150 Years of Graduate Chapters - PHI GAMMA DELTA THE - Rackcdn.com

Page created by Anthony Alexander
150 Years of Graduate Chapters - PHI GAMMA DELTA THE - Rackcdn.com

Vol. 139 No. 2 | Spring 2018

   150 Years of
Graduate Chapters
150 Years of Graduate Chapters - PHI GAMMA DELTA THE - Rackcdn.com
    SPRING 2018 - VOLUME 139, NO. 2

    THE PHI GAMMA DELTA                       191,453 men have been initiated into         Change of Address:
    is published semi-annually by             the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta since      Send any address changes to the Interna-
    The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta         1848. Founded at Jefferson College,          tional Headquarters by email to address@
    1201 Red Mile Road, Lexington, KY 40504   Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, on May             phigam.org, by phone at (859) 255-1848, by
                                              1, 1848, by John Templeton McCarty,          fax at (859) 253-0779 or by mail to PO Box
    p: (859) 255-1848 | w: www.phigam.org                                                  4599, Lexington, KY 40504-4599.
                                              Samuel Beatty Wilson, James Elliott, Ellis
    Editor                                    Bailey Gregg, Daniel Webster Crofts,         POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
    Bill Martin (Mississippi State 1975)      and Naaman Fletcher.                         The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, P. O. Box
    bmartin@phigam.org                                                                     4599, Lexington, KY, 40544-4599.
    Director of Communications                       Member of the Fraternity              Publications Mail Agreement No. 41752521
                                                     Communications Association
    Erica M. Carlson                                                                       Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:
    ecarlson@phigam.org                                                                    PO Box 875, Station A, Windsor, ON N9A 6P2
                                                            Member of the North-
    Circulation                                             American Interfraternity

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                                             Cover Story
                                             40 Celebrating 150 Years of
                                                Graduate Chapters
                                             54 2017 Honor Roll of Donors

                                              7   Kappa Deuteron at George Celebrates
                                                  50th Anniversary
                                             31   Spring Colonization Results
                                             32 Fall 2017 Expansion Plans
                                             44 Join a Graduate Chapter
                                             45 Chartering at Illinois State
                                             46 Chartering at Richmond
                                             47   Fiji Academy Wrap-Up

                                              4   President’s Message
                                              5   Gamma Gram
                                              8   On Campus
                                             33 Graduate Almanac
                                             50 Spotlight
                                             76 Ad Astra
570 brothers attended Kappa Deuteron at
Georgia's 50th Anniversary Pig Dinner.       79 Fraternally Speaking
On the Cover
Celebrating 150 years of graduate chap-
ters, featuring the Alpha (Lafayette, IN),
National Capital Fijis (Washington, DC),
Seattle and Southwest Florida (Naples)
Graduate Chapters.

  Connect with Phi Gamma Delta

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What’s next for Phi Gamma Delta? Our           hour per member, one more charitable        on everything
strategy, at its core, is about ‘Positive      dollar per member, semester after           but having these         Archon President
Impact’. On June 10, 2017, the Archons         semester, we will raise our value." To      conversations             Brian Douglas
adopted a strategic framework to               build momentum, it is important that        with my chapter (Tennessee Tech 1998)
achieve this vision. During the months         we communicate our goals internally of      brothers. Knowing specifically what stu-
since, we have been socializing the plan       course, but also externally to university   dent members want, savvy leaders de-
with undergraduate and graduate lead-          stakeholders. We can differentiate our-     liver the right leadership and support to
ers at many levels. We have introduced         selves from every other campus organi-      create positive membership experiences.
our strategic priorities gradually at the      zation and be regarded as a credible and    This is essential in retaining brothers’
Fiji Academy and through a series of           valued member of the campus com-            interest in the Fraternity in their later
interactive Q&A webinars. Much work            munity if we are known for ‘saying what     collegiate years and extending the rela-
was done to evaluate our internal and          we’ll do’ and ‘doing what we said’.         tionship beyond their college days.
external environments to prepare us            Next is Empowered Accountability.           Finally, Expand Smartly. With all that
to move forward from this point of             Members are energized when they feel        has happened with Greeks on college
uncertainty in the Greek system. We are        empowered, giving not just their time,      campuses, can we really continue to
confident that we have correctly chosen        but their hands, hearts and minds as        expand? Should we? Absolutely, yes.
the battles we must win.                       well. Empowered brothers hold each          Our growth during the last decade has
For the last few biennia, we have been         other accountable to respect each per-      helped our Fraternity grow better and
focused on reaching 170 campuses and           son in their decisions and actions. Most    smarter. Other fraternities have had
on engaging our graduates with gradu-          of us would agree that to be respected is   similar growth during this period, with
ate chapters in 75 cities and a 5/5/1 ad-      the most important thing we want from       several aiming for 200 or more chapters.
visory structure for each undergraduate        our brothers. Respect for each person       We already have invitations to campuses
chapter. However, questions about the          extends to brothers, pledges, graduates,    through 2019, and interest in fraterni-
value and reliability of the Greek system      and the community in general. One of        ties from students and emerging cam-
threaten to rein in that growth prema-         the easiest ways to demonstrate respect     puses continues to be strong. While our
turely. Our go forward strategy, at this       is to make our pledge brothers equal        annual pace of six colonizations is less
critical inflection point, answers those       participants in chapter committees and      than the eight to nine of recent years, by
questions. It is a strategy not just for our   as many chapter meetings as possible        2030 we will be represented in at least
graduate volunteers and professional           from day one.                               one out of every four Greek communi-
staff, but something to which every                                                        ties. Of course, growth will be accom-
                                               Third is Know the Student Best. The
undergraduate member in every chapter                                                      panied by chapter development, which
                                               leaders of our strongest chapters know
can contribute. There are four strategic                                                   is the process of organizational learning
                                               their brothers as well as they know
priorities, or must-win battles.                                                           and transformation.
                                               members of their own families, some
First is Maximize Value. The value of          even more so. Luke Abbott (Minnesota        Nothing stays the same. It either gets
fraternity is its power and capacity for       2020) recently shared with me how           bigger or smaller. Better or worse. You
charity in the community, further-             his chapter brothers come together          either grow or you shrink. Ultimately,
ing the academic mission of the host           purposefully to discuss their interests,    success and growth will be gauged by
institution, and enhancing the campus          aspirations and motivations with each       how well our organization does rela-
experience for all. However, the world         other. This kind of interaction differ-     tive to the goals it has set for itself. Our
is often unaware of many of our accom-         entiates a fraternity from every other      work now is to move our Fraternity to
plishments and efforts. The realization        type of campus organization. Chapter        that better place where we want to be.
of what value is possible is only limited      leaders who possess this knowledge and      Learn more about our strategy at www.
by our willingness to try for ‘better’. We     use it to connect their brothers with a     phigam.org/StrategicPlan.
are challenging undergraduate brothers:        compelling answer to "what's in it for      Fraternally,
“Look at what your chapter achieved            me?" are wildly successful. I distinctly
last year or last semester and just try for    remember when, as a chapter president,
one more. If we try for one more service       I realized that I was spending my energy    Perge!

 4      THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                                 www.phigam.org
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10th Annual Archives Weekend
                                          Phi Gamma Delta celebrated its 10th annual history event, Archives Weekend,
   #ArchivesWeekend2018                   from March 7-11, 2018, at the International Headquarters. Many thanks to 37
  By the Numbers                          volunteers who helped make the weekend a success!

