27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ...

Page created by Hugh Shaw
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
October 3, 2021
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 2                       From the Pastors Desk + October 3, 2021

Dear Faith Family of Our Lady of Grace,
Praised be Jesus Christ…now and forever!
This weekend I leave you all with a brief message from our Religious Educa on Director, Jesse Rodriguez.
I wish you all a blessed week! In Jesus and Mary,

 -Fr. Marinello Saguin

We want to say a big thank you to all the young adults that joined us for our first in person
meeting in over a year and a half! Over 50 young adults were present for a night of worship
and fellowship. It shows that the young church is Alive. It was powerful to hear and see them
in prayer with our lord in the Blessed Sacrament. This is just a start for a revival for our
young adult ministry here our parish. Please pray for us as we plan and execute new meet-
ings for our young adult ministry. Please feel free to join us for the next meeting in Novem-
ber! Any questions please contact Jesse Rodriguez 213-948-1597.

-Jesse Rodríguez
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 3                           Mensaje del Párroco + 3 de octubre, 2021

Querida Familia de Fe,
Alabado sea Jesucristo... ¡ahora y para siempre!
Este fin de semana los dejo con un mensaje de nuestro Director de Educación Religiosa, Jesse Rodriguez.
¡Les deseo una semana de bendiciones!

En Jesús y María
-Padre Marinello Saguin

¡Queremos dar las gracias a todos los jóvenes adultos que nos acompañaron en nuestra pri-
mera reunión en persona en más de un año y medio! Más de 50 jóvenes adultos estuvieron
presentes para una noche de adoración y compañerismo. ¡Esto nos muestra que la iglesia
joven está viva! Fue poderoso escucharlos y verlos en oración con nuestro Señor en el Santí-
simo Sacramento. Esto es solo el comienzo de un avivamiento entre nuestro ministerio juve-
nil aquí en nuestra parroquia. Ore por nosotros mientras planificamos y ejecutamos nuevas
reuniones para nuestro ministerio de jóvenes adultos. ¡No dude en unirse a nosotros para la
próxima reunión en noviembre! Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Jesse Rodríguez

-Jesse Rodríguez
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 4                       26th Sunday in Ordinary Time † OCTOBER 26, 2021


             Finding a Better, More Meaningful Life
        “If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we
                  would literally astound ourselves.”
                          —Thomas Edison, inventor
                WEDNESDAY NIGHT
              October 6 — 7:00-8:00 p.m.
The focus of these discussion meetings is on discovering use-
ful, valuable insights in everyday life that seem to float past the
observations of most people. Participate in our next meeting.
The topic is Talent—Do you have talents you don’t use in your
everyday life and faith?—There are benefits to be received by
using them. Fulfillment is one of them!
and find further info on The Fireside Fellowship by visiting:

     Contact us there or you can call us at (818) 366-7263
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 5   27th Sunday in Ordinary Time † OCTOBER 3, 2021

                  Upcoming Events

                                          Learn Natural Family Planning

                                   Discover a safe, healthy and effective way to plan your
                                     family. Encouraged by the Church, Natural Family
                                   Planning is based on modern scientific research and can
                                     help married couples to avoid, postpone or achieve
                                  pregnancy. It can be used by all women throughout their
                                     fertile years, regardless of cycle regularity. Among
                                    couples who use NFP, many find that it brings a new
                                   dimension to their relationship, making an already good
                                                    marriage even better.

                                       For more information call (818) 994-2110 or to
                                           register for a class go to www.ccli.org.

                                  Special note: Classes may be free through December 2023
                                  if you meet the requirements. To obtain more information
                                  regarding an Archdiocesan grant that will cover the cost
                                         of the class, please call the number above.
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 6                                          26th Sunday in Ordinary Time † OCTOBER 3, 2021

                                           PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR BELOVED SICK
 If you know someone who is homebound or sick please call the parish office to arrange for one of our ministers to come out to them for Holy Communion

Veronica Pomposa                           Paula Aguilar                                           Grace Cihanowyz                    Chrystal Pritchard              Sylvia Williams
Pablo Godinez                              Ed Ricard                                               Renee Harbour                      Raymond Fabre                   Fr. Jarlath Cunnane
Claire Mansour                             Gary Thomas                                             Ma. Josefa Lopez                   Brianna Mantallana              James Pryer
Mercedes Echegoyen                         Patricia Branagan                                       Angela Rostani                     Jolli Sisante                   Sylvia Williams
Jeff Kinzli                                 Phyllis Richardson                                      Stephanie Rivas                    Liz Knight                      Josefina Villalobos
Aidan Bradley                              Harolyn Ma soff                                          Angela Berry                       Karlo Cuesta                    Terry Hughes
Dawn Hopkins                               Pat Borland                                             Tony Mammo                         Samantha Ramirez                Leo Quintanilla
Imelda Clark                               Rita Gen le                                             Tonya Fuentes                      Corzo Family                    Clara Mercedes Aguilar
Phillip Ribas                              Julie Sianzon                                           Fuentes Family                     Stephen B. Salagubang           Jason Garcia
Jose & Helen (YB)                          Yolanda Aburto                                          Mejia Family                       Rubén Salagubang
Allison Arahkn                             Nelson Aburto                                           Fr. Tom Feltz                      Jeannie Arigei
Franklin Moya                              Karo Dylanian                                           Jasmin Reyes                       William Hardy
Mariano Velazquez                          Shereen Peer                                            Jose Reyes Jr.                     Tim Grimm
Susan Morales                              Michael Peer                                            Anne Nicholson                     Hermina Ulloa

                                                   THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY
                                                                 PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR MILITARY MEN & WOMEN

