CHI Vaccinates Underserved and Hard-to-Reach Populations Through Strategic Outreach

Page created by Everett Davidson
CHI Vaccinates Underserved and Hard-to-Reach Populations Through Strategic Outreach
April - May 2021

                               Healthy Bits — A Newsletter Published by Community Health of South Florida, Inc.

CHI Vaccinates Underserved and Hard-to-Reach
   Populations Through Strategic Outreach
                                                                           CHI. “Our vaccination efforts
                                                                           have worked to ensure the most
                                                                           vulnerable populations are
                                                                           reached along with everyone
                                                                           else. It’s what we do. We have
                                                                           been putting patient care first for
                                                                           50 years.”
                                                                           Among those vaccinated by CHI,
                                                                           46 percent were Hispanic and
                                                                           25 percent were Black. Minorities
                                                                           have been disproportionately
                                                                           impacted by COVID-19, and
                                                                           CHI has pushed to ensure those
                                                                           populations do not get left behind.
                                                                           Beverly Drinkwater also received
Tasha Robinson receives the COVID-19 vaccination at a CHI outreach event
                                                                           her vaccination at the same event
in Naranja.                                                                as Robinson.
Tasha Robinson sat in the               CHI has administered the free      “It means giving me, hopefully,
observation area of the COVID-19        vaccine to more than 4,700         peace of mind,” said Drinkwater.
vaccination site, set up by             people in Miami-Dade and           “Until we all get vaccinated this
Community Health of South Florida,      Monroe counties. What makes        is not going to go away. I really
Inc. (CHI) at Naranja Park. Although    the non-profit healthcare          don’t want my grandchildren for
her mouth was covered by her            company’s approach unique          the rest of their lives growing up
mask, she smiled excitedly with         is twofold. First, CHI has been    with this over their heads and
her eyes. Just minutes prior, Tasha     reaching out to underserved        having to wear masks.”
had received the shot outside CHI’s     patients and community             CHI has been at the forefront of
mobile medical van.                     members without health             the pandemic response. It was
“I feel so much better. I feel safe     insurance and few resources.       the first to offer drive-through
and relieved,” said Robinson.           Second, the federally qualified    COVID-19 testing in Miami-Dade
                                        health center has utilized its     and Monroe counties, and it
Two years ago, she had a                outreach team and mobile           continues to lead the way with its
stroke and is still recovering          medical van to go into public      vaccination efforts.
from the effects. As she sat in         housing complexes, community
her wheelchair, she shared her          parks, and even homeless
renewed outlook of hope and
                                                                              Those looking to get
                                        encampments to vaccinate.
optimism, thanks to the COVID-19                                            vaccinated can request
vaccination.                            “We have always believed that        to be put on the list by
                                        health care should be accessible
“I don’t want to get sick anymore,”                                         visiting the CHI website,
                                        to everyone, regardless of
she said. “I just want to do my best    income, race or class,” said or calling
to stay healthy.”                       Brodes H. Hartley, Jr. CEO of           (305) 252-4820.
CHI Vaccinates Underserved and Hard-to-Reach Populations Through Strategic Outreach
The pandemic has pushed our        Key Largo Health Center and
                                  team at CHI to reexamine our       newly renovated Coconut Grove
                                  services and healthcare delivery   Health Center. This is all part
                                  on a daily basis. I continue       of our goal to make health care
                                  to be amazed and so proud          more accessible to everyone
                                  of the work that Community         in Miami-Dade and Monroe
                                  Health of South Florida, Inc. is   counties.
                                  doing. I also continue to hear     This May, we also have several
                                  wonderful compliments from         important dates to celebrate,
                                  community leaders and patients     such as National Nurses
                                  who have been the recipient of     Week. Never before has their
                                  our COVID-19 vaccination and       contribution been so critical!
                                  testing efforts.
                                                                     Please take the time to thank
                                  I am encouraged by the             our nurses for their hard work,
                                  community support for our          love, and devotion to our
                                  programs and services.             patients. It’s also Mother’s Day
                                  Many have purchased bricks         and Women’s Health Month.
                                  to line the entryway of the        We will be hosting a special
                                  new Children’s Crisis Center.      webinar focused on women’s
                                  Our staff has also raised more     body image, nutrition, and more.
                                  than $62,000 in donations,         Follow us on our social media
                                  a testament to their own           accounts for more information.
                                  commitment to the cause!
                                  Meanwhile, our construction on     Regards,
Hope has arrived, and we          the new Key West Health Center
are finally headed in the right   is going smoothly. We expect
direction. As we are able to      to open our doors at CHI’s
vaccinate more and more           southernmost health center         Brodes H. Hartley, Jr.
people, I truly believe that we   by this summer. In addition,
will get through this difficult   we continue to make progress
time in the near future.          on the construction of the new
CHI Vaccinates Underserved and Hard-to-Reach Populations Through Strategic Outreach
CHI School Nurses Bring Inspiration to the
       South Florida Community
Nurse Syndia Jean-Baptist              Simmons-Little was called into a         K-8 School to keep our next
sobbed when she received her           classroom where she found the            generations well and healthy,”
ACTion Hero Award alongside            teacher unresponsive with her            said Simmons-Little.
fellow school-based nurses,            eyes opened and no pulse.                Nurse Norma Carrasco also
Norma Carrasco and Bethany             “It is very hard to find yourself        had to act quickly when she
Simmons-Little, at Community           in a situation like that,” said          was called to the courtyard
Health of South Florida, Inc by        Simmons-Little. “The school              of Braddock Holmes High
the CEO, Brodes H. Hartley, Jr.        was counting on me to save this          School. She found a student,
The emotional wounds were still        woman’s life.”                           who appeared gray in color,
raw. Just two weeks prior, Jean-       She rapidly began chest                  choking on a piece of chicken.
Baptist found herself performing       compressions as a police officer         “The school staff had already
CPR on her former high school          utilized the Automated External          attempted to dislodge the
teacher at Homestead Middle            Defibrillator (AED).                     chicken from the student’s
School on February 26th.                                                        airway before I got there,” said
                                       “When paramedics arrived, they
“When I arrived, I noticed he          determined she had a massive             Carrasco. “My first thought
was slumped over in a chair with       heart attack,” said Simmons-             was to apply the Heimlich
agonal breathing and gasping           Little. “I almost thought I lost her.”   maneuver to help him.”
sounds,” said Jean-Baptist. “I                                                  Carrasco’s quick thinking
quickly gave directive to call 911.”   The teacher was admitted to the
                                       ICU at Jackson South Hospital            saved the boy’s life.
The teacher did not have a             and is slowly recovering. After a        “I am very happy to say that
pulse and was placed on the            successful surgery, she remains          he is doing very well, and
floor where Nurse Jean-Baptist         stable and alert.                        there was no need to call 911,”
began chest compressions until                                                  said Carrasco.
fire rescue arrived. Very quickly,     “I am so thankful that I can be
paramedics began further               of help for those at Leisure City
measures to save the teacher
who was having a massive
heart attack.
“I just knew I had to give my
everything to save his life,”
she said.
Once he was breathing on his
own again, the teacher was
transferred to Jackson South
Hospital. He survived for 9 days,
just enough time for him to see
his family again. Unfortunately,
he later passed away after
another heart attack.
“It’s still very hard for me to
process all of this,” said Jean-
Baptist. “I am happy to know
that I did all I could to give him
another chance.”
Nurse Bethany Simmons-Little
also experienced a similar
case on February 18th when
she saved a female teacher at
Leisure City K-8 School.               School-based nurses (left to right) Norma Carrasco, Syndia Jean-Baptist, and
                                       Bethany Simmons-Little stand together as they receive their ACTion Hero Awards.

