2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need

Page created by Kyle Allen
2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need
Bringing local bounty to people in need

~2022 Volunteer Orientation~
2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need
●   Land Acknowledgement
●   Organizational Updates & 2022 Staff
●   Our Challenges: Hunger & Food Waste in RI
●   Hope’s Harvest’s Mission & Strategy
●   Volunteer Registration Process
●   Navigating COVID in 2022
2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need
Land Acknowledgement

2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need
Organizational updates
2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need
Meet the 2022 Season staff!

           Eva                Shannon
                              Shannon    Ally


        DeeAnn                 jessy     TASHA
2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need
Our Challenges: Hunger in RI

Rhode Island Community Food Bank Hunger in RI 2021 Status Report.
Published November, 2021.
2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need
Our Challenges: Food Insecurity & Racism

Rhode Island Community Food Bank Hunger in RI 2021 Status Report.
Published November, 2021.
2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need
Our Challenges: Food Waste on Farms

                           Reasons for “Farm Surplus”
                                  ▪   Overproduction – “bumper crops”
                                  ▪   “Ugly” food, too big/small
                                  ▪   Experimental crops
                                  ▪   Good/bad weather (timing)
                                  ▪   Labor shortages/tight margins
                                  ▪   25% extra grown to account for variables

                  Healthy, fresh, locally grown surplus food often feeds animals,
                              or gets composted/tilled into the fields.
2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need
Hope’s Harvest Mission

 To improve the livelihoods of local farmers, increase food security for RI’s most
   vulnerable residents, and get everyone engaged in strengthening the food
           system by eliminating on-farm food waste in Rhode Island.
2022 Volunteer Orientation - Bringing local bounty to people in need
Hope’s Harvest Strategy

           volunteers     Rescue surplus
                             food from      Deliver it to
            from the                         those who
           community       local farmers’
                            fields and…      need it most
Hope’s Harvest Program Expansion

                      Hope’s Harvest at Farm Fresh RI

                                                                    Senior Farmers
              Surplus                              Farm to Pantry   Market Nutrition
 Gleaning                       Contracting
             Purchasing                                (LFPA)          Program

                          Hunger Relief Agencies
Support & Funding
Accomplishments to Date

    Recruited +700 volunteers,     ~630,000 lbs of fresh, healthy,    48 farms across Rhode Island
    350+ of whom spent 4900         local fruits and vegetables          and Southeastern MA,
         hours rescuing…                       from…                             and…

         Distributed to 48 hunger relief agencies, serving over 35,000 individuals per month…
Hope’s Harvest Farm Partners:
Appleland Orchard, Greenville     Indian Rock Orchard, Scituate
Arcadian Fields, Hope Valley      Little River Farm, Exeter
Barden Family Orchard, Scituate   Martin House Farm, Seekonk MA
Big Train Farm, Scituate          Martinez Farm, Providence
Casey Farm, North Kingstown       Movement Ground Farm, Tiverton
Charlotte’s Farm, Exeter          Open Farms Retreat, Cumberland
Dead Beet Farm, Smithfield         Osamequin Farm, Seekonk, MA
Decastro’s Farm, Portsmouth       Pippin Orchard, Johnston
Earth Care Farm, Charlestown      Revive the Roots, Smithfield
Farm Fresh RI, Providence         Shewatuck Farm, Exeter
Ferolbink Farm, Tiverton          Sodco Farm, Exeter
Four Town Farm, Seekonk MA        Southside Community Land Trust
Freedom Food Farm, Raynham, MA Steere Orchard, Greenville
Garman Farm, Newport              Wishing Stone Farm, Little Compton
Hocus Pocus Farm, Seekonk, MA
Hope’s Harvest Hunger Relief Partners:
Community Action Partnership of Providence
The Elisha Project
East Bay Food Pantry
Federal Hill House
Good Neighbors
Hasbro Children’s Hospital
Jonnycake Peacedale
Jonnycake Westerly
Martin Luther King Center
Mutual Aid
Olneyville Food Center
St John’s Food Pantry
URI Grad Student Village
We Share Hope
Hope’s Harvest Hunger Relief Partners:
                                   Additional pantries that Hope’s Harvest can serve in
                                                     2022 via Market Mobile platform:
                                                                  Emanuel Lutheran Church
                                                              North Kingstown Food Pantry
                                                                               Ephese SDA
                                                           St. Raymond SVDP Food Pantry
                                                                   Northern RI Food Pantry
                                                                Westbay CAP Marketplace
                                              Central Falls Food Pantry at Progreso Latino
                                 Casa De Oracion Jesus Christ Fountain of Life Food Pantry
                                                                    *Haitian Baptist Church
                                                    *St. Peter & St. Andrew's Food Pantry
                                                    *Coventry Friends of Human Services
                                                           *Comprehensive CAP Cranston
                                                             *West End Community Center
                                                                 *Better Lives Rhode Island
Hope’s Harvest Volunteers: You Make It Happen!
Gleaner Benefits

