2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global

Page created by Jamie Dunn
2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global

16th - 18th September 2019

                             GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM

2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global
Meeting future power and
propulsion requirements
through research, innovation,
development and dissemination.
2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global
Welcome to GPPS Beijing19

                         The GPPS 2nd Asia and the Middle East Conference GPPS Beijing19 is
                         jointly hosted by Beihang University and the Institute of Engineering
                         Thermophysics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We welcome all at-
                         tendees to this outstanding event!

                           Global Power Propulsion Society (GPPS) aims to create a global platform
                           to promote the academic exchange and development of power and pro-
                           pulsion systems through a series of technical conferences and industry
                           forums. Based on the success of the previous technical conferences, GPPS
                           Beijing19 continues this great tradition and focus on innovations in the
field of turbomachinery inspired by bridging academia and industry. To fulfill this objective, the
organizing committee has invited five internationally-known plenary speakers from both academ-
ia and industry to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of the latest research devel-
opments in the related fields. Further, young talents from industry and academia will present the
results of their research during paper sessions and technical keynotes.

Power and propulsion systems are facing the        It is the first time a GPPS technical conference
most critical development opportunities for        takes place in Beijing, the capital of China.
the global energy, aviation, and environmen-       Beijing city has a long history and an ancient cul-
tal protection sectors, and also need to meet      ture and is best visited in autumn when it offers
various challenges for increasing efficiency and   comfortable temperatures and scenic beauty.
reducing emissions. With these opportunities
and challenges in mind, GPPS Beijing19 brings      Welcome to Beijing!
together hundreds of experts from universities,
government, and turbomachinery industries. It

                                                                                                         GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM
provides numerous opportunities for in-depth
exploration of the latest academic research, in-   Prof. Xiaofeng Sun,
novative technology & products, and auspicious     Conference Chair of GPPS Beijing19

2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global
Table of Contents

    Welcome to GPPS Beijing19                        1
    Networking & Registration                        3
    Travel to Beihang University Conference Center   4
    Conference Floorplan                             5
    Sponsors                                         6
    GPPS Beijing Diary                               8
    GPPS Committees                                  10
    Interdisciplinary Keynotes                       11
    Track Chairs                                     12
    Technical Keynotes                               12
    Conference Tracks                                13
    Session Assignments                              14
            Monday                                   14
            Tuesday                                  19
            Wednesday                                24
    Author Index                                     29
    Notes                                            31

2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global
Networking & Registration

Registration                                                    The Registration Desk, Information Center,
                                                                and Lost and Found are located on the right
Registration Desk (see floorplan page 5)                        hand side of the main conference area.
Main Conference Area
                                                                Name Badges are required for admission to
Registrants will be provided                                    all conference sessions and meal functions.
→ Name badge and welcome package                                Lost your name badge? Go to the Registra-
→ Access to every session in registered event                   tion Desk to obtain a replacement.
→ Data for all of the final papers of GPPS Beijing19
→ Daily lunch vouchers for registered event
→ Opening reception & dinner voucher
                                                                WIFI Access
Pre-registration @ Conference Center                            Internet access is available within the conference
15:00 – 17:00 Sunday                                            area.

Registration Hours @ Conference Center                          To login please use:
07:30 – 18:00 Monday + Tuesday                                  WLAN: GPPSBEIJING2019
08:30 – 16:00 Wednesday                                         Password: beijing19

Networking Events
Opening reception & dinner buffet                           Gala Dinner
Monday 16th September, 18:00 - 20:00                        Tuesday 17th September, 18:00 - 22:00
Location: Beihang University, Student No.2 Dining Hall      Dress code: formal evening wear
(see page 4)                                                Location: Vision Hotel

                                                                                                                           GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM
Coffee & Networking
16th September - 18th September
Location: Coffee break area                                 Beijing Tour
                                                            The Beijing tour takes place on Thursday 19th Septem-
Daily Lunches                                               ber and costs 258 RMB (cash only, paid onsite). Includes
Monday 16th September, 11:55 - 13:15                        lunch, Forbidden City and Summer Palace.
Tuesday 17th September, 11:55 - 13:15                       Meet @ the Vision Hotel Lobby 7:00am
Wednesday 18th September, 11:55 - 13:15                     People can enlist by writing to cxs1167@163.com
Location: Beihang University, Student No.2 Dining Hall      before 12th September.
(see page 4)

                                                                             Tuesday 17th September, 18.00
                                   The GPPS Beijing19 gala dinner will be preceded by a traditional Chinese singing and
                                   dancing performance. The gala dinner will o�fer various possibilities to network with
                                   industry and academia representatives from all over the world.
                                   Location: Vision Hotel                                                                                     3
2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global
Travel to Beihang University
    Conference Center

    By Subway                                    By Taxi
    Take the airport express from Peking         From Capital International Airport (Dis-       2.3RMB. Night fare is 13RMB for the
    Capital Airport to San Yuan Qiao station,    tance: Approx. 28km) it will take you about    first 3km and costs 2.76RMB/km after
    then transfer to Line 10, the destination    24 minutes and 86RMB by day and 100RMB         that. Legal taxis are standard managed,
    will be Xi Tu Cheng station. On exiting      at night to get to Beihang University.         licensed and metered and have a yellow
    the station (Exit A), the Vision Hotel or                                                   stripe down the side.
    East gate of Beihang University are within   In Beijing the starting fare is 13RMB for
    5 mins walking distance.                     the first 3km, and during the day costs

    1/ New Main Building Conference Center        2/ Restaurant for lunch & dinner buffet
    Please enter the Conference Center from       Enter the door pointing by the red               3/ Vision Hotel
    the white arrow                               arrow then go to the 3rd floor

                                                                                                                     East Gate 2
                                                                                                                     Beihang University

                                                     Lunch &
                                                   Dinner Bu�fet
                                                 Beihang University
                                                   Student No.2                                                      1
                                                     Dining Hall

                                                                                               New Main Building
                                                                                               Conference Center
                        Park Plaza
                     Beijing Science Park,
                     No. 25 Zhichun Road
                       Haidian District
                                                                                                             Vision Hotel
                       Tel.400 118 1585
                                                                                                               Gala Dinner

       Location                                                                   Google Maps
       New Main Building Conference Center,                                       Obtain the location on Google Map by
       Xiaoyuan S Rd, Beihang University,                                         typing in ‘East Gate 2 Beihang University’
       Haidian District, Beijing 100191
2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global
Conference Floorplan

New Main Building Conference Center
New Main Building Conference Center, Xiaoyuan S Rd,
Beihang University, Haidian District, Beijing 100191


                                                                 ROOM 8
                                                                 ROOM 1

                                                  Room 8

                                                                 ROOM 2
          ROOM 5

          ROOM 4
                    Room 5

                                                                 COFFEE BREAK AREA
                    Room 4           Room 1       Room 2

                                                                 EXHIBITION AREA

                                                                                     GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM

   Taxi request for:
   Conference Center

   Vision Hotel

   Park Plaza (Beijing Science Park)
2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global
    Thank you for your support!

    Platinum Sponsor

                                  Siemens Power and Gas: Energy for today – and for generations to come
                                  Siemens has been a pacesetter for energy systems for more than 150 years – creating
                                  lasting value for its customers. It offers utilities, IPPs, EPCs, and oil and gas customers
                                  a comprehensive spectrum of components and solutions incl. services and project
                                  financing for the environmentally-compatible and resource-saving generation of
                                  power and heat and for the reliable transportation of oil and gas.

    Gold Sponsors

                                  MAPNA Group
                                  MAPNA Group is a leading Iranian industrial enterprise whose business covers di-
                                  verse infrastructure lines: power generation, oil & gas, rail transportation, and in-
                                  vestment. The company manufactures a diverse range of industrial machinery, from
                                  turbines and generators to turbocompressors and locomotives. MAPNA also serves
                                  as a solution provider for projects both inside and outside Iran.

                                  The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) was established on Feb-
                                  ruary 14, 1986. Upon its establishment, NSFC was an institution directly under the
                                  jurisdiction of the State Council, tasked with the administration of the National
                                  Natural Science Fund from the Central Government.

    Silver Sponsors
                                  School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University
                                  Established in 1952, the School, looks to the forefront fields of aero-engine and new
                                  energy technologies, continues the Beihang tradition of providing a quality educa-
                                  tion to students, preparing them to make substantial contributions to the fields of
                                  aeronautic engineering and science.

                                  Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (IET)
                                  The Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (IET) has made many remarkable achieve-
                                  ments including winning national second prizes, and more than 40 CAS or ministerial
                                  second/above second prizes. It has also won more than 50 national, CAS or ministerial
                                  third-level prizes.

2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global
Silver Sponsors

                  CAS AEROSTAR TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.
                  We provide light-duty aero-engines and technical services for domestic and inter-
                  national customers. Our products include turbojets (60kgf to 500kgf), turboshafts
                  (300kw to 700kw) and turbofans (400kgf to 1000kgf).

