2021 Tomorrow's Woman Award Nomination Form - St. Mary's ...

Page created by Jonathan Wagner
2021 Tomorrow's Woman Award Nomination Form - St. Mary's ...
St. Mary’s County Commission for Women                                                 St. Mary’s County Commissioners
Norma Pipkin, Chair                                                                    James R. Guy, President
Catherine Stewart, Vice-Chair                                                          Eric Colvin, Commissioner
Katie Werner, Secretary                                                                Michael L. Hewitt, Commissioner
                                                                                       Todd B. Morgan, Commissioner
                                                                                       John E. O’Connor, Commissioner

    2021 Tomorrow’s Woman Award Nomination Form
     The St. Mary’s County Commission for Women is seeking nominations of outstanding young women from
     St. Mary’s County in grades 9 through 12 for our 2021 Tomorrow’s Woman Award.
     This award honors an extraordinary young woman who has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to community
     service. We invite schools, organizations, and individuals to nominate a young woman who has made a difference in
     the lives of others in their schools and community.
     Awards Presentation:
     All nominees will be recognized during the Commission for Women’s 2021 Women’s History Month Symposium on
     March 18, 2021 at 6 p.m. on the Commission for Women’s Facebook page.
     To be eligible for the Tomorrow’s Woman Award, the nominee must:
         1. currently reside in St. Mary’s County;
         2. be currently enrolled in high school, grades 9 through 12; and
         3. have made a significant contribution to the community through volunteer efforts.
                                                           Please Note:
                      The nominee’s service must relate to voluntary work or extracurricular school activities.
    Requirements for Submission of Nominations:
    Nominators must:
         1. Notify the intended nominee and obtain their consent for nomination.
         2. Complete the attached Tomorrow’s Woman Nomination Form (Parts A and B).
         3. Ensure the nominee completes Part C.
         4. The Commission requests that the nominating party pay a nomination fee of $10.00 at the time of nomination.
             A check made payable to “St. Mary’s County Commission for Women” should be enclosed with the nomination
             form. If you are submitting the nomination via email or fax, please mail the check separately to St. Mary’s
             County Commission for Women c/o Debra Kane, Department of Aging & Human Services, Post Office Box
             653, Leonardtown, MD, 20650.
         5. Submit the completed nomination form in one of the following ways:
                     Email: commissionforwomen@stmarysmd.com, attention Debra Kane.
                     Fax: 301-475-8485, attention Debra Kane.
                     Mail: St. Mary’s County Commission for Women c/o Debra Kane, Department of Aging & Human
                      Services, Post Office Box 653, Leonardtown, MD, 20650
   Submission Due Date:
   The nomination form (Parts A, B, & C) and payment of $10 must be received by January 31, 2021 to be

                           P.O. BOX 653  23115 LEONARD HALL DRIVE, LEONARDTOWN, MD 20650
                    PHONE 301.475.4200, EXTENSION: 71680  FAX 301.475.8485  www.co.saint-marys.md.us
St. Mary’s County Commission for Women                                             St. Mary’s County Commissioners
Norma Pipkin, Chair                                                                James R. Guy, President
Catherine Stewart, Vice-Chair                                                      Eric Colvin, Commissioner
Katie Werner, Secretary                                                            Michael L. Hewitt, Commissioner
                                                                                   Todd B. Morgan, Commissioner
                                                                                   John E. O’Connor, Commissioner

                       2021 Tomorrow’s Woman Award Nomination Form

       Judging Process:
           1. An independent selection committee will review each application.
           2. The judging process will only consider the completed nomination form and any supporting documents
              submitted with the form.
           3. The winner will be announced during the Women’s History Month Symposium.
           4. Excerpts from the nomination form, including photographs, may be used for remarks during the
              banquet, and may also be printed in the event program.

       Helpful Hints for Preparing Your Nomination:
           1. Address all criteria in the nomination form.
           2. Answer each question asked about the nominee.
           3. Where possible, provide specific examples about the nominee to support your responses.
           4. Include newspaper clippings, thank you letters or other media that address and enforce contributions of
              the nominee.

       The Jane Hale Sypher Scholarship Fund
       Proceeds from and donations collected at the Women’s History Symposium go to the Jane Hale Sypher
       Scholarship Fund. Established in 2010 by the St. Mary’s County Commission for Women, the scholarship
       supports a non-traditional student who is a single parent or displaced homemaker at the College of Southern

                 Address any questions regarding the nominating process to the
               Commission for Women Point of Contact at 301-475-4200, ext. 71680.

