2021 Spring Commencement - University of Michigan School of Education May 1, 2021 - University of Michigan School of ...

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2021 Spring Commencement - University of Michigan School of Education May 1, 2021 - University of Michigan School of ...
Spring Commencement
University of Michigan School of Education
                 May 1, 2021
2021 Spring Commencement - University of Michigan School of Education May 1, 2021 - University of Michigan School of ...
Songs of the Ceremony
The Yellow & Blue
Sing to the colors that float in the light;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Yellow the stars as they ride through the night
And reel in a rollicking crew;
Yellow the field where ripens the grain
And yellow the moon on the harvest wain;
Hail! Hail to the colors that float in the light;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!

The Victors
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu’ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan,
the leaders and best.
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu’ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan,
the champions of the West!
2021 Spring Commencement - University of Michigan School of Education May 1, 2021 - University of Michigan School of ...
S C H OO L   OF   E D U C AT I O N   |   2021   S P R ING    COM M ENCEM ENT

From the Dean
                                                            Dear 2021 graduates of the School of Education:

                                                            On behalf of the faculty and staff, it is my honor to
                                                            congratulate you on the completion of your degree at the
                                                            University of Michigan.

                                                            Your family, friends, and colleagues join us in celebrating
                                                            this wonderful achievement and wishing you success in the
                                                            next phase of your career. I hope that you are as proud of
                                                            your accomplishments as we are. Through hard work and
                                                            commitment, you have earned your degree from one of the
                                                            finest universities in the world. The University of Michigan,
                                                            as a public institution, exemplifies society’s commitment to
                                                            education for the common good, making your degree even
                                                            more powerful.

                                                   You are the graduates of the School of Education’s
                                                   centennial! Even as we reflect with pride and gratitude on
                                                   the contributions our community has made to the field of
                  education since 1921, we eagerly charge forward because we haven’t a moment to lose in
                  our pursuit of a more diverse, inclusive, just, and equitable world.

                  I challenge you to set your intentions right now, upon the momentous occasion of your
                  graduation and the 100th anniversary of our school. How will you shape the world using
                  your education? How will you shape the world through education? We use a phrase to
                  describe the contributions of School of Education alumni: infinite impact. This means that
                  in every obstacle you face head on, and in every opportunity that you create, you have
                  limitless potential. Each of you will contribute infinitely to making the world a better place.

                  May you always remember that you are not alone in your endeavors. We welcome you
                  into an alumni family of over 40,000. Generations of teachers, scholars, policymakers, and
                  leaders in both corporate and non-profit enterprise have shaped education in this country
                  and around the world. You will follow in their footsteps even as you blaze new trails.

                  Please keep in touch with us. We are here to support you and we look forward with great
                  anticipation and pride to hearing of your work. Go Blue!


                  Elizabeth Birr Moje
                  Dean, George Herbert Mead Collegiate Professor,
                  and Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Order of Exercises

    Prelude                 Musical selection by Prof. James Kibbie

    Welcome                 Elizabeth Birr Moje, Dean

    Greetings to            Robert M. Sellers, Vice Provost for Equity & Inclusion
    the Candidates          and Chief Diversity Officer

    Student‘s Remarks       Gretel Payne, Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Education

    Dean‘s Remarks          Elizabeth Birr Moje, Dean

    Commencement Address    Christopher Paul Curtis (BGS ‘00)
                            "You Want to be a What...?"

    Conferring of Degrees   Elizabeth Birr Moje, Dean

    SOE Alumni Welcome      Rishi Moudgil (BBA ‘00, AM ‘08, MBA ‘08)

    Greetings to            Susan M. Collins, Provost and Executive Vice President
    the Graduates           for Academic Affairs

    Finale                  Elizabeth Birr Moje, Dean
                            "The Victors"
                            Lyrics located inside front cover
                            Final Celebration of the Class of 2021

