2020 -2021 Re-Entry Plan - Pendleton County Schools

Page created by Gabriel Fitzgerald
2020 -2021 Re-Entry Plan - Pendleton County Schools
2020 -2021 Re-Entry Plan

2020 -2021 Re-Entry Plan - Pendleton County Schools
Pendleton County Schools
                             Healthy At School
                                 Re-Entry Plan
                             Table of Contents
Overview                                            Page 3
Healthy at School – Kentucky’s Guidance             Page 4
Instructional Options                               Page 6
Safety Expectations and Best Practices              Page 10
Social Distancing                                   Page 10
Cloth Face Coverings, School Health Policies, and
Personal Protective Equipment                       Page 11

Screening and School Exclusion                      Page 12

Sanitation and Environmental Standards              Page 13

Contact Tracing                                     Page 14

Levels of Operation                                 Page 14

Staff/Support Services                              Page 15

Health and Safety Measures                          Page 16

2020 -2021 Re-Entry Plan - Pendleton County Schools
Pendleton County Schools
                                      Healthy At School
                                  Re-Entry Plan: DRAFT
Pendleton County Schools is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of our students,
staff, families, and community during the COVID-19 pandemic. In March, 2020 COVID-19
forced schools in Kentucky to switch from a traditional in-person classroom instructional model,
to a non-traditional at-home remote instructional model. Due to the pandemic, the governor
recommended that schools remain on non-traditional instruction (NTI) through the remainder of
the 2019-2020 school year. In addition, many other public health recommendations,
expectations, and requirements were put in place to help “flatten the curve” or help reduce the
spread of the virus to prevent the overwhelming of healthcare facilities. At this time, COVID-19
is still prevalent in our communities, and will continue to be a virus that we must account for and
plan accordingly for until an approved vaccine or treatment is readily available.
COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus, meaning it is a new strain of the coronavirus. This particular
strain is most commonly associated with symptoms that include respiratory discomfort, fever,
and in more severe cases the need for intensive care and the use of a ventilator, and possible
death. There are specific populations of people who seem to react better to the virus, and certain
populations that seem to have a poorer reaction. Underlying medical conditions such as
compromised immune systems, respiratory conditions, heart conditions, diabetes, and people
over 65 are more prone to having serious effects from COVID-19. At this time, there is no
approved treatment or vaccine for COVID-19.
      Schools will begin the 2020-2021 school year in the fall of 2020. However, this may look
       different in every community. It may include remote learning, in-person learning, or a
       combination of both forms.
      COVID-19 will continue to be a virus that is present in our communities and schools for
       the foreseeable future.
      There is no preventative vaccine or treatment for COVID-19, and one may not be
       available until the winter of 2021 or later.
      Schools that re-open to in-person instruction will have to follow universal cleaning,
       sanitation, and disinfection processes, as well as appropriate social distancing and use of
       face masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
      Until a vaccine or treatment is readily available for all populations, schools must adhere
       to and encourage the following of Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations to
       help slow the spread of the virus

2020 -2021 Re-Entry Plan - Pendleton County Schools
   Schools and districts must remain flexible, and have plans to be able to close
       intermittently due to growing cases, and have the flexibility and ability to utilize both
       traditional and non-traditional instruction methods to meet student needs.
      Schools and districts must work collaboratively with parents, local health agencies, and
       state health and education agencies to help address the spread of COVID-19 until a
       vaccine or treatment is available.

