SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia

Page created by Andre Patterson
SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia

              AUTUMN 2019
Out of
in Pakistan

SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia
Living and                                                                                                          goal of promoting Bible Society in
                                                                                                                                                          Dear friends,

                                                                                                                    their community.

                                                                                                                       The annual youth night is seen             he day after Valentine’s           I don’t know anything about
                                                                                                                    as an important way to connect                Day this year, I noticed that   the journalist’s own faith, but I

in God’s
                                                                                                                    with the four youth groups in the             a columnist writing in the      love the idea that a natural part
                                                                                                                    area, and to encourage young          Australian Financial Review began       of any reporting might be to
                                                                                                                    people to learn about the work of     his piece about shenanigans in          utilise the resources of the Bible

house                                                                                                               Bible Society.
                                                                                                                       “Youth have to be encouraged
                                                                                                                                                          Canberra by citing words from
                                                                                                                                                          1 Corinthians 13. “Love,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  on the subject. We ought to see
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the Bible everywhere,
                                                                                                                    to become wonderful Bible             scripture reminds us,”                                 as a conversation
                                                                                                                    Society supporters. We need to        he wrote, “is patient                                     partner in the joys
                                                                                                                    pass on the baton to them,” Barb      and kind.” He                                              and struggles of

                                                                                                                    says.                                 continued with the                                          life, both big and
         Bible verse came to mind     after a women’s convention at          Jamberoo, Gerringong, prefers             To celebrate the Bicentenary       reference for a full                                         small.
         as I was interviewing Barb   Stanwell Tops, south of Sydney         to be known as an Action Group.        of Bible Society Australia in 2017,   paragraph, ending                                               We believe
         Mathie, a supporter and      someone asked her on the bus           That’s because members love            members of local youth groups         with “it keeps no                                           that the Bible
team member of a Bible Society        ride home whether she had given        being active for Bible Society!        formed the number 200 with their      record of wrongs”.                                         is an everyday
branch in New South Wales:            her life to Jesus. She realised that   There are nine churches in             bodies on the sports oval.            It’s nothing like                                        book, for everyone.
   “One thing I ask from the Lord,    she hadn’t but she wanted to!          Barb’s area and each has a                Knowing the importance of          politics, he concluded!                               It contains the
this only do I seek: that I may          From that moment on,                   representative from the             her youthful training in setting          What struck me was how                        wisdom of the ages and
dwell in the house of the Lord all    she began to live and                         Action Group. This enables      her on the path of living and         natural it sounded. There was           fresh words for us every sunrise.
the days of my life, to gaze on the   work for God. After                            churches to be aware of        working for God, Barb hopes that      no jarring religiosity about it,        That’s why we want to see it in
beauty of the Lord and to seek        she started studying                             events, and to be regular    Bible Society Australia will keep     no sense of special pleading. It        everyone’s hands, every person
him in his temple.” Psalm 27:4        the Bible, it became                               in their prayers.          exploring ways to reach out to        didn’t sound like Bible-bashing. It     meaningfully engaged with the
(NIV)                                 an integral part of                                   The branch holds        young people.                         just sounded like wise reflection       rich and rewarding words of life.
   Barb lives on a half-hectare       her life and this led                             four main events each          She would love to see Bible        with the ring of truth about it. I         Thank you for sharing this
property, in Foxground on the         to her becoming                                   year: a Prayer Day,         Society’s successful Masterclass      felt surprised, because that’s not      vision and contributing to the
NSW south coast, in a sustainable     involved with Bible                               an annual general           series for Christian high school      the way the Bible is usually dealt      task.
house that is a sanctuary for         Society. She says:                                meeting in May, two         students developed for use in a       with in public. But it should be.
anyone who needs it.                  “You cannot study the                            coffee evenings in Kiama     smaller format for youth leaders      Referring to the Bible in order to
   Her journey to faith started at    Bible without knowing                           and Gerringong, which         to share as a resource with their     understand an issue, a story, an
a Presbyterian church in Croydon      how important it is.”                          are hosted at different        groups.                               ethical dilemma or an experience,
Park in Sydney, where she took on        The Bible                                  churches, and a youth              “God needs us to be his hands      is like breathing for Christians. We
the role of Sunday school teacher     Society branch                                   night in November.           and his feet, so people can come      want to know what God might
at age 15. When her family moved      she is part                                                   All members     into his kingdom. He will always      have to say to us, so we turn to
to Gerringong, south of Sydney,       of, Kiama,                                                   of the Action    give us the means to do that,”        Scripture. We do it on Valentine’s
she became a superintendent                                                                         Group work      she says.                             Day, Christmas Day, our birthday        Dr Greg Clarke, CEO
of Sunday school. One weekend                                                                         to the same      Joanne Pope                        and every day.                          Bible Society Australia

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SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia

                                                                                                                     Christian women, who mostly live        develop their Christian leadership.
                                                                                                                     in these rural areas, are most likely      At a household level, these
                                                                                                                     to be illiterate. The sad reality       women will be able to calculate
                                                                                                                     is, many millions of Pakistani          any wages owed to them, read
                                                                                                                     women are lacking this basic life       important documents such as
                                                                                                                     skill, dramatically limiting their      medical instructions and utilities
                                                                                                                     opportunities, and condemning           bills, and obtain better prices on
                                                                                                                     them to shame, exploitation and         household goods. They will also
                                                                                                                     poverty.                                set a higher standard of education
                                                                                                                         For 30 years, the Pakistan          for their children, and may receive
                                                                                                                     literacy programme, known as            a greater level of respect from
                                                                                                                     Beacon of Light, has been giving        their husbands and extended
                                                                                                                     Christian women the opportunity         family.
                                                                                                                     to read and write at literacy              At a community level, having
                                                                                                                     classes organised by their local        more highly educated women
                                                                                                                     church. The sad fact is that            leads to many benefits, including
                                                                                                                     although these women have               the overall health and well-being
                                                                                                                     knowledge of God, their faith           of families, better employment
                                                                                                                     is not always well-grounded in          conditions, and a more equal
                                                                                                                     Scripture. Moreover, they live in       representation of women in

  Words that are here to stay                                                                                        a country where their Christian
                                                                                                                     faith is not always welcomed, as
                                                                                                                                                             leadership roles.
                                                                                                                                                                Equipping these women to