Event Sponsors
                  INSPUR GROUP
                  Inspur group is China’s leading cloud computing, big data service provider, covering
                  four industry groups of cloud data center, cloud services & big data, smart city, and
                  smart enterprise and providing comprehensive solutions in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.

                  As a national high-tech enterprise, LTHPC is committed to providing and building
                  solutions of high performance computing, deep learning and artificial intelligence
                  in the spirit of artisans. Cluster software solutions are widely used in many fields such
                  as energy, Internet, education, meteorology, scientific research and public utilities.

                                                                                                              GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM
                  Solar Turbines Incorporated
                  Solar Turbines Incorporated, headquartered in San Diego, California, is a wholly
                  owned subsidiary of Caterpillar Inc. Solar manufactures the world’s most widely
                  used family of mid-sized industrial gas turbines, ranging from 1 to 23 megawatts.
                  More than 15,000 Solar units are operating in more than 100 countries with more
                  than 2.8 billion operating hours. Solar is a leading provider of energy solutions,
                  featuring an extensive line of gas turbine-powered compressor sets, mechanical
                  drive packages, and generator sets.

                  BEIJING PARATERA TECH CO.,LTD.
                  PARATERA (stock code 839493) is the leading software and service company in China
                  High Performance Computing and AI Computing. As the service partner of China Na-
                  tional Grid , Paratera provides the resources and services on public HPC cloud and AI
                  computing cloud, as well as the cloud platform building.

2019 Program BEIJING | CHINA - gpps.global
GPPS Beijing Diary

    Monday 16th September                                             11:55 - 13:15      Beihang University, Student No.2 Dining Hall
    07:30 - 18:00      Conference Center Main Hall                    Conference Lunch
                                                                      13:15 - 13:55      Room 1
    09:00 - 09:10      Room 1                                         Keynote 4
    Opening Ceremony
                                                                      14:00 - 15:15      Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 4 | Room 5 | Room 8 |
    09:10 - 09:50      Room 1                                         Paper Sessions (5 Parallel sessions)
    Keynote 1
                                                                      15:15 - 15:45
    09:50 - 10:15                                                     Coffee Break
    Coffee Break
                                                                      15:45 - 17:00      Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 4 | Room 5 | Room 8 |
    10:15 - 11:55      Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 4 | Room 5 | Room 8 |   Technical Keynotes + Paper Sessions (5 Parallel sessions)
    Paper Sessions (5 Parallel sessions)
                                                                      18:00 - 22:00      Vision Hotel
    11:55 - 13:15      Beihang University, Student No.2 Dining Hall   Gala Dinner
    Conference Lunch

    13:15 - 13:55      Room 1                                         Wednesday 18th September
    Keynote 2                                                         08:30 - 17:00      Conference Center Main Hall
    14:00 - 14:50      Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 4 | Room 5 | Room 8 |
    Paper Sessions (5 Parallel sessions)                              09:00 - 09:40      Room 1
                                                                      Keynote 5
    14:50 - 15:20
    Coffee Break                                                      09:40 - 10:15
                                                                      Coffee Break
    15:20 - 17:00      Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 4 | Room 5 | Room 8 |
    Technical Keynotes + Paper Sessions (5 Parallel sessions)         10:15 - 11:55      Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 4 | Room 5 | Room 8 |
                                                                      Paper Sessions (5 Parallel sessions)
    17:05 - 17:50      Room 1
    Tutorial                                                          11:55 - 13:15      Beihang University, Student No.2 Dining Hall
                                                                      Conference Lunch
    18:00 - 22:00
    Opening Reception & Buffet Supper                                 13:15 - 14:30      Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 4 | Room 5 | Room 8 |
                                                                      Paper Sessions (5 Parallel sessions)

    Tuesday 17th September                                            14:30 - 15:00
    07:30 - 18:00      Conference Center Main Hall                    Coffee Break
                                                                      15:00 - 16:15      Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 4 | Room 5 | Room 8 |
    09:00 - 09:40      Room 1                                         Technical Keynotes + Paper Sessions (5 Parallel sessions)
    Keynote 3
                                                                      16:20 - 16:30      Room 1
    09:40 - 10:15                                                     Closing Ceremony GPPS Beijing19
    Coffee Break
                                                                            Paper Sessions          Tutorial                 Keynote
    10:15 - 11:55      Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 4 | Room 5 | Room 8 |
8   Paper Sessions (5 Parallel sessions)
                                                                           Lunch / Buffet
                                                                           Supper                   Coffee Break            Gala Dinner
Where others see gas                                                  GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM

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                             few highlights of our gas turbine portfolio. Let’s look to new
                             opportunities, together.
©2019 Siemens Energy, Inc.

GPPS Committees

     Executive Committee
                              Prof. Reza Abhari                                         Dr. Klaus Brun
                              ETH Zurich,                                               Elliott Group,
                              Switzerland                                               USA

                              Dr. Frank Eulitz                                              Dr. Chiyuki Nakamata
                              Power & Gas Division                                          IHI Corporation,
                              Siemens, Germany                                              Japan

                              Vice Chairman & Treasurer
                              Prof. Seung Jin Song                                          Bernhard Winkelmann
                              Seoul National University,                                    Solar Turbines Inc.,
                              South Korea                                                   USA

     Advisory Committee
     Dr. Sunao Aoki                    Frank Haselbach             Dr. Allan Volponi                  Prof. Sigmar Wittig
     (MHI, Japan)                      (Rolls Royce, UK)           (Pratt & Whitney, USA)             (Univ. of Karlsruhe, Germany)

     Prof. Piero Colonna               Prof. Robert Kielb (Duke    Prof. Thomas Sattelmayer
     (Delft Univ., Netherlands)        Univ., USA)                 (TU Munich, Germany)

     Prof. Mike Dunn                   Prof. Lee Langston (Univ.   Prof. Joerg Seume
     (OSU, USA)                        Connecticut, USA)           (Univ. of Hannover, Germany)

     Prof. Torsten Fransson            Prof. Knox Millsaps (ONR,   Vinod Philip
     (KTH, Sweden)                     USA)                        (Siemens, Germany)

     GPPS Beijing19 Conference Committee

                              Executive Conference Chair                                    Technical Program Chair
                              Prof. Xiaofeng Sun                                            Prof. Junqiang Zhu
                              Beihang University                                            Institute of Engineering
                                                                                            Thermophysics, CAS

                              Review Chair                                                  Review Co-Chair
                              Prof. Robert Kielb                                            Prof. Chao Zhou
                              Duke University                                               Peking University
Interdisciplinary Keynotes

                        Monday 16th September, 13:15                    bomachinery failure is vibration, and Prof. Vahdati’s work is of
                        Dr. Frank Eulitz                                immense significance to the industry. The modeling of the be-
                        Siemens Gas and Power, Innovation &             havior and mitigating causes of engine failures lead to substan-
                        Technology, Germany                             tial increases in safety and reliability and provides energy-efficient
                                                                        environmental friendly benefits & significant costs savings.
                       Dr. Frank Eulitz is Vice-President for In-
                                                                        In 2001, Prof. Vahdati was awarded by Rolls-Royce plc the title
novation & Technology of the Siemens Gas and Power New
                                                                        Rolls-Royce Research Fellow at Imperial College, in recognition
Businesses Fields group. With global dedicated teams, Frank is
                                                                        for his contributions to the company.
leading technology and digitalization driven innovation to meet
the challenges of industry and utilities for clean, affordable, and
reliable energy. Before his current role, Frank served in various
engineering and technology management positions including
                                                                                                Tuesday 17th September, 13:15
the Siemens H-class gas turbine development and business
transformation of the supply chain and product life cycle man-
                                                                                                Atsukuni Waragai
                                                                                                President of Honda Aero, Inc, USA
agement of Siemens gas turbine, steam turbine, and generator
business segments.
                                                                                                Atsukuni Waragai joined Honda after
                                                                                                graduating from Tokyo Institute of Tech-
Frank holds an MBA degree in general management and a Ph.D.
                                                                        nology in 1983. 1986, when Honda initiated Jet engine research
degree in mechanical engineering.
                                                                        program, Atsukuni joined the program as one of the original
                                                                        members. As a leader of HF118 turbofan engine program, At-
                                                                        sukuni contributed to the HondaJet’s first flight in 2003. He was
                        Wednesday 18th September, 09:00                 assigned as EVP of GE Honda in 2004, came back to Japan as a
                                                                        COO of Honda Aircraft Engine R&D Center and was transferred
                        Prof. Ming-Jiu Ni
                                                                        to the US again as a president of Honda Aero, Inc.
                        University of Chinese Academy of
                        Sciences, China

