17 FACES & the stories behind them - STORIES THAT INSPIRE - 16 Flights Publishing House

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17 FACES & the stories behind them - STORIES THAT INSPIRE - 16 Flights Publishing House
Dr. George Proudfoot

                                           17 FACES
                                           & the stories
                                           behind them

STORIES                            PUTTING A FACE TO
Success from one industry
to the next                       IN OUR COMMUNITY
17 FACES & the stories behind them - STORIES THAT INSPIRE - 16 Flights Publishing House
Editor’s Letter
                                                   You’ll be inspired as you read        too want to live in Penticton
                                                   about the people in the next 35       and be part of the magic. To
                                                   pages of this magazine.               support the growth, realtor Ale
                                                                                         Morales can help you find a
                                                   All are leaders in their respective   home (page 24), Cody Baker of
                                                   fields, whether it be veterinary      SunOka Home Inspections can
                                                   medicine, winemaking, art,            check it out before you move
                                                   interior design and construction,     in (page 08), interior designer
                                                   law, senior care, cannabis, solar     Gabriella Milsom-Vaisler can
                                                   energy, funeral services, real        help you make it functional and
                                                   estate, home inspections, resort      beautiful (page 18), Brandon
                                                   accommodation, landscaping,           Messier of Messier’s Concrete
                                                   automotive or wealth                  and Landscape would be a good
                                                   management.                           choice to make your outdoor
                                                                                         living space pop (page 04) and
                                                   Interviewing each and every           Landon Aldridge of SkyFire
                                                   one of them reinforced what I’ve      Energy could even put solar
                                                   known for decades -- Penticton        panels on the roof (page 33).
                                                   is a special place. A place where
                                                   the vibrant business community        To top it off, Upper Bench Winery

                YOUR STORY
                                                   supports and shapes society and       and Creamery (page 28) is
                                                   vice versa.                           making the wines you can sip
                                                                                         and the cheeses you can nibble
                                                   Yes, the city has a spectacular       on the patio. All the other leaders,

               IS OUR BUSINESS
                                                   location sandwiched between           businesses and organizations
                                                   Okanagan and Skaha lakes              profiled in these pages also
                                                   and nestled in mountains with         contribute to the fabric of
                                                   enviable weather. But, it’s the       Penticton in their own special way.
                                                   people, businesses, government,
                                                   organizations, institutions and       After all, as I’ve already said,
                                                   community groups that make            Penticton is a special place.
                                                   Penticton a community. A
                                                   community with an outstanding
                                                   standard of living and quality
ARE YOU READY TO TELL       Let’s Connect
                                                   of life full of opportunities,
                                                   recreation and amenities. We

YOUR STORY?                                        all know why we live here. And
                                                   others want a piece of the action.

                                                   That’s why as people reflect on       Steve MacNaull
NowMediaGroup.ca           (250) 862 8010          their lives in other cities, some     Editor and journalist,
                                                   come to the conclusion they           NowMedia Group

Divisions of                                                                                         FACES OF PENTICTON         1
17 FACES & the stories behind them - STORIES THAT INSPIRE - 16 Flights Publishing House
Table of Contents
                       Ale Morales
                        Real Estate

                                                                                LANDSCAPING                              04

                                                                                SENIOR CARE                              06

                                                                       Vol 2.   HOME INSPECTIONS                         08

                                                                                CANNABIS                                 10

                                                                                AUTOMOTIVE                               12

                                                                                WEALTH MANAGEMENT                        14
                                      FACES OF PENTICTON
                                      2021                                      FUNERAL SERVICES                         16

                                                                                INTERIOR DESIGN AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT   18
                                      16 Flights Publishing House               FEMALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP                  20
                                      A division of NowMedia Group

                                                                                LAW                                      23
                                      MANAGING EDITOR
                                      Jim Csek                                  REAL ESTATE                              24

                                      CONTRIBUTORS                              VETERINARY MEDICINE                      26
                                      Taylor Siemens
                                                                                WINE                                     28
                                      Steve MacNaull
                                      Ellen Schwenkedel
                                                                                ART                                      30
                                      Andrew Nash
                                      Laina Burton                              SOLAR POWER                              33
                                      Taylor Field
                                      Sydney Baerg                              RESORT + CONFERENCES                     34

                                      Copyright © 16Flights Publishing House    STORYTELLING                             36
17 FACES & the stories behind them - STORIES THAT INSPIRE - 16 Flights Publishing House
                          “If you need something outside the
                          house done, call me. I enjoy being
                          versatile and fulfilling a client’s vision.
                          That means basically everything
                          concrete and everything landscaping”

                          Messier’s Concrete
                          and Landscaping
                          BRANDON MESSIER

                          B    randon Messier’s
                               superpower is concrete
                          and landscaping diversity. “I
                                                            turf; irrigation; and recycled
                                                            glass landscaping.
                                                                                                to be their go-to outdoors
                                                                                                guy on all sizes and types
                                                                                                of landscape projects,” says
                          pride myself on being your        Yes, that’s right, landscape        Brandon. “It’s all about doing
                          one-stop landscaper,” says        glass. The recycled glass rocks     good work and providing good
                          Brandon with a laugh. “If you     can range in size from three-       customer service. I don’t jump
                          need something outside the        quarter inch, gravel-sized          around from job to job. I stay
                          house done, call me. I enjoy      pieces and two, three, four, five   with the client, see the job to
                          being versatile and fulfilling    and six-inch chunks to three-       fruition and make sure they
                          a client’s vision. That means     foot by five-foot, 1,500-pound      are happy.”
                          basically everything concrete     boulders. “You can do amazing
                          and everything landscaping.”      things with landscape glass,”       About 90% of Brandon’s
                                                            says Brandon. “It comes in a        jobs are residential in the
                          When Brandon says                 variety of colours from clear       South Okanagan. However,
                          everything, he means              and amber to green and blue         his concrete expertise has
                          everything. Messier’s Concrete    and it doesn’t fade. It looks       been called upon by One72
                          and Landscaping builds            great lit up in a xeriscape         Concrete to work on highrises
                          concrete landscape retaining      garden and a boulder can be         such as the Landmark 7 office
                          walls, patios, fountains and      an impact piece, also lit up.”      tower and the One Water and
                          special features.                                                     Ella condominium skyscrapers.
                                                            Landscape glass is a new
                          It can also do asphalt            product offering in the
                          preparation; paver patios and     Okanagan and Western
                          driveways; block, wood and        Canada for high-end
                          rock landscaping; staircases;     landscapes. “I love working
                          fencing; real grass; artificial   with a diverse range of clients

  4 FACES OF PENTICTON                                                                                                            FACES OF PENTICTON   5
THE FACE OF SENIOR CARE   Y   es, a DJ at a retirement home.
                                Rockin’ Robbie is a resident
                            at the Concorde Retirement
                                                                 one of Verve Senior Livings’ 33
                                                                 residences located across the
                                                                 country. They have been the
                                                                                                     can be involved as much as they
                                                                                                     want. There are yoga, fitness
                                                                                                     and light weights classes and
                            Community in Penticton with a        leaders in the industry for over    a Walk For Life Club for pole
                            huge vinyl collection. She sets up   42 years,” says Sharon. “Although   walkers. There’s a knitter’s group,