                                                                                                                     the notorious blasphemy case of         read and manage the household
          habnam Gulzar is an             Here she relates how these classes    the Pakistan Bible Society, donors   Christian woman Asia Bibi shows.        budget and calculate their wages
          unmarried Christian woman       changed her life.                     and my church for providing me           The name of the project             correctly strengthens Christian
          living in Faisalabad, the          “I started studying after hours    such an opportunity for upgrading    derives from the belief that when       families, as the experience of
  second-largest city in Pakistan’s       in the women’s literacy class,” she   my life status.”                     a woman is taught to read and           Parveen shows. Parveen’s mother
  eastern province of Punjab.             says. “During the last month of my       By becoming literate, Shabnam     write, she becomes a beacon             died when she was young and she
  Having never attended school, she       class, one day my supervisor at       has gained a skill that can never    to illuminate her family and            was too busy looking after her
  was illiterate but had to work to       my workplace asked me to check        be taken away. The literacy rate     community with the word of God.         father and brother to be able to
  help feed her family and support        the attendance of other workers.      for women in Pakistan is one of      Being equipped with reading and         go to school.
  her younger brothers’ and sisters’      I checked and signed on the           the lowest in the world, largely     writing skills can have a profound         “I used to get up early in
  education.                              register.                             due to the social structure that     impact. At an individual level,         the morning and cook breads
      After five years working as            “From that day, our head           suppresses women’s rights.           women will be able to come to a         [chapatis] for the family. My father
  a cleaner in a private school,          assigned me as a supervisor of the    Women’s literacy rates vary from     better understanding of their faith     and brother used to go out to
  Shabnam got the chance to join          sanitary workers. Now my salary       a modest 60+ per cent in the         through reading the Bible. They         plough the fields very early in the
  literacy classes at her local church,   is up and status is up because of     capital, Islamabad, to less than     will also be able to encourage          morning before the cock crows.
  which were taught by her cousin.        the education. I am thankful for      20 per cent in some rural areas.     their family in their faith, and        I provide them breakfast in the

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SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia
fields, which were about 3.5km
away from my home. After I came
                                          In 2018, Pakistan Bible Society
                                       particularly focused on reaching
back home, I prepared lunch and        women in the brick kiln factories,
then dinner for the family.”           where the working conditions have
     At the age of 22, Parveen         been likened to slavery. Al Jazeera

married and moved in with her in-      reports that female workers in the
laws in a neighbouring village. She    brick kilns have virtually no rights,
is now 39 and has a son and two
     “I myself was fond of education
                                       with most not even possessing
                                       a national identity card (a basic
                                       government document).
                                                                                                                   Making room for growth
in my childhood but due to the            In 2019, there are plans
load of work for my family I could     to reach 8000 more women                                         I once visited the Luxembourg      opportunity to take stock, draw        recognise that we don’t grow
not go to school in my childhood       through 350 centres in slums                                  Gardens in Paris at the end of        closer in our relationship with        closer to God by accident. It
… I was very interested to read the    and villages of four provinces                                winter. The garden beds had           God, and clear out the things          will only happen if we earnestly
Bible but could not because of the     of Pakistan, including terrorist                              obviously been planted through        that distract us, burden us            seek it. The lead-up to Easter
illiteracy. Now I am so glad that I    hot-spot K.P.K. (Khyber Pakhtoom                              the last part of winter with robust   or hold us back from a more            gives us an opportunity to clear
can read the Bible. When I read        Khawa), formerly called the                                   cabbage-like plants, but the last     intimate connection with him.          out the debris of our lives, the
the Bible with family, my children     North West Frontier, where life                               nip of cold weather had destroyed        On my last day in Paris, I walked   distractions and the sin that
listen very carefully because I read   for women, even in Christian                                  them. Their foliage was black and     through the gardens again and          separate us from fullness in
slowly. When I make a mistake, my      families, is very restricted. Will                            withered and the plants were          found a real transformation had        God. Once we’ve done that, we
children laugh and enjoy it,” she      you help Bible Society meet this                              either dead or very close to it.      taken place. The gardeners had         can intentionally make room for
says, covering her face with her       challenge?                                                    They weren’t an attractive sight      planted thousands of small annual      new growth in our Christian faith.
hands in embarrassment.                                                                              and I moved on rather quickly.        plants just waiting for the flower     We don’t need to be miserable
     Parveen also benefited from                                                                        The next day I walked through      buds to open and burst into full       or mournful about our failures
the introduction in 2018 of a new
mathematics subject to enable
                                                                               GIVE NOW              the gardens again and found           bloom. I imagined how gorgeous         – rather, joyful that God in his

                                                                                                     an army of gardeners at work          the gardens would look when            grace meets us wherever we are
                                                 teaches one
students to calculate wages,                                                   Please call 1300      clearing the dead plants and          that happened – row upon row           and encourages us forward so
                                                 Pakistani woman to
expenditures and complete other
                                       read and opens up Scripture
                                                                               BIBLES (1300          debris, turning the soil and          of tulips and other exotic bulbs, a    that new things can grow in and
household duties.                                                              242 537), use the     fertilising the beds. Clearly, they   riot of colour with not one plant      through us. God can turn the
     Parveen is glad that she can      for her family.
                                                                               donation form on      were preparing the beds for a new     out of place, not one gap or one       frozen winter season that is in

now calculate the accurate weight                                                                    season and the expectation of a       too many. The garden beds were a       each of us into a fruitful spring.
                                                provides eight                 the back page or
of the cotton plucked by the                                                                         harsh frozen winter turning into a    product of great intent. They were     The turning point, according to
labouring women and pay them
                                                literacy graduates             visit biblesociety.
                                       with an Urdu New Testament                                    fruitful sunny spring.                no accident at all – someone had       American writer Patrick Morley, is
the correct wages.
                                       each.                                                            What was happening in the          planned them precisely so that         when we stop seeking the gods
     Thanks to supporters like you,                                                                  garden reminds me of Lent –           there was great symmetry, colour       we want and start seeking the God
36,000 Pakistani women have
learned to read through this
programme in the past five years.
                                       $120        equips four rural
                                                   classes with
                                       blackboards and stationery.
                                                                                                     that time before Easter when
                                                                                                     God invites us to prepare
                                                                                                                                           and coordination. I knew the result
                                                                                                                                           would be stunningly good.
                                                                                                                                                                                  who is. I hope we will all be able to
                                                                                                                                                                                  do that this Easter season! Melissa
                                                                                                     our lives for growth. It’s an            In the same way, we need to         Lipsett, COO, Bible Society

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SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia

                                                                                                                                 struck their home in Homs was
                                                                                                                                 not a Christian when he attended
                                                                                                                                 a trauma healing group and read
                                                                                                                                 the Bible for the first time.              ‘Come unto me,
                                                                                                                                     “I still remember reading this         all ye that labour
                                                                                                                                 verse saying, ‘Come unto me,               and are heavy
                                                                                                                                 all ye that labour and are heavy           laden, and I will
                                                                                                                                 laden, and I will give you rest.’          give you rest ...’
                                                                                                                                     “I read it maybe 20 times              (Matthew 11:28)
                                                                                                                                 and kept thinking how can he –

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Flickr_Charles Roffey
                                                                                                                                 Jesus – take our pain away and
                                                                                                                                 replace it with joy again?”

