Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center

Page created by Tracy Fischer
Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center
Greene - Grelle 2021
           Plein Air Workshop
             November 13-14
            30th Anniversary
  Bruce Greene and Martin Grelle will conduct their
     annual Greene-Grelle Plein Air Workshop on
 November 13-14, giving instruction, demonstrations,
 guidance, and critiques in the beautiful surroundings
              of Bosque County, Texas.
 The Art Council of the Bosque Arts Center in Clifton is
           pleased to present this workshop
       led by these acclaimed members of the
              Cowboy Artists of America.

Saturday - Sunday | November 13-14, 2021 | Bosque Arts Center

                      Edgar Sotelo

Workshop participants will meet at the Bosque Arts Center
     in Clifton at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 13.
 Each student should bring the materials he/she regularly
    uses to complete a painting, as well as two works in
  progress or two completed paintings for critique. In the
event of inclement weather, classes will necessarily be moved
   to an indoor facility. Social distancing will be observed.
Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center
Greene - Grelle Plein Air Workshop Registration
The cost for workshop is $350. Due to the popularity and limited enrollment of the workshop, a 50%
deposit ($175) is required with your registration. The balance of any payment due must be received by
October 19. No cancellation refund will be given after October 19, 2021. Cancellations prior to October
        19 will be subject to a $15 administration fee. Scholarship deadline is October 7, 2021.
                   Continental breakfasts and lunches are included in the workshop fee.
  Note: The workshop is geared toward adults who have some experience in painting. Only registered participants may attend.
                                 The facility is not set up to accommodate children, pets, etc.

        Into the Mists of Morning by Martin Grelle                                                               Tied Hard to Tradition by Bruce Greene

                                                      About the Artists
                                      Bruce Greene has been                      Bosque County born and
                                      involved with art and                      raised, Martin Grelle has
                                      learning all his life.                     continued to call home

                                                                                                                                                          Photo by Joyce Grelle
                                      From classes at the Mu-                    the town that nurtured
                                      seum of Art in Dallas as                   his budding talent as an
                                      an 8-year-old to work-                     artist. Martin considers
                                      shops with the Cow-                        himself fortunate that
                                                                                 two CAA giants--Melvin
   Bruce Greene
                                      boy Artists of America
                                                                                                                          Martin Grelle
                                      in Kerrville, Bruce has                    Warren and James Boren-
honed his craft to perfection and in the process picked up the                   -moved to Clifton during
skills to pass along that hard-earned knowledge. Today he                        his formative high school years. Within a year of graduating,
is a renowned, award-winning sculptor and painter whose                          Martin exhibited in his first one-man show. In the 40-plus years
work is represented in both private collections and public                       since that time, he has produced more than 30 one-man exhi-
places, including Baylor University, The Ballpark in Arlington,                  bitions--including annual shows at Overland Gallery in Scotts-
and soon the Alamo. Bruce has twice earned the CAA’s                             dale, Arizona, from 1989 through 2014. October 30 will bring
                                                                                 another one-man show at Legacy Gallery in Scottsdale. Mar-
Ray Swanson Memorial Award, given for artwork “that best
                                                                                 tin has won awards of both regional & national importance at
communicates a moment in time and captures the emotion
                                                                                 shows around the country. Grelle was invited into membership
of the moment.” Bruce credits his authenticity to annual
                                                                                 with the Cowboy Artists of America in 1995, fulfilling a dream
trips to the JA Ranch in the Palo Dura Canyon. “We ride a                        that began in the early 70’s when he first met Boren & War-
lot of miles in rough country....It seems necessary, to me, in                   ren. Among his many honors, he has received the Briscoe Mu-
order to depict the contempo-                                                                                        seum’s Legacy Award for
rary cowboy with accuracy and                                                                                        his impact on the world of
feeling. My good friend, Red                                                                                         western art as well as the
Steagall, calls it ‘getting the                                                                                      Booth Museum’s Artist of
dust in your nose.’ For me, that                                                                                     Excellence Award in 2020.
dust makes the difference.”                                                                                             Martin and his wife,
   Bruce and his wife, Janie,                                                                                        Joyce, live on a ranch a few
live on a small ranch just out-                                                                                      miles outside Clifton.
side Clifton.
                                                [Greene-Grelle Workshop photos by Kathy Tate except as noted.]
Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center
BOSQUE ARTS CENTER                                         Greene-Grelle Plein Air Workshop │ November 13-14, 2021
    po box 373 | 215 S. college hill dr                                   Saturday - Sunday | 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
             clifton, tx 76634                                    Particpants meet at the Bosque Arts Center Nov. 13 at 8:30 a.m.
   phone: 254 675 3724 | fax: 254 675 2922                                         for a continental breakfast.
     Mon - Fri: 9a - 5p | Saturday: 10a - 5p
    w w w.bosque

                                                                                                                                  Benjamin Knox

~Scholarship opportunities are available for these workshops, including scholarships through the Cowboy Artists of
 America Joe Beeler Foundation. For more information, call 254.675.3724 or email
                         Places to Stay                                                             Places to eat (CONTINUED)
                        BCP Loft (254) 675-2091
                                                                                                    China wok (210 w 5th st) Hwy 219
        Bosque Resort (Laguna Park) (254) 622-2034                                                   Corner Drug Cafe (102 N. Ave D)
          clifton rv park (254) 675-8782 - after 4pm                                             COUNTRY DONUTS (611 n ave g) hwy 6
         The Dahl House (214-368-1625/ 214-906-0245)                                         El Charro restaurant (611 N Ave G) HWY 6
                  lakehaven b&b (254) 622-3449                                                Foothills Bar & Grill (702 S Ave G) Hwy 6
     Little Cricket Inn (Cranfills Gap) (254) 253-0157                                             johnny’s place (502 s ave g) hwy 6
                 Screen Door Inn (254) 675 - 7829                                                     Los Verdes (403 s ave g) hwy 6
                  Velkommen Inn (254) 675-8999                                                Quiznos & Pizza Inn Express - RANGlERS

                          Places to eat                                                                       (611 n ave g) hwy 6

              bunkhouse bbq (101 S Ave G) hwy 6                                                               Olaf’s (121 N Ave D)

                 Breaking Bread Bakery & Deli                                                           royal pizza & sandwiches
                       (120A N Avenue D)                                                                    (602 S ave g) hwy 6

           chicken express (621 w 5th st) Hwy 219                                                       subway (1219 n ave g) hwy 6

                                        Greene-Grelle Plein Air Workshop Registration Form 2021
Payment may be made by mailing a check* or by calling the Bosque Arts Center office (254.675.3724) with a credit card.
*Make checks payable to BACAC Workshops, and remit to BAC Art Council/P.O. Box 373/Clifton, TX 76634. For workshop info, call
254.675.3387 or 254.386.6248. Email: for additional details.

                   Workshop Fee—$350.00
                   Amount Remitted __________________
                             *If paying by check, first call 254.675.3724 to hold workshop place.
 50% deposit: September 30, 2021 | Balance by October 19 | No cancellation refunds after Oct. 19, 2021 | Cancellations prior to Oct. 19 : $15 administration fee.
Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center Greene - Grelle 2021 Plein Air Workshop November 13-14 30th Anniversary - Bosque Arts Center
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