     98.8 GB
   7,438 images & 729 documents

        37 Volunteers
      24 undergrads, 1 pledge &
      12 grads from 14 chapters                                         5 Jewelry display created with loans from
                                                                        Sam Richwine (Georgia 1973) and Buddy Cote
                                                                        (Maine 1981).

  17 of 38 Banker Boxes                   5 Part of the New York
                                          Club coat of arms, salvaged
   processed composites,                  by Gene Sevcik (Oklahoma
  newsletters & other items               State 1988) from the 1928
   for future preservation
                                          building when it was de-
                                          molished last year.
                      149                 4 (L-R) Ryan Fisher
                  Tchotchkes              (Kettering 2018), Joe Weist
  Preserved 100 year old scrapbooks,      (Rose-Hulman 1987) and
  built a Greek jewelry box, recorded     John Makosky (Alabama Birmingham 2019) look at 78 RPM phonograph
            oral history, etc.

Headquarters Staff Updates
                     Matt Farrell (Connecticut 2013),          In May, Mike McDonald (Western
                     Director of Expansion, departed the       Michigan 2014) will be leaving the
                     staff on November 17, 2017. Matt          staff after three years. He joined
                     first joined staff as a Field Secretary   staff in May 2015 and served as
                     in 2014, serving for one year. He         Field Secretary for two years, visit-
                     became the Director of Expansion          ing chapters in the Mid-Atlantic
                     in 2015 and served in that role for       and Southwest regions. In June
                     over two years. Overall, he led four      2017, he assumed the role of
                     colonization projects and oversaw         Coordinator of Communications
12 colonization projects as a director. Matt moved to          and oversaw the Fraternity's Graduate Communication
Manchester, CT, and works for Phired Up Productions as         Services program.
Education and Training Director.

                                                                                         THE PHI GAMMA DELTA         5
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Gamma Gram

            Executive Director/CEO
            The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Do you have the experience and skills it takes to lead our Fraternity, which today
comprises 150 chapters, 14 colonies and 11,000 undergraduate men?
    Phi Gamma Delta Executive Director Bill Martin will retire in July 2019, and the Archons have initiated a search for
    the right individual to replace him. A search committee has been formed to run this process, with Brothers selected
    who represent various constituents in the Fraternity: Undergraduates, Archons, Educational Foundation, Section
    Chiefs, and Purple Legionnaires. The search will officially begin in July of this year with the acceptance of applica-
    tions from qualified candidates.
    As the chief executive officer of the Fraternity, the Executive Director directs and administers the day-to-day opera-
    tions of the Fraternity and the International Headquarters, leading a 24-person professional staff and helping direct
    the Fraternity’s countless graduate volunteers. The Executive Director reports to the Archons, who provide overall
    strategic direction for the Fraternity.
    The Executive Director of the Fraternity must be a visionary, energetic, and action-oriented leader. He is the face of
    the Fraternity and an ambassador to undergraduate and graduate brothers, parents, university officials, news media,
    and other stakeholders. The successful candidate must be able to tactfully and artfully deal with crises and delicate
    situations. The Executive Director is expected to work cooperatively with the Fraternity’s Educational Foundation as
    well as interfraternal partners including the North-American Interfraternity Conference, the Fraternity Executives
    Association, and leaders of other fraternities and sororities.
    The Fraternity prefers a candidate with requisite non-profit management background, finance and budget profi-
    ciency, strong communication skills for both internal and external constituents, a demonstrated history of success in
    previous roles, and an outstanding temperament.
    Salary and benefits will be competitive and commensurate with experience.

For a more detailed description of the job criteria, go to www.phigam.org/ExecDirPosition.
Applications may be submitted from July 1-31 at EDapplication@phigam.org.

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KAPPA DEUTERON                                                                   Kappa
  AT GEORGIA                                                                       Quick Facts
  CELEBRATING 50 YEARS                                                             Originally Chartered
                                                                                   April 1871

    M      ore than 400 graduate brothers of the Kappa Deuteron Chapter            March 23, 1968
           at Georgia returned to Athens on March 23-24 to celebrate the
    50th anniversary of the Chapter’s re-chartering on March 23, 1968.             Awards Highlights
    In those 50 years, the Chapter has established an impressive record of         • Cheney Cup: 14 times
    excellence, winning the Cheney Cup as our most outstanding chapter 14
    times, more than any other chapter. On Saturday evening, March 24, 570
                                                                                   • Zerman Trophy: 11
    graduate and undergraduate brothers gathered for the Pig Dinner at the           times
    Classic Center in Athens. t                                                    • Baker Cup: 5 times
                                                                                   • Wilkinson Award: 6
                                                                                   • Academics: 50 consec-
                                                                                     utive years above the
                                                                                     all-men's average

                                             UGA President Jere Morehead
                                               (Faculty Initiate 1988), left,
 Bill Bracewell (Faculty Initiate 1968)        offered welcoming remarks
was recognized for 50 years of service            to the brothers as emcee
                  to Kappa Deuteron.         Tom Blando (1986) looked on.

       Chapter President Wade Cox (2019), second from right,               Jack Owen (2017) was Kappa Deuteron’s sixth
                           proudly displays the Cheney Cup.                                   Wilkinson Award winner.

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                                                                                        Please keep in mind that news contin-
                                                                                        ues to come in, even when an issue has
                                                                                        gone to press. While it may seem dated
                                                                                        to include events from the previous
                                                                                        semester or school year, the goal is to
            HAPPENINGS                                                                  give credit to all our brothers, chapters
                                                                                        and colonies.

                                                                                        ITALICS indicates Colony

Akron                                                        Alabama
5 On October 26, Alpha Omicron hosted their sec-             4 In
ond annual pet a puppy fundraising event. The Chapter        February, the
charged students a $5 admission fee to pet the dogs. All     Theta Chapter
the proceeds went to One of a Kind Pet Rescue, a local       was awarded
animal shelter.                                              Outstanding
The Chapter was also #1 in grades for the fall 2017 semes-   Service and
ter, with a 3.25 GPA.                                        Philanthropy
                                                             for the 2017
Fall 2017 Pledges: 11                                        calendar
                                                             year during
Alabama Birmingham
                                                             the University's Greek Excellence Awards ceremony. The
Alpha Beta adopted a 5-Star Program to promote high          Chapter received this award due to their commitment to
achievement in the Fraternity's five values.                 service, with philanthropy events that raised $15,000 for
The Chapter also held a raffle and raised over $2,000 for    the Livestrong Foundation and $20,000 for the United
their first Pig Dinner.                                      Mitochondrial Disease Foundation & Institute.