   The Concorde
                            her sound system 2 to 3 times        the Concorde is a smaller home      a coffee-and-donuts Men’s Club,
                            a week (because it’s so popular)     with 77 suites housing around       book club, paint and sip (art
                            to spin the tunes, usually with a    90 residents, there is a definite   and wine), happy hour with live
                            theme.                               advantage. In fact, there’s often   entertainment, music programs
                                                                 a lot of one-on-one attention,      where residents play their own

   Retirement Community
                            For instance, it may be all Bing     which makes the resident feel       instruments, armchair travel club,
                            Crosby one night, Frank Sinatra      noticed and appreciated and         gardening in the resident garden
                            another, the 1960s, 70s or country   gives the families and caregivers   and lectures on art and history.
                            and western. By the way, on          peace of mind knowing that          “Residents and their families are
                            country nights Rockin’ Robbie        their loved ones are well taken     often our greatest ambassadors
                            shows up in costume—cowboy           care of.”                           because they make referrals to
                            hat, plaid shirt and her sidekick
   SHARON LUSCH                                                                                      family and friends,” says Sharon.
                            dog, Lexus, who tends to pipe in     The Concorde is also lauded for     “There’s nothing like seeing
                            occasionally with her rendition of   its food. “We have so much to       happy, engaged and laughing
                            the song.                            celebrate living in the Okanagan,   residents when someone is
                                                                 which is why our menu features      touring the Concorde and
                            Residents like our DJ is just        three-meals-a-day created           considering it for themselves or
                            one of the delightful things         around a program called Living,     their loved one.”
                            that make the Concorde               Loving, Local. Each month,
                            Retirement Community unique.         our red seal chefs seek out         Whether it’s singles, couples
                            The Concorde is all about            fresh, BC products to create a      or even siblings that want to
  “There’s                  creating a home that feels like      dining experience and theme         share a suite or live on their own,
  nothing like              family, according to marketing       integrated with recreation          the well-established Concorde
                            manager Sharon Lusch. With 33        activities and special events,”     Retirement Community is
  seeing happy,             committed and dedicated staff,       says Sharon.                        celebrating 21 years as the next
  engaged and               there’s an incredible focus on                                           best place to call HOME.
                            care in both the independent         The Concorde offers activities
  laughing                  and assisted living areas. “We’re    seven days a week so residents

6 FACES OF PENTICTON                                                                                            FACES OF PENTICTON         7
and air conditioning systems to        company by the time I was 30.
THE FACE OF HOME INSPECTIONS                                                                         flooring, doors, windows, building     So, in October 2020 I took the
                                                                                                     structure and lot grade.               leap and started SunOka Home
                                                                                                     After the physical home
                                                                                                     inspection, Cody generates             Cody’s 29 right now, so his dream
                                                                                                     a 60-70 page report that’s             of owning his own company by
                                                                                                     presented to the client within         age 30 has come true.
                                                                                                     24 hours. “Basically, I go into the    His experience as an electrician
                                                                                                     home and operate everything            also helped him complete
                                                                                                     that a resident would to see if        the one year of schooling and
                                                                                                     everything works as it should          eleven extended sessions of field
                                                                                                     and also inspect all the systems       training with different home
                                                                                                     a resident doesn’t necessarily         inspectors in Squamish, Nanaimo
                                                                                                     see, but are essential to the          and Kelowna. Cody is certified
                                                                                                     home’s function, comfort and           with the Home Inspectors
                                                                                                     safety,” says Cody. “It’s not a pass   Association of BC and Consumer
                                                                                                     or fail test, or a building code       Protection BC.
                                                                                                     inspection. It’s an inspection to
                                                                                                     generate a report to let the client    A typical home inspection costs
                                                                                                     know exactly what they will get        about $500 and depends on the
                                                                                                     when they move in.”                    size and age of the home.
                                                                                                                                            It’s money well spent to give a
                                                                                                     For instance, the report may           prospective home buyer that
                                                                                                     show the home needs a new              aforementioned peace of mind.
                                                                                                     roof and hot water heater within       Home inspections are not
                                                                                                     a year. That’s information a           mandatory in BC, but almost
                                                                                                     prospective buyer needs to know        every realtor recommends them
                                                                                                     to make a decision on whether          to clients and 80% of potential

                   SunOka Home
                                                                                                     or not to go through with the          home buyers ultimately have
                                                                                                     purchase. Cody also prides             them done.
                                                                                                     himself in being responsive to
                                                                                                     clients. “I can usually do the
                                                                                                     home inspection the next day

                                                                                                     and get the extensive report to
                                                                                                     them the day after that,” he says.

                               C                                     ody Baker is in the business
                                                                     of giving customers peace
                                                                of mind. “Really, that’s what it’s
                                                                                                     When Cody and his wife bought
                                                                                                     a house three years ago, they
                                                                                                     got a home inspection. Since
                                                                all about,” says Cody, the owner     then, they’ve added to the
                   CODY BAKER                                   and operator of SunOka Home          family with 14-month-old Olivia,
                                                                Inspections in Penticton. “I am      who advertises the business
                                                                the experienced person who           when she wears her SunOka
                                                                goes through the home you are        Home Inspections hoodie to the
                                                                looking at buying to give you        playground.
                   “I am the experienced person who goes        a professional and unbiased
                                                                report on every aspect of the        It was that home inspection the
                   through the home you are looking at buying   home.”                               couple had done three years
                   to give you a professional and unbiased                                           ago when they bought their first
                   report on every aspect of the home.”         A typical home inspection            house that got Cody to thinking.
                                                                sees Cody spend about four           “I was an electrician then and
                                                                hours inspecting hundreds            always had an interest in all
                                                                of elements from electrical,         aspects of housing,” says Cody.
                                                                plumbing, hot water, heating         “I also wanted to own my own
   8 FACES OF PENTICTON                                                                                                                                                         FACES OF PENTICTON   9
Spiritleaf Penticton

 Cannabidiol (CBD) is the
 non-high component of
 cannabis that can help
 with chronic pain, sleep
 difficulty, seizures, anxiety
 and depression.

K     nowledge and customer
      service are Spiritleaf
 Penticton’s calling cards. “Our
                                       Matthew Bolton
                                       OWNER & OPERATOR
 staff know all the products
 inside and out, so they can help
 customers find the right product                         August 2020. Since then, nine        However, after visiting Penticton
 for them,” says Matthew Bolton,
 who owns and operates the
                                                          other stores have opened.            as tourists for a decade, Matt      “...We see everyone
                                                          But Spiritleaf has retained its      moved to the city with the
 franchise with his brother, Jason.                       industry-leading status with its     intention of opening a cannabis     from young adults,
 “Initially, a lot of customers
 thought they just wanted flower,
                                                          knowledge, customer service          store. “Definitely, we wanted to    men and women
                                                          and the fact it is a part of a       join this wonderful, new industry
 oil, vapes, beverages and edibles                        franchise with great locations       with Spiritleaf,” says Matthew.     in business attire,
 with the highest THC.”                                   throughout the Okanagan in                                               to senior citizens
                                                          West Kelowna, Kelowna and            The team has grown to include
 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is                            Vernon, as well as Maple Ridge       six employees with Katy             who all want a
 the psychoactive component of
 cannabis that produces a ‘high’.
                                                          and Castlegar.                       L’Heureux as manager. “We           range of THC and
                                                                                               have quite a diverse customer
 “But by staying in tune with our                         Spiritleaf is Canada’s No. 1         base,” says Matthew. “The first     CBD products.
 customers, we found that many
 people quite enjoy products with
                                                          cannabis retailer with more than     stereotype of cannabis stores       It’s become
                                                          70 stores coast to coast and a       catering to young people who
 a little less THC or a combination                       plan to have 100 stores by the       want to get high has been
 of THC and CBD,” says Matthew.                           end of the year. “Darren Bondar      dispelled. We see everyone from
 Cannabidiol (CBD) is the non-                            (Spiritleaf’s president and CEO)     young adults, men and women
 high component of cannabis                               knows the industry incredibly        in business attire, to senior
 that can help with chronic pain,                         well, is down to earth and gets to   citizens who all want a range
 sleep difficulty, seizures, anxiety                      know each and every franchisee,”     of THC and CBD products. It’s
 and depression. “We have many                            says Matthew. “We love the           become normalized.”
 separate THC and CBD products,                           Spiritleaf image and that’s what
 but we also carry products with                          attracted us to this franchise.”
 THC and CBD combined,” says
 Matthew.                                                 Matthew and Jason know

