Page created by Bonnie Ingram

                                      NATIONAL PARK
                                        Gaspesie National Park, in the centre of the Gaspé Peninsula, is a vast sea of
                                      mountains and a paradise for hiking enthusiasts. Because of the varied climates
                                        and morphology of the region, Gaspesie National Park hosts a tremendous
                                       diversity of wildlife that is unique to Québec, including the mountain caribou.
                                      The park contains more than 25 peaks that rise above 1,000 metres, several of
                                     which are the highest peaks in Quebec. The spectacular scenery of the Chic-Chocs
                                     makes this mountain chain a preferred destination for lovers of the great outdoors.
© Tourisme Québec, Claude Bouchard

                                                                                                             L AC- AUX- A M É RIC A IN S IN
                                                                                                             G A S PÉ SIE N ATIO N A L PA R K
WHAT TO DO                            GASPESIE NATIONAL PARK ★★
—                                     Season : The park is open year-round, but the period during which services are available varies according to sector.

TOUR-DU-MONT-                         Visitors Centre:
ALBERT HIKE ★★                        The Discovery and Visitors Centre / Mont-Albert Sector (on Route 299) is open from mid-June to early September,
                                      daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., with reduced hours in low season.
Distance (round-trip): 17.8 km loop
Time (round-trip): 6-8 hours          Entrance fee : 8,90$/adult/day and free for youth aged 17 and under.
Level: Expert               
Elevation gain: 870 metres

Mont Albert has a unique
ecosystem, with its harsh
climate, its alpine tundra
and its reddish soil rich in
serpentine, a rare orange
mineral with a high calcium
and magnesium content.
The summit is a vast plateau
where a herd of caribou can
often be seen grazing. At
17.8 km (6 to 8 hours) and
with an elevation gain of
870 metres, the Tour-du-
Mont-Albert hike is clas-
sified Expert, but it is one
that you won’t soon forget!
It offers a combination
of steep climbs, lookout

                                                                                                                                                                    © iStock-838527202, GenDeschenes
platforms with exceptional
views and trails that follow
a stream. The trail climbs
steadily right from the start.
One third of the way up,
the Belvédère de la Saillie ★
                                      TOU R- DU - M O N T- A L BE RT
lookout platform offers the
first spectacular view of the
Sainte-Anne river valley be-
low. The trail then continues
to rise towards the summit
of Mont-Albert, where hi-
kers can take a break at the
Rabougris rest stop before
carrying on to Belvédère
du Versant. An even more
scenic but no less difficult
trail then follows Ruisseau
du Diable through the beau-
tiful Vallée du Diable ★★★,
where you can take a break
at the Serpentine rest stop
just before reaching Lac du
Diable. The trail then follows
Rivière Sainte-Anne back
down to the Visitors Centre.
This hike is a must if your
fitness level allows. Depar-
ting from Gaspesie National
                                                                                                                                                                    © Photos SEPAQ

Park Discovery and Visitors
Centre from mid-June until
                                      C A RIBO U O N T H E M O U N T A L B E RT
late September.

    Hiking                                                                                    ★ Noteworthy        ★★    Worth the detour         ★★★     Must see
© Tourisme Québec, Jean-François Bergeron - Enviro Foto

                                                                                                                                                      TO U N D R A O N TO P O F M O N T JACQU E S - C A RTIE R

                                                          MONT JACQUES-                       round-trip, or 4 to 5 hours of      covered even in summer, offers a        10 a.m.). The same shuttle leaves
                                                          CARTIER ★★★                         hiking, this excursion is perfect   spectacular landscape ★★★ of            Mont Jacques-Cartier at 4 p.m.
                                                          Distance (round-trip): 8.2 km       for those who want to see wild      alpine tundra at an altitude of         (arrival at the Visitors Centre
                                                          Time (round-trip): 4-5 hours        caribou and who like a challenge.   over 1,000 m. At the top, you           at 5 p.m.). This is a challenging
                                                          Level: Difficult                    A complete change of scenery        can take the free «Vivez le Grand       but well-maintained rock trail
                                                          Elevation gain: 465 metres          guaranteed! A rocky trail leads     Nord» educational hike with a           and has an elevation gain of
                                                                                              straight up to the summit of        park warden/naturalist, which           465 metres. Possible from
                                                          If you only plan to take one        the second highest peak in          lasts around 45 minutes (certain        late June to late September.
                                                          hike in the area, and you are       Quebec, and an exceptional          days only). A shuttle leaves the        Other departures available
                                                          physically fit, it should be Mont   site for caribou sighting. The      Discovery and Visitors Centre at        from the Mont Jacques-Cartier
                                                          Jacques-Cartier. At 8.2 km          summit, which is often snow-        9 a.m. (arrival at the trailhead at     Campground on Route 16.