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Alberta                                                      Allegheny
5 In January, the Epsilon Alpha Chapter hosted their an-     Brothers from the Pi Chapter set a goal to complete
nual Graduate vs. Undergraduate Hockey Game, which is        at least 15 hours of community service each semester.
one of their biggest graduate/undergraduate events besides   During the fall 2017 semester, each brother averaged 35
Pig Dinner. This year, the graduate brothers won 5-2.        hours of community service, which is the most of any
The Chapter also won the "Greek God" trophy for the best     fraternity on campus.
combined band/dance performance at the IFC's annual          Appalachian State
Greek God and Goddess band/dance competition.
                                                             In November, Beta Nu won the Intramural Flag Football
Arizona                                                      Championship. The team was undefeated this year.
6 Upsilon Alpha Colony members Carter Hayek (left),          Auburn
Shane Blum (middle) and Ian Jackson (right) are pic-
tured at Gates Pass in Tucson as they prepare for the        Alpha Upsilon was #1 in grades for the fall 2017 semester
Upsilon Alpha Colony's first spring recruitment.             with a 3.355 GPA.
                                                                                Ball State
                                                                                During the fall 2017 semester, Beta
                                                                                Sigma had the highest number of
                                                                                service hours per brother among all
                                                                                IFC fraternities and was # 1 in grades
                                                                                with a 3.208 GPA.
                                                                                In February, the Chapter attended the
                                                                                2018 Indiana State Day with nine oth-
                                                                                er Indiana chapters. During the event,
                                                                                the Chapter was recognized for Best
                                                                                Graduate Relations and Excellence
                                                                                in New Member Education and
                                                                                Philanthropic Efforts among other
                                                                                Indiana chapters.
                                                                                Additionally, the Chapter raised $4,646
                                                                                for BSU's Dance Marathon, benefiting
                                                                                the Riley Hospital for Children.        4

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Boise State                                                     Bowling Green
Beta Psi initiated 18 men in November. This is the first        During the spring semester, Beta Gamma initiated 13
initiated class of brothers since the Chapter's chartering in   brothers and welcomed nine pledges, bringing their total
April 2017.                                                     membership to 72 men.
Zac Dockins (2021) was named Idaho Hospital                     Bucknell
Association's Junior Volunteer of the Year.

5 Tate Volbrecht (2020) (left) and Connor Johnson
(2020) (right) received gold medals for a debate tourna-
ment at Hofstra University.

British Columbia                                                5 The Delta Chapter started a GoFundMe fundraiser for
                                                                their cook, Kinda, and her husband, who was injured after
Yev Petukhov (2019) was elected Vice President Rush             falling off the roof of their house while trying to make re-
for the IFC. He is the seventh consecutive Phi Gam to be        pairs. The Chapter raised $4,490 to help pay for the medi-
elected to this position.                                       cal bills, and several brothers fixed the damaged roof.
Brodie Woods (2018) and Brian Cho (2019) were initi-            The Chapter also hosted several philanthropy events
ated into the Order of Omega.                                   throughout the fall semester. The Chapter hosted a blood
                                                                drive, rallying 82 people to donate blood. They raised
California Riverside
                                                                $7,467 for the Angels at Risk Project and the American
During the fall semester, Rho Upsilon participated in a         Red Cross by hosting the first annual Shea Invitational,
charity food and clothing drive. The Chapter collected          a bowling tournament held in memory of Christopher
over 1,000 clothing items and over 400 food items, which        Shea, who passed away in 2016. And 40 brothers grew
were donated to the local homeless shelter. And the fall        mustaches during the month of November and raised
pledge class partnered with Loma Linda University and           $3,400 for the Movember Foundation, an organization
Sac Health System for their annual Christmas Fiesta toy         committed to changing the face of men's health.
drive, collecting 550 toys for the children in the Inland
                                                                Additionally, the Chapter participated in and sponsored
Empire community.
                                                                Bucknell's 2nd Annual Sex Week, February 12-18, with
In February, the Chapter also conducted a book drive            all the Greek organizations on campus. Sex Week features
on UCR's campus, collecting nearly 780 books for the            programming, events and workshops aimed at the pro-
Emerson Elementary School.                                      motion of healthy consensual relationships and safe sex.
Fall 2017 Pledges: 25

10      THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                        www.phigam.org

California San Diego
Fall 2017 Pledges: 23, the largest pledge class in chapter
Central Arkansas
4 Alpha Rho brothers battled ice while cleaning trails at
the Petit Jean State Park.
Central Florida
Omega Phi competed in Kappa Delta Sorority's shake-
down dance competition, which benefited Prevent Child
Abuse America (PCAA). The Chapter won 1st place in the
dance competition and raised nearly $3,000 for PCAA.
After Rob Schentrup's sister, Carmen, was killed in the
Douglas High School shooting, the Chapter started a
fundraiser to support the Schentrup family. Treasurer
Cody Breon (2019) and Corresponding Secretary Dan
Oberle (2020) designed red and gray bracelets that read
"Schentrup Strong #DouglasHS" and sold them for a
minimum donation of $5. Within a few days, the Chapter
raised nearly $2,000 for the Schentrup family.
6 The Chapter is pictured with Purple Legionnaire Steve
Caine (New Mexico 1997) and his family.


                                                             THE PHI GAMMA DELTA   11

Clemson                                                     Colorado School of Mines
5 Chi Alpha brothers spent Martin Luther King Jr. Day       During the All Greek Awards Banquet, Gamma Kappa
volunteering with Rebuilt Upstate to assist residents in    won the Golden Impact Award for the biggest impact
low income areas in the Clemson community. Brothers         on the local community, and Josh Grego (2020) won
assisted residents with home renovations and built a ramp   Outstanding House Manager.
for a handicapped woman that extended from the street
to her house.                                               Connecticut
                                                            On Halloween, Sigma Kappa hosted their first annual
Coastal Carolina                                            pumpkin carving philanthropy event, Carving for Camp.
At a track and field indoor meet in late January, Connor    The Chapter sold $5 tickets to the event, with proceeds
Langdon (2020) competed in the men's heptathlon,            donated to The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, a camp in
which includes a 60-meter dash, long jump, shot put, high   Ashford, CT, originally created by actor Paul Newman.
jump, 60-meter hurdles, pole vault and 1,000-meter run.     The camp fosters an environment where children suffer-
Connor broke Coastal Carolina's school record by over       ing from chronic conditions and diseases can escape and
500 points, ranking him as one of the top 50 athletes in    enjoy being a kid for a week.
the nation.
DePaul                                                      The Delta Kappa Chapter was #1 in grades for the fall
Lambda Pi hosted the Phi Gam Karaoke Jam philan-            2017 semester with a 3.512 GPA.
thropy event. The Chapter charged participants $25/
solo and $40/duet, and all proceeds went to the Anthony     Embry-Riddle
Rizzo Foundation, a Chicago-based program that benefits     On September 25, Epsilon Rho hosted a BBQ and dodge-
people with Hodgkin's lymphoma. The Chapter created         ball tournament for their fall recruitment.
the event to support Eric Dziubyk's (2017) brother, who
was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma.             Evansville
The Chapter also volunteered at Chicago's Hustle Up the     Epsilon Iota was #1 in grades with a 3.42 GPA.
Hancock Step Marathon, by helping with the event logis-     Quentin Meier (2020) and James Wagner (2020) went
tics and congratulating runners.                            to the Alps while studying abroad at Harlaxton College in
                                                            England during the fall 2017 semester

12     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                   www.phigam.org