 Spiritleaf was the first cannabis
                                                          franchises. They owned and                         THE FACE OF CANNABIS
                                                          operated a successful one,
 store to open in Penticton in                            Domino’s Pizza in Ontario.
10 FACES OF PENTICTON                                                                                                                 FACES OF PENTICTON   11
                                                                            “We may not always

 Skaha Ford                                                                 get it perfect, and
                                                                            certain cases may be
                                                                            unique, but that’s why
                                                                            we depend on feedback
 BRAD JINJOE                                                                from the community to
                                                                            improve ourselves.”

I t’s a new era at Skaha Ford.
  The dealership, which has been
 in Penticton since 1984, is under
                                      It’s all based on trust. During the
                                      browsing and buying process,
                                      salespeople are able to keep in
 new ownership, new                   touch with potential customers
 management and has a new             on whatever platform they’re
 vision based on customer             most comfortable, be it in person,
 satisfaction and community.          by phone, email, text, Facebook
                                      or Instagram. In fact, follow the
 The man behind this positive         dealership on Facebook (Skaha
 change is Brad Jinjoe, the dealer    Ford Penticton) and Instagram
 principal and managing partner.      (Skaha Ford) for the latest news
 “The focus is now improved           and updates on giveaways. When
 awareness, and a better brand,”      you buy a vehicle, you can expect
 says Brad.                           your salesperson to reach out to
                                      you and ensure your experience
 Skaha Ford is a local dealership,    continues beyond the sale.
 owned, managed, and supported
 by locals. Everyone who works        In an effort to increase
 at the dealership lives, works       community give-back and in
 and plays in the Okanagan.           light of the effects of the current
 Skaha Ford is aware of this, and     pandemic, Skaha Ford has found
 that is why people are the most      a way to give back. Every 90 days,
 important part of the equation       the dealership’s new ‘Real People
 at the dealership. “We may not       Helping People’ campaign will
 always get it perfect, and certain   see a member of the community         is undergoing its first major
 cases may be unique, but that’s      who has been set back,                redesign in five years. After 25
 why we depend on feedback            receive a free of cost vehicle        years out of production, the
 from the community to improve        repair or service. The person         Bronco SUV, which reigned
 ourselves,” says Brad. “This may     themselves can send in a video,       supreme from the late ‘60s to
 seem strange to say about a car      or someone who knows them             1996, is reimagined and making a
 dealership, but Skaha Ford is not    can send a video describing the       return. And Ford’s first all-electric
 just here to sell you a car. We’re   circumstance, and Skaha Ford          car, a variant of the popular
 here to establish a long-term        will ask for the community’s          Mustang called the Mach-E, is
 relationship, to make sure you’re    input on choosing a winner.           making its debut.
 happy and we’re the first choice
 for all your vehicle purchases and   Skaha Ford also has three             Skaha Ford looks forward to being
 service and even where you buy       exciting product announcements        your choice for your next vehicle
 your kids their first car.”          for 2021. The Ford F-150, North       or service and hopes to continue
                                      America’s best-selling truck,         to grow with the community.

12 FACES OF PENTICTON                                                                                               FACES OF PENTICTON              13
                                                                                                                                            Raymond James is the largest non-bank-owned
                                                                                                                                            independent brokerage in Canada.

                                                                                                       and switched to finance. “When
                                                                                                       I reflect back on those choices
                                                                                                       I realize I am still an educator
                                                                                                       because I work with my clients to

                                                                                                       teach and educate them about
                                                                                                       their money and investments,”
                                                                                                       says Kelly.

                                                                                                       After graduation, Kelly spent

                                                                                                       14 years working and gaining
                                                                                                       experience and expertise as a
                                                                                                       financial advisor in the credit
                                                                                                       union system. In 2012, she joined

 of Raymond
                                                                                                       Raymond James. “Raymond
                                                                                                       James as a firm is really what’s
                                                                                                       considered an end game for
                                                                                                       financial advisors,” says Kelly.
                                                                                                       “It’s the largest non-bank-

                                                                                                       owned independent brokerage
                                                                                                       and as such we have unbiased
                                                                                                       investment options for our clients
                                                                                                       so they get the best experience
                                                                                                       and the best investments for

   KELLY LINDSEY                                                                                       Having worked as a financial
                                                                                                       advisor for over 20 years now,
                                                                                                       Kelly has come up with the
                                                                                                       Retirement Layer Cake process
                                                                                                       for helping clients design and
                                                                                                       implement their retirement

 “...people may feel        Investing is fun. Kelly Lindsey
                             says the phrase with conviction
                                                                 As a financial advisor, Kelly’s job
                                                                 is much more than just looking
                                                                                                       income plans. Finding an advisor
                                                                                                       with time-tested processes is
 overwhelmed if they        to reinforce to clients that it’s    after the numbers. It’s taking a      unbelievably valuable to have.
                            true. “Investing is an area that     holistic approach that starts with    Even harder to find, is an advisor
 don’t fully understand     is usually intimidating to most      a plan based on the client’s goals.   that still has a long time horizon
 investing. My job is to    people,” says Kelly of Okanagan      Financial goals mean different        to work with clients.
                            Wealth Management of                 things for different people.
 guide clients according    Raymond James in Penticton.          “Common goals that we work            Raymond James Ltd., is a
 to their time horizon      “As such, people may feel            towards with clients are a work       member of the Canadian
                            overwhelmed if they don’t fully      optional lifestyle, retirement        Investor Protection Fund.
 and goals and when         understand investing. My job is to   planning, education savings or
 the process clicks they    guide clients according to their     leaving an estate behind for your
                            time horizon and goals and when      loved ones,” says Kelly.
 realize how enjoyable      the process clicks they realize
 it is and that, in fact,   how enjoyable it is and that, in     When Kelly first started
                            fact, investing is fun.”             university, she was planning to
 investing is fun.”                                              be a teacher. She discovered
                                                                 that wasn’t exactly her calling

14 FACES OF PENTICTON                                                                                                                                                           FACES OF PENTICTON                             15

