2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...

Page created by Norma Jordan
2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...

& Event
Planning Guide
E x h i b it i o n s a n d

D i g ita l a n d
e m a i l A dv e rt i s i n g
2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...
Welcome to the 2021
                                                                   PDA Advertising & Event
                                                                   Planning Guide
                                                                   Use this guide to explore all of our advertising,
PDA Member
B r e a k d o w n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                   exhibit, and sponsorship opportunities to put your
                                                                   company and your message in front of just the
Portfolio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                   right audience. We offer longtime favorites and new
O n l i n e A d v e r t i s i n g.. . . . . . . . . .          6   digital opportunities to connect you with potential
                                                                   customers across platforms.
A D VERTISING.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                   Please contact us to make the most of your
Ema i l A d v e r t i s i n g . . . . . . . . . . . .          9   promotional dollars. We will be happy to work with
online Buyer’s guide,                                              you to create the perfect package to reach and
                                                                   influence industry professionals, including key
N e w s f e e d, N e w s u P D ATE
e-letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                   decision makers with purchasing power!
Exhibitions and
Sp o n s o r s h i p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               I look forward to hearing from you.
P D A C o n ta c t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       19
Advertising Policy/

Guidelines for
Advertising Copy. . . . . . . . . .                                David Hall Vice President, Sales
                                                                   P: +1 (301) 760-7373
                                                                   C: +1 (240) 688-4405
                                                                   E: hall@pda.org
2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...
PDA Member Breakdown

                               PDA boasts a 75-year history as a
                               leading global provider of science, regulatory
                               information, and education for the pharmaceutical and
                               biopharmaceutical community, supported by its Global
                               Headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland; European office located
                               in Berlin, Germany; and Asia-Pacific office located in Singapore.
                               Its members reside in 79 countries around the world, and more
                               than 2,500 of these global members support PDA’s initiatives as
                               active volunteers. PDA is governed by a 17-member volunteer
                               Board of Directors.

                               Members per region

                                                 NORTH AMERICA                                        EUROPE

                                                 4,886                                           1,787

                                                                                                               MIDDLE EAST

                           CENTRAL/SOUTH                                         AFRICA
                                                                                                                  More than

                                                                                                      of PDA members recommend, authorize
                                                                                                         the purchase of, or make purchase
                                                                                                       decisions regarding products and/or
                                                                                                            services for their companies
                              For inquiries, please contact: David Hall, hall@pda.org, +1 (240) 688-4405
2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...
job position

PDA Member Breakdown

                                                                                                     Director, Vice President or Department/Sector Head

                                          64%                                                              24%
                                                                                                           Manager, Leader or Supervisor
                                       of PDA’s members
                                       hold a senior
                                       leadership role
                                                                                                                 Executive, Chairman, President or CEO

                                                                          areas of work

                           top purchasing roles                           Quality Systems
                           Manufacturing                                  Process Validation
                           Microbiology                                                                                                           45%
                           Executive Management
                                                                          Inspection Trends
                           Technical Operations                                                                      30                           39%






                                                                          Regulatory Affairs
                           year’s in industry
                                                                          Packaging Science, Container Development

                                                                          Technology Transfer
                                    37%             20+ years                                                        10
                                                                          Microbiology/Environmental Monitoring
                                                                          Facilities and Engineering
                                                   10+ years                       60

                                                                          Visual Inspection of Parenterals

                                                                          Pharmaceutical Water Systems
                                     11%            4-9 years







                                                                          Combination Products






                                                                          Pharmaceutical Cold Chain


                                                    1-3 years
                                                                          Supply20Chain Management

                                                                          Clinical Trial Materials

                                                                          Prefilled Syringes
                                       1%            1 year               Quality Risk Management








                                                                          Flexible Container
                                                                                                                     20                           13%
                              For inquiries, please contact: David Hall, hall@pda.org, +1 (240) 688-4405             50

2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...
Product Portfolio

                     The PDA website and online publications
                     feature digital advertising opportunities
                     that will allow you to expand your brand visibility through banner
                     ads and sponsored videos. Capture visitors’ attention on three
                     unique digital properties: the PDA.org website, the PDA Letter
                     online magazine, and the PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science
                     and Technology.

