarding human rights and put in practice a self-declaration (Ley Nº 2, del 23 de agosto de 1943), y sus reformas. Si es been signed by the assuring good social practice and human necesario, se deberá elaborar una estrategia para aquellas management and the rights of all employees. This declaration personas analfabetas, (uso de pictogramas, capacitaciones, employees’ contains at least commitment to the ILO entre otros). representative(s) and core labor conventions (ILO Conventions Esta declaración contiene un compromiso con los Convenios has this been 111 on discrimination,138 and 182 on fundamentales de la OIT (Convenios 111 sobre la communicated to the minimum age and child labor, 29 and 105 on discriminación, 138 y 182 sobre la edad mínima y el trabajo employees? forced labor, 87 and 135 on freedom of infantil, 29 y 105 sobre el trabajo forzoso, 87 y 135 sobre association, 98 on the right to organize and libertad de asociación, 98 sobre el derecho de asociación y collective bargaining, 100 on equal negociación colectiva de la OIT, 100 sobre igualdad de remuneration and 99 on minimum wage) remuneración y 99 sobre el salario mínimo) y los and transparent and non-discriminative procedimientos de contratación transparentes y no hiring procedures and the complaint discriminatorios. –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 3 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA procedure. The self-declaration states that the employees´ representative(s) can file HAY EVIDENCIA DE QUE LA DECLARACION EXISTE Y HA complaints without personal sanctions. The SIDO COMUNICADA A LOS TRABAJADORES Y AL employees have been informed about the REPRESENTANTE DE ESTOS. ESTA DISPONIBLE A self-declaration and it is revised at least NUEVOS TRABAJADORES every 3 years or whenever necessary. Subcontracted labor shall be included in the scope of GRASP and its obligations. Verify if there is any national legislation on data protection that does not allow to share documents or to visit premises of the subcontractor? 0:P11200_COUNTRY_ID:102599 The following core labor conventions were ratified by Costa Rica:. ILO Convention 029; ILO Convention 087 ILO Convention 098; ILO Convention 099 ILO Convention 100; ILO Convention 105; ILO Convention 111; ILO Convention 138; ILO Convention 182; Apart from what is stipulated in the criterion of compliance, the self-declaration must consider what is required by Labor Code (Act No. 2, August 23, 1943), and its amendments. If necessary, a strategy should be developed for those illiterate, (use of pictograms, training, among others). This declaration contains a commitment to the ILO fundamental Conventions (ILO Conventions 111 on Discrimination, 138 and 182 on Minimum Age and Child Labor, 29 and 105 on Forced Labor, 87 on Freedom of Association, 98 on the Right of –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 4 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA Association and collective bargaining, 100 on equal pay and 99 on the minimum wage) and transparent and non-discriminatory recruitment procedures. THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT THIS DECLARATION HAS BEEN COMMUNICATED TO THE WORKERS AND TO THE EMPLOYEES’ REPRESENTATIVE AND IS AVAILABLE TO NEW EMPLOYEES. ACCESS TO NATIONAL LABOR REGULATIONS 4 Does the person The responsible person responsible for the La persona responsable de la implementación de GRASP responsible for workers’ implementation of GRASP (RGSP)workers’ (RGSP) y el representante (s) de los empleados tienen health and safety health and safety and the employees’ conocimiento de o el acceso a las regulaciones nacionales, (WHSGSP) the representative(s) have knowledge andof como los salarios mínimos, horas de trabajo, libertad de implementation of access to national regulations such as gross asociación la lucha contra la discriminación, el trabajo infantil, GRASP (RGSP) and and minimum wages, working hours, trade contratos laborales, vacaciones y licencia por maternidad. the employees’ union membership, anti-discrimination, child Cuando el acceso sea a través de un sitio web, se debe brindar representative(s) (ER) labor, labor contracts, holiday and maternity evidencia del fácil acceso a la computadora e internet durante el have knowledge about leave. Both the RGSP and the employees´ tiempo en que ambos, el responsable de la implementación of and/or access to representative(s) know the essential points GRASP y el representante de los trabajadores están presentes recent national labor of working conditions in agriculture as en el lugar de trabajo. El Ministerio de trabajo tiene un sitio web regulations? formulated in the applicable GRASP donde consultar legislación. National Interpretation Guidelines., medical care and pension/gratuity. In case the employees do not elect an employees’ representative, an alternative system shall be in place to provide for the role of the employees’ representative in this CP. The person in charge for implementing GRASP (RGSP) and the employee representative (s) are aware of or have access to national regulations, such as minimum wages, hours of work, freedom of association, anti-discrimination, Child labor, employment contracts, holidays and maternity leave. When access is granted through a web site, evidence shall be presented of full and easy access to a computer and internet to connect to that site when both, the person responsible for the implementation of GRASP (RGSP) and