 Kettle Valley
 Memorial Services

 Kevin Smith has given control of      Kettle Valley Memorial delivers
 funeral services back to families.    customized and caring services
 “I’m a funeral director and           to families in their time of
 embalmer, not a salesperson.          need. Burial, cremation, urns,
 I listen to the family,” says the     services, caskets, memorial
 owner of Penticton’s newest           cards, embalming, viewings,
 funeral home, Kettle Valley           pre-arrangements and markers
 Memorial. “Burial or cremation,       are all offered out of the funeral
 I provide the family with all the     home located at 461 Dawson
 information and options available     Avenue, Penticton. “When I went
 to them so that they can make         to look at the building back in
 informed decisions regarding          February of 2019, I could
 their loved one,”                     see in my mind exactly how the
                                       funeral home would lay out in
 Kettle Valley Memorial’s vision       the building,” remembers Kevin.
 is to be Penticton’s number           “The lobby, viewing room,
 one choice for funeral service.       selection room, preproom,
 Through its exceptional service,      receiving area in the back. I could
 it provides compassion, empathy       see it all perfectly in my mind                                 At Kettle Valley Memorial           Kevin, his wife Lee and their three   Kevin is a Rotarian and
 and integrity in everything it        and how the layout would serve                                  every family is treated with        daughters moved to Penticton          volunteers his time with many
 does.                                 the families.”                                                  compassion, respect and             where they have made many             different causes in the city.
                                                                             “I opened Kettle Valley   empathy. It always goes the extra   meaningful connections in the         Kevin is an expert in dealing with
 Kettle Valley Memorial offers a       The barn shaped building was          Memorial on May 15,       mile, so that families don’t even   community. Kevin graduated            all funeral service matters. He
 fresh and modern approach in          somewhat of a landmark in                                       think about going anywhere else.    from the Canadian College of          has served over 2,000 families
 celebrating and honouring the         Penticton 30 years ago, where         2019, with the sole       It offers exceptional service to    Funeral Service in September          during his career and gained a
 lives of those we have lost.          it sat at the corner of Industrial    purpose of getting back   every family served.                2014 and spent many years             massive amount of knowledge
 It sets the standard for excellence   Ave and Main Street. Businesses                                                                     serving the communities of the        in funeral directing, embalming,
 in the funeral services profession.   that called the building home         to serving families the
                                                                                                       Kevin grew up in southern           South Okanagan before opening         burial, cremation, funeral
 “I opened Kettle Valley Memorial      including ICBC and BC Forestry.       way they want to be       Alberta and started his funeral     Kettle Valley Memorial on May         law, international shipping,
 on May 15, 2019, with the sole        In 1988, the building was moved
 purpose of getting back to            to its current location on Dawson
                                                                             served.”                  service career in 2007. Back then   15, 2019. Kevin looks forward         pre-arrangements and grave
                                                                                                       he washed cars and mowed            to continuing to serving the          markers.
 serving families the way they         Avenue.                                                         lawns for Martin Brothers Funeral   Penticton community.
 want to be served,” says Kevin.                                                                       Home in Lethbridge. In 2011,

16 FACES OF PENTICTON                                                                                                                                                                      FACES OF PENTICTON         17
Penticton’s Face of Interior           and Construction was born. The        “The problem is, you don’t have
THE FACE OF INTERIOR DESIGN AND                       Design + Management knew at a          firm helps clients get unstuck,       the time or expertise to design
                                                      young age what she loved doing         finally reach their design vision     and plan your epic renovation or
PROJECT MANAGEMENT                                    -- reorganizing, and updating          goals and know the exact steps        new build construction without
                                                      spaces until they felt right and       they need to take to bring their      feeling overwhelmed, stressed
                                                      expressed their purpose. She just      dreams into reality.                  and anxious. You don’t have the
                                  Gabriella Milgrom   didn’t know what it was called                                               necessary vendor relationships,
                                                      until her teenage years.               Jeengi is a unique name and           structures, or knowledge to
                                  OWNER & OPERATOR
                                                                                             came to Gabriella on a trip to        understand the full scope of
                                                      At the ripe old age of 16, she         Israel in 2019. As a redhead,         what you need to do to see your
                                                      found the label of what she had        Gabriella has always stood out in     vision become reality.”
                                  Hank the Tank       been doing for years and               a crowd, but in Israel she not only
                                  DEPUTY OF MORALE    started her journey towards            stood out more, but adopted           “We understand that you want
                                                      honing her creativity and              an endearing nickname within          to maximize your budget while
                                                      learning all the skills and            her travel group: Gingi; the          also reducing stress. We have the
                                                      tools of interior design and           Hebrew word for redhead. “So          methods, organization tools, and
                                                      management.                            when it came time to name the         people skills to help you enjoy
                                                                                             company, it just felt right,” she     the process without so much
                                                      For over 10 years she’s                says.                                 overwhelm, self-doubt and worry.
                                                      been helping business and                                                    We have a variety of packages
                                                      homeowners alike discover              Having been boots on the              to suit your unique needs, from
                                                      how to design + plan the               ground for full scale construction    1 ton 1 consultancy perfect for
                                                      physical space of their dreams.        projects, she speaks the              DIYer’s, to full service design and
                                                      She has applied her talents            language and knows how                management that takes care of
                                                      towards an array of restaurants,       to manage a site; yet has             every detail for you; and options
                                                      commercial kitchens, homes,            experienced her fair share of         in between,” she says.
                                                      hospitals, wineries, breweries and     industry bias. “I understand the
                                                      fitness facilities. With a degree      hesitation, overwhelm and self-       Like many other interior
                                                      in Interior Design and Project         doubt that women experience           designers, Gabriella provides a
                                                      Management, and having                 when undertaking a project            design service. But her skills in
                                                      successfully completed over 20         on their own. I have had strong       seeing the full scope needed to
                                                      projects, Gabriella knows what         female mentors who taught             bring an idea to life have helped
                                                      it takes to help people create         me to let my background and           many of her clients avoid project
                                                      spaces that enhance the lives of       experience pave the way, and to       delays and budget pitfalls.
                                                      the individuals who use them to        never hide my strengths or shy
                                                      live, work and play.                   away because of my gender. I          “Most individuals don’t know
                                                                                             always bring my A game and let        where to start and how to bring
                                                      Jeengi (pronounced: jin-jee)           my quality of work speak for          a design project together, so we
                                                      started when her husband               itself.”                              created a framework that helps
                                                      landed a job in Penticton and                                                them simplify their design ideas,
                                                      relocated the couple from              At Jeengi, they know you want         create great interior layouts,

 Jeengi Design &
                                                      Vancouver, where Gabriella was         to have a home or business            connect with contractors the
                                                      a Project Manager with Fraser          that perfectly reflects YOU. To       right way and understand how
                                                      Health Authority and found joy         do that, you need to design,          to pull it all together on time and
                                                      in helping to bring to life projects   organize, and execute each            budget.” she says.
                                                      that would benefit people.             detail with precision and have a

                                                      When she relocated to Penticton,       backup plan, or two, should the       Stop feeling confused and stuck
                                                      she found herself looking for          unexpected happen (which it           unable to start. Book a call and
                                                      ways to bring that joy back into       will).                                take the 1st step towards your
                                                      her life; and so Jeengi Design                                               design vision.