S C H OO L   OF   E D U C AT I O N   |   2021   S P R ING   COM M ENCEM ENT

School of Education
Faculty, Lecturers, and Research Scientists
Batoul Abdallah                           Anne Ruggles Gere                   Pamela Moss
Diane Aretz                               Nicole Garcia                       Nick Meuhling
Susan Atkins                              Maisie Gholson                      Carla O’Connor
Peter Riley Bahr                          Cameron Gibelyou                    Maren Oberman
Bob Bain                                  Simona Goldin                       Mercedes Ott
Deborah Loewenberg Ball                   Kathleen Graves                     Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar
Hyman Bass                                Kendra Hearn                        Peter Pasque
Michael N. Bastedo                        Julie Helber                        Rosemary Perez
John Beilein                              Patricio Herbst                     Ebony Perouse-Harvey
Michelle J. Bellino                       Bettina L. Hoops                    Jaye Peterson
Nathaniel Betts                           Mark Hoover                         Donald J. Peurach
Victoria Bigelow                          Shomari Manu Jabulani               Christina Ponzio
Merrie Lynn Blunk                         Brian Jacob                         Chris Quintana
Timothy Boerst                            Robin Jacob                         Rebecca Quintana
Phillip J. Bowman                         Sylvie Kademian                     Cathy Hindman Reischl
Shelley E. Bruder                         Aileen Kennison                     Deborah Rivas-Drake
John Burkhardt                            Debi Khasnabis                      Katrin O. Robertson
Angela Calabrese Barton                   Patricia M. King                    Awilda Rodriguez
Kim S. Cameron                            Rachel Rennie Klingelhofer          Matthew Ronfeldt
Isabelle M. Carduner                      Elizabeth Kolb                      Enid Rosario-Ramos
Gina N. Cervetti                          Shelly Kovacs                       Leslie Rupert Herrenkohl
Tabbye M. Chavous                         Lisa R. Lattuca                     Allison M. Ryan
Maria J. Coolican                         Marta Learman                       Susan Santone
Barbara J. Cornish                        Michele Madden                      Shari Saunders
Jill Cressman Coultas                     Katherine A. Madden                 Mary J. Schleppegrell
Anne Craig                                Lindsay Mann                        Robert Sellers
Ann Crowley                               Jill Manske                         Edward A. Silver
Anne Curzan                               Malinda Matney                      Elliot Soloway
Charles H.F. Davis III                    Jamaal Sharif Matthews              Michael Spath
Elizabeth A. Davis                        Brian P. McCall                     Jeff Stanzler
Rachel Palmer Davis                       Timothy A. McKay                    Melissa Kathleen Stull
Stephen L. DesJardins                     Henry Meares                        Casey Swanson
Matthew Diemer                            David Merritt                       Kevin Upton
Nell K. Duke                              Vilma Mesa                          Kerri Wakefield
Susan Dynarski                            Patrick Mies                        Alessandra Ward
Michael A. Fahy                           Amanda Milewski                     Anne-Coleman Webre
Cynthia Finelli                           Jon D. Miller                       Christina Weiland
Barry J. Fishman                          Kevin F. Miller                     Camille Wilson
Kathleen Fortini                          Elizabeth Birr Moje                 Melissa L. Zemper
Donald Freeman                            Chauncey Monte-Sano                 Michaela Zint                  3
Centennial Class of 2021
S C H OO L   OF   E D U C AT I O N   |   2021   S P R ING    COM M ENCEM ENT

Commencement Speaker
                                                            Christopher Paul Curtis

                                                            Christopher Paul Curtis is the author of nine books for
                                                            young people including Bud, Not Buddy, The Mighty
                                                            Miss Malone, Elijah of Buxton, The Watsons Go To
                                                            Birmingham-1963, and Mr. Chickee's Funny Money. In
                                                            addition to being translated into 12 languages and selling
                                                            more than seven million copies, his work has been
                                                            performed as an off-Broadway musical with a score
                                                            written by Motown legend Lamont Dozier, a motion
                                                            picture directed by Tony award-winning director Kenny
                                                            Leon, and two world premiere commissions presented at
                                                            the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., one with music
                                                            written by Oscar-nominated composer Terence Blanchard.
                                                            In 2000, Curtis became the first African-American male to
                                                            be awarded the prestigious Newbery medal.

Arden Wray photographer                                     He is originally from Flint, Michigan, where he worked
                                                            for thirteen years at the historic Flint Fisher Body Number
                                                            One automobile factory. His job was to hang doors on the
                                                            largest Buicks, the Electra 225 and LeSabre. This has left
                                                            him permanently averse to entering large cars.