Safety Guidelines:
The Kentucky Department of Public Health and the Office of the Governor released expectations
and recommendations for the return and re-opening of schools in Kentucky on June 24th, 2020.
For a copy of the Healthy at Schools guidance document released by the Department of Public
Health and the Office of the Governor, please visit the link below.
How was the guidance developed?
In order to establish guidelines for resuming in-person instruction this fall, the Kentucky
Department of Education, in conjunction with the Governor’s office, announced the creation of
the Education Continuation Task Force on March 16. The task force is chaired by Lieutenant
Governor Jacqueline Coleman, who also serves as Secretary of the Education and Workforce
Development Cabinet. The group consist of representatives from Kentucky’s educational
cooperatives, educational partner organizations such as the Kentucky Association of School
Superintendents, Kentucky School Board Association, Kentucky Parent Teacher Association, as
well as Kentucky Educational Television, The Southern Regional Board and a group of four
bipartisan legislators. The task force focuses on providing timely information, research and
instructional resources to Kentucky school districts as they deal with an unprecedented school
closure and how to safely re-open amid COVID-19.
These safety expectations were written with input from the Education Continuation Task Force
as well as the Governor’s Office, Department for Public Health, Kentucky Department of
Education, The Cabinet of Education and Workforce Development and the Cabinet for Health
and Family Services. Throughout this process, stakeholders from all areas of education have
been engaged to provide input and expertise.
Why are additional health safety expectations needed now?
The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency that has spread across Kentucky
affecting all age groups. Scientific knowledge about this novel virus continues to evolve. The
following guidelines are based upon what is known about mitigating risks of transmission across
the Commonwealth to protect all populations. Protecting students and staff at educational
facilities is necessary to reduce the spread in this environment and limit the community spread of

2020 -2021 Re-Entry Plan - Pendleton County Schools
COVID-19 is transmitted mostly through direct contact with respiratory droplets from an
infected individual. The infected individual may have no symptoms or have symptoms of a fever
(greater than 100.4), a cough, gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea or vomiting), a new rash or
new loss of sense of taste/smell. These symptoms are not unlike other infectious viruses, yet it is
difficult without testing to develop a plan that is able to meet all circumstances. The goal of the
Kentucky Department of Public Health is to establish safety expectations based upon the core
measures to mitigate transmission. These include:
       Social distancing
       Screening, School exclusion & contact tracing
       Personal Protective Equipment, including cloth face mask
       Sanitation, environmental, and industrial factors
Flexible Plans should be in place to address school attendance, closure of schools, and transition
to distance learning models. The safety of all students and staff, while promoting the best
possible learning environment is necessary.
How to use these safety expectations and best practice guidelines
Practices listed in this document are divided into safety expectations that must be implemented
by schools, as determined by the Kentucky Department for Public Health. Best practices are
additional strategies that schools may choose to follow in order to optimize the safety of students
and staff.
The Healthy at Schools document provides guidance on the following safety expectations which
schools must adhere to:
       Social distancing
       Cloth face coverings, school health policies, and personal protective equipment
       Screening and school exclusion
       Sanitation and environmental factors
       Contact tracing
Each of these sections include a detailed list of safety expectations and best practices followed
by an at-a-glance overview for younger users.
For a copy of the Healthy at Schools guidance document released by the Department of Public
Health and the Office of the Governor, please visit the link below.

Instructional Options
Pendleton County Schools is committed to creating an environment that addresses the health and
safety concerns of our students and staff. We understand that each child, parent/guardian, and
family may have unique situations which impact their feelings regarding the re-opening of
schools. Our plan will provide two options for parents/guardians to choose from for the 2020-21
school year.
Option 1: Return to In-Person Instruction
We will provide an opportunity for students to receive in-person instruction, however this plan
will invest heavily in the stringent health and safety measures outlined in Kentucky’s Healthy at
School document. Each child that chooses to participate in in-person instruction shall be
required to participate in all required safety measures. District may move to an alternating day
schedule if PC Schools determines it is necessary to reduce class sizes.
Option 2: Remote Instruction – PC CARES Academy

We will also provide a remote learning option, PC Center for Academic Remote Education
Services (CARES), for those who do not wish to return to in-person instruction. Students who
choose this option will commit to this option through December 18, 2020.

Overview of Instructional Options

In-Person Instruction: A Look at the School Day

Student Entry and Dismissal (whether transported by parents or buses) will be re-designed in
every building to avoid the congregation of large numbers of students in a single location at a
single time. Students will immediately report to their homeroom or first period class after
completing health screening.

                 Temperatures will be taken daily (either upon boarding the school bus or upon
                 entering the building). Students who have a fever of 100.4 or higher will not be
                 allowed to remain at school and will be isolated in a designated area per school
health officials. Parents/guardians will be required to pick the student up, and a release from a
doctor will be needed to return to school.