                                                   Your Ad Here

                    For digital advertising inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...
online advertising
    Online Advertising

                                                                                                      Website Traffic*

                                                                                                      Monthly Sessions:     82,207
                                                                                                      Monthly Page Views:187,223
                                                                                                      Monthly Unique Page Views: 139,735
                                                                                                      Pages Viewed per Session: 3

                                                                                                            Secondary Page

                                                                                                                                        300 x
                                                                                                                                        250 px

                                              250 x               250 x                                        Average
                                              250 px              250 px                                    Monthly Visitors

                                                                                                                                        New Visitor

                         PDA Website advertising options
                                                                                           Visitor                                       84%
                         PDA.org                                                          16%
                                                                                     Ad                               Average Page
                                                Page                                                     Size           Views per             Price
                                                                               Specifications                            month

                           Homepage                                             Boombox            250 x 250 px           17,256         $2,800/month
                            Secondary Pages
                           New Technical Report Product Page                    Half Banner        468 x 60 px             4,351         $2,800/month
                           Global Calendar                                      Banner             728 x 90 px             5,727         $2,300/month
                           PDA Technical Report Portal Landing Page             Square             250 x 250 px            3,307         $2,300/month
                           New TOPIc area pages
                           Pages                                               Average page views per month           Ad specifications
                           Biopharmaceuticals/Biotechnology                                    274                    Rectangle, Banner
                           Manufacturing/Science                                               140                    Rectangle, Banner
                           Aseptic Processing/Sterilization                                    591                    Rectangle, Banner
                           Supply Chain/Outsourcing                                            61                     Rectangle, Banner
                           Quality/Regulatory                                                  425                    Rectangle, Banner
                           Ad Sizes and Pricing:                                Rectangle     300 x 250 px            $1,800/month
                                                                                Banner/Footer 728 x 90 px             $1,300/month

                         *PDA’s own data, provided by Google Analytics. Average monthly numbers from December 2019 through December 2020 across all
                           PDA websites.
                         For digital advertising inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...
Online Advertising

                         The PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

                                                                                                               Website Statistics

                                                            728 x 90 px                                        Home Page Monthly Views:

                                                                                                               Table of Contents Monthly Views:

                                                                                                               Choose from two ad sizes:
                                                                                                               Rectangle (300 x 250 px)
                                                                                                               Leaderboard (728 x 90 px)

                                                                                    300 x
                                                                                    250 px

                         Accessible–Available 24/7 to all PDA members and 250 individual and institutional subscribers
                         Global reach—Members and subscribers located in more than 79 countries
                         Markets served—Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers, industry product and
                         service suppliers, government agencies, and academia

                                                 Ad Specifications                                           Size               Price

                           Leaderboard - Run of Site                                                      728 x 90 px       $2,800/month

                           Rectangle - Partial Run of Site
                                                                                                         300 x 250 px       $2,300/month
                           (Home Page, Current Issue, Past Issues, Accepted Articles tabs)

                           Specific Article Page                                                         300 x 250 px       $1,000/month

                           eTOC Alerts (email sent to approximately 8,500)                                468 x 60 px        $1,000/email

                          For digital advertising inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...
pda letter online
pda letter online


                                                                                                   Monthly Page Views:           9,336
                                                                   630 x 90 px
                                                                                                   Monthly Unique Page Views:            7,905
                                                                                                              Secondary Page

                                                                                                                                            250 x
                                                                                                                                            250 px
                                                                                      300 x
                                                                                      250 px

                                                                                                                                            250 x
                                                                                      300 x                                                 250 px
                                                                                      250 px

                                         Page                          Ad Specifications                     Size                  Price
                        Home Page - Run of Site                         Leaderboard                     630 x 90 px              $4,300/month
                        Home Page                                       Rectangle                       300 x 250 px             $2,800/month
                        Multimedia Pages - Partial Run of Site          Rectangle                       300 x 250 px             $1,800/month
                        Sponsored Content - call for details
                        Secondary Pages
                        Article                                         Square                          250 x 250 px             $1,800/article
                        Article                                         Footer/Banner                   800 x 100 px             $1,300/article
                        Video                                           Embed URL                       Not applicable           $2,800/month
                        PDA Letter monthly digest email
                                                                        Email                           468x60                   $1,000/email
                        (sent to approximately 8,500)
                    Content is made available on a mobile-friendly website that not only offers enhanced functionality for reading,
                    but also provides additional advertising opportunities.