                                                                                                                                   Cell: 236-500-0343
                                                                                                                                         FACES OF PENTICTON        19
THE FACE OF FEMALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP                                                                                 Esha Randhawa
                                                                                                                     OWNER & OPERATOR

 Green Light Cannabis
                                                                                                                          Zarina Randhawa

E   sha and Zarina Randhawa
    are not just sisters, they are a
 dynamo pair of young women
                                       In their spare time, Esha and
                                       Zarina usually like to travel,
                                       volunteer and spend time with
                                                                             purposes. But they also sell a
                                                                             variety of THC (the component
                                                                             of cannabis that elicits a high)
                                                                                                                          OWNER & OPERATOR

 entrepreneurs.                        family and friends. With those        products, including marijuana
                                       activities severely curtailed by      flower, pre-rolled joints, edibles,
 Their business expertise and          COVID, the sisters have the time      vapes and beverages.
 passion runs the gamut from a         to throw themselves completely
 pharmacy and mobile bottling          into work.                            CBD has been authorized by
 line to cannabis. Esha, 32, is the                                          Health Canada for help in the
 pharmacist manager at Rexall          Well, not quite completely            treatment of chronic pain,
 in Penticton. Zarina, 25, is the      because they still find time to       sleep difficulty, anxiety, arthritis,
 owner of Betza Bottling, a mobile     run and hit the gym. “Exercise        MS, seizure disorders and
 bottling and labelling service for    is an escape, a chance to focus       symptoms of cancer treatment.
 Okanagan wineries such as Ex          your mind on something else so        Anecdotally, CBD is also believed
 Nihilo, Volcanic Hills, Lang, De      you can come back to work with        to help manage autism, nausea,
 Silva, Covert Farms and Vin Amite     focus,” says Esha.                    depression, skin conditions,
 to name a few. In fact, she’s the                                           irritable bowel syndrome,
 only woman in Western Canada          As a full-time pharmacist, Esha       asthma, symptoms of HIV and
 who owns and operates a mobile        helps a lot of geratric patients.     end-of-life care.
 wine bottling line.                   While doing so, she found a
                                       lot of older people struggling        There are lots of cannabis stores
 Together the sisters also own and     with a myriad of illnesses were       in the Okanagan now. But Green
 operate Green Light Cannabis,         hesitant, but curious, about how      Light sets itself apart by having
 which has stores in Penticton         CBD (the non-high component           a pharmacist as a co-owner,
 and Okanagan Falls. “I’m so           of cannabis) can be used for          truly local roots because the
 proud of us and how far we’ve         medical purposes. “So, we             sisters were born and raised
 come as minority (Punjabi             created a store that’s bright         in Penticton, a wide variety of
 Indian) young women,” says            and people are comfortable to         products and an educated staff
 Esha. “We’ve had to adapt and         come in and be assisted by an         that can relate to all kinds of
 set ourselves up for success,         educated staff who can relate to      cannabis users. “Our goal is to
 especially, with the cannabis         all types of people who might be      always grow, expand, learn and
 business. We opened the               using cannabis,” say Esha.            improve,” says Zarina.
 Okanagan Falls store in May 2020
 and the Penticton store in July       The stores certainly sell a variety
 2020. They are new businesses in      of CBD products (think oil, tea,
 a new industry and we did it all      topical creams, beverages,
 during a pandemic, which was          capsules, candy and chocolate)
 not easy.”                            for cannabis consumption

“We can serve many clients
                                                                                                                      out of Penticton and the
                        Ian McAndrews
                                        THE FACE OF LAW                                                               South Okanagan, but, if
                        LAWYER                                                                                        we can’t, we’ll refer them
                                                                                                                      to one of the 22 lawyers
                                                                                                                      FH&P has in Kelowna. And
                                                                                                                      the lawyer will travel from
                                                                                                                      Kelowna to Penticton to
                                                                                                                      meet the client.”

                                        FH&P Lawyers LLP
                                        IAN McANDREWS

                                        H    ockey led Ian McAndrews to
                                             the bar. Not the drinking bar
                                        (well, that too), but the bar of the
                                                                               Ian’s known FH&P partner Rod
                                                                               Pacholzuk for as long as he can
                                                                               remember, so they got to talking
                                                                                                                     one of the 22 lawyers FH&P has
                                                                                                                     in Kelowna. And the lawyer will
                                                                                                                     travel from Kelowna to Penticton
                                        legal profession as an institution.    and determined Ian should head        to meet the client. In the past,
                                        “I was taking commerce at UBC          up FH&P’s Penticton expansion.        that business was lost because
                                        Vancouver and started playing          That happened in December             Penticton lawyers would have
                                        hockey with the law school guys,”      2019 when Ian launched the            to refer out of town and clients
                                        recalls Ian, now a lawyer with         Penticton office to do mostly         would have to travel to Kelowna.”
                                        FH&P Lawyers in Penticton. “They       family law with some criminal
                                        seemed to be having a lot of fun,      law and general civil litigation      The Kelowna-Penticton FH&P
                                        so I thought: I can do that. So, I     thrown in. “It’s mutually             set up means clients can benefit
                                        applied and got into law school.”      beneficial and good for               from the firm’s full range of
                                                                               Penticton,” says Ian. “Right now      services and expertise of two
                                        The rest, as they say, is history.     there are three of us in Penticton,   dozen lawyers, wherever they
                                        Ian, who’s originally from Calgary,    me, Kristin Greenough, a family       are. “At some point, I’ll go down
                                        graduated from UBC’s law school        lawyer who worked in Kelowna          to working three days and week
                                        in 1989 and moved to Penticton         for years, and assistant Marni        and then eventually retire, if my
                                        to article. He’s been in Penticton     Brown.”                               dog Harold lets me,” says Ian with
                                        for his entire 31-year law career                                            a smile. “But, I’ll do so knowing
                                        and knows the city inside out.         The Penticton office is also          there is continuity with FH&P
                                        Ian was running his own practice       looking to hire a solicitor who can   Lawyers and my files will be left
                                        out of KOKM with five other            handle business and real estate       in good hands.”
                                        lawyers when he heard through          law cases. “We can serve many
                                        the grapevine FH&P Lawyers             clients out of Penticton and the
                                        in Kelowna was interested in           South Okanagan,” says Ian. “But,
                                        expanding into Penticton.              if we can’t, we’ll refer them to

22 FACES OF PENTICTON                                                                                                          FACES OF PENTICTON         23