  Help take the pain away
                                                                                                                                     After a few sessions, the boy
                                                                                                                                 returned home and told his
                                                                                                                                 mother what had happened, then

  and replace it with joy
                                                                                                                                 they read the Psalms together.
                                                                                                                                     “The Psalms gave us both such

                                                                                                               Dr. Issam Smeir
                                                                                                                                 a relief from our grief. I wanted
                                                                                                                                 my mum to feel what I felt when
                                                                                                                                 I poured my pain on to the cross
                                                                                    Narrative exposure therapy                   of Jesus. I wanted my mum to be

                                                                                                                                 set free just the way I had been.
          eorge still remembers the     myself: ‘What’s happened to us?’”    they can remember traumatic                         That lesson was so great, but the
          horrendous day when              It was this numbed reaction by    events without reliving them.                       forgiveness lesson was the hardest
          he was walking to his         a suffering people that led George      As the war enters its ninth year,                one. I cried a lot and finally felt like
  mother’s house and a shell fell and   to develop a plan to involve         there is no one in Syria who isn’t                  something came out of my heart;
  hit people. What most shocked         Syrian churches in helping locals    traumatised. Some families have                     it felt like I was in captivity and
  the general secretary of Bible        overcome their trauma.               young children so depressed they                    now I am free to fly ... Now I am
  Society in Syria was the calm            Today there are two Trauma        have tried to take their own lives.                 confident that our God is with me
  reaction of the crowd.                Healing Programmes up and            Others have run for their lives from                and giving me more capacity to
     “Some were killed and some         running. The project trains Syrian   snipers. Nearly all have lost at                    help the desperate people around                             Will you help bring healing to war-ravaged Syrians?
  injured! Nobody was crying,           health workers to run healing        least one friend or family member.                  me by using his word.”
  nobody wailing and there were         groups in local churches, for all    Millions are living as refugees in                      Thank you for your past

                                                                                                                                                                            GIVE NOW
  no hysterical people rushing out      Syrians, regardless of religious     neighbouring countries. Most have                   support for our Syria-related
  of their homes. Everybody was         affiliation. The sessions use        a story of a bombing near their                     projects, such as literacy for
  dealing with the injured and killed   narrative exposure therapy,          workplace or home.                                  young refugees last winter. Could          Please call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537), use
  without emotions, just a matter       which helps trauma victims to           One Syrian who lost his                          you continue to help Syrians               the donation form on the back page or visit
  of fact! I was shocked and said to    reprogramme their brains so that     younger brother when a rocket                       through this trauma healing      
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SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia
Eternity                                                                                                       (as a writer to begin with) within
                                                                                                                a week of finishing my final-year
                                                                                                                                                       Maegraith, saw to the ads and I
                                                                                                                                                       produced the paper, and that’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              We’ve got people with a wide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              range of experience – a number

                                                                                                                exams.                                 how it started,    GREG CLARKE ON NICK CAVE & BONO NAOMI REED FLEES NEPAL 
                                                                                                                                                                             MARK A HADLEY ON CHE MICHAEL JENSEN ON CALVIN
                                                                                                                                                                          YOUR NEW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NOVEMBER 2009

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NUMBER 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NOVEMBER 2009
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of them with commercial news
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              experience – working on the

                                                                                                                   I started as a writer then          right there on

                                                                                                                I became art director for the          my kitchen                                                                                                                                                                                                             paper. So we’re treating it

 its first
                                                                                                                Sydney papers. So I was looking        table. And we                                                                                                                                                                                                          seriously because Christianity
                                                                                                                after the designers. In fact, I        very cheekily                                                                                                                                                                                                          deserves in media terms to
                                                                                                                was part of inventing their idea       distributed                                                                                                                                                                                                            be treated just as seriously as

                                                                                                                of newspaper design and later          to churches      Steve Addison meets a church
                                                                                                                                                                        planter in a tough town
                                                                                                                                                                        Wayne Pickford believes, “Wrestling is the
                                                                                                                                                                        opera of the working class.”
                                                                                                                                                                          Wrestling is an important part of his strat-
                                                                                                                                                                        egy for reaching working class people in the
                                                                                                                                                                        steel mill town of Berkley, NSW.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Most weeks we’re the only people who visit.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          One lady has only months to live. We were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the only people to visit her on Mothers’ Day.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          What has been the community response?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          We don’t have enough workers to cover
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          every neighbourhood so we have people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          asking us, “When are you going to start
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              everything else. In fact, because
                                                                                                                                                       right around                                                                                                                                                                                                           it’s true, it deserves to be treated
                                                                                                                                                                        How did you get involved in church plant-                                                                                                         visiting our street?”

                                                                                                                information graphics. And I ran
                                                                                                                                                                        ing? I grew up working class and became a        What was the initial strategy?                  method of evangelism. He just wanted to            A guy came up to me recently and said,
                                                                                                                                                                        prison officer. Through those experiences        I’d read about Matthew Barnett’s Adopt A        tell people even if they didn’t want to hear.    “When are you going to start a church
                                                                                                                                                                        God gave me a heart for working-class            Block approach. He’s pioneered it in some       I wanted him to learn that true evangelism       service?” I asked him how he knew about
                                                                                                                                                                        people. I saw the disconnect between the         tough areas of LA. I thought we could adapt     is about building relationships and then         us. He told me, “Someone visits my wife
                                                                                                                                                                        way we do church and their everyday life. I      the model for working-class Aussies. It’s a     taking the opportunities to share that God       every week and they’re real people. I want to
                                                                                                                                                                        wanted to bridge the gap.                        simple strategy. You release people with a      gives you rather than forcing the oppor-         come to your church!”
                                                                                                                                                                          I discovered that Tim Scheuer from the         heart for evangelism to become the pastor       tunity. He gave up the habits of twenty          What resources have been helpful?
                                                                                                                                                                        Church Army had a vision for a base of           of a neighbourhood.                             years and became another “Adopt A Block”         Ralph Moore: Starting a New Church is
                                                                                                                                                                        evangelism in Berkley, a strong working-         How did you start?                              convert.                                         excellent.
                                                                                                                                                                        class town. So we got together.                     I got a team of eight together and shared    What does Adopt A Block look like?               Mark Driscoll: The Radical Reformission. I
                                                                                                                                                                        Tell us about Berkley.                           the vision for “Adopt A Block”. I asked them,   It’s simple. Two people go out to 30–50          read all his books.
                                                                                                                                                                        The people are Australian-born and work-         “Do you think this would work in Aus-           homes each week. Usually they give away          What are you learning?
                                                                                                                                                                        ing-class. They have a history of working in     tralia?” Then I let them go away and think      bread. Sometimes it’s other gifts like a T-      In church planting you have to trust God

                                                                                                                those teams for a long, long           Australia.                                                                                                                                                                                                             more seriously.
                                                                                                                                                                        the steel mills. There’s chronic unemploy-       about it and come back with ideas.              shirt. We gave away chocolates for Mothers’      100%. I set out with my plans then God
                                                                                                                                                                        ment. Some families are second and third         How did the team respond?                       Day. We go out to serve the community and        intervenes, and we end up in a totally differ-
                                                                                                                                                                        generation welfare recipients. They watch a      I remember one guy’s face turning white.        to wait for opportunities to share the gospel.   ent direction.
                                                                                                                                                                        lot of TV, especially sports on Foxtel.          It was like I had told him to go sell George       We’ve been visiting three different peo- is Steve Addison’s new
                                                                                                                                                                          There’s a local Salvation Army church but      Bush T-shirts in Baghdad.                       ple with terminal cancer for the last few        website. Eternity’s church planting survey
                                                                                                                                                                        no other churches have survived.                    Another guy was big on a pre-packaged        months. They don’t ever leave their homes.       starts on page 6.