Florida State                                                 Georgia Tech
The Phi Sigma Chapter joined other sororities and fra-        4 Gamma Tau
ternities on campus to raise money for Hurricane Harvey       is participating in
relief. After a week of fundraising, over $4,200 was raised   Georgia Tech Police
and donated to Houston.                                       Department's
The Chapter also participated in FSU's Dance Marathon,        Adopt-A-Cop
March 2-4. Brothers stood for 20 hours straight to fun-       Program. The goal
draise for the Children's Miracle Network and FSU             of the program is
College of Medicine. The Chapter raised over $24,000,         to help campus
making them the highest fundraising fraternity on cam-        organizations
pus. Jack Grenuk (2018), Juan Fonseca (2018), Justen          develop more of a
Montgomery (2019), Andres Yunis (2018) and Austin             relationship with
Moats (2018) all helped organize the event.                   the police department, so the community feels safe and
                                                              secure. By participating in this program, the Chapter will
Georgia                                                       have regular interactions and will be able to plan training
In September, Kappa Deuteron volunteered with the             sessions and educational seminars with their adopted cop,
Oconee County Library Friends (OCLF) to help them set         Gia Lockett-Hart (center).
up their annual book sale.                                    Chapter Treasurer Sam Medinger (2018) was named
The Chapter hosted a dance/band party for Extra Special       Mr. Georgia Tech, which is the University's version of
People, a non-profit that provides opportunities for indi-    Homecoming King. To be selected as a finalist, Mr. (and
viduals with disabilities and their families.                 Ms.) GT candidates must submit applications and essays,
                                                              participate in panel interviews and give presentations on
6 Additionally, the Chapter participated in UGA's             their leadership experience and impact on the University.
Miracle Dance Marathon. The Chapter raised over               Then five finalists are selected for the student body to vote
$51,000 for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals,         on. The Chapter said Sam won this title because "[he]
making them the top fundraising chapter on campus and         represents the values of FIJI...and is a great role model."
one of the top three individual chapters in the U.S.


                                                                                          THE PHI GAMMA DELTA            13

4 The Xi Chapter sponsored the
Push for Entrepreneurship (PFE)
philanthropy event on campus. PFE
features volunteers doing push-ups to
raise awareness and money to sup-
port entrepreneurial programming
for young people. During the event,
12 volunteers from the Xi Chapter,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity and
Gettysburg's wrestling team completed
over 4,500 push-ups, with Henry
Scavone (2020) doing nearly 1,500
alone. The Chapter raised over $700
during the event, and the proceeds
went to the Connecticut Invention
Convention, which is the largest con-
tinuously operated program for K-8                          Hanover
entrepreneurs and inventors.                                On November 19, the Tau Chapter hosted the Clayton
                                                            Anderson Benefit Concert for Madison Barker on campus.
Grand Valley State                                          Madison is a senior at Hanover and sister of Chi Omega
6 On January 20, Gamma Rho participated in the              who was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma last sum-
University's Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service in       mer. Tickets were sold to the concert for $5, and all pro-
Solidarity. This year, the Chapter partnered with the       ceeds were donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
student organization Chemocare. Chemocare creates
                                                            Several brothers were honored for an incredible season
chemotherapy I.V. cover bags that are decorated for kids
                                                            on Hanover's football team. Brandon Merrick (2019)
undergoing treatment. The covers will hang over the infu-
                                                            was named Offensive Lineman of the Year, Jonatan Ward
sion bags, providing a comforting image to the kids.
                                                            (2020) was named Special Teams Player of the Year and
                                                            Second Team All-Conference, and Peyton Head (2021)
                                                            was named Offensive Scout Player of the Year.
                                                            Wes McKinney (2018) was named one of 10 finalists for
                                                            the Jostens Trophy. The Trophy is awarded to the out-
                                                            standing NCAA Division III men's and women's bas-
                                                            ketball players who excel on the court, in the classroom
                                                            and in the community. Wes is a three-time all-conference
                                                            selection and was named the HCAC league's Athlete
                                                            of the Year for basketball and all sports for the 2016-17
                                                            academic year.
                                                            Illinois State
                                                            Nu Iota hosted a bowling tournament called Bowl for
                                                            Kids' Sake to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters.
                                                            The Chapter also initiated 27 men during the spring
Illinois                                                    semester.
Chapter President Connor Riddle (2019) was elected VP
Risk Management of the IFC.

14     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                     www.phigam.org

Indiana                                                     Indiana State
The Zeta Chapter received the Chapter of Excellence         5 On February 10, Iota Sigma attended the 2018 Indiana
award during IU's 2018 Greek Awards & Achievement           State Day with nine other Indiana chapters. The Chapter
Ceremony. The Chapter also won two individual awards.       received awards for Best Attendance, with 71% of the
Benjamin Paese (2018) received President of the Year        Chapter attending, and Best GPA Improvement, with an
and Outstanding Senior awards, and Past Archon              increase of 0.31 during the event.
President Dave Elmore (1955) received the Herman B
Wells Greek Legacy Award, for his consistent dedication     Iowa
and service to the IU Greek community as an alumnus.        In November, Mu Deuteron and Mu at Wisconsin teamed
                                                            up for their annual Rivalry Run to raise money for the
Iowa State                                                  USO. The chapters ran a football over 170 miles from
During the fall 2017 semester, 60 Alpha Iota brothers       Iowa City, IA to Madison, WI, with a ceremonial handoff
completed 843 hours of community service, volunteering      at the half-way point in Dubuque, IA. The Chapters raised
for the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, Feed My       over $23,000 for the USO.
Starving Children and Meals on Wheels, to name a few.       Jack McGovern (2020) was elected VP of Academic
The Chapter also hosted the annual Fiji S'more Roast and    Achievement for the 2018 IFC.
raised $2,800 for the USO.
On November 19, Iota Pi initiated 33 men.
In February, the Chapter's undergraduate and gradu-
ate brothers were selected to do the halftime show at the
Indianapolis Fuel ECHL game
Jacob Shircliff (2019) and Geoff Ginebaugh (2020) were
elected IFC President and IFC Member Development,
James Madison
Mu Chi raised money for Camp Kesem for the Fiji Island
philanthropy. Camp Kesem is a national community led        5 Seven brothers traveled to Thailand over their
by college students supporting children through and         Thanksgiving break. Pictured L-R: Alex Kronk (2018),
beyond their parents' cancer.                               Nick Graham (2019), Chase Woodall (2019), Jacob
                                                            Koch (2018), Reid Roos (2017), Andrew Rasmussen
                                                            (2018) and Jack McDaniel (2019) are pictured at Taling-
                                                            Chan Floating Market, an open market where food is
                                                            cooked and served out of small fishing boats.           4

                                                                                      THE PHI GAMMA DELTA          15

Johns Hopkins                                               Kentucky
Beta Mu was # 1 in grades for the fall 2017 semester with   On February 9, Upsilon Kappa and the Kappa Delta
a 3.58 GPA.                                                 Sorority hosted a silent auction for Love146, an interna-
                                                            tional human rights organization working to end human
Kansas                                                      trafficking and exploitation through survivor care and
Pi Deuteron partnered with the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority      prevention. A total of $8,663 was raised for Love146, by
to find bone marrow donor matches for Be the Match          selling tickets and auctioning items during the event.
Foundation. Members from each chapter swabbed their
cheeks to be placed on a bone marrow donation regis-        Louisiana State
try. If one of the members is a match, they will be given   Undergraduate and graduate brothers from the Beta Rho
the opportunity to make a donation to save the life of a    Chapter visited Founder Daniel Webster Crofts' grave in
patient with leukemia or another bone marrow disease.       Clinton, LA, to clean the grave site. Afterwards, the under-
                                                            graduate brothers hosted a barbecue at the chapter house.
                                                            Omega Mu hosted their annual toy drive with the Pi Beta
                                                            Phi Sorority. Members from several Greek life organiza-
                                                            tions were in attendance, as well as multiple professors
                                                            and the Dean of Students. All the toys were donated to
                                                            Cross Roads Ministries and were distributed during the
                                                            holidays throughout the greater Bangor, ME area, to those
                                                            who are less fortunate.
                                                            Pi Deuteron participated in the University's Terp Thon,
                                                            raising $11,623 for The Kids at Children's National Health
                                                            System, the local Children's Miracle Network Hospital.
5 The Chapter also won the indoor soccer intramural         6 The Chapter also raised $8,700 for the Special
championship for the second consecutive year.               Olympics by participating in the Polar Plunge.

