Health and Safety Policy Appendices 2019 / 2020

Page created by Guy Wolfe
Health and Safety Policy
           Appendices 2019 / 2020

  The contents of this policy are based on the requirements of health and safety law and associated Health and Safety
 Executive advice and Department for Education advice on legal duties and powers for local authorities, school leaders,
                                            school staff and governing bodies

Health and Safety Policy Appendices 2019/2020                                                                  Contents

Contents                                                                                                                                                                         2
Appendix 1 – Categorization of Departments by risk.............................................................................................................. 3
Appendix 2 – Pupil accident report form ................................................................................................................................. 4
Appendix 3 – Staff accident report form ................................................................................................................................. 5
Appendix 4 – RBCS List of First Aiders .................................................................................................................................. 6
Appendix 5 – Contractor Safety Evaluation Questionnaire..................................................................................................... 7
Appendix 6 – RBCS Driver Declaration Form......................................................................................................................... 9
Appendix 7 – RBCS Risk Assessment form ......................................................................................................................... 11
Appendix 8 – Near Miss ........................................................................................................................................................ 12

Health and Safety Policy Appendices 2019/2020                                                                                                                       Contents
Appendix 1 – Categorization of Departments by risk

                   Department                          Risk                     Department              Risk

Activities                                             High   History                                   Low
Administration                                         Low    Housekeeping                              High
Admissions & Marketing                                 Low    Human Resources                           Low
Art                                                    High   Information Technology                    Low
Biology                                                High   IT Support                                Low
Bursary                                                Low    Learning Support                          Low
Catering                                               Low    Library                                   Low
Car Parking                                            High   Maintenance                               High
CCF                                                    High   Mathematics                               Low
Chemistry                                              High   Medical                                   High
Classics/Latin                                         Low    Modern Languages                          Low
Cleaning                                               Low    Music                                     Low
Design Technology                                      High   Network Manager                           Low
Development                                            Low    Physics                                   High
DoE                                                    High   Psychology                                Low
Drama                                                  High   Reception                                 Low
Economics & Business                                   Low    Religious Studies                         Low
English                                                Low    Rowing                                    High
Examinations                                           Low    School House                              Low
Geography                                              Low    Sport and PE                              High
Geology                                                Low    Sports Facilities Manager (re lettings)   High
Government and Politics                                Low    Warden                                    Low
Grounds                                                High   Wilderness                                High

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Appendix 2 – Pupil accident report form

                        Pupil Accident Report Form
  1    School Nurse                 (this area is to be completed by teacher/staff member if
       completes                           incident occurs out of hours, e.g. Trips, or Saturday
            Date of report
            Date of accident                                              time:
            Student Name                                                 Tutor:
            Date of Birth
            Nature of Injury

  2    Member of Staff completes (Staff in charge or discovering)
            Staff Name
            Date of accident                                               time:
            Activity + details of action taken by staff member:

                  Staff to email this completed form back to the Nurse within 48 hours.

  3    Form returned to School Nurse
            Entry of information by Nurse

            Form emailed to:       Bursar; Second Master                  date:

  4    The Follow Up (to be completed by the Bursary if required)
            Possible cause of accident and recommendations to prevent reoccurrence

            Action taken(by whom & target date for completion)

            Notifiable to HSE      yes/no
            Name (in blocks)

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Appendix 3 – Staff accident report form

                       Staff Accident Report Form
  1   School Nurse                (this area is to be completed by teacher/staff member if
      completes                          incident occurs out of hours, e.g. Trips, or Saturday
           Date of report
           Date of accident                                             time:
           Staff Name

           Nature of Injury

  2   Member of Staff completes (Staff in charge or discovering)
           Staff Name
           Date of                                                      time:
           Activity + details of action taken by staff member:

                  Staff to email this completed form back to the Nurse within 48 hours.