                                                                                           John Sandeman,       time, working on designing the             After about                                                                                                                                                                                                            I think we’re newsier than
                                                                                           second from right,
                                                                                           with the Eternity    papers, hiring, firing – quite a big   a year and a half, along comes                                                                                                                                                                                         other Christian media in
                                                                                           team.                staff – an exhausting job.             Bible Society and says “Hey,                                                                                                                                                                                           Australia. Compared to other
                                                                                                                   I ended up starting Eternity        we’ll actually pay you to do this                                                                                                                                                                                      Christian media, Eternity’s

                                                                                                                after Fairfax decided they             work.” David had moved on to                                                                                                                                                                                           privileged to be broad. We’ve
        ternity, a                      What shaped me was                called Christian Endeavour. And       didn’t need my services, and it        other things and I was happy to                                                                                                                                                                                        got a licence to talk to many
        monthly                      having an adoption experience        it was a movement encouraging         happened that I ended up with          become part of Bible Society,                                                                                                                                                                                          types of Christians … I have the
        Christian                    but also growing up in a             kids to explore their own faith       no mortgage and I could pre-pay        and it’s been a great friend to                                                                                                                                                                                        feeling that I could declare it a
 newspaper                           very conservative – almost           and that worked for me.               my second child’s school fees.         Eternity ever since.                                                                                                                                                                                                   success and hand it on to others.
 published by                        fundamentalist – church. It             I studied architecture in          So there I was mid-50s, able to            It was an initial success. I                                                                                                                                                                                           It’s robust enough not to
 Bible Society                       showed me how to accept              Adelaide. I was involved in the       have a new beginning.                  mean, the shocking thing about                                                                                                                                                                                         need me. I mean, that’s a
 Australia, chalks                   contradictory thoughts in my         EU – the Evangelical Union –             And so I was sitting in what        Eternity is that nobody had                                                                                                                                                                                            fantastic indicator of success
 up its 100th                        head at the same time. That’s        which was a really wonderful          was then the Cafe Paradiso,            really done it before. And there                                                                                                                                                                                       in journalism. I think it is. Every
 issue in March.                     the sort of person I am.             experience. I was involved in the     outside the old Fairfax building       were people who said “well, it’s                                                                                                                                                                                       time we do an audience survey,
 The paper is distributed free to       I was an incredibly shy child.    Australian Union of Students.         in Darling Park, and talking to        not possible.” There’d been some                                                                                                                                                                                       it comes back the audience love
 churches of all denominations       I was the sort of child who found    And I ended up becoming the           Rob Forsyth, then Anglican             attempts, but the secret formula                                                                                                                                                                                       it. That’s wonderful.
 across the country. Here, we        it hard to make friends at school.   editor of National Student, which     Bishop of South Sydney. He said        to Eternity – there is a secret
 introduce Sower readers to          I would go home and just read        was a national paper.                 to me: “You’ve got the ability to      to Eternity which I can now
 its founder and editor, John        book after book after book.             I entered journalism and           do something dangerous.”               reveal – is: scale.
 Sandeman.                           We had a house with a huge           spent a huge chunk of my life            And I thought “I’m going                We gave it a target
    I come from a very strange       garden and I spent lots of time      working inside the grim great         to start a national Christian          circulation of 100,000 and
 family. I come from a family that   in there, just playing with the      fortress that was Fairfax. I sent     newspaper.” It’s a bit of a            sent it out to lots and lots of
 was assembled from adopted          neighbourhood kids.                  out a little newspaper about          dream I’d had. And I could do          churches. What we did was treat
 boys and one natural daughter.         I first trusted Jesus when I      myself and Evan Whitton,              everything on the paper. I could       it like real media and do a wide-
 I’m half Japanese, half American,   was about 12 and there was a         who was a great editor of the         write, I could design it, I could      ranging circulation.
 brought up by British parents       movement – which sadly is not        National Times, interviewed me.       lay it out and get it ready for            And now we’ve got a very,
 and I live in Australia.            around so much these days –          And so I had a job with Fairfax       print. A Christian guy, David          very professional website.

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SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia

                                                                                                                                        as a follower of Jesus, coming       mate. The first moment I sat with                            “See, I have not forgotten
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          you, I have carved you onto
                                                                                                                                        to a much clearer understanding      him, he came with a very angry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the palm of my hand.”

                                                                                                                                        of salvation through Jesus by        face and explained that he is                                Isaiah 49:16.
                                                                                                                                        regularly attending church and       very angry with himself because
                                                                                                                                        completing a church-run prison       he committed triple murder and

                                                                                                                                        programme.                           he cannot forgive himself. This
                                                                                                                                           “I can honestly say that,         made him all the time depressed
                                                                                                                                        through God’s grace and              and not coping at all.

  by the
                                                                                                                                        intervention, I have changed            “After a few sessions looking
                                                                                                                                        my life,” says this prisoner – one   into the Bible to explain that
                                                                                                                                        of scores of people who testify      God ‘shed his blood on the


                                                                                                                  pixabay / StockSnap
                                                                                                                                        to lives turned around by God’s      cross not for the righteous but
                                                                                                                                        living word.                         for the sinners,’ and explaining
                                                                                                                                           Chaplains in frontline            that the Lord made it clear
                                                                                                                                        ministries such as prisons and       that the healthy do not need
                                                                                                                                        hospitals can testify to the life-   a physician but the sick, he

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    pixabay / StockSnap
                                                                                                                                        changing impact of bringing          calmed down and his heart
          prisoner in Victoria felt    palm and I will do the same’          the Bible. I started to believe                            the word of God to people who        was enlightened and he was
          so ashamed of being          and we would feel close to each       in God and became a follower                               are struggling and searching for     baptised.
          in jail again that he felt   other.”                               of Jesus. “As I read the Bible                             meaning at a time of crisis in          “He felt great after baptism.
  almost suicidal. When a chaplain        When the chaplain gave the         over the following months and                              their lives.                         The officers noticed the change
  came to him in prison and asked      inmate a Bible the next day,          learned to pray, I started to feel                            Those who have lost their         in him. He is now added to the
  him how his family was, he           along with a list of things to pray   a peace inside I had never felt                            way in life have the time and        Bible reading and attending my
  broke down in tears, thoroughly      for, something leaped out at him.     before.”                                                   motivation – often for the first     service, doing Bible courses by
  ashamed of having left them to          He explains: “It had a picture        However, he was not immune                              time – to discover what the story    correspondence while in jail.”                               GIVE NOW
  fend for themselves.                 of the palm of a hand with a          to setbacks. “Once, when I was                             of the Bible is and how it speaks       People in difficult places can
     He says: “When she asked          Bible verse written on it: ‘See, I    feeling pretty low spirituality                            to them in their situation.          feel overwhelmed when God is                                 $44 provides the life-
  whether I believed in God, I told    have not forgotten you, I have        and wondered whether I’d ever                                 Fr Tadros el-Bakhouni, who        absent from their lives.                                     changing word of God
  her I was pretty sceptical. She      carved you onto the palm of my        again get a sign from God, a                               serves the Christian Orthodox           Will you help bring people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to four people who are
  offered to get me a Bible and        hand’ [Isaiah 49:16.]”                visiting pastor stood up and                               inmates in correctional centres      to Jesus through his word in
  suggested I consider asking God         Stunned by the coincidence,        made a speech starting with                                all over NSW, says “The word         Australian hospitals, prisons,
  to make himself known to me.         he phoned his fiancée and told        Isaiah chapter 49, verse 16: ‘See,                         of God is the strongest way to       refugee communities, children’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Please call 1300
      “That night, with a little       her about the Bible verse that        I have not forgotten you, I have                           touch the human soul and help        camps, ESL groups, seafarers,                                BIBLES (1300 242
  trepidation, I did just that. My     reflected their special ritual with   carved you onto the palm of my                             people change their lives.           drug and alcohol rehab groups                                537), use the donation
  fiancée and I had a ritual where,    the palms of their hands.             hand.’ You could have knocked                                 “There was a non-Christian        – and this year, for the first time,                         form on the back page
  if we were apart for some               “Was this God making himself       me down with a feather.”                                   Irish inmate in his 50s, who         graduates of the Alpha course                                or visit biblesociety.
  reason, we would say: ‘At such-      known to me? We agreed I                 Since that experience, this                             noticed me around the jail – he      which introduces people to                         
  and-such a time, look at your        should spend more time reading        prisoner has continued to grow                             was introduced to me by his cell     Jesus?