                          Prof. Ming-Jiu Ni received his PhD from
                                                                                                 Monday 16th September, 09:10
                          Xi’an Jiaotong University, China in 1997 in
fluid machinery. After two-year postdoctoral research (JSPS re-
                                                                                                 Prof. Vigor Yang
                                                                                                 Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
searcher fellow) in Kyoto University, Japan, he moved to Univer-
sity of California at Los Angeles as a researcher in the Mechanical
                                                                                                 Vigor Yang is Professor of Aerospace En-
and Aerospace Engineering Department, where he conducted
                                                                                                 gineering and Industrial and Systems
research on Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and free surface

                                                                                                                                                 GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM
                                                                        Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He was the
phenomena for liquid metal flows relevant to fusion blanket and
                                                                        William R. T. Oakes Professor and Chair of Georgia Tech’s School
fusion first wall. He has been a full professor at the School of En-
                                                                        of Aerospace Engineering for a decade (2009-2018). He has
gineering Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
                                                                        published 10 comprehensive volumes and numerous technical
since 2007, where he also leads experimental and computational
                                                                        papers on combustion, propulsion, and energetics. Prof. Yang
research on MHD for liquid metal flows in the presence of strong
                                                                        was the recipient of the American Institute of Aeronautics and
magnetic field. Prof. Ming-Jiu Ni pioneered several innovative nu-
                                                                        Astronautics (AIAA) Air-Breathing Propulsion Award (2005), the
merical and computational schemes that led to great advances of
                                                                        Pendray Aerospace Literature Award (2008), the Propellants and
MHD computation.
                                                                        Combustion Award (2009), and the von Kármán Lectureship in
                                                                        Astronautics Award (2016). He was awarded the Worcester Reed
                                                                        Warner Medal (2014) by the American Society of Mechanical En-
                        Tuesday 17th September, 09:00                   gineers (ASME), and the Lifetime Achievement Award (2014) by
                                                                        the Joint U.S. Army, Navy, NASA, and Air Force (JANNAF) Intera-
                        Prof. Mehdi Vahdati
                                                                        gency Propulsion Committee. Dr. Yang was the editor-in-chief of
                        Imperial College London, UK
                                                                        the AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power (2001-2009) and the
                                                                        JANNAF Journal of Propulsion and Energetics (2009-2012). He is
                       Professor Mehdi Vahdati is the Principal
                                                                        currently a co-editor of the Aerospace Book Series of the Cam-
                       Research Fellow in the Dynamics Group
                                                                        bridge University Press (2010). A member of the U.S. National
and leads the Aeroelasticity Group in the Vibration University
                                                                        Academy of Engineering and an Academician of Academia Si-
Technology Centre sponsored by Rolls-Royce plc.
                                                                        nica, Dr. Yang is a fellow of the AIAA, ASME, Royal Aeronautical
His main research focus is the development of CFD algorithms,
                                                                        Society, and Combustion Institute. He was a vice president and
modeling fan blade flutter, turbine and compressor forced re-
                                                                        a member of the executive committee of the AIAA (2012-2015).
sponse, stall and surge modeling and aeroacoustic and aeroe-
lastic phenomena. In practice, one of the main reasons for tur-
Track Chairs

     Acoustics & Noise               Combustor & Combustions
     Prof. Wei Ma                    Prof. Zhuying Ren                                             GPPS Tutorial
     Shanghai Jiao Tong University   Tsinghua University                                           Monday, 17:05 - 17:50
                                                                                                   Instrumentation and Testing
     Prof. Hua Ouyang                Prof. Hyungrok Do
                                                                                                   Speaker → Prof. Anestis Kalfas
     Shanghai Jiao Tong University   Seoul National University
                                                                                                    (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
                                     Prof. Gaofeng Wang
     Advanced Cycles &               Zhejiang University                Anestis Kalfas received his PhD in Turbomachinery Aerodynamics from
     Performance                                                        Cranfield University in 1994 and his Dipl.-Ing. Mech. Eng. Aristotle Univer-
                                     Prof. Jinghua Li                   sity of his native Thessaloniki. He worked as a Research Associate at the
     Dr. Xiaodong Ren                Nanjing University of              Whittle Lab., University of Cambridge and as an Aircraft Engineer at the
     Tsinghua University             Aeronautics and Astronautics       Hellenic Air Force. He has been a Senior Scientist at the Turbomachinery
                                                                        Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, since
     Jason Kielb                                                        July 2000 where he lectured in Turbomachinery Design.
     Rolls-Royce                     Controls                           For more information visit our website: www.gpps.global
                                     Prof. Yangfeng Zhang
                                     Institute of Engineering Ther-
     Advanced Numerical
                                     mophysics                        Prof. Jun Ahn                           Structural Dynamics &
     Methods & Modeling
     Dr. Xinrong Su                  Dr. Xiaohua Liu                  Kookmin University                      Aeromechanics
     Tsinghua University             Shanghai Jiao Tong University                                            Dr. Sina Stapfelfeldt
                                                                      Instrumentation & Testing               Imperial College London
     Dr. Jiaqi Luo                   Cooling Technology               Dr. Tomokazu Miyakozawa
     Zhejiang University                                              Rolls-Royce
                                                                                                              Dr. Mizuho Aotsuka
                                     Prof. Haiwang Li                                                         IHI Corporation
                                     Beihang University
     Axial Compressors
                                                                      Monitor & Diagnostics
     Prof. Juan Du                                                                                            Turbines
                                     Fundamental Studies              Prof. Zhiyuan Cao
     Institute of Engineering
                                                                      Northwestern Polytechnical
                                                                                                              Prof. Yanfeng Zhang
     Thermophysics                   Prof. Yangwei Liu                                                        Institute of Engineering
                                     Beihang University               University
     Dr. Tomokazu Miyakozawa
                                     Design Optimization              Radial Compressors
                                                                                                              Unsteady Flows
     Prof. Dakun Sun                 Jason Kielb                      Prof. Mingxu Qi
                                                                                                              Prof. Medhi Vahdahti
     Beihang University              Rolls-Royce                      Beijing Institute of Technology         Imperial College, London
     Prof. Dingxi Wang
     Northwestern Polytechnical      Heat Transfer                    Seal & Secondary Flow
     University                      Prof. Wei Dong                   Prof. Luis San Andres
                                     Shanghai Jiao Tong University    Texas A&M University

     Technical Keynotes
     Prof. Hyungrok Do               Prof. Xiaodong Ren               Prof. Chao Zhou                         Prof. Juan Du
     Seoul National University       Tsinghua University              Peking University                       Institute of Engineering Ther-
                                                                                                              mophysics, China Academy of
     Prof. Jiaqi Luo                 Prof. Xingsi Han                 Prof. Yanfeng Zhang                     Sciences
     Zhejiang University             Nanjing University of Aero-      Institute of Engineering Ther-
                                     nautics and Astronautics         mophysics, China Academy of
     Prof. Tianyu Pan                                                 Sciences
     Beihang University              Prof. Dingxi Wang
                                     Northwestern Polytechnical

Conference Paper Tracks

Paper Sessions                                 Day                            Page

AN     Acoustics & Noise                       Tuesday                        19, 20, 21, 22

ACP    Advanced Cycles & Performance           Tuesday                        16, 17,18

ANMM   Advanced Numerical Methods & Modeling   Monday, Tuesday,               15, 16,17,18, 19, 20,
                                                                              21, 22, 24

AC     Axial Compressors                       Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday      15, 16,17,18, 19, 20,
                                                                              27, 28

C      Combustor & Combustions                 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday     15, 16,17,18, 19, 20,
                                                                              21, 22, 24, 25

CC     Controls                                Wednesday                      26, 27

CT     Cooling Technology                      Tuesday                        21

DO     Design Optimization                     See Interdisciplinary Topics

FS     Fundamental Studies                     Wednesday                      24, 25

HT     Heat Transfer                           Wednesday                      24, 25, 26, 27

IT     Instrumentation & Testing               Monday, Tuesday                15, 16,17, 18, 22, 24

                                                                                                       GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM
MD     Monitor & Diagnostics                   Wednesday                      24, 25

RC     Radial Compressors                      Wednesday                      26, 27

SSF    Seal & Secondary Flow                   Wednesday                      26, 27, 28

SDA    Structural Dynamics & Aeromechanics     See Interdisciplinary Topics

T      Turbines                                Monday, Tuesday                15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24

UF     Unsteady Flows                          Wednesday                      24, 25

IDT    Interdisciplinary Topics                Wednesday                      27

Session Assignments
Monday, 16th September | Day 1
08:30 -09:00                                                                         Room 1 + 2
Authors’ Briefing

09:00-09:10                                                                             Room 1
Opening Ceremony GPPS Beijing19
Opening Speech by Conference Chair
Speaker → Prof. Xiaofeng Sun (Beihang University)

09:10 - 09:50                                                                           Room 1
Keynote 1
Data-Enabled Engineering Design Innovation for Propulsion and Power Systems
Speaker → Prof. Vigor Yang (Georgia Institute of Technology)

09:50 - 10:15                                                                 Coffee break area
      Coffee Break
10:15 - 11:55

