Overview of the Status of Provincial Lockdowns

Page created by Christian Russell
Overview of the Status of Provincial Lockdowns
Jurisdiction     Scope (Province-     Current Status                Overview of Gathering Restrictions                    Overview of Business Closures and Restrictions
                 wide vs. Regional)

British          • Province-wide      • Province-wide               • Social gatherings of any size at one’s private      • Restaurants, pubs and bars are permitted to operate if they
Columbia                                mandatory restrictions in     residence (or vacation accommodation) with anyone     have a COVID-19 Safety Plan and employee protocols in
                                        effect                        other than the members of one’s household are         place
Government                                                            prohibited
Website on                                                                                                                • Retail businesses are permitted to operate subject to certain
province-wide                                                                                                               restrictions including capacity limitations
                                                                                                                          • Religious in-person gatherings and worship services are
Order of the                                                                                                                suspended (subject to certain exceptions)
Gatherings and                                                                                                            • Businesses, recreation centres and organizations that
Events                                                                                                                      operate high intensity indoor group physical activities are
                                                                                                                            required to suspend their activities
Order of PHO
– Food and                                                                                                                • Venues that organize or operate low intensity indoor group
Liquor Serving                                                                                                              physical activities may resume operations provided they
Premises                                                                                                                    follow the Public Health Guidelines for Group Low Intensity
                                                                                                                            Exercise and post an updated COVID-19 Safety Plan in clear
                                                                                                                            view of all individuals attending the facility

                                                                                                                          • Gym and recreational facilities that offer individual workouts
                                                                                                                            and personal training sessions are permitted to remain open
                                                                                                                            as long as they have a COVID-19 Safety Plan that is strictly

                                                                                                                          • All indoor and outdoor sports for people over 22 years of age
                                                                                                                            are suspended, with some exceptions. All organized indoor
                                                                                                                            and outdoor sports for people under 22 years of age must
                                                                                                                            follow viaSport's Return to Sport Phase 2 guidance with
                                                                                                                            respect to maintaining physical distance for participants, with
                                                                                                                            some exceptions. This means games, tournaments and
                                                                                                                            competitions are temporarily suspended for teams but

                                                                         Revised as of February 19, 2021
individual drills and modified training activities can continue.
                                                                                                                              Structured extracurricular activities and programs for people
                                                                                                                              under 22 years of age are permitted to operate provided that
                                                                                                                              a COVID-19 Safety Plan is in place and the activity or
                                                                                                                              program occurs while under the supervision of an adult.

Alberta           • Province-wide   • Province-wide               • All indoor social gatherings, public and private, are   • Working from home is mandatory unless the employer
                                      mandatory restrictions in     not permitted subject to limited exceptions               requires a physical presence for operational effectiveness
Order 02-2021                         effect
                                                                  • Outdoor social gatherings are limited to a maximum      • The following businesses are required to close, reduce
Stronger Public                     • Note: City of Calgary         of 10 people and are prohibited from having an            capacity or limit in-person access:
Health                                has declared a state of       indoor component
Measures                              emergency (without                                                                      o Retail services must reduce customer capacity to 15% of
                                      implementing additional     • Wedding ceremonies, held indoors or outdoors, are           fire code occupancy or a minimum of 5 customers;
                                      restrictions)                 limited to a maximum of 10 people (including the
                                                                    officiant, bride/groom and witnesses)                     o All restaurants, pubs, bars, lounges and cafes are closed
                                                                                                                                to in-person service;
                                                                  • Funeral services, held indoors or outdoors, are
                                                                    limited to a maximum of 20 people (with mandatory         o Effective February 8, 2021, restaurants, pubs, bars,
                                                                    masking and 2 metre physical distancing between             lounges and cafes will be permitted to open for in-person
                                                                    households)                                                 service subject to certain restrictions including limits
                                                                                                                                regarding capacity and hours of operation;
                                                                  • Wedding and funeral receptions are prohibited
                                                                                                                              o All entertainment businesses are required to close
                                                                  • Faith services are limited to 15% of fire code              including casinos, art galleries, libraries, museums,
                                                                    occupancy for in-person attendance, subject to              amusement parks, movie theatres, and banquet halls;
                                                                    certain restrictions
                                                                                                                              o All indoor recreational facilities are required to close;

                                                                                                                              o Regulated health services, non-regulated health services
                                                                                                                                and professional services are permitted to remain open by
                                                                                                                                appointment only;