                                                              Hiking                                                                         ★ Noteworthy        ★★     Worth the detour       ★★★      Must see
LAC-AUX-                                 If you are travelling with     takes about one hour. Lac          to the end of November.
AMÉRICAINS ★★                            children and are looking for   aux Américains is located in       Departing from the Lac-aux-
Distance (round-trip): 2.6 km            a short hike, we strongly      the centre of a glacial cirque     Américains parking area on
Time (round-trip): 1½ hours              recommend Lac-aux-             and is an exceptionally            Route 16.
Level: Easy                              Américains. At 2.6 km          beautiful site. A must-see!
Elevation gain: 80 metres                (round trip), this easy hike   Possible from early May

                                                                                                                                             © Tourisme Quebec, Jean-Pierre Huard


   Hiking                                                                        ★ Noteworthy     ★★     Worth the detour   ★★★   Must see

                                    MONT                                         gain of 155 metres, the trail                 ECOTOURISM SEA                           and 3:30 p.m.). Possible from
                                    ERNEST-LAFORCE ★★                            leads to the top of Mont Ernest               EXCURSION ★                              early June to end of August, 9
                                    Distance (round-trip): 4.6 km                Laforce, where you will have a                If you would like to experience          a.m. to 5 p.m. (by reservation
                                    Time (round-trip): 2 hours                   spectacular 360° view of Mont                 an ecotourism sea excursion,             from early September to early
                                    Level: Intermediate                          Albert and the surrounding                    Ste-Anne-des-Monts is your               October).
                                    Elevation gain: 155 metres                   mountains. It will take you about             destination. For a first contact         EXPLORAMER :
                                                                                 2 hours to complete the loop                  with the St. Lawrence River and          1, RUE DU QUAI, STE-ANNE-DES-MONTS
                                    This trail, classified Intermediate,         trail, which begins at the Mont               to witness the hauling of waved          418-763-2500
                                    is perfect for families who                  Ernest-Laforce parking lot, in                whelk and rock crab traps,               WWW.EXPLORAMER.QC.CA
                                    would like to introduce their                the Monts-McGerrigle sector.                  choose the «Discover the St.
                                    children to the joys of hiking. At           Keep your eyes open, you are in               Lawrence» excursion (duration:
                                    4.6 km long with an elevation                the heart of moose habitat!                   1.5 hr; departing daily at 11 a.m.

                                       WHAT SHOULD YOU BRING FOR YOUR HIKE?
                                         • Picnic                                             •H iking boots                                         Note: your backpack should not weight more than 25% of
                                         • Water bottle (2L)                                   • Sunscreen                                             your body weight. Certain equipment such as hiking boots,
                                         • Cap or hat                                          • Thicker socks                                         walking stick, raincoat, backpack or baby carrier can be
                                         • Backpack                                            • Insect repellant                                      rented at the Discovery and Visitors Centre.
                                         • T oilet paper or packet of kleenex                 •N ylon socks (to prevent blisters)
© Authentik Canada, Maude Gilbert

                                                                                                                                                                               M O N T E R N E S T L A FO RCE

                                        Hiking                                                                                            ★ Noteworthy        ★★     Worth the detour          ★★★       Must see
                                    Fête du vol libre (Hang-gliding
                                    Dates : late july 2021
                                    Dozens of hang-gliding and
                                    paragliding pilots from around the
                                    world gather in Mont-Saint-Pierre,
                                    between sea and aky. In addition to
                                    watching the colourful air show, vi-
                                    sitors can enjoy the many outdoor
                                                                           © iStockPhoto, Gaspr13

                                    activities and music events and
                                    sample local products.
                                    Au Mont St-Pierre :
                                                                    PA R A DIS E FO R HIK E R S
© Tourisme Quebec, Robert Baronet

