1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting

Page created by Charles Garza
1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting
1:00pm – Attend Chapter
        Presidents &
        Advisors Meeting
1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting
January          25  Chapter Presidents &

                     Advisors Meeting
•   Introduce yourself & your chapter in the Chat Room
•   Share video (if your bandwidth allows)
•   Michelle will be monitoring the chat room
•   Will share slides, chat room and notes

• We’ll get started at 1:00pm
• Volunteer Note Taker – ________________________
1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting
January 25th
Chapter Presidents &
1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting
• Monthly Presidents & Advisors   •   What Nature Means
  Meeting Outline                 •   Annual Meeting 2021
• Chapter Leadership & Advisors   •   Pin Updates
  Update to VMS                   •   Certification Policies for 2021
• TMN Program COVID Guidelines    •   Board Leadership Retreats
• Program Planning for 2021       •   Spring Training Plans
• State Office Capacity           •   Looking Ahead
• State Website
• TMN Tuesdays
• Virtual Volunteer Fair 2021
1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting
Chapter Presidents & Advisors
           Monthly Meetings
• Contact Lists pulled from VMS ‘TMN Directors’ List Toggle         Update Officers List

• Normally only ONE hour long, may go past in busy months
• Will be announced monthly & Zoom link shared a week to two weeks in
• Will be recorded & recording posted afterwards
• Notes, Chat & Slides will be posted afterwards

• Follow up items will be covered in post-meeting email if needed

• Meeting can count for 1-2 Hour(s) of Volunteer Service
   o Log under “Chapter/Program Administration”
1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting
Monthly Presidents & Advisors
           Meeting Schedule
• 2021 Monthly Chapter Presidents Meeting – last Monday of
  o   January 25th
  o   February 22nd
  o   March 29th
  o   April 26th
  o   May 24th
  o   June 28th
  o   **No July Meeting
  o   **August 9th (summer meeting)
  o   September 27th
  o   **October - @Annual Meeting
  o   **November 15th
  o   **December 13th
1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting
Updating Contact Lists in VMS
•   Chapters: Please help keep these contacts up to date so that we can better communicate with
    you and with each other:
     o President
     o Vice President
     o Treasurer
     o Secretary
      • Immediate Past President
      • Membership Director
      • New Class Director
      • Communications Director
      • Advanced Training Director
      • Volunteer Service Projects Director
      • New Class Representative
      • State Chapter Representative
      • TPWD & AgriLife Advisor(s) if available to the Chapter
              Standing Committees:
              Executive Committee
              Training Committee
              Membership Committee
              Volunteer Service Projects Committee
              Advanced Training Committee
                     Ad-Hoc Committees:
                     Financial Examination
                     Officer Nominations
                     Director Nominations
                     Other Committees
1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting
1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting
TMN Program COVID Safety &
            Response Guidelines
 The following guidelines will direct how the Texas Master Naturalist Program will operate for the
 foreseeable future.

 Guidelines for all TMN Activities:
 It is very important to know and follow all federal, state, county and local COVID guidelines/restrictions before
 conducting TMN Activities. Beyond these the TMN program will have the following guidelines:
 1. Virtual meeting platform tools should be used whenever possible.
 2. For any indoor activity that does occur in-person, both volunteers and public participants must wear masks.
       The occupancy limit shall not exceed one person per 100 square feet of indoor public space to allow for 10
       feet of social distance.
 3. For outdoor activities, both volunteers and public participants must wear masks and social distance by at
       least 6 feet.
 4. All multi-county TMN Chapters must consider each of their county’s health ordinances when scheduling in
       person (‘face-to-face’) events or meetings, the ability/inability for chapter membership to attend, and the
       equity of scheduling events in certain counties to the exclusion/inclusion of certain segments of the chapter.

until further
1:00pm - Attend Chapter Presidents & Advisors Meeting
4. All multi-county TMN Chapters must consider each of their county’s health
  ordinances when scheduling in person (‘face-to-face’) events or meetings, the
  ability/inability for chapter membership to attend, and the equity of
  scheduling events in certain counties to the exclusion/inclusion of certain
  segments of the chapter.

• What about training/outreach events in one county and travel to/from?

• Do you have service projects accessible in each of your counties or where your
  membership lives?

• How does this work with expanding membership or diversifying reach?

• Is there a solution to this at all?
What operating questions do you
• Let’s capture those here . . . .

. . . . And those we don’t have answers to, we’ll work to get answers.
Program Planning
                                               for 2021
                                          • Effectively using our virtual
                                            communication lines.
                                               o Monthly Chapter Presidents
                                               o Chapter Website emphasis

                                          • Increasing virtual based instruction
                                            & engagement opportunities.
                                               o Virtual Volunteer Fair
                                               o TMN Tuesdays
                                               o 2021 Annual Meeting

                                          • Increasing diversity, equity &
                                            inclusion efforts program wide.
Photo by: Jerrel Geisler, Gulf Coast Chapter                                       Photo by: Linda Donnell, North Texas Chapter
Help Your State Office!