                                                                                                                              o Personal and wellness services are permitted to open by
                                                                                                                                appointment only subject to certain restrictions;

                                                                                                                              o Hotels, motels, hunting and fishing lodges are permitted to
                                                                                                                                remain open subject to certain restrictions;

                                                                       Revised as of February 19, 2021
o All indoor group performance activities are prohibited—
                                                                                                                              outdoor rehearsals and practices are permitted with up to
                                                                                                                              10 participants but no audience members;

                                                                                                                            o Indoor group physical activities are prohibited with limited
                                                                                                                               exceptions—outdoor group physical activities must be
                                                                                                                               limited to 10 people or fewer and 2 metres distance must
                                                                                                                               be maintained; and

                                                                                                                            o Effective February 8, 2021, one-on-one training will be
                                                                                                                               permitted for indoor fitness activities on a scheduled or
                                                                                                                               appointment only basis, subject to certain restrictions (no
                                                                                                                               sports games, competitions, team practices, league play or
                                                                                                                               group exercise of any type will be permitted).

Saskatchewan     • Province-wide   • Province-wide            • Indoor private gatherings are limited to immediate        • Businesses are required to operate in accordance with any
                                     restrictions in effect     household members only, with limited exceptions             restrictions identified on the critical public services, allowable
Public Health                                                                                                               business services and events, activities and outdoor spaces
Order                                                         • All indoor public gatherings are prohibited, subject to     list
Provincial                                                      certain limited exceptions
Order                                                                                                                     • All businesses permitted to operate are required to conduct
                                                              • Private and public outdoor gatherings are permitted         themselves in accordance with all public health orders, the
Public Health                                                   up to 10 persons and persons in attendance must             Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan, as amended from time to time,
Order Food,                                                     ensure physical distancing of at least 2 metres             and in a manner that prevents transmission of COVID-19
Beverage and                                                    between households
Liquor Serving                                                                                                            • Businesses that are not a critical public service or an
Premises                                                      • Indoor public banquets, conferences, places of              allowable business service are permitted to provide online
                                                                worship, weddings and funeral receptions in public          sales
                                                                venues are limited to a maximum of 30 people (food
                                                                or beverages may not be present or served)                • Businesses serving food, beverages and liquor are subject to
                                                                                                                            additional restrictions

                                                                                                                          • All casinos and bingo halls are required to close

                                                                                                                          • Owners or operators of personal service facilities identified as
                                                                                                                            an allowable business must operate at a maximum of 50%

                                                                   Revised as of February 19, 2021
capacity and ensure 2 metres of physical distance is

                                                                                                                     • Retail services permitted to operate must reduce capacity to
                                                                                                                       50% and ensure 2 metres of physical distance is maintained

                                                                                                                     • Large retail locations (over 20,000 square feet) permitted to
                                                                                                                       operate must limit capacity to 25%

                                                                                                                     • All sports, activities and competitions where one or more
                                                                                                                       individuals compete against one or more individuals are not
                                                                                                                       permitted, subject to certain limited exceptions

Manitoba       • Province-wide   • Provincial Response     • Private gatherings of individuals from outside of       • Businesses listed in the Schedule to the Order are permitted
                                   Level: Critical (Red)     one’s household are prohibited                            to open subject to certain restrictions including limitations
Orders under                                                                                                           regarding capacity and physical distancing
the Public                                                 • Up to two individuals who regularly interact with one
Health Act –                                                 or more residents of a private residence may visit      • Essential items list for retail operations is eliminated enabling
General                                                      that residence if all residents of the household          all stores permitted to operate to open for the sale of products
COVID-19                                                     authorize the individual(s) to attend                     (subject to physical distancing and capacity restrictions)
Orders                                                     • Indoor public gatherings and outdoor gatherings are     • Retail businesses, including shopping malls, are permitted to
                                                             limited to up to five (5) people                          open subject to capacity and physical distancing restrictions
Pandemic                                                   • Weddings and funerals are permitted for up to 10        • Businesses required to remain closed are permitted to
Response                                                     individuals (excluding the officiant and a                operate through online, telephone or other remote means
System                                                       photographer or videographer) subject to certain          including delivery and pick up
                                                                                                                     • Restaurants are permitted to operate subject to certain
                                                                                                                       restrictions including physical distancing, capacity and hours
                                                                                                                       of operation