CHI Vaccinates Underserved and Hard-to-Reach Populations Through Strategic Outreach
CHI Team Member Appointed to
     National Homeless Council Board
The National Health Care for            Hines oversees CHI’s Mobile Medical
the Homeless Council (NHCHC)            Van and outreach team designated
appointed a Community Health            to provide greater access to care
of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) team       in the community. The van visits
member to its national board.           local homeless camps every week
Eunice Hines, Director of Migrant       to provide primary care, pediatrics,
Health and Outreach Services,           behavioral health services, and
said she is excited to serve in this    other resources.
                                        “The mobile medical van has
Hines has been with CHI since           reached people experiencing
2007, ensuring the migrant              homelessness who have not been
and homeless community receives         to the doctor in years,” said Hines.
adequate health and social              “Some were diagnosed and treated
services.                               for chronic illnesses.”
“As part of the NHCHC board, I will     Despite the trying times, CHI was
work to improve homeless health         also able to offer COVID-19 testing
care through training assistance,       in homeless encampments within
sharing best practices, and uplifting   the community and is expecting
                                                                                Eunice Hines – Director of Migrant Health
the voices of people experiencing       to do the same with the vaccine         & Outreach Services
homelessness.”                          distribution.
Hines has facilitated numerous          “We are always looking for different
efforts at CHI to assist the homeless   ways to help our community,” said
community in South Florida.             Hines. “We even provided care
                                        packs filled with personal supplies.”

                                              Connect with us online

                             (305) 252-4820             |
CHI Vaccinates Underserved and Hard-to-Reach Populations Through Strategic Outreach CHI Vaccinates Underserved and Hard-to-Reach Populations Through Strategic Outreach
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