• State Office Capacity Issues & Real Discussions . . .
   o What do we have to drop in order to manage these new tasks? What gets less attention?
   o How do we avoid this changing the execution of our Program’s mission?
   o Longer reply time to emails to be anticipated . . .
• How Your Chapter Can Help!
   o So many of the emails received are answerable from materials already existing on the website
   o Exhaust all your available resources . . . Chapter Leaders, Advisors, Website, Facebook, Old Emails, Past
     Chairs, Historical Members
State Website

State office will be sharing & posting state level offered advanced
trainings or upcoming events.
All events added are not automatically approved for AT, please
check with your local chapter first.


Don’t forget about our TMN State Email
TMN Tuesdays
• Second Tuesday of Month - Virtual Advanced Training
• Up to an Hour of AT!
• Featured Speakers/Groups hosted once a month via WebEx
   o   January 12th
   o   February 9th – Doug Tallamy!
   o   March 9th – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Speaker TBA   Who would you recommend for a
   o   April 13th                                                    March DEI speaker?
   o   May 11th
   o   June 8th
   o   July 13th
   o   August 10th                                                 Idea List:
   o   September 14th                                              Highlight Chapter Project innovations
   o   October 21st – 24th – Annual Meeting (No TMN Tuesday)       JMN Panel presentation
   o   November 9th                                                Board Leadership Retreats
                                                                   New Training Class Ideas
   o   December 14th
                                                                   Online Virtual Service Project
                                                                   Regional Coordinators
Will send this out to chapters to use in
      their monthly newsletter.
Virtual Volunteer Fair – 2021 Plans
• Save the Date – February 3rd & 4th – 9am – 12pm each day
• Attending LIVE will count for Volunteer Service
• Will be Recorded – watching the recording not part of state exception for VS
• Registration opening this week
• Agenda out soon!
• https://txmn.tamu.edu/virtual-volunteer-fair-february-2021/
Wednesday February                                                                  3rd
•   9:00 AM - 9:10 AM          Introduction
•   9:10 AM - 9:20 AM          George W. Bush Presidential Library Native Texas Park Docent - Lois Diggs
•   9:20 AM - 9:30 AM          Prairie Restoration Maintenance Plan - Stephanie Keith
•   9:30 AM - 9:40 AM          Erosion Plot Design - Stephanie Keith
•   9:40 AM - 9:50 AM          Social Media Content - Jordan Kieffer
•   9:50 AM - 10:00 AM         BREAK
•   10:00 AM - 10:10 AM        Flora and Fauna Guide to the Chris W. Burkett Service Center Demonstration Gardens -
    Rebecca Sales
•   10:10 AM - 10:20 AM        Virtual Interpretive Videos - Brent Wilkins
•   10:20 AM - 10:30 AM        Request for Social Media Content emphasizing the natural resources and flora and fauna
    of Southeast Texas. - Emilee Gerngross
•   10:30 AM - 10:40 AM        3 Rivers Foundation Biodiversity and Educational Assistance - Christena Stephens
•   10:40 AM - 10:50 AM        Nature Notes Contributor - Rachel Powers
•   10:50 AM - 11:00 AM        BREAK
•   11:00 AM - 11:10 AM        Butterfly Monitoring - Irmi Willcockson
•   11:10 AM - 11:20 AM        Texas Butterfly Monitoring Co-coordinator - Irmi Willcockson
•   11:20 AM - 11:30 AM        Texas Aquatic Science Video and e-Book Production - Melissa Felty (Alderson)
•   11:30 AM - 11:40 AM        Adopt-A-Paddling Trail - Shelly Plante
•   11:40 AM - 11:50 AM        Monitoring Invasive Aquatic Species Through Birding - Alice Best
•   11:50 AM - 12:00 PM        Conclusion & Wrap Up
Thursday February                                                       4 th
•   9:00 AM - 9:10 AM        Introduction
•   9:10 AM - 9:20 AM        Bracken Cave Preserve video projects - Fran Hutchins
•   9:20 AM - 9:30 AM        City Nature Challenge 2021 in the Rio Grande Valley - Tony Henehan
•   9:30 AM - 9:40 AM        AquaPlant Website Review & Enhancement - Brittany Chesser
•   9:40 AM - 9:50 AM        Invasive Species Surveys and Verification - Angela England
•   9:50 AM - 10:00 AM       BREAK
•   10:00 AM - 10:10 AM      Adopt-A-Loop - Great Texas Wildlife Trails - Joshua Lee
•   10:10 AM - 10:20 AM      Fat Bat project - Fran Hutchins
•   10:20 AM - 10:30 AM      Story Time for Bats - Fran Hutchins
•   10:30 AM - 10:40 AM      Plant ID Bingo - Meg Inglis
•   10:40 AM - 10:50 AM      Aligning TPWD Educational Resources with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
    (TEKS) - Louisa Torrance
•   10:50 AM - 11:00 AM      BREAK
•   11:00 AM - 11:10 AM      Texas Municipal Park Providers Inventory - Jamie Walker
•   11:10 AM - 11:20 AM      Aquatic Plant Photo Submission Round 2 - Brittany Chesser
•   11:20 AM - 11:30 AM      Armchair Botanist: Community Scientists Transcribing Specimen Labels - Tiana Rehman
•   11:30 AM - 11:40 AM      Horned Lizard Conservation Educational Materials - Mason Lee
•   11:40 AM - 11:50 AM      TPWD’s Texas Ecological Analytical Mapper user testing - GroundTruther tool - Wendy
•   11:50 AM - 12:00 PM      Conclusion & Wrap Up
Virtual Volunteer Fair
• Draft Catalog – *MP open it up

