Page created by Mildred Benson
                                            Mason County Schools
                                        (Current as of August 18, 2021)

Health and Wellness
Anyone, either staff or student, exhibiting symptoms of COVID is to remain at home until cleared by a medical
professional. Anyone present on Mason County Schools’ property who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID will be
asked to leave and immediately consult a physician.
Students: Parents are asked to conduct daily home screening of symptoms prior to students reporting to school each
day. Elementary teachers will monitor students for atypical symptoms that need to be referred to the school nurse for
additional screening. Secondary students should self-monitor and report any new symptoms to parents or to school staff
if becoming ill/symptomatic at school. Any individual found to have a temperature above 100.4° will be further
screened by the school nurse or other designee to verify the temperature. If a temperature of 100.4° is confirmed, the
student will not be permitted to remain at the school. A student presenting with fever or symptoms will be quarantined
in a supervised isolation area until pick-up by parent/guardian or designee approved on the student’s emergency contact

Employees: Any employee with a fever of 100.4° or greater will be dismissed from duty and will leave the property
immediately. Information regarding COVID testing will be provided courtesy of local healthcare partners.

Physician consultation with COVID testing is recommended for any staff member or student exhibiting symptoms.

The Mason County Health Department will continue to conduct contact tracing of individuals who have tested positive
for COVID. Those individuals who are known to have had close contact with an infected individual will be required to
quarantine consistent with guidance from the West Virginia Department of Education. Close contact is defined as those
within three to six feet of an infected person. In the classroom setting, the close contact definition EXCLUDES students
who were within three to six feet of an infected person where both students are wearing masks (WVDE School
Recovery & Guidance document, Fall 2021).

Quarantine Guidance

Students who have been vaccinated DO NOT have to quarantine unless they are having symptoms. Note: The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that fully vaccinated individuals who are exposed to the virus
be tested three to five days after exposure to help identify asymptomatic carriers.

 Option 1                                                     Day 0*-10 quarantine for close contacts can end at
                                                               Day 10 if no symptoms develop during daily self-
 Quarantine period can end after Day 10 without testing        monitoring without testing.
 and if no symptoms have been identified during daily         If an individual develops symptoms within the
 self- monitoring.                                             quarantine period, immediately isolate and contact the
                                                               local health department to report change in clinical

 Option 2                                                     Day 0*-7 quarantine for close contact can end at Day 7
                                                               if COVID test is negative and if no symptoms develop
 Quarantine period can end after Day 7 if someone tests        during daily self-monitoring.
 negative (PCR or antigen test) and if no symptoms have       Specimen may be collected and tested within 48 hours
 been identified during daily self- monitoring.                before the time of planned quarantine discontinuation.
                                                              Self-monitoring and mask wearing should be
                                                              If an individual develops symptoms within the
                                                               quarantine period, immediately isolate and contact
                                                               public health to report change in clinical status.

*Duration of quarantine applies from the last date of exposure.

                                                 General Information

Cafeterias/Food Service

   1. Cooks will prepare meals in the kitchen for possible delivery to classrooms.

   2. Cafeteria seating will be spaced to the extent practical.

   3. Seating charts will be established for the cafeteria. Students will have assigned seating in core groups for
      elementary students and non-core assigned seating for secondary students.

   4. Cafeteria tables and touch surfaces shall be sanitized after each meal service period.

   5. Students and staff shall wash hands before and after meals.

   6. Hand sanitizer shall be provided in the cafeteria.


   1. All student desks shall be placed as socially distanced as practical.

   2. Seating charts will be created for classrooms and provided to the school nurse to assist in contact tracing (if

   3. If students must change classrooms, desks and touch surfaces will be sanitized in classrooms when classes are

   4. Students and staff are required to clean hands upon entry to each classroom.

   5. Shared equipment will be sanitized between each use.

Entering/Exiting School Buildings

   1. All students, staff, and visitors will enter/exit the building only through designated points of entry or exit.

   2. When entering the building, students will proceed directly to classrooms or designated staging areas.

Extracurricular/Athletic Activities
  Extracurricular/athletic activities will operate as scheduled.