                          Ale Morales
                          Personal Real Estate Corporation

                          ALE MORALES

                          O     riginally from Puerto Vallarta,    so when it came time for me to
                                Mexico, Ale Morales is now         move to Canada with him we
                          living the dream with her husband        compromised on location and
                          and two daughters in the South           decided on the South Okanagan
                          Okanagan. “My dream career is            for better weather and lifestyle,”
                          also here in real estate, helping        she says with a laugh.
                          people find their dream home,”           After incorporating in 2016, Ale
                          says Ale, which is pronounced like       started her real estate career in the
                                                                                                           operators,” she says. “So I knew a lot
                          Allie, and is short for Alejandra. “I    South Okanagan.
                                                                                                           about Canada and loved it.”
                          transfer that enthusiasm to my
                          clients. It’s incredible to live, work   While pregnant with their first
                                                                                                           The market is always changing, so
                          and play in Penticton between            daughter in 2018, Ale made a
                                                                                                           Ale’s expertise as a realtor in the
                          two lakes and amongst all the            splash in her new career with 2%
                                                                                                           South Okanagan keeps clients
                          wineries.”                               Realty and won Agent of the Year.
                                                                                                           up to date and provides guidance
                                                                   “My passion is my family and my
                                                                                                           and support throughout every
                          Ale works with Royal LePage              job,” she says. “So, the baby came
                                                                                                           transaction. She helps clients
                          Penticton through her own Ale            to work with me.” That passion also
                                                                                                           review and understand the
                          Morales Personal Real Estate             makes Ales approachable, honest
                                                                                                           multiple documents involved,
                          Corporation. She met the man             and dedicated to her clients.
                                                                                                           negotiate the best price and look
                          who would become her husband             After joining Royal LePage in
                                                                                                           out for their best interest in either
                          seven years ago while he was             March, Ale won a gold award with
                                                                                                           buying or selling.
                          vacationing in Puerto Vallarta.          the company for 2020. After giving
                                                                                                           “At the end of this, it creates a bond
                          “But, he’s originally from Manitoba,     birth to her second daughter
                                                                                                           and we become like family, which
                                                                   in October 2020, she achieved
                                                                                                           is the most rewarding feeling,” says
                                                                   platinum level.
                                                                                                           Ale. “I always aim to have happy
                                                                                                           clients, which is why this is more
                                                                   In Mexico, Ale had two careers.
                                                                                                           to me than just a job. Home is the
                                                                   One, selling real estate to locals
                                                                                                           biggest life purchase some will
                                                                   and tourists, a natural calling for
                                                                                                           make and I am so happy to be
                                                                   the daughter of a man who has
                                                                                                           able to guide people through this
                                                                   been a development manager in
                                                                                                           process. It is about connecting
                                                                   Puerto Vallarta for 30 years. The
                                                                                                           people, whether they be young
                                                                   second was International Sales
                                                                                                           families, those downsizing or
                                                                   Manager for Friendly Vallarta
                                                                                                           relocating to the right property,
                                                                   Hotel. Some of her clients were Air
                                                                                                           neighbourhood and lifestyle.”
                                                                   Canada, WestJet, Air Transat and
                                                                   Sunwing, who included Friendly
                                                                                                           Ale’s new project is representing
                                                                   Vallarta accommodation in their
                                                                                                           Skaha Hills, a luxury home
                                                                   all-inclusive holiday packages. “I
                                                                                                           development overlooking Skaha
                                                                   would travel to Canada three or
                                                                                                           Lake and the Valley with multiple
                                                                   four times a year to meet tour
                                                                                                           properties available in the fall.
South Okanagan
Animal Care Centre
 DR. GEORGE PROUDFOOT                                                        “...Animals definitely
                                                                             make a positive
                                                                             difference in our lives.”

A    fter almost 40 years as a
     veterinarian, Dr. George
Proudfoot is still constantly
                                      Dr. George graduated from the
                                      Western College of Veterinary
                                      Medicine in Saskatoon in 1981
                                                                             on Riverside Drive and called it
                                                                             South Okanagan Animal Care
                                                                             Centre,” he says. “I’m the senior
amazed by the human-animal            and had his own clinic in Fernie       veterinarian, I am 69, after all, and
bond. “It truly is a social force,”   for almost 20 years. In 1999, he       I work three to four days a week.”
says the senior vet at the South      moved to Penticton because in
Okanagan Animal Care Centre.          Aboriginal language it means ‘a        Dr. George is proud to have
“We’ve seen it even more during       place to live forever’ and it is the   his name on the sign with Dr.
COVID with people getting             best place in Canada for pets and      Stephen Ganton (the CEO of
puppies and kittens because           humans alike. He started Animal        Interior Pet Health Group); Dr.
they need the social interaction      Medical Clinic in Penticton as         Karen Kemp, who he worked
they may not be getting with          a mixed practice, meaning he           with for the past three years
other people. Animals definitely      treated dogs, cats and horses          as she split her time between
make a positive difference in our     and even made some house               the Interior Pet practice in
lives.”                               calls.                                 Summerland (Summerland
                                                                             Animal Clinic) and his practice
Dr. George knows veterinarians        Over time, he began to                 in Penticton; Dr. Katie Bennett
have to have a unique                 concentrate more on dogs and           joined the practice in January
personality, especially for the       cats and affiliated with Fairfield     2021 after practicing in Williams
type of longevity he’s had in the     Animal Hospital in Kelowna             Lake and graduating from the
career. “It’s an emotional job and    for emergencies, because the           Western Collage of Veterinary
usually there’s a high burn-out       hospital operates 24/7.                Medicine in 2019; and new
rate for veterinarians in general,                                           hospital manager Katie Craig.
but strong healthy personal and       It’s not all about animals for Dr.
professional relationships are the    George. In his spare time you’ll       Interior Pet is made up of Central
glue that keeps us happy and          find him gardening, camping            Valley Veterinary Hospital,
working,” he says. “You have to be    and hiking. When it came time          Fairfield Animal Hospital and
professional, but also have a good    for Dr. George to modernize his        South Mission Animal Hospital,
bedside manner, so to speak,          clinic, he turned to Fairfield’s       all in Kelowna, Westbank Animal
with both the pets and their          parent company, Interior Pet           Hospital in West Kelowna,
people. As it is with everything,     Health Group, for a deeper             Summerland Animal Clinic and
it’s all about relationships. And     partnership. “We needed digital        South Okanagan Animal Care
I just really want to help people     x-rays and ultrasound and              Centre in Penticton.
and their animals.”                   bigger premises, so me and all
                                      my staff moved to a new clinic
                                                                                                                     FACES OF PENTICTON                               27
Upper Bench Winery
 & Creamery                                                                                                                         Gavin Miller
                                                                                                                                    CO-OWNER AND


 C     onsidering wine and cheese
       is a match made in heaven,
 it’s surprising only one Okanagan
                                        The woman who makes all these
                                        artisanal cheeses is Gavin’s wife,
                                        Shana. Therefore, it isn’t just
                                                                             winner. The 2020 Pinot Blanc
                                                                             ($22) and 2020 Pinot Gris ($20)
                                                                             are also newly released and
 winery makes both. “Certainly,         wine and cheese that make a          welcome on any patio or table.
 it makes us unique,” says Gavin        tremendous marriage, but so do       Gavin, who’s always considered
 Miller, co-owner and winemaker         winemaker and cheesemaker.           himself a ‘big red guy,’ is
 at Upper Bench Winery &                Shana learned her trade at           justifiably proud of his reds.
 Creamery on the Naramata               nearby Poplar Grove Cheese and
 Bench. “In fact, we’ve built our       Gavin has a background making        He calls Merlot the red best
 entire Corks & Curds Club around       wine at Poplar Grove, Painted        suited to the Naramata Bench
 it. Four times a year we’ll ship six   Rock and Red Rooster.                and he makes an incredible one
 bottles of wine and three cheeses                                           for $30. Cabernet Sauvignon is
 to you. It’s like a wine and cheese    The couple’s goal has always         harder to ripen on the bench, but
 party in a box arriving at your        been to produce excellent value-     Gavin does it with a stunner at
 home every three months.”              for-money, high-end wines and        $40.
                                        cheeses at their own place. That
 As such, you can sip your Upper        dream came true when they
 Bench Chardonnay with the              teamed up with Wayne and
 signature Gold, a semi-soft            Margareta Nystrom of Vancouver,
 cheese reminiscent of Oka. Or          who also have pulp and paper
 pair any of the white wines with       and coffee companies, to buy
 double-cream brie, the light           one of the Holman Lang wineries
 red Pinot Noir or Zweigelt with        out of receivership and reinvent
 Okanagan Sun, an aromatic soft         it as Upper Bench Winery &
 cheese, or some of the bigger          Creamery.
 reds with King Cole blue cheese.
 Corks & Curds membership starts        The just-released Upper Bench
 at $190 every three months and         2020 Riesling, the follow up to
 also comes with perks such as          the 2019 Riesling that won ‘wine
 discounts off additional online        of the year’ at the BC Lieutenant
 wine purchases, complimentary          Governor Wine Awards at last
 wine tastings at the winery and        year’s Fall Okanagan Wine
 an invite to the annual summer         Festival, is guaranteed excellent
 party, when permitted.                 and just $24 a bottle. The
                                        Chardonnay is superb and
                                                                                                                 THE FACE OF WINE
                                        affordable at $27 and is also
                                        a past Lieutenant Governor’s