                     PDA Letter
                    The PDA Letter is PDA’s online magazine covering the science, technology, regulatory, and
                    association news relevant to the PDA community. With key subject matter expert interviews,
                    case studies, and articles by industry leaders and experts, this popular publication is a primary
                    communication method to keep PDA members up to date on the industry and its best practices.
                    The PDA Letter website allows for continuous publishing of timely information on Aseptic
                    Processing and Sterilization, Biopharmaceuticals and Biotechnology, Manufacturing Science,
                    Quality and Regulatory, and Supply Chain/Outsourcing.

                    For digital advertising inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...
email advertising
Email Advertising

                    The PDA Connector©                                            PDA Virtual Events and
                    Distribution: 30,000                                          Training Newsletter
                    Open Rate: 13%                                                Distribution: 12,000
                    Click-Through Rate: 7.6%                                      Open Rate: 14%
                                                                                  Click-Through Rate: 6.7%
                    The PDA Connector, PDA’s weekly
                    e-Newsletter, is delivered to the inboxes of                 The Virtual Events and Training Newsletter is
                    more than 30,000 industry professionals                      a bi-weekly newsletter featuring updates on
                    and regulators worldwide. Each issue of the                  PDA’s upcoming virtual conferences, webinars,
                    PDA Connector contains updates on PDA                        live eLearning training courses, and hybrid
                    activities and events as well as hot topics                  events. All ads are given a prime location
                    in the regulatory arena. All ads are given a                 within the email and do not rotate with other
                    prime location throughout the email and do                   ads, providing maximum visibility and driving
                    not rotate with other ads, providing maximum                 traffic to your website.
                    visibility and driving traffic to your website.

                                                 Ad Specifications                                      Frequency          Price
                       Sponsored Content (3 per issue)                                                 1x              $850
                       Header text – max. 15 characters (with spaces)                                  2x              $1,600
                       Body text – max. 140 characters (with spaces)                                   4x              $3,000
                       Image size – 180 x 142 jpg or png (no gifs)                                     12x             $7,500
                       Call to action button text - max 15 characters (with spaces)                    24x             $13,000
                       URL                                                                             48x             $23,000
                       Sponsored Article (1 per issue)                                                1x               $1,200
                       Header text – max. 25 characters (with spaces)                                 2x               $2,300
                       Body text – max. 170 characters (with spaces)                                  4x               $4,400
                       Image size – 236 x 157 jpg or png (no gifs)                                    12x              $10,000
                       Call to action button text- max 15 characters (with spaces)                    24x              $18,000
                       URL                                                                            48x              $32,000
                       Banner Ad                                                                      1x               $650
                       Image size – 468 x 60 jpg or png (no gifs)                                     2x               $1,200
                       URL                                                                            4x               $2,200
                                                                                                      12x              $6,000
                                                                                                      24x              $10,000
                                                                                                      48x              $18,000
                      Requirements: Advance payment is required prior to release of publication. Insertion form and artwork are due two
                      weeks before the publish date. The Connector is published every Wednesday. Cancellations must be made in writing
                      four weeks prior to the issue date.
                    For inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
2021 Advertising & Event Planning Guide - pda.org/mediakit - Parenteral Drug ...
additional digital advertising Options
 PDA Online Buyer’s Guide, Newsfeed, and News Update e-newsletter

                                                                      Connect with your target audience through
                                                                      PDA’s online advertising solutions –
                                                                      the PDA Buyer’s Guide, Newsfeed, and
                                                                      PDA News uPDAte weekly e-newsletter.
                                                                       These digital publications serve as year-round resources for industry professionals
                                                                    PMS      CMYKto stay up to date with
                                                                       who want                      RGB the latest storiesHex code for Web
                                                                                                                            in biopharmaceutical science,
                                                                             C:100 business,  and manufacturing.
                                                                                   M:45 Y:0 K:18                   Our vast
                                                                                                     R:51 G:95 B:155         news coverage, content richness,
                                                                       and unparalleled ease of use make PDA the prime and trustworthy destination for the
                                                                       biopharmaceutical industry.

                                                                                                  news update

                                                                        For digital advertising inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
additional digital advertising Options
 PDA Online Buyer’s Guide, Newsfeed, and News Update e-newsletter

                                                                    PDA News uPDAte Advertising
                                                                      The weekly PDA News uPDAte offers an
                                                                      unparalleled way to get directly into the                             Your ad banner here!
                                                                      inbox of more than 15,800 qualified industry
                                                                      professionals with an over 16% open rate!

