Partnerships and innovation: The future of nursing education - American Nurse
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STRICTLY CLINICAL 2020-2021 Education and Career Guide Partnerships and innovation: The future of nursing education Collaboration, design thinking, and competencies are critical to prepare nurses to work at the top of their practice. By Catherine Spader, RN N ursing education is evolving rapidly to gent investment to accelerate nursing educa- prepare nurses for mounting health- tion. (Visit care challenges, including the COVID- report-2020 to read the report.) WHO also 19 pandemic, healthcare inequality, integra- advocates for strengthening leadership so tion of electronic health records, and care nurses have an influential role in developing across various settings. The World Health health policy and decision-making and can Organization (WHO), in its State of the World’s contribute to effective health and social care Nursing Report—2020, is calling for an ur- systems. 4 American Nurse Journal • 2020-2021 EDUCATION AND CAREER GUIDE
STRICTLY CLINICAL 2020-2021 Education and Career Guide Here’s a look at some of the innovative Creative collaborations solve strategies associations and schools are us- problems ing to ensure future nurses are well pre- Schools of nursing are responding to rap- pared to meet evolving healthcare needs idly changing healthcare demands by de- and work at the top of their licenses. veloping creative new clinical collabora- tions and strengthening existing ones. Covering the essentials “There is an ingenuity happening that is “Unprecedented changes in healthcare de- providing benefits to patients and a great livery needs are accelerating innovative ef- learning experience for nursing students,” forts in nursing education,” says Deborah Trautman says. “These academic-based Trautman, PhD, RN, FAAN, president and teams are helping students learn and ad- chief executive officer of the American As- dressing care needs throughout the coun- sociation of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). try. I believe these partnerships will con- In addition, the 2019 Activating Nurs- tinue to grow and strengthen in the ing to Address Unmet Needs in the 21st future as a result of the pandemic.” Century report by the Robert Wood John- Since 2013, the University of Connecti- son Foundation states that one of the core cut (UConn) School of Nursing in Storrs “The more functions of nursing practice is to build has strategically focused on educating we can get partnerships within and outside the health nursing students in the science of innova- sector to find solutions to today’s health- tion. Initial efforts encouraged undergrad- students care challenges. (Visit uate nursing students to to work to read work with teams of engi- the report.) neering, business, and together and AACN is taking a big allied health students to think about step into the future by re- take their ideas and solu- envisioning its Essential tions from concept to how to Series, the elements and successful prototype. creatively framework on which to Projects include new develop nursing curricula. products, services, and problem “We are moving from bac- processes that students Tiffany Kelley solve, the calaureate, master’s, and develop and then con- doctor of nursing practice Deborah Trautman duct initial tests in clinical environments stronger we curricula essentials toward or in the simulation lab. will be in competency-based education and assess- “The more we can get students to ment,” Trautman says. The goal of this ap- work together and think about how to uncertain proach is to ensure equitable learning ex- creatively problem solve, the stronger we times.” periences and achieve a consistent level of will be in uncertain times,” says Tiffany competency in domains such as primary Kelley, PhD, MBA, RN, DeLuca Founda- – Tiffany Kelly care, coordination of care, public health, tion Visiting Professor for Innovation and and population health management. New Knowledge at the UConn School of Many of the changes schools of nurs- Nursing. ing have implemented because of the UConn integrates innovation education current public health crisis will likely throughout its curriculum across all degree continue and evolve, including online ed- programs (bachelor of science through ucation and virtual simulation. “Our ex- doctorate). For undergraduates, innova- perience during COVID-19 has shown us tion is introduced in their first semester. high standards can be met with online “We prepare undergraduates to be think- education,” Trautman says. “Before this ing early about care delivery in different crisis, there was some concern about ways,” Kelley says. how well students would accept virtual The school also offers the newly simulation programs, but we have found launched Healthcare Innovation Online it is not a problem, and some students Graduate Certificate. The 12-credit pro- even prefer them.” gram integrates innovation theories from June 2020 American Nurse Journal • 2020-2021 EDUCATION AND CAREER GUIDE 5
STRICTLY CLINICAL 2020-2021 Education and Career Guide business and social sciences and teaches Thinking by design medical and nonmedical professionals Schools of nursing also are adapting the how to apply critical thinking skills to design thinking approach to foster innova- shift healthcare culture. The program, tion. Design thinking teaches students how which stresses healthcare innovation the- to challenge their own assumptions to bet- ory and application and workplace cul- ter understand patients and their needs to tures that foster innovation, encourages create quicker, more effective solutions. students to be divergent thinkers and “The end goal of design thinking is to teaches them how to assess potential make the user experience the best it can benefits and risks associated with launch- be. It’s about creatively thinking forward, ing their ideas to determine viability. The rapid prototyping, and testing ideas and program’s capstone project is designed products,” says Daniel Pesut, PhD, RN, to advance students’ ideas as far as pos- FAAN, professor of nursing at the Univer- sible with guided mentorship over 14 sity of Minnesota School of Nursing, and “Teaching weeks. director of the Katharine J. Densford Inter- “One of the most dangerous state- national Center for Nursing Leadership. design ments we hear in healthcare is, ‘That’s The five phases of design thinking are thinking the way we’ve always done it.’” Kelley discovery, interpretation, ideation, experi- says. “We evolve when we become per- mentation, and evolution. The University