         Combustor &                 Advanced Numer-            Axial                        Instrumentation &
                                     ical Methods &                                                                      Turbines 1
         Combustion 1                                           Compressors 1                Testing 1
                                     Modeling 1
         Location: Room 1            Location: Room 2           Location: Room 8             Location: Room 5            Location: Room 4
         Session Chair:              Session Chair:             Session Chair:               Session Chair:              Session Chair:
         → Prof. Gaofeng Wang        → Prof. Mehdi Vahdati      → Prof. Jichao Li            → Dr. Nafiz Chowdhury       → Prof. Qun Zheng
                                     → Prof. Shucheng Pan                                    → Dr. Andrew Messenger      → Marcel Oettinger

        [060] Suppression of         [026] Incremental          [002] Numerical In-                                      [203] Effects of
        Combustion Insta-            Proper Orthogonal          vestigation on the Per-                                  Squealer Tip Geometry
        bilities in a Premixed       Decomposition Based        formance of Transonic                                    Deviation on Flow
        Swirl Combustor with         Method for the Analy-      Axial Compressor with                                    Field and Aerodynamic
        Acoustic Liner               zation of Large Scale      Naturally Aspirated                                      Performance Using
                                     High Fidelity Simula-      Slots on Blade                                           Uncertainty Quanti-
        → Liangliang Xu 1
                                     tion Results                                                                        fication Method and
        → Guoqing Wang 1                                        → Dhanuporn Aksorn-In
                                     →Qingsong Wang                                                                      Sensitivity Analysis
        → Xunchen Liu 1                                         → Chen Yali
                                     →Zhen Zhang
        → Lei Li 1                                              → Zhao Yang
                                     → Xinrong Su                                                                        → Wei Shi
        → Fei Qi 1                                              → Sun Zhongguo
                                     → Xin Yuan                                                                          → Pingting Chen
        → Xiaofeng Sun 2                                        Xi’an Jiaotong University,
        1 Shanghai Jiao tong         Tsinghua University,       China                                                    → Xueying Li
                                     China                                                                               → Jing Ren
        University, China
        2 Beihang University,                                                                                            → Hongde Jiang
        China                                                                                                            Tsinghua University,

        [072] Numerical Anal-        [032] Entropy Transpor-    [025] Control of the         [053] Influence of          [071] Aerothermal
        ysis of Combustion           tation Equation Based      Axial Compressor Blade       Probe Measuring Posi-       Investigation of Tran-
        Instability in Annular       Loss Mechanism Anal-       Airfoil Boundary Layer       tions on Aerodynamics       sonic Over-Tip Leakage
        Combustion Chamber           ysis with High Fidelity    Flow Using Plasma            of a Transonic Axial        Flow with Cooling
        with Spatially Distrib-      Turbulence Simulation      Actuation                    flow Compressor             Injection for Different
        uted Heat Release Rate       Results                                                                             Tip Geometries
                                                                → Haideng Zhang              → Hongwei Ma
        Model                        → Hui Li
                                                                → Yun Wu                     → Asad Islam                → Mingxing Tang
        → Man Zhang                  → Xinrong Su                                                                        → Shaopeng Lu
                                                                → Yinghong Li                Beihang University, China
        → Rong Xu                    → Xin Yuan                                                                          → Jinfang Teng
                                                                Key Laboratory on Plasma
        AECC Commercial              Tsinghua University,       Dynamics, China                                          School of Aeronautics and

                                                                                                                                                      GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM
        Aircraft Engine CO., LTD,    China
                                                                                                                         Astronautics, Shaihai Jiao
        China                                                                                                            Tong University, China

        [143] Modeling of Jet        [083] Flow Instabil-       [099] An Analytical          [147] Compressor            [081] Aero-thermal
        Fuel Spray Impinge-          ity Prediction Via         Approach to Estimate         Rig Test Facility in        Performance of
        ment in a Wind Tunnel        Eigenanalysis and its      the Effect of Surface        Shanghai Jiao Tong          Coolant Released from
        → Songyang Li 1              Application to Rotating    Roughness on Particle        University                  Suction Surface in a
        → Zhengjun Wang 1            Stall                      Rebound                      → Yadong Wu                 High-Pressure Turbine
        → Yuyang Li 2                → Shenren Xu 1             → Johannes Altmeppen         → Zeyuan Yang               Cascade
        → Pengfei Zou 1              → Chen He 2                → Heike Sommerfeld           → Chao Sun                  → Zuhao Liu
        → Tianyu Li 2                → Dakun Sun 2              → Christian Koch             → Hua Ouyang                → Chao Zhou
        1 AECC Commercial            → Dingxi Wang 1            → Stephan Staudacher                                     → Kai Zhou
                                                                                             Shanghai Jiao Tong
        Aircraft Engine Co., ltd.,   1 Northwestern Polytech-   University of Stuttgart,                                 Peking University, China
        China                        nical University, China                                 University, China
        2 Shanghai Jiao Tong         2 Beihang University,
        University, China            China


         [195] Experimental          [101] Modelling Turbu-      [225] Recent Insights                                  [110] Aerodynamic Per-
         Investigation and           lent Transport Effects      into the Flow Topology                                 formance Analysis of
         Assessment of Com-          on the Formation Prob-      Around Highly Loaded                                   the Transonic Turbine
         bustion Instability and     ability of Flame Kernel     Tandem Vanes                                           with Tip Clearance
         Engine Vibrations; as an    in Ignition Process                                                                Variations for Marine
                                                                 → Alexander Heinrich
         Impact of Using Novel       → Qing Xie 1                                                                       Turbochargers
                                                                 → Dieter Peitsch
         Alternative Fuels with      → Zhuyin Ren 1                                                                     → Guojun Ma 1
         Low Aromatics in a Gas                                  TU Berlin, Germany                                     → Jiaxing Chai 2
                                     → Ke Wang 2
         Turbine Engine              → Hongjun Lin 3                                                                    → Jie Gao 1
         → Charith Wijesinghe        → Shoutang Shang 3                                                                 → Guoqiang Yue 1
         → Yuxiao Ling               → Wei Xiao 4                                                                       → Qun Zheng 1
         → Bhupendra Khan-           1 School of Aerospace                                                              1 College of Power and En-
         delwal                      Engineering, Tsinghua                                                              ergy, Harbin Engineering
                                     University, China                                                                  University, China
         The University of Shef-     2 Aero Engine Academy of                                                           2 AECC Shenyang Engine
         field, UK                   China, China                                                                       Research Institute, China
                                     3 AECC Shenyang Engine
                                     Research Institute, China
                                     4 AECC Hunan Aviation
                                     Powerplant Research
                                     Institute, China

          11:55 - 13:15                                                                   Beihang University, Student No.2 Dining Hall
                 Conference Lunch

          13:15 - 13:55                                                                                                                 Room 1

          Keynote 2
          Turbomachinery Power for Decarbonization – Trends and Perspectives
          Speaker → Dr. Frank Eulitz (Siemens)

          14:00 - 14:50
         Combustor &                 Advanced                    Axial                      Instrumentation &           Advanced Cycles
         Combustion 2                Numerical Methods           Compressors 2              Testing 2                   & Performance 1
                                     & Modeling 2
         Location: Room 1            Location: Room 2            Location: Room 8           Location: Room 5            Location: Room 4
         Session Chair:              Session Chair:              Session Chair:             Session Chair:              Session Chair:
         → Prof. Hyungrok Do         → Dr. Shenren Xu            → Prof. Dakun Sun          → Prof. Anestis Kalfas      → Prof. Xiaodong Ren
         → Dr. Man Zhang                                         → Dr. Xu Dong              → Prof. Yanfeng Zhang

         [200] Effects of            [121] Immersed              [014] A Review of Com-     [069] Pre-positioning of    [217] Development of
         Perforated Liners on        Boundary Method with        putational Methods for     Optical Components for      a Flight Mission Model
         Controlling Combus-         Moving Half-Domain          Aeroelastic Instabil-      Pressure Sensitive Paint    and its Application in
         tion Instability in an      Body-Fitted Meshes          ities of Multi-Stage       Measurement Using Pri-      Order to Illustrate the
         Annular Combustor           For 3-D Compressible        Compressor                 or Ray-tracing Method       Influence of Variable
         → Guangyu Zhang             Viscous Flow                → Mehdi Vahdati                                        Thrust Nozzles
                                                                                            → Tianyu Gao 1
         → Xiaoyu Wang               → Jingyuan Wang             → Fanzhou Zhao             → Limin Gao 1               → Tim Sauer
         → Xiaofeng Sun              → Peng Shan                 → Prathiban                → Guanhua Yang 1            → Tim Rückel
         Beihang University, China   → Haitao Zhu                  Sureshkumar              → Tianlong Zheng 1          → Dieter Peitsch
                                     School of Jet Propulsion,   Imperial College, UK       → Ning Ge 2
                                     Beijing University of                                                              TU Berlin, Germany
                                     Aeronautics and Astro-                                 1 School of Power and
                                     nautics, China                                         Energy, Northwestern
                                                                                            Polytechnical University,
                                                                                            2 Northwestern Polytech-
                                                                                            nical University, China