                                                                        Super Top Banner $10,000
                                                                     G0 Leaderboard                                                                                                    G
                                                                                    above the masthead, guaranteed
                                                                                                                                            Your ad banner here!
                                                                              first ad to be seen on the newsletter.                                                                                     Q
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 1490 x 180 px
                                                                    l Thirteen (13) consecutive weeks

                                                                      G       Top Banner                               $8,000
                                                                              Premium position guarantees all will see your ad

                                                                                                                                                                                             Your ad banner here!
                                                                              at the top of the eNewsletter when first opened.
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 1490 x 180 px
                                                                    l Thirteen (13) consecutive weeks

                                                                      Q       Skyscraper Ad                         $10,000                                                     Featured
                                                                              Prime position adjacent to editorials guarantees ad      L                                         content
                                                                              visibility even as readers scroll down the newsletter.                                           image here!
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 120 x 600 px
                                                                    l Thirteen (13) consecutive weeks

                                                                      L       Featured Content                         $5,000
                                                                               This rich editorial allows for a product image/
                                                                    company logo, title and a message that would grab the
                                                                    user’s attention as it sits adjacent to the editorial.
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 280 x 175 px l Max. size: 20K
                                                                    l 100 Characters for title plus 250 Characters for message
                                                                    l Thirteen (13) consecutive weeks
                                                                                                                                           H1                         H2
                                                                                                                                                Medium                       Medium
                                                                                                                                               Rectangle                    Rectangle
                                                                      H Medium Rectangle $6,000                                               content here!                content here!
                                                                     1|2 These versatile squares can be used for things
                                                                              like branding or product promotion.
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 300 x 250 px
                                                                    lThirteen (13) consecutive weeks

                                                                      K       Full Banner                              $4,000                K
                                                                              Banner allows companies to combine imagery, color                     Your ad banner here!
                                                                              and text in an interesting and compelling manner.
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 468 x 60 px
                                                                    l Thirteen (13) consecutive weeks

                                                                     SC Sponsored
                                                                    The logos of the selected companies will be displayed at               SC    Your logo     Your logo        Your logo
                                                                    the bottom of the e-newsletter.                                                here!         here!            here!
                                                                    Logo spec: High Resolution EPS logo
                                                                                                                                           H3                         H4
                                                                      H Medium Rectangle $6,000                                                 Medium                       Medium
                                                                     3|4 Located on the bottom of e-newsletter above                           Rectangle                    Rectangle
                                                                              customized newsfeed boxes (left and right).                     content here!                content here!
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 300 x 250 px
                                                                    lThirteen (13) consecutive weeks

                                                                       For digital advertising inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
additional digital advertising Options
 PDA Online Buyer’s Guide, Newsfeed, and News Update e-newsletter

                                                                    Online Newsfeed Advertising

                                                                                                                                              Your ad banner here!
                                                                     M M1 Leaderboard
                                                                          Header / footer
                                                                                          $4,000 *
                                                                                                              Leaderboard package

                                                                    Located strategically under the search box and also at
                                                                    the bottom of the page, this prime advertising position
                                                                    provides the most prominent exposure for your company.
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 728 x 90 px
                                                                    lThirteen (13) consecutive weeks
                                                                                                                                    image here!
                                                                      N       Medium                            $3,000 *
                                                                    Located in the upper right-hand column of the home page
                                                                    and on other category results pages, this top location                                                      N
                                                                    provides your company with a highly visible and noticeable                                                        Medium
                                                                    position to promote your brand.                                                                                  Rectangle
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 300 x 250 px                                                                         content here!
                                                                    l Thirteen (13) consecutive weeks

                                                                      R       Featured Content $2,000 *
                                                                    Allows Companies to combine imagery, color and text in
                                                                    an interesting and compelling manner.
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, PNG l 234 x 150 px
                                                                    l 300 characters for introduction message
                                                                    l Thirteen (13) consecutive weeks

                                                                                                                                              Your ad banner here!

                                                                       For digital advertising inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
additional digital advertising Options
 PDA Online Buyer’s Guide, Newsfeed, and News Update e-newsletter

                                                                     pda online Buyer's guide Premium Listing
                                                                    PDA Online Buyer’s Guide
                                                                    Premium Listing Grow Your Business and Gain Added Visibility with
                                                                                    a Premium Listing for just $499 a year!