of is an sonally invested in addressing what is not Minnesota School of Nursing has adapted opportunity working for the betterment of all.” design thinking into its Health Care Design and Innovation Post-Bac- to reboot calaureate Certificate pro- and think Solving real-world problems in gram. Courses teach the real time knowledge, skills, and abil- differently Students at Duke University School of ities to bring design think- about the Nursing in Durham, NC, are learning to ing to nursing leadership solve real-world problems in real time in and innovation. future, as the Duke Health Innovation Lab. The lab In one student project, opposed to is a physical space where practicing nurs- a nurse observed and lis- es, nursing students, fac- tened to patrons at the lo- returning to ulty, physicians, physical cal library and discovered Daniel Pesut old ways of therapists, engineers, and they frequently discussed other professionals collab- unmet health issues. She used design thinking and orate to develop, build, thinking to activate ideas about how li- old process and test protypes of new braries can become portals to promote healthcare products and health and health literacy. Possible library models.” delivery processes. Proj- services could include health counseling, a – Daniel Pesut ects include much-needed nurse practitioner clinic, and a health and 3D-printed face shields, human services professional to help pa- now in clinical use at the trons access health-related resources. Ryan J. Shaw Duke University Health “We are seeing many dysfunctional sys- System, and telepresence robots in the in- tems in healthcare colliding and breaking tensive care unit to increase patient com- down as a result of the pandemic,” Pesut munication and reduce personal protective says. “Teaching design thinking is an oppor- equipment use. (Visit tunity to reboot and think differently about ?v=KOLcTKhPEhE to see a telepresence the future, as opposed to returning to old robot in action.) ways of thinking and old process models.” “The lab and the team played a critical role in the journey of the robots and face shields from concept to use,” says Ryan J. Uncovering the real problems to find Shaw, PhD, RN, associate professor and the best outcomes director of the Health Innovation Lab. The University of Pennsylvania’s School of 6 American Nurse Journal • 2020-2021 EDUCATION AND CAREER GUIDE
STRICTLY CLINICAL 2020-2021 Education and Career Guide Nursing in Philadelphia also has incorporated Dolansky, PhD, RN, FAAN, Sarah C. Hirsh design thinking into its Innovation in Health Professor at the Frances Payne Bolton School course, which is open to all university under- of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University graduate and graduate students. in Cleveland, OH. “We need more rapid solutions to prob- Nurses’ role in primary care is partnering lems, especially now with the COVID-19 with patients to foster optimal patient self- pandemic,” says Marion Leary, MSN, MPH, management. This includes monitoring RN, director of innovation at the University of health, managing medications, teaching and Pennsylvania’s School of Nursing. “Design coaching health improvement strategies, sup- thinking allows nurses to rapidly create and porting success, and providing motivation test solutions to problems in months instead for healthy activities, such as exercise and of years.” Leary also is a founding member of healthy eating. To achieve this, primary care the Society of Nurse Scientists, Innovators, RNs must be able to work to the top of their Entrepreneurs & Leaders. licenses—which they haven’t be able to in Students begin by learning about the foun- the past, according to Dolansky. dation of empathy, which refers to seeking Times are changing, and educational out the true cause of a problem, rather than partnerships and better training are support- relying on preconceived ideas. For example, ing nurses to practice at the highest level “Nurses in one project, students performed interviews possible. Frances Payne Bolton School of and observations in Philadelphia public Nursing has teamed up with Louis Stokes need to schools with a goal of improving food insecu- Cleveland VA Medical Center in a feder- know how to rity. What they discovered ally funded program to after working through the strengthen primary care step up and design thinking activities training for nurses while en- influence was that the problem wasn’t hancing veteran healthcare. what they thought it was. Program competencies in- others and The real issue was asthma clude care coordination, be the role attacks in the classroom— population health manage- and a shortage of school ment, behavioral health model nurses trained to respond. integration, and chronic for the Nursing students tackled the disease management. problem by creating a mock Other skills include rela- professional Marion Leary Mary A. Dolansky inhaler and a scan code. tionship building, team- delivery of The code links online to each child’s individ- work and collaboration, and leadership. ualized asthma action plan, so teachers can “Nurses need to know how to step up care.” quickly look up how to treat the child. and influence others and be the role model – Mary Dolansky “We can’t tell people what we think they for the professional delivery of care,” Dolan- need. Design thinking begins with allowing sky says. “This requires a transformation of patients to tell and show us what they know curricula from a narrow focus on acute, in- they need,” Leary says. patient care to a wider education and train- ing in primary care and health manage- ment.” Primary care competency The faculty is developing an observa- To address the healthcare needs of the fu- tional assessment of primary care compe- ture, WHO is recommending that nurses are tence. The goal is to establish that baccalau- educated and trained in the scientific, tech- reate nurses are competent in primary care nological, and sociological skills needed to nursing as new grads. drive progress in primary healthcare and that “It’s an exciting moment for nursing,” they work to their full potential. Dolansky says. “Primary care is a specialty in “Due to the shortage of physicians, physi- which we can shine and show the world the cian assistants, and nurse practitioners, pri- full extent of what a nurse does.” mary care is moving toward team care, and RNs are a vital part of the team,” says Mary A. Catherine Spader is an author and healthcare writer based in Lit- tleton, Colorado. June 2020 American Nurse Journal • 2020-2021 EDUCATION AND CAREER GUIDE 7
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