the worker representative are present at work. The institution Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social have a website which all the people –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 5 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA can check all the new regulation about this new labor code and the interpretation of this institution. The website is WORKING CONTRACTS 5 Can valid copies of For every employee, a contract can be Según el Código de Trabajo (artículo 22) son válidos los working contracts be shown to the assessor on request (on a contratos laborales verbales, para efectos del cumplimiento de shown for the sample basis). Both the employees as well GRASP es necesario presentar un documento que contenga employees? Are the as the employer have signed them. Records toda la información contenida en el criterio de cumplimiento 5 y working contracts contain at least full names, nationality, job que dicha información ha sido previamente conocida por el compliant with description, date of birth, the regular working trabajador. applicable legislation time, wage and the period of employment and/or collective (e.g. permanent, period or day laborer etc.) All employees shall be informed in writing and with bargaining agreements and for non-national employees their legal comprehensible data about their employment conditions and its and do they indicate at status and working permit. The contract compliance with national legal requirements. least full names, a job does not show any contradiction to the self- description, date of declaration on good social practices. According to the article 22 of the Labor Code, verbal labor birth, date of entry, Records of the employees must be contracts are valid for GRASP purposes, it’s necessary to wage and the period of accessible for the last 24 months. present evidence of a document or documents that includes all employment? Have they the information included in the compliance criteria 5 and that been signed by both the such information has been shown to the workers. employee and the employer? Articulo 24 del Código Laboral información de contrato de trabajo 38541 GOB MTSS MAG Regularizacion sector Agricola. Exige copia de permiso de trabajo a los no nacionales. Article 24 of Código Laboral information on labor contract 38541 GOB MTSS MAG Regularizacion sector Agricola. Must have copy of working permit for foreigners PAYSLIPS 6 Is there documented The employer shows adequate El pago del salario se debe documentar a través de una boleta evidence indicating documentation of the salary transfer (e.g. de pago, en caso de realizarse vía depósito bancario, no se regular payment of employee’s signature on pay slip, bank requiere de la firma del trabajador. –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 6 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA salaries corresponding transfer). Employees sign or receive copies to the contract clause? of pay slips / pay register that make the The salary payments must be documented by a pay slip, in case payment transparent and comprehensible of doing the pay by a bank transfer is not necessary the for them. Regular payment of all employees signature of the worker. during the last 24 months is documented. Pay slips shall consider language or education barrier to potential understanding of evidence of payment. Ensure that all the information requested by the local laws is transparent and comprehensible for workers in the documents. Articulo 68 Codigo de Trabajo Article 478 Ley Nº 9343 Reforma Procesal Laboral Artículo 144, planillas y récord de pago CCSS y otros WAGES 7 Do pay slips / pay Wages and overtime payment documented Todo trabajador tiene derecho a devengar un salario mínimo, registers indicate the on the pay slips / pay registers indicate que es establecido por el Ministerio de Trabajo por medio del conformity of payment compliance with legal regulations (minimum Consejo Nacional de Salarios (Artículo 177 del Código de with at least legal wages) and/or collective bargaining Trabajo). La administración de la finca o grupo, debe mostrar regulations and/or agreements as specified in the GRASP evidencia de que los trabajadores son informados sobre el collective bargaining National Interpretation Guideline. If payment salario mínimo definido legalmente y/o por negociación agreements? is calculated per unit, employees shall be colectiva, de acuerdo con las labores realizadas. Para labores able to gain at least the legal minimum wage que se realizan por destajo (por pieza o por área), la (on average) within regular working hours. remuneración no podrá ser inferior a la suma que el trabajador hubiera devengado laborando normalmente durante el tiempo equivalente a las horas laboradas y de acuerdo con los salarios mínimos de ley (Artículo 6 del Decreto de Salarios Mínimos). Every worker has the right to earn a minimum wage, which is established by the Ministry of Labor through the National Wages Council (Article 177 of the Labor Code). The administration of the farm or group must show evidence that workers are informed of the minimum wage legally defined and / or by collective bargaining, according to the work performed. For work done by piece (per piece or area), the remuneration may not be less than the amount that the worker would have accrued working normally during the time equivalent to the hours worked –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 