16     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                     www.phigam.org

Michigan State                                              Minnesota
                                                            Mu Sigma won three IFC awards in March. The
                                                            Chapter won Outstanding Member Development and
                                                            Outstanding Risk Management, and Scholarship Advisor
                                                            Dr. Amelious Whyte (1990) won Advisor of the Year.
                                                            The Chapter also initiated 22 brothers during the fall 2017
                                                            semester and welcomed 15 new pledges during the spring
                                                            2018 semester.
                                                            Brian Kirkwood (2018) spent his summer as a medi-
                                                            cal research intern at the National Center for Glycomic
                                                            Research Lab at Harvard University.
5 The Epsilon Lambda Chapter held their first annual
Phi Gam Slam vs. Cancer, a men’s and women’s basketball
tournament that raises money for the American Cancer
Society. The Chapter partnered with Michigan State’s Hall
of Fame Men’s Basketball Coach Tom Izzo to help make
the event a success. Since 2006 Coach Izzo and his wife
have worked with the American Cancer Society to raise
over $800,000. Four MSU fraternities and 11 sororities
participated in the basketball tournament on October 22,
helping the Chapter raise over $20,000 for the American
Cancer Society through ticket sales and donations.

Mississippi State
Sigma Mu won three Greek Ritter Awards: the
Brotherhood Award, the Collaboration Award and Best
New Member Award. Additionally, JJ Weeks (2018) was         5 On January 27, the Delta Colony hosted Phi Gamma
inducted into the Greek Hall of Fame.                       Slamma, a 3v3, single elimination basketball tournament.
Scotty Bateman (2019) and Parker Glass (2018) founded       To enter the tournament, each team had to pay a $15
the MSU club baseball team.                                 entry fee, and the winning team received three $15 gift
                                                            certificates to a local restaurant. Ten teams entered the
Missouri                                                    tournament and raffle tickets were sold during the event,
On October 15, Chi Mu held a service day and aware-         bringing in a total of $339. All the proceeds were donated
ness walk with the Missouri Student Suicide Prevention      to the USO and the YMCA of Greater Boston, where the
Coalition (MSSPC). The Chapter raised $2,685 for            tournament was held.
MSSPC, and 35 undergraduate brothers participated in        The Colony also held their third Not for College Days
the walk.                                                   Alone Recruitment Dinner on January 20. The Colony
Missouri State                                              invited some of the men going through recruitment as well
                                                            as Boston-area graduate brothers. During the dinner, the
On September 26, the Psi Mu Chapter and Alpha Chi           graduate brothers, who were from chapters all over the
Omega Sorority co-hosted the Make A Wish BBQ to raise       U.S., were given a chance to talk about their favorite frater-
money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. They raised           nity memories and what Phi Gamma Delta means to them. 4
money by selling tickets to the BBQ for $5 and raffle
tickets for $2.

                                                                                       THE PHI GAMMA DELTA            17

Northern Arizona
On March 3, Nu Alpha hosted their second annual Out
of the Darkness Campus Walk, called Walk for Waltman.
The walk was created in memory of Ryan Waltman
(2019), and proceeds from the event were donated to
national American Foundation of Suicide Prevention
(AFSP) and the Arizona Chapter of AFSP.
Phi held their second annual bone marrow donor drive in
October. During the drive, 47 people were added to the
bone marrow donor registry.
4 Brothers also volunteered at Feed My Starving
Children, a nonprofit organization near Chicago. By join-
ing with other volunteers for the day, they were able to
package enough food to feed 135 children for a year.
Ohio State
6 Seven Omicron Deuteron brothers helped plant fall
flowers in the Chic Harley (1919) Memorial Garden,
which is located at Chic's childhood home in Columbus.
Brother Harley was Ohio State's first three-time All-
American football plater.

18     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                      www.phigam.org

Ohio Wesleyan                                                 Penn State
Theta Deuteron had a 3.41 cumulative GPA for the fall
2017 semester, which was the highest GPA of all fraterni-
ties at Ohio Wesleyan.
The Chapter also held the first annual Fiji's for Fiji book
drive. All books and proceeds collected were sent to Fiji,
where Alex Widman (2017) is serving in the Peace Corps.
Oklahoma State
Sigma Omicron welcomed 40 new brothers during their
spring initiation.

                                                              5 This year, the Gamma Phi Chapter and the Delta Phi
                                                              Epsilon Sorority were partnered for Penn State's THON.
                                                              THON is a 46-hour dance marathon, held February 16-18,
                                                              that raises money for For the Kids (FTK), an organization
                                                              that supports children and families impacted by child-
                                                              hood cancer. Throughout the school year, the chapters
                                                              held several fundraising events to raise money for THON.
                                                              Together they raised over $143,000, making them the
                                                              6th best fundraising Greek organizations. Overall, the
                                                              University raised over $10 million for FTK.
                                                              Pictured (L-R): Spencer Harlan (2018), James Kaltman
                                                              (2018) and Kevin Bannon (2018) were selected as the
                                                              Chapter's three dancers.
                                                              One of the fundraising events the chapters held for
                                                              THON was a puppy social in October. A local shelter
                                                              brought seven dogs to the chapter house for students to
                                                              visit. During the social, the chapter sold tickets to visit the
                                                              dogs for $5 and hot chocolate and hot dogs were sold for
                                                              $1 each. $785 was raised for FTK during the event, which
5 Jacob Lemons (2019) (left), Nolan Hill (2021)               Sam Corazza (2020) helped organize.
(middle) and Matthew Bradshaw (2020) (right) coach a          On February 27, the Chapter partnered with the women
youth basketball team in the Stillwater area.                 of the Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority to host Queso for a Cure,
                                                              a philanthropy event benefiting the Think Pink National
Old Dominion                                                  Breast Cancer Campaign (TPNBCC). Together the chap-
Omega Deuteron held a donation drive to collect supplies      ters raised $526 for TPNBCC.
for those affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.         The Chapter was also awarded the Standard of Excellence
                                                              Award by the PSU Student Affairs Office of Fraternity and
                                                              Sorority Life for 2017. This is the third consecutive year
In February, Albert Tanjaya and Zechariah Brown were          the Chapter has won this award.                            4
elected to Pittsburgh's student government.