                                                            Curtis currently lives in Windsor, Ontario with his wife,
                                                            Habon, and their three children, Ayaan, Ebyaan, and Libaan.

Diversity, Inclusion, Justice, and Equity Award
        This award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to diversity,
        inclusiveness, justice, and equality in all aspects of their professional work. We are
        pleased to honor these members of our community who advance the mission of the
        School of Education and serve as an inspiration to those with whom they interact.

        2020-21 Award Recipients

        Faculty Winner
        Mary Schleppegrell
        Professor of Education, Educational Studies Program

        Staff Winner
        Alyssa Brandon
        Communication Coordinator, TeachingWorks

        Student Winner
        monét cooper
        Doctoral Student, Joint Program in English and Education

    Patricia A. Natalie Staff Award for Excellence
        This award was established to honor the memory of Pat Natalie, a beloved colleague,
        mentor, friend, and long-time member of the School of Education community who
        passed away in 2008. The award is presented annually to a staff member who
        demonstrates dedication, is committed to excellence, and is a strong team contributor.

        2020 Award Recipient

        Sarah Powers
        Academic Advisor, Teacher Certification Officer

S C H OO L   OF   E D U C AT I O N   |   2021   S P R ING   COM M ENCEM ENT

The Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence
         These School of Education seniors have attained academic distinction by
         establishing the highest grade point averages and overall excellence among
         all School of Education undergraduate degree recipients for the 2020-2021
         academic year.

         2021 Award Recipients

         Olivia Davis Battle Creek, MI                                 Hannah Socha Marysville, MI

         Delaney Gravlin Cheboygan, MI                                 Stephanie Steiner Ypsilanti, MI

         Mackenzie Kriekard Kalamazoo, MI                              Kylie Vespa Harrison Township, MI

         Yeon Soo Park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia                          Alex Anne Worth Novi, MI

         Mikah Semon Mequon, WI                                        Emily Wrobel Troy, MI

Dimond Dissertation Award
         The Stanley E. and Ruth B. Dimond Best Dissertation Award was established to give recognition
         to the premiere doctoral dissertation completed in each of the four doctoral programs in the
         school in the prior year. The award was created in honor of Stanley E. Dimond, who joined the
         faculty in 1950, was named distinguished professor in 1966, and, upon his retirement in 1972,
         became professor emeritus. Together with his wife, Ruth Bullis Dimond, Dr. Dimond encouraged
         several generations of students at the School of Education to persevere and excel in their chosen
         fields of inquiry and service.

         2021 Winners

         Center for the Study of Higher & Postsecondary Education
         Christina Morton
         Water from the Rock: The Role of Spirituality in the Lives of Black Women
         in Engineering Doctoral Programs

         Combined Program in Education & Psychology
         Han Zhang
         Mind-Wandering: What Can We Learn from Eye Movements?

         Educational Studies
         Dana Nickson
         Black Movement, Black Striving: Perceptions of Place and School Choice Decision-Making
         in Metropolitan Detroit

         Joint Program in English & Education
         Ryan McCarty
         Toward a Theory and Practice of Translingual Transfer: A Study of Six
         International Undergraduate Students

Minor in Education
    December 2020
    Arianna Deng             Ashley Hayes             Cora Scott
    Allison Sparpana         Elizabeth Hoornstra      Audrey Smit
                             Sydney Janecke           Gideon Sochay
    April 2021               Britney Karcho           Damaris Salvadora Stroker
                             Arim Lee                 Radu Tolontan
    Natalie Angell
                             Christina Losee          Jordan Tyo
    Mohit Aspal
                             Lily Montgomery          Anna Vanneste
    Mariah Benford
                             Brianna Morigney         Claire Weil
    Benjamin Biber
                             Aviva Nemeth             Madeline Zandhuis
    Marley Duerst
                             Riley O'Keefe
    Akili Echols
                             Leanne Olona
    Isra Elshafei
                             Mark Ricciardi
    Maximillian Grahl
                             Aleksandra Rzadkosz
    Rita Hathaway