                                                                                                                     • Individuals are permitted to engage in individual or family
                                                                                                                       outdoor sporting and recreational activities including skating,
                                                                                                                       tobogganing, skiing, snowmobiling and ice fishing subject to
                                                                                                                       certain restrictions including physical distancing requirements

                                                                Revised as of February 19, 2021
• Gyms, fitness centres and yoga studios are permitted to
                                                                                                                          operate subject to certain restriction including physical
                                                                                                                          distancing and capacity limitations

                                                                                                                        • Places of worship are permitted to open subject to certain
                                                                                                                          restrictions including capacity and physical distancing

                                                                                                                        • Museums, art galleries and libraries are permitted to open
                                                                                                                          subject to certain restrictions including capacity and physical
                                                                                                                          distancing limitations

                                                                                                                        • Spas and businesses that provide personal services including
                                                                                                                          hairdressing, barbering, manicures, pedicures, tanning,
                                                                                                                          tattooing and therapeutic treatments are permitted to operate
                                                                                                                          subject to certain restrictions including capacity and physical
                                                                                                                          distancing limitations

                                                                                                                        • For a list of businesses permitted to open, see Schedule to
                                                                                                                          Orders under the Public Health Act – COVID-19 Prevention

Ontario        • Province-wide   • On February 8, 2021,        • No indoor organized private or public events and       • An individual Stay at Home Order is in effect in each public
                                   the Government of             social gatherings (except with members of the same       health unit with the exception of the public health units in the
O Reg 363/20                       Ontario announced the         household)                                               Green-Prevent level of the COVID-19 response framework
                                   province be returning to                                                               Individuals are required to stay at home at all times unless
O Reg 128/21                       a “regional approach” to    • Outdoor organized public events and social               leaving for necessities
                                   its lockdown measures         gatherings of up to five (5) people are permitted
O Reg 82/20                                                      where physical distancing can be maintained            • Businesses are required to ensure that all employees work
                                 • All public health units,                                                               from home unless the nature of their work requires their
O Reg 126/21                       with the exception of the   • Wedding, funerals and other religious services or        presence on-site at the workplace
                                   following, returned to        ceremonies of up to ten (10) people indoor or
O Reg 263/20                       the COVID-19                  outdoor are permitted where physical distancing can    • Businesses not listed in Schedule 2 or 3 to O Reg 82/20 are
                                   Response Framework:           be maintained                                            required to remain closed
O Reg 127/21
                                   o Peel Public Health;       • For regions in the Red – Control level of the COVID-
O Reg 364/20                                                     19 Response Framework:

                                                                    Revised as of February 19, 2021
O Reg 11/21     o Toronto Public                o Organized public events and social gatherings are        • Businesses permitted to operate in accordance with
                  Health;                         permitted for up to 5 individuals indoors;                 Schedule 2 or 3 to O Reg 82/20 are required to comply with
O Reg 8/21                                                                                                   the conditions described or remain closed
                o York Region Public            o Organized public events and social gatherings are
                  Health; and                     permitted for up to 25 individuals outdoors; and         • The following businesses are permitted to operate subject to
                                                                                                             certain restrictions:
                o North Bay Parry               o Social gatherings associated with a wedding,
                  Sound District Health           funeral or a religious service, rite or ceremony are       o Supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, indoor
                  Unit.                           permitted for up to 5 individuals indoors or up to           farmers’ markets and other stores that primarily sell food
                                                  25 individuals outdoors.                                     (including limiting operations to a maximum of 50%
              • Effective February 22,                                                                         capacity);
                2021, the following           • For a detailed description of the restrictions in effect
                public health unit will         in the Orange – Restrict, Yellow – Protect and               o Pharmacies (including limiting operations to a maximum of
                return to the COVID-19          Green – Prevent levels of the COVID-19 Response                50% capacity);
                Response Framework:             Framework, please see the following link.
                                                                                                             o Discount and big box retailers that engage in retail sales to
                o York Region Public                                                                           the public and sell groceries to the public (including limiting
                  Health.                                                                                      operations to a maximum of 25% capacity);

              • Effective March 8, 2021,                                                                     o Safety supply stores, businesses that sell, rent or repair
                the following public                                                                           assistive/mobility/medical devices, aids and/or supplies,
                health units will return to                                                                    optical stores that sell prescription eyewear to the public
                the COVID-19                                                                                   and businesses that sell motorized vehicles (including
                Response Framework:                                                                            limiting operations to by appointment only during the hours
                                                                                                               of 7:00 am to 8:00 pm); and
                o Peel Public Health;
                                                                                                             o Stores that sell liquor including beer, wine and spirits
                o Toronto Public                                                                               (including limiting operations to a maximum of 25%
                  Health; and                                                                                  capacity during the hours of 7:00 am to 8:00 pm).