                                                                                           THE PHI GAMMA DELTA             19

4 On November 12, Eta Chi hosted the fundrais-
ing event Fowling with Fiji. Fowling is a team sport,
combining football and bowling, which anyone
can play. The Chapter charged $5 to play and sold
t-shirts to raise money during the event. All money
raised went to the Fairfield Giants, a local youth
football team that Will Keresey (2021) coaches. The
Chapter chose to support the Giants because of the
loss of one of the team members, Billy Therriault.
Billy, who was 12 years old, passed away from spinal
muscular atrophy in September. The Chapter raised
over $1,400, which will help the Giants buy a new

Nu Beta received a Programming Achievement Award
for Academic Achievement. Additionally, every chapter     Rho Phi volunteered with the Noon Optimist Club to
brother recorded 11+ hours of community service for the   distribute clothes and coats to children in need at their an-
fall semester.                                            nual Clothe-A-Child event. The Club has been holding this
                                                               event for 83 years and has distributed clothes and
                                                               coats to about 1,000 children in the Terre Haute area
                                                               each year.
                                                               3 On February 10, the Chapter attended the 2018
                                                               Indiana State Day with nine other Indiana chapters.
                                                               During the event, the Chapter was awarded Best
                                                               Chapter in Indiana.
                                                               Fall 2017 Pledges: 41, the chapter's largest pledge
                                                               4 Will
                                                               Byers (2019)
                                                               (right) and
                                                               Justin Klein
                                                               (2020) (left)
                                                               were elected
                                                               IFC President
                                                               and IFC
                                                               Rush Chair,
                                                               Zack Murphy (2018) and Garrett Wight (2020)
                                                               were named to the Academic All-District football
                                                               team. Garrett was also chosen as one of 50 Academic
                                                               All-American selections from over 300 NCAA
                                                               Division III schools for football.

20     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                    www.phigam.org

Sam Houston State                                             Tennessee Chattanooga
5 Sigma Eta raised over $11,000 for the Shriners
Hospital for Children after months of fundraising. They
presented the check to the Hospital at the Houston Astros
Minute Maid Park in March.
Following Hurricane Harvey, the Chapter also volun-
teered for a total of 108 hours at storm shelters for refu-
gees in Huntsville, TX.
Justin Whitaker (2018) and Daniel Douglas (2018) cur-
rently serve on the Order of Omega Executive Board as
President and Academic Chairman, respectively.
South Carolina
Mu Lambda created a Twitter campaign to raise money
for Hurricane Harvey relief. For every post retweet within
a 24-hour period, the Chapter agreed to donate $0.25. The
post received over 3,200 retweets, so the Chapter donated     5 The Delta Colony volunteered at the Chattanooga
almost $1,000 to the Disaster Relief Fund.                    Community Kitchen (CCK) for two consecutive week-
Tennessee                                                     ends in January.

Kappa Tau was excited to welcome 15 men to the spring         The Colony also hosted a clothing drive for the CCK
pledge class in their first semester back on campus.          throughout the month of January. On January 16, broth-
                                                              ers setup a donation booth on campus and collected
                                                              clothing donations from the dorms. And brothers collect-
                                                              ed clothing donations at the University Center on January
                                                              23 - 25.                                                  4

                                                                                       THE PHI GAMMA DELTA          21

Tennessee Tech                                                Texas A&M
5 Theta Tau won the University's 2017 Homecoming              6 Alpha Mu held a philanthropy event to raise money
Competition with the women of the Delta Phi Epsilon           for hurricane relief in Houston, called FIJI Fajitas for
Sorority, their partners.                                     Hurricane Harvey Relief. People were able to watch an
On October 10-11, the Chapter hosted the first annual FIJI    NFL football game while being served fajitas, and the
500 to raise money for the USO. On the first night, the       Chapter raised nearly $1,000 for the Houston Food Bank.
Chapter hosted a campus-wide volleyball tournament, and
on the second night, a relay scooter race was held on cam-
pus. Through these efforts, $3,750 was donated to the USO.
The Chapter also was 1st in grades for the fall 2017 se-
mester with a 3.13 GPA. Ten out of 54 brothers had a 4.0
GPA, and 50% of the Chapter is on the Dean's list.
Jacob Tweedy (2019) and Jacob Scholl (2019) were
elected Scholarship Chairman and Judicial Chairman,
respectively, for the IFC.
In November, Tau Deuteron raised $4,500 for the
Movember Foundation, a charity that raises money
and awareness for men's health, ranking 2nd among IFC
During the fall 2017 semester, the Chapter raised over
$32,000 for the B+ Foundation by reaching out to friends,
family and graduate brothers. B+ is an organization that
helps kids fight cancer through family assistance, research
and advocacy.

22      THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                   www.phigam.org

Texas Dallas
4 Pictured (L-R): Autif Veerjee (2019), Dalton Owens
(2019) and Ahmed Abuayisheh (2019) were initiated
into the Order of Omega on November 28.
Texas State
The Delta Colony hosted a social media campaign to raise
money to buy supplies for Hurricane Harvey relief. The
Colony raised $185 and contributed $315 to buy supplies,
and Dylan Wild delivered the supplies to various loca-
tions in Houston.
In January, Upsilon Tau hosted the FIJI Freeze philanthropy
event. The Chapter sold $4 tickets for unlimited ice cream
sandwiches and slushies and raised $900 for the USO.
The Chapter also traveled to IHQ in Lexington to initiate
seven men in February.

From February 15-18, 2018, brothers from the Alabama Birmingham, Auburn, Austin Peay, Charleston, Clemson, Florida,
Georgia, Georgia Tech, Louisiana State, Mississippi State, Nebraska, North Alabama, Texas A&M, Texas Christian and
Western Kentucky chapters traveled to Atlanta to attend the Southeastern Interfraternity Conference's (SEIFC) 2018
Leadership Academy. Carson Lance (Ball State 2010) (back row, left) also attended as a facilitator.                 4

                                                                                    THE PHI GAMMA DELTA         23

Virginia & Virginia Tech                                      Washington
On November 17, Omicron at Virginia and Rho Alpha at          Sigma Tau partnered with BuildOn, a nonprofit organiza-
Virginia Tech held their 15th annual FIJI Run, supporting     tion that builds schools in the poorest countries around
the V Foundation for Cancer Research. The Rho Alpha           the world. By challenging all 115 undergraduate members
Chapter began the run on their campus in Blacksburg, VA       to raise $350 each, or give an equal contribution through
and ran the game football to Lynchburg, where they met        local service hours, the Chapter was able to help build a
the Omicron Chapter. The chapters enjoyed a communal          school in Senegal.
meal before Omicron ran the game ball from Lynchburg          In July, Hans Nothstein (2017) and Drew McCoy (2018)
to their campus in Charlottesville. Together the chapters     traveled to Niowdane, Senegal, to break ground on the
ran over 150 miles and currently have raised over $3,000      new school.
for the V Foundation. Since its inception, the FIJI Run has
raised over $500,000 for the V Foundation.                    6 Pictured top: Hans dances with a community mem-
                                                              ber at the village's Welcoming Ceremony in Niowdane.
Wabash                                                        Bottom: Drew and a community member dig the school's
The Psi Chapter had a 3.38 GPA for the fall 2017              foundation together.
semester, making them #1 in grades.
                       3 Zack Carl (2018)
                       (top) and Jordan Hansen
                       (2018) (bottom) were
                       two of four Wabash
                       seniors selected for the
                       Orr Fellowship, a highly
                       prized fellowship in the
                       state of Indiana. Each
                       fellow is guaranteed a
                       two-year, salaried posi-
                       tion with one of the Orr
                       Fellowship's host com-
                       panies. Fellows receive
                       executive mentorship and
                       develop entrepreneur-
                       ial and business leader-
                       ship skills.
                        Brother Carl, a finan-
                        cial economics major
and Spanish minor, will be working for Lacy
Diversified Industries, an investment and operat-
ing holding company. Zack would like to own his
own company some day and hopes the fellow-
ship will give him the experience to make that
Brother Hansen, a political science major
and history minor, will be working at Indiana
University Health. Jordan's long-term goal is
to help enhance the quality of life for individu-
als and educate the nation on nutrition and

