Equity Mural Community Meeting #1

Page created by Marion Baldwin
Equity Mural Community Meeting #1
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

     Equity Mural Community Meeting #1

     What do you hope people take away when viewing the mural?
     - More empathy!
     - Hope for a better future. More trust.
     - I hope that after viewing the mural people know that they are part of a supportive
         and inclusive community. I hope the mural conveys to them that they belong in our
         community regardless of citizenship status. I also hope that everyone is able to
         understand the mural regardless of the language they speak.
     - Tight knit diverse community!
     - I want to feel love, joy, wonder, acceptance, vibrancy of life and visibility to the
         beauty of diversity
     - Strength in diversity. We are recognizing original Ramaytush Ohlone land.
         Acknowledge the various waves of immigrants over the years. Documenting history.
         Making people included and informed. He made many murals
     - I feel seen. I feel represented. Telling of history. Recognizing the sacri ces of our
         ancestors. Celebrating diversity as a culture.
     - Valued, welcome, seen and heard. The mural would be a destination to go and
         re ect at and bring family and friends to take in.
     - I hope the mural conveys: Redwood City values all people. Redwood City values
         diversity. Redwood City values Equity. Redwood City is doing the work to build a
         more equitable community. People in Redwood City come in all shapes and sizes. I
         feel safe here in my own skin. My City cares about me and people di erent from me.
         I feel proud to live here. I can connect with people across di erence here.
     - For the community and visitors to see how accepting Redwood City is, Redwood
         City is known for great festivals like Dia De los Muertos and the Salsa festival, we
         celebrate together no matter where you come from.
     - Not only accept but appreciate diversity. The Bay Area - north and south - is the way
         it is BECAUSE of diversity. We are all equal to contribute ideas, feelings, thoughts,
         and experiences especially through art, music, writing, and theater.

Equity Mural Community Meeting #1
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

- I hope that people get to embrace the diversity and equity of San Mateo County. And
         that the variety of racial culture and gender identities in Redwood City is represented
         and celebrated.
- Redwood City is a welcoming, inclusive community; a community that sees a rich
         array of human resources and humanity is displayed as neighbor helps neighbor; a
         place that anyone can feel at home.
- hope, discovery, appreciation, search, learn, cry, laugh, celebrate.

What does racial equity look like to you?
- Knowing our history, teaching critical race theory in classrooms, recognizing our own
         internalized biases, calling each other in, decolonize our education, decolonize our
         healing, decolonize our ideas of happiness/ success
- What stands out to you?
         - Color
         - 1619
         - Vibrancy
         - The beauty of all of us
         - Success in collaboration!
         - Education and re
         - Equity doesn’t mean as
           much if we don’t take action
         - Justice has to be at the
           center in order for anything
           to be changed.
         - Be the change. Be involved
           no matter what color you

Equity Mural Community Meeting #1
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

     If you could directly tell the artists what is important to you, what would
     you tell them?
     - What’s important to me is “Social
         Justice & Equity” ✊ ✊

     - Frolic with, share with, accept and
         care about all of us.
     - Art is a link that all humans have
         and understand regardless of
         di erences
     - My response to second question:
         what’s important to me is the
         realization that we are connected,
         that we as the human race are a
         team to protect our planet and for
         our future generations, remember
         that we are the powerful
         descendants of our ancestors, here
         to speak our truths and love one
     - Bold, colorful, & happy. Provoking
         positive thought and action.
     - To the Artist; Paint this community
         mural so my parents and grandkids comprehend this image and powerful message.

         • Agreement from another participant
     - What’s standing out to you?
         • Make people ask questions. Love when art makes you re ect.
         • Leon: There’s a tension between beauty and “make it a gut punch”.
           - Those aren’t mutually exclusive. Even depiction of an ugly incident can be made
             beautiful if it inspires hope for a better future.