 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     13
SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia

                                               So desperate, they wrote it by hand

           cross Indochina, Christians   began to translate the New            Testament soon,” says Rut.            they can experience God like I       hands, that Bible will be more              Rut can’t
           who belong to ethnic          Testament into Bunong, and the           It is estimated that among the     have been experiencing him.”         precious than a piece of gold.”             wait to have
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the Bible in
           minority groups are           project has since been extended       Eastern Cham, only about five per        Vietnam Bible Society’s              Christians across Indochina              the Cham
  looking forward to receiving           to a translation of the full Bible.   cent are Christian. The majority      translation of the Bible into the    are waiting to read the life-               language.
  portions of the Bible in their            In Vietnam, Rut*, a 50-year-       are Hindu. When Rut became a          Cham language is scheduled to        giving words of God in their heart
  heart language for the first time.     old man from an Eastern Cham          Christian believer, his friends and   be completed this year.              language. Will you partner with
     In Vietnam and Cambodia,            village, has been reading the         neighbours stopped talking to            In a different part of Vietnam,   us to bring the Bible to
  the Bunong ethnic minority have        Bible in Vietnamese ever since        him. But eventually people saw        as many as 70 per cent of the        communities that have
  been waiting for a translation         he became a Christian 15 years        how his life changed, and how         Stieng people have converted to      been waiting patiently
  of the Bible for nearly 50 years.      ago, even though Cham is the          God blessed his family. Rut feels     Christianity, but they have very     for so long? *Name
  Informal translation began before      language of his heart. “I am          that he has been blessed because      low literacy levels and no Bible     changed for personal
  the dominance of communism             so excited to know that there         he follows God’s word and God         to encourage them. There are         security reasons.
  in the region, but all work was        is a translation team currently       has been kind to him. He says,        hundreds of churches, but pastors
  lost in the 1970s and stalled for
  four decades. So desperate were
                                         working on translating the Bible
                                         into the Cham language. I can’t
                                                                               “Now, people want to be my
                                                                               friends again and they are coming
                                                                                                                     report that they have to translate
                                                                                                                     from a Vietnamese Bible in order       GIVE NOW
  they for Scripture, they took to       wait to have the Bible in our own     to me for advice. I have a very       to preach in their churches.           Please call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537),
  copying portions of the Bible by       language. My heart is already         strong desire to own a Cham Bible        One pastor says, “When the          use the donation form on the back page
  hand. In 2011, the United Bible        so touched to hear about it and       because I know that when I share      Stieng tribe holds a Bible in          or visit
  Societies’ Vietnam Partnership         I am so happy to have the New         God’s living word with others,        their mother tongue in their

 14                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15
SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia
Bounty of birthday blessings                                                                                     customers. She did this because
                                                                                                                  the word of God was the “apple
                                                                                                                  of her eye” and she wanted to

                                                                                                                  share it with others.
          n May 8, 2019, Bible                                                                                       In October 2008, in Orissa,
          Society Australia will                                                                                  India, hundreds of Christians were
          commemorate 200 years                                                                                   forced to renounce their religion
 of Bible work in Tasmania. Alan                                                                                  to become Hindus. Many died
 Harris, formerly the Bible Society                                                                               rather than renounce their faith
 State Director, has shared some                                                                                  and thousands became homeless

                                                                                                                                                       Trekking for Bibles
 stories from the period 1984 to                                                                                  and churches were burned down.
 2011. As a birthday gift of praise                                                                               The Tasmanian Bible Society and
 to God, they are a snapshot in                                                                                   its supporters, in partnership
 time. In Alan Harris’ words, “They                                                                               with Empart, provided Bibles for
 are a wonderful testimony of                                                                                     persecuted Christians in Orissa.
 sacrificial giving.”                                                                                                Sower magazine in 2011 printed
    Tas News, the state newsletter                                                                                a story about a woman called         Are you up for a physical and         millions of Bibles are printed
 in summer 2003-2004, reported                                                                                    Babita, who had received a           fundraising challenge? Would          each year, thanks to Bible Society
 a woman winning a Westinghouse                                                                                   Bible the year before. During the    you like to join a group of Bible     supporters.
 fridge in a ticket draw. After it    Betty Owens with her apples                                                 conflict she had not converted       Society supporters who are               Best of all, you will be
 was sold, God prompted her to                                                                                    to the Hindu religion. Her family    training for an unforgettable         helping to provide Bibles to the
 give the money to three missions     14 first and 14 second prizes for        Then there was the story of        lost their home and her Bible        adventure, trekking the Great         exponentially growing church in
 including Bible Society. In 1984,    her baking, she sent the prize        Betty Owens selling apples at         was taken from her. But God had      Wall? The four-day trek –             China. Each participant is asked
 a supporter had allocated some       money and proceeds from all           harvest time for the Bible Society.   not forgotten her. When Babita       which will involve clambering         to raise $3500 before flying out
 money to pay for two trees to be     cake sales to Bike for Bibles. This   She would place the apples            received a new Bible, her face lit   up restored and unrestored            of Australia on September 21. The
 removed. But when the trees fell     Bicentenary year, the Bike for        in baskets and sell to waiting        up, she smiled, cried and praised    sections of the Great Wall – will     funds raised through Bible Society
 by themselves in a storm, she sent   Bibles event on February 8-22 is                                            God. Babita held the Bible close.    require some arduous walking          Australia’s Great Wall of China
 the earmarked money to Bible         raising funds to help women in        Janine and Mike Cranney               She was so happy she could read      and climbing, but will provide        Trek 2019 will help supply Bible
 Society as a thanksgiving gift.      Bangladesh learn to read.                                                   it again. What had been forcibly     amazing views of the mountains        paper to Amity Printing Press.
    In 2007, Mike and Janine             Another supporter described                                              taken had been returned as a         and valleys north of Beijing. After   These Bibles are sold or given
 Cranney, two supporters in           receiving a Bible Society appeal                                            blessing from supporters from        the walk, you will experience the     away to those for whom the cost
 Wynyard, central Sydney,             letter and putting it aside, not                                            Australia.                           contrasts of ancient and modern       of a Bible would otherwise be a
 combined their love of bikes         intending to act on it. But a few                                              As you read these snapshot        Beijing, including Tiananmen          considerable financial burden.
 and baking to raise funds for an     days later, God prompted him to                                             stories of the Tasmanian Bible       Square and the grand imperial         Participants will be able to witness
 annual Bike for Bibles event. Both   find the appeal letter so he could                                          Society and its supporters, please   architecture of the Forbidden City.   first-hand, the impact their
 husband and wife participated        provide money to support it. He                                             celebrate its Bicentenary by         Finally, you will visit Nanjing to    fundraising efforts will make.
 as a rider and support driver.       wrote a cheque to pay for a roll of                                         thanking and praising God!           hand out Bibles at a church and          Register by March 31:
 As a bonus, when Janine won          paper for Bibles in China.                                                      Joanne Pope                      visit Amity Printing Press, where