        [051] Kinetic Modeling       [146] Robust Optimiza-    [035] Uncertainty           [077] Evaluation and       [160] Performance
        Study on the Emission        tion for Vortex Genera-   Analysis of Aerody-         Validation of PSP and      Simulation to Inves-
        Characteristics of an        tors in U-Bend Channel    namic Performance for       TSP Measurement Tech-      tigate the Impact
        Axial-Fuel-Staged            of High-Temperature       Tip Clearance Size of       niques in Turbomachin-     of a Deteriorated
        Model MILD Com-              Blades                    Compressor                  ery Applications           High-Pressure Com-
        bustor                       → Zhendong Guo 1          → Chi Ma                    → Yongzeng Li 1
                                                                                                                      pressor on Turbofan
                                     → Zhi Tao 2               → Limin Gao                                            Engine Using a Pseudo
        → Xianglong Zheng                                                                  → Di Peng 1
                                     → Liming Song 2           → Ruiyu Li                                             Bond Graph Modelling
        → Yan Xiong                                                                        → Yingzheng Liu 1          Approach
                                     1 Nanyang Techonologial   → Wu Yu
        → Fulin Lei                                                                        → Satoshi Oouchida 2
                                     University, China         → Heng Jiang                                           → Jan Göing
        → Zhedian Zhang              2 Institute of Turboma-                               → Tomoki Kawakubo 2
        → Yunhan Xiao                                          Northwestern Polytechni-    → Akimitsu Yakushiji 3     → Sebastian Lück
                                     chinery,Xi’an Jiaotong    cal University, China       1 Shanghai Jiao Tong       → Christoph Bode
        Institute of Engineering     University, China
        Thermophysics, Chinese                                                             University, China          → Jens Friedrichs
        Academy of Sciencev,                                                               2 IHI Corporation, Japan   Technische Universität
        China                                                                              3 Wuxi IHI Turbo, Japan    Braunschweig, Germany

         14:50 - 15:20                                                                                                 Coffee break area
                Coffee Break

         15:20 - 17:00
        Combustor &                  Advanced                  Axial                       Instrumentation            Advanced Cycles
        Combustion 3                 Numerical Methods         Compressors 3               & Testing 3                & Performance 2
                                     & Modeling 3
        Location: Room 1             Location: Room 2          Location: Room 8            Location: Room 5           Location: Room 4
        Session Chair:               Session Chair:            Session Chair:              Session Chair:             Session Chair:
        → Prof. Hyungrok Do          → Dr. Shenren Xu          → Prof. Dakun Sun           → Prof. Anestis Kalfas     → Prof. Xiaodong Ren
        → Dr. Man Zhang              → Tim Sauer               → Dr. Xu Dong               → Prof. Yanfeng Zhang

        Technical Keynote:           Technical Keynote:        Technical Keynote:                                     Technical Keynote:
        Laser-induced Break-         Evaluation of Perfor-     Recent Investigations                                  The Investigation of
        down for Combustion          mance Impact and Ro-      of Flow Instability                                    Advanced Cycle System
        Diagnostics                  bust Design Optimiza-     Inceptions in Axial                                    Design and Analysis
        Speaker →                    tion of Turbomachinery    Compressors                                            with the Components
        Prof. Hyungrok Do            Blades                    Speaker →                                              Off-design Perfor-
                                                                                                                      mance Prediction

                                                                                                                                               GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM
        Seoul National University,   Speaker →                 Prof. Tianyu Pan
        South Korea                  Prof. Jiaqi Luo           Beihang University, China                              Speaker →
                                     Zhejiang University,                                                             Prof. Xiaodong Ren
                                     China                                                                            Tsinghua University,

        [129] Large Eddy Sim-        [016] Modeling and        [097] Momentum              [229] Methodology for      [098] Thermodynamic
        ulations of an Annular       Analysis Thin Wall        Transportation Analysis     High-Accuracy Infrared     Analysis of Various
        Bluff-Body Burner            Film Formation with       in Axial-slot Casing        Calibration in Environ-    Combined SOFC-SCO2
        Using the Modified           Integrated Discrete       Treatment for Axial         ment with Through-         Brayton Cycle System
        Dynamic Thickened            and Continuous Phase      Compressors                 Wall Heat Flux             Layouts
        Flame Model                  Simulation Approach       → Junda Feng                → Mathias Michaud          → Liu Xia 1
                                     → Peng Ke                 → Mingmin Zhu
        → Kaixing Wang                                                                     → Francesco Ornano         → Xuesong Li 1
                                     → Jie Liu                 → Jinfang Teng
        → Fuqiang Liu                                                                      → Nafiz Chowdhury          → Jian Song 2
        → Haitao Lu                  Beihang University,       → Xiaoqing Qiang            → Thomas Povey             → Xiaodong Ren 1
                                     China                     Shanghai Jiao Tong
        → Jinhu Yang                                                                       University of Oxford, UK   → Chunwei Gu 1
        → Xiongjie Fan                                         University, China
                                                                                                                      1 Tsinghua University,
        → Gang Xu
        Institute of Engineering                                                                                      2 Imperial College
        Thermophysics, Chinese                                                                                        London, UK
        Academy of Sciences,

        [166] Very-Large Eddy      [049] An Advanced            [179] Study of Sloped         [178] Investigation           [198] A Comparison of
        Simulation of Complex      Method for Processing        Trench Casing Treat-          of Jet Engine Intake          Steady-State Models
        Turbulent Flame Based      Compressor Model in          ment on Performance           Distortions caused by         for Pressure Gain
        on FGM                     Application of Perfor-       and Stability of Axial        Crosswind Conditions          Combustion in Gas
        → Xingsi Han               mance Simulation             Compressors                   → Jonas Grubert               Turbine Performance
        → Pengxiang Wan            → Hao Dai 1                  → Jiexuan Hou                 → Christoph Bode              Simulation
        → Junkui Mao               → Theoklis Nikolaidis 2      → Yangwei Liu                 → Lennart Harjes              → Nicolai Neumann
        Nanjing University of      → Ju Luo 1                   Beihang University, China     → Philip Frantzheld           → Dominik Woelki
        Aeronautics and Astro-     1 AECC Commercial                                          → Patrick Koch                → Dieter Peitsch
        nautics, China             Aircraft Engine Co.,LTD,                                   → Jens Friedrichs             Institute of Aeronautics
                                   China                                                      Institute of Jet Propulsion   and Astronautics Tech-
                                   2 Cranfield University, UK                                                               nische Universität Berlin,
                                                                                              and Turbomachinery,
                                                                                              Germany                       Germany

        [191] Extinction and       [050] Machine Learning       [100] Effect of Casing                                      [167] Thermodynamic
        Re-Ignition Predictions    Uncertainty Quantifica-      Treatment on the Type                                       Analysis and Optimi-
        Using Eddy Dissipation     tion of Spalart-Allmaras     of Instability Inception                                    zation of a Supercritical
        Concept and Flamelet       Turbulence Model for         in a High-Speed Axial                                       Carbon Dioxide (S-CO2)
        Generated Manifold         Compressors                  Compressor                                                  Recompression Cycle cou-
        Models for a Premixed      → Xiao He                    → Wenqian Wu                                                pled with a Bottoming
        Piloted Turbulent Jet      → Fanzhou Zhao               → Tianyu Pan                                                Organic Rankine Cycle
        Burner                     → Mehdi Vahdati              → Qiushi Li                                                 → Aozheng Zhou 1
        → Hossam Elasrag 1                                      Beihang University,                                         → Xiaodong Ren 1
                                   Imperial College London,
        → Ishan Verma 2            UK                           China                                                       → Xuesong Li 1
        → Chitral Naik 1                                                                                                    → Chunwei Gu 1
        → Shaoping Li 1                                                                                                     → Jian Song 2
        → Ellen Meeks 1                                                                                                     1Tsinghua University,
        1 ANSYS Inc. USA                                                                                                    China
        2 ANSYS Inc. , India                                                                                                2 Imperial College
                                                                                                                            London, UK

         17:05 - 17:50                                                                                                                      Room 1
         Instrumentation and Testing
         Speaker → Prof. Anestis Kalfas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

         18:00 - 20:00                                                                      Beihang University, Student No.2 Dining Hall
         Opening reception & dinner buffet

Tuesday, 17th September | Day 2
         08:30 -09:00                                                                                                             Room 1 + 2
         Authors’ Briefing

         09:00 - 09:40                                                                                                               Room 1
         Keynote 3
         Aeroelastic issues for modern fan blades
         Speaker → Prof. Mehdi Vahdati (Imperial College London)