                o North Bay Parry                                                                          • Businesses that engage in retail sales to the public are
                  Sound District Health                                                                      generally permitted to operate through curbside pick up,
                  Unit.                                                                                      where the item is ordered prior to arriving at the business
                                                                                                             premises for pickup, or delivery, during the hours of 7:00 am
              • To view a table outlining                                                                    to 8:00 pm
                the current level of the
                COVID-19 response
                framework for each
                public health unit,

                                                    Revised as of February 19, 2021
please see the following                                     • Restaurants, bars and other food or drink establishments are
link.                                                          permitted to operate through take out, drive through and
                                                               delivery service only

                                                             • Meeting and event spaces, personal care services and
                                                               facilities for indoor or outdoor sports and recreational fitness
                                                               activities are required to close (subject to certain exceptions)

                                                             • Outdoor recreational amenities are permitted to remain open
                                                               with restrictions (downhill skiing, golf and outdoor driving
                                                               ranges are required to close)

                                                             • Museums, galleries, aquariums, zoos, landmarks, historical
                                                               sites and similar attractions are required to close

                                                             • Non-essential construction is required to close

                                                             • On January 4, 2021, Toronto Public Health announced new
                                                               legal requirements for businesses and organizations
                                                               permitted to remain open during the lockdown

                                                               o For a summary of the legal requirements introduced,
                                                                 please see the following link.

                                                             • For regions in the Red – Control level of the COVID-19
                                                               Response Framework:

                                                               o Retail stores are permitted to resume operations subject to
                                                                 certain restrictions including capacity limitations;

                                                               o Restaurants, bars and other food and drink establishments
                                                                 are permitted to operate subject to certain restrictions;

                                                               o Sports and recreational fitness facilities are permitted to
                                                                 operate subject to certain restrictions including capacity

                           Revised as of February 19, 2021
o Meeting, event spaces and stores are permitted to operate
                                                                                                                       subject to certain restrictions including capacity limitations;

                                                                                                                     o Casino, bingo halls, gaming establishments, cinemas and
                                                                                                                       performing arts facilities are permitted to operate subject to
                                                                                                                       certain restrictions including capacity limitations.

                                                                                                                   • For a detailed description of the restrictions in effect in the
                                                                                                                     Orange – Restrict, Yellow – Protect and Green – Prevent
                                                                                                                     levels of the COVID-19 Response Framework, please see
                                                                                                                     the following link.

Quebec        • Province-wide   • The following regions   • In the regions classified as Level 4 – Maximum Alert   • In the regions classified as Level 4 – Maximum Alert (Red)
                                  remain at Level 4 –       (Red) Zone:                                              Zone:
Measures in                       Maximum Alert (Red)
Force                             Zone:                     • Indoor and outdoor private gatherings, including       o Telework is mandatory for all office workers in all regions,
                                                              visitors to homes or cottages, are prohibited,           except for workers whose physical presence is deemed to
Order in                          o Montréal;                 subject to certain exceptions; and                       be required to maintain the ongoing activities of the
Council No.                                                                                                            organization;
135-2021                          o Laval;                  • Activities organized in public spaces are
                                                              prohibited subject to certain exceptions regarding     o A curfew is in effect prohibiting Quebecers from leaving
Order in                          o Laurentides;                                                                       their homes from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am, subject to certain
Council No.                                                                                                            limited exceptions;
124-2021                          o Lanaudière;
                                                          • In the regions classified as Level 3 – Maximum Alert
                                                                                                                     o Businesses, stores and boutiques are permitted to operate
                                                            (Orange) Zone:
                                  o Montérégie;                                                                        subject to certain restrictions including compliance with the
                                                                                                                       curfew in effect;
                                  o Capitale-Nationale;     • Indoor and outdoor private gatherings, including
                                                              visitors to homes or cottages, are prohibited,         o All commercial enterprises are required to close by no later
                                  o Chaudière-                subject to certain exceptions; and                       than 7:30 pm;
                                                            • Activities organized in public spaces are              o Pharmacies and service stations are permitted to remain
                                  o Mauricie-et-Centre-       prohibited subject to certain exceptions regarding       open from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am subject to certain
                                    du-Québec;                funerals.                                                restrictions;