28 FACES OF K AMLOOPS                                                                                                                  FACES OF PENTICTON   29
The Long Gallery
 + Studios

 People love seeing process. That’s         space to work and create. It also       in my foundation as an artist is a
 why when you enter The Long                showcases the work of some of           professor I had in university, Bryan
 Gallery + Studios in downtown              Jenny’s favorite BC artists added       Ryley. He was so adamant that I
 Penticton you’re likely to see             to the mix, work that you typically     only created from this pure place
 proprietor Jenny Long and other            don’t see in Penticton. “The Long       of expression, one that transcends
 resident artists developing new            Gallery + Studios is alive and always   time and removes any thought
 work in their studios. But then            growing, which is what I crave          to make work for an intention
 you’ll also see beautiful finished art     most deeply,” says Jenny.               of selling or pleasing others. The
 carefully curated and for sale on                                                  intimate nature of connecting
 the walls. “Yes, I actively paint here,”   The art gallery out front is home       with colour and the power it can
 says Jenny. “People want the whole         to rotating displays of paintings       hold is key to my practice as well as
 experience of seeing how art is            of resident and guest artists           the freedom in letting a painting
 developed and created as well as           and also includes a shop selling        unfold without trying to control
 the finished product. It’s way more        locally handmade jewelry, pottery,      it,” says Jenny. “I always encourage
 interesting this way. They can see         candles and prints. “We always          others to do the same, throw ego
 the paints we use, how we paint,           have a different, big piece or          out the window, lose themselves
 and meet the people behind                 arrangement in the window that          and connect with authentic
  the art.”                                 draws in the crowd and then they        creativity. Everyone is an artist. You
                                            can see artists at work, the gallery    just have to get into it, practice and
 Jenny specializes in abstract              and the shop,” says Jenny.              get busy making.”
 portraiture, the use of colour
 and form to capture someone’s              The other nine resident artists are     Jenny has a ‘Hjem’ tattoo on her
 essence. These aren’t posed,               abstract painter Robin Robertson;       left bicep, a tribute to the Danish
 realistic paintings, but original          mixed media and digital artist          word for home and a nod to her
 creations both intuitive and               Graham Fox; illustrator and painter     instrumental year in Scandinavia
 conceptual put to canvas that are          Alexandra Brooke (Belleartiste);        as an exchange student when
 alive with energy and expression.          painter and collage artist Christina    she was fresh out of highschool.
 Jenny does commission work to              Baird; painter Ron Gladish; multi-      “Hjem isn’t a particular place, it’s                 “People want the whole
 paint custom portraits of clients          media artist and photographer           wherever you are, wherever you’re                    experience of seeing how art is
 and their loved ones and is also           Nettie; fluid abstract painter Susie    happy, wherever you are creating
 well known for painting live at            Myers; painter and illustrator          and learning and connecting
                                                                                                                                         developed and created as well
 theatre productions, painting              Endrené Shepherd; and newest to         authentically with people,” she                      as the finished product. It’s way
 competitions and big events                the gallery photographer Robert         says. The Long Gallery + Studios is                  more interesting this way...”
 throughout the community.                  Kenney.                                 such a hjem.
 The Long Gallery + Studios is
 just that.                                 Jenny is also an art teacher who        longgallery-studios.com
                                            instructs and inspires with one-
 It’s an inviting business where
 ten resident artists have studio
                                            on-one lessons, family sessions or
                                            small classes. “A huge influence
                                                                                                                             THE FACE OF ART

30 FACES OF PENTICTON                                                                                                                                       FACES OF PENTICTON   31

 “In the past six years... new solar

                                       SkyFire Energy
production exceeds all other
power sources and more solar
is being installed than any other
power source in the world.”

                                       LANDON ALDRIDGE

                                       SkyFire Energy’s name says it all.       opportunity to reduce or eliminate     production exceeds all other power
                                       “The sun is the fire in the sky,” says   their electricity bill. And, for       sources and more solar is being
                                       SkyFire’s Okanagan-based vice-           everyone, there’s usually an           installed than any other power
                                       president of operations Landon           equal environmental reason of          source in the world.”
                                       Aldrige. “And the sun keeps us           preserving the planet and showing
                                       in the business of engineering,          our kids and grandkids what’s          Part of the acceleration is the BC
                                       procuring, selling and installing        possible.” One of the scenarios        Energy Step Code aims to make
                                       solar power projects ranging in size     possible is to have solar panels       the province Net Zero ready by
                                       from single-family residential to        on the roof to generate electricity    2032. Developers, homeowners,
                                       utility scale.”                          to not just power your home or         businesses and institutions
                                                                                business, but also to charge your      are helping make it a reality by
                                       SkyFire has been Western Canada’s        electric car, for a whole cycle        choosing solar for retrofits as well
                                       largest solar contractor since it        solution.                              as new construction. “Solar is
                                       started in 2001. While its head                                                 more affordable and attainable
                                       office is in Calgary, it has expanded    By the way, SkyFire also installs      and therefore has become
                                       to Edmonton, Regina and the              electric car charging stations and     mainstream.” sums up Landon.
                                       Okanagan.                                back-up solar energy storage
                                                                                systems at homes and businesses
                                       The Okanagan office is responsible       and is a Tesla Powerwall Certified
                                       for hundreds of residential and          Installer for such as well.
                                       commercial design-build solar
                                       panel installations, the solar power     An average home in the
                                       systems at the Penticton and             Okanagan with a south-facing
                                       Kelowna campuses of Okanagan             roof to capture the sun can offset
                                       College and the installations at         its entire electricity bill with a
                                       Canyon Falls Middle School in            $20,000, 32-panel installation that
                                       Kelowna and Westbank First               generates about 10,000 watts of
                                       Nation’s Sensisyusten elementary         power annually. The payback for
                                       school. “Everybody has a different       such a system is about 10 years.
                                       reason for going solar,” says            “Solar installations are about 80%
                                       Landon. “For business, industrial        cheaper now than they were 10
                                       and institutional customers it’s         years ago,” says Landon. “The
                                       usually about reducing operating         biggest shift has been in the past
                                       costs. For some businesses, there        six years. In fact, it’s gone from a
                                       is a marketing component. For            niche for people who were off-the-
                                       homeowners, it’s the perfect             grid to the point where new solar