                       P.O. BOX 653  23115 LEONARD HALL DRIVE, LEONARDTOWN, MD 20650
                PHONE 301.475.4200, EXTENSION: 71680  FAX 301.475.8485  www.co.saint-marys.md.us
St. Mary’s County Commission for Women                                      St. Mary’s County Commissioners
Norma Pipkin, Chair                                                         James R. Guy, President
Catherine Stewart, Vice-Chair                                               Eric Colvin, Commissioner
Katie Werner, Secretary                                                     Michael L. Hewitt, Commissioner
                                                                            Todd B. Morgan, Commissioner
                                                                            John E. O’Connor, Commissioner

                        2021 Tomorrow’s Woman Award Nomination Form
                                           Part A

  Identifying Information

    Your name (Please print.):


    Street address:

    City, State, Zip:


    Your email:

    Your relationship to the nominee:

    Nominee’s name:

    Date of birth:                       Grade:

    Mailing address:

    City, State, Zip:


    Email address (nominee or parent):

                     P.O. BOX 653  23115 LEONARD HALL DRIVE, LEONARDTOWN, MD 20650
              PHONE 301.475.4200, EXTENSION: 71680  FAX 301.475.8485  www.co.saint-marys.md.us
St. Mary’s County Commission for Women                                                 St. Mary’s County Commissioners
Norma Pipkin, Chair                                                                    James R. Guy, President
Catherine Stewart, Vice-Chair                                                          Eric Colvin, Commissioner
Katie Werner, Secretary                                                                Michael L. Hewitt, Commissioner
                                                                                       Todd B. Morgan, Commissioner
                                                                                       John E. O’Connor, Commissioner

                      2021 Tomorrow’s Woman Award Nomination Form
                                         Part B

    Criteria/Factors for Consideration
    Please provide information about the nominee addressing each of the following criteria. Attach your response to
    this form.
         1. Biography
             Include a brief biographical sketch and a listing of general accomplishments.

        2. Significant Contribution
           The nominee has taken the initiative to start special projects in her community that involve others or
           encourages others to contribute. Identify the nominee’s outstanding achievement for which she should
           be considered and explain the enduring value of her contribution to her community.
                                                        Please Note:
                The nominee’s service must relate to voluntary work or extracurricular school activities.

        3. Goals & Objectives
           The nominee has set goals for herself for the future and is pursuing the objectives that she needs to
           accomplish in order to obtain the goals. Identify the goals that she has set for herself. What makes this
           person stand out?

        4. Enthusiasm/Passion/Commitment
           The nominee possesses superior drive or determination, which she uses to follow through with her set
           goals and objectives. Write a few sentences about her enthusiasm and drive.

        5. Leadership
           The nominee assumes a leadership role in school and/or community activities, has the ability to inspire
           others and generate enthusiasm, and/or leads with her actions in ways such as volunteering, expressing
           individuality, and being a diligent worker. Outline her leadership abilities and her ability to inspire those
           around her.

                     P.O. BOX 653  23115 LEONARD HALL DRIVE, LEONARDTOWN, MD 20650
              PHONE 301.475.4200, EXTENSION: 71680  FAX 301.475.8485  www.co.saint-marys.md.us
St. Mary’s County Commission for Women                                              St. Mary’s County Commissioners
Norma Pipkin, Chair                                                                 James R. Guy, President
Catherine Stewart, Vice-Chair                                                       Eric Colvin, Commissioner
Katie Werner, Secretary                                                             Michael L. Hewitt, Commissioner
                                                                                    Todd B. Morgan, Commissioner
                                                                                    John E. O’Connor, Commissioner

                      2021 Tomorrow’s Woman Award Nomination Form
                                         Part C
  To be completed by the NOMINEE
  This section must be completed by nominee and may be submitted separately from the rest of the nomination form.
  This page is necessary to complete your nomination.
  To the Nominee:
  You are being nominated for the St. Mary’s County Commission for Women’s 2021 Tomorrow’s Woman Award
  given to a high school student in grades 9 through 12. This award honors an extraordinary young woman who has
  demonstrated an exceptional commitment to community service. An independent selection committee will review
  each application.
   The Commission for Women will honor all nominated young women during the 2021 Women’s History Month
   Symposium, on March 18, 2021 at 6 p.m. during our live broadcast that will be shown via our Facebook page. The
   winner of the 2021 Tomorrow’s Woman Award will be announced during the event.
  1.   Please complete the following:

  Your name:


  City, State, Zip:



  2. Answer the following question on a separate sheet(s) of paper and attach to this cover sheet.
       What woman do you admire? Why? When responding to this question, please write about a woman in history
       or alive today, who is not a relative.
  3. Submit a photo (digital preferred) of yourself along with this cover sheet and your answer to the question.
  4. Submit the completed nomination form and photo in one of the following ways:
        Email: commissionforwomen@stmarysmd.com attention Debra Kane.
        Fax: 301-475-8485, attention Debra Kane.
        Mail: St. Mary’s County Commission for Women, c/o Debra Kane
                Department of Aging & Human Services, Post Office Box 653 Leonardtown, MD, 20650
   Due date: The nomination form and photo must be received by January 31, 2021.

                    P.O. BOX 653  23115 LEONARD HALL DRIVE, LEONARDTOWN, MD 20650
             PHONE 301.475.4200, EXTENSION: 71680  FAX 301.475.8485  www.co.saint-marys.md.us
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