    Bachelor of Arts in Education
    December 2020
    Cammi LeeAnn Keeler      Jessica Gardiner         Savon Smith
    Chikyi Lau               Maya Gompper             Hannah Socha
    Carly Rose Silverstein   Delaney Gravlin          Stephanie Steiner
                             Sarah Greenwald          Madeline Tran
    April 2021               Florentina Holowicki     Madeline Treber
    Nicole Afton             Hassan Jaafar            Josiah Vaccaro
    Iman Al-Jahmee           Brittney Jang            Kylie Vespa
    Avery                    Elizabeth Keebler        Samantha Weber
    Myles Bennett            Mackenzie Kriekard       Elizabeth Weiland
    Noah Borgdorff           Andrew Gerald Laidlaw    Alex Anne Worth
    Luca Borntrager          Greta Leader             Emily Wrobel
    Kyndra Braden            Sophia Little            Diana Yassin
    Austin Bryan             Sean Patrick Martin      Aisha Zafar
    Justin Cadarette         Emmie McCann
    Kayla Chinitz            Connor McMahon           August 2021
    Brooke Christians        Jasmine Maeve Miller     Isaac Cathey
    Max Clark                Alexa Marie Moore        Rebekah Hope Gere
    Charity Cummings         Clare Morrissey          Kelsi Alayna Hackney
    Johnathon D'Alessandro   William Jacob Overland   Blue Koffron
    Olivia Davis             Yeon Soo Park            Jasmine Rogan
    Brooke DeSmyther         Gretel Payne             Maria Eleni Tsakos
    Sydney Doornbos          Macy Gulyas Perovich     Gabriella Washington
    Isra Elshafei            Mikah Semon
8   Frances Fenelon          Noah Silveri
S C H OO L   OF   E D U C AT I O N   |   2021   S P R ING   COM M ENCEM ENT

Bachelor of Science in Education
April 2021
Jonathan Boesger
Jinjing Chen
Haley Langeland
Foster Wisusik

Teacher Certification
December 2020                                                                 August 2021
Andrew Liam Hasher                        Amanda M. Crisci                    Emily Gorde
Daniel Ayomide Kumapayi                   Benjamin Fisher
Eric M. Schroeder                         Hayley Fulton
Rebecca Williamson                        Erin Haney
                                          Regis Asir Haynes
April 2021                                Benjamin R. Jozwiak
Leah Annabel Berns                        Jonathan W. Thomas
Angelina Michelle Brede                   Jack Williams III
Alexander Cepo

Master of Arts in Educational Studies
     with Elementary Certification
     August 2021
     Sabrina Alafita                Alexandra Nicole Leppek
     Fatema Alqamoussi              Sarah Meath
     Brittany Arthur                Lauren Kathleen Perry
     Grace Bianco                   Amanda Robertson
     Lisa Brown                     Natalie Patricia Sanford
     Olivia DeCaprio                Scott Schiff
     Katherine Delaney Dodge        Madeleine Schoeni
     Shannon Fitzpatrick            Olivia Sciore
     Sarah N. Jackson               Emily Rose Stiffler
     Olivia Jean Kagan              Leah Sulecki
     Daniel Kratt                   Stephanie Ulloa
     Megan Lashbrook                Xinwei Zou
     Elana Leflein

     Master of Arts in Educational Studies
     with Secondary Certification
     August 2021
     Madeline Alpert                Carolyn Ann Evans          Victoria Lindenfeld
     Matthew Joseph Anderson        Shana Flanary              Edwin Mayes
     Sharlee Anucinski              Sarah Greer                Keenan Mullaney
     Bergen Alexander Bauer         Lauren Harrington          Nathan Nickolai
     Gregory Alan Beamish           Lindsay Helfman            Liz Nussbaum
     Harry M. Berkowitz             Ella Horwedel              Austin Joseph Peters
     Riley Kate Branigan            Hanna R. Kadlec            Annie Peurach
     Mitchell Brown                 Jessica Lynn Kosticak      Johanna M. Polzin
     Hai Cao                        Sarah Kushner              Luciana S. Qu
     Christiana Castillo            Michael Ryan Kutsch        Daniel Ryan
     Anne Elise Cohen               Jacob Lee                  Andrew Smutek
     Fanta M. Coulibaly             Joshua I. Levine           Aled Roberts Tien
     Amelia Christina Cowan         Timothy J. Lilienthal      Matthew B. Willig
     Margaret Doele                 Xiaoqiong (Crystal) Lin
     Madelynn Drikakis
     Andres Javier Malik Elamin-Martinez