7 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA and in accordance with the minimum wages of law (Article 6 of the Minimum Wage Decree). Articulo 144. Código de Trabajo Planillas y pagos a seguridad social Articulo 177 Código de Trabaio NON-EMPLOYMENT OF MINORS 8 Do records indicate that Records indicate compliance with national En Costa Rica es prohibida la contratación directa o indirecta de no minors are employed legislation regarding minimum age of menores de 15 años de edad (según la Ley 7739 del 6 de at the company farm? employment. If not covered by national febrero de 1998 en su Artículo 92). Para las empresas en donde se contrate personas entre 15 y legislation, children below the age of 15 are menor de 18 años, además del permiso de sus padres, debe not employed. If children -as core family regirse por lo que establece el Código de la Niñez y la members- are working at the company, they Adolescencia en su capítulo sétimo (Régimen especial de are not engaged in work that is dangerous protección al trabajador adolescente, Artículo 78) en donde se to their health and safety, jeopardizes their reconoce el derecho de las personas adolescentes mayores de 15 años a trabajar con las restricciones impuestas por las leyes development or prevents them from finishing y otras pertinentes: their compulsory school education. • Horarios de trabajo (máximo 6 horas diarias y 36 semanales garantizando el pago de las 8 horas diarias (artículo 95 del Código de la Niñez y la Adolescencia). • Restricción de trabajo nocturno (de las 7pm horas a las 7 am del día siguiente), (artículo 95 del Código de la Niñez y la Adolescencia). • Se permite trabajo en horarios mixtos (no podrá sobrepasar las 10 pm). • Tipo de labores (no se permiten labores insalubres, pesadas o peligrosas, trabajar con maquinaría peligrosa, labores relacionadas sustancias contaminantes) artículo 94 del Código de la Niñez y la Adolescencia). Adicionalmente, el Código de la Niñez y la Adolescencia (Artículo 98), establece que la administración de la explotación debe llevar un registro de los trabajadores adolescentes que contemple: a) La edad del adolescente b) El nombre y apellidos y los de sus padres o encargados, si los tuvieren c) Número de Tarjeta de identificación –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 8 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA d) La residencia e) La clase de trabajo a que se dedican f) La especificación del número de horas que trabajan g) El salario que perciben h) La constancia de que haya completado la educación general básica o bien el nivel que cursa y el nombre del centro educativo. i) Número de póliza de riesgos del trabajo y número de asegurado Children or young workers of company management shall be included in the GRASP assessment. For GRASP compliance, no young worker (between 15 and 18) shall work in any activity that is dangerous to their health and safety, jeopardizes their development or prevents them from finishing their compulsory school education. In Costa Rica, direct or indirect recruitment of children under 15 years of age (according to Law 7739 of February 6, 1998, Article 92) is prohibited. For companies where people between 15 and under 18 are employed, with the permission of their parents, this is necessary, it should be governed by what is established in the seventh chapter of the Children and Adolescents Code (Special Regime for the Protection of Adolescent Workers, Article 78), which recognizes the Right of adolescents older than 15 years to work with the restrictions imposed by laws and other pertinent ones: • Working hours (maximum 6 hours a day and 36 hours a week guaranteeing payment of 8 hours a day (article 95 of the Childhood and Adolescence Code). • Night work restriction (from 7pm to 7am the following day), (Article 95 of the Childhood and Adolescence Code). • Work is allowed in mixed schedules (cannot exceed 10 pm). • Type of work (not working unhealthy, heavy or dangerous, work with hazardous machinery, work related pollutants) article 94 of the Children and Adolescents Code). In addition, the –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 9 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA Childhood and Adolescence Code (Article 98) establishes that the administration of the farm must keep a register of adolescent workers that includes: A) The age of the adolescent B) The name and surnames and those of their parents or guardians, if they have them C) Identification Card Number D) The residence E) The type of work they are engaged in F) The specification of the number of working hours G) The salary they receive H) The proof of completion of basic general education or the level and the name of the school. I) Work risk policy number and insured number ACCESS TO COMPULSORY SCHOOL EDUCATION 9 Do the children of There is documented evidence that children Como requisito de GRASP, el patrono presenta evidencia de employees living on the of employees at compulsory schooling age que lleva un control de los familias con menores viviendo en su company´s production/ (according to national legislation) living on propiedad o de la empresa y la cantidad de menores, en edad handling sites have the company´s production/ handling escolar, que asisten efectivamente a la escuela. Si encuentra access to compulsory sitesfarm have access to compulsory school niños que no asisten a la esucela, debe al menos comunicar a