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  17
SOWER Out of darkness in Pakistan - Bible Society of Australia
CHINA               AUSTRALIA   CHINA                                  60,000 Christians to read by          enrichment workshops for
                                                                            2020 and provide each of them         couples, five conferences for
                                     In China, there         THANK YOU      with a Bible. This will require       families and women, two events
                                     are still many                         a doubling of the number of           for Mother’s Day (1200 women
                                     Christians who                         literacy classes run last year. The   attended), one Easter event for
                                     do not have a copy of the Bible.       programme received a great            children, a December event for
                                     Last year, thanks to donors            boost after Emad Selim of Bible       100 women, a Christmas event
                                     from Bible Societies around the        Society of Egypt had the chance       that attracted 2000 people, and 11
                                     world, subsidised Bible paper          to seek the endorsement of            Bible Summer Camps for children
                                     was provided for 1,169,075             Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros         where 1200 Scriptures were
                                     Protestant Bibles and 100,000          at a meeting in April.                distributed.
                                     Catholic Bibles. Through your              The Pope promised his ongoing        There were also activities for
                                     support of China Partnership, free     support and in the next copy of       orphans and weekly discipleship
                                     Bibles were distributed in three       the official church magazine he       (Bible study) for young women.
                                     provinces – 340 Protestant Bibles      introduced the programme and
                                     at Luhe (Jiangsu Province), 3620       included Emad’s complete report       AUSTRALIA
                                     at Shandong Province and 1000          in the article. This was more than
                                     at Hebei Province.                     Emad had hoped for and has led        We have been            THANK YOU

Where you brought hope                  You also helped to provide
                                     Bible paper to the Catholic Church
                                     to print affordable Bibles. As well,
                                                                            to a steady increase in numbers. In
                                                                            2018, there were 2795 graduates,
                                                                            12,000 students, 650 classes and
                                                                                                                  overwhelmed by
                                                                                                                  your support for our
                                                                                                                  remote and Indigenous projects.
                                     3000 Catholic Bibles and 1000          700 volunteer facilitators.           Thanks to you, several new
                                     New Testament Diglot Bibles were                                             resources have been published
                                     distributed free in various Catholic   ISRAEL                                including Bible Engagement
                                     dioceses. “Receiving the free Bible                          THANK YOU       resources for children in the
                                     gives me the greater responsibility    It was a big year                     Northern Territory and a colouring
                                     and duty to spread the gospel and      for the Arab-Israeli                  book based on the Christmas
                                     it gives joy and encouragement         Bible Society, which works in         story in both the Kriol and
                                     to our hearts,” commented Zhang        difficult conditions to provide       Kunwinjku languages.
                                     Jianghua, age 39.                      Bibles, resources and training to        As well, a translation of
                                                                            the local church whose members        God’s Story for the Outback
                                     EGYPT                                  are a double minority – a minority    was published in the language
                                                           THANK YOU        among Jews and Muslims.               of Kaytetye. This is the first
                                     Thanks to your                            We are grateful for support        translated Scripture in this
                                     support of Egypt’s                     from Bible Society Australia          language. Please pray that these
                                     adult literacy programme, Bible        donors, which helped us hold:         books will bless the children
     EGYPT                 ISRAEL    Society of Egypt has set an            23 workshops for women, eight         and their families in remote
                                     ambitious aim to teach at least        for abused girls, 10 marriage         communities.

18                                                                                                                                                 19
BSA updates                                                                                                        BSA Diary
                                                                                                                     Thank you events*                                                   Enquiries:
                                                                                                                                                                                         Rhiannon on 0417 467 076

                                                                                                                     April 2                 Gold Coast, QLD

                                                                                                                     April 3                 Capalaba, QLD
                                                                                                                                                                                “I thank my God every time I remember
                                                                                                                     April 9                 Wollongong, NSW                       you. In all my prayers for all of you, I
                                                                                                                                                                                  always pray with joy because of your
                                                                                                                                                                                partnership in the gospel from the first
                                                                                                                     April 10                Shellharbour, NSW
                                                                                                                                                                                 day until now, being confident of this,
                                                                                                                                                                                that he who began a good work in you
                                                                                                                     May 7-8                 Canberra, ACT                       will carry it on to completion until the
                                                                                                                                                                                            day of Christ Jesus.”
                                                                                                                                                                                               Philippians 1:3-6
                                                                                                                     May 14                  Toowoomba, QLD