Social Distancing will be emphasized at every juncture of the day and in
every area. This is discussed further in the “Safety Expectations and Best
Practices” section of this document.

Masks: Every child (first grade and above) and all staff should bring their own school
appropriate cloth face covering or mask. These must be worn at all times
when inside the building. Mask must be worn outside if six feet social
distancing cannot be observed. See the “Safety Expectations and Best
Practices” section of this document for more information.

               Cafeteria schedules will be staggered to allow for reduced capacity. Students
               will be spaced six feet apart and will have an assigned seat in a designated area
               every day. Students will eat in an alternate location when social distancing cannot
be observed.

                Classrooms will be measured and rearranged to accommodate the defined safety
                expectations, including: space between desks (to the extent possible), all desks
                facing the same direction, and all carpets removed.

Special Areas/Enrichments: Procedures will be in place to ensure safety guidelines regarding
cleaning/disinfecting/sanitation of materials.

High School Athletics: PCS will adhere to all guidelines as established by the KHSAA and the
Kentucky Department of Public Health. Procedures will be outlined for “Safe Play” and will be
updated as additional guidance is provided.

Remote Instruction: A Look at the PC CARES (Center for Academic Remote Education
Services) Academy

Commitment: Parents who choose this option for their child will be committing to it through
December 18, 2020. Students will not be permitted to return to in-person instruction until
January 4, 2021. Communication will be sent to parents in November/December regarding
instructional options for January – May 2021.

Online Programs: Elementary students will utilize Edgenuity Pathblazer
and the middle and high school students will utilize Edgenuity Courseware for
their core instruction. Both programs are aligned to state standards.
      Students taking CTE courses may utilize an online program which will be specific to
       their coursework and facilitated by the classroom teacher.
      Dual Credit Courses will utilize the online learning platform assigned to the
       college/university. Each college/university will be communicating with enrolled students
       regarding coursework for the fall semester.

            Teacher: A certified teacher will be assigned to regularly monitor student
            progress. The teacher will be available for questions and assistance from 8:00 –
            3:00 each school day. The teacher will communicate regularly through email,
phone, Microsoft Teams, or computer program messaging.

Assignments/Grading: Assignments will be due on a weekly basis. Grades
will be assigned based on the schools’ grading scales and expectations.
Students who receive a failing grade for the course will be considered to have
not met the criteria for the course. High school students who receive a failing grade may not
receive a full credit for the course.

Assessments: Students will take required assessments such as STAR, CERT, or participate in
state required testing.

            Report Cards: Students will receive a report card aligned with the format and
            timeline of the students receiving in-person instruction.

Athletics/Extracurricular Activities: Students may continue to participate in
athletics, following KHSAA guidelines and the Kentucky Department of Public
Health, and extra-curricular activities as long as they meet all other eligibility
criteria as outlined. Procedures will be outlined for “Safe Play” and will be updated as additional
guidance is provided.

                           Safety Expectations and Best Practices

Kentucky’s Healthy at School guidance provides details on steps that districts should be taking to
ensure schools, buildings, and buses are safe during the return to school during COVID-19. This
guidance covers social distancing, the use of masks or cloth face coverings, school health
policies, personal protective equipment, screening and school exclusion, sanitation and
environmental factors, and contact tracing.
Pendleton County Schools has outlined the steps the district will be taking in these areas, and it is
explained below.

                            Social Distancing
Since it is currently believed that COVID-19 is transmitted through
respiratory droplets, social distancing (spreading people out at a
minimum of 6 feet apart) is a very important strategy to slow the
spread of the virus.
Social distancing will be observed to the greatest extent possible during the return to school plan,
and until such time that public health guidance recommends that social distancing no longer
occur. Strategies to implement and utilize social distancing include:
      Reducing the number of desks/student capacity in classrooms to allow for appropriate
       social distancing
      Using markings on floors in high use common areas to show appropriate social
       distancing spacing
      Reducing the number of students in common areas, particularly during “busy” times
       (arrival, dismissal, meal times, class changes, etc.)

    Using assigned entrances and exits, and creating “one way” doors and hallways with
        appropriate signage and markings
It is important to note that while social distancing will be utilized to the greatest extent possible,
there will be times when it is not feasible.