         09:40 - 10:15                                                                                                  Coffee break area
                Coffee Break

         10:15 - 11:55
        Combustor &               Advanced                     Axial
                                  Numerical Methods                                        Acoustics & Noise 1         Turbines 2
        Combustion 4                                           Compressors 4
                                  & Modeling 4
        Location: Room 1          Location: Room 2             Location: Room 8            Location: Room 5            Location: Room 4
        Session Chair:            Session Chair:               Session Chair:              Session Chair:              Session Chair:
        → Prof. Xingsi Han        → Prof. Jiaqi Luo            → Prof. Limin Gao           → Prof. Xiaoyu Wang         → Prof. Qun Zheng
                                  → Alexander Heinrich                                                                 → Dajan Mimic

        [059] Laminar Flame       [052] KEPLER: An             [118] The Influence of      [001] Study on Ther-        [067] Automated 2D
        Speed of Methane/         Integrated Simulating        Backward Sweep on           mal-acoustic-struc-         Airfoil Optimization of
        Air at Engine-Relevant    System for Efficient         Aerodynamic Perfor-         tural Performance of        Intentionally Choked
        Conditions: Perfor-       Industrial Design and        mance of a 1.5-Stage        Aeroengine Combus-          Blades
        mance of Different        Optimization                 Highly Loaded Axial         tor Based on Cou-           → Eduard Braining
        Mechanisms                → Yi Lu 1                    Compressor                  pled-Field Technology       B&B-AGEMA, Germany
        → Yiqing Wang             → Kai Liu 2                  → Song Huang                → Peng Guan 1
        → Jingyi Su               1 Dimaxer Technology         → Chengyu Yang              → Yanting Ai 2
        → Zheng Chen              LTD, UK                      → Mingyang Wang             1 Northwestern Polytech-
                                  2 Dimaxer Technology KK,     → Shenfeng Zhao
        SKLTCS, CAPT, BIC-ESAT,                                                            nical University, China
                                  Japan                        → Xingen Lu                 2 Shenyang Aerospace

                                                                                                                                                 GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM
        Department of Mechan-
        ics and Engineering                                    Institute of Engineering    University, China
        Science, College of                                    Thermophysics, Chinese
        Engineering, Peking                                    Academy of Sciences,
        University, China                                      China

        [073] Study an Acous-     [086] On the Three-          [157] Experimental          [007] Parameter             [040] Bearing and
        tic-Intrinsic Ther-       Dimensional Body             Investigation of a Tran-    Investigation of Ring       Seal Selection for a
        moacoustic Feedback       Force Model                  sonic Compressor with       Microphone Array for        High-Temperature Su-
        on Swirling Flame         → Yinbo Mao 1                High Aspect Ratio Rotor     Rotating Sound Source       percritical CO2 Turbine
        Combustors                → Thong Dang 2               Design                      Localization                → Hal Gurgenci 1
        → Yong Chen               1 Tsinghua University,       → Steffen Hormel 1          → Wei Zhou 1                → Jishun Li 2
        National University of    China                        → Daniel Franke 1           → Huan Bao 1                → Zhiqiang Guan 1
        Defense Technology,       2 Syracuse University, USA   → Jonas Foret 1                                         1 The University of
                                                                                           → Mingsui Yang 2
        China                                                  → Heinz-Peter Schiffer 1                                Queensland, Australia
                                                                                           → Wei Ma 1                  2 Henan University of
                                                               → Tobias Froebel 2          1 Shanghai Jiao Tong
                                                               1 TU Darmstadt, Institute                               Science and Technology,
                                                                                           University, China           China
                                                               of Gas Turbines and         2 AECC Shenyang Engine
                                                               Aerospace Propulsion,       Research Institute, China
                                                               2 MTU Aero Engines AG,


        [076] Investigation on      [093] Real Gas Simula-      [170] Application               [064] Study on Sound
        the Flame Front and         tion for High-pressure      of Stall Warning                Insulation Properties
        Flow Field in Acousti-      and Low-pressure            Approach with Stall             of Composite Laminat-
        cally Excited Swirling      Nonequilibrium Con-         Precursor Suppressed            ed Structures
        Flames with and with-       densation in Transonic      Casing Treatment on a
                                                                                                → Hanwen Zhao
        out Confinement             Flows                       Two-Stage Compressor
                                                                                                → Xingrong Huang
        → Guoqing                   → Takashi Furusawa          → Ruize Xu
                                                                                                → Jinliang Xu
        Wang                        → Shota Moriguchi           → Xu Dong
                                                                                                → Le Fang
        → Xunchen Liu               → Hironori Miyazawa         → Jia Li
                                                                                                Laboratoire de Mécan-
        → Lei Li                    → Satoru Yamamoto           → Dakun Sun
                                                                                                ique Physique (LMP),
        → Fei Qi                    Tohoku University, Japan    → Xiaofeng Sun                  École Centrale de Pékin,
                                                                Beihang University,             Beihang University,
        Shanghai Jiao Tong
                                                                China                           China
        University, China

        [107] Experimental          [215] Turbulent Flow        [186] Effects of Increas-       [114] Control of Ther-      [068] The Effect of
        Study of the Dynamic        Simulation for a Sharp      ing Bypass Ratio of             moacoustic Oscilla-         Ash Deposition on
        Responses of an Asym-       Immersed Boundary           UHBR Fans on Near Hub           tion by Microsecond         a Transonic Turbine
        metric Two-Dimen-           Method                      Flow                            Plasma Discharges           Guide Vane
        sional Bunsen Flame         → Congcong Chen             → Torben Eggers                 → Mingxuan Zhang            → Yun Zheng
        → Yichen Wang               → Lin Du                    → Jens Friedrichs               → Jingxuan Li               → Dong Sun
        → Chunyan Li                → Xiaofeng Sun              Institute of Jet Propulsion     → Wenwang Cheng             → Hui Yang
        → Suhui Li                  → Zhuo Wang                 and Turbomachinery, TU          → Ting Li                   Beihang University,
                                    Beihang University,         Braunschweig, Germany
        → Min Zhu                                                                               Beihang University, China   China
        Key Laboratory for Ther-
        mal Science and Power
        Engineering of Ministry
        of Education, DEPE,
        Tsinghua University,

         11:55 - 13:15                                                                        Beihang University, Student No.2 Dining Hall
               Conferenc e Lunch

         13:15 - 13:55                                                                                                                    Room 1
         Keynote 4
         Bring Honda’s Dream to the Global Sky - Jet engine development at Honda
         Speaker → Atsukuni Waragai (Honda Aero)

                Dynamic & Electric Enginerring.
                Energy Science & Technology.
                Originated from the Power Laboratory of
                CAS founded by WU Chung-hua in 1956.
                For more information on our researech and courses visit our
                website and talk to one of our staff.

14:00 - 15:15
        Combustor &                   Advanced                                               Cooling
                                      Numerical Methods           Turbines 3                                           Acoustics & Noise 2
        Combustion 5                                                                         Technology
                                      & Modeling 5
        Location: Room 1              Location: Room 2            Location: Room 8           Location: Room 5          Location: Room 4
        Session Chair:                Session Chair:              Session Chair:             Session Chair:            Session Chair:
        → Prof. Yong Chen             → Prof. Xinrong Su          → Prof. Dingxi Wang        → Prof. Haiwang Li        → Prof. Hua Ouyang
                                                                                             → Dr. Andrew Messenger

        [131] Soot Morphologi-        [177] Evaluation of         [207] Loss Assessment      [018] Experimental        [126] CFD Modeling of a
        cal Differences between       Spalart-Allmaras Model      of the Axial-Gap Size      Study on Spatio-Tem-      Realistic Turbofan Blade
        Laminar Diffusion             with Various Modifi-        Effect in a Low-Pres-      poral Variation of        for Noise Prediction. Part
        Flames of Traditional         cations for Predicting      sure Turbine               Double-Row Holes          1: Aerodynamics
        Aviation Kerosene and         Corner Separation in a      → Marcel Oettinger 1       Film Cooling Effective-   → Carlos Pérez Arroyo
        Bio-kerosene                  Compressor Cascade          → Dajan Mimic 1            ness with Oscillating     → Pavel Kholodov
        → Yiyang Yang                 → Wenhao Li                 → Michael Henke 1          Mainstream                → Marlène Sanjosé
        → Zhiwen Gan                  → Yangwei Liu               → Oleg Schmunk 2           → Han Chen                → Stéphane Moreau
        School of Energy and          Beihang University, China   → Joerg R. Seume 1         → Wenwu Zhou              Université de Sher-
        Power Engineering, Bei-                                   1 Leibniz University       → Mohamed Qenawy          brooke, Canada
        hang University, China                                    Hannover - Institute of    → Yingzheng Liu
                                                                  Turbomachinery and         Shanghai Jiao Tong
                                                                  Fluid Dynamics, Germany    University, China
                                                                  2 MTU Aero Engines AG,