                                                                     The PDA Online Buyer's Guide is where qualified industry professionals come to find the products and
                                                                     services they use every day. Make sure your company is noticed when buyers are looking for the very
                                                                     products and services your company provides by signing up for a premium listing. With a premium listing,
                                                                     your company receives
                                                                     the following benefits:

                                                                                                                                                                               Full Company
                                                                                                                                                                               Includes company
                                                                                                                                                                               logo, company profile,
                                                                                                                                                                               website, points of
                                                                                                                                                                               contact, and social links.
                                                                      Acquire followers
                                                                      Your stories will reach
                                                                      individuals who follow your
                                                                      company or listed categories.

                                                                                                                                                                               Gain a higher position
                                                                      Feature your                                                                                             in the categories that
                                                                      news automatically                                                                                       matter most to your
                                                                      Our news aggregation engine                                                                              company.
                                                                      automatically collects news
                                                                      from your site and makes it
                                                                      visible to the community.

                                                                                                                                                                               Showcase your
                                                                      Publish your                                                                                             Upload your products
                                                                                                                                                                               and expose them to
                                                                      marketing collateral                                                                                     buyers who search in
                                                                      Easily share your success                                                                                your categories.
                                                                      stories, case studies, and
                                                                      white papers with the

                                                                       For digital advertising inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
additional digital advertising Options
 PDA Online Buyer’s Guide, Newsfeed, and News Update e-newsletter

                                                                    PDA Online Buyer’s Guide
                                                                       The Buyer's Guide offers prominent display advertising opportunities and bundles to further enhance and
                                                                       increase your company’s exposure. Contact us to learn how we can put together a bundled advertising
                                                                       package to ensure you get the maximum
                                                                       exposure for your budget.

                                                                                                                                              Your ad banner here!
                                                                     A       A1 Leaderboard
                                                                                Header / footer
                                                                                                $4,000 *
                                                                                                             Leaderboard package

                                                                    Located strategically under the search box and also at the                                                        Medium
                                                                    bottom of the page, this prime advertising position provides                                             B       Rectangle
                                                                    the most prominent exposure for your company.                                                                   content here!
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 728 x 90 px l Run-of-Site
                                                                    l Max. size: 40K l Thirteen (13) consecutive weeks

                                                                     B        Medium                           $3,500
                                                                    Located in the upper right-hand column of the home page and
                                                                    on other category results pages, this top location provides
                                                                    your company with a highly visible and noticeable position to
                                                                    promote your brand.
                                                                    Ad. spec: JPEG, GIF, PNG l 300 x 250 px l Run-of-Site
                                                                    l Thirteen (13) consecutive weeks

                                                                                                                                              Your ad banner here!

                                                                       For digital advertising inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
additional digital advertising Options
 PDA Online Buyer’s Guide, Newsfeed, and News Update e-newsletter

                                                                    PDA Online Buyer’s Guide
                                                                    Search Promotion
                                                                        The Buyer's Guide offers a variety of high
                                                                        visibility display advertising opportunities.
                                                                        Get prominent presence in the categories                                                                    F
                                                                        that are most relevant to your company.

                                                                     E          Category Placement
                                                                    Promote your company in the most relevant category and
                                                                    make it easier for customers to find you. Three prime
                                                                    locations are available and the prices listed below are for a
                                                                    single category.                                                E3
                                                                          E1 1st Category                          $1,000 *

                                                                          E2 2nd Category                            $750 *

                                                                          E3 3rd Category                           $500 *

                                                                          E4 Premier Category $150 *
                                                                        Guaranteed to be in the top 10 in the
                                                                        category of your choice.
                                                                         l   Per category

                                                                     F          Keyword                           $200 *
                                                                    Promote your company in the keywords that customers
                                                                    are most likely to search. Select up to five keywords under
                                                                    which your listing will appear. This promotion is reserved
                                                                    for premium companies.

                                                                    * All prices are based on fifty-two (52) consecutive weeks.

                                                                       For digital advertising inquiries, please contact: Kristene Richardson, adsales@pda.org, +1 (312) 348-1206
Exhibitions and Sponsorships
 Exhibitions and Sponsorships

                                 PDA’s wide variety of exhibition and
                                 sponsorship options will give your
                                 company unsurpassed access to the
                                 industry’s “movers and shakers.”
                                 Our virtual and in-person conferences and workshops draw a large global audience
                                 from all sectors of the industry. Exhibiting at or sponsoring one of our events will
                                 open new doors for your business, increase your brand’s visibility, and allow you to
                                 showcase new products and services and engage with highly qualified leads. Find the
                                 conference or workshop that’s right for you, then schedule a meeting with a member
                                 of our Sales team to create the sponsorship and exhibition package that best suits
                                 your business goals.

