Collier County Public Schools -

Page created by Timothy Dean
Collier County Public Schools
Athletics Return to Training Guidance General Information (Daily)
**** All summer work-outs are voluntary.
**** Must follow Federal, State, Local, FHSAA and CDC Guidelines.
Ø Must have current EL2, EL3, insurance and adhere to FHSAA Policies 40, 41, 42 and 43.
Ø Must also adhere to FHSAA Policy 20.1.1.
Ø Must have the Assumption of the Risk and Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19 form signed.
**** Only badged CCPS coaching staff and enrolled students in grades 9-12 with up-to-date paperwork
are permitted. No other persons(parents, volunteers, etc.) are permitted on campus.
**** Recommendations and restrictions are fluid and subject to change, and safety must be our top
• Athletes and coaches will be screened prior to workouts using the following questions:
o Do you or have you had a fever in the last week?*
o Do you or have you had a cough in the last week?*
o Do you or have you had a sore throat in the last week?*
o Do you or have you had a shortness of breath in the last week?*
o Do you or have you had a loss of taste or smell in the last week?*
o Have you been in close contact or cared for anyone diagnosed with COVID 19?*
• Pod (see info on page 4 for pod information) screening should be scheduled staggered to prevent large
group screenings.
· Anyone who meets the criteria should immediately be referred to a healthcare professional and will not
be permitted to return until given medical clearance.
• Vulnerable individuals as defined by the CDC including but not limited to heart conditions, asthma and
diabetes should not oversee or participate in any workouts during Phase 1.
Coaches / Admin
• WASH HANDS or use hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting all activities/workouts.
• COVER your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover at all times from arrival to departure.
• AVOID CLOSE CONTACT - Maintain at least 6’ distance between yourself and other people.
• CLEAN AND DISINFECT frequently touched surfaces.
• Arrive dressed to train and participate.
• Follow entry and exit procedures to all activities/workouts.
• Only attend your scheduled activity/workout.
• Always adhere to the participant and capacity limitations.
• Conduct a thorough post-session cleaning and disinfecting prior to the start of any new training sessions.
Coaches should also have athletes sanitize equipment or strength items after every use.
• Coaches are responsible for ensuring social distancing is maintained between players.
Coaches should be knowledgeable of their students with pre-existing health conditions and work with
school nurses, ATC’s, or other health officials to take additional precautions as needed.
• WASH HANDS or use hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting all activities/workouts.
• COVER your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others unless actively working out.
If an athlete desires to wear a mask at all times that is to be allowed.
• AVOID CLOSE CONTACT - Maintain at least 6’ distance between yourself and other people
• COVER coughs and sneezes
• Bring your own water / drink. (None will be provided by coaches / trainers)
• Bring your own towel.
• Remain in vehicle until 5 minutes before scheduled activity/workout/screening.
• Arrive dressed to train and participate.
• Follow entry and exit procedures to all activities/workouts.
• Exit immediately after your activity/workout. No congregating with other people.
• Only attend your scheduled activity/workout.
• Students are encouraged to shower and wash their workout clothing immediately upon returning to
• All students will have a signed summer work-out waiver that includes health procedures and protocols.
Athletes must have the following to participate. If they do not have these items, they are to be sent home
1) Must have current EL2, EL3, insurance and adhere to FHSAA Policies 40, 41, 42 and 43.
2) Cloth face covering.
3) Their OWN personal water bottle.
4) Their OWN personal towel.
Staff or student that test positive or shows symptoms of COVID-19.
If a positive case is identified among participants in these summer activities, either staff or student, the
group to which that staff or student was assigned and in contact with must be removed from the sessions
while all members of the group self-isolate. If the confirmed individual regularly had close contact
outside a single group, then all of the students and staff with whom the confirmed individual had close
contact shall be removed from workouts for two weeks.