 U.S. Navy                                  U.S. Air Force                                         Christopher Castillo             Brian Pomerantz                 Anthony Diaz
 Andres L. Aguilera                         Fernando Aguilera                                      Andrew Barragan                  Corey Raby                     U.S. Coast Guard
 Jamila Habibullah                          Marco Flores                                           Monica Pagan                     Vincent Sanwo                  David Scates
 Jake Schneider                             Jorje Godina                                           Isaac Pezqueda                   Ron Clemente                   (LAFD) Brian Page
 Emily Pomposo                              Steve Hyath                                            George Moreno Jr.                Anthony Villwock
 Jordan Arteaga                             U.S. Marine Corps                                      U.S. Army                        George Moreno
 Jeffrey Quintero                            Manuel Arteaga                                         Nicholas Lombard                 Phillip Ribas
                                            David Arnold                                           Heather Pomerantz                Marc A. Monreal

                                                       Mass Intentions for this week
      Sat, 10/2                                       Sun, 10/3                                    Mon. 10/4     Tue. 10/5   Wed. 10/6           Thurs. 10/7     Fri. 10/8            Sat. 10/9
       @ 5pm
Benigno Alcantara (D)   8am     Celine Ernest (L); Nirusha Ernest (L): Sheran Cesar Yahuaca (D)                              Maurice Cronin Gina Simoes (L)    Fred Samaha (D)   Natali Elisa Meza de
Ronald de Leon (D)              Ernest (L); Rose C. Castaneda (L), Martha                                                    (D)                                                 Oliveira (D)
                                Mercado and family (L)

                        9:30    Richard Provenza (D), Corazon Gonzalez
                                (D); Claudia & Shawn Jajja (L); Roberta
                                Fernandez (D)

                        11am    Misa Pro-Populo
                                Rev. Father Anthony Ekwunife (D); Josephat Ekwunife (D); Ngozi
                        12:30   Odaba (D); Virgina Nwankwo (D); Lucy Atuanya (D); William
                                Flatherty (D); Mike and Ursula Sauthier (L); Conchita Rangel (D)

           ***Please call or come to the parish of ice 10 days in advance to ensure your "Mass Intention" request is fully processed***


        Facebook @OurLadyOfGraceEncino                                                                                 Flocknotes: Text OLGRACE to 84576
        Instagram @olgencino                                                                                           Youtube @OurLadyofGraceEncino
For Faith Direct dona ons please go to h ps://membership.faithdirect.net/CA771 or text an
                            amount to the number listed below.
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
PAGE 7                           26th Sunday in Ordinary Time † OCTOBER 3, 2021

    Mass Schedule                           Mass Readings                  PARISH STAFF
   Horario de Misas                          Santas Lecturas
                                                                      Fr. Marinello Saguin,
                            27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
    Saturday / Sabado:                                                Parish Pastor
                            First Reading:
    5:00 pm (Vigil Mass)    Gn 2:18-24
    Sunday / Domingo:       Responsorial Psalm:                       Fr. Gerald Osuagwu
      8:00am, 9:30am,       Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6                     Associate Pastor
11:00 am (Spanish), 12:30pm Second Reading:
                            Heb 2:9-11                                Glen Heffernan,
Weekdays / Misa Matutina
     8:00 am (Mon—Sat)                                                Deacon
                            Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12
 First Friday of the Month                                            dnglen@ourladyofgrace.org
           6:30pm           Monday, October 4, 2021
                                        First: Jon 1:1–2:1-2, 11      Karla Gomez
Eucharistic Adoration /
                        Psalm: Jonah 2:3, 4, 5, 8                     Receptionist
Adoracion Eucaristica Gospel: Lk 10:25-37
    Mon-Fri: 8:30am—6pm
      Parish Center    Tuesday, October 5, 2021                       Kevin Schaffels,
     Adoration Chapel  First: Jon 3:1-10                              Admin. & Ministerial Operations
                       Psalm: 130:1b-2, 3-4ab, 7-8                    kschaffels@la-archdiocese.org
Sacrament of Penance / Gospel: Lk 10:38-42
        Confesiones                                                   Leslie Reyes,
                                        Wednesday, October 6, 2021
         (in the church )                                             Secretary / bulletin editor
                            First: Jon 4:1-11
  (Christmas & Lent times may change)
                            Psalm: 86:3-4, 5-6, 9-10                  administrator@ourladyofgrace.org
  Friday: 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 10:00am Gospel: Lk 11:1-4
                                                                      Jeannie Rogers,
 Contact the Parish Center for:         Thursday, October 7, 2021
                                                                      Director of Music
 Baptism  Marriages  Visits to        First: Mal 3:13-20b
the Sick / Anointing of the Sick                                     liturgy@ourladyofgrace.org
                                        Psalm: 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6
Religious Education  Funerals         Gospel: Lk 11:5-13
 New Parishioner Registrations                                        Anisha Virgen,
                                        Friday, October 8, 2021       Outreach & Social Justice
  Parish Office Hours /                 First: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2      Anisha.Virgen@la-archdiocese.org
   Horario de Oficina                   Psalm: 9:2-3, 6 and 16, 8-9
                                        Gospel: Lk 11:15-26
                                                                      Jesse Rodriguez,
  Monday - Friday 9:00 am to
           6:00 pm                      Saturday, October 9, 2021     Religious Education
     (Closed for lunch:                 First: Jl 4:12-21             dre@ourladyofgrace.org
      12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)               Psalm: 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12
                                        Gospel: Lk 11:27-28
                                                                      Thomas Ambriz,
   Saturdays & Sundays:
                                                                      School Principal
                                                                      (818) 344-4126
     Sabado y Domingo:                                                principal@ourladyofgrace.co
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ... 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ... 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 3, 2021 - Our Lady of ...
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