S C H OO L   OF   E D U C AT I O N   |   2021   S P R ING   COM M ENCEM ENT

Master of Arts in Educational Studies
December 2020                                                                         August 2021
Mikiko Kohno                              Alyssa La'Dawn Brandon                      Austin Max Bierema
Louise Liu                                Zoe Eiber                                   Eunkyoung Cha
Patrick Mullan-Koufopoulos                Bailey Ernst                                Candace Curtis-Cavazos
Jacob Robinson                            Nita A. Kedharnath                          Leiming Ding
Carolyn Seiger                            Jingyang Li                                 Amber Nikole Goodwin
Jamie Thompson                            Kayla Manley                                Tone I. Holland
Alison Wang                               Dante Kenneth-Nathaniel Michael             Charles Hoying
Jingyun Wu                                Valentina Palomer                           Julia Karant
                                          Paula Manrique Gomez Pfeffer                Rachel Kitchens
                                          Sarah Thomson                               Julia Maxwell
April 2021
                                          Benjamin Tupper                             Mavia Parveen
Philip Abdoo                              Josie Whelan                                Sarah Schierberl
Brandi E. Barton                          Zhou Zhang                                  Burnett Vave
Abbey Bradley

Master of Arts in Educational Studies
and Master of Business Administration
April 2021
Kendall Elaine Buie

Master of Arts in Higher Education
December 2020                                                                 August 2021
Dominique Orfano Acosta                   Meng Wang                           Heidi Bennett
Leticia Cruz                              Timothy Williams                    Mark Holmgren
Kaelani Demapan                           Jon Andre Williams                  Helen Sdvizhkov
Alex T. Fong                                                                  Leslie Akua Asah Tetteh
Mya Haynes                                April 2021
Arissa Stephanie Koines                   Samuel Kaser
Ivana Lopez-Espinosa                      Terrance McQueen
Andrew Monroe                             Alison B. Rivett
Alma R. Orozco                            Jordan Dean Ross
Allyson Rodriguez                         Meaghan Wheat
Alyssa May Skelton
Ellen Toth
Brennen Vallance
Dante Vasquez
Master of Arts in Higher Education
     and Master of Public Policy
     December 2021
     Barton Linderman

     Master of Educational Leadership and Policy
     April 2021
     Dave Kobel
     Colin Roberts
     Yezenia G. Sandoval

     August 2021
     Jessica Amey
     Alexander Harris Jr

     Learning Experience Design Graduate Certificate
     Fall 2020
     Louise Liu
     Carolyn Michelle Seiger

     Winter 2021
     Nicholas Frank Garza

     Summer 2021
     Leiming Ding
     Amber Nikole Goodwin
     Julia Maxwell
     Burnett Vave

S C H OO L   OF   E D U C AT I O N   |   2021   S P R ING   COM M ENCEM ENT

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies
August 2020
Ann E. Blais
Bachelor of Arts, Harvard University and Radcliffe; Master of Arts, Teacher's College,
Columbia University
Reading with Others in Mind: What Are the Content Knowledge Demands for
Teaching the Reading of Literature?
Co-Chairs: Chandra Alston and Deborah Ball

Kolby Gadd
Bachelor of Science Education, Utah Valley University; Master of Arts, Brigham
Young University
Class Size and Relationships That Occur During Instruction
Chair: Deborah Ball

Minh Quang Huynh
Bachelor of Science, University of Dalat; Master of Arts, University of Michigan
Education Equity in the Global Context: Insights from an International Organization
Co-Chairs: David Cohen and Mary Schleppegrell

Megan Johnson
Bachelor of Arts, Albion College; Master of Public Administration, Western
Michigan University
Family Interactions with an Early Childhood Network
Chair: Pamela Moss

Nick Muehling
Bachelor of Arts, University of Toledo; Master of Arts, University of Michigan
"You Can't Get to Comprehension Until They Trust You": Teachers' Thinking About
Practices That Foster Students' Meaning-Making of Literature
Chair: Elizabeth Moje