• Schools should have students remain with a single group or cohort to minimize the number of students
and staff that must isolate if a case is confirmed.
o For example: If a student in one cohort tests positive for COVID-19, the student and that one cohort
must isolate. If that student was part of several cohorts, then the student and all of the cohorts they were a
member of would have to isolate.
Any staff member or student who experiences any of the symptoms of COVID-19 should self-isolate until
the below conditions have been met.
• In the case of an individual who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return when all
three of the following criteria are met:
o at least three days (72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-
reducing medications);
o the individual has improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath);
o at least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared; or
• In the case of an individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and does not get evaluated by a
medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the
individual may not return until the individual has completed the same three- step criteria listed above.
• If the individual has symptoms that could be associated with COVID-19 and wants to return before
completing the above self-isolation period, the individual must obtain documentation from a medical
professional for return based on an alternative diagnosis.
Any student or staff member living with someone who experiences any of the symptoms of COVID-19,
whether they have a positive COVID-19 test or not, should self-isolate for two weeks. If they do not
experience any COVID-19 symptoms during that period, they can return to summer workouts. If they
experience symptoms, they must self-isolate until the conditions outlined above have been met.
June 15-June 27
Outdoor practice areas
Indoor facilities including gyms, weight rooms, locker rooms and equipment rooms.
· Workout sessions will be limited to one session of 60 min. or less per day (Limit to 4 work-outs per
week) in week 1. Work-outs can be between 7-11am or 5-8pm depending on the school. Beginning June
22nd workouts may be increased to 90 min. in length. Workout time limit begins when warmups start.
(Still limited to 4 work-outs per week) in week 2.
· No equipment may be used in Phase 1.
· Workouts should be conducted in “pods” – no more than 10 students or 1 coach with 9 students - with
the same students always working out together. This ensures more limited exposure if someone develops
an infection. It is recommended that if possible the same coach works with the same pod daily.
· There can be several groups in the same facility depending on the size of the facility and group
· There must be a minimum distance of 6 feet between each individual at all times.
· There should be no shared athletic equipment (towels, clothing, shoes, or sports specific equipment)
between students in weeks 1 and 2.
· Beginning June 22nd strength items such as medicine balls, bands and plates may be used outside.
These must be wiped down with an approved disinfectant between uses by different athletes.
· Students should wear their own appropriate workout clothing (do not share clothing) individual
clothing/towels should be washed and cleaned after every workout.
· All students shall bring their own water bottle. Water bottles must not be shared.
· Hydration stations (water cows, water trough, water fountains, etc.) should not be utilized.
· Locker rooms will not be available for use.
· One clearly identified restroom per gender will be available, no other facility will be provided.
· No use of bleachers, chairs or any other equipment.
· Only coaches and athletes allowed at workouts. Parents / guardians may wait in their cars.
IMPORTANT – Access to covered space outside will be available in the event of bad weather / lightning.
Student are allowed to have water or a sports drink at all times.
Objective: Begin the process of improving students’ current levels of strength, stability and mobility -
Assume all student athletes are in a deconditioned state until proven otherwise.
Have a plan…Pre-scripted training session- adjust based on athlete response. Total session time: warm-
up, conditioning, strength training, cool-down) = 60 MINUTES
Suggested Plan Structure (Rest periods and Hydration Breaks included in each block) 60 min.
Dynamic warm-up – 15 minutes Conditioning-15 minutes
Strength development-15 minutes Cool-down and flexibility-10 min
Break-down and debrief/reflect – 5 min
Total Session Time: Warm-up, conditioning, strength training, cool-down) = 90 minutes
Suggested plan structure (rest periods and hydration breaks included in each block – students allowed to
take water breaks as frequently as they desire)
Dynamic Warm-up –15-20 minutes Conditioning - 20-30 Minutes
Strength Development- 20-30 Minutes Cool-Down and Flexibility-10 Min Break-Down/ Debrief/Reflect
– 5 Min
Week One: Conditioning should be incorporated into the Dynamic Warm-up (see appendix).