24      THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                    www.phigam.org

Washington & Lee                                            Washington State
On September 16, Zeta Deuteron hosted the Young             5 Approximately 120 graduate and undergraduate
Alumni Weekend, and on September 17, they hosted the        brothers attended Pi Mu's Pig Dinner on March 3.
21st Annual Neighbors Picnic, thanking the community
for being patient living near the chapter house.
In March, Washington & Lee's men's track and field
team competed in the Indoor ODAC championship.
MacKenzye Leroy (2018) won the 800-meter and one
mile races, helping the team claim the championship title
for the second consecutive year.
Wayne State
4 On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Delta Colony
painted classrooms at the Frederick Douglass Academy in
Detroit, MI. Currently, Brendan Lopus and Robbie Pluta
are student teachers at the Academy, which is a College
Prep High School located one mile from WSU.
West Chester
The Chi Kappa Chapter partnered with the Alpha Sigma
Tau Sorority to host Dog for Dogs, a hotdog fundrais-
ing event for the Brandywine SPCA. Volunteers from the
SPCA also brought three adoptable dogs to the event for
students to meet.
Western Kentucky
The Chi Eta Chapter was # 1 in grades for the fall 2017
semester, with a 3.481 GPA.
Spring 2018 Pledges: 13

                                                                                    THE PHI GAMMA DELTA        25

Western Michigan                                               William & Mary
5 On February 7, Kappa Mu raised $2,800 for Bronson's          The Delta Colony hosted an open house event for Hope
Children's Hospital in Kalamazoo by performing in Rent         Family Village, a local nonprofit that supports those
a Fiji, a Valentine's Day date auction. Brothers performed     suffering from mental illness and develops community
silly talents, while guests placed bids to take a brother on   housing. The event was designed to help the organization
a date for Valentine's Day.                                    gather family caregivers and stakeholders for their up-
From October 2-6, the Chapter hosted their Fiji Island         coming 25-family community project. Colony members
Week, with a focus on spreading mental health and con-         prepared a meal and participated in group activities.
sent awareness. The Chapter was awarded a $2,400 grant         6 The Delta Colony also hosted its first annual philan-
from Sindecuse Health Center to fund the week of events,       thropy event, Churros for Charity. By selling churros,
which included a mental health workshop, education on          the Colony raised over $500, which was donated to the
mental health and consent resources on campus, a con-          JED Foundation, an organization that works with college
sent workshop, and the Island Games.                           campuses to provide appropriate mental health initiatives
The Chapter also participated in their annual Helping          for students.
for the Holidays by adopting two families from the
Kalamazoo community. The Chapter collected money and
gifts from WMU's Greek organizations and donated $550
and 250 presents to both families.
Additionally, the Chapter had a 3.18 GPA during the fall
2017 semester, making them #1 in grades.
Western Ontario
Lambda Omega celebrated their 50th Anniversary Pig
Dinner on February 3. Over 200 graduate and undergrad-
uate brothers were in attendance.
Inam Teja (2019) and Charlie Echlin (2019) were elected
student council President and Vice President Student
Affairs, respectively.

26      THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                     www.phigam.org

William Jewell                                             Wisconsin
The Zeta Phi Chapter hosted their first Fiji Luigi Night   5 In November, Mu and Mu Deuteron at Iowa teamed
philanthropy event. The Chapter cooked pasta and invited   up for their annual Rivalry Run to raise money for the
the campus to eat dinner at the chapter house. All the     USO. The chapters ran a football over 170 miles from
proceeds were donated to the USO.                          Iowa City, IA to Madison, WI, with a ceremonial hand-
Spring 2018 Pledges: 21                                    off at the half-way point in Dubuque, IA. Currently, the
                                                           Chapters have raised over $23,000 for the USO.
6 Additionally, the Chapter raised $2,300 for the Kansas
City Group of Bikers Against Child Abuse and celebrated    The Chapter has also continued to strengthen their
the holidays with the group by lighting up the house.      relationship with the Clean Lakes Alliance (CLA), which
                                                                                          works to protect and
                                                                                          keep the lakes safe. In
                                                                                          October, brothers spent
                                                                                          a day volunteering for
                                                                                          CLA by cleaning up
                                                                                          James Madison Park and
                                                                                          Mansion Hill.            4

                                                                                     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA              27

4 On November 16, Sigma fed approximately 400
people and raised $2,000 at their annual Thanksgiving
Dinner. The proceeds will benefit Springfield Promise
Neighborhood, a nonprofit organization aiding low-in-
come elementary students.
The Richardson Fund awarded $1,450 in scholarships to
19 brothers for their spring 2017 semester grades.
In April, Benjamin Seitz (2019) will be participating
in the Tough Ruck with other members in his ROTC
program. Tough Ruck participants carry a weighted ruck
sack for 26.2 miles in memory and honor of fallen service
members while raising money to support military fami-
lies. This is Ben's second year participating in the race,
and his goal is to raise $450. t

28     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                       www.phigam.org

Spring 2018 Expansion Results
It is an exciting time of the year as we have completed spring colonizations at the University of Colorado Boulder and
Kent State University.

University of Colorado Boulder
 Timeline: February 5 - March 23, 2018
 Location: Boulder, CO
 Staff: Field Secretaries Dio Protopapadakis and Daylon Weddle
 GPA: 3.25
 Founding Fathers: 40
 Fun Facts:
  • There have been several famous brothers from the Beta Kappa Chapter, including Byron White (1938), a Supreme
    Court Justice, and NCAA Hall of Fame inductee, and Jack Swigert (1953), an astronaut on the Apollo 13 flight.
  • The Colony's Pledge Educator is a graduate of the Colorado State Chapter, and the BCA is composed of brothers
    from the Colorado Boulder, Michigan, Missouri State and RPI chapters.

The Beta Kappa Colony hosted a brotherhood event at          The Colony's cabinet (L-R): Corresponding Secretary Nick
the Denver Nuggets vs Detroit Pistons on March 15. Five      Elvera, Treasurer Ben Sarna, President Spencer Shaffer,
graduates from the Denver area and 30 undergraduate          Recording Secretary Noah Austin and Historian Brian
members attended the event.                                  Jones.                                                   4

                                                                                        THE PHI GAMMA DELTA          29
Kent State University
 Timeline: January 22 - March 11, 2018
 Location: Kent, OH
 Staff: Field Secretaries Jake Lueck and Nicholas Hawley
 GPA: 3.24, #1 out of all IFC fraternities
 Founding Fathers: 14
 Fun Facts:
  • The Founding Fathers are involved in organizations including campus mentors, Alpha Phi Omega Service
    Fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi
    Business Fraternity and Alpha
    Rho Chi Architecture Fraternity,
    to name a few.
  • On February 18, graduate broth-
    ers and BCA members, from as
    close as Akron, OH, to as far as
    Shanghai, China, came to support
    the new colony and show that Phi
    Gamma Delta is "Not For College
    Days Alone."
  • Colony members' majors range
    from fashion merchandising to
    business and marketing, to aero-
    nautical engineering, nursing and The Delta Colony at Kent State


30     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                               www.phigam.org

Fall 2018 Colonizations
Expanding Phi Gamma Delta's Influence
At press time, Phi Gamma Delta has received invitations to colonize from George Mason University, the University of
Missouri Kansas City and the University of Nevada. The Archons have approved all for colonizations during fall 2018.
Plans are always subject to change, and additions to our expansion schedule will be posted on www.phigam.org/expan-
sion. If you know men at any of these schools, please recommend them to us at www.phigam.org/ReferAFriend.