                                                                                                                     May 15                  Springfield Lakes, QLD

     Bibles for Bubs                                        Richard Johnson talk                                     May 16                  Caboolture, QLD
 Sweety Mathew says her family has been greatly            The Western world is seeing a collapse in people’s
 blessed by the Bibles for Bubs campaign.                  faith in institutions, democracy and even each other.
                                                                                                                     May 21                  Campbelltown, NSW
 Sweety was one of 2500 parents who registered             Societies are fractured; political norms upended.
 their babies, born in 2017, for the Bible Society         Polarising debates centre on issues of identity,
 programme. This year, Bible Society is giving             values and belonging, and tribal voices muzzle            May 22                  Liverpool, NSW
 another 2500 children, born in 2018, the chance to        the notion of a common good. In the 2019 Richard
 engage with God’s word. While Sweety registered           Johnson Lectures held this month in Melbourne and         Melbourne Bike for Bibles                                               Enquiries:
 her baby Eva, it was her toddler Anaia, then aged         Sydney, Tim Dixon offered a vision for how we might
 three, who really benefited from the programme.           reunite increasingly fragmented societies. Tim Dixon      March 30-31             Around the Bay, VIC
 “This Toddler Bible is not like the other Bibles – it’s   is a former economic adviser to two Australian prime
 very simple to read and simple to understand. I           ministers. He also has helped grow social movement        See the full list at or call Bible Society on 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537)
 found it was really relatable to the toddler age,”        organisations that have worked to protect civilians in   *Thank you events are an opportunity for us to meet our faithful supporters and to say “Thank you” over a light
 says Sweety. “It’s been such a big blessing because       Syria and address modern day slavery. The Richard        luncheon or morning/afternoon tea. You will hear the latest mission stories from Australia and around the world
 she knows all the stories now and ... when we get         Johnson Lectures are annual events hosted by the         and have an opportunity to share your own stories about being part of Bible Society over the years.
 halfway through she recites it back to us.”               Centre for Public Christianity.                          Please contact us if you would like to attend one of these free events.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    21
Prayer points                                      this time through The Seriously Surprising Story
                                                           (about Easter). Pray that this little book will touch
                                                                                                                   Singapore: This year we will begin implementing
                                                                                                                   our new five-year plan. One of our main priorities
                                                                                                                                                                             June 16-22
                                                                                                                                                                             Syria: Last Christmas and this Easter will see some
                                                           many hearts with the real meaning of Easter.            is developing our digital presence so that the Bible      of the biggest distributions of Scriptures that Bible
 April-June                                                Bangladesh: Please pray that the Adivasi                Society of Singapore will be accessible to everyone       Society Syria has ever undertaken. Ask God to bless
                                                           (indigenous peoples) can read the Holy Bible            wherever they are.                                        each recipient with a revelation of himself and that
 April 7-13                                                in their own languages. Ask for the Rohingya                                                                      these resources may be used to bring many into a
 Australia – Remote and Indigenous: Pray that there        (nationals of Myanmar) who are living as refugees in    May 26-June 1                                             relationship with Christ.
 will be many more translations of Scripture into          Bangladesh and facing many difficulties. May God        Australia – Church relations: Praise God for the          Malaysia: Please pray for the sale, delivery and
 Aboriginal and Torres Strait languages as a result of     help the Rohingya to overcome them.                     city-wide Hymnfest that is to be hosted by the            distribution of Arabic/English bilingual Bibles
 the new Diploma of Bible Translation Course run at                                                                Seventh Day Adventist Church in Wahroonga,                for migrant ministry. Thank God for the Bahasa
 Nungalinya Aboriginal Theological College.                May 5-11                                                in Sydney’s north, and for continued strong               Malaysia formal translation of the Bible and Wisdom
 South Africa: Please pray that the English Bible for      Australia – Tasmania: The first Tasmanian Bible         relationships with the SDA church.                        books. Pray for a smooth process with printing and
 the Deaf, to be published this year, will be a blessing   Society auxiliary was established on May 8, 1819.       Colombia: Ask for lasting peace with the new              distribution.
 in the lives of Deaf readers. Pray for the planning of    Praise God for the many supporters and staff who        agreement between the government and the
 the celebration of our Bicentenary in 2020.               have been part of the work over two centuries.          largest insurgent group in Colombia. Pray for the         June 23-29
                                                           International: May 9 is the United Bible Societies      strengthening of the Christian faith in the country.      Vietnam: Ask for development of several projects
 April 14-20                                               World Day of Prayer. Please pray for the Bible cause                                                              for the hard of hearing, illiterate people and ethnic
 Pakistan: Pray for the women’s literacy project that      around the world, especially in countries where         June 2-8                                                  minorities. Pray also for our relationship with the
 is reaching into new areas. Pray that God will bless      Christianity faces opposition.                          Indonesia: Pray for Bible distribution through major      churches in the country.
 the women as they learn to read the Bible and for                                                                 distributors, so that we can reach all the regions        Namibia: Please pray for the work of the Bible
 the improvement of their social standing in society.      May 12-18                                               of the country, including small towns and even            Society in a very volatile economy. Pray for funds
 Australia – Publishing: We have a couple of great         Uganda: Pray for Bible Society of Uganda as it          villages. Ask for the publication of the Rote Bible, in   for the translation of the new Bible into Oshiwambo
 new books that tell fabulous stories of people            begins revision of the Bible into Ateso language.       early 2019, and for the Yali Nania Bible, in late 2019.   and other fund-raising initiatives.
 following Jesus. Please pray that we do a good job        Pray for God’s guidance and accuracy for the            Greece: Please pray for the 200th anniversary of
 of publishing and promoting these titles.                 translation team as they work on the project.           the Ionian Bible Society in Corfu, the first Bible        June 30-July 6
                                                           Brazil: Please thank God for the success of the 2nd     Society in our country, to be celebrated on June 19.      New Zealand: Praise God for the impact The Field
 April 21-27                                               Year of the Bible in Brazil, which was celebrated                                                                 Guide to the Bible is having on youth. Pray others
 Germany: Please pray for completion of the                across the country by churches throughout 2018.         June 9-15                                                 will discover this resource and be encouraged to
 translation of the Old Testament of the Basic             Pray that the new Brazilian government installed in     Australia – Mission: Praise God for the Ignition          engage with the Bible. Pray also for the Maori and
 Bible this year. Ask God for the Basic Bible to be        January is guided by the hands of the Lord.             events that have been funded to share the love of         Tokelauan translations being done locally. The very
 published for the first time in 2020 as a full Bible.                                                             Jesus with young people. Pray that this initiative will   first Tokelauan Bible should go to print in 2019.
 Angola: Pray that we will be able to buy a                May 19-25                                               bring the gospel to many youth across Australia.          Peru: Pray for the “Bread of Life” and “End to
 warehouse to store Bibles, in addition to some well-      South Pacific: A great need identified by churches      Albania: Pray for the publication of the new              Violence” projects, so that children can grow
 located land for our future facilities.                   in the Pacific is provision of scriptural materials     translation of the Old Testament and the full             up healthy, safe and knowing the Bible. Ask for
                                                           and training to help church workers understand          Bible into Albanian for the first time based on           the translations into Machiguenga and Quechua
 April 28-May 4                                            the Bible in depth so that they may correctly teach     the originals. Ask for the beginning of the New           Apurímac. Pray also for the evangelisation and
 Australia – Missions: Praise God that we have             the word. Please pray that programmes can be            Testament translation into Gheg Albanian and              discipleship initiatives carried out with churches,
 another opportunity to reach children in Australia,       implemented to meet this need.                          financial support for translation of the Septuagint.      which help to reduce violence and corruption.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 23
The Rugged Cross                     Follow: Experiencing                        Famous Last Words                        Our Work as Worship                    A Funny Thing Happened
      By Tess Delbridge                      Life with Jesus                              By Richard Condie                           By Kara Martin                   Along the Way in Israel
        Writer and editor                   By Graeme Anderson                        Anglican Bishop of Tasmania                    Author and lecturer                    By Catrina Henderson
                                       Senior pastor, Northside Baptist                                                                                                       Pastor, Hillsong Israel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  We know you love reading
         Week One                              Week Three                                   Week Five                                Week Seven                                 Week Nine                         the Bible. If you would like
        APR 7 – APR 13                         APR 22 – APR 28                             MAY 6 – MAY 12                            MAY 20 – MAY 26                           JUNE 3 – JUNE 9                    to engage in our full Bible
      SUN 7 Luke 1:16-17                     MON 22 Matt 4:18-20                        MON 6     John 14:1-3                     MON 20 Gen 1:26–28                         MON 3 John 14:6; Matt 4:19              devotional series, why
      MON 8 Luke 1:76-77                      TUE 23 Matt 5:1-3                          TUE 7    John 14:5-7                      TUE 21 Gen 2:15, 19–20                     TUE 4 Exod 3:7-8                     not sign up to receive our
      TUE 9 Luke 3:16-17                    WED 24 Matt 5:13                            WED 8     John 14:8-10                    WED 22 Gen 3:17–19                         WED 5 Exod 3:1-2
     WED 10 Luke 1:30-32                                                                                                         THUR 23 Gen 11:3–5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Daily Bible emails? Each
                                            THUR 25 Matt 5:14-16                       THUR 9     John 14:15-17                                                             THUR 6 Exod 13:21-22
     THUR 11 Matt 3:16-17                     FRI 26 Matt 5:20                           FRI 10   John 14:18-21                    FRI 24 Luke 4:18–19, 21                     FRI 7 Exod 14:13-14                morning in your inbox you
      FRI 12 Matt 16:15-16                    SAT 27 Matt 5:21-22                        SAT 11   John 14:22-24                    SAT 25 Eph 2:8–10                          SAT 8 Exod 14:15-16                  will receive commentary
      SAT 13 Matt 16:21-23                   SUN 28 Matt 5:43-44                        SUN 12    John 14:27-29                   SUN 26 Col 3:17, 22–23                      SUN 9 Exod 7:16                        on each day’s reading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    along with a question to
         Week Two                               Week Four                                    Week Six                                 Week Eight                                 Week Ten
        APR 14 – APR 21                         APR 29 – MAY 5                            MAY 13 – MAY 19                            MAY 27 – JUNE 2                         JUNE 10 – JUNE 16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ponder and a prayer point.
      SUN 14 Matt 20:17-19                   MON 29 Matt 6:1                            MON 13    John 15:1-4                     MON 27 Gen 2:1–3                           MON 10 Exod 13:17; 23:30
      MON 15 Matt 26:38-39                    TUE 30 Matt 6:9-10                        TUE 14    John 15: 8-11                    TUE 28 Gal 5:22–23                         TUE 11 John 4:50-53                        Subscribe at
      TUE 16 Luke 23:20-23                     WED 1 Matt 6:19-20                      WED 15     John 15: 12-15                  WED 29 Matt 5:13–16                        WED 12 Exod 16:21              
      WED 17 Luke 23:39-43                    THUR 2 Matt 6:25-27                      THUR 16    John 15:18-20                  THUR 30 Ps 46:1–2, 10                      THUR 13 Hos 2:14                               dailybible
     THUR 18 Matt 28:5-6                         FRI 3 Matt 7:1-2                        FRI 17   John 16:7-11                      FRI 31 John 1:14, 18                       FRI 14 Exod 35:29
       FRI 19 Luke 24:39                        SAT 4 Matt 7:24-25                      SAT 18    John 16:19-20                      SAT 1 Exod 31:1–5                        SAT 15 Josh 3: 5
      SAT 20 Luke 24:46-47                     SUN 5 Matt 11:28-30                      SUN 19    John 16:32-33                     SUN 2 Mic 6:8, 10–11                      SUN 16 Josh 5:12
      SUN 21 1 Cor 15:12-14
                                           Unless we are confident that Jesus       What were Jesus’ last words? Not            If we think of work as anything           The early disciples of Jesus were
   Easter is the crowning event        invites us towards the best way to live,      the words from the cross but the            we do with intent or purpose,           called followers of The Way before
 of the Christian calendar, when         we’re not going to take time to learn      last words he taught his disciples?          then it is the most significant        they were ever known as Christians.
    we remember our precious              from him all of life – which includes    These are found in John 14-16. These         activity in our lives. This makes      This tells us that Christianity is meant
  Lord Jesus who stepped in to       death. We may learn techniques for good         famous last words are filled with         sense if we look through Genesis        to be a journey, a daily walk, a way to
 secure forgiveness and life for       behaviour and “right” living, but we will    encouragement and challenge for            1–2 and see that work is the first      walk rather than a religious institution
   everyone who trusts in him.         not experience deep, lasting, whole-of-      how we live the Christian life. They       command we receive from God.            or set of behaviours to try to perfect.
 Together with millions of other        life change. This series focuses on the    continue to guide, guard and inspire          We were created to work with           This study looking at Israel’s journey
    Christians this Easter, let’s    greatest 15 minutes of teaching of all time    his disciples today. Over these two       God in stewarding his creation. In      from slavery to freedom is designed to
  remember with thankfulness          – the Sermon on the Mount. What is the        weeks, my prayer is that Jesus’ last      this series we will look at different    simply help you journey with God and
  Christ’s great sacrifice for us.   life Jesus is inviting us towards, and what   words will be left ringing in your ears.   dimensions of our work in light of       discover great things along The Way.
                                             does it look like to follow him?                                                              God’s word.