       Cloth Face Coverings, School Health Policies, and Personal Protective

Cloth Face Coverings/Masks
Face masks and cloth face coverings are essential to minimizing the spread of the COVID-19
virus. At the time of release, the state of Kentucky is under an executive order mandating that all
individuals wear a mask at all times when social distancing cannot be observed. Face masks will
help prohibit the spread of the virus, even when an infected person is without symptoms. Masks
must be worn:
       By all students enrolled in first grade or higher attending on campus/in-person classes,
        unless appropriate documentation is received showing a medical waiver
       By all staff, including bus drivers (Bus drivers may also be allowed to wear a face shield)
       Students or staff with an approved medical waiver for a mask will be required to wear a
        face shield at all times when a mask would have been required
       Masks must be worn at all times when inside a building. Masks may be removed or
        lowered during times when appropriate social distancing of six feet or more is occurring
        if outside.
When required, masks should always be worn appropriately. To be appropriately worn, masks
and face coverings should:
       Include multiple layers of fabric
       Allow for breathing without restriction
       Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape
       Cover both nose and mouth
       Approved masks and face coverings include: disposable masks that cover both the mouth
        and nose such as surgical masks, cloth face masks or coverings that cover both the mouth
        and nose, and “neck gators” that cover both the mouth and nose

School Health Policies
School health policies may be affected by COVID-19. Additional precautions and safeguards
will be taken by school nurses and school health personnel to ensure the safety of all students
and staff. These safeguards include:
      Isolation areas for sick students
      Maintaining six feet of social distance for care when needed
      Encouraging staff, students, and visitors to engage in appropriate face and hand hygiene
      Changes in use of inhalers, nebulizers, and other equipment that might increase exposure
       to respiratory droplets.
   Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
   Personal Protective Equipment or PPE is vital to help slow the spread and reduce exposure to
   COVID-19. School nurses and other staff will be expected to utilize appropriate PPE (gloves,
   gowns, surgical masks, shields, etc.) as needed when working with students who may be
   symptomatic, or who are at higher risk of spreading the virus (use of nebulizer, breathing
   treatments, etc.)

                               Screening and School Exclusion
   Prior to boarding any school bus or district owned vehicle or before entering any
   school/district building all students must submit to a temperature and health screening. If a
   student is found to have a temperature of greater than 100.4, they will not be able to enter the
   building or board the bus/vehicle, and will be excluded from school until criteria for a
   healthy return are met.
   Staff will be required to submit to a temperature and health screening prior to entering their
   building or worksite each day.
   Any staff or student who is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to enter the
   building, or will be sent home immediately upon discovery of symptoms. Symptoms include:
      Fever
      Chills
      Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing
      New Cough
      New Loss of Taste/Smell
      Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Staff and students sent home for COVID-19 symptoms will need to contact their primary
   care provider to determine next steps. Staff and students may return to school or work when
   the following occur:
          Negative COVID-19 Test
          Release from primary care physician
          Symptoms have subsided AND fever free for 72 hours (without fever reducing
           medication) and no other COVID-19 related symptoms.

                       Sanitation and Environmental Standards

* Procedures for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting areas throughout buildings, schools, and
on buses will be important to reducing the spread of COVID-19. The following procedures will
be implemented, as will others that are needed in collaboration with the local health department
throughout the response to the COVID-19 pandemic:
      Appropriate signage will be posted throughout all district buildings and schools
       encouraging proper hand and respiratory hygiene practices.
      Daily cleaning and disinfection of classrooms, gymnasiums, restrooms, locker rooms,
       cafeteria seating, and other facilities will occur.
      Classrooms and other high traffic areas will be disinfected as often as possible between
       groups of students changing.
      Special attention will be given to high touch areas (water fountains, doorknobs, door
       handles, locker handles, light switches, desks. etc.). These areas will be cleaned every
       two hours.
      Disinfection will be done using an approved disinfectant or disinfectant solution.
      Custodial staff will complete a daily/nightly checklist to ensure all procedures are
       followed appropriately.
      All staff will be trained on cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and may be expected to
       implement these strategies within their classroom, office, or work space to help reduce
       the spread of COVID-19.
      Classroom rugs will be removed from classrooms during this time
      Water fountains will be cleaned and sanitized frequently throughout the day
      School buses will be disinfected and sanitized between each route, and cleaned on a
       regular schedule