                                 Sample exhibit/Sponsorship Packages*:
                                                                                      DIAMOND LEVEL
                                  Sponsorship Package                                 Virtual Sponsorship                                 Hybrid - Combine
                                                                                                                                          Face-to-Face and
                                                                                                                                          Virtual Sponsorships
                                  Booth Package                                       Virtual Booth Package                               XX

                                  Hotel Key Card                                                                                          X
                                                                                      10 Minute Pre-Recorded
                                                                                      Tech Talk Presentation                              X

                                  One Full Page Color Ad                              One Full Page Color Ad in Buyer’s
                                  in Buyer’s Guide                                    Guide with URL link to Product Page                 XX

                                                                                      Embedded Link to Video URL
                                                                                      of your choice                                      XX

                                  Recognition on PDA Website Page                                                                         X
                                  Recognition in Face-to-Face
                                  Plenary Slides                                                                                          X

                                                                                      Recognition on Event
                                                                                      Platform Page                                       X

                                  10% Discount on Additional                          10% discount on Additional
                                  Full Conference Passes                              Full Access Passes to Event                         XX

                                   ackages shown do not represent all available options and are subject to change depending on the meeting. For more details on
                                  sponsorship opportunities, contact David Hall at +1 (240) 688-4405 or hall@pda.org.
                                   typical Virtual Package includes Event Visibility and two full conference passes, free listing in the Buyer’s Guide and on the
                                  event web page.

                                For booking and inquiries, please contact: David Hall, hall@pda.org, +1 (240) 688-4405
Sponsored Webinars and Online Training
 Exhibitions and Sponsorships

                                 Leverage PDA content or your company’s
                                 content to capture qualified leads.
                                 PDA has a long history of providing scientific and technical content to the
                                 biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry through its webinars and online training. Now
                                 you can take advantage of the opportunity to sponsor PDA Webinars and online Training to
                                 gain valuable marketing exposure to a captive audience of interested participants.

                                 In addition, we now offer you the ability to share your company’s own content by presenting
                                 a Sponsored Webinar. This offers a powerful way to showcase your expertise while
                                 leveraging direct connections to PDA’s audience.

                                 Here are some of the features available to webinar and training sponsors:
                                 Company logo on promotional materials
                                 Company logo on web pages related to the event
                                 Company logo shown at opening of the event
                                 List of attendees (no emails or telephone numbers)
                                 Listing on PDA Event Calendar

                                                         Sponsorship                                           Price

                                   PDA Training Sponsorship                                                    $3,500

                                   PDA Webinar Sponsorship                                                     $5,000

                                   Sponsored Webinar (your content)                                            $12,000

                                For booking and inquiries, please contact: David Hall, hall@pda.org, +1 (240) 688-4405
                                                                                For all booking and inquiries please contact: David Hall, hall@pda.org, +1 (240) 688-4405
Exhibitions and Sponsorships

                                2021 PDA exhibition and sponsorship Calendar
                                 Dates                 event                                                              Location
                                15-17 March           2021 PDA Annual Meeting                                             Virtual Event

                                8 April               2021 PDA Remote Audits and Inspections Workshop                     Virtual Event

                                14-15 April           2021 PDA Visual Inspection Forum                                    Virtual Event

                                20-21 April           2021 PDA Robotics and Automation Conference                         Virtual Event

                                27-28 april           2021 PDA Parenteral Packaging Conference                            Virtual Event

                                18-19 may             2021 PDA Quality and Regulations Conference                         Virtual Event
                                                      2021 PDA Novel Vaccine Manufacturing and
                                25-26 may                                                                                 Virtual Event
                                                      Extreme Cold Chain Conference
                                                                                                                          Dublin, Ireland and
                                8-9 June              2021 PDA Annex 1 Conference
                                                                                                                          Virtual Event
                                                                                                                          Brussels, Belgium and
                                21-22 June            2021 PDA Virus Conference
                                                                                                                          Virtual Event
                                                                                                                          Brussels, Belgium and
                                23-24 June            2021 PDA Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products Conference
                                                                                                                          Virtual Event
                                14-15 September       2021 PDA Biomanufacturing Conference                                TBD and Virtual Event