                                  o Estrie; and

                                                               Revised as of February 19, 2021
o Outaouais.                                                   o Restaurants are permitted to open through delivery,
                                                                   takeout and drive-through only (during the curfew, only
• The following regions                                            delivery service will be available);
  are currently classified
  as Level 3 – Alert                                             o Bars, breweries, taverns and casinos are required to close;
  (Orange) Zone:
                                                                 o Microbreweries and distilleries are required to close for on-
  o Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-                                           site food or beverage consumption services;
                                                                 o Auditoriums, cinemas and theatres are required to close;
  o Bas-Saint-Laurent;
                                                                 o Personal and esthetic care services are permitted to
  o Côte-Nord;                                                     operate; and

  o Abitibi-                                                     o Private professional and health services are permitted to
    Témiscamingue;                                                 operate only for services requiring an in-person presence.

  o Nord-du-Québec;                                            • For regions classified as Level 3- Alert (Orange) Zone:

  o Saguenay- Lac-Saint-                                         o A curfew is in effect prohibiting Quebecers from leaving
    Jean                                                           their homes from 9:30 pm to 5:00 am, subject to certain
                                                                   limited exceptions;
• Special management
  measures in force and                                          o Restaurants are permitted to operate for in-person dining
  effect in the Cree                                               subject to certain restrictions;
  Territory of James Bay
  and Nunavik                                                    o Bars, breweries, taverns and casinos are required to
                                                                   remain closed;
• Effective February 22,
  2021, the Outaouais                                            o Cinemas and auditoriums are permitted to re-open
  region will move Level 3                                         effective February 26, 2021, subject to certain restrictions;
  – Alert (Orange) Zone
                                                                 o Telework is mandatory for all office workers in all regions,
                                                                   except for workers whose physical presence is deemed to
                                                                   be required to maintain the ongoing activities of the

                             Revised as of February 19, 2021
o Businesses, stores and boutiques are permitted to open
                                                                                                                       subject to certain restrictions, including closing by no later
                                                                                                                       than 9:00 pm; and

                                                                                                                     o Personal and esthetic care services are permitted to open.

New            • Regional   • All zones of the province   • In regions classified as Orange Level, the following   • In regions classified as Orange Level, subject to the Public
Brunswick                     are currently classified      gathering restrictions are in effect:                    Health and WorkSafeNB COVID-19 general guidance, the
                              as the Orange public                                                                   following activities are permitted:
NB Recovery                   health alert level            o Gatherings are restricted to a single household
Plan                                                          bubble and up to 10 additional contacts from           o Face masks are required when accessing goods through a
                                                              outside of one’s household;                              drive-through window;
Renewed and
revised                                                     o Formal outdoor gatherings are permitted for up to      o Faith venues may operate under a COVID-19 operational
Mandatory                                                     50 people or fewer (with physical distancing);           plan subject to limiting in-person services to 50 participants
Order COVID-                                                                                                           or fewer provided two metres of physical distancing is
19                                                          o Informal outdoor gatherings are permitted only           maintained and everyone wears a mask (no singing is
                                                              with a single household bubble and the 10                permitted);
                                                              additional contacts from outside of one’s
                                                              household; and                                         o Indoor religious observances, funerals, celebrations of life,
                                                                                                                       marriage ceremonies, receptions and social gatherings of
                                                            o Carpooling is permitted with precautions.                more than 25 people are prohibited;

                                                                                                                     o Outdoor recreational activities, recreational and sports
                                                                                                                       organizations may operate subject to certain restrictions;

                                                                                                                     o Gyms, fitness facilities and yoga studios are permitted to
                                                                                                                       operate under a COVID-19 operational plan with additional
                                                                                                                       public health measures in place;

                                                                                                                     o Casinos, amusement centres, bingo halls, arcades,
                                                                                                                       cinemas and large live performance facilities may operate
                                                                                                                       under a COVID-19 operational plan subject to certain

                                                                                                                     o All other businesses, including food, beverage and retail,
                                                                                                                       may operate under a COVID-19 operational plan subject to
                                                                                                                       certain restrictions;

                                                               Revised as of February 19, 2021
o Patrons at licensed establishments are required to remain
                                                                                                                                  seated at all times except entry/exit and bathroom use
                                                                                                                                  (only permitted to dine with members of one’s household
                                                                                                                                  and any of the 10 additional contacts from outside of one’s
                                                                                                                                  household); and

                                                                                                                                o Unregulated health professionals, including barbers, hair
                                                                                                                                   stylists and spas, may operate under a COVID-19
                                                                                                                                   operational plan with enhanced public health measures.