Total warm-up time should start at 15 minutes and be progressed each week, based on student response
and adaptation.
Dynamic warm-up allows for coaches to make observational assessments concerning fitness levels of
returning student athletes.
Use Work to Rest Ratios of 1:6 as a starting point.
Suggested Set up of Warm-Up/ Conditioning Area and RPE GUIDE
Volume expressed in total yardage and Intensity expressed in RPE
WEEK ONE: 40-50% of normal volume Overall RPE of 4-5 on a 1-10 scale WEEK TWO: 50-60% % of
normal volume Overall RPE of 5-6 on a 1-10 scale WEEK THREE: 60% of normal volume Overall RPE
of 5-7 on a 1-10 scale WEEK FOUR: 70% of normal volume Overall RPE of 6-7 on a 1-10 scale
Focus: Rebuild the foundation. Begin the process of improving current levels of strength, stability and
mobility. Any equipment in each exercise area (such as cones) will be used by single athlete for the entire
strength training block. It will be disinfected both at the beginning of the training session and at the end of
the session. Strength and Conditioning Coaches will focus on coaching technique, offering direction and
encouragement. Phase One should be heavy on instruction and allow for adequate rest intervals between
sets and transitions to different exercises.
Examples of appropriate exercises include bodyweight squats, multi-planar lunge variations, push-ups,
towel rows, glute bridging, isometric work and core stabilization exercises.
Suggested set and rep ranges for the first two weeks should be 3-5 Exercises, 1-3 sets of 5-10 reps per
exercise, depending on the student’s fitness level. Exercises should not necessitate use of spotter.
Appropriate Work: Rest ratio ranging from 1:4 to 1:5 would be appropriate at the beginning of this Phase.
(If set takes 15 seconds to complete -rest interval would be 60-75 seconds, depending on athlete’s
response to stress)
Three (3) days of strength training would be appropriate during Phase One. (M/W/TH)
Progression of volume and load should be gradual during this phase. Maximal effort should NOT be
attempted during this phase.
Progressions should be planned but adaptable to the student athlete’s response to training load and
intensity. Volume can be tracked by using the total number of reps performed per session.
Avoid increases of more than 5-10 % of total volume per week during Phase One. RPE Ratings should
not exceed 4 to 5 during the week 1 and 2.
RPE Ratings should not exceed 5 to 7 during week 3 and 4.
If sport skills are to be practiced during PHASE ONE, they should be more technique oriented, not
involve the use of any shared equipment, and be conducted in accordance with the conditioning level of
the athlete at the time.
Examples of these may be teaching individual technique to students, such as a stance for football,
basketball form shooting form, or arm swing exercises for runners. Sport skills or alignment should be
constructed on non-strength training days (Tuesdays) after dynamic warm-up.
June 29-July 25
Outdoor practice facilities, Gymnasium, Weight room, Equipment rooms Locker rooms
· Workout sessions will be limited one session of 120 min. or less per day. Limit of 1 hour in weight-
room and 1 hour outside of weight-room per day
· Workouts should be conducted in “pods” – no more than 10 students or 1 coach with 9 students - with
the same students always working out together. This ensures more limited exposure if someone develops
an infection. It is recommended that if possible the same coach works with the same pod daily.
· Buildings must be mapped and marked so as to structure have minimal contact between students/staff.
· Individual drills requiring the use of athletic equipment are permissible. These do not include partner or
team drills.
Examples (including by limited to):
o A basketball player can shoot with a ball(s), but a team should not practice/pass a single ball among the
team where multiple players touch the same ball.
o A football player should not participate in team drills with a single ball that will be handed off or passed
to other teammates. Contact with other players is not allowed, and there should be no sharing of tackling
o A volleyball player should not use a single ball that others touch or hit in any manner.
o Softball and baseball players should not share gloves, bats, or throw a single ball that will be tossed
among the team. A single player may hit in cages, throw batting practice (with netting as backsto p, no
catcher). Prior to another athlete using the same balls, they should be collected and cleaned individually.