• Organization of Agenda
    o First sessions each morning will be place based – organized by ecoregions and specific available chapters
    o Second half of mornings will be statewide based projects – available to all chapters

• VMS Team Preparing a ‘How To’ visual for logging hours

• IF we were to host another VVF (summer? fall?) would that be helpful and
  when would your members need it the most? *recognizing state capacity too!

•   Questions?
Will re-open

                          What Nature Means?                for insight in
                                                             April 2021!

  “In this unprecedented moment of pandemic, reflect upon
  what nature means to you and what benefits it provides you,
  especially in times like these.”

  • Video diary project that were shared on the Texas
    Master Naturalist website
  • 31 videos, 12 written submissions
     •   Including 3 poems! And one original song.

  • Will Use & Re-use throughout year and following
  • Will revisit this Project in coming months too!

Save the Date                                                          October 21-24, 2021
           for 2021!                                                         Dallas/Fort Worth Airport
T e x a s M a s t e r N a t u r a l i s t 2 2 nd A n n u a l M e e t i n g

                                                                                                      does this
                                                                                                      look like
                                                                                                       to you?
So what are we doing?
    • Let’s poll the room to see what your thoughts are.

    • Survey of membership – most likely this spring
       o Comfort levels with different scenarios . . .
       o What questions should we ask?

    • Capacity issues with Hybrid Events
       o Essentially hosting TWO events at the same time – one in person with full
         staff and one virtually with full staff. . . .

    • Investigating contract obligations with hotel. . .
2020 Against All Odds PIN
• NEW 2020 PIN: Service Against All Odds – Through Grit &
   o   Your Hustle, Passion and Perseverance have not gone unnoticed!
   o   For members who have logged:
   o   8 Hours AT - AND -
   o   At LEAST 1 Hour of Volunteer Service

• Will be mailed to all chapters February 2021
• VMS Reports will be pulled and Michelle will send a list of members who’ve
  obtained the pin
2021 Pins Update
• Presidential Volunteer Service Pin update - (4,000 hr)
   o Shipping delays
   o New certification training & process . . .

• 2021 Recertification Pin
   o Sideoats Grama
   o Available at the end of February
BASIC TRAINING                           ADVANCED TRAINING
                                   Temporary Policy                         Temporary Policy
                                   •   TEMP POLICY: Allow for pre-          •   TEMP POLICY: Will allow for
                                       recorded basic training sessions –       pre-recorded AT sessions with
                                       with required follow up live
                                                                                follow up live Q&A with
Earning 2021                           Q&A with/by the same speaker(s)
                                        o Will allow for all (40)
                                                                                Speakers by the same speaker –
                                           planned basic training hours         hours for both watching &

Certification                              scheduled to be done in this
                                                                                interaction with speaker will
                                        o Encourage this to be used         •   NOT ALLOWED: NO fully
2021 Certification                         minimally or only as needed          recorded videos with NO
Requirements we do not                  o Encourage                             speaker interaction
                                           regional/neighboring chapter
anticipate changing                        basic training collaborative     •   GOAL here is to allow group
   • Together let’s further plan           before going to this model           discussion with speakers where
     for and adapt for the                                                      Q&A happens in group
     situation we’re in.                                                        setting/audience for group
   • Anticipate the shifts,                                                     learning
     adaptations & innovations
     to obtaining these required
     certification hours.
                                            VOLUNTEER SERVICE requirements NOT changing for 2021.
Board Leadership Retreats
• Does your chapter have an annual/spring leadership retreat?

• As a result, what goals does your chapter have for this year?
• What happened in November?       Spring 2021
• Let’s start this over. . .
• https://txmn.tamu.edu/winter-
  spring-2021-basic-training-         Plans

• Re-opened & resubmit by
  February 1st

• Will post final training press
  release that week
AgriLife Bookstore

More items coming soon!!
                                       Best ordered
                                        in Bulk to
Calendar Check - Looking Ahead
•   February 1st – Spring Training Plans Due to State Office
•   February 3rd & 4th – Virtual Volunteer Fair
•   February 9th – TMN Tuesday with Tallamy
•   February 15th – Cut off date for VMS December 31st 2020 Reporting
•   February 22nd – Next Chapter Presidents Meeting

• See you next month!
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