Contact Tracing
Contact tracing will be required as schools work through the
COVID-19 pandemic. Contact tracing allows health professionals
to track where cases are occurring, and to ensure the proper
individuals are notified of possible exposure. Contact tracing also
allows the schools to isolate individuals or groups who have tested positive for COVID-19,
and minimize the disruption to others outside of those infected or exposed.
Public health officials have used contact tracing for decades to identify a person with a
communicable illness, isolate that person, and quarantine others with high-risk exposure to
the infected person to prevent the spread.
Should Pendleton County Schools have a positive case, a report will be made to the local
health department (if needed), and the school and district will cooperate fully with the
guidance and directives from the health department.

                                   Levels of Operation
Level One: Normal Operation
Schools will operate as normal. Students will be expected to attend classes and school in-
person. Transportation and other services will be on a normal operation as well.
Level Two: Reduced Capacity Operation
Schools will operate with reduced capacity. Capacity will be reduced to an acceptable level
in buildings to allow for social distancing by offering remote opportunities through
Edgenuity platforms for students to utilize at-home or remote learning.
Students attending school in-person will be expected to adhere to social distancing guidelines
when possible and to wear a mask or cloth face covering at all times when inside building.
Should the district or school not be able to reduce capacity sufficiently by offering remote
instruction opportunities, the district may implement an alternating schedule to
effectively reduce capacity.
Food Service and transportation services will be offered to those attending in-person classes.
Food services may be available for students utilizing remote learning options.
Level Three: Remote Only Operation
Schools will operate with only remote/non-traditional (NTI) instruction. This level would be
communicated with as much advance notice as possible.
No students will report to schools on level three. Staff will be given directives on reporting
by their immediate supervisor.
Food Service will be determined on a case by case basis regarding the length and reason for
level three operations.

* During any of the above levels, it is important to note that intermittent closures may be
   necessary, and there may be times that specific groups may be asked to attend or work
   remotely upon guidance from local public health officials.

                                    Staff/Support Services
Support services include transportation, food services, athletics, and other district operational
      Bus drivers will be required to wear masks or face shields at all times.
      Students are expected to wear masks on the bus at all times
      The number of riders may be reduced to conform with guidance issued by the Kentucky
       Department of Public Health
      Prior to boarding, students will be subject to temperature checks. Students with a
       temperature of greater than 100.4 will not be permitted on the bus.
      A daily log of passengers will be kept for each bus, and filed with the Department of
       Student Services at the end of each route
      Buses will be disinfected at the conclusion of each route in accordance with cleaning and
       disinfection procedures listed above.
      Buses will be cleaned on a regular schedule
Food Service
      During in-person instruction, daily food service will be provided to students for breakfast
       and lunch
      Students may be required to eat meals in classrooms or other areas to help ensure social
       distancing and crowd limitations are met
      Cafeteria and kitchen staff will adhere to all guidance regarding cleaning and disinfection
       of all cafeteria and kitchen areas
      Cafeteria and kitchen staff will adhere to all guidance in regards to packaging and serving
       of meals to students.
Athletic participation including practices, workouts, and competitions will be done under the
supervision of the coaches, athletic director, assistant superintendent, and local health
department. Guidance issued by the Office of the Governor, local health departments, and
Kentucky High School Athletic Association will be used to plan and implement activities.

Health and Safety Measures
The health and safety of the students, staff, and community are the primary focus during this
time. As previously outlined, many new health and safety measures will be in place to ensure
everyone is safe and healthy at school. Other safety measures may include:
    Elimination of field trips and mixing of student groups and/or reduction of travel to “hot-
     spot” areas
    Visitors will be limited, and all visitors must complete a health and temperature screening
     before entering any district building
    Increased awareness and encouragement of appropriate hand and respiratory hygiene
    Intermittent school closures as needed based on school and community spread of the
     virus upon collaboration with local public health officials.

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