Page created by Earl Marshall
                                                                      EXHIBIT SPACE CONTRACT AND CONDITIONS
                                                                                      JULY 26–29, 2021

The host hotel is the Hilton Branson Convention Center, 200 East Main St., Branson MO 65616; phone: (417) 336-5400.
Room rates are $169 per night for single or double; price will vary for more than three per room. Reservations can be
made online at 2021 Mid-States Propane Expo or by calling (866) 442-0959. There are rooms available at both the
Convention Center and Promenade (limited) locations. Our Group Code is MSPE2 or tell the operator you are with the
Mid-States Propane Expo. Our room block ends Friday, July 2, 2021, or when all rooms are taken. Parking is FREE.

                                OUR SINCERE THANKS AND APPRECIATION!
                This packet includes information for exhibiting at the 2021 Mid-States Propane Expo.
             Thank you for exhibiting and providing your expertise on behalf of our members and partners.
   We are looking forward to our in-person Mid-States Propane Expo. However, it will be conducted in accordance with
    any COVID-19 protocols required by local health officials at the time of the event. Modifications to the schedule,
     layout or program may be necessary and we ask your patience and understanding should these be necessary.

  LOAD-IN/LOAD-OUT SCHEDULE                                                EXHIBIT SPACE PAYMENT AND ASSIGNMENT

∂ EXHIBITOR  SET-UP                                                     Booth assignments will be made by the Expo Coordinator on a
  Tuesday, July 27, from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and                     first-come basis unless the Exhibitor has paid the reservation
   Wednesday, July 28, from 8 a.m. until noon.                          fee of $100. Payment for space submitted with the Exhibit

∂ TRADE SHOW HOURS                                                      Space Contract will secure your booth location on a first-come
                                                                        basis. Every effort will be made to ensure that exhibitors are
  Wednesday, July 28, from 1—4:30 p.m.
                                                                        not placed adjacent to competitors.
  Wednesday, July 28, from 4:30—7 p.m.
                                                                           DISPLAY PRODUCTS

  BOOTH DIMENSIONS                                                      Products, equipment and services used in the propane
                                                                        industry will be accepted for display and/or presentation.
Booths: 8' tall back drape, 3' tall side dividers, all supported on     Propane in cylinders with gas in or introduced to the container
steel pipe framework. Booths are 8'x10' and include ID sign,            are not permitted inside the hotel.
6' draped table, two chairs and wastebasket. Electricity is
not included but is available. Exhibitor packets will be sent to
registered exhibitors with available options and requirements.             NON-EXHIBITOR VENDOR POLICY
                                                                        To protect the integrity of the show and ensure exhibit space
  CONFLICTING MEETINGS & SOCIAL ACTIVITIES                              value, the policy of Mid-States Propane Expo is as follows:
                                                                        Any non-exhibiting vendor who wishes to attend/participate
In the interest of the success of the entire conference and             in any activities related to the 2021 Mid-States Propane Expo
trade show, each exhibitor agrees not to extend invitations,            shall be charged an amount equal to the fee for one booth.
call meetings, or otherwise encourage absence of attendees              Non-exhibiting vendors who do not pay the fee will not be
from the conference or exhibit area during the official hours of        allowed to participate.
the conference or trade show.

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YOUR ALL-INCLUSIVE BOOTH PACKAGE INCLUDES                            No.          Cost      Total

∫   8' Pipe and Drape Booth or Large Inside Truck Space
∫   Supplier Party Sponsorship                                                    $1,245
∫   Two Expo Passes

Additional Items
Additional Booth or Truck Space                                                   $695
Reserved Space per Booth (as available)                                           $125

