2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ...

Page created by Angela Wang
2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ...
Micro Wedding and
Elopement Packages
101 Carrie Cates Court
North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4

2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ...

Located in the heart of the Shipyards
District on Vancouver’s North Shore,
The Polygon Gallery is a spectacular
event venue with city skyline views and a
clean, contemporary aesthetic. Designed
by Governor General’s Award-winning
Patkau Architects, the Gallery is a striking
building that gleams on the harbourfront,
rising in waves to the North Shore peaks,
and beckoning visitors to its doors.

As a non-profit, public gallery, venue
rental revenues directly fund the Gallery’s
groundbreaking exhibitions and

2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ...
@mathiasfast                                              @brandonelliotphotography

               Large Parties May Have To Wait But Love Doesn’t

2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ...
2021 Micro Event Package

                                                        During the COVID-19 pandemic, The              Micro Event Package inclusions:
                                                        Polygon Gallery is offering micro events in
                                                        accordance with the Provincial Health         - exclusive use of the Seaspan Pavilion for
                                                        Officer’s orders on Gatherings and              your event of up to 50 guests
                                                        Events.                                       - an Event Liaison for the duration of the
                                                                                                        event to help with set up and strike
                                                        A micro event at the Gallery is defined as    - optional use of The Polygon’s in-house
                                                        following:                                      tables, chairs and coat racks
                                                                                                      - ceiling mounted speakers for background
                                                      - An evening event with no more than 50           music
                                                        guests. (If the Provincial Health Officer     - use of the large onsite catering kitchen
                                                        permits the Licensee to have more than        - pre/post event cleaning
                                                        50 guests at the time of their wedding,
                                                        then the Licensee has the option to
                                                        upgrade to a full rental package and           $950 for 2 hours (ceremony only, no food
                                                        increase their guest count beyond 50           service)
                                                        people).                                       $1,800 for 4 hours
                                                                                                       $2,600 for 6 hours
                           @brennalouise              - A daytime event during Gallery operating       $400 per hour thereafter
                                                        hours with no more than 25 people.
                                                                                                       * all set up and tear down must be completed within the hours
                                                                                                       of booking
                                                      - An event exclusive to the beautiful            * that there is NO tax on our room rentals given that we are a
                                                                                                       registered charity
                                                        Seaspan Pavilion upstairs with private         * this package offering is currently available for bookings in
                                                        balcony (adding the main floor to an event     2021 only, we are not accepting micro events in 2022
                                                                                                       * additional fees may also include Socan/ReSound music
                                                        is a $1000 flat fee)                           licensing fees per event, bar service, or security for the main
                                                                                                       entrance after hours

                                                      - A rate structure that provides access by
                                                        the hour including set up and strike times.

                                                      - An event with a dance floor only if
                                                        permitted by the current Provincial Health

                                                      - An event that takes place in 2021. We are
                                                        not currently taking bookings for Micro
                                                        Events in 2022.

@diamondsedgephotography   @diamondsedgephotography
2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ...
Covid-19 Policies & Procedures