Dana G. Nickson
Bachelor of Arts, Northwestern University; Master of Education, University of
Black Movement, Black Striving: Perceptions of Place and School Choice Decision-
Making in Metropolitan Detroit
Chair: Camille Wilson

Ebony Perouse-Harvey
Bachelor of Arts, Fordham University; Master of Arts, American University; Juris
Doctor, Hofstra University
Speaking Up for ALL Kids: Developing Pre-Service General Education Teachers as
Advocates through Critical Coursework and Simulated IEP Meetings
Chair: Chandra Alston

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies
     August 2020 continued
     Anne Elizabeth Reinish
     Bachelor of Arts, Amherst College; Master of Education, Harvard University
     Promises and Problems: Promoting Deeper Learning in a High-Performing
     Education System
     Co-Chairs: Donald Peurach and David Cohen

     Jeffrey Michael Della Rovere
     Bachelor of Science, Babson College; Master of Education, Framingham
     State University
     Developing College Ready First Generation College Students: Using
     Student Experiences to Envision a Practicable Approach to Studying and
     Addressing the Problem
     Co-Chairs: Pamela Moss and Donald Peurach

     JoeyLynn Selling
     Bachelor of Science, Northern Michigan University; Master of Arts in Education,
     Northern Michigan University
     Leveraging Current Instructional Practices to Achieve Disciplinary Literacy in a Fifth
     Grade Science Classroom
     Chair: Mary Schleppegrell

     Anna Katherine Shapiro
     Bachelor of Arts, Emory University; Master of Arts, Brown University
     Over Diagnosed or Over Looked? The Effect of Age at Time of School Entry on
     Students Receiving Special Education Services
     Chair: Christina Weiland

     Anne-Coleman Webre
     Bachelor of Arts, University of Virginia; Master of Arts, New York University
     Curricularizing Language Teaching and Learning: Navigating
     Sociocultural Dilemmas in Teacher Education
     Chair: Donald Freeman

     Amber Tenille Willis
     Bachelor of Science, Oakwood University; Master of Science, Nova
     Southeastern University
     Confronting and Changing Racialized Patterns of Not-Seeing Black Children:
     Narrowing the Gap Between Observation and the Work of Teaching Mathematics in
     the Context of Practice Based Professional Development
     Chair: Deborah Ball

S C H OO L   OF   E D U C AT I O N   |   2021   S P R ING   COM M ENCEM ENT

December 2020
Tonya Kneff-Chang
Bachelor of Arts, University of Califonia Berkeley; Master of Arts, University of Michigan
The Racialized Origins of Violence in the Foundations of Mass Public Education in the
US, 1830-1880
Co-Chairs: David Cohen and Fatma Gocek

April 2021
Nicolas Boileau
Bachelor of Arts, Concordia University; Masters of Arts, Concordia University
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Two Norms of the
Instructional Situation of Geometric Calculation with Algebra in U.S. High School Geometry
Chair: Patricio Herbst

Whitney Hegseth
Bachelor of Arts, University of California Berkeley; Master of Arts, Stanford University
Respect by Design: How Different Educational Systems Interact with Mutual Respect
in Classrooms
Chair: David Cohen and Donald Peurach

Carolyn Pietrucha Masserang
Bachelor of Science, University of Richmond; Master of Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;
Master of Arts, Oakland University
Understanding the Identities, Emotions, Attitudes and Motivations of Developmental Mathematics
Students in the Context of Their Prior Learning and Life Experiences
Co-Chairs: Deborah Ball and Hyman Bass

Kimberly Charis Ransom
Bachelor of Business Administration, Bradley University; Master of Arts, DePaul University
There Are Children Here: Examining Black Childhood in Rosenwald Schools of Pickens County
Alabama (1940-1969)
Chair: Carla O'Connor

Emily Theriault-Kimmey
Bachelor of Arts, University of Michigan; Master of Arts, University of Michigan
Researching a Practice of Teaching Elementary Mathematics Aimed at Disrupting Inequity and
Promoting Justice
Chair: Deborah Ball