            I pray that                                                      Bible Societies around the world
              this book
      will help people
     to appreciate the
   power of economics
   to help us lead more
      prosperous and
       fulfilling lives,
          but also to
      understand the                                                    Crossing barriers                    Fijian milestone                        Easter Island NT
        limitations of                                                 A new Turkish-Bulgarian bilingual    Maumi Village in Tailevu, a district   “This is the most beautiful day
        economics in                                                   of the New Testament is mainly       of Fiji, has launched the first        of my life because we, the
                                                                       targeted at the Turkish (mostly      complete Scriptures of the New         Rapa Nui people, have met the
        helping us to                                                  Muslim) minority in Bulgaria and     Testament in Maumi dialect, of         word of God in our language,”
        comprehend                                                     the Bulgarian minority in Turkey.
                                                                       A joint initiative of the Bible
                                                                                                            which there are just 500 speakers.
                                                                                                            The project was part of an effort
                                                                                                                                                   Maria Ipacaparat said. Watched
                                                                                                                                                   over by Easter Island’s iconic
          what life is                                                 Societies of Bulgaria and Turkey,    to capture and preserve the            monumental statues, called moai,
          ultimately                                                   it took two years to complete.
                                                                       “May it be a blessing to our two
                                                                                                            language and keep the young
                                                                                                            people in the village engaged in
                                                                                                                                                   Maria joined in last October’s
                                                                                                                                                   celebrations to welcome the first
          all about.”                                                  nations,” said Rady Apostolov,       their dialect. This is a milestone     New Testament in Rapa Nui. The

   Ian Harper
                                                                       executive secretary of Bible         achievement for the village and        translation work was undertaken

                                                                       Society in Bulgaria, and Tamar       for the Bible Society of the South     by Robert and Nancy Weber of
                                                                       Karasu, executive secretary of       Pacific, having taken eight years      SIL International, who arrived on
                                                                       Bible Society in Turkey.             from 2010 to 2018.                     the island 40 years ago.
              author,                                                                     GPO BOX 9874 in your capital city P: 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) ISSN 1839-7425
dean of the Melbourne Business School,                                                    W: E: ACN 148 058 306
   and a member of the board of the
                                                                                          Bible Society Australia is a not-for-profit interdenominational organisation. It’s a member
      Reserve Bank of Australia
                                                                                          of the United Bible Societies, a fellowship of 154 organisations working in more than 200
                                                                                          countries. Our mission is to achieve the widest possible effective and meaningful distribution
                                                                                          of the Bible; also to help people interact with it and to have their hearts lightened by the
                     Available in-store and online at                                     Bible’s message of unconditional love in Jesus Christ.
          or call (02) 9857 4477                                                                                                                                      27
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