                                             University of Missouri
  George Mason University                        Kansas City                          University of Nevada
  Colonization                            Colonization                             Colonization
 Location: Fairfax, VA                    Location: Kansas City, MO                Location: Reno, NV
 Founded: 1949                            Founded: 1933                            Founded: 1875
 Enrollment: 33,925                       Enrollment: 11,708                       Enrollment: 19,934
 IFC fraternities: 16                     IFC fraternities: 6                      IFC fraternities: 15            t

              Recommend a Member
            The recruitment of quality men remains essential to the success of Phi Gamma
           Delta and is the most important area of operation for each of our chapters. If you
         know a man who would be an asset to Phi Gamma Delta, we ask that you complete
       the recommendation form at www.phigam.org/ReferAFriend. The information you
  submit will be forwarded to the appropriate chapter, so that the brothers can provide useful
  information to the man you have recommended. If you have any additional comments, please
  contact Nick Hawley, Director of Growth, at nhawley@phigam.org.

                                                                                     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA         31

              4 Theta Chapter President Matt Farris
             (2018) and Archon Councilor David Grady
           (Mississippi State 1982) delivered the Dia-
        mond Owl certificate to William Robertson
(1945) to celebrate 75 years of membership.
Pictured (L-R): David Grady, William Robertson and
Matt Farris.
                               3 De Forest Matte-
                               son (1945) received his
                               Diamond Owl certificate
                               celebrating 75 years as a
                               Phi Gam.
                                                              Arizona State & Bucknell
                                                              6 Brett Earnest (Bucknell 2003) (left) and Jim Doug-
                               Arizona                        las (Arizona State 1999) (right) are pictured on top of
                                 Daniel Kates (1988) was      Salesforce Tower in San Francisco. The tower, which was
                                 recently named the Vice      built by Clark Construction, is 1,070 feet tall, making it
                                 President & Head of Medi-    the tallest building west of Chicago. Both brothers are vice
                                 cal Affairs at Achaogen, a   presidents at Clark Construction and oversaw the build-
                                 biotech company commit-      ing project.
ted to the discovery, development and commercialization
of innovative antibacterials to treat multi-drug resistant

Ball State
Dave Harben (2004) was chosen for Security System
News' "20 Under 40" Class of 2017. Each year SSN recog-
nizes 20 young professionals that lead the physical secu-
rity and investigations of their company or organization.
Dave and the other winners were honored at a special
reception at a SSN conference in February.

32     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                      www.phigam.org
Calgary                                                  California Los Angeles
                                                         David Smith (1987) and his family recently relocated to
                                                         Adelaide, South Australia. Upon their arrival David and
                                                         his wife enrolled their children in a local school and were
                                                         invited to a dinner with the Dell family, who are fellow US
                                                         expats with children at the same school. During dinner,
                                                         David found out that Jason Dell (Georgia Tech 1992) is
                                                         also a Phi Gam.
                                                         Columbus, OH Graduate Chapter
                                                         On December 7, the Columbus, OH Graduate Chapter
                                                         hosted a luncheon for brothers in the Columbus area.
                                                         Ohio State Senator Joe Schiavoni (Ohio 2001), who is
                                                         currently running for Governor, was the guest speaker.
                                                         6 Ten Kappa Nu brothers celebrated their 40th reunion
5 In September, 12 Upsilon Chi brothers from the 1990s   during Cornell's Homecoming weekend. During the
met on the West Coast of Vancouver Island for salmon     weekend, the brothers played golf at the Cornell golf
fishing: Keith Allan (1992), Rob McElhoes (1992),        course, gathered for a private dinner with spouses and at-
Trevor Craig (1991), Ross Jardine (1995), Andy Hatha-    tended a presentation by Bill Nye the Science Guy.
way (1993), Chris Billings (1990), Derek Mayne (1997),   Pictured (L-R): Duane Eberlein (1977), Jim Potter
Sean Lawson (1994), Doug Rotz (1991), Ian Dingle         (1977), Peter Harnett (1977), Rob Wight (1977), Bill
(1995), Greg Retzer (1993) and Darcy White (1997).       Muir (1977), Dave Doupe (1978), Mike Rogan (1977)
This group holds a reunion every five+ years.            and Joe Bruce (1977).                                      4
Pictured: Derek Mayne holding a Chinook salmon.

                                                                                    THE PHI GAMMA DELTA           33

Florida                                                        Gettysburg
                                                               In October, Xi Chapter
                                                               brothers from the classes
                                                               of 1961-66 gathered for
                                                               a reunion. Next year,
                                                               this group plans to meet
                                                               October 3, 2018.
                                                               4 Skip Yohe (1961)
                                                               (left) and Harry
                                                               Buzzerd (1964) (right)
                                                               stand proudly in front of
                                                               the PGD welcome ban-
                                                               ner. Skip has a distinguished record as an Air Force pilot.
5 On February 3, over 100 Upsilon Phi brothers cel-
ebrated their 72nd Annual Norris Pig Dinner.
Pictured (L-R): Rich Hull (1971), Hardy Hall (1969),
Dane Griffin (1970), Pete Aliberti (1970) and Bruce
Bradburn (1971) received their Gold Owl Awards during
the event.
Corporal Jeff Billips (1988), of the Georgia Department
of Natural Resources, won the National Wild Turkey Fed-
eration Officer of the Year Award. This award is presented
annually by the Georgia Chapter of the organization and
                                 is given to the officer who
                                 shows dedication and
                                 commitment to the pro-        5 Retired Major General William M. "Bill" Matz (1961)
                                 tection of Georgia's wild     (right) was sworn in as the new Secretary of the Ameri-
                                 turkeys.                      can Battle Monuments Commission by Deputy Secretary
                                                               Robert Dalessandro (left) on January 9, 2018. Brother
                                Georgia Tech                   Matz is a decorated Vietnam combat infantry veteran and
                                3 Robert Paden (1944)          was appointed by President Trump on January 8. Since re-
                                received his Diamond           tiring, Bill remains active in veterans and military affairs
                                Owl certificate, having        as a member of the Board of Directors of the American
                                been a member for 75           Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association and as a member
                                years.                         of the Eisenhower Institute National Advisory Council.
Houston Graduate Chapter                                       In November, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb (1990)
On February 17, the Houston Graduate Chapter held its          hosted a reception at the governor's home for Hanover's
first brotherhood event of the year. Ten brothers rep-         Board of Trustees and several prospective students from
resenting six chapters visited the Constellation Field in      central Indiana. During the reception, Hanover's basketball
Sugar Land, TX to watch the Houston Sabercats rugby            coach present Brother Holcomb with a ring to honor the
team defeat the New York Athletic Club 39-38 in their          team's trip to the NCAA Division III Elite Eight in 2017.
inaugural season.                                              Austin Stagman (2013), Jacob Hopper (2013) and An-
                                                               drew Wibbels (2013), former members of Hanover's golf
                                                               team, gathered to compete in the Alumni Scramble at the
                                                               Sunrise Falls Golf Course in August.

34     THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|SPRING 2018                                                                        www.phigam.org
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