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies
     August 2021
     Adam Bennion
     Bachelor of Science, Brigham Young University; Master of Education, Southern
     Utah University
     Knowledge and Use of the Science Practices from a Content Course to Student
     Teaching: A Study of Preservice Elementary Teachers
     Chair: Elizabeth Davis

     Gabriel Philip DellaVecchia
     Bachelor of Arts, Goucher College; Master of Arts, University of Portland
     Navigating Open-Ended Spaces: Writing, Representing, and Speaking in a Fifth-Grade
     Science and Engineering Unit
     Chair: Annemarie Palincsar

     Carolyn Hetrick
     Bachelor of Arts, University of Oregon
     Disentangling Educational Care, Love, and Domination: The Sociopolitics of Race,
     Justice, and Youth Participation in a Summer Mathematics Program
     Chair: Camille Wilson

     Laura-Ann Jacobs
     Bachelor of Arts, Furman University; Master of Arts, University of Arts
     "Telling Another Kind of Story": Enduring Tensions in Preparing Secondary English
     Language Arts Teachers for Antiracist Pedagogical Change at the Personal,
     Instructional, and Curricular Levels
     Chair: Enid Marie Rosario-Ramos

     Julia Lindsey
     Bachelor of Arts, Davidson College; Master of Arts, Relay Graduate School
     of Education
     New Directions in Reading Instruction and Research: Preliminary Evaluations of Two
     Early Reading Programs
     Co-Chairs: Nell Duke and Christina Weiland

S C H OO L   OF   E D U C AT I O N   |   2021   S P R ING   COM M ENCEM ENT

Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education
August 2020
Christina Simone Morton
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, University of Michigan; Master of Education,
North Carolina State University
Water from the Rock: The Role of Spirituality in the Lives of Black Women in
Engineering Doctoral Programs
Chair: Lisa Lattuca

Erika Mosyjowski
Bachelor of Arts, Case Western Reserve Univeristy; Master of Arts,
University of Michigan
Engineering for Social Good? How Professional and Educational Experiences Inform
Engineers’ Solutions to Complex Problems
Co-Chairs: Shanna Daly and Lisa Lattuca

April 2021
Amy Fulton
Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of Utah; Master of Education, University of Utah
College President Responses to Student Activism on Campus
Chair: Michael Bastedo

Meghan Leigh Oster
Bachelor of Arts, DePauw University; Master of Science, Baylor University
Performance-Based Funding: An In-Depth Policy Analysis
Chair: Stephen DesJardins

August 2021
Gloryvee Fonseca
Bachelor of Arts, University of Santa Cruz; Master of Arts, University of Michigan
An Exploration of Campus Racial Climate, Racial Ethnic Identity, Sense of Belonging
and Intentions to Persist among Black and Latinx Students attending Predominantly
White Institutions
Co-Chairs: Phillip Bowman and Tabbye Chavous

Doctor of Philosophy in Education and Psychology
     August 2020
     Alexa Ellis
     Bachelor of Arts, University of Michigan; Master of Science, University of Michigan
     The Role of Formal Schooling on Early Number Skills
     Chair: Pamela Davis-Kean

     Casta Guillaume
     Bachelor of Arts, University of Miami; Master of Science, University of Michigan
     The Influence of Family Life on Young Women of Colors' Understandings of
     Oppression and Imaginings of Liberation
     Chair: Jacqueline Mattis

     Channing Mathews
     Bachelor of Arts, Duke University
     What Does it Mean to be Black and Aware? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of
     Black Racial Identity and Critical Consciousness
     Co-Chairs: Tabbye Chavous and Matt Diemer

     Sarah McKellar
     Bachelor of Arts, Colorado College; Master of Arts, Alliant International University;
     Master of Arts, University of Chicago
     Peers, Perceptions of Teaching Practices, and Implications for Student Engagement
     Co-Chairs: Kai Cortina and Allison Ryan

     Michael Alan Medina
     Bachelor of Science, Brown University; Master of Science, University of Michigan
     Ethnic-Racial Identity and Academic Adjustment among Adolescents: The Role of
     Friendship as a Social Context
     Chair: Deborah Rivas-Drake