                                                                                                                                  M O OS E AT DAW N
© Tshutterstock_701127835, sebastienlemyre

                                                                                                                                         GÎT E D U M O N T A L B E RT IN T H E VA L L E Y

                                             WHERE TO EAT
                                              1 MICROBRASSERIE                regional ingredients. House       25, BOULEVARD STE-ANNE OUEST,       5 RESTAURANT DE
                                             LE MALBORD ($$)                  specialties: grilled meats and    STE-ANNE-DES-MONTS                 L’AUBERGE CHÂTEAU
                                             Le Malbord is a friendly brew    seafood. The modern, friendly     418-764-0344                       LAMONTAGNE ($$$-$$$$)
                                             pub where you can enjoy          atmosphere and excellent                                             This magnificent inn is the
                                             refined beers, brewed on site,   service contribute to a            4 RESTAURANT DU GÎTE              former home of Madame
                                             that reflect the culture of      memorable dining experience.      DU MONT-ALBERT ($$$)               Blanche Lamontagne,
                                             Haute-Gaspésie. The brewery’s    Open Monday-Friday from           Chef Jean-Alexandre Dubé           Quebec’s first female poet.
                                             bistro offers pub fare that      11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and every    will welcome you to the            Perched on a rocky headland
                                             showcases local products and     evening from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.     friendly dining room of            overlooking the sea, the
                                             changes with the seasons.        90, BOUL. STE-ANNE OUEST, STE-    Gîte du Mont Albert for his        building itself is listed as
                                             Food and beer pairings to        ANNE-DES-MONTS / 418-763-3321     renowned table d’hôte with its     a historical monument
                                             discover!! Open Wednesdays,      WWW.HOTELETCIE.COM/RESTAURANT/    fine gourmet dishes prepared       and is worth a detour. The
                                             Fridays and Saturdays from 3                                       using the best local and           restaurant prepares tasty fish,
                                             p.m. to midnight and Thursdays    3 DÉLICES DE LA MER              regional products. You can         seafood, lamb, beef and foie
                                             from 3 p.m. to 1 a.m.            ($$-$$$)                          even have a picnic lunch to        gras dishes, combining local
                                             178, 1 RE AVENUE OUEST,          This Gaspé fishmonger is also     take with you when you visit       products and world flavours.
                                             STE-ANNE-DES-MONTS               a café and a delicatessen         the national park (order the       Open in high season, Sunday-
                                             418-764-0022                     offering a good choice of         day before!) Note that dinner      Monday from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.
                                             WWW.LEMALBORD.COM                products: cheese, seafood,        is by reservation only. Open       and Tuesday-Saturday from
                                                                              fish, ready-to-eat, beer,         daily from mid-June to early       5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
                                              2 LA BROUE DANS                 organic products, etc. You will   October. Breakfast is served       170, 1 RE AVENUE EST, STE-ANNE-
                                             L’TOUPET ($$-$$$)                love the décor as much as the     from 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and       DES-MONTS / 418-763-7666
                                             Located in the heart of          food. It’s the perfect place to   dinner from 6 p.m. to 8:30         WWW.CHATEAULAMONTAGNE.COM
                                             downtown Sainte-Anne-des-        stop for lunch or to stock up     p.m.
                                             Monts, La Broue dans l’Toupet    on groceries. Open Monday-        2001, ROUTE DU PARC,               *** Hours may vary ***
                                             restaurant offers a varied       Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6        STE-ANNE-DES-MONTS
                                             menu that changes with the       p.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m.     418-763-2288
                                             seasons and features local and   to 5 p.m.                         WWW.SEPAQ.COM/PQ/GMA

                                                Microbrewery                                                       $ Inexppensive   $$ Moderate     $$$ Upscale         $$$$ Fine dining
River                                               é
                                                                                                         nc e                                                  erc
                                                                                                                                                           et P
                                                                                                      wre                                             pé
                                                                                                St. La                                        ,   Gas
                          GASPÉSIE NATIONAL PARK                                                         132                   oril
                                                                                                                           to F

                                                                 5                                              M O N T JAC Q U E S - C A R T I E R ★★★
                                                           1 3   Ste-Anne-des-Monts

                        Cap-Chat 5 km                                                S O R T I E É C OTO U R I S T I Q U E E N M E R ★★
                         as St
                    to B
                                                                          299                                             L AC -AU X-A M É R I C A I N S ★★

                                                                                                                                                                             14                               Mont
                                                                                                TO U R D U M O N T A L B E R T ★★                                                                        Jacques-Cartier

                                    P I C D E L’AU B E ★★★
                                                                                                                   Camping de la Rivière                   4
                                                                                                                                                               Gîte du Mont Albert
                                                                                                                      Discovery Centre
                                                                                                                                                                      Mont Albert Camping

                                                                                       Lac Cascapédia                                                                          P
                                                                     P                    Camping

★ Noteworthy
                                                                                11                  National Park                                                                                   16

                                                                                               M O N T E R N E S T- L A F O R C E ★★

                                                         Percé                                                                                                                    1   = Restaurants

 Worth the detour
                                                                                                                                                                                      = Parks
                                                                                                                                to Baie

                             Quebec                                                                     QUEBEC
                              City                                                                                                                                             P      = Parking


                                             USA                                                                                                                                      = Hiking trails


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