                                16-17 September       2021 PDA Freeze Drying Technology Conference                        TBD and Virtual Event

                                september             2021 PDA Asia Pacific Conference                                    Singapore

                                27-29 september 2021 PDA Regulatory Conference
                                                                                                                          Washington, DC and
                                                                                                                          Virtual Event
                                                                                                                          Washington, DC and
                                30 september          2021 PDA Data Integrity Workshop
                                                                                                                          Virtual Event
                                4 October             2021 PDA Pharmaceutical Microbiology Conference                     Gothenburg, Sweden
                                                      2021 PDA Wearable Injection Devices/
                                4 October                                                                                 Gothenburg, Sweden
                                                      On-Body Delivery Systems Workshop
                                4 October             2021 PDA Smart Devices and Digital Solutions Workshop               Gothenburg, Sweden
                                                                                                                          Washington, DC and
                                4-6 October           2021 PDA Endotoxins Workshop
                                                                                                                          Virtual Event

                                5-6 October
                                                      2021 PDA Universe of Pre-filled Syringes and                        Gothenburg, Sweden
                                                      Injection Devices Conference                                        and Virtual Event
                                                                                                                          Washington, DC and
                                7 October             2021 PDA Endotoxins Workshop
                                                                                                                          Virtual Event
                                                                                                                          Baltimore, MD and
                                26-27 October         2021 PDA Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products Conference
                                                                                                                          Virtual Event
                                26-27 October         2021 PDA Aseptic Animal Health Conference                           Virtual Event

                                October               2021 PDA South Korea Conference                                     South Korea

                                 Current As of 5 february 2021.

                                 Subject to change. For the most current calendar, please visit www.pda.org/calendar

                                 For booking and inquiries, please contact: David Hall, hall@pda.org, +1 (240) 688-4405
PDA Contacts

                                     Vice President of Sales
                                     David Hall
                                     Tel: +1 (301) 760-7373
                                     Cell: +1 (240) 688-4405
                                     Email: hall@pda.org

                                     Exhibition & Sponsorship Manager - PDA Europe
                                     Christopher Haertig
                                     Tel: +49-30-4365508-23
                                     Email: haertig@pda.org

                                     Manager, Sales administration
                                     Alison Caballero
                                     Tel: +1 (301) 656-5900 ext. 135
                                     Email: caballero@pda.org

                                     exhibition & Sponsorship manager - PDA Asia pacific
                                     Tony Chan
                                     Tel: +65 64965504
                                     Email: chan@pda.org

                                     DIGITAL ADVERTISING SALES, ACCOUNT MANAGER
                                     Kristene Richardson
                                     Tel: +1 (312) 348-1206
                                     Email: adsales@pda.org

                PDA Global Headquarters                        PDA Europe gGmbH               PDA Asia Pacific
                4350 East West Highway,                        Am Borsigturm 60               20 Bendemeer Rd,
                Suite 600                                      13507 Berlin                   #04-02 BS Bendemeer
                Bethesda, MD 20814                             Germany                        Centre Singapore 339914
                Tel: +1 (301) 656-5900                         Tel: + 49 (0) 30 43 655 08-0   Tel: + 65 64965504
                www.pda.org                                    www.pda.org/pda-europe         www.pda.org

                For inquiries, please contact: David Hall, hall@pda.org, +1 (240) 688-4405
Advertising Policy/Guidelines for Advertising Copy

     General Eligibility Requirements for Advertising                Guidelines for Advertising Copy
     1. P
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        available.                                                   2. L
                                                                         ayout, artwork, and format should avoid
                                                                        confusion with editorial content claims of the
     2. Products that are prohibited from being marketed
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     5. A
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     8. C
         ancellations are not accepted after the issue              All packages and prices are subject to change.
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        positions cannot be cancelled.
     9. The accepted agency rate is 15%. Commission
        will be forfeited if advertising invoices are not
        paid within 30 days.
     10. A
          ll advertising rates for the PDA Letter are gross
         rates, which are not applicable to event or
         conference online advertising.
     11. P
          DA does not rent or sell its membership lists
         to outside organizations.

     For inquiries, please contact: David Hall, hall@pda.org, +1 (240) 688-4405
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