Nova Scotia       • Province-wide   • Province-wide               • Households are permitted to have gatherings of up         • Businesses, organizations and health professions that were
                                      mandatory restrictions in     to 10 people, including members of the household,           required to close under the Health Protection Act Order are
Stated Order of                       effect                        without physical distancing                                 permitted to reopen subject to certain restrictions including
the Chief                                                                                                                       operating in accordance with the Health Protection Act Order,
Medical Officer                                                   • Individuals may form a close social group of up to 10       sector-specific plans and implementing a Workplace COVID-
of Health                                                           people, without physical distancing                         19 Prevention Plan

                                                                  • Indoor gathering limit with physical distancing for       • Events and activities hosted by a recognized business or
                                                                    events and activities run by a recognized business          organization may provide food and alcohol service until 10
                                                                    or organization of up to 50% of the venue’s capacity        pm and must end by 11 pm
                                                                    to a maximum of 100 people, including arts and
                                                                    culture events, sports, festivals, social events, faith   • Spectators and audience members are permitted at events
                                                                    gatherings, weddings and funerals (including                subject to remaining in the designated viewing space and
                                                                    receptions and visitation), bingo, darts and activities     maintaining a physical distance of two metres from the field of
                                                                    hosted by licensed and unlicensed establishments            play or performance space
                                                                    subject to certain restrictions
                                                                                                                              • Restaurants and liquor licensed establishments are permitted
                                                                  • Outdoor gathering limit with physical distancing for        to serve dine-in customers until 10:00 pm subject to certain
                                                                    events and activities run by a recognized business          restrictions and must close by 11:00 pm
                                                                    or organization of up to a maximum of 150 people
                                                                    (including spectators of sports and performing arts),     • Retail stores are permitted to operate subject to certain
                                                                    including arts and culture events, sports,                  restrictions, including by limiting shoppers and staff to 75% of
                                                                    recreational and physical activity events, festivals,       the store’s capacity;
                                                                    social events, faith gatherings, weddings and
                                                                    funerals (including receptions and visitation), bingo,    • Fitness establishments are permitted to operate subject to
                                                                    darts and activities hosted by licensed and                 certain restrictions (including capacity restrictions);Shopping
                                                                    unlicensed establishments subject to certain

                                                                        Revised as of February 19, 2021
• Recognized businesses and organizations hosting            malls are permitted to operate subject to certain restrictions
                                                      events and activities are permitted to have multiple       including physical distancing requirements
                                                      groups of up to 100 people subject to certain
                                                      restrictions                                             • Casino Nova Scotia (Halifax and Sydney) and video lottery
                                                                                                                 terminals are permitted to operate subject to certain
                                                    • Participants and officials in organized performing         restrictions, including patrons wearing a non-medical mask
                                                      arts and sports can gather in groups of up to 60
                                                      people without social distancing for practices,          • Personal service establishments including hair salons, barber
                                                      rehearsals, performances and their regular                 shops, spas, nail salons and body art establishments are
                                                      competitive schedule (subject to certain restrictions)     permitted to operate subject to certain restrictions

Prince          • Province-wide   • Caution Level   • Personal gatherings of one’s household and up to         • Gyms, fitness facilities, museums and libraries are permitted
Edward Island                                         10 additional individuals indoors or outdoors are          to operate subject to certain restrictions including physical
                                                      permitted                                                  distancing requirements
Alert Level                                         • Organized gatherings for activities including            • Organized recreation and sports teams are permitted to
System                                                concerts, worship services and movie theatres, are         resume following the organized gathering limits (subject to
                                                      permitted to operate with up to 50 people (up to           certain restrictions)
Updated                                               three additional groups of 50 people are also
COVID-19                                              permitted subject to obtaining an approved               • Retail stores, markets and craft fairs may operate subject to
Measures                                              operational plan)                                          compliance with physical distancing and all other public
                                                                                                                 health measures
                                                    • Weddings and funerals of up to 50 people plus
                                                      officiants are permitted (not eligible for multiple      • Restaurants and licensed establishments are permitted to
                                                      gatherings)                                                offer in-person service subject to certain restrictions including
                                                                                                                 closing by 12:00 am (midnight)
                                                    • Organized gatherings are not permitted to occur in
                                                      personal dwellings                                       • Personal services are permitted to operate subject to
                                                                                                                 following the Personal Services Guidance