 ●   Fresh air and being in
     nature and on farms
 ●   Physical activity
 ●   Meeting other volunteers
 ●   Learning about
Process for Volunteer Gleaners
The video, quiz, and registration forms are available on our Volunteer Page on our NEW website located on the
Farm Fresh Rhode Island site: www.farmfreshri.org/programs/hopes-harvest/volunteers/
 1.   Watch the volunteer orientation video
 2.   Take the Post-Orientation Quiz
 3.   Read and agree to media, liability, volunteer agreement, AND COVID-19 waivers
 4.   Complete the registration form at the bottom of the Volunteer Page. You will be automatically signed up to
      receive weekly email notifications of upcoming trips.
Signing up for trips:
 1. Select which event to sign up for in the weekly email.
 2. You will be redirected to the Eventbrite event, and will complete media, liability, AND COVID-19 Volunteer
      Agreement and the regular Volunteer Agreement (every time)
 3. Receive information about farm location in trip confirmation
 4. Get your hands dirty and harvest the bounty!
       a. Join HHRI and other volunteers on a farm for 1-3 hours
       b. HHRI staff provide safety and harvest training (10 mins before the start of each trip)
Step 1: Watch Orientation Video

           Congratulations! You’re almost done with Step 1!
Step 2: Pass Post-orientation Video

          Must score a 75% or higher to be approved for trips
Step 3: Read Agreements & Waivers on website
Step 4: Complete Registration Form on website

                                  Be sure to scroll all the way
                                 down in the form to check the
                                  boxes and submit the form
Signing Up for Gleaning Trips
Once you are all registered, you will be notified of upcoming gleaning trips the week prior via email!

 1.   Select which event to sign up for in the weekly
 2.   You will be redirected to the Eventbrite event, and
      will complete media, liability, AND COVID-19
      waivers (every time)
 3.   Receive information about farm location in trip
 4.   Get your hands dirty and harvest the bounty!!
       a. Join HHRI and other volunteers on a farm for
             1-3 hours
       b. HHRI staff provide safety and harvest training
             (10 mins before the start of each trip)
Step 1: Select Trip in weekly newsletter
Step 2: Select Trip in weekly newsletter
Step 3: Check Confirmation Email
Step 4: Glean with Us!
    ●   Follow the instructions in the
        follow up email and arrive at
        the farm location at the
        designated start time

    ●   Join HH and other volunteers
        on a farm for 1-3 hours

    ●   Includes 10 minute safety and
        harvest training led by HH staff

    ●   Handwashing stations available

    ●   Please wear a bright orange
        bandana for our farmers
        benefit! (HH can provide)
Navigating covid-19 in 2022
                     ●    Have mask (surgical, KN95, N95) on person at all times
                     ●    Adhere to screening requirements:
                           ○   Closely monitor symptoms -
                                 ■ Do not attend if exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 (sore
                                     throat, running nose, cough, difficulty breathing, loss of
                                     taste/smell, or fever) in past 10 days
                           ○ Closely monitor exposures -
                                 ■ Do not attend if been in close contact with an individual
                                     exhibiting symptoms or who tested positive in past 10
                                     days (unless fully vaccinated and remain masked)
                      ●   Mask wearing required when:
                           ○ Partaking in any indoor activities (regardless of vaccination
                           ○ Not fully vaccinated or choose not to disclose status
                           ○ Have been in close contact with a person exhibiting symptoms
                               of or who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the 10
                               previous days, despite vaccination status
Gleaners: COVID Protocol
Prior to the trip:
  ●    Watch Volunteer Orientation Video, complete the Post-Orientation
       Quiz, agree to the COVID-19 Volunteer Agreement
  ●    Pre-screen during trip sign ups (symptoms, exposures, etc.)

Bring to the trip:
  ●    Surgical face mask (surgical, KN95, or N95)
  ●    Water bottle/personal supplies (gloves, hand sanitizer, sunscreen,

On site procedures for volunteers:
 ●     Day-of symptom screening (travel, symptoms, etc.)
 ●     Safety procedures review at beginning of each trip
 ●     Hand-washing required and station provided
 ●     Social distancing of 3ft in field & loading the truck (staff will
       manage and monitor)
 ●     No volunteers in HH vehicles (or other gleaners’ vehicles)
 ●     No sharing equipment
 ●     Packing and bunching will be done in the field, NOT in the truck
 ●     Volunteers may be asked to leave if they are not following proper
       safety protocol
     Follow us on social media:
      Facebook: hopesharvest
    Instagram: @hopesharvestri

 Questions, comments, or feedback,
email hopesharvest@farmfreshri.org
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