Any guests, vendors or gallery staff who       Gallery Procedures                             Expectations of Guests                       Ongoing Policies
have travelled internationally in the last
two weeks or are experiencing a fever,       - The venue will be cleaned before and         - All licensees will be required to sign a     The Gallery holds the Liquor Primary
sore throat or flu like symptoms in the        after each event. Hard surfaces &              COVID-19 rental contract outlining our       License for all events. We are happy to
past two weeks, or have been in contact        frequent touchpoints will be sanitized         safety procedures and we ask that you        provide BC wines, local craft beer and
with someone who has any of the above          during events by the Event Liaisons.           share the information provided in this       craft spirits in-house. There is no outside
symptoms or confirmed positive for           - Site visits are by appointment only.           document with all of your guests and         alcohol (including donated product or
COVID-19, will NOT be permitted into The     - Directional and social distancing              vendors.                                     home-brew) permitted.
Polygon Gallery                                signage will be in place, we ask that        - Floor plans must be provided to the
                                               it is adhered to.                              Venue Rentals Manager prior to an event      Candles are permitted in the facility on
                                             - We will offer hand sanitization stations       for approval.                                table tops, contained in a glass votives.
                                               at each entrance door.                       - Masks are encouraged but optional            Nothing can be attached to the walls in
                                             - All staff and vendors will be masked           for event guests at The Gallery when         any event spaces but you can hang items
                                               when onsite.                                   inside the Seaspan Pavilion.                 from the ceiling, such as florals,
                                             - A concierge will man the main entrance       - Guests are expected to fully comply with     chandeliers, flagging, and additional
                                               after hours to welcome guests & check          the above reduced event capacities and       lighting. Floor and wall decals are NOT
                                               temperatures if needed.                        social distancing protocols at The Gallery   permitted anywhere in the facility and
                                             - The Polygon Gallery will continue to           In accordance with recommendations           please avoid live flower petals, confetti,
                                               closely monitor the BC Provincial Health       from B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer.       smoke/fog machines, or sparkler ma-
                                               Officer’s recommendations on group                                                          chines.
                                               gathering sizes for weddings and special
                                               events. In the event that these capacities                                                  The Polygon Gallery is a public art gallery
                                               are increased or decreased from the                                                         and will be made available “as is”, on the
                                               current recommendation of 50 people,                                                        basis that the Gallery has no obligation to
                                               The Polygon Gallery will follow these                                                       move or alter any exhibitions during the
                                               guidelines effective immediately.                                                           rental period. Artwork and wall colour may
                                             - We are encouraging a limited                                                                change without notice in any of the public
                                               number of vendors at an event and will                                                      spaces, though the Seaspan Pavilion’s
                                               impose staggered delivery times and                                                         walls will remain white for all events.
                                               prescheduled drop offs to avoid
                                               overcrowding elevators and loading bays.                                                    We encourage you to reach out to our
                                                                                                                                           seven wonderful preferred catering
                                                                                                                                           partners listed in this document for
                                                                                                                                           your micro events. They are all offering
                                                                                                                                           creative, safe and personalized options
                                                                                                                                           for your guests within the new provincial
                                                                                                                                           guidelines for food service. Outside
                                                                                                                                           caterers must be approved by the gallery
                                                                                                                                           and a $500 galley fee will apply.
2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ...
Preferred Partners

Catering                                        Audio Visual                                  Rental and Décor                Accommodation

The Gallery’s priority is providing an          The Polygon Gallery has the following         A&B Party & Event Rentals       Seaside Hotel
outstanding event experience for guests,        in-house AV items available for rent:         sales@abpartytime.com           130-125 Victory Ship Way
while respecting the museum environ-                                                          abpartytime.com                 North Vancouver
ment in which it operates. The following      - Ceiling Mounted Projector $250                                                reservations@seasidehotelvancouver.com
caterers have been selected for their ex-     - Wireless Microphone + in-house                Bespoke Decor                   seasidehotelvancouver.com
perience and stellar reputation in the city     Speakers $100                                 hello@bespokedecor.ca
as well as their familiarization with The     - Lectern (x2) $75 each                         bespokedecor.ca                 Lonsdale Quay Hotel
Polygon Gallery’s custom catering kitch-      - Staging - three 4’ x 8’ sections @                                            frontdesk@lonsdalequayhotel.com
en, on-site inventory, catering guidelines      $75 per deck                                  Bold Event Rentals              lonsdalequayhotel.com
and policies. Please contact them directly                                                    rentals@boldeventcreative.com
for menus and quotes.                           If you are simply plugging your iphone        boldeventcreative.com           Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier Hotel
                                                into our house speakers, or using a wire-                                     fd@pinnacleatthepier.com
Cocktails & Canapes                             less microphone to address the crowd,         Loungeworks                     pinnaclepierhotel.com
info@cocktailsandcanapes.ca                     there is no need to bring in a tech. If you   rentals@loungeworks.ca
cocktailsandcanapes.ca                          require string lights, projection, sound      loungeworks.ca                  Entertainment
                                                or lighting effects for your event, please
Louis Gervais                                   contact Val at McHugh Productions, The        Pedersen’s Rentals              Siegal Entertainment Curation
louis@louisgervais.com                          Polygon’s AV tech, for a quotation on her     sales.vancouver@pedersens.com   info@siegalent.com
louisgervaiscatering.com                        services.                                     vancouver.pedersens.com         siegelent.com
Edge Catering                                                                                                                 Underground Circus
events@edgecatering.ca                                                                                                        info@undergroundcircus.ca
edgecatering.ca                                                                                                               undergroundcircus.ca

Navraj Sweets                                                                                                                 Side One Band
navrajsweets@gmail.com                                                                                                        info@sideone.ca
navrajsweets.com                                                                                                              sideone.ca