· Safety measures in all forms must be strictly enforced in the weight room.
· There must be a minimum distance of 6 feet between each individual at all times.
· Indoor facilities must meet current CDC limits on occupancy and must allow for social distancing.
· There should be no shared athletic equipment (towels, clothing, shoes, or sports specific equipment)
between students.
· Students should wear their own appropriate workout clothing (do not share clothing) individual
clothing/towels should be washed and cleaned after every workout.
· All students shall bring their own water bottle. Water bottles must not be shared.
· Hydration stations (water cows, water trough, water fountains, etc.) should not be utilized.
· One clearly identified restroom will be available, no other facility will be provided.
· No use of bleachers, chairs or any other equipment.
· Only coaches and athletes allowed at workouts. Parents / guardians may wait in their cars
SPORT – build work
capacity, improve conditioning level, increase neuromuscular coordination, strength and power. Total
Session Time: warm-up, conditioning, strength training, cool-down) = 120 MINUTES
Continue to implement conditioning as a natural outgrowth of the Dynamic Warm-up (see appendix).
Total warm-up time, including neuromuscular proprioception, balance and stability work should start at
15 minutes and be progressed each week, based on student response and adaptation.
An Extensive Dynamic Warm-up continues to be the best injury prevention mechanism in this situation.
Use Work to Rest Ratios of 1:3 and 1:5 during Weeks 5 and 6
Speed and agility work should focus on movement efficiency, acceleration, deceleration and change of
direction skills. Start with pre-programmed COD drills and progress to more reactive drills. Agility Drills
should NOT be used for purposes of conditioning. Tempo runs can be used for conditioning. Tempo Runs
can begin to match the metabolic demands of the sport. (Example; football run play is 5 -7 seconds –
tempo runs of 40 yds that take 5-7 seconds with a 60 yard recovery walk.
Volume expressed in total yardage and Intensity expressed in RPE
WEEK FIVE: 80-85% of normal volume Overall RPE of 5-7 on a 1-10 scale
WEEK SIX: 85-95% of normal volume Overall RPE of 6-8 on a 1-10 scale
PHASE 2 STRENGTH TRAINING Focus: Continue to improve musculoskeletal strength, stability,
flexibility and mobility.
Traditional strength training block. A planned progression of load and intensity should be the guide.
Strength and Conditioning Coaches will focus on coaching technique, offering direction and
encouragement. A safe environment MUST be ensured at all times.
Emphasize instruction and allow for adequate rest intervals between sets and transitions to different
Emphasize multi-joint, multi-planar exercises such as pulls, presses, squats, lunges and step ups. Squats
and presses should be performed in power rack with safety bars in place. Olympic lift variations should be
performed on a platform and coached by qualified individuals.
Phase Two prescription includes 3 -4 days per week, 4-6 Exercises, 2-5 sets per exercise. Exercises
should not necessitate use of spotters. Maximal lifts should be discouraged in lieu of safety.
If there is an EMERGENCY, tow spotters can be used, one on each side of the bar.
Rep ranges should be dictated by training goals. (i.e. hypertrophy, endurance, maximum strength, or
Appropriate work: Rest Ratio of 1:4, but can be adjusted based on the intensity and load of the exercise
and the fitness level of the athlete.
Progressions should be planned yet occur in direct response to the student athletes’ response to training
load and intensity.
Volume can be tracked by using the total number of reps performed per session. As traditional strength
training (weightlifting becomes a greater part of the program, reps can be counted at specific rate of
perceived exertion level to monitor load and stress.
Avoid increases of more than 5-10 % of total volume per week during Phase TWO. RPE ratings should
not exceed 6 to 8 during weeks 5-6.
July 27 and Beyond
In season sports will follow guidance from the FHSAA.
Out of season teams may begin open facilities following CDC guidelines.
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