                                                                                                                                  FACES OF PENTICTON          33


                                     Penticton Lakeside
                                     Resort and                                                                                             Subscribe to our daily Newsletter
                                     Conference Centre                                                                                              PentictonNow.com/daily-newsletter

                                                                                                                                                 PentictonNow        PentictonNowBC   PentictonNow

                                     ELIZABETH CUCNIK AND BRANNIGAN MOSSES

    T   he Penticton Lakeside Resort
        and Conference Centre has
     embraced many changes over
                                                     community. “Women can be
                                                     exceptional project managers,”
                                                                                            on employee development, and
                                                                                            working creatively as a team, so
                                                     says Elizabeth. “Sociable and          that we are ready to welcome
     the years, reflecting in part, the              intuitive, we often find ourselves     guests back when it is safe to do
     variable dynamic of community                   at the heart of the human story,       so,” says Brannigan.
     and culture both regionally and                 and what better way to tell it,
     globally.                                       hear it and listen, than right here,   In the meantime, the Lakeside
                                                     within the world of hospitality.”      encourages people to ‘staycation,’
     Now the resort embraces                                                                where they can either rediscover
     another seismic shift, welcoming                With vastly reduced guest              the resort or stay for the first
     two women at its helm.                          and conference counts due to           time, and to explore the many
     Elizabeth Cucnik, the resort’s                  travel and event restrictions, it’s    on-site amenities and venues.
     new general manager, and                        been a long and challenging            They include the casually elegant
     Brannigan Mosses, the assistant                 pandemic year for the 273-guest        Hooded Merganser, located on
     general manager, are excited and                room resort, which houses over         Okanagan Lake, The Barking
     ready to take the business into
     new heights, embracing both
                                                     32,000 square feet of conference
                                                     and event space. “We have
                                                                                            Parrot bar, and, opening at the end
                                                                                            of April 2021, the Bufflehead, an     Our Network
     the youthful creativity of today’s
     generation, while honouring the
                                                     tried to take advantage of the
                                                     unprecedented quieter times
                                                                                            elevated breakfast buffet and eggs
                                                                                            benedict ‘every-which-way’ eatery.
                                                                                                                                  Sites                         PrinceGeorgeNow                 VernonNow
     rich history and evolutionary arch              by renovating, performing cross
     of the resort and its surrounding               departmental training, focusing
                                                                                                                                  Divisions of
NowMedia Group
                                                                                                                  audience, while still enabling the
                                                                                                                  personal experience of curling up
                                                                                                                  on the couch with the physical

                                                                                                                  We believe in the power of
                                                                                                                  networking and guidance from
                                                                                                                                                        Nikki Csek
                                                                                                                  global thought leaders, which
                                                                                                                  is why we are in the business         CEO

                                                                                                                  of bringing people together.
                                                                                                                  “The Level Up Events series has
                                                                                                                  brought to Kelowna some of the
                                                                                                                  best speakers in the world, telling
                                                                                                                  global stories and inspiring
                                                                                                                  local success,” says Level Up

S   torytelling goes back to the
    dawn of time. In fact, some
of the greatest stories are still
                                       holds and for the stories we get
                                       to tell,” says NowMedia Group
                                       CEO Nikki Csek. “Each one can
                                                                            “Everyone has a story and
                                                                            it needs to be shared with a
                                                                                                                  Event director Alexa Anderson.
                                                                                                                  From webinars and podcasts to
                                                                                                                  promotional and appreciation
immortalized on cave walls or on       be bigger and more connecting        vision of a better tomorrow.”         events, we can brand, market,
the stones of pyramids.                than the last.”                                                            organize and execute your next
                                                                            The d6 Print Studio is such a
Modern technology allows us to         The digital agency Csek Creative     natural extension of the offerings
tell stories in so many different      is where we build the foundation     of NowMedia Group.
                                                                                                                  We have also made a huge
ways and now more than ever,           of brand stories, starting           Signage is still one of the most
                                                                                                                  investment in our most recent
your story matters. Your story         with planning, determining           important needs for a business.
                                                                                                                  business unit, IVA Productions.
is what connects customers to          marketing goals and objectives,      Our investment in the best
                                                                                                                  The power of Imagery,
your brand. People make buying         developing campaigns, and            technology makes for amazing
                                                                                                                  Videography and Audio enables
decisions with brands that             execution strategies. “Strategy      quality that is less expensive and
                                                                                                                  your story to be captured and
understand their customers and         before tactics is what I try to      more environmentally friendly.
                                                                                                                  told in a way that conveys
involve them in their story.           stress with clients,” says Csek                                            emotion in the hands of your
                                       Creative vice-president of           “It provides a tremendous
                                                                                                                  audience. “Reaching the right
We have developed a 360-degree         business development Rob             competitive advantage for the
                                                                                                                  people at the right time, whether
approach of telling stories,           Cupello. “We must have a plan        brands we work with,” says d6
                                                                                                                  streaming podcasts in their car,
which allows us to bring in            that addresses clear goals and       Print Studio manager Brandon
                                                                                                                  scrolling social media on their
different perspectives, devices        objectives if we are to succeed in   McKay. “I love that we can be
                                                                                                                  mobile device or watching videos
and mediums to tell your story         the market.”                         creative and deliver high quality
                                                                                                                  online, has never been easier, but
in the richest, most meaningful                                             solutions for our clients that wow
                                                                                                                  it takes rich content to captivate
way possible. Whether we are           We started on this journey           them time and time again.”
                                                                                                                  and connect them with your
telling a story through the lens       as WelcometoKelowna.com                                                    story,” says Ellen Schwenkedel.
of a journalist or a marketer, we      two decades ago because we           So much magic remains in the
understand stories matter and          believed every community             printed word, which is why we
                                                                                                                  Each of our six divisions and
demand great care in the way           needed a media platform              took a fresh perspective on it
                                                                                                                  the team members within have
they are told.                         to support its people.               with the launch of 16 Flights
                                                                                                                  unique strengths, but at the end
                                       PentictonNow.com evolved             Publications. “The magazine
                                                                                                                  of the day, we are all storytellers
NowMedia Group is comprised            from that and has become a           publishing division utilizes
                                                                                                                  and we all love what we do.
of six distinct business units,        leading voice in a very crowded      the technology of the d6 Print
each of which are leaders in their     media market. PentictonNow           Studio to print high quality
                                                                                                                  Your story is our business!
respective fields. When leveraged      has a unique, non-traditional        niche magazines,” says Steve
in unison, our six units provide       way of storytelling, one that is     MacNaull, editor for several of the
an exponential competitive             respectful, responsive and caring.   publications. “Also, we utilize the
advantage to your company by           “We understand that with the         strength of voice of NowMedia
bringing your story to life. “We       voice we have earned, we must        platforms like PentictonNow
started on this road as storytellers   be respectful of people and our      to share the stories to a vast
over 20 years ago and we are very      community,” says group COO Jim
excited to see what the future         Csek.
                                                                                                                                                                     FACES OF PENTICTON   37
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