Peake of Catering

Railtown Catering

Truffles Fine Foods

2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ...
Bar Service

The Gallery holds a Liquor Primary                Menu                                House Cocktails:                               Non-Alcoholics:
License for all events. We are happy to                                               *minimum order of 50 as all specialty
provide BC wines, local craft beer and            Beer/Cider:                         ingredients must be prepared in advance      - Coke, Diet Coke, Ginger Ale, Sprite, Soda,
craft spirits under the direction of our          $5                                                                                 Tonic, Cranberry Cocktail, Orange Juice
exclusive bar management company,                                                   - Sea to Sky                                     $1.50
Lavish Liquid. All alcohol is provided        -   Off The Rail Psyclepath Lager       $9
in-house and is charged based on con-         -   Off The Rail Classic Pale Ale       Brokers Gin, Stellar’s Jay Brut, Butterfly   - 1L San Pellegrino Water
sumption. There are a number of different     -   (Grapefruit / Chestnut Ale)         Flower & Elderflower Syrup, Chamomile,         $4
options for the bar such as: cash bar,        -   Deep Cove Panorama Honey Lager      Lemon Juice, Lemon Twist
host bar, drink tickets or a combination of   -   Lonetree Dry Apple Cider
these. Due to the Gallery’s Liquor Primary                                          - West Coast Whisky Sour                       - Custom orders are welcome! All off menu
License, there is no outside alcohol (in-                                             $9                                             orders are a non-refundable straight
cluding donated product or home-brew)             Wine/ Bubbles:                      Jim Beam Black, Cedar + Thyme Syrup,           purchase and cannot leave the licensed
permitted.                                        $40/bottle                          lemon juice, Ms. Betters Bitters               premise post event. Standard mark ups
                                                                                      Miraculous foamer                              will apply.
Lavish Liquid provides very professional      -   Poplar Grove Pinot Gris
bartenders and specializes in signature       -   Poplar Grove Merlot               - Spirit Trail                                 - The Polygon Gallery does not allow
cocktails, champagne towers and even          -   8th Generation Chardonnay           $8 single / $10.50 double                      products that are not purchased through
delicious mocktails sure to impress           -   8th Generation Pinot Noir           Jim Beam Black Bourbon, Spiced Chai,           the Gallery’s license to be served on
your younger guests. For a full menu of       -   Joie Farm Noble Blend               Peach Nectar, Lemon Juice, Aromatic &          premise at any time.
delicious cocktails and a complimentary       -   Joie Farm Rosé                      Citrus Bitters, Orange Wheel
quotation on your bar service, please         -   Steller’s Jay Brut                                                               - All pricing excludes GST & LST and
contact info@lavishliquid.com.                -   Steller’s Jay Brut Rosé           - Lionsgate Mule                                 gratuity.
                                                                                      $8 single / $10.50 double
                                                                                      Deep Cove Craft Vodka, Cocktail Tailor’s
                                                  House Spirits:                      Ginger Beer, Mango Nectar, Cardamom
                                                  $5 single / $7.50 double            Bitters, Lime Leaf & Lime Wheel

                                              - Deep Cove Vodka                     - North Shore Collins
                                              - Brokers Gin                           $8 single / $10.50 double
                                              - Canadian Club Chairman’s Select       Deep Cove Mediterranean Gin, Apricot
                                                100% Rye                              Shrub, Lemon Juice, Soda, Rosemary
                                              - Havana Club 3yr                       Sprig Garnish & Lemon Wheel
                                              - Appleton Estate Special Blend Rum
                                              - Jim Beam Black Bourbon              - Pica Piña Margarita
                                              - Hornitos Plata Tequila                $8 single / $10.50 double
                                                                                      Hornitos Plata Tequila, Pineapple, Lime,
                                              - Glenlivet 12yr Scotch                 Agave Syrup, Habanero, Chili Salt Rim, &
                                                $8 single / $12 double                Dehydrated Lime
2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ...

Please contact us with your 2021 micro
event inquiries – we’re happy to help.

Thank you for your continued support.

Jessica Walker
Venue Rentals Manager
604-986-1351 (ex 119)

101 Carrie Cates Court
North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4
2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ... 2021 Micro Wedding and Elopement Packages - 101 Carrie Cates Court North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J4 @thepolygonvenue ...
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