Equity Mural Community Meeting #1
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

         • Addressing hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of years of inequity. We are
           addressing that concern and trying, through art, to say we will not stand for the
            ctions that have guided our civilization through the centuries.
     - To convey a celebration of the heroic earnestness to thrive as a part of a community.

     If you were setting an altar to the gods/goddesses of racial equity, what
     would you place on it?
     - I would place a summer breeze that
         warms their souls
     - A spiral mandala
     - Song by John Lennon; IMAGINE
     - Food from around the world and chairs
         for everyone.

         • Participant says “Let’s hear it for
           food and chairs!”
     - What makes you excited about what
         you see here?

         • Hope can still rise in the midst of
           anything. Beauty can come from

         • I like the sticky that says we are still
           doing the work, because the work
           continues every day

     Small group activity: What came up for you in the collage activities?
     What are the most important things you hope were captured tonight (so
     we can tell the artist)?

     Group 1
     - Justice, equity, inclusion, history, diversity, variety, beauty and truth (not always that
         pretty, do not have to be a big turn o ) are not mutually exclusive; it won’t alienate

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    people as long as we are learning and growing together. Precita Eyes when they
    brainstorm for a mural, they build a collage together, so the intent was similar. But
    the method was not as e ective. Process felt very awkward, but recognize that
    building a mural in the past was in fact cutting out paper photos from magazines.
- Liked the activities and we should focus on everything that was said.
- It’s hard to narrow everything down out of all that was o ered by the group. We are
    still in the big picture. We need to unify these di erent ideas. How do we move on
    from here?
- It’s amazing to set this up. For artists to get the community’s opinion is a big job and
    to organize it like this is really good. If the artist comes up with an idea will the idea
    be considered by the community? About the gut punch and the beauty: you could
    address the “tension” by doing both. The mural location o ers a lot of space.
- Will the ideas be presented back to the public?
    • Not known. But during the selection process, the top 3 artists may be presenting
      their ideas of what they heard and saw. Responsibility on the artist to unify, but all
      should feel free to reach out with their ideas [RW1].
- Some were grateful for the thought and ideas that put tonight together
- Are the artists required to submit concept art with their proposal?
    • Yes, and they will receive a

Group 2
- What came up:
    • Feedback on others’ contributions – hearts!
    • Energy – collaborative
    • Energy – coming from heart
    • Seeing live what’s happening in everybody’s minds – growth
    • Collaboration – hearts
- Most important things:

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    • Unity – reconciliation with truth
    • Reconciliation one of most key – lots to process/talk about
    • (For me) no expectations – want to see it come together
    • We all have in common more than we have di erent, public who
    • showed up tonight demonstrated that
    • People opening up & positive
    • Connecting the larger community

Group 3
- We are all parts of one important whole.
- Communicate our passion and commitment on the subject; thank city council to
    listen to our voices
- Great appreciation for all voices, seeing alignment and also di erent
    perspectives and great to learn from my community
- As an artist, enjoyed it a lot and amazing to see participation on ideas/concepts of
    equality, unity, justice
- Great to see all ideas represented by the group together; seeing the usefulness also
    for kids passing by, families driving by
- Hope to elicit the same WOW response from her family as other amazing murals in
    Redwood City
- As an artist, important to see a balance between the truth (reality) and what we want
    to be (Vision)

Group 4
- What came up:
    • Enjoyed collaboration;
    • Feel very proud;

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

           • Enjoyed ideas and contribution of all;
           • Enjoyed the diversity of perspective;
           • Enjoyed the passion;
           • It felt safe…
       - Most important thing:
           • Di cult issues can be brought up and worked out’
           • There is variety of cultural and diverse backgrounds that can work together to
             re ect our diversity and our racial equity;

           • Beauty and honesty can be connected in art;
       - What would you like to add about the future of this project:
           • I would like to do this in person.

       What word would you like to leave in the room?

       - Proud
       - Inspiring
       - Love
       - Gratitude
       - Revolutionary change
       - Optimism
       - Supportive
       - Solidarity

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

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