        [047] Ignition Failure        [212] Development of        [232] Influence of         [020] Influence of        [224] CFD Modeling of a
        Modes During Ignition         a Correlation to Rep-       Meridian Flow Path and     Mainstream Os-            Realistic Turbofan Blade
        Kernel Propagation in         resent Non-uniform          Loading Distribution       cillations on the         for Noise Prediction. Part
        Swirl Spray Flame             Blade Tip Gaps within a     on the Performance of      Spatio-temporal           2: Analytical Acoustic
        → Xiaotong Mi 1               Compressor Perfor-          Turbine Rear Frame         Variations of Lead-       Predictions
        → Chi Zhang 1                 mance Model                 → Shulei Li 1              ing-edge Film Cooling     → Marlene Sanjosé
        → Xin Hui 1                   → Tim Sauer                 → Donghai Jin 1            Effectiveness             → Pavel Kholodov
        → Yuzhen Lin 1                → Dieter Peitsch            → Xinmin Gui 1             → Hongyi Shao             → Carlos Pérez Arroyo
        → Hukam Mongia 2              TU Berlin, Germany          → Jinwei Li 2              → Han Chen                → Stéphane Moreau
        → Kyle Twarog 3                                           1 Aeroengine Simulation    → Wenwu Zhou              Université de Sherbrooke,
        → Chih-Jen Sung 3                                         Research Center, School    → Di Peng                 Canada
        1 National Key Laboratory                                 of Energy and Power        → Yingzheng Liu

                                                                                                                                                     GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM
                                                                  Engineering, Beihang       Shanghai Jiao Tong
        of Science and Tech-
                                                                  University, China          University, China
        nology on Aero-Engine                                     2 Aero Engine Academy of
                                                                  China, China
        Beihang University, China
        2 CSTI Associates, LLC, USA
        3 Department of Mechan-
        ical Engineering, Universi-
        ty of Connecticut, USA

                                      [221] Studies on Part       [008] Shock–Vortex In-     [017] Investigation of    [028] A Physical Model
                                      Load Controlled Cool-       teraction in a Transonic   Film Cooling Vortical     of Flow-Induced Acous-
                                      ing Air Supplies in Sta-    Turbine Cascade            Structures Behind a       tic Resonance in a Duct
                                      tionary Gas Turbines        → Dajan Mimic              Cylindrical Hole Fed by   Containing a Circular
                                      → Dominik Woelki 1          → Marcel Oettinger         an Internal Crossflow     Cylinder
                                      → Dieter Peitsch 1          → Philipp Sauer            → Mohamed Qenawy          → Zhiliang Hong 1
                                      → Jonas Foret 2             → Florian Herbst           → Wenwu Zhou              → Mingsui Yang 2
                                      → Louise Dittmar 1          Leibniz University         → Di Peng                 1 College of Airworthiness,
                                      → Mustafa Kanik 1           Hannover, Germany          → Yingzheng Liu           Civil Aviation University
                                      1 ILR TU Berlin, Germany                               Shanghai Jiao Tong        of China, China
                                                                                                                       2 The 11th Research
                                      2 TU Darmstadt, Germany                                University, China
                                                                                                                       Department, AECC She-
                                                                                                                       nyang Engine Research
                                                                                                                       Institute, China
15:15 - 15:45                                                                                                      Coffee break area
                Coffee Break

         15:45 - 17:00
        Combustor &                 Advanced Numer-                                         Instrumentation
                                    ical Methods &              Turbines 4                                                Acoustics & Noise 3
        Combustion 6                                                                        & Testing 4
                                    Modeling 6
        Location: Room 1            Location: Room 2            Location: Room 8            Location: Room 5              Location: Room 4
        Session Chair:              Session Chair:              Session Chair:              Session Chair:                Session Chair:
        → Prof. Yong Chen           → Prof. Xinrong Su          → Prof. Dingxi Wang         → Prof. Thomas Povey          → Prof. Hua Ouyang
                                                                                            → Prof. Xianjun Yu

        Technical Keynote:          Technical Keynote:          Technical Keynote:          [013] Variable Blade          [180] An Analytical
        Very-large Eddy Sim-        Recent Progress and         Winglet Tips for High       Tip Geometry Inserts          Method for a Rectangu-
        ulation for Turbulent       Future Trends in De-        Pressure Turbines           for Combined Aer-             lar Splitter Silencer
        Flow and Combustion         velopment of Efficient      Speaker →                   othermal Measure-
                                                                                                                          → Lingfeng Chen
        Speaker →                   Reduced Order Methods       Prof. Chao Zhou             ments for Bladed Disk
                                                                                                                          → Xiaoyu Wang
        Prof. Xingsi Han            for Turbomachinery          Peking University, China    Rotors
        Nanjing University of       Temporal Periodic Flows                                                               → Lin Du
                                                                                            → Dominic D. Hänni 1          → Xiaofeng Sun
        Aeronautics and Astro-      Speaker →
        nautics, China                                                                      → Rainer Schädler 1           Beihang University, China
                                    Prof. Dingxi Wang
                                    Northwestern Polytechni-                                → Anestis I. Kalfas 2
                                    cal University, China                                   → Reza S. Abhari 1
                                                                                            1 Laboratory for Energy
                                                                                            Conversion, ETH Zurich,
                                                                                            2 Department of Mechan-
                                                                                            ical Engineering, Aristotle
                                                                                            University of Thessaloniki,

        [074] Rich-Lean             [148] Towards a             [091] Effects of            [219] Experimental            [116] A Meshless Model
        Combustor for a 50kW        Peta-scale Unstructured     Geometric Parameters        Research on 3D Particle       for Cavity Noise Predic-
        class Micro Gas Turbine     Computational Fluid         and Inflow Conditions       Tracking Velocimetry          tion Based on Vortex
        Firing Ammonia              Dynamics (CFD) Accel-       on Flow in Aggressive       Based on Light Field          Sound Method
        → Norihiko Iki 1            eration Toolkit based on    Inter-Turbine Ducts         Imaging
                                                                                                                          → Zengze Yu 1
        → Osamu Kurata 1            Sunway architectures?       → Yumo Mu                   → HuifangLiu
                                                                                                                          → Zhiliang Hong 2
        → Takahiro Inoue 1          → Hongbin Liu 1             → Weihao Zhang              → Wu Zhou
                                                                                                                          1 Shijiazhuang Tiedao
        → Takayuki Matsunuma 1      → Hu Ren 1                  → Yanmei Mei                → Xiaoshu Cai
                                                                                                                          University, China
        → Taku Tsujimura 2          → Chen Wang 2               Beihang University, China   → Tianlei Qian                2 College of Airworthi-
        → Hirohide Furutani 2       → Hanfeng Gu 1                                          → Fan Wu                      ness, Civil Aviation Uni-
        → Masato Kawano 3           → Fei Gao 1                                             University of Shanghai for    versity of China, China
        → Keisuke Arai 3            → Guangwen Yang 3                                       Science and Technology,
        → Hideaki Kobayashi 4       1 National Supercomput-                                 China
        → Akihiro Hayakawa 4        ing Center in Wuxi, China
                                    2 AECC Comercial Aircraft
        → Ekenechukwu Okafor 4
                                                                     GPPS Early Career
                                    Engine Co., Ltd, China
        1 AIST, Japan               3 Department of Comput-
        2 AIST (FREA), Japan
        3 Toyota Energy Solutions
                                    er Science and Technol-
                                    ogy, Tsinghua University,
        Inc., Japan                 China, China                     Join today and benefit from
        4 Tohoku University,
                                                                     our member offers
                                                                     Designated for those in academia
                                                                     (students, Ph.D. students) and young
                                                                     professionals in early stages of their
                                                                     career (up to two years of professional

GPPS Upcoming Events

                                                                                                   Conference Chair
                                                                                               Prof. Reza Abhari

GPPS Forum20
Exploring Key Global Drivers of our Industry
We are pleased to announce the GPPS Forum20 will again be held in Zurich Switzerland on the 15th - 17th
January 2020.

The Forum will comprise of high-level plenary sessions,      During the Forum20 we will explore key global drivers
panel discussion, and keynotes and will create an envi-      of our industry, such as the transition to new energy in
ronment that facilitates in-depth interaction amongst        Europe, the future impact of China’s One Belt One Road
various stakeholders from business, science and tech-        initiative, the future business and environmental transi-
nology, and policy sectors, with a focus on the transfor-    tion of the aviation industry, and the global role of LNG
mation of our societal infrastructure. Our events, being     as a transition fuel. As a truly global organization, we
reactive to the changes in the world around us, facilitate   have equal participation from different regions, such as
the exchange of ideas by thought leaders while expand-       Asia, Europe, and North America.
ing the network of participants.

