21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School

Page created by Peggy Barnes
21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School
21st June , 2021
Term 2
Wednesday 23rd June           3 way interviews (students only attend for

Friday 25th June              9am-1pm Jets Gym

Term 3
Monday 12th July              Term 3 starts
Friday 16th July              School Athletics day (rescheduled)
Monday 19 July                Student Free day (Math Focus)
Tuesday 20th July             Prep – 3 school glasses program
Monday 2       August         Student Free day (Writing Focus - Ballarat)
Monday 23rd- Wednesday        Grades 5&6 Camp Melbourne

Friday 10th September         11am-3pm Jest Gym
Friday 17 September           9am-1pm Jets Gym

 Term 2 - April 19th – June 25th
 Term 3 - July 12th – September 17th
 Term 4 - October 4th – December 17th
 Wednesday June 23rd – 3 way Interviews
 All students are expected to participate in a 3 way interview with
 their teacher and parent/carer. Please contact your class teacher if
 you don’t know your interview time.
21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School
Mid year reports were sent home on Friday. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have not received it. Al-
ternate family contacts may get a copy of their child’s report either by email or paper by contacting the office
or your child’s teacher.
Due to our end of term early finish our first group will leave for gym at 9.10am. Please make sure your children
arrive on time as the equipment set up changes for each group, and group sizes are limited.

Keeping Warm
Students can wear ‘non-school’ coats, jackets, beanies, scarves etc to and from school. However, they are not
permitted to be worn during school hours. Only navy clothes are permitted.

Grade 5/6 Camp – Melbourne
Notes will go home this week for Grade 5/6 Camp in Melbourne. Students will travel by train. Activities have
been planned to try and minimise changes however will be modified if required to meet restrictions and guide-
lines at the time.
End of Term 2
End of term 2 is Friday 25th June. The school will be attending gym this day at earlier times 9.30-12.30. Teams
will do their own assembly before the early finish of 1.30pm.
We wish all families a safe, relaxing holiday. Winter holidays can be tricky when it rains but when the sun
shines it is wonderful to get out and go to the playground or play in the autumn leaves.
Prep Enrolments 2022 & Year 6/7 transition
We are now allowed to do school tours and grade 6/7 transition activities. Please promote the school and en-
courage new families to see our wonderful school and programs and meet our caring, friendly staff. I always
feel so proud as I show families around, the genuine smiles, waves and warm
welcomes from our staff.
What we do know is: Positive comments by families of students attending the school are always the best rec-
ommendation. Thank you to all families that speak highly of Eaglehawk Primary School. Our staff are dedicat-
ed, passionate staff who always have your children at the centre of everything they do. If you have anything
you want followed up, please email your teacher or phone the school.
Maths Madness Afternoon Monday 21st June
Unfortunately restrictions have prevented this event from running today. We look forward to welcoming com-
munity members back on site to host our Maths Madness afternoon. Date to be advised for Term 3.f
                 Partners in Print 2
                 A number of parents were unable to attend the first Partners in Print meetings in Term 1 and
                 have expressed an interest in being involved in listening to students read in
                 classrooms. Please note we will run these sessions in Term 3, pending restrictions. Dates to be

Eaglehawk Primary Athletics Sports            Friday 16th June, Term 3
Please note the new date.
21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School
100% attendance for term 2! CONGRATULATIONS to these students for their commitment to
learning. They have not missed a day for the whole term, that is an amazing effort. Well done!
Prep: Hudson R, Annabelle M, Eli F, Holly W.
Grade 2/1 A: Riley H, Sophia B, Brianna F.
Grade   1/2 B: Lily F, Aulia H, Noah T.
Grade   3 M: Evan McH, Takara W, Katie F, Shel Ro Paw, Alexander R, Arabella T, Lilly T.
Grade   5/6 A: Bethany T, Ell a Rose Mc.
Grade   5/6 B: Jacob A, Charlotte H, Evan T, Madison H, Kayleigh M, Alex W.

From the classroom
Prep: We have had a fantastic term 2 in prep! I would like to thank all our wonderful
parents/special people for your support this term! We are looking forward to an even
better term 3! Have a safe and happy holidays!

In the art room.
Over the past two weeks Grade prep had fun making a 3D paper strip adventure
play ground as well as painting a picture of peacock features. In creating these
works students explored form, space and colour. Students will finish their pea-
cocks off with some textural decoration.
The grade 1/2 have been working on some 3D fish and we will continue to work
on the paper towel fish creations this week which will be made into mobile deco-
Grade 3/4 students have changed pace from our street scape to having fun
painting textural owl paintings. Students used a fork to apply the paint, resulting
in great texture for the feathers.
Grade 5/6 had good success in completing tissue paper textural paintings and are
moving onto scratch art pieces. Well done to all students this semester, you have
created many wonderful artworks.

Grade Prep
After revising the Chinese numbers 1-10, the
students are learning how to say their age in Chinese.
Grade One and Two
The students have been learning how to de-
scribe the number of the animals and their
colours in Chinese.
Grade Three and Four
In this week cultural lesson, the students
have been learning the story of the Dragon
Festival and some interesting facts about
this festival. They started to
colour in a dragon boat craft.

Grade Five and Six
Students have been learning the Ancient
Chinese Architecture. Some of them started to make their 3D bedrooms in class.
21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School
Reading Awards:
Shelby C- 50 nights
Shel Ro Paw H - 50 and 75 nights
Katie F - 75 nights

Evan Mc- 125 nights
Shyla W- 125 nights
Ethan Mc - 125 nights
Sienna W - 125 nights

                                                Student of the Week
       Class                                         Student of the Week                                      Attendance

 Prep Tayla           Holly W- For her great work learning about and creating different shapes this        Jarryd F
                      term! Amazing work Holly!
 Grade 1/2 Jess       Callun for settling well into Eaglehawk Primary School following our school val-     Logan R
                      ues. Keep it up

 Grade 1/2 Sophie Izaak D - for finding lots of ways to make two collections equal using tens              Temperance C
                  frames in Maths.
 Grade 3 Monique      Learning Award: Takara W for showing determination and achieving her reading         Izabella K
                      goal. Takara can now read the top fifty-one most used words.

                      Community Award: Shyla W for representing our school well, by wearing full
                      school uniform and upholding the school values when we attended Jett’s Gym.
 Grade 3/4 Ellie      Sienna - Learning award for her incredibly hard work writing about tropical          Tyler Muscat
                      rainforests and how animals adapt in response to their environment.
                      Congratulations, Sienna!
 Grade 5/6 Donna      Learning—Bethany T—She has shown determination in maths and showing great Harmony W
 Grade 5/6 Nick       Moanarose M -For working independently on her Biome poster and creating an           Madi H
                      amazing display.

 Art—Kate             Lara Beaton is a friendly student who always tries her best in art. She listens to
                      instruction and makes the most of her class time.
21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School
21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School
21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School
Jetts Gym
Students have been having a fantastic time at gym.
21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School 21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School 21st June , 2021 - Eaglehawk Primary School
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