  3   Form returned to School Nurse
           Entry of information by Nurse

           Form emailed to:     Bursar; Second Master                   date:

  4   The Follow Up (to be completed by the Bursary if required)
           Possible cause of accident and recommendations to prevent reoccurrence

           Action taken(by whom & target date for completion)

           Notifiable to HSE    yes/no
           Name (in

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Appendix 4 – RBCS List of First Aiders

 Full Name                First Aid         Full Name         First Aid
                          expiry                              expiry
 Mr M Baker               06/06/2021        Mr H McGough      01/10/2021
 Mrs C Bamforth           06/07/2019        Mr R Meehan       29/08/2021
 Mr S Bateman             06/06/2021        Mr R Mellows      07/06/2021
 Miss K Bayliss           06/06/2021        Mrs G Mitchell    28/05/2019
 Mr T Bellinger           04/07/2020        Mr W Mitchell     13/06/2020
 Mr C Bond                05/06/2021        Mrs G Montgomery 07/02/2021
 Mr J Bowler              06/06/2021        Mr G Morton       07/02/2021
 Mr A Colville            13/06/2020        Mr W Nash-        07/06/2021
 Mr R Cook                07/02/2021        Mrs H Oliver      07/06/2021
 Mr S Cook                20/02/2021        Dr B Pennington   13/06/2021
 Mrs R Crossland          06/06/2021        Mr M Pink         08/06/2019
 Mrs C Dance              03/07/2020        Miss G Plowman    08/06/2019
 Mr J Dance               07/02/2021        Mr P Saunders     16/05/2022
 Mrs A Dewar              06/06/2021        Mr D Selvester    07/06/2021
 Mr J Elzinga             29/09/2019        Mr T Seward       19/06/2019
 Mr R Ennis               18/10/2021        Mr R Shuttleworth 02/05/2020
 Miss C Fagg              21/03/2019        Mr J Slack        08/06/2019
 Mrs G Finucane           13/06/2020        Mr R Starr        08/06/2019
 Mr A French              23/10/2021        Mr M Stewart      08/06/2019
 Mr W Gilbertson          23/04/2020        Miss A Thomas     07/06/2021
 Mr K Hartland            18/06/2019        Mr P Thomas       07/11/2021
 Mrs S Head               08/06/2019        Mr R Tidbury      07/06/2021
 Miss C Holliday          06/06/2021        Miss B Truman     07/06/2021
 Mr P Hoy                 31/10/2019        Miss T van der    25/05/2019
 Mr M Jerstice            08/06/2019        Mr M Velchev      07/02/2021
 Miss C Knight            20/01/2020        Mr W Voice        14/06/2019
 Mr S Lambert             03/10/2021        Mr N Warde        31/08/2020
 Dr S Langdon             26/04/2021        Mrs A West        22/08/2020
 Mr J Leigh               07/06/2021        Mr M Wharton      06/11/2021
 Mr T Liversage           23/10/2021        Mr E Whitehouse   09/01/2021
 Mr A Maddocks            08/06/2019        Miss C Willis     18/07/2022
 Dr K Magill              23/09/2021        Mr G Wilson       22/05/2021
 Mr S McFaul              08/06/2019        Mr S Yates        14/06/2019
                                            Mrs J Zambon      07/06/2021

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Appendix 5 – Contractor Safety Evaluation Questionnaire

Please complete the following sections and supply the relevant information as requested.

1 Company address and contact details

2 Please supply a chart showing your company health and safety organisation

3 Who in your organisation is ultimately responsible for health and safety?
Name                             Position                    Contact Details

4 Who in your organisation is responsible for the management of health and safety?

Name                             Position                    Contact Details               Qualifications

5 Please supply a copy of your company’s safety policy arrangements/risk assessments relevant to the work for
which you are tendering.
6 Supply details of relevant health and safety/professional/driver/operator training which has been provided to
company personnel in the last 12 months (attach copies of certificates and competence certification) please use
separate sheet if required

Course                                                 Training Provider                             Dates