school education? education, either through provided transport sus empleados de la necessdad que asistan. to a public school or through on-site schooling. En Costa Rica la educación primaria y secundaria es obligatoria por ley, el patrono no puede obligar a sus empleados a enviar a sus hijos a la escuela. No existe obligación legal del patrono a proveer transporte, la educación es obligatoria y gratuita. It is a GRASP requirement, that when there are minors living in the farm premises, the administration shall: 1) Keep a list with the location, name, age, parents’ information of the minors 2) Provide evidence that the families have been notified of the necessity that their children go to school. In Costa Rica, primary and secondary education is compulsory –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 10 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA by law, but the employer cannot force its employees to send their children to school. There is no legal obligation of the employer to provide transportation, education is compulsory and free. TIME RECORDING SYSTEM 10 Is there a time recording There is a time recording system Records are regularly revised by the employees and system that shows implemented appropriate to the size of the accessible for the employees´ representative(s) working time and company that makes working hours and Farm management shall look for an alternative means overtime on a daily overtime transparent for both employees of employees’ representation to avoid non-compliance in those basis for the and employer on a daily basis. Working CPCCs. The alternative means shall keep the objectivity, be employees? times of the employees during the last 24 decided, appointed or elected by the workers and keep the months are documented. Records are separation from the management. regularly approved by the employees and accessible for the employees´ If a daily time recording system is not implemented (e.g. fixed representative(s). contracts, fixed working hours, fixed monthly salary), alternative way(s) of recording working hours shall be available. Evidence and explanation shall be provided. Article 139 states the need to determine ordinary and overtime hours. There is an obligation to have a system that clearly record this to comply with article 139. It is in the best interest of the employer to have one system. Article 478 Ley Nº 9343 Reforma Procesal Laboral reafirms the need Limits to ordinary hours artículos 135, 126 y 138 CT. WORKING HOURS AND BREAKS 11 Do working hours and Documented working hours, breaks and rest Como requisito GRASP, una semana de trabajo regular no breaks documented in days are in line with applicant legislation puede exceder las 48 horas. Durante el tiempo de cosecha, no the time records comply and/or collective bargaining agreements. If puede sobrepasar hasta las 60 horas máximas, incluyendo with applicant legislation not regulated more strictly by legislation, horas extras. and/or collective records indicate that regular weekly working bargaining agreements? hours do not exceed a maximum of 48 For GRASP compliance, even when permitted by the law, the –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 11 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA hours, during peak season (harvest), weekly total number of hours, including overtime and ordinary, SHALL working time does not exceed a maximum NOT exceed 60 hours per week in any week of the year. of 60 hours. Rest breaks/days are also This shall be checked by auditor. guaranteed during peak season. Article 139 states the need to determine ordinary and overtime hours. There is an obligation to have a system that clearly record this to comply with article 139. It is in the best interest of the employer to have one system. Article 478 Ley Nº 9343 Reforma Procesal Laboral límites de la jornada ordinaria de los artículos 135, 126 y 138 CT. ONLY APPLICABLE FOR PRODUCER GROUPS INTEGRATION INTO QMS QMS Does the assessment of The assessment of the Quality Management This control point normally has no Interpretation, as it connects the Quality System of the producer group demonstrates the GRASP requirements to the GLOBALG.A.P. Option 2 Management System that GRASP is correctly implemented and groups. (QMS) of the producer internally assessed. Non-compliances are group show evidence of identified and that corrective actions are the correct taken to enable compliance of all implementation of participating producer group members. GRASP for all participating producer group members? ADDITIONAL SOCIAL BENEFITS - Recommendation for Good Practice R1 What other forms of La mayoría de acuerdos colectivos o arreglos directos contienen social benefit does the una serie de beneficios para los trabajadores que van mucho company offer to más allá de lo determinado por ley. employees, their families and/or the Most of the collective agreements include benefits on education, community? Christmas parties, scholarships, sport implements that could be Please specify included here. incentives for good and safe working –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 12 / 13 ––
Control Point Compliance Criteria Interpretation for COSTA RICA performance, bonus payment, support of professional development, social benefits, child care, improvement of social surroundings etc.). –– GRASP Module - Interpretation for Costa Rica 13 / 13 ––
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