                                                                                                                         GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM

 Confirmed Keynote Speakers
 Michael P. Delaney
 Vice President, Boeing Commercial Airplanes

 Alan Newby                                                  Paweł Stężycki
 Director, Aerospace Technology & Future Programmes          Director, Institute of Aviation

 Toshinori Sekido                                            Darin L. DiTommaso
 Executive Fellow, IHI Corporation                           General Manager, Advanced Aviation Engineering
                                                             GE Aviation

                   For more information regarding GPPS Forum20 please visit
                GPPS looks forward to welcoming you to Zurich in January 2020.

        [084] Single droplet      [181] Investigation of      [182] Optimized Design      [037] Linear Cascade
        ignition models based     the Unsteady Flow           of the Volute Between       3D Flow Measurement
        on energy balance         Features in a Tip Leak-     Turbine and Regener-        with Single-camera
        analysis and validation   age Flow Model Using        ator in Micro Gas Turbine   Light-field PIV
        → Fang Wang               Large-Eddy Simulation       → Li Yaoyang                → Shengming Xu 1
        → Zhaoyang Wu             → Yanfei Gaog               → Zhang Hualiang            → Shengxian Shi 1
        School of Energy and      → Yangwei Liu               → Yin Zhao                  → You Liu 2
        Power Engineering         Beihang University, China   → Wang Shaolin              → Bin Jiang 2
                                                              → Tan Chunqing              1 Shanghai Jiao Tong
        Beihang University,
                                                              Institute of Engineering    University, China
        China                                                                             2 Harbin Engineering
                                                              Thermophysics, Chinese
                                                              Academy of Sciences;        University, China
                                                              University of Chinese
                                                              Academy of Sciences,

         18:00 - 22:00                                                                                                      @ Vision Hotel
                Gala Dinner (only with valid ticket. Dress Code: formal evening wear)

         Wednesday, 18th September | Day 3
         08:30 -09:00                                                                                                            Room 1 + 2
         Authors’ Briefing

         09:00 - 09:40                                                                                                                Room 1

         Keynote 5
         Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamics Relevant to Fusion Applications
         Speaker → Prof. Mingjiu Ni (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

         09:40 - 10:15                                                                                                  Coffee break area
                Coffee Break

         10:15 - 11:55
        Combustor &               Heat Transfer 1             Unsteady Flows              Monitor &                    Fundamental
        Combustion 7                                                                      Diagnostics                  Studies
        Location: Room 1          Location: Room 2            Location: Room 8            Location: Room 5             Location: Room 4
        Session Chair:            Session Chair:              Session Chair:              Session Chair:               Session Chair:
        → Prof. Chi Zhang         → Prof. Xueying Li          → Prof. Wei Ma              → Prof. Zhiyuan Cao          → Prof. Yangwei Liu

        [089] Theoretical         [206] Calibrated Low-Or-    [197] Time-Space            [222] Flow Instabil-         [214] Operation
        Kinetics Study on the     der Transient Thermal       Multigrid Method for        ities Detection in           Process and Response
        Reactions of 1,3-buta-    and Flow Models for         Convergence Speedup of      Centrifugal Blower           Characteristics of the
        diene + HO2               Robust Test Facility        Unsteady Flow Analysis      Using Empirical Mode         Wind Turbines Under
        → Yuxiang Zhu 1           Design                      Using the Nonlinear Fre-    Decomposition                Complex Terrain Using
        → Chong-Wen Zhou 1        → Andrew Messenger          quency Domain Method        → Mateusz Stajuda 1          a Multi-scale Coupling
        → Jie Zhao 2              → Thomas Povey              → Hangkong Wu               → Grzegorz Liskiewicz 1      Model
        → Zhiping Tao 2           University of Oxford, UK    → Dingxi Wang               → David Garcia 2             → Qiang Wang
        1 Beihang University,                                 → Xiuquan Huang             1 Lodz University of Tech-   → Kun Luo
        China                                                 Northwestern Polytechni-    nology, Poland               → Chunlei Wu
        2 Sinopec Research                                    cal University, China       2 The University of Edin-    → Jianren Fan
        Institute of Petroleum                                                            burgh, UK
                                                                                                                       Zhejiang University,
        Processing, China                                                                                              China
        [102] Kinetics of OH        [103] Numerical Sim-        [057] Non-equilibrium         [123] Performance             [090] Experimental
        Radical Addition to         ulation of the Effect of    Turbulent Phenomena           Calculation of a              Investigations of Effects
        1,3-Butadiene and           Inlet Entropy Wave on       in a Transitional Flat        Multi-Stage Axial             of Venturi Angle on the
        Related Reactions on        the Flow Characteristics    Plate Boundary Layer          Compressor through a          Spray Structure
        the Ċ4H7O Potential         and Wall Heat Transfer      → Feng Liu 1                  Semi-Empirical Model-
                                                                                                                            → Xiongjie Fan
        Energy Surface              on a Turbine Guide Vane     → Le Fang 1                   ling Framework
                                                                                                                            → Cunxi Liu
        → Junfeng Bai 1             → Keqi Hu 1                 → Lipeng Lu 1                 → Samuel Cruz-Manzo 1         → Yulan Wang
        → Chongwen Zhou 1           → Yifan Xia 1               → Jian Fang 2                 → Senthil Krishnababu 2       → Kaixing Wang
        → Jie Zhao 2                → Yao Zheng 1               → Qun Cao 3                   → Vili Panov 2                → Qingbei Qiao
        → Zhiping Tao 2             → Stéphane Moreau 2         1 Beihang University,         → Yu Zhang 1                  → Gang Xu
        1 Beihang University,       → Gaofeng Wang 1            China                         1 University of Lincoln, UK
                                    1 School of Aeronautics     2 Daresbury Laboratory,                                     Institute of Engineering
        China                                                                                 2 Siemens Industrial          Thermophysics, China
        2 Sinopec Research          and Astronautics, Zhe-      UK                            Turbomachinery, UK
                                    jiang University, China     3 Tsinghua University,
        Institute of Petroleum
        Processing, China           2 Université de Sher-       China
                                    brooke, Canada

        [104] Imaging Diag-         [149] Taylor-Couette-Po-    [162] Investigation of        [161] Piezoelectric           [113] Performance ad-
        nositics of Combustion      iseuille Flow Heat          Numerical Analysis of         Wave-mode Trans-              vantage and Application
        Instability in Premixed     Transfer in a High Taylor   Blade Row Interaction         ducers for Structural         of the External Excitation
        Swirling Combustion         Number Test Rig             Unsteady Flows within         Health Monitoring             Wall-attached Oscillator
        → Yao Yang                  → Phillip Swann             Multi-row Turboma-            of Joint Structures in        → Xuewu Liu
        → Gaofeng Wang              → Ingo Jahn                 chines Using the Time         Cylinders                     → Shuhua Chen
        → Yuanqi Fang               → Hugh Russell              Spectral Method               → Lin Li                      → Wutekuer
        → Yifan Xia                 The University of Queens-   → Sen Zhang                   → Wenjun Wang                   Nuermaimaiti
        → Liang Zhong               land, Australia             → Dingxi Wang                 → Yu Fan                      → Junlong Li
                                                                → XiuquanHuang                Beihang University, China     → Jiao Cheng
        School of Aeronautics and
        Astronautics, Zhejiang                                  Northwestern Polytechni-                                    → Jiupeng Zou
        University, China                                       cal University, China
                                                                                                                            Dalian University of
                                                                                                                            Technology, China

        [139] Development of        [109] Analysis of Flow      [208] Compressor              [164] Research on Fault
        Laser Induced Fluores-      Characteristics and         Stabilization with            Diagnosis Method
        cence Focusing Schlier-     Overall Cooling Effec-      Casing Treatment Based        of Bearing Based on
        en system (LIF-FS) and      tiveness of Ultra-high      on System Impedance           Image Transformation
        its application in a        Impingement Distance        Boundary Condition            of Time Series
        scramjet combustor          Heat Shield                 → Xu Dong                     → Chuanchao Xu
        → Ruixu Zhou                → Long Xie 2                → Jia Li                      → Yue Liu
        → Huan Lian                 → Jianjun Zhou 1            → Dakun Sun                   → Jinglun Fu
        → Xinyu Chang               → Cunliang Liu 2            → Xiaofeng Sun
                                                                                              Institute of Engineering

                                                                                                                                                         GLOBAL POWER & PROPULSION | BEIJING19 PROGRAM
        Institute of Mechanics,     1 Shenyang Aero-engine      Beihang University, China     Thermophysics, Chinese
        Chinese Academy of          Institute of Aero Engine                                  Academy of Sciences,
        Sciences, China             Corporation of China,                                     China
                                    2 Northwestern Polytech-
                                    nical University, China

         11:55 - 13:15                                                                      Beihang University, Student No.2 Dining Hall
                Conferenc e Lunch

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               Join today and benefit from our member offers
               Designated for senior academia members and professionals
               with more than two years working experience.
               Visit our website for a full listing of benefits and options.
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