7 Does your company use sub-contractors?                                                             YES     NO

If YES please outline how
you ensure the
competence of them

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8 Complete the following table with the number of accidents (include road traffic accidents) and dangerous
occurrences experienced by your company over the last 2 years.
Year                      Fatalities                   Major Accidents         Dangerous            Over 3 day lost time
                                                                               Occurrences          accidents

9 Complete the following table with the details of relevant enforcement notices issued and prosecutions over the
last two years (use separate sheet if required)
Year         Notice                     Details                   Remedial Action

10 Supply details of relevant trade/professional associations to which your company belongs and accreditates
e.g. BAFE, UKAS accreditation

11 Supply contact details of two organisations that your company works for

Contact Name                                                      Contact Name
Address                                                           Address

Telephone                                                         Telephone
Fax                                                               Fax
Email                                                             Email
Nature of                                                         Nature of
Contract                                                          Contract

12 Supply evidence of the following insurances *

                                       Expiry Date                                           Expiry Date

Employer’s Liability                                              Public Liability

Contractors All Risk                                              Professional Indemnity
13 Questionnaire completed by

Signature                                                                            Date

*NB Required levels of insurance cover should be added by originator of form

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Appendix 6 – RBCS Driver Declaration Form

    1. Driver’s personal details
Surname                                                  Forename(s)
Date of birth                                            Job title
National Insurance No.                                   Home address
Have you had an insurance proposal declined, a policy
cancelled, been required to pay an additional premium        YES/NO
or had special conditions imposed by a motor insurer?
    2. Driver’s medical details for fitness to drive (you must refer to DVLA leaflet D100 – Driving Licences before
        answering this section – See reverse for further info.
Do you have a DVLA notifiable                            If yes, have you reported the condition to
condition?                                     YES/NO    DVLA and have you received approval to              YES/NO
                                                         drive with no restrictions?
Do you need to wear corrective                           If yes, have you had your eyesight
lenses/glasses for driving?                    YES/NO    examined within the past 2 years?                   YES/NO

Do you take medicines or prescribed                      If yes, are you willing to take a medical
drugs that may induce drowsiness or            YES/NO    examination by a doctor to confirm your             YES/NO
otherwise impair your driving?                           fitness to drive?
    3. Driver’s licence details
Address (if different
from above)                                                                           Groups /
Driver licence number
Valid                         From:           To:            Country of issue

                                                             Number of years you
Date driving test passed
                                                             have held full licence
    4. Driver’s insurance details (if applicable)
Insurers Name                                                                            Comprehensive/Third Party
                                                             Type of insurance
Policy Number
    5. Details of any enforcement action (include any that are pending) and/or accidents in the last 3 years
  Date                          Offence / Accident                    Offence code       points/disqualification/pending

I confirm that I have read, understand and will comply with the School Driver & Vehicle Operating Policy. I
confirm that the above information is a true and accurate record to the best of my knowledge at the time of
completing this form. I authorise the School to make any necessary investigations regarding my driving
history with the DVLA. I agree to inform the Bursar immediately if these details change.
Signed:                                                                          Date:

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Appendix 7 – RBCS Risk Assessment form

Name of person completing                                                                                      Department
Title of activity / trip                                                                                       Date & time

Description of the activity /
Location of the activity / trip

      How might the harm occur                                                      Further action required to control     Person      Target date   Completion
                                               Risk controls – what is already in
 i.e. what is the risk? and who might                                                              risk                  responsible                   date
              be harmed?

Signed off by                                                                                                  Signed off date

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Appendix 8 – Near Miss
    A Near   Miss is an event, a situation or an action that came close to causing an injury or property damage

    Date of near miss

    Time of near miss

    Describe the near miss                                          Where did it happen?

    Action taken to prevent it happening again                      Hazard removal?          yes/no

    Once completed send this card to your safety coordinator so that all appropriate people can be made aware,
    corrective action can be taken and the near miss can be logged.

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