                                                                     No.          Cost      Total
(Exclusive Sponsorships in BOLD)
Monday President’s Reception                                                      $1,075
Tuesday Golf Beverage Cart                                                        $1,075
Tuesday Golf Lunch                                                                $500
Tuesday Golf Prizes                                                               $250
Tuesday Gold Hole Sponsor                                                         $100
Tuesday Fishing Excursion GREEN LP                                                $1,075
Tuesday Sporting Clays                                                            $500
Tuesday Champagne Bingo HEULLINGHOFF                                              $1,075
Tuesday Children’s Event                                                          $250
Wednesday Breakfast                                                               $2,000
Spouse Event                                                                      $250
Wednesday Keynote MO Propane Safety Commission                                    $10,000
Wednesday LIVE! Autogas Conversion Alliance Autogas                               $2,500
Wednesday Reception                                                               $250
Wednesday Bean Bag Tournament                                                     $250
Wednesday Charity Texas Hold’ Em                                                  $500
Thursday Prayer Breakfast                                                         $1,075
Seminar Sponsor (based on availability)                                           $250

Total Mid-States Booth and Sponsorship Request

Branson CVB Photo                                             Branson CVB Photo

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   YES, please reserve my space at the 2021 Mid-States Propane Expo
Company Name______________________________________________ Representative________________________________________________

Signature____________________________________________________ Date__________________________________________________________


City___________________________________________________________ State_______________________________ Zip_______________________

Phone__________________________________ Fax___________________________________ Email _______________________________________


Number of Spaces_____________________

Reserve my Booth Space # (1st choice)___________________ (2nd choice)_______________________(3rd choice)_______________________
My Preferred Sponsorship is (1st choice)____________________________________ (2nd choice)_______________________________________
Make checks payable to: MPGA, 4110 Country Club Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109
or contact MPGA with your credit card information. Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express accepted.
       CALL                               FAX                         EMAIL                                   ONLINE
       (800) 601-9332 ext.302             (573) 893-2623              estelle@missouripropane.com             www.midstatespropaneexpo.org

  LIABILITY AND INSURANCE                                                    BOOTH SIGNS
Exhibitor assumes responsibility and agrees to indemnify,               Exhibitors are responsible for their own signage. Booths will be
defend and hold harmless Hilton Branson Convention Center,              identified by Liberty Exposition Services with a 7"x44" sign that
the Branson Convention Center, the hotel’s owner, the city of           may be removed after your booth is in place.
Branson and their respective owners, managers, subsidiaries,
affiliates, employees and agents (collectively, “Hotel Parties”),
and group from and against any claims or expenses arising                    ADMISSION POLICIES
out of the use of the exhibition premises.                              The propane associations of Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri
Exhibitor agrees to obtain and maintain during the use of the           and Oklahoma will always have sole control over ALL admission
exhibition premises, comprehensive general liability insurance,         policies. All associations involved represent the Mid-States
including contractual liability covering the Exhibitor’s indemnity      Propane Expo.
in this responsibility clause. Such insurance shall be in the
amount of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit
                                                                             CANCELLATIONS AND DEFAULTS
for personal injury and property damage. The Hilton Branson
Convention Center, the Branson Convention Center, the hotel’s           Cancellations received in writing on or before July 2, 2021, will
owner, the city of Branson and each of such entities’ owners,           receive a complete refund, less a $50 handling charge. Those
subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Hotel Parties”) and         received after July 2, will not be eligible for a refund. Exhibitors
group shall be named as additional insureds on such policy, and         failing to occupy contracted space remain obligated to pay the
Exhibitor shall supply the hotel with certificates of insurance at      full rental fee for the space.
least 30 days prior to the use of the exhibition premises.
The Exhibitor understands that neither the Group nor the                     OTHER EXPO ACTIVITIES TO CONSIDER
Hotel Parties maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s
                                                                        Please see the complete list of sponsorship activities available
property and it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to
                                                                        throughout the Mid-States Expo.
obtain such insurance.
The propane associations of Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri
and Oklahoma assume no liability for loss or damage of
personal property. By signing this contract, you acknowledge all
terms and conditions herein.
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