     April 2021
     Abunya Cecilia Agi
     Bachelor of Arts, York University; Master of Arts, University of Windsor
     What Does it Mean to be Black in North America? Interrogating Ethnic-Racial
     Identity in Context
     Chair: Deborah Rivas-Drake

     Rebecca Marks
     Bachelor of Arts, Washington University in St. Louis
     From Talkers to Readers: Neural and Behavioral Foundations of
     Emerging Literacy
     Chair: Ioulia Kovelman

S C H OO L   OF   E D U C AT I O N   |   2021   S P R ING   COM M ENCEM ENT

Lillie Margaret Moffett
Bachelor of Arts, University of Southern California
Investigating the Feasibility of Preschool Interventions Targeting Children's Executive
Functioning and Math Skills
Co-Chairs: Frederick Morrison and Christina Weiland

August 2021
Kristin VanEyk
Bachelor of Arts, Calvin University; Master of Education, Calvin University
Writing Difference: Student Ideologies and Translingual Possibilities
Chair: Anne Curzan

Doctor of Philosophy in Education and English
August 2020
Ryan McCarty
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Grand Valley State University; Master of Arts
in English Literature and Theory, University of Kansas; Master of Education, Hunter
College CUNY
Towards a Theory and Practice of Translingual Transfer: A Study of 6 International
Undergraduate Students
Chair: Anne Ruggles Gere

Adrienne Raw
Honors Bachelor of Arts and Business, University of Waterloo; Master of Arts,
University of Waterloo
Mediating and Mediated: Fandom Discussion and the (Re)Shaping of
Fannish Realities
Chair: Melanie Yergeau

Elizabeth Tacke
Bachelor of Arts in English, New York University; Master of Arts in Teaching Secondary
English Education, Seattle Pacific University
Rhetorics of Masking: Negotiating Disclosures of Disability and Trauma
Co-Chairs: Megan Sweeney and Melanie Yergeau

Executive Officers of the University
     Mark S. Schlissel, President
     Tom Baird, Vice President for Development
     Sally J. Churchill, Vice President and Secretary of the University
     Susan Collins, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
     Rebecca Cunningham, Vice President for Research
     Debasish Dutta, Chancellor, University of Michigan–Flint
     Domenico Grasso, Chancellor, University of Michigan–Dearborn
     Martino Harmon, Vice President for Student Life
     Kevin P. Hegarty, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
     Chris Kolb, Vice President for Government Relations
     Timothy G. Lynch, Vice President and General Counsel
     Kallie Michels, Vice President for Communications
     Ravi Pendse, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
     Marschall S. Runge, Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs

     Regents of the University of Michigan
     Jordan B. Acker Huntington Woods
     Michael J. Behm Grand Blanc
     Mark J. Bernstein Ann Arbor
     Paul W. Brown Ann Arbor
     Sarah Hubbard Okemos
     Denise Ilitch Bingham Farms
     Ron Weiser Ann Arbor
     Katherine E. White Ann Arbor
     Mark S. Schlissel (ex officio)

Fre e d o m o f E x p ression Statem ent
Thank you for attending this program. The University of Michigan strives to create a truly open forum, one in which diverse opinions can be expressed and heard.
It is the right of members of the University community, speakers, artists, and other invited guests to express their views and opinions at the University. We will
protect the right of individuals to speak or perform, and the rights of those members of the University community who wish to hear and communicate with an
invited speaker or artist.
Protesters also have a right to express their opposition to a speaker in appropriate ways, both within the confines of this building and outside the facility. However,
protesters must not interfere unduly with communication between a speaker or artist and members of the audience.
If the hosts of this event or University representatives believe that protesters are interfering unduly with a speaker or performer's freedom of expression, those
protesters will be warned. If the warnings are not heeded and the interference continues, then the individuals responsible may be removed from the building.
We reaffirm these policies in order to most fully protect the rights of free expression for speakers, performers, and protesters alike, as set forth by our Civil Liberties
Board in our Student Handbook, and in accordance with the U-M Standard Practice Guide; Regents’ Ordinance Article XII, Section 1; and state statutes.

Please stay in touch.
We‘re proud of our
graduates and love
to hear news of their

SOEAlumniRelations@umich.edu | 734.763.4880
University of Michigan School of Education
Office of Development
Office of Communications

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