Face Coverings

   1. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Mason County
      Health Department recommend the use of face coverings for staff and students.

   2. Employees and parents/guardians are asked to carefully consider the recommendations of health officials
      concerning face coverings and make an informed decision regarding whether they or their child will wear a face

   3. If requested, Mason County Schools will provide face coverings for students or staff.

   4. The status regarding the use of face-covering is subject to change as directed by local/state health or government


    All hallway traffic will be socially distanced with lanes and directions designated. Students are to keep their hands
to themselves and refrain from touching surfaces and lockers.


   1. Students will be taught and encouraged to use proper hand washing techniques.

   2. Hand sanitizer, which will be available in all classrooms, shall be used by individuals when entering the

   3. Tissues will be available in all classrooms.

   4. Students will not drink directly from water fountains. Each school is equipped with water bottle filling stations.
      Students will be provided a reusable water bottle for their personal use upon request.

   5. If students must change classrooms, desks and touch surfaces in classrooms will be sanitized when classes are

   6. Any classroom equipment required to be used by multiple students will be used by one student at a time and
      sanitized after each use.

   7. Evening-shift custodians shall sanitize touch surfaces in classrooms, computer labs, doorknobs/levers/bars, light
      switches, and common areas each night. Electrostatic sprayers will be used in the cleaning process in schools.

  Recess and physical activity periods will be granted to specific classrooms on a schedule, keeping groups of
  students in a particular classroom together. Physical activities will be designed to maximize distance and reduce


   1. Restroom breaks will be given one student or small groups of students at a time, as needed.

   2. Students will be reminded of proper hand washing techniques.

School Bus Transportation

   1. Drivers and passengers are encouraged to wear a face covering on the bus.

   2. Face coverings will be available upon request.

   3. Hand sanitizer will be available for all occupants.

   4. Seating charts will be utilized on each bus.

   5. Due to capacity limits due to COVID, bus passes will not be issued for students not normally assigned to the bus.

   6. Windows will be lowered to at least one level, weather permitting, to encourage the flow of fresh air on the bus.

   7. Generally, no more than two (2) students will be seated in a seat. Children from the same family will be
      permitted to sit three (3) to a seat, depending on the seating capacity of the bus.

   8. Established regulations relating to the seating of pre-school students on the school bus remain in effect.

  9. Students will remain seated, with hands to themselves, from the time they board the bus until disembarking.

 10. Students will disembark, one at a time, in an orderly fashion beginning from the front of the bus and proceeding to
 the rear of the bus.

 11. Students identified with COVID symptoms while at school will not be transported home by school bus at the end
 of the school day.

 12. Bus operators shall sanitize the seats and touch surfaces after every bus run. Sanitation may be accomplished by
 approved disinfectant wipes, liquid, or electrostatic sprayers.

School Assemblies/Programs
  School-wide assemblies and/or programs should be limited, if possible. Social distancing and other COVID protocol
  must be observed as much as practical at events. The school principal is to inform county administrators of
  upcoming events.

/Sign-out Procedures
   1. Adults authorized to sign students in or out of school may be held in the visitor vestibule/reception area rather
   than being admitted into the school during the sign-in/sign- out process.

Virtual School Instruction
Mason County Schools offers virtual school instruction under certain situations for students in grades K-12. Virtual
school classes are rigorous online courses using state-approved curriculum through the WV Virtual School. For
information regarding enrollment in virtual classes, please call Dr. Kenny Bond at (304) 675-4540.

   1. Symptom screening may be conducted for visitors exhibiting COVID symptoms when entering the building.
   2. At this time, visitors will be restricted to the front office area, administrative office, counseling office, or
      conference areas.
   3. Hand sanitizer will be available and shall be used by visitors upon entry to the office area.
   4. The school administration reserves the right to limit the use of volunteers.

For additional information, please consult the School Recovery & Guidance document created by the West
Virginia Department of Education (https://wvde.us/covid19/).
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