                                                                                                               • Childcare facilities permitted to have 100% capacity with
                                                                                                                 physical distancing

Newfoundland    • Province-wide   • Alert Level 5   • Residents are encouraged to stay at home as much         • Gyms, fitness facilities, yoga studios, swimming pools, tennis
and Labrador                                          as possible, except to gather essentials such as           and squash facilities, arenas, dance studios and performance
                                                      groceries and medication                                   facilities are required to close

                                                          Revised as of February 19, 2021
NL Alert Level     • Wakes and visitations are prohibited                 • Outdoor activities, such as walking, hiking or snowshoeing,
5                                                                           are encouraged subject to certain restrictions including
                   • Funerals, burials, weddings and religious and          maintaining physical distancing
NL COVID-19          cultural ceremonies are limited to a maximum of 5
Alert Level          individuals, including the officiant                 • Retail stores that do not provide services essential to life,
System                                                                      health or personal safety of individuals and animals are
                   • All other gatherings are limited to the members of     required to close (may offer online and/or telephone sales
Special              one’s household                                        with delivery and curbside pick-up options)
Order (General                                                            • Services essential to life, health or personal safety of
– Alert Level 5)                                                            individuals and animals include:

                                                                            o Food;

                                                                            o Pharmaceutical products, medicine and medical devices;

                                                                            o Personal hygiene products;

                                                                            o Cleaning products;

                                                                            o Baby and child products;

                                                                            o Gas stations and garages;

                                                                            o Computer and cellphone service and repair;

                                                                            o Electronic and office supplies;

                                                                            o Hardware supplies; and

                                                                            o Pet and animal supplies.

                                                                          • Restaurants are closed for in-person dining (take-out,
                                                                            delivery and drive-thru operations remain permitted)

                                                                          • Licensed establishments whose primary purpose is the
                                                                            consumption of beer, wine or spirits are required to close

                        Revised as of February 19, 2021
• Cinemas and bingo halls are required to close

                                                                                                                            • Personal service establishments, including spas, esthetic
                                                                                                                              services, hair salons, body piercing, tattooing and tanning
                                                                                                                              salons are required to close

Yukon             • Territory-wide   • Phase 3 of Yukon’s plan   • Social bubbles are limited to up to fifteen (15)         • Restaurants can provide dine-in services at full capacity with
                                       for lifting COVID-19        people                                                     physical distancing, as well as takeout. However, restaurants
A path forward:                        restrictions                                                                           are only permitted to seat a maximum number of six people
Yukon’s plan                                                     • Social gatherings are limited to up to ten (10) people     per table and maintain 2 metres distancing between tables.
for lifting                                                        indoors (subject to certain restrictions)                  Buffet service is not permitted.
restrictions                                                     • Social gatherings are limited to up to fifty (50)        • Bars, pubs and lounges are permitted to operate at 50%
                                                                   people outdoors (subject to certain restrictions)          capacity with operational plans in place and subject to certain
                                                                 • Indoor, planned, seated events can take place with
                                                                   up to fifty (50) people with physical distancing         • Retail services are permitted to operate where there is an
                                                                                                                              operational plan in place
                                                                 • Outdoor, planned, seated events can take place with
                                                                   up to 100 people with physical distancing                • Faith-based services are permitted to operate subject to
                                                                                                                              capacity restrictions

                                                                                                                            • Fitness studios are permitted to operate with public health
                                                                                                                              measures in place

                                                                                                                            • Personal services and allied health professional services are
                                                                                                                              permitted to operate with operational plans in place

Northwest         • Territory-wide   • Phase 2 of Emerging       • Households must have a maximum of five (5)               • Indoor sports and day programming is permitted as long as
Territories                            Wisely                      additional persons visit at any given time to a            there are 25 people or less and certain restrictions are in
                                                                   maximum of ten (10) persons in the house                   place
NWT in phases                                                    • Organized indoor events are limited to twenty-five       • Outdoor tourism operators may accommodate 50 people or
                                                                   (25) people or less                                        less (25 or less inside of a vehicle) subject to certain
Emerging                                                         • Organized outdoor public events are permitted for
Wisely                                                             up to a maximum of fifty (50) people (subject to         • Movie theatres are permitted to operate with reduced seating
                                                                   certain restrictions)

                                                                       Revised as of February 19, 2021
Public Health                                                                                                                • Dine-in restaurants and bars are permitted to operate at
Order –                                                                                                                        limited capacity
Relaxing                                                                                                                     • Gyms are permitted to open with restrictions
Phase 2                                                                                                                      • Client restrictions on personal service establishments are
                                                                                                                               relaxed subject to certain restrictions
                                                                                                                             • Indoor faith-based and spiritual gatherings may resume
                                                                                                                               subject to certain restrictions
                                                                                                                             • Community and youth centres are permitted to open to the
                                                                                                                               public subject to certain restrictions
Nunavut          • Territory-wide    • Restrictions placed on   • Indoor organized public gatherings shall be                • In the Baffin, Kitikmeot, Chesterfield Inlet, Baker Lake, Coral
                                       social gatherings and      restricted to no more than:                                  Harbour, Naujaat, Rankin Inlet and Whale Cove regions:
Nunavut          • Additional          business operations
extends Public     regional                                       o The total number of members of the household               o Food service and licensed establishments may open for
Health             restrictions in                                  normally residing together plus fifteen (15)                 regular business subject to certain capacity and physical
Emergency          effect                                           additional persons who do not reside in the                  distancing restrictions;
Order                                                                                                                          o Businesses and organizations are permitted to operate
respecting                                                        o Twenty (20) persons where the gathering is for               subject to certain restrictions;
Social                                                              group counselling and support group meetings;
Distancing and                                                                                                                 o Gathering community halls and conference spaces are
Gatherings                                                        o Fifty (50) persons or fifty (50) percent of the rated        permitted to operate subject to certain capacity restrictions;
                                                                    capacity for the facility as established by the office
Public Health                                                       of the Fire Marshal, whichever is less for places of       o Personal service providers are permitted to operate subject
Measures for                                                        worship, gatherings organized by the government,             to certain restrictions;
Baffin,                                                             and gatherings at theatres, conference centres,
Kitikmeot,                                                          community halls, and other rental meeting                  o Theatres, libraries, public swimming pools, recreation
Chesterfield                                                        spaces; and                                                  centres, gyms, galleries, arenas and places of worship are
Inlet, Baker                                                                                                                     permitted to operate subject to certain restrictions; and
Lake, Coral                                                       o Fifteen (15) persons for all other indoor
Harbour,                                                            gatherings, in places other than dwellings.                o Public playgrounds, municipal parks, territorial parks and
Naujaat,                                                                                                                         reserves are permitted to open, however, buildings are
Rankin Inlet                                                    • Outdoor organized public gatherings shall be                   required to remain closed.
and Whale                                                         restricted to no more than one-hundred (100)
Cove                                                              persons                                                    • In the Arviat region:

                                                                     Revised as of February 19, 2021
Public Health   • All social indoor gatherings, including social            o Outdoor gatherings are restricted to up to 5 people (with
Measures for      gatherings in private dwellings, shall be no greater        physical distancing);
Arviat            than the total number of members of the household
                  normally residing together plus fifteen (15) additional   o Indoor gatherings are restricted to the members of one’s
                  persons who do not reside in the household                  household plus up to 5 people for emergencies only (with
                                                                              physical distancing);
                • All social outdoor gatherings shall be restricted to no
                  greater than one-hundred (100) persons                    o Food service and licensed establishments may open for
                                                                              takeout and delivery service only (all bars are required to
                • Additional gathering restrictions in place in the           close);
                  following regions:
                                                                            o All non-essential businesses are required to close;
                  o Baffin, Kitikmeot, Chesterfield Inlet, Baker Lake,
                    Coral Harbour, Naujaat and Rankin Inlet; Whale          o Grocery stores, pharmacies, service stations, financial
                    Cove; and                                                 institutions, air carriers, food banks, shelters, taxis and
                                                                              snow clearing service providers are permitted to operate;
                  o Arviat.
                                                                            o Personal service providers are required to close;

                                                                            o Public swimming pools, recreation centres, gyms, theatres,
                                                                              libraries, galleries, museums and places of worship are
                                                                              required to close; and

                                                                            o All public playgrounds, municipal parks, territorial parks
                                                                              